The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 24, 1915, Image 4

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Ccrcr,s,iy Minus Musical Home
cf Bride, Mrs., GalL.
Coupl&'Go for Honeymoon to Hot
- . Springs, Va. Episcopal Ring
, Service Used in Wedding. ,
Washington, D. C. President Wil
son and Mrs. Edith Boiling Gait were
married here at 8:30 o'clock Saturday
night, with a simple ceremony Bpoken
in the bride's home In the presence of
fewer than 80 guests,: virtually 'all of
whom were relatives.'. .'' -
They left soon afterward for a two
weeks' honeymoon in .the South, at
Hot Springs, Va. -"- ' ' '
Shortly after 10 o'clock the Presi
dent and Mrs. Wilson entered a ' wait
ing White Bouse automobile and mo
tored to Alexandria, Va., across the
Potomac, to take their private car
there and avoid a crowd at the railroad
station in this city. - :- : ,
' The President dined aa usual at the
White House at 7 , o'clock with his
daughters and afterward drove to his
bride's home, about a mile from the
executive mansion. A cold, driving
rain, which swept the city all day,
cleared off at sunset and the evening
was cool and pleasant.
. (Wanna th weddinsr arrangements
and the hour of the ceremony had been
kept a elose secret, there were few on
the streets about the White House,
but near the bride's home the crowd
was held back by the police lines
spread during the afternoon.
Everything was in readiness for the
ceremony when the President arrived
and it proceeded without music,
Neither the President nor Mrs. Gait
had any attendants and there were no
ushers or flower girls. Neither the
army, the navy nor the diplomatic
corps was represented and the occasion
was essentially wnat notn naa wisnea
It to be a home wedding. 1
; On the first floor of the bride's
home, In two communicating rooms, a
wedding bower had been arranged with
a background of farbyanse and maiden
hair form, which extended from the
floor to the celling. Overhead there
- .-I i u- n , A .
, shell lined with Scotch heather. Ia
the background and at the center was
placed a large mirror, framed with or
chids and reflecting the scene. '
Mrs. William H. Boiling, the bride's
mother; gave her away. The Presi
dent stood to the right of the clergy
men and the bride stood on their left.
, At once Dr. Smith began the words
of the Episcopal marriage service, the
President making his responses first,
and then the bride making hers. Af
ter the bride promised to "love, cher
ish and obey," the President placed
the wedding ring, a plain band of gold,
on her finger and then, after a prayer
and while the couple clasped their
right hands together, Dr. Smith de
clared them husband and wife. The
brief and simple ceremony was over.
The entire party then turned to the
dining room, where a buffet supper
was served.
General Villa fully Renounces
Rebel Campaign Against Carranza
Et Paso Under pressure of his ex
generals, the weight of bis defeat in
Bonora, and the counsel of his wife,
General Francisco Villa Is on his way
to the border and the United States,
nia title or commander-in-chief re
nounced and his determination to eon
tinue fighting the de facto government
of Carranza until death, broken once
and for all.
Telegrams In code from the capital
said briefly:
"Peace has been declared here.
There will be no more fighting."
Before renouncing his command,
General Villa was united to Mrs. Villa
In a civil marriage. They had been
married by a church ceremony several
years ago at San Andres, Chihuahua,
but the civil marriage was required by
Mexican law to make the tie legal.
German Troops In Syria,
London Dispatches to Router's Tel
egraph company from Amsterdam say
"It Is reported that Field Marshal
yon Der Golti, command ar-tn-chlsf
of the First Turkish army, is
tabllahing his headquarter at Aleppo,
Syria, where the Turkish and Ger
man troops under his command are
being equipped for an Invasion of
Egypt. .. i
"Several large corps of German
professors are going to Turkey under
three-year contract to teach the
German language."
' Bribed General Suicide,
. Geneva, via London Numerous
newspaper reports received here an
nounce the suicide of General Jonesco.
commanding the Second Roumanian
army corps.
According to the story, the general
was suspected of having been bribed
by one of the powers. The minister
of war ordered an inquiry and, his sus
pieions being confirmed, he sent two
officers to inform General Jonesco of
the result of the Investigation.
- Two hour later General Jonesco
killed himself.
'Washington, D. C. Pending receipt
of Austria-Hungary's reply to the sec
ond American note regarding the sink
ing of the Italian steamship Ancona,
Baron Erich Zwiedinek, charge of the
Austro-Hungarian embassy, is conduct
ing or forming a basis to conduct in
formal negotiations with Secretary
Lansing looking toward an amicable
settlement of the controversy. An in
timation to that effect was received at
the State department Wednesday after
the charge had conferred at some
length with the secretary.
It is understood Baron Zwiedinek Is
attempting negotiations similar . to
those conducted by Count von Bem
storff, the German ambassador, follow
ing the sinking of the steamship
Arabic It is considered improbable,
however, that such negotiations can
develop to an important stage until
after receipt of the next formal com'
munication from . Austria-Hungary,
which is expected some time within
Miss Margherltta Tillman, daughter
of Commander H. Tillman, U. 8. N.
and Mrs. Tillman, has just been for
mally Introduced to Washington so
ciety.' She has been one of the lead
ere of the younger set In the national
capital. . ..
the next week.
Just what authority has been given
Baron Zwiedinek . by hia government
has not been made known. It was re
called here that relations between the
United States and Germany were seri
ously strained when the German Am
bassador took virtually a free hand to
conduct the negotiations, which pre
vented the situation from becoming
more serious than It at one time was.
Brief Resume of General News
From Ail Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
' Aero Club to Aid Militia.
New fork The Aero Club of Amer
ica announce that It will give finan
cial aid to all state desiring to buy
aeroplane for their militia organisa
tions, uead ot the militia In 24
state had asked for assistance.
. The Aero Club will add 10 per cent
v any sum np to 110.000 raised In
any state before February 1 next
; 111 club advocate distribution of
ZOOV aeroplane for defense of the
united state.
friend of President Wilson on
Secret Mission to Theater of War
New York Colonel E. M. House,
confidential advisor of President Wll-
said Wednesday that he would
shortly sail for Europe at the request
of the President.
Colonel House declared the sole pur
pose of his trip would be to deliver to
certain American ambassadors informa
tion regarding this government's at
titude on various international matters
now pending. He denied emphatical
ly that hie trip will . in any way be a
peace mission.
I am going to Europe at the re
quest of the President and the Secre
tary of State, for the purpose of tak
ing information to some of our ambas
sadors," he said, "in order that they
may have more intimate knowledge of
this government's attitude regarding
certain phases of inernational ques
tions and in order to obtain from them
their point of view on these matters.
"It is not advisable to bring home
at this time any of our ambassadors
from the belligerent countries. It has
been found impossible to convey or ob
tain by cable or correspondence quite
me correct atmosphere."
Gotham Can Now Eat Horseflesh
New York Sale of horse meat for
food will be permitted In New York
after January 1, the board of health
announces. Commenting on the rev
ocation or the section of the sanitary
code which prohibited the use of horse
meat, Mr. Emerson said that, while
the Health department does not exactly
recommend it, no harm can be seen in
its use. "The horse never has tuber
culosis, and almost never communis
cates a malignant disease to human
beings," he said. "Hereafter old
horse will be fattened for meat."
French Call Off Cruiser.
Washington, D. C French embassy
officials, although lacking official word
of the activity of the cruiser Descartes
in West Indian waters, believe that
she ha been ordered to cease search
ing American ships on the high seas,
and that no further search or Beixure
would be made until diplomatic corre
spondence over the Coamn, Carolina
and San Juan incidents is closed. They
point out that the American note prob
ably was not delivered in time to reach
the Descartes before Purser William
Garde was taken from the Borlnquen.
Big War Melon I Cut.
Cleveland, Ohio Director of the
Graaselli Chemical company Wednes
day cut a war melon by declaring an
extra cash dividend ot 6 per cent and a
special stock divdiend of 10 per cent,
in addition to the quarterly dividends
of i per cent on both common and pre
ferred stocks.
. The combined dividends on both com
mon and preferred shares, including
the special dividends, have a cash val
ue of approximately $3,000,000.
Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, the famous
actress, Is reported dying in Paris.
Great Britain now demands enlist
ment of her eligibles to full strength.
Russians capture Bulgaria's chief
seaport at Varna on the Black Sea.
The city lies in ruins. .
One woman is killed in Klamath
county, Oregon, and one man wounded
in a fued over ownership of a piece of
The Northern hemisphere produced
In 1915 8,590,000,000 bushels of
wheat, an Increase of 19.4 per cent
over 114.
An Athens dispatch to Reuter's
Telegram company says that a British
submarine has sunk the German
steamer Leros and other craft in the
Sea of Marmora,
The nitro-glyeerin plant of the Aetna
Powder company at Fayvllle, 111., was
blown up when 8000 pounds of nitro
glycerin exploded. The explosion was
due to chemical reaction.
It is announced from Teheran, that
the Russians have occupied the town
of Kum, 80 miles southwest of Te
heran, after a great battle. The op
posing force was completely defeated.
The National Tidende, of' Copen
hagen, prints a statement of a Dane
from Constantinople that the Krupps
works outside Constantinople have
been destroyed by bombs dropped by
British airmen.
The attorney general of Illinois de
mands a grand jury investigation of
the death of. the deformed child in a
Chicago hospital, which was permitted
to die when a simple operation might
have saved its life.
The European nose fly, which at
tacks horses and cattle alike, has been
found to interfere seriously with farm
operation in the West. The depart
ment of agriculture is planning to
stamp out the pest if possible.
The El Paso, Tex., police depart
ment receive report that 1000 Villa
troops have arrived in Juarez from the
south and that 6000 more were within
a short distance of the town. ' It was
said General Villa was not with the
A donation of $10,000 has been made
by Henry Ford to the Christiania Stu
dents' society for a new building. In
making the donation Mr. Ford an
nounced that he believed the students
were doing much to promote world
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, gave
considerable evidence before the grand
jury investigating the activities of the
Labor' National Peace Council in fo
menting strikes of employe in muni
tion plants.
According to figures announced in
London the number of casualties in
Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria and Wurtem
burg up to November 80 were 2,524,
460. Of this number 484,228 men
were killed or died of their wounds,
364,198 were severely wounded, 27,674
died of disease tnd 381,149 were miss
ing. Naval casualties were not in
cluded in these figures.
A new president has been elected In
the republic of Switzerland. , .
A great Increase in demand for
wool 1 predicted when the war ends,
Seattle police capture 14 Chinamen
being smuggled In from Vancouver, B.
The state bank of Washington in
crease their deposit $2,600,000 over
Lack of vessel to export grain has
congested tb Western elevator with
wheat. ..
Allen employes of the city of Aber-
Wash., will lose their job un
less they become naturalised.
The plans for the Portland postofBce
are classic in design and provision for
enlarging the building 1 made.
The German government ha adopt
ed resolution providing for maximum
price for ugar and by-products, rice
and vegetables, also foodstuffs for
College student returning home
from Seattle to Spokane for the holi
days had fitted for them a car in which
to dance.
The French government 1 consider
ing the extension of the moratorium
on all commercial obligations for the
term of the war.
Unless congress provide for 60 or
70 additional employe for the bureau
of construction and repair of the Navy
department, the designing of the ships
included in the administration's five-
year building program will be delayed
six months or longer.
Greece believe herself safe for the
present, at least, from any Incursion
by the fighting force of Europe.
The body of a man missing nearly
two year was found in a trunk buried
in the basement of a building in Phila
The Portland Market Men' associa
tion, composed of meat market pro
prietor and including alt the large
shops in the city, ia engaged in a war
to a nnlan with the Meat Cutters' un
ion. The trouble waa ' started by a
strike over a half hour' time in the
Portland Wheat Blaestem, 96c;
forty-fold, 96c; club, 92c; red fife,
90c; red Russian. 90c
Millfeed Spot prices : Bran, $22
per ton; shorts, $23; roiled barley,
Corn White, $36 per ton; cracked,
$36. ,
Hay Eastern Oregon, timothy, $16
17; valley timothy, $1214; alfal
fa, $13.5014.60; cheat, $10ll;oat
and vetch, 111012. v
Vegetables Artichokes, $1.101.25
dozen; tomatoes, California, $1.25
1.50; cabbage, 90c hundred; garlic,
15c pound; peppers. 68c pound; egg
plant, 10c pound; sprouts, 8 9c
pound; horseradish, 8Jc; cauliflower,
76cS1.26: celery, 6065c dozen;
beans, 12J16c; lettuce, $22.76
crate; peas, 16c
Green Fruits Fears, zl1.50 per
box; grapes, $5 per barrel; cranber
ries, $1014. 60 barrel. -
Potatoes Oregon, illfi5; Yakl-
mas, $1.10l.26 per sack; sweets,
$2.60 per hundred.
Onions Oregon, buying price, $1,
f. o. b. shipping point.
Apples Spitzenbergs, extra fancy,
$2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $1.261:60;
Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.60; fancy,
$1.25; choice,. $1; Yellow Newtowns,
extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1,76;, choice,
$11.26; Baldwins,..:: extra: fancy,
$1.60; fancy, $1.25;. choice, $1; Bus
setts, orchard run, $1. - .: .
Eggs Oregon ranch, buying prices:
No. 1, 42c; No. 2, 80c; No, 8, 20c;
jobbing prices: No. 1, 4244c; Ore
gon storage, 2628e.
Poultry Hens, ll13c; springs,
18c; turkeys, 17c; dressed, 20
22c; ducks, 1214c; geese, 89c
Butter City creamery, cubes, ex
tras, selling at 81Jc; flats, 29c; prints
and cartons, extra. Prices paid to
producer: Country creamery, 24
28c, according to quality; butterfat,
premium quality, 83c; No. 1 average
quality, 81c; No. 2, 29c.
Veal Hancy, lOgglOgc pound.
Pork Fancy, 6Jc7c pound.
Hops 1916 crop, 812c pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1826c;
valley, 2526c; fall lambs' wool, 25c;
mohair, Oregon, 28c pound.
Caacara bark Old and new, 84c
Cattle Choice steers, $77.60;
good, $6.767; medium, $6.606.76;
choice cows, $5.255.75; good, $6
6.25; medium, $4.605; heifer, $3.50
6; bulls, $36; stags, $4.605.25.
Hogs Light, $5.966.05; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $4.75g)6.50; ewes,
$46; lambs, $67.60.
Canned Milk to Advance.
Portland The statement was made
recently by a man closely associated
with the canned milk business that he
would not be surprised if there waa an
advance of 60 cents a case in price in
the near future. He based his opinion
on the fact that the demand at the mo
ment is exceeding the supply, and
manufacturers are facing a hard game.
It is said that 130,000 cases of
canned milk have been shipped recent
ly to France and that one Eastern
manufacturer who puts out a brand of
milk under his own name i in the
market for 60,000 eases. It is pre
sumed this is wanted to fill an export
order. Up to the present time it is
believed no fewer than 250,000 cases
have gone abroad.
All jobbers are now asking $3.10 lor
Marigold milk. The advance of 15
cents was made some time ago, but
was pot adhered to by the entire trade,
for various reasons.
Country Creameries Unite.
Eugene, Ore. That the Eugene
Farmers' creamery will unite with
other co-operative creameries of the
state to protect themselves and assist
in marketing products of the plants
was the sense of a meeting of the
shareholders of the local plant. The
meeting was similar to others held in
different parts of the state where
there are located co-operative cream
eries. It is the outcome of discontent
and charges that the butter market of
Portland has been manipulated in some
manner. . SchrocK, representative
of the state dairy and food commis
sioner's office, and G. F.' Frevert, of
the United State, department of agri
culture, were present 'at the meeting.
It is the plan to hold a big meeting of
the representatives of all the ' co-osr-ative
creamery association ' tn the
state in the near future. -
Bearish Wheat Reported.
Chicago Heavy profit-taking by
longs who asserted that the govern
ment crop report was likely to prove
bearish, wiped out the greater part of
a lively advance scored Thursday in
the wheat market here. The close was
heavy at a net gain of c to 11c with
Decebmer at 1.16i and May at 11.17
1.17. The setback that ensued
from the top level of the session waa
most apparent in the May option, De
cember contract remaining compara
tively firm owing to fears that a strike
in progress on the Chicago Beit railway
might interfere with current deliveries.
Wheat Goes to New York.
Pendleton For the first time in the
history of wheat raising in this county
shipments are now being made directly
from local warehouse to the New
York Markets.
H. W. Collin expect to ship out
3000 tons this week from his ware
house to New York. There is not
much left of the present local supply
of wheat which will be acceptable in
New York for the reason that the At
lantic port calls for Al quality. There
are no facilities for cleaning wheat on
the Atlantic seaboard aa here.
Sal of Cider Never So Large.
Tacoma-rMore cider ha been sold
this season than ever before, as far aa
Tacoma is concerned, say merchants.
Retail dealers are laying in big sup
plies for Christmaa and New Yean
and are anxious to know If there ia
any chance of a scarcity should their
supplies not be large enough. Com
mission men' inform them that there
will be plenty on hand. The varieties
offered are Jones Brothers and Schulti
Oregon ciders, laid to be equal to any
made. Fresh ranch egg are now
wholesaling at 4042 cant a dozen.
London Operations in other sectors
of the front on the Gallipoli Peninsula
than those from which troops were an
nounced Tuesday to have been with
drawn, are to be continued, it is inti
mated in an official statement issued
here. The withdrawal was effected
without the knowledge of the move
ment on the part of the Turks, it is
declared. : "
The British troops at the Suvla and
Anzac districts of the Gallipoli Penin
sula were officially reported to have
been withdrawn.
"Further details of the evacuation
of the Anzac and Suvia zones have
been received," says the official state
ment ' "Without the Turk being
aware of the movement a great army
haa been withdrawn from one of the
areas occupied on the Gallipoli Penin
sula, although in the closest contact
with the enemy. By this, contraction
of the front at other points of the line
will be more effectively carried out.
. f'-
1 ll.l'f
The queen of Bulgaria, whose ability
a a nurse has been manifested time
and time again since she established
In Sofia one of the finest and best
equipped hospitals, haa again taken
actively to the work which she lovea
so dearly. She I devoting her time
and attention to nursing the sick or
phans In the orphanage of her country.
"Sir Charles Monto gives great
credit for this skilfully conducted
transfer of forces to the generals
commanding and the royal navy."
The withdrawal of the British troop
from Suvia Bay and the Anzac zone
ends more successfully than most mili
tary men thought possible, the most
unfortunate chapter of the British
arms in this war. Thousands of lives
were sacrificed in gaining these posi
tions, and thousands in holding them.
The question has been constantly
discussd why theBe generals command
ing the Dardanelles expedition did not
try to make a landing near the center
of the peninsula in the beginning and
cut off Turkish troops on the lower
end. When the attempt waa finally
made to secure a foothold higher up on
the peninsula, the Turks were fully
prepared to meet it. :. '
fenis Water Bill Will Be . : -li iv
Rushed Through Congress
Washington, D. C That the Ferris
water power bill is to be railroaded
through the house of representatives
is indicated by the fact that the public
lands committee of that body expects
to report it favorably.
The committee discussed the bill at
some length Tuesday and decided to
give no hearings whatsoever, but it
was decided to make several minor
changes which will not alter the gen
eral character of the measure, and if
these can be perfected at once the re
port will then be ordered, and it is
planned to call up the bill in the house
as soon as congress reconvenes next
The bill in its present shape is not
at all satisfactory to Representatives
Slnnott, Oregon; Smith, Idaho, and La
Follette, Washington; but Chairman
Ferris let it be known he haa enough
Democratic vote to report the bill.
Chinese to Rebel.
San Francisco Tong King Chong,
president of the Cbee Sung Tong, or
Chinese Repuublic association, re
ceived a cablegram from Shanghai,
China, which stated that five Chinese
provinces had declared their independ
ence against the rule of Yuan Shi Kai.
The provinces concerned in the revolu
tion were, according to the cablegram,
Kwang Tung, Kiangsi, Yuanan, Kwei-
chau and Szchuen. Mr. Tong, who ha
presided recently at several Chinese
mass meetings, said he believed the
action would be followed by many.
Woman Attache Graves.
Sacramento, Cal. The filing of an
attachment on a lot in the city ceme
tery owned by Harry Ditman Harms,
a rancher residing near Union House,
to force payment of alimony and di
vorce cost prove almost anything can
be attached. The attachment is posted
at the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth
Harms, the second wife of Harm, and
it encumber all of the grave in the
plot with the exception of the one oc
cupied by Mrs. Mary Harm, the first
wife. The amount of the alimony al
leged to be due ia $225.
Huge Taxes In Prospect.
Berlin, via London Dr. Karl Helf-
ferich, secretary of the Imperial treas
ury, announced in the Reichstag that
the next budget cannot be balanced
without additional income, . and that
proposals for new taxation are now
being drafted for submission to the
Reichstag. The secretary declared
that no matter how large a war in
demnity waa received, the war would
impose a colossal burden of taxation
on the Germans.
What He Told Tham.
"This 1 a nice time of night to be
coming home."
'Yea, my dear, but I tried to get
away earlier."
'Tried to get away earlier, Indeed!
Those men haven't any strings on
you, have they?"
No, my dear. I wanted to areas:
up the game at 12 o'clock, but they
insisted on playing another hour. So
what could I do?"
"Do? You could have told them I
was alone, and you had to come home."
I did, my dear. I even told them
what a nag you were, and how you'd
make life miserable for me "
'You told them thatt The very
ideal If that isn't just like you to
blame me when you know you wanted
to get to bed yourself. I want you to
understand that if you can't think of
any better excuse than that for coming
home you can stay as long as the rest
do." Detroit Free Press.
Cures Ivy Poisoning.
For ivy poisoning apply Hanford's
Balsam. It is antiseptic and may be
used to kill the poison. Prompt relief
should follow the first application.
Adv. ... '
Not Scientific
Scientific ' Parent (on a stroll)
You see out there in .the street, my
son, a simple illustration of a princi
ple, in mechanics. The man with that
cart pushes it in front of him. Can
you guess the reason why? Probably
not I will ask him. Note his answer,
my son. - ; .
To the coster My good man, why
do you push that cart instead of pull
ing it?
' Coster 'Cause I ain't a hoss, you
old thickhead. Titbits.
Sold upon merit Hanford's Balsam.
Matter of Opinion.
"Mary!" Father's voice rolled down
the stairs and into the dim and silent
parlor. ' . . -
"Yes, papa, dear.".
"Ask that young man If he has the
time." ' . ,
A moment of silence.
"Yes. George has his watch with
"Then ask htm what is the time."
"He says It is 11:48, papa."
"Then ask him if he doesn't think It
about bedtime."
Another moment of silence.
"He says, papa," the silvery voice
announced impersonally, "he say that
he rarely goes to bed before 1, but It
seems, to him that It la a matter ot
personal preference merely, and that
If he were In your place he would go
now if he felt sleepy." Harper's Bazar.
Have Healthy, Strong1, Beautiful Eye
Oculists and Pbjaidana used Murine Sre
ttemedy many yeara before It was altered as a-
Domeatle Eye Medicine. Murine is Still Com
pounded by Our Physicians and guaranteed
by them as a Reliable Belief for Byes that Need
Care. Try It tn your Byee and In Baby's Byee
No Smarting Juet Bye Comfort. Buy Murine
of your Drdggist accept no Substitute, and If
Interested write for Book of the Bye Free.
On the Water Wagon.
The Alfalfa delegate was paying his
first visit to a city of any size. Stand
ing along the sidewalk, he chanced to
see-r sprinkling cart coming down the
street, and no sooner had he set eyes
on the thing than he began to laugh
like the boy at a minstrel show.
"Say, old pal!" he remarked hilari
ously, punching a cop in the ribs,
"don't that just beat all?"
"Don't what beat all?" responded
the wondering cop. "What's the Joke?"
"Just look at that feller on that
wagon!" replied the alfalfa party,
pointing to the sprinkler. "That deni
ed chump won't have a drop of water
left by the time he gets home! Phil'
adelphla Telegraph.
For sprains make a thorough appli
cation of Hanford's Balsam, well rub
bed In. Adv.
As Judge 8aw Them.
1 One day while out walking with a
friend, in San Francisco a professor
and his friend became Involved In an
argument as to which was the hand
somest man of the two. Not being
able to arrive at a settlement of the
question, they agreed, in a spirit of
fun, to leave It to the decision -of a
Chinaman, v ho was seen approaching
them. The matter being laid before
him, the Oriental considered long and
carefully; Then he announced, in a
tone of finality, "Both are worse."
Chicago News.
HOWARD B. BtTKTOB - AMrer sntf Onetnlrt,
LedrUle, Colorado. Spenlmsu sriMS, Gold,
Sllnr. hmi, C. Gold. Silver, ffioi Cold. Wat tlno
or Copper, tl. MMIIng rmTelopes s Id full price list
seat on ajipuostion. uoniroi sno umnn worn up
Uolted. Ilefsraoeei Oubonate
One of Those Friends.
"Wombat, I'm a friend of yours and
I must tell you that today Flubdub
was saying some very mean things
about you."
"If you are a friend of Tnlne why
did you stand there and listen to him?"
"Well, I'm a friend of his, too."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Behind the Times.
"John was a good man," said the
disconsolate widow, "but he was so
oldfashloned to the last"
"How so?" asked the sympathetic
"Why, he got killed by a runaway
borae." Albany Argus.
Out for the Cash.
Edith So you are going to marry
that rude old Mr. Roxleigh? I don't
see how you can stand his ways.
Marie I can stand his ways, my
dear, by remembering about his
means. Boston Transcript
Thrill That Comes But Once, Etc.
"Who Is that tramping around over-
bead?" asked a Sedgwick young man,
uneasily, while calling on hi best
"That's papa," she replied. "He al
ways get restless along toward morn
ing." Kansas City Star. .
Jones I nearly froze to death last
night in my flat!
Janitor Well, you probably wore
your spring overcoat to bed Instead
ot your fur one. Chicago Daily News.
Its Class.
"Here" another funny story about
getting a seat in a crowded car."
"Oh, that's a standing joke." Bal
timore American.
are usually thin and easily
worried, sleen doe not re
fresh and the system get weaker
and weaker.
Scoff's Emulsion corrects nervous
ness by force of nourishment- it feeds
the nerve centres by distributing en
ergy and power all over the body
Don't resort to alcoholic mixtures
or drug concoctions. -
yoar nmrvw nothing mount or
eomparmm with it, bat built on
thm gmnninm SCOTT'S.
Dalles-Columbia Line
Winter Schedule, Nov. 25 to Mar. 16.
Steamers J. N. Test and Twin Cities for Kerne-
wick, Pasco. Wallula. Umatilla, Arlington. The
Dalles, Lyle, Hood River, White Salmon, Carson.
Stevenson, Cascade Locks. Leave Portland Tues
days and Fridays at U p. m. Freight and pi
gers. Landing Taylor St Dock, Portland.
Doable Tread Puncture Proof Tire
Made from your old ones. Last long
as Brand New TIRES Write us.
SE0 Washington St, Portland. Ore.
Pleasant, nrofltable work not overdone: few
months' learning; positions guaranteed; write for
references and particulars. Portland WatchmaK
ing. Engraving and Optical School. 1218 Common
wealth Building, Portland, Oregon.
13 A ID1VTCZ Farmers we have
JDaTllXlN K Builders "a.nK
PLANS, specifications, etc.. of a bam to meet the
needs of the modern, up to date farmer. State
your requirements and for particulars write.
T. H. BENTLEY. SOS McKay Bldg., Portland. Or.
Lord Reading said at a dinner in
New York, apropos of Germany's pro
posal to get back from the allies in
the shape of a. war indemnity all her
war expenditure:
"That proposal savors of the impu
dent. It reminds me of the son to
wbom his old father said:
" 'Yes, George, I've decided to retire
from active life and turn the business
over to you.'
" 'But, father, can't you work a few
years longer, and then we can retire
together?'" . . . .
-Wounds on man or beast should be
healed by Hanford's Balsam. Adv.
Could Use Shovel.
There was a suden rush of work
and the foreman was short of laborers.
Going -but into the road he found a
muscular looking tramp loafing at the
corner. : Here was a possible recruit.
"My man," said he genially, "do you
wan work?"
"What sort of work,", asked the
tramp cautiously. ,
"Well, can" anything with a
shovel?" . '
The tramp suddenly beamed at the
speaker. . . .'.
"I could fry a slice of bacon on It,"
he said eagerly. c
For galls use Hanford's Balsam.
AdV. -"...--"?...';
. The Bible Again.
- "Daisy," ' remarked , the teacher,
"don't love your cat too much. What
would you do If it died you wouldn't
see it. again." . ' ...-.
"O, yes, I should see it in heaven."
"No dear, you're mistaken; animals
cannot go to heaven like people."
Daisy's eyes filled with tears, but
suddenly she exclaimed triumphantly:
"Animals do go to heaven, for the
Bible says tbat the promised land is
flowing with milk and honey, and it
there are no animals where do they
get the milk?" - -
The Old and Reliable
, Dr. iscac inompsons
is both a remedy for weak. Inflamed
eyes and an ideal eye wash. Keep
Iwr arts etll aai Ian will help keep you.
9C, il ill DrraMj w ten br
tJL Mail sjos nmt ti a.
a. 143 River St. Troy. N. Y.
: He Knew His Son.
What the young fellow lacked in
brains the father made up in money
and the latter was very rich.
One day a well-wishing friend,
thinking to give the wealthy old fel
low a hint, said to him:
"Don't you think your son Is wast
ing his time staying here in this quiet
little town?"
A grim smile flickered round the
old man's lips as he replied dryly:
"Well, he might just as well waste
it here as anywhere else." New York
Plain Talk.
"British Tommy (somewhere
France) Speak English Mooso?
French Shopkeeper But yes a
leetle, M'sieu.
British Tommy Righto; then give
us 10 pounds o' spuds, an arnse o'
baccy, a packet o' fags and a box-o'
lights, and be slippy! Boston Trans-script
No Time Lost.
"How about your new stenographer?
Is she quiet and accurate?"
"Yes, sir. She can powder her face,
arrange her bracelets and fix her hair
quicker than any stenographer I ever
had. And do it accurately, too.".
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Serious Work.-
"Captaln, there are burglars in a
house on Umphsteen street"
"Don't bother me with such stuff.
I gotta raid a ladies' euchre game. I
know for a fact that cash prizes are
to be played for." Louisville Courier
P. N. U.
. No. 62, 1915
" tloa this paper.
Inflnenn, P ! h
Eye, Eplsootle,
Distemper and all
nnna mnA thrnut
diseases cured, and all others, no matter how "exposed,"
kept from havlnf any of these diseases with SPOKN'S LI
QUID DISTEMPER CURE. Three to six doses often cure
a case. One 60 -cent bottle guaranteed to do so. Best thing
for brood mares; acts on the blood. 60c a bottle. f5 doien
bottles. Drurftite and harness shops or manufacturers sell
it AfenU wanted .