The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 28, 1916, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Entered in the FnHofUre at Athena, Oregon
as ecoodt;asMall Matter.
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertion U
uispiay regular, per inch 12$
Local readers, first insertion, oer line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line. ..... Sc
i,oage resolutions, per line 3c
Church notices, admission, per line. . Sc
Subscriotion Rates.
One copy, one year.. $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
une copy, sue months 13
One copy, three months 50
cATHENA. ORE. JAN. 28 1816
Under the head "Forty-one Years
ago in Walla Walla," the following is
found from the Union of January 3.1
1875: "The Btage driven are now
having it pretty rongu. Tbe enow ii
o deen everywhere and drifted so
mnoh In many places that it is with
difficulty they get along at all. On
Thursday tbe driver between here and
Weston found snow drifts six feet deep
and had to dig out a nam her of times. "
As an anniversary ooinoidenoe, men
tion of the faot might be made that
on January 23, 101(1, trains were
stalled on tbe line of tbe Oregon
Washington Railroad & Navigation
company on Telooaaer bill in Baker
ooanty and were "dog ont" by hnge
rotarv plows and gangs of sbovelers;
and wbere old Charlie Potter bossed
tbe job back in ,75 in extrioating bis
stage ooaob, several superintendents
and a small army- of men released
trains from an iron trail that stretch
ei aoross the eontinent. Snob is the
change wrought In forty-one years.
Soorn of mere "took learulog" un
related to lite; an appeal for simplicity
and against snobbishness, and an out
line of bis views on wbat Leland Stan
ford, Jr., University should be, were
features of tbe address of Dr. Ray
Lyman Wilbnr, delivered at bio in
auguration as president of the univer
sity. Among the prospeots nbiob be
proposed and which were considered
by almoni to constitute issues of large
importance, were: "Limitation of the
number ot students; reduction of the
amount of elementary work offered;
weeding out of dead timber iu faculty
and student body." Dr. Willi or soo
oesds Dr, Braunxr, and la one of the
.youngest presidents of the big col
leges, being only forty yeara of age.
tie evidently knows the needs of Stan
ford, for he was one ot the Institu
tion's first students.
From the mauner in wbieb law en
(oroemeut officials are getting into the
earns in Washington and Oregon, tbe
pa.u ti the lootletfger will donbtlesi
le a tbornv one. A Seattle sheritf
proves that he does not intend to rec
ognize distinction between offenders,
lie has raided the Bristooratio Boinlor
Club and aonflsoated a large amount
of liquors found there. Portland po
lloo found a liquor warehouse in a
private residence and carted the stook
to headquarters, after plaoing the
owner uuder arrest, In the smaller
towns utruBtM are being made of boot
loKgers whioh shows tbe officers are on
the alert.
Stockmen will do well tn familiar
he themselves with the filing brauds
with the state Inspeotor. For instance,
tbe State Veterinarian has recently
Tncle the ruling that brands of similar
character but plaoed in different loca
tions upon an auimal, are different
brauds; that is, Jouea branding stook
with a "J" on lett shoulder would
have no reoourse aguiust Johnson
brandlug with "J" on right shoulder
of an auimal, though the form of the
brands he iilentioal. This rule will
apply only to brands that were filed
witb the iuspootor beiore July 23,
1918, . ,""
Realising that the Colombia River
Is a logical looation for a nnvul bane,
prominent men of Astoria will make
ever j ellort to oonviuoe the Navy De
pattmoct and Congress of the faot.
The month of the Coluu.lilii otters ev
ery reasnn and ludnoemeut for the lo
cation rf Naval base and a letter
to your lepresentativea in Congress lo
that effiiot would help just now.
Weston evidently intends regulation
of the prohibition law on an elatorate
oale, if we are to la'ie the soope of a
reoently enanted ordinance by its al
dermen into oousidoratiou, Iha pub
lication of lbs ordinanoo in question
required a two-page supplement to the
Weston Leader.
A kink In the Wasbiugtoo State law
allowed two-thirds of a herd of 40 cat
tit to peiisb from hunger np iu Satsop
oonnty, wbils two rueu litigated their
ownership in oourt. Fiually tbe Hu
mane Sooiety resoosd'tbt remnant of
the herd and Is feediug it, while tbe
wheels of the oourt grind on.
Jim Kyle, boy mayor of Stanlleld,
who Is willing to be putillc lerviae
oommlssluuer, spent a fow hours in
ibat oily last week. Satutday Eveu
in Alibi.
Snowiaplcuty bete, bet think at
tho 11 feet and two liiobes at the east
portal of the Milwaukee tnunel Iu tbe
Caanado mountains.
A Mulligan Stew
All you booting fellers know what
larrnpin' good truok bear meat is?
Well, Doo Weloh donates this reoeipE
to the Mulligan Stew: "Take five or
six pounds of lean meat and beat it
thoroughly witb the fiat part of an ax
until all tbe fibres are broken. Now
have a Dntch oven or deep iron pot.
Heat the ax bead until it is red hot;
place in tbe bottom of pot aud lay
meat on it, turning it quinkly ao tbat
tbe entire surface of tbe meat is
seared; pour on boiling water until
the meat is covered, then add a tea-
spoonful or salt, a plnob of pepper
three potatoes, a can of tomatoes and
a out up onion, Boil slowly for an
hour, at wbioh time remove the meat,
tbrow it away and eat tbe ax,"
I have never seen it, have you' a
snow man or woman tbat bad lived
through a real live Chinook,
Sunday morning while viewing tbe
flood on lower Main street, I made a
dlsoorery a disooveiy that's wortb
Several million dollars to George
Chamberlain, Woody Wilson and otb
er Fo'most lesdeis in tbe national pre
pared jn ess movement, x always was
or-a-zy on tbe sutjeot of submarines,
and the only reason I never possessed
more than half a dozen at one time
was their tremendous cost and intri
Kate mechanical construction. BUT
Sunday's revelation has oast all that
aside and makes it possible for tbe
naval Board to sopply this country
witb millions of submarine boats at
about (800 per fori don't suppose
Matt Johnson's Tum-a-lum office cost
any more than tbat, did it, Matt?
. I wonder wbat sort of a compromise
Mayor Doo Best of pendleton will have
to make before be gits bis ordinance
through tn regelate danoing down
there aud if wbnn be gets it through
it will bave any semtlanoe of itse'f as
it was when be started it in other
words will he know it wbnn be sees It
and will it legulate the light fantastic
toe aud tbe gay elsatio beel and entire
anatomy in the danoe as be intended
when he first intioduoed hisordinanoe
in tho council down thereat pendleton
Those lads of tbe Athena Hi basket
ball team are a brave, loyal Utile
bunch, but when It comes to going up
against a band of gladiators who inject
jlu jltsu and football taotiog into the
game aud get away witb it, then I say
tbat our Hi boys should be exonsed.
At one sitting up at the sohool gym
Friday night I saw more jiu jit wrin
kles than I ever expect to see again
unices I should visit the island nf tbe
cherry blossom o-r-i Walla Walla,
(i-wbizl Why. they masticate the
rules of the game witb as muob avid
ity as Pendleton did in baaetall in tbe
days of tbe "Yellow Kids."
In the Poet's corner of tbe Saturday
Evn'g Alibi, I find this:
T. Arnsley Botts, the bard of Bea-
verlon, who was In town this wk. oon-
sultiog witb Julian P. Scott, tbe fear
less vurs lihrist of tbe Y. M. C. A,
regarding the formation ut a Poet 'a
Union, is a great admirer of 01' Clark
Wood, the Gilbert K, Chesterton of
Weston, Or,, whoss own muse may be
said to bare passed the twaddling
clothes stBge.
"When be called on the Alibi be
held ia his right band h-Iding tbe
mitten from tbe some in tbe loft tbe
following lilting lyrlo from a recent
issue of 01' Clark's Weston Leader (it
belug tho only paper la Weston):
" 'Contentment
" 'My borne is on tbe mountain steep;
I solue foi rabbits in the deep.
And as I plnok them from tbe bougliB,
I feed tbcm tn the angry onws.
Then to my Eulalie I ble,
And drink a slice of cattish pie.'
"Mr. Botts staled that he felt 01'
Clark's pome levealcd to blm a kindred
aoul, and tbat in answer be hod united
the following out of bis reluctant lyre
jost tn show tbat genius answers gen
ins iu its own inspired accents across
tbe snowy miles between Beaver ton
and Weston :
"A Twilight Twitter "" ;
"Idly twirling cor cat by the tail,
I stood by the backyard pump;
Soultully sniffling the saentud gale
Thut wafts from tbe oity dump.
I tho't of the friendless, furtive cats
Prowling the alley lots
Chasing tho furtive, furless rats
Uublessed by a friend like Botts I"
I'd like to have tbat little Russian
forward on the two Walla basset-ball
team for a prlutei'a "Devil" he'd
makes dandy I Come to think of it,
tbougb I would have to get rid of my
oflloe oat, for I'om would be uo malob
for bim iu a scrap.
Somewhere, somewhere up in Mou
tuua, it'll be below pedra tonight,
'fbeta's uo usb in goiug over to
Dinly Moore's any more, for "'I'll'
ain't uo more Dluly Moores iu ol'
Oregon." (This should be snug tc
the tune of "Carrie Naliou.")
It's a quextlou with me, whether or
no Kernel Wood la strioily guarding
tba oauBe ot Demooraoy in Westou,
1 do not altogether like tbe idea of
Big Sim Barnes having sole custody
of those legistiatlou books over there
not tbat Humes can put bis brand
ing ircn on a single Democrat, but
he'll be 'otter 'a 'ell a'ter tbe Pro
gressives, There were numerous cold spots id-
jaoeut hereto duriug tbe reoeut Soap,
bnt the nnly plaoe we know of wbere
tbe thermometer troae op, was out at
01' Liuk Swaggart's; but of course,
there's dllfeieut kluds of thermome
Until further uotioe, Boydeo's auto
stage will run on the followiug soiled
cie: Leave Athena, 10:20 A. M., ar
rive at Pendleton, 1 1 :80 A. M. Leava
I'eudlclou 3 P. M., arrive at Athena,
1:10 P. M. Adv.
House for rent, on Curieut street.
Apply to J. F. Vrlnht.--Adv.
For Silo A team of good wurk
boma. Inquire at this office. Adv,
An Evildoer's Medicine, One Dose of
Which le Usually Enough.
There are more ways thnn one to
punish evildoers. Did you ever bear
of chastising; a wife beater by means
of "rough music?" No, this is not a
reference to tire libonogrupu record
which the children bave played with.
It la even worae. It has been in use in
the southern counties of England for
at least four centuries, nnd It is so
effective that It Is likely to persist for
several centuries to come. The one
disadvantage of this method of pun
ishment is that It punishes tbe victim
quite ns much ns It does the guilty
party. It U inflicted on men and wo
men ulike. but It Is most merciless
when It l directed against tbe hen
pecked busbuud.
Wben It is tbe consensus of opinion
in the village that a man or woman
has been guilty of conduct unbecom
ing a decent, self respecting burgher
tho neighbors assemble at the home of
one of them, equipped with tin pans,
fire shovels, pokers, kettles, pairs of
iron potllds, cow horns and anything
else that will make a hideous noise,
and march In silence to the bouse of
the offender. Suddenly they break
forth witb a raucous, deafening din.
When the rest of tbe village has been
aroused nnd there is a sufficiently large
nudience the wit of tho "rough music
baud" lays tbe charge against the of
fender In versos that ore not usually
distinguished for refinement and con
sideration. After this has been done
the band marches to every tavern in
town, whero tbe charges are repeated.
Ona such punishment, as a rule, la suf
ficient. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
An Alleged Phenomenon Linked With
the Falling of Dew.
In English dictionaries we find tbe
word serein defined ns a fine rain
which sometimes falls from a clear sky
shortly after sunset. The word is
French, but has become the Interna
tional designation In meteorological
works for this alleged pbenomenon.
which Is always described as quite
Has the phenomenon a real exist
The fnct that a stereotyped descrip
tion of It has been passed on from one
meteorological writer to another since
the latter part of the eighteenth cen
ury Is by no means conclusive evidence
on this point, for science .has perpetu
ated many myths by the process of
Professor Gimtnv Iletlmnnn, In a re
cent publication of the Russian Mete
orological institute, sees in the concep
tion of the serein merely the survival
of tho old fashioned belief that even
ing dew Calls from tbe (clear) sky, and
he finds tbat the serein of early French
writers was Identical with that "even
ing dampness" which was supposed to
bo Injurious to human health.
It still remains possible that rain
may sometimes fall from a clear sky,
though this Is not likely to be a phe
nomenon pecullnr to tho early evening.
Some cases can bo explained as due to
the oblique falling of raindrops, carried
horizontally by the wind, when the
clouds from which tlrcy came have
passed away. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Maeterlinck on Medicine.
M. Maeterlinck might almost be de
scribed as a poet in spite of himself.
Had the desiro of his heart been at
tained, he would have been a doctor.
Some years ago ho confessed to bis
early ambitious In a letter addressed
to a French medical journal. "I never
commenced the strrdy of medicine," be
wrote. "1 did my duty In conforming
with the family tradition which or
dulus that the eldest son shall be an
avocnt I shall regret to my last day
tbat I obeyed those traditions and con
secrated my most precious years to the
vainest of sciences. All my Instincts,
all my Inclinations, attached mo to the
study of medicine, which I am more
thnn ever convinced is the most beau
tiful key which gives access to the
great realities of llfe."-London Spectator.
Youthful Genius.
Pascal wrote treatises on acoustics
at twelve, at which age ho was busily
occupied In constructing elaborate cir
culating machines, und nt sixteen he
published his treatise on "Conic Sec
tions," which Descartes refused to be
lieve was not the work of n great mas
ter. John Stuart Mill was studying
Creek nt three, bad practically master
ed the language nt seven nnd a year
later was acting ns schoolmaster to bis
younger brothers aud sisters. John
Ituskln nctunlly produced a manuscript
work Iu three volumes before he reach
ed Iris Re von th birthday.
It may not be generally known that
there Is cruelty In the keeping of gold
fish llulf of Niich captives die from
sheer wiiul of rest. As fish hare eyes
so formed Hurt they cannot endure the
liirlil. In n ulass vessel they nre In an
entirely tvrmrt place, as Is evident
from the way In which they dash about
and go around nnd around until fairly
worn out
Wore Yet.
"Why Is It nobody likes Tom?"
"Oh, he' one of these 'I told you so'
"How about nmr
"He's worse yet. He's one of tho i
could have told you if I'd wanted to'
variety," Exchange.
Club Prognostications,
"I think It will rain before I get
"I know It will storm when 1 get
tbor."'-Hnltlniori American.
Diamond School of Healing and
Prof. J. C. Diamond, the well known
Healer and leotnrer, tteats all manner
of ailmenta, so matter bow long stand
Ing. Klduey trouble and Rheumatism
a apeoialty. Female trouble success
fully treated; no rnedioine, no knife.
Wben you ate through with yonr doo-
tor, oome to us. Provision made tor
oooutry patieuta.
Prof. J. C. Diamond,
Dr. Lore Diamond.
860, Broadway, and Madison. Port
land, Oregon. Adv.
When the Elder Booth Tried to Escape
a Man Who Bored Him. -
Thomas It. Gould admired the elder
Booth almost to adornllou. The most
minute and instructive account that ex
Ists of Booth's acting was written by
lilm a book called "The Tragedian"
i.iid Gould's marble bust of Booth, a no
ble wurk of art .(made before tbe come
dian l ly:in broke Booth s nose with a
pewter pot), is the best likeness of that
great odor. But Gould s nssidlous per
sonal attentions to Booth became
wearisome to that eccentric uiau urr.1
vexed him. Peculiar discretion is
sometimes requisite to those who would
praise and please eminent persona.
Booth, when noting In Bostou. custom
arily lodged at an old hotel called the
Albion, situated In Tremont street, at
the northwest corner of Court street
"One day," said Edwin, "my father
dashed Into the bedroom where I was
sitting and. almost breathless with
baste, exclaimed: 'Gould! Coming up!
Say I'm out,' and literally dived under
nenth the bed. I received Mr. txould,
who seemed surprised not to flnd my
father (I think he bad seen lilm rush
ing upstairs), and he nrlked with me
for several minutes. Then there was n
moment of silence, and my father, be
coming impatient, thrust Ills head out
from under the bed. Inquiring as he
did so:
" 'Is thut Infernal bore gone yet?"
Imagine the oflect!"-Colller's Weekly.
' Proof Against Wasp 8ting.
A Scottish naturalist in a paper on
the bablts of wasps tells how n black
bird will stand nt tbe side of a hang
ing wasps' nest and deliberately tear
It in pieces tn order to get nt the lar
vae, apparently undisturbed by the
swarm of angry Insects, whose vicious
stings Instantly put to flight tire human
curiosity seeker who ventures near to
watch tbe demolition.
Why wait to order your
$ SDrinff
Ml m HkaV
$12 to $50
teevSb. Through advantageous arrangements
with our Chicago tailors, Ed. V. Price CS Co., you can
order now and accept delivery any time that will suit
your convenience. Leave your order today".
Main Street BOOHER & PIERSOL Athena, Oregon
Nicely Flavored.
Newlywed (nt dlnnon-Thls lettuce
Is something fierce! Did yon wash It?
Mrs. Newlywed-Of course I did! And
I nsed perfumed soap too! -.1 ridge.
Many leading gas-engine ex
perts have recently declared
that lubricating oil made from
asphalt-base petroleum gives
best results.
Pacific Coast motorists made
the same discovery years ago.
For the majority have been
using Zerolene in preference
to all other oils. They agree
with the experts.
Zerolene Is made from se
lected California petroleum
asphalt-base under the un- .
equalled refining facilities of
the Standard Oil Company.
Next time you empty the
crank case, refill with Zero
lene. Standard Oil
Notice of Sale.
In tbe Oonnty Oourt of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of tbe Guardianship of
Alexander Einnear, Incompetent.
In pursuanoe of a license to sell
granted by the stove named oourt on
tbe 281b day of December, 1915, I,
Margaret Kinn6Br, guardian of tbe
person and property of Alexander
Kinnear, an incompetent, will proceed
to sell to the highest bidder tbe fol
lowing described realty, to-wlt: Tbe
south one-balf () of the sontbwest
one-fourth (..) of section twenty-two
(23) township four (4), nortb of range
tbiity-flve (35), E. W. M., Umatilla
countv, Oregon. V
That bids upon said land may be
made and left witb ruy-attorney,
Bomer I. Watts, nt bia offloe in Ath
ena Oregon, from and after this BOtb
dav of December, 1916, up to and in
clusive of Saturday, tbe 29th day of
January, 1916, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m., on said date, at whioh
time 1 will then sell to the highest
bidder, all the right, title, interest and
estate of said Alexander Kinnear, in
and to said described rualtv. ,
Terms of payment 8000.00 tu $10,
000.00 in cash, the talanoe on time
at a reasonable rate of interest npon
first olass security.
Dated Ibis 80th duy of December,
1915. Margaret Kinnear,
Guardian ot the person and property
of Alexander Kinnear, Incompetent.
To the Public.
It is ratber strange to see me on the
Waternagon and on the.rigbt side nf
the street. But this is wbere yen will
Hod me. Bo from now cn I will be
after tbe Bakery business in the city
of Athena, to which I am justly en
titled. 1 will do everything in my
power to please you all and witb this
motto in mind I will on dontt make a
BUOceBS. Thanking old customers for
the past patronage, I Bend a hearty
welcome to tbe Dew ones.
Ed. Kanlmann. Athene Bakery. Adv.
A Mirthful Musical Comedy
Presented Under o4uspices of Ladies' Saturday After
noon Club of Weston, at
Rev. Homer Alexander Drown, "Tbe New Minister," - Claud Price
Professor Topuote, Leader of the Choir - - - H. L. Hedriok
Ealphy Banter, Baritone in Choir, - "' - - Dr. A, 1". Serupert
Seth Perkins, a Joke, - - - . - - T. h. MoBride
Daisy Lovejoy, the New Sobool Teaoher, - ' - Miss Lois Poiter
Petunia Pimples, tbe Milliner, - - - Mrs. E. M. Smith
OdeUa Hasbin, Organiser of Old Maid's Club, - Mrs. C. L. Pinkerton
Uncle Aleo, tbe Old Sexton, - . Clark Wood
Augoata Wind, Everybody's Friend, - - ''...." Mrs. E. O. DeMoBS
Mrs. DeLaooy, President ot tbe Ladies' Aid, - Mrs. Minnie Walker
Choir Girls: Myrtie Proudilt, Oralis Rogers, Ethel MaoKenxie,
Cresoeudo B. Flat, ". - - Professor A. W. Loodell
Hexeklah F. Sharp, ' - - ' . . . . . F. O. Greer
Dootor Uooalok, - - - . . . Joe Hodgson
Odelia Hasbin,
Henrietta Sharp,
Betty Buttons,
Blossom Clover,
Eliaa Whiffles.
Mrs. DeLanoy,
Petunia Pimples
Augusta Wiud,
Mrs. Dressy,
Belinda UangB,
Miranda Ketouum,
Celestial Bliss,
- . . - Mrs. 0. L. Pinkerton
- . - - - Mrs. O. H. Smith
- . . - Mrs. J. A. McRea
Mrs. W. R. Brown
. - - - Mrs. W. 8. Payne
- - - -- Mrs. Minnie Walker
- '- - - - Mrs. E. M. Smith
- - - - ' Mrs. E. O. DeMosa
- . . . . Mrs. W. S. Price
i - - - Mrs. B. Morrison
- - - Mrs. Wm. MaoKenaiie
Mrs. W. A. Barnes
- ... Mis. J. F. Snider
Dlreotor Professor A. W. Lundeli
Nuilc Keen's Orobeatra
Pianist Mrs. F. U. Watts
Tharp Brothers & Bartlett
New Gasoline Pump installed and
Lubricating Oil here. We vulcan
ize Tires, weld Springs and Repair.
gtt Two Cars Always Ready for Service
Capital and Surplus
I n 3 ts
Kverjthlng riroif
Vait - Mo d m
and Up-tvtlie tr
We carry the best
p-"TSf That Money Buys
I KJ In ur Market is
i SrPjv Clean and Cool
I , Hjl I f 1 . iff Insurin8 Wholesome Meats.
&tP Main Street, Athena, Oregon