Press Paragraphs Ool. F. G. Looaa waa over from Weaton Wednesday. Win. Graham was over from Wes ton Satordaj evening. Soma difference ia fenoea. See Watte and fiagera' big ad. Mr. and Mra. J. K. MoDaolel at Weston, were In the city Tuesday. Bats at Mrs. Millet's store will be told at ooat prioe until Jan. 1. Adr. Watta & Rogers oontinue "saintly" lockiog (or another Weak. See big ad. VJarl Ohrlatian who ia oondooting a barber abop at Adams, waa in town Wednesday. , Mrs. J. 8. Harris, of Weaton, waa a gnest of bar aiater, Mrs. Lizzie M ana Held Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Graham, of Weaton, visited 8onday with her aiater. Mia. Bojo 10 Atuena, Wanted A second band surrey; mast be in good aonditlon. Enquire at tbia office. Adv. Mr. and Mra. Ralph Smalley of Walla Walla, are visitiog relatives io aiheni ibia week. John P. MoManns, owner and editor of tbe Pendleton Tribune, waa an Athena visitor Tuesday. For Sale A aix-ronm, two story booee; good loaation; very low prloal i .. . - is a iiiii a, i . . ' I Sam Halt of the Athens Tmok oompany. is driving a newly painted wagon behind bis frisky mule team. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dudley were over from tha farm near Weston Sat orday, and spent the day in Athena. 1 Duroo Jersey Bogs. Spring bnara and gilts for sale at reasonable prices. 0. B. Woodward, Adams, Ore. Adv. Miss Reta Botbrook went to Pendle ton Sunday, to visit her mother, who ia taking medioal treatment in tliBt oily. Mrs, Will M. Peterson and children were np from their home in Pendleton and spent tba week end at tha Dudley borne., after aerioui attack of tbe grip, following her leoent Injury in an automobile aooident, Miss Lola Tbarp returned Tuesday from Letanon, where aba baa teen engaged as professional nurse for Dr. Newaom, formerly of thla oity. Casey & Sona' Louse Dopa. Enoogb for 100 bene at yonr drngglat'a, 60 oen ts. (Joataoteed to keep them free from Hoe tor 8 months. Adv. Mr. Elam, salesman in tbe grooerv department at tbe Fix & Radtke store, expects tba arrival of bia wife and two obildren from Kansas Oity, Sunday. In a new abowoaae, Foaa-Wiuatin Hardware company ia displaying nobby line of casseroles and carving eeta, suitable tor oloe (Jhristmaa pres ents. I. W, Ware returned from Hot Lake Monday evening, after spending sev eral days at that resort, and left Wed nesday morning for Portland, accomp anied by his wife. For Sale. Fifteen bead of good yonng Jeraay news, flash and coming fresh. Also IB head of foil blood Jer sey beiiers, due to freshen in tbe early apring. ft. B. MoEwen. 1 will oall at tbe realdeooa of any ona intareated in Chiropractic, and give examination and explanation free. Dr. George J, Einz, lioensed Obiro- praotor, pbdue Main 13. adv. Steelhead trout are being caught in tbsSower Umatilla river. Three of the bigTellowa have been on display at tbe LrfDow sporting goods boose, in Pendleton, tbia week. Wbo wants to go get 'em? Condon Globe: J. A. Knight is put ting on a Hndfurd truck between Con don and Lone Book, bia atage bcainess having grown so that waa unable to handle it witb bia Ford. His new machine ia a 40 horse power, one ton trnok. ft rs. Tillman D. Taylor apent tba week end in tbia oity with relatives, while the sberllf was in California on official business. Ad. Bud Billv Plnkertnn nrn nva. torn their tomes In Milton tbia weok, islstiog it tbe nork fantabeiv an their larma near town. Atbena store windows are beautiful ly deoorated tbia week with Christmas offerings, and are attracting great deal of attention. - George Ferguson, -the Weaton Mountain potato king, waa in the oity Tuesday, taking orders for early deli- a- 'Mty and Mrs. Eobert Oliver of Walla' Walla, spent Wednesday nlgbt at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. - A., B. Steele in this oity. ... ; Mr. Harold Hopkins and Misa Mar guerite Hopkins of Dayton, Wash., bava been gueata this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Weir. Mra. Henry Keen ia able to be atont The ladies of ihe Catholic church will give a paatry aale tomorrow, Hat uraay aiternoon, in the front part Steele's Harness ehop. The patron ase of tbe pot lie is solicited. Come and prooure nioe Oske or pie for yonr Sunday dinner. T)r. Will R Hnntl nil Hh-.U. Har king went by automobile Tuesday tn tbe Fnrnisb dam in tbe West pait of tbe conntv on a duok shooting expe dition. Tbe weather oonditiona were not favorable, an tba hunters ratuined b only one duok eaob. Douglas Flynn, acoompanled by his ugbter Nellie, came op from John y, and visited fiienda la Athena this week. Tbey made the trip on horseback. Mies Nellie was royally entertained wbila in tbe oitv, and enjoyed bet visit very much. '." Mra. Sibbie Morton, widow of Brigadier-General Morton wbo died in Wasbington D. C. a year ago, and eldest daughter of the late T. P. Page, has been in the oity tbe peat week from her home ia Seattle, a go est at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. F, 8. Le Grow. ' ; ., , , Tbe following officers were eleoted Tuesday evening at their regular meet ing, by Atbena Circle No. 10: G. M., Lillie Miller; Advisor, Sarab Harden; Magician. Bhoda .MoEwen; Clerk, Lola Payne; Banker, Mary Worthing- ton: Attendant, Stella Keen; Captain of Guard, Erma Booher; Inner Sen tinel, Miuuie DaPeatt; Ontar Sentry, Bebekah Knighi; Muaioian, Boas Mansfield; Manager, Mary Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wortbingtoo and eon Emery spent Saturday in Wal la Walla at tba Harvey MoDonald borne. Mr, McDonald baa had a re lapse, atter a change for tbe better In bis condition, and bis frienda are still very anxioua abont tbe result of bis illness. Dreamland program for Friday and Saturday evenings: 1 and 2. "Her Weakling Brother," Lubin. 8. "Be tween Matinee and Nighi," Sellg. Sunday: 1. Augusta Audmson and Cbatlea H. Mailea in "Tbe Undying Fire," Biograpb. 3. "Who Wants to Be a Hero," Sellg. 8 "Wanted, a Nurse," featuring Jane Motrow and Conrtlandt Van Dense. At the Methodist Episoopal obuiob next' Sabbath morning, the Diatriot Superintendent, Andrew Warner, will oooopy tbe pulpit. On the preoeding evening at 7:80 be will bold tba first quarterly conference for thla yoar. Sunday eveniug tba paator'a aut:jeot will be:- "Christ's Message of Com fort to Bis Gburob," Saboatll school at 10 a. m. All are invited. The ladies of tbe Christian church realized tbe ncet snm of 112.25 dear of all expenses, at tbeir sals and din ner last Saturday in tba church base ment. Dinner waa served both at noon aod in tba evening, and both meale brought in Ihe snm nf 167.75. Many articles were Bold at tbe -booth, and only a few were.ieft at the end of tbe sale. ' A very pleasant meeting of the San shine Club waa held last Thursday at the borne of Mra. Claud Beeder, with 20 present. A number of the members were reported ill and uuatle to attend. Befresbments were served by tbe hostess. Next Thursday tbe meeting will be beld at tbe home of Mrs. Casper Woodward, when tbe Club buabanda will be entertained. One of George Uerkiog'a One boraea waa made a target for a 23 bullet last Saturday, Tbe bullet penetrated the neaDy part or the horse'a hip to a depth of seven inohes. Whether tbe horaa waa abot tbrongb carelessness nr malloiously, Mr. Gerkiug is not pfe pared to say. There ia a pond in tba pasture where the horse, witb otbera was feeding, and tbe animal was prob ably hit aooidentBlly, while some one waa taking a shot at dooks. A : warm time ia reported to have taken plaoa at the Pendleton city elec tion,: Monday. Dr. Beat defeated John Montgomery by a majority nf 287 votes. A near riot occurred during tbe night, following the oloaing of tbe polls. Dudley Evans, an ex-prize Ugbter inonrred the displeasure of many people by tbe manner in wbiob ha challenged voters at one of tbe polling booths, and aa a reault of tba l'aoas, E. J. Soninierville and E. 8. MoOomaa were taken to tbe polios station by an officer. 54 Two Weeks Until Christmas Only two mora weeks till Christmas. Do not put off your Christmas prennrations a single day longer tbao you have lo. .Choose from tbe. oieara, as yon may now If you hurry. Don't wait and have to make yonr selections from tba "lett-overe." Don't get caught in tbe final rneh when il ia impossible to give that service and attention we wish yon to leoeive at Davis-Kaaer's. Come tbe very Brat chance. Come prepared to take plenty of time to look aronod. Yon oan buy qniokty here if you wisb, as you WILL FIND PLEASING GIFTS on all aides, but there are so many of them and in so many different places that if yon looked a little longer you might find things that please still more. Then, too, if you Bra in doutt, a little time apent in looking will bring you many happy suggestions. More useful, enduring gift gooda are here now than ever before ao many that one doea not know where to commenoa enumerating, right around a hundred thousand of tbem; gifts for every memter of tbe family and for'tha wbole family. Every department is fnll of gifts Carpet Department, Furniture Department, Cbina, Glass, Brass, Silverware, Cutlery, Baskets, etc. Come, but "Do it Now." THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St. Winter Time is Repair Time "A board and a nail, And a can of paint, Make many a house Look new that ain't" There'll be a whole lot of days when building oot of doors will be imposeible or disagreeable. Those are tba daya to do tbeaa odd jobs of REPAIRING and BEMODBLING you bava been putting oB "'till you bad time." Remember that Bbelt you promised tba wife? and that broken atep in tba cellar alairs? And did you antiraly forget that you figured out just how much you oonld make a play room ia tba attic for the obildren witb a few dollara wortii of "TUM A LUM" Wall board? Just sit down all those little items and let ua give you tba price on tba wbole lot. It'll be ao email an amount that you'll bava do mora TBlid reaaon to give yonr wife tor noV'fixin' up." Lets talk it over. Won't ooat you a cent And what a ditterenca it will make in jour home tbia winter I "SEE JOHNSON ABOUT IT." AT THE HOME OF "TUM-A-LTJMBER" School Notes. At, assembly Tuesday afternoon in Miss Brleriy'a. room, it waa decided tbat the Atbena aobool will enter the contest of the Walla Walla Evening Bulletin and endeavor to win the Pa tfaeacope given by tbat paper to tbe stbool eeouring tba largest number of subscriptions. Mr. Reed, wbo waa repreaentiug tba Bulletin, gave an in teresting talk in wbiob he unfolded the plan of the oonteat to tbe atndenta and enoouraged them lu their under taking. He also explained the educa tional value of tbe Pathesoopa in aohool woik and offered an individual prize of one dollar to the pupil, aud also to tha room bringing in the great est number eaeh day. Tba editor of the paper, Mr. Kelly, guarantees Ihe sohool a Patbesoope if they get 100 aubsaiiptioua, regardless of the con teat. . - Tbe second donble header taeket ball game played between Weston and Atbena, last Friday night in Wes ton resulted in a defeat for totli tbe Athena teams. The boya lost with a soore of 35 to 20. In the last half of the game the Atbana boys put np a splendid fight and beld the soore down to 12 points. The girls were defeated with a soore of 19 to 8. A donble header basket ball game has been proposed by some ex-oollege basket ball stars, to play both Weston and Atbena High school teams, io tha Atbena gymnasium aome time next week, if arraogemeuta oan be made satisfactorily to both teams, Iba oollege etara wbo propose to play are: Don tiioe, Tom Boylen, Harold Coo fa ran, Bill Livingston and Irving Brooks. A Cbristmas program will be given by tbe pnpils of Misa Armstrong's room on Friday afternoon, Deoember 24 In Ihe auditorium. Tbe children are now rehearsing and will be in readiness to present a most interesting program, consisting of a play, recita tions, aongs and aolos. The public la invited to attend. Tbe followiug ia a oomplete report of the Atbena sohool for the month ending Deo. 8, J915: No. of daya taught, 15. . Whole No. daya attendance, 2446 . Wbole No, day'a abaence,-127. Wbola No. times late, 6. Number of pupils on roll of honor, 113. Average No. pupils teloojing, 171. 5. Average daily attendance, 163.1. Per cent nf attendance, 94.6. Number visile by parents, 2. No. pupils remaining at data, 174. Total number on regiater, 190. Tbe room having tbe best attendance waa I bat of Misa Brierly, witb a per oent nf 93.73. The one aeeood best io attendance, waslMiss Inex Wagner'a, lib a par oent at 98.81. f Honor. h Sobool.-t-llouiy Koepke, Law- ooe YTbarp, Terna Dudley, Lloyd cPbetrin, Eraeat Dunoao, Jamee Martin,! Orvilla Burnbam, Hiram BarmouJ Elmer Martin, Boby Ban ister, Greta Molotyra, Gladys Mo Leod, Lillian Tompkica, Francis Febr, Edna MoAlexaoder, Marguerite Mc Lennan, Zola Keen, Katbren Froome, Annabel MoLeod, Angie Pambron, Ellen Pambron. Haxel 'Saodere, Lu cilia Taylor, Francia Williams. Mias Inez Wagner's room. Mae- belie Dunoao, Virgil King, George Lieuallen, Elizabeth Mathers, Tbeltia MoEwen, Frank Miller, Eogsna Os borrjj Edoa Piokerton, Willie Bossell, Bethjtne Bead, Enid Cartano, Ateta Littlejoho, Velva Mansfield, Hazel MoFarlaud. Bella Pambrun, Helen Russell, Valuta Sohnbert, Vernita Walts, Martha Hutt, Glenn MoAlex ander, Ellis Hopper, Balpb Biobmond. MiaaLeota Wagner'a room. Dorwan Phillips, Lloyd Mathers, Gall Stone, John Stone, Helen Downing, Wlllard Parker, Dollie Baoister, -Carmen Saun ders, Jeaauette Miller, Lela Sobubert, Mildred Stauton, Edra Cartano, Eva Carateoa, Both Jackson, Sadia Pam bruu. Lee Banister, Jobn Piokerton, Conrad Miller, Kenneth Stone, Wayne Jonas, Velma MoAlexander, Etbel Woodruff, Leslie Marvin. Misa Pnrsifoll'a room. Gail Pier sol, Boland Slone, Dorothy Willaby, Both Hutt, Wilbur Harden, Harold McLennan, Aitbnr Bolt, Leonard Wil laby, Marvel MoAlexaoder, Staul-y Buab, Frank ('arateur, Dorothy Koeu- ke, Wendell LaBraeche, Vernon Mil-, ler, Alton Lienallen, Biohard Car tano, Loraio Sbiok, Myrtle Downing, Eisa Ringel, Mildred Matbeia, Benlab Banister, Beglna Jonas. , Misa Armstrong's room. Marjorie Boober, Melvln Coppoak, Lois John son, Ronald Lieuallen. Merle Johnaon. Freddie Radtke, Athena RufsbII, Lu cille Smith, Clifford Woods, Arelu Willaby, Kendall LaBrasofae, Opal Starr, Rotert Caratens, William. Cop pock, Merle Diokenaon, Ellen Henry. Alloe Huffman Kay Huffman,. Vera Miller, Jnanita Woodruff, Lois Mo Intyre. . ' ' Celebrate Silver Anniversary. Tba silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taylor waa cele brated iu fitting-atyle by thirty-four of tbeir friends last Friday evening, witb a grand "sbiveree." It waa. a com plete aurprise, tut tbe visitors . were made welcome and a most pleaaant evening was paased with various stunts for entertainment, among themamook wadding, witb tha twenty-fire years bride and groom aa principals. David Taylor, father of the groom, assisted tbe mioiater witb bis "old colitiaal law" oeremooy. after wbiob tbe cou ple were aolemnly senlenoed to con nubial loudaga until their Diamond anniversary, A bandeoma ailver baking dish was presented tbe bride, also a eet of fruit knives waa tendered by Mra. Hitman D. Taylor of Pendleton. Refreshments were served, Misses Mande Maoafield and Lillian (jerking pausing the plates. The following weia present: Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Molntyre, Mr. aud Mra. David Tay lor, Mr. and Mra. Chailes Gerking, Mr. and Mrs. Oaaa Cannon, Mr. aud Mrs. George Gerking, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dndley, Mr. aud Mra. Sheldon Taylor, Dr. and Mra. Will R. Soott, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Manslield, Mr. and airs. Uean Dudley, Mr. and Mra. H. Caton and Mr, and Mra. W. R. (Jinks) layior; Meedamea Minnie DePeatt, L. Sherman, W. K. Wall, Jackson Nelson, Minnie Willaby. Eliaabetlt Mansfield, Fred Boyd, T. D. Taylor or Pendleton; Missea Maud aud Velva Mansfield, Lillian and Blanche Ger king, Lucille Taylor, Anioe Barnea of Weston, and Mr. Hiram Harmon. Too Tired. Frank Urea In Eastern n venue. A few daya ago bia rompuulou (lenrgp caiifht his clothing on n picket fence. He waa beld fast, his feet a foot or two from the ground. He plomlnl with Frank to release liiin or run for heli. but Frank refused. ' . "Why don't you go and help Gi'ni-go.'c" bia mother Inquired from the fifjit porch. - Si "I'm Just ton tired." sold lrJify "Yesterday I wanted him to 'BliioS,iiiv do nut of hla yard, mid he vlilii"t do It 'cause lie xntil ha wits tired. I'm just na II) a lie n-as."-ludhin:ipiH Xp. 1 Temperature of tho liirth. ' M It line been ircncrnlly believed tliut tbe temperature Increase,! ul almost )n constant riilu fiouj tire earth'H Hiiifuu'e toward its ecu ler, but, tills suppoHttlo) appears to be Incorrect In the light of recent experiments. Iu one uilue the average rate of Increase lu tempera ture, carried down to 8,KI0 feet, was one degree for each 250 feel of dj scent Various results huve been ob tained from measurements In otuef' places. No temperature vailntloufi were shown between depths of. 1,400 feet and 2.300 feet In I lie KitlKOorli mines In Australia.; These und other observations are considered us tmll eating tbat the Increase of. tempera) tures with depth lu the' earth Is not governed by any general law. : -ST : No Royaltiea 'CsHed 'Baby." f One noteworthy feature nlioiit royal-j lies Is that -none luia ' beeu called, "lmby." From their, earliest yenra thev royal children nre always called by' their names or iwsslbly by aome pet. name, but an English prince or prin cess Is never called "baby" either by relatives or by his or her nurses. From the ase of five n prince Is styled "air" by his attendants aud n princess "mod am." Loudon Standard. - Tlnfe Different "I know bcr father docs not like me. He wants me to go tn work In his fac tory." "Well, why demt you prove your worth by Kiim? Then there will be Bedilina lielW nnrl it happy ending." "I don't know nlnnil that: It's a dynamite fi.ctiiry " l.miisvllle Courier MACMHIS PERFECTLY . MQDELI Or PERFECT10E, SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of flawing Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty. New Home Users are Quality Choosers. For Sale By N. A.MILLER. Athena. Ore. TJfe Hew Home Sewing Machine Comp'y San Francisco, California. Gloves Make the Ideal Gift HANSEN GLOVES The Gift With the Personal Touch There is a sort of intimacy about a pair of gloves tainca hu Hjjjjeai iu once practical ana sentimental And there Is special individual value In the gift of a Hansen tne glove ot specialised, Individ ual service. Send one pair or an assortment. For motorists there'sthe"Seml-Soft" Gauntlet with "roll-up" feature. Allother auto styles lined or unlhied. , ui iving nu uramHy wear, rne uan PHtch; for seiul-dresB, the Hansenbllt Washable ol flue "Cape" leather with Ira beautiful luster In a variet) ol new ahadea. Wash them in plain soap and water. Sea the Auto Utility Gauntlet tor tinkering- about the car or garden. -Send a pair ot Stay-Soil Caontmitlt to that boy or girl. Make thla a "Glovo Christmas" all round. Wo will allow you various styles that will appeal to tha onea you wish to renumber. Shop IDays Til xmas Make this Years Gifts, Practical Gifts Useful Suggestions For Men Neckwear Handkerchiefs Gloves Hats K. Uppers Mufflers Shirts Umbrellas For Ladies Slippers Gloves Furs Handkerchiefs Neckwear fowles Table Linen Umbrellas Waists Dress Goods For Boys Shoes Caps and Hats Suits c nd Coats Gloves Neckwear Waists and Shirts Hosiery Suspenders Belts , Handkerchiefs For Girls Slippers Gloves Knit Caps Fancv Ribbon Handkerchiefs Shoes Hosiery Neckwear Belts Jewelry MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMPANY THE QUALITY STORE Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all .. calia both night and day. Oalla promptly answered. OflloaonTblrd oirxei, Amelia, uregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Offioelo Post Building. " Phone, E01 i I. t i DR. J. G. McMATH Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W, WELCH Dentiat . Athena, Oregon Office Houra: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E.B.OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Oruduttte MoKilllp 'etlimrj' college Ufllcest Commercial Rtable and HawkH Drug Wore. fliouoWi. Homer I. Watts Attorner-at-Law Athena, Oregon. , V ' THE ' ST. NICHOLS HOTEL V. E. FROOME, pbop. ';'!!? Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS od tbat can aooommodt eooomai-ofa- traveler!. ' sn br laoniD.nded mr Ita clean and well antllelAit rnnma. Coa. alAia ahoThibd, ATHMU.Or. f la tba only Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 f.ot Fir Wood $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,..'.. 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wocd, .... 5.10 F. 0. B. Athena Pendleton Branchea North ern Pacific Railway. L C. O. WILLIAMS, Poetoffice, Edgewater, Washington. Better Look Out It Is Coming old weather "P0" you Defr yu aware of it, and your best pro tection is one of our Heaters Everybody knows of their superior qualities. OurPrices c $2.50 up C7our wife thoroughly enjoy one of our splen 1 did new cooking: Ranees, made in all sizes and handsomely" nickled. eAW modern convenieniences go with them, and our price is $35.00 up We are giving 5 per cent off for cash Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon t Do You Realize How Near We Are to Christmas? Foley's Kidney Cure make kldocys and bladder right, Moneysaving Opportunities pffered by this Big Busy 'Store, just at the time when lone needs a little ex tra money. No matter what you want, you can buy it for less here A nice pair of Wool Blankets for an Xmas gift. ; Full size, wool nap, $3 value, our price $1.98 Indiao Robes, in new, fancy patterns, $3.98 and $8.50 Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs in boxes, 25c and 49c Men's Fancy Initial Handkerchiefs " 25c and 49c Bring the Children and Visit Our TOY DEPARTMENT fJaVWe sell only high grade Merchandise, for less; has name stamped on every article, and fully guaranteed. THE GOLDEN RULE Is J. C. PENNY CO. (Inc) 83BUSY STORES. .