The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 31, 1915, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
A Ai L Swaggart spent poitioo of
vfie week it Nampa, Idaho.
Work nailed tor and delivered.
. Wortnlngfjon's Pressery. Adf.
VV. L. Weir end Jeok Viooent were
Id Walls Well Tuesday evening.
Mr. end Mrs. M. B. Frailer spent
Christmas with friends in Miiton.
8. F. Wilion was in the olty for
few boon, Tuesday train Portland.
For SaJe A team of good walk
borsts. Inquire at this offloe. Adv.
Doer yonr suit need oleanioa; or
pressing? Let Wortbingtou do It. Ad.
, - Mrs. Carey Foster of Piloeville, is
the guest of bet aiater, Mrs. Will H.
Mr. and Mra. Viotor Burke spont
Christmas dayjwith relatives In Pen
:. dlulou."
F. D. Watts, E. M. Smith aod Wm.
MoKeniie ot Wester, were in tbe city
Rev. Cline, at tbs Baptist ohnroh
in Villon, was in Atbena Wednes
day evening.
Tabs your ulothes to Woitkington's
Preasriv to bave theu.pnt In Hist
class shape. Adv. .
Mr. and Mra. Jobii Montague ot
1 Walla Walla, spent Christmas witb
relatives in Atbena.
Mis. Ortis P. Bania is in tbe city
iiom Spokane, visiting ber mother,
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt.
Mrs. Clark of Walla Walla, spent
Christmas at tbe borne of her, daugh
ter, Mis. Jobn Walter.
Mi. and Mrs. R. B. Holmes of Eobo
spent Christmas at the home of Mr.
and Mra. Frank Beilio.
Wednesday evening, Miss Eunice
Wiley entertained a party of friends
at her boms in Weston.
jZola. are spending tbs wsek at Ibe
HoToimiFTiorue, neVf idaris.
' Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Uross of Port
it ud are spending the holidays witb
fiieuda in Atbena aod vioiuity.
Mr. end Mrs. W. S. Ferguson r
lorned home last evening from Port
land, where they spent several days.
Booher and son Jacob left
for a visit with relatives and
at Lexington,. Marrow oocntv
ill. and Mrs. Cbas. E. Miller are
down from their hocus at Bopbreta
Wash., visiting tbeir son, Leon Miller,
Pendleton Tribune: Robert Book
bam ot Atheca, nnderwent an opera
tion at St. Anthony's hospital Tues
day. . .
- Harold Holt came over from Walla
.Walla Sunday and has been a guest of
Lanrenoe Tbarp dniing the- holiday
week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Banka of Mil
ton, spent the holidays at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Zerba, north of
town. r- ' "ff - '
2Ulen Dudley went down to Pen
dleton Tuesday evening o attend the
concert given there ty the U. of O.
. glee olub. , ' ,
'- i i ii . . i j . i .
iuiKH iinm riruiuxn. lhhuuhi iu
the LaMar diatriot north ot Atbena,
is spendiug tbe holidays with relatives
in Seattle. . , .... ,
Mrs. Oliver Diokenson, who gave
tiitb to a babe sixteeu days ago,' Ja
reported in a serious ooodition, al
tbongb her ettly reoovery is hoped tor
and oonOdently eipeoted by bei many
friends. .
Dr. Plamondon reports tba arrival
of a little danghter at the boma of
Mr. and Mrs Bunob, at Adams, on
Christmas eve.
Owing to tbe faot tbat tomorrow is
New Years, a holiday, the Atbena
library will not Be open for tbe dis
tribution of boqs.
.'' Lost An automobile ohaln on tbe
Athena-Helix road, , near tbe John
Walter's Dlaoe. Finder will nlnm
leave at tbia offloe. Adv. .
Misses Lanra and Belle Molutyre
and Areta and Rnlb Boturook were in
Pendleton Tuesday evening and at
tended tbe U. ot O. oonoert.
la Watts and Rogers' big ad. yon
will Mod what tbey hope from tbeir
"Mew Minister" to help tbem get
better aoqnainted witb us. Adv.
Joseph Forreet, wbo baa been 111 at
bis home south of Atbena. baa been
considerably worse tbis week, bat is
reported to te a little better tbis
Mr. anil Mrs. A. L. 8wagaart and
obildren oame np from Pendleton yes-,
terday, where the family spent the
holiday week with Mr. and Mrs. IS..
L. A kerf,
The Misses Graoe and Bessie Carter,
nieces of Mrs. Samuel Haworth and
Mrs. William Winsbip, are in tbe
oitv visitiug. Their borne is at Stai
bnok, Wasb.
' For Sale. Fifteen bead of good
yonng Jersey cows, fresh and coming
fresb. Also 16 bead of fall blood Jer
sey beiiere, dae to freshen in lbs early
spring. R. B. MoEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Worthington
and Emery, spent Christmas witb
friends in Walla Walla, returning
Sunday evening. Thev were guests
at the Walter (Jinn borne
SUommy Eirk waa thrown from his
yie Wednesday while riding behind a
morse, and for a time was nnoonsoions.
His Injuries were slight, however, and
he was sledding again yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Zopb and obil
dren left Wednesday evening for tbeir
borne a Lebanon, Oregon. Mr. Zoph
ia a member ot Ibe tlrm of contractors
wbo bnilt tbe new sobool building..
Tbis eveniog at the Christian
ohurub, a farewell reoeption wiil be
given in bouor of Mis. J. H. Harmon,
who will leave tomorrow to join her
husband at thoir new home in Grants
aoiios Hill, who is ' looated at
tl X h 1 It- J ! .
ud fio. uiuuiHua, mi reuautij auuj j i-
ted to the tar, and will praottoe law
in tbat state. Tbis announcement
will be received with muob pleasure
no tbe part of bis Atbena friends.
Mrs. Lnke Read nnderwent a minor
operation at tba Pendleton hospital
Monday, and it was prononnoed a
oomplete snooeas. Ber mother, Mrs.
Geo. W. Gross, bas been at tbe hos
pital witb her a part of the week.
The eerlee ot revival meetings,
whiob oommenoed at the Baptist
ohnroh in this city, Sunday evening,
are being well attended. These meet
ings ere oonduoted by the Reverend
Beotley, pastor of tbe looal obnrob.
Dr. 3. 0. Turner, formerly of Lowe
& Turner, eye speoialiets of Portland,
will be in Athens again Toedav, Jan.
11th, at the St. Nlobol? Hotel. . Head
aches relieved, oioss eyes straightened.
No charge for ooosoltatiea "or exam
ination, In Weston Monday, 3w . 10.
Happy New Tear
May tbe'New Year firing you a full measure of health and hap
piness, and all the prosperity you oan stand. Our New Xerfrt resoln
tion is to give our friends better servioe wherever possible, tbe most
value for tbeir money, and merohaodise of known quality. We are
exclusive Walla Walla agents for the following, aod other, quality
Monarch Mailable Ranges
White Sewing Machines
' Globe-Fernicke Book Cases
McDorgall Kitchen Cabinets
A meri an Beds and Springs ..
Sagless Springs
Ostoracer Mattresses
- aturgis holding bocarts .
Pope-Gossar China
Libby Cut Glass (world's best)
World Brand Silver
Royal Rochester Ware
llenckle's Twin Brand Cutlery
. Chickering, Hazelton, and Haines Bros. Pianos
Piano Players "
Edison Diamond Disc and Victor Victrola Phono
graphs. ' -Jos.
Wilde Linoleum, etc
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools -10-20 Alder St.
Wbeo you owo your own borne you know yon have a refuge at
all times. You take a pride in Identifying YOUR dwelling. Your
obildren instinstively tarn towards HOME against outside attraof ions.
Your merobaut looks on you witb favor because be knows tbat a
BOMB-OWNER is permanent ; tbat he will strivs to keep bis billa
' paid end biasredit good; tbat bis example will induce others lo do
likewise, thereby insuring communal permanence and stability.
Should reasons of business or health necessitate a ohange of looa
tion, yon bave a bankable resource to secure needed foods, wbiob rant
reoeipts, no matter bow numerous, oan never afford.
In yonr OWN HOME yon oan live aa yon want to live without
interference trees anyone, and without aonaidering tbe whims of an
owner who might bave very different ideas tram you own.
Yon are yonr own master you are free to do aa yon will and
this very Inclroendenoa of material conditions gives ynu an independ
ence ol trnrtgDi tbat make yon a better father or mother, and a bet
- - lev citizen.
t Two Hundred designs of Modern, Convenient, Moderate-priced
BEAU'HFUL HOMES ready for yonr inspection, together witb in
teresting information on HOME BUILDING.
Tbis means no obligation on yonr part.
"See Johnson About It."
TbeNelectrlo motor oat at tbe power
plant ofsibe oily water works went on
the bllokV wbeu a couple of coils
bnrned ant, and tbs oity will be abort
ot a water supply until a steam plant is
put in oonrtition nt new ooils have
been Installed in tbe motor.
At tbe Methodist Episcopal Church.
Pieaobing next Sabbath morning and
evening. Sutjeot in the morning,
"Oan a Man Bank on the Promises of
the Bible!'' At night, a revival ser
mon will be preaabed. Sabbath sobool
at 10 a. m. All are invited.
The Hudson Anto coming out in
January will be 76 b. p. I want one
badly, so here goes to sell my oar.
Hardly a mar. A better car thau
wbeu I received it fresh ant of a oar
load. Has run leas tbsn 2800 milits.
Over (450.00 off light now. F. D.
Watts. Adv.
A Milton diapalob ootss that nearly
one hnndred names have been placed
on tbe temoustrauue addressed to (be
county court on the building ot a
roaa up (Joose Ureek and aoross tbe
mountains to meet the road from Kl-
gin, and the oircnlatora Bay tbey bave
met witb but few refusals.
Word has been received here of tbe
reoent death of Mra. W. V. Oilman,
a fnrmer resident of Athena, at ber
borne in Rook Springs Wyoming. Mrs.
Gilman waa formerly Misa Etta Irone,
and bas relatives at Milton. Mrs. Ed.
Baling, nt American Fells, Idaho,
wbo wrote the sad news to friends
here, is a sister. - .
iwork on tbe unfinished link ot tbe
'mahadam road between Weston and
tbe Winn place has been stopped until
spring. About one mile and a quar
ter pf road remains to be constructed,
Temporary work has been done so tbat
vehiolesoan get tbruugh witbont
miriug down as bas been (he fate ot
many during the past two weeks.
'Tonight at tba Baptist ohutoh, a
watob meeting will be held. 'Two
lectures will be given during the eve
ning, tbe Grst. "The Lean Cow," by
Rev. Thomas of Milton, and after an
intermission, Rev. Bentley's snbjeot
will be: "Does it Pay to Be Good?"
After tbe reoeption at tbe Christian
church, the congregation will join tbe
Baptists at tbe watob meeting.
Next Sunday morning at tbe Chris
tian obnrob, Mrs. T. S. Handsaker,
of Heppoer, Diatriot Seoretary of the
Christian Woman's Board of Missions,
will address tbe ooogregation on mis
sions. In tba afternoon at 2:110, a
meeting will be held, lo wbloh all
women interested ateoordially Invited.
Tba ladies of the looal auxiliary,
wboae day tbis is, are very desirous
tbat a large number oome aod bear
Mrs. Handsaker, who is a very inter
esting speaker and a thorough mistress
of ber subject.
D. Enett, tbe new pastor of tbe
Christian obnrob, arrived in tba city
yesterday, and will preach in tbe
ohnroh Sunday evening, on the snb
jeot: "Tbe Message and Mission ot
Cbrist to the World." Mis. Errett
errived Tuesday, and they are now
comfortably installed in tbeir new
home at tba parsonage. Mr. Errett
announaea that the servioes will be
beld at Ibe cbnroh at the usual hours:
Bible eohool at 10 a. m. ; morning and
evening preaobing boars, 11 and 7:80,
repeotively. Tbe poblio ia cordially
Invited and weloome. .
Rev. John H. Barman, wbo baa
been pastor of the Athena Christian
ohnrob for tbe past year and a half,
left Wednjsday morning for Grants
Pass, Oregon, where be has aooepted
tbe paatorate of the ohnroh at tbat
plaoe. Mrs. Harmoo and little eon
wiil Join' him next week, also his
brother, Hiram Harmon, wbo baa
been attending High snbool here. Ibe
minister and bis family will te gieit
ly missed in this oommunity, where
tbey bave made a boat of warm friends
during tbeir stay here. Mr. ' Harmon
will be snooeeded here by Rev. Errett.
ba-oomes from Boise, Idaho.
Saturday evening Frank Berlin's
atomotile oollided witb tbe express
wafcrrn, driven ty Sam Starr. The
aooideot happened at tbe interssolion
of Main and Fourth streets near tbe
First National Bank, and was caused
by Ibe borse shying in front of tbe
machine. Mr. Berlin stoppsd bis car
at onos, bnt the horse kept going, and
piled the rig up ia front of Judge
Riahards' offloe. Tbe driver esoaped
witb a ebaking up, tbe rig was wreok
ed to some extent, the horse wea slight
ly injured and the automobile oame
cnt of the collision witb very little
damage. . , .
Weeton Leader; Bud Towery, tbe
young son of G. B. Towery foimerly
of Weston, figured in a recent hunt
ing aooident near La Grande. His
small companion, Monroa Lester,
dropped his gun while asoending a
olid! and the weapon was discharged,
the load entering tbe Lester boy's
right arm and iuflioting such ngly in
juries that amputation may be neoes
eary. After a strenuous run. Bnd sno
oeeded in aeonring muob needed assist
ance for bis unfortunate oompanion,
wbo was thereupon oarried home aod
rushed to I hospital.
Tbe Iudiaue of tba Tutuilla con
gregation will bars a grand New
Years dinner tomorrow aooordiog to
tbe East Oregonian. A whole beef
and a fat hog. contriboted by Albert
Mintbora and Parsons Motanio, will
be supplemented by eight taaok loads
of rabbits, if tbe buuting party of
twenty Indians who went out alter
them iu the west end of the oounty
are snanesstul. Servioes at tbe mission
commenced last evening and will ts
continued pver Sunday. Tba Indians
at this time are making a spaolal effort
in their temperanoe work.
- Yesterday at three o'clook, in the
Eplsocpal parsonage to Pendleton, a
quiet wedding was consummated, Bev.
Cbas. Quioney being the officiating
clergyman, at wbiob John Henry Ha
worth and Miss Anna Maris Johnson
wera united in marriage. Miss Nellie
Nelson and Karl Jobneon, brother of
the bride, were tba only witnesses.
Tba bride is tbe eldest dangbter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jobnsoo, prominent
farmers of tbis vicinity, and tba young
man ie also well aod favorably known
bere. Tbe young oouple will make
tbeir home on tbe farm of Henry
Barrett, where their friends wisb
tbem moob happiness.
The ladies of tba Sunshine Club,
witb tbeir husbands as invited gue-ti
were pleaeantly entertained at tbe
borne of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Wood
ward ou Thursday, Deo. IS. a, very
busy afternoon was spent iu piecing
qnilt blocks, ia whiab the men took
active part. Befreahments Were served
at 1 o'olook by tbe hostess, assisted
by Miss Eva Woodward and Mrs.
Claud Wallan. Visitors other than
the husbands were: Mrs. Garfield,
Mrs. Woodwaid and Mrs.1 Elliott of
Walla Walls; Mrs. Nelsoo, Mrs.
Clifford Stone -and Mrs. Loft, of Atfa-
"T-nr neighboring (owo or- Wes-
lln is the possessor of much amateur
unfiiuauu iuihui, ana is; rnruisning
its' owo eoterUioment for tbr wia-
ter.ast week '.'Tbe New Mioinslei"
WBfi snncasstnllv TirnrinnnA nnif loot f
evening .a three-aot comedy entitled
"Blundering Billy," was produced un
der the auspioes uf tbe Ladies Guild
of tbe Epiaoopal oborob. Several
local people went! over and. report a
very enteitalnlng . evening. Among
the prominent Weston people in the
oast, ware Cnl. Clark Wood, Flank
Graham, Claude Prioe, Relpb Saliog,
T. L. MoBrlde, Mrs. Lela G. Saling,
Mrs. Mabel Graham and Miss Lois
Little Folks Were Made Happy st the
Several .Churches. '
Christmas was observed in a fitting
manner in Atbena. and the lttle folks
of each Sunday sobool -wra remem
bered and maue glad at tbeir respec
tive oburobes. At tbe Baptist oboiob,
a -beautiful tree, llghtedwith elect
trioity was displayed, having aa a
background a splendid view of tbe
OHy of Bethlehem wbiob oovered tbe
wall in tba rear of the tree. Tbis was
a unique feature and very etfeotive.
The following program was giveu by
the little folks:
Opening address, Wilford Miller
Bong - - - School
Prayer - feev. Benllcy
"A Best for Santa Clans" -
- - - Areta Payne
"Christmas Bells" - Four Girls
Reel ts tion - . - Durnthy Baer
"A Gift In Santa" Elisabeth Steele
Benitation - - Vet a Brutley
Daet " - "
"Tbe LongeBt Day" Gale Anderson
"If a Mile is a Mile" Bell Parabrou
"Beat Day" - - v Vera Millet
Solo - - . Mrs. Beotley
"Santa Claus and tbe Mouse,"
- - Sadie Pambtun
"His Job" - - Bruoks Anderson
"Keeping Christmas," Dorothy Beilin
Song, . . . Sobool
"The Day Before Christmas," - :
- John Pinkertou
"Jack Frost aud tbe Xmas Trees," .
- - . Wilbur Hurden
Recitation, -. Kenneth Bentley
"Th Bov Who Sooffed at Santa
Claus," - Fay Pambruo
Song, - Veva Beutley
"The Disoovery," - Louia Berlin
Dialogue, Tbe Christmas Sprites
. The Methodist oburob bad beautiful
trees hung plentifully with presents
and lights, Bnd tbe following program
waa given by the ohildren, assisted by
Ibe oboir:
Song, "Joy to the World," : -r Hobool
Prayer by the Pastor
Vooal solo,
Merle Dlokeaann
ten children
Velton Bead
I. L. Mlohouer
Rnlb Jaokson
Ruth Butt
Dorothy Koepke
Exeroias, "Christmas Time," six boys
Song, ' ; Choir
Reo. - Jnanlta Woodruff
Reo. - Henrietta Davis
Violin solo - - Prof. Gordon
Exeroise. -' three girlsi
Reo; Delbert Road
Song, - - - Choir
Reo. - - Maltha Hutt
Keo. - - Mildred Stanton
Primary Soog.
Reo. - Betbene Read
Remaiks by tbe Pastor.
At tbe Christian oburob, a splendid
musioal program was rendered by the
ohoir, after wbiob presents were dis
pensed to tbe Sunday school pupils
from two Christmas (rees. Tha pro
gram follows:
Prelude Largo - - Handel
Miss Zola Keen.
"Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al
mighty,".. - "' Dykes
.-, ': Choir. . V
Invocation, - Rev. J. H. Harmon.
"Joy to tbe World, Tha Lord Is
; Come," - , ,.V. Handel
" . , , -. . Ohoir. -,
"Holy, Holy, Holy Ia Tba Lord.'.'
"Silent Night." - - Haydn
quartette, Mrs. W. B, Scott, Mrs.
W. L. Weir, Dr. Wm. R. Soott, Mr.
Geo. B. Gerking. '
Anthem "Bethlehem" - Battled
Choir, incidental Solos, Mra. Soott
and Mrs. Weir.
"I be Wayside Cross," - Palmar
Dr. Soott and mala quartet: Mrssis.
3. B. Mat bets, G. R. Gerking, Ar
tbnr Chapman and Soott Fisher.
; Notice
Tbe regular annnal meeting of the
stockholders of tba First National
Bauk of Atbena.-Oregoo, for tbe elec
tion ot di reo tors for tbs ensuing year
and for tba traoeaotlon of such other
busineea as may lawfully oome before
It, will be beld in its offloe in Atbena,
Oregon, Tuesday, January 1 1 th. 1916,
at tbs bonr of two o'olook, p. v. ' ;
V. H. LeUrow, Cashier.
Deoemter 10tb,' 1915. ,
ror 'Wintry num
m S T " Bf
BE yon ii1 ::n JjV-1 )
COMPAKf-: -.MW'i i
- ii "i I J ,
For Men, Women, Boy
S. V. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calie both night and day.
Oal la promptly answered. Office on Third
street, Athena Oregor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, SOI
Offiice one block North of the Bank.
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p.'m.
Veterinary Surgeon Si Dentist
Graduate MoKllllp. etlnary college
OrTlcest Commercial fltable and Hawks Drug
Hlore. 1'boue ld.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
i. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
la in only one that can aooommodau
aommerolal travelara.
Cb bi4wnmande(S for lta ciaan nod
veil entllatetl roomi. ,
. com. Mais audThiud. Atbbwa, Or, 4
Better Look Outl
It Is Coming
bid Weather uPn yu before you are
aware of it, and your best pro-
tection is one of our Heaters-
Everybody knows of their superior qualities. Our Prices
YOUr wife WU tnorour?hly enjoy one of our splen-
did new cooking Ranges, made in all
sizes and handsomely nickled. e411
modern convenieniences go with them, and our price is
$35.00 up
We are giving 5 per cent off for cash
Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon
Needles, Oil. Belts and all kinds of Sewing
Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.
New Home Users are Quality Choosers.
For Sale By
N. A.MILLER, Athena. Ore.
fJS; New Home 8ewing Machine Comp'jr
San Francisco, California.
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 fcot Fir Wood, $5.35
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,.,.. 5.60
Cascade 4 foal Alder Wood 5.10
.7.0. B.
Athena Pendleton Branche. North
ern Pacific Railway.
Poatofficc, Bdgewater, Washington.
With Best Greetings
For The
Foley's Kidney Cure
make kidneys and bladder right
You Can Do
We Lead