The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 19, 1915, Image 3

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    Mir. Anna Molotyra visited in Feu
dluton Saturday. . 4
Miss Areta Rotbrook visited la Pen
dleton Saturday.
Unas. Bryan made business trip to
Portland last week. ; ,
Mia. D. H. Mansfield was a Pendle
ton visitor Saturday.
Jacob Booher. looal tailor, visited
in Pendleton Monday.
Bert Warren was in town Tuesday,
from bis farm near Belli.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Wilkes, of Be
lli, were in cue olty inaaday.
Mrs. Geo. Stags of Weston, was
bopping in tbe oity Satnrday.
Mrs. Malcolm Molntyrs of Adams
is viiitiDg Mrs. Anna Molnlyre.
Aniasa Philips, tbe veteran' Weston
resident, was in tbe oity Tuesday.
Dr. W. E. Soott and James Folia
were Walla Walla visitors Monday.
li t Johnson went down to StanBeld
Satnrday nigbt la play tor a danne.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Kilgora were np
from their Pendleton ranob Tuesday. :
If yon want to buy oily property or
farm lands enquire of Henry Keei
Wes (J rover arid Joe Hanscombof
Ibe Helii neighborhood, were in Ibe
oity 'Jnesday,
3. M. Swagger! has good pBstnre
for stock. Plenty of water. Prices
reasonable. Adv.
A. W. Miles, of Portland, was a
week end guent at tbe A. B. MoGwen
bonie in this oity. .
For. Bale in 80 aore ranob, sit
uated sontli of Albcua. For parlia
ulBrs oall at Ibis offloe. Adv.
Mica Lola Mogers is tepoited ill at
ber borne In Pendleton, with I severe
oaso of tbe giippe.
For Bale A six-room," two story
boose; good looatlon; very low price,
(arms. H. H. Hill, Athena. Adv. '
Pilot Book business men recently or
ganized two Hre oompaniei for tbe pro
teoliou of tbat olty. s ,
Duroo Jersey Bogs. Spring boars
and gilta for sale at reasonable prioes.
3. B. Woodward, Adams, Ore. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs, Bngb Beli oame over
from Helix Tuesday and attended tbe
funeral of Mrs. Braoe.
John Banister, promiuent farmer
and oitizenjof Weston, baa teen elect-
d as mayor or tbat out.
Robert Blomgren and Miss Anita
Kirkpatrloi, of Weaton, wera married
in Pendleton Wednesday. . .v
H. 0. Wortblngton baa been paint
ing and renovating tba living rooms at
tbe O.-W. depot this week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H.. Sanders have
teen enjoying the sights of tba San
Fianoiaoo Fair for tbe paat two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bngb MoAttbnr, who
have teen visiting here for several
weeks, left Tuesday for their home in
Portland. ; ": ' f
MraJPatereon, mother of the Boo
her brothers, left this week for an ex
tended visit In California. .
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Keen have been
down this week from their Weston
Mountain ranob, visiting at the Henry
Keeu home.
Miss Alta Sharp spent Tuesday io
Pendleton, and ber place in Ibe tele
phone ofBloe was filled by Mite Maude
Mansfield. , .
. Children's and Misses' Fnr seta just
received at Tbe Golden Role Store.
Prioed at $1.98. $3.19, $3.98 and
14.98. Adv. V-:.
Athena friends of A. M. Moidtum,
have leoeived news tbat he ia recov
ering from a suriona. illnesa at bia
home in Spokane.
Mrs. J. E. Jonea was over from
Weaton Satnrday, to visit ber dangb
ter, Miss Edna, wbo ia staying at t
Jas. Hpdgsoo borne.
'". Miss Margaret Raymond of Walla
Walla, is a gnest this week at the.
home of M'. and Mrs. Robert B
mond in this oity. ,. j . ' ; .
' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dobaon will
eat Thanksgiving turkey next Thurs
day with tbe family of Charles Gay,
at Toppenisb, Wash.
.Subject at Baptist obnrob Sunday
morning: "Tabernacle in the Wilder
ness;" evening subjent, "A speoial
Thanksgiving servioe."
Tbe triokmasjns ariitnd Snnday
ecing from Lebanon, and bave com
menced laying tiiok on the new gar
age being built by Zerba brothers.
Sohool has been closed for tbe past
three daya. and tbe pnpils are enjoying
a vacation wbile tbe teaottera are at
tending the Institute in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. a. M. Elan), pioneei
residents of Milton, celebrated tbeir
Golden Wedding anniversary last
week, entertaining about 12!) guests.
Union Thanksgiving servloes will
be held next Thursday morning at
10:30 in tbe Methodist obnrob, Rev.
J. H. Harmon pieacbing the sermon. .
Morning anbjeot at tbe M. B. abnroh
next Sabbath; "Tbe Reasonableness,
Necessity and Valne of Prayer;" top
io at night, "What Shall We Read?"
Mr. and Mra. Roy Bnrka oame over
Wednesday evening from Walla Wal
la, Mr. Burke assisting in tbenieohan-
ioal department of the Press office yes
terday. . ,: ;, -': .-
Will Potts, popular Helix farmer,!
la reported to be daugeiously ill at bia
borne weBt of town with pneumonia.
Physicians and a trained nurse are at
his aide. ,
The Anunal dinner and bazar of tbe
Cbriatiau ohurob ladies ia drawing
near, and only two weeks remain for
tba preparations, Don't forget tbe
date, DeoemCer 1th. : ;
' Mrs. Cora Molntyre hag been' very
seriously ill this week at tbe W. C.
Miller home on Adams street. Her
father, John Davidson bag been in
attendanoa upon her.
East Oregonian: Letober Norvell,
well known young man of Helix wbo
was injured a week ago when struck
by an auto, is now suffering a nervous
breakdown as a resntt of the accident.
Hia leg, wbioh was badly bruised, is
T"WBT5ved InXfu
1 1 i -
r V dajtteninu-hsHra
Music in Every Home.
No matter what yonr musical taste may be, it can be "easily and
oheaply satisfied. , Whether you like sacred music as sung ot played by
tbe greatest artists, or whether yon prefer tbe popular songs, Danoa
mnsio. Talking Records, or all of them, a few dollarB wll biing them
to yon, tojbe enjoyed at' your pleasure. A Viotrola or an Edison Dia
mond Disc Phonograph will develop Ihe ohildreu's taste for goodj mns
io. Music la educational and uplifting as wall as eutertaiuing aud
Here are genuine Viotor Viotrolaa at $15.00, $25.00, $10.00, $75.00
$100.00 and np.
Here are Edison Diamond Diso Pbonograpbi at $HO.O0, $100.00,
160.00, $300.00 and $350.00.
Here are Player Pianos witb latest improvements at $395.00,
$450.00, $471.00 and'up to $u35.00.
Ihe test assortment of fieoords and Player Rolls are also here
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schoola 10-20 Alder St.
J. 3. Lewis, publisher of tbe Helix
Advooate and others interested in tbe
torkny about to be given there next
Wednesday, were in Athena Monday,
advertising the event.
.Mr. and Mis. William Campbell
and Mr. and Mrs. Rnfus Campbell
attended tba fnneral of Mrs. Belie
Braoe, Tuesday, deceased being au
aunt of the Campbell brothers.. :
J. S. Hopper would Ilka for tbe per
son wbo left a piok iu bia yard some
time Snnday night or Monday morn
ing, to oall for tba tool and make an
explanation and thus avoid trouble. '
i Mr. and Mrs John Walker and Will
.Potts recently fetnrned (mm a trip to
tba,; .St Anthony, Idaho, country.
where tba latter bought tbree quarter
eeotions of laud, reports tba Helix
aotMe basket ball game
sohool gymnaaium last
nn 'Pendleton
Athena High Bohool
resnlted In a victory for the vis
itors, with a aooraof B0 to 30.
Mra. M. L. Watts, Mrs. W. P. Lit
tlejubu, Mre. Lloyd Mitohener, Mrs.
W. W. MoPoerson and a nnmber of
other members ot tbe looal. Rttbekah
Lodge, attended the distriot onnvention
of that order held in Milton last week,
Dr. J. W. Welch and Alfred Fraux
motored down to Stanfield Monday,
retarning Tuesday evening with a aice
bag of eight geese. Thev oonolnded
tbat tba duoka were a little too fast
for them so contented themselves with
the bonkers. ' ,
Joseph Wurznr a prominent farmer
oUWeetoa bo met witb serious injury
at one of hia ranohes near Sopkane
whan kloked aod trampled by his
mules recently is reported to be io a
critical oondition at the Sacred Heait
bospital in Spokane. '
J. N. W. Ballon, a anted Indian
scont and veteran of the Civil War,
died at the residence of bis danghter,
Mrs. S. C. Hudson at Froewater, lest
Saturday. He was born in 18??. and
dossed the plains nine times, four
with oxen and five with mules. ;
John Kearney, ei-chief of polios uf
Pendleton, committed aoioide Tuesday
afternoon, ,ty shooting himself tbrongb
Cue neao, ueapuuuuuuy uver iud mns
of bia position, and hia nnabiilty
to keep away from liquor are said to
have been tbe oauses of the rasb not.
A. O. Garden has sold bia Eoho
ws to W. H, Crary, of Portlaod
anevhaa given possession, nr. umueu
will remain ia Eoho for the pieient.
where be bolda tba offloe of oily re
corder. Mr. Crary haa bean oonneat
ed witb tba newspaper business in
Alaska. ' -' ;...''?';.
Are we going to have any kind of
pntlio celebration tbia Christmas?
Why nut get together and bave a
grand nnion community Christmas
tree? Christmas is only a few weeks
oB now,' and tbia present weather
seems to sort of forehshadow a holi
day spirit. '".
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N.. Soott
went over to Walla Walla Sunday,
remaining until Tuesday, visiting
relatives.; - Wbile there tbeir little
daughter, Margaret, submitted to an
operation for adenoids, at the Walla
Walla hospital. The little girl is re
covering rapidly.
A grand Thanksgiving ball will be
given Thnsrday evening io K. of P,-
I. O. O. F. ball, with Gordon's orch
estra furnishing tbe manio. Floor
oommittee, Jacob Booher and Rnssell
Piersol of Athena; L. I. O'Barra of
Weston; Virgil Smith of Helix aod
Carl uhristian of Adams.
Mrs. Louis Bergevin spent last Sat
urday in Walla Walla. Her daugh
They Said-.
"You Can't Raise Corn"
In tba Northwest. Bnt oorn is grown here good ooru, small oobs, deep
kernels, aolid ears and plenty bushels per aura.
Every farmer every live atook owner
every dairyman knows what oorn means;
Whnthnr or not von'know that oorn is a auaoessfol orop io this country
go and fee the results of a campaign for more pork aod tetter pork, mors oet
tle, more dBiries and Bilos, and;better times at tbe
Verva Gross
ter, Miss Tootsie, left Walla WallaJyalse Let te in a flat
ried Io their assistanofVHe found
that the oar had rightety ifaalf, and
tbe yonog lady, unhurt, KasstUl
grasping tbe wbeel in a dazed manner.
Mrs. Keen bad been thrown into tbe
back seat, and teaides having a severe
ly wreno! back, was out and fc-uissd
about tbe face. She was taken to
tbe Stagga home and Mr. Keeu was
telephoned ot tbe aooident He lett
immediately witb Dr. Plamcndon, and
tbe ladies were brought home. , Tba
rar waa badly wraosed, twe ailes be
ing trokeu. aud the windshield and
fenders smashed. It waa brought in
by team.
The wedding of Eugene Sobrimpf
aud Miss Bessie Key oocurred Wednes
day at high noon, at tte borne of tbe
brida north of town, in the presenoe
of immediate relatives, 'numbering
about twenty-four. . Rev. j Payne, of
Weston, officiated, and Miss Eliza
Morrison, of Weston, was bridesmaid.
Mr. Virgil Zerba, stood up wilb the
groom, and tba wedding marcb was
effectively played by Mrs. Zerba. Tbe
tride was attired in wbite crepe de
obiue, and oarried a boquet of bride
roses. A sumptuous wedding dinner
waa served immediately after the cer
emony by Mrs. Key, and tbe yonng
people departed for a short 'honey
moon, aud will piofcably visit tbe
Fair. : Many presents were tendered
the newly weds, who will settle on a
farm north of town, i
School Notes.
Tbe Urst and aeooud year olasses in
German will form a club, Supt.
Gnerne having appointed a oommittee
to draw up a constitution, and it is
expected the organization will be
oompleia next week. It will ber sim
ilar to ''Die Deuteoban Frei Stunden"
wbiob wbs organized by tbe olaes of
Miss Partridge wbile sbe was leaobiog
in tbe Eohool. The committee consists
.of Hazel Sanders, Freshman;' Henry
Koepke, Sophomore; Edna MoAlexan
der, Jnuior, and Tom Oaton, Senior,
A meeting wag held by the High
school student body Monday, Nov. 15,
when the question of this season's bas
ket ball waa discussed. . Snpt. Guetna
read letters received from the Walla
Walla and Pendleton high schools aod
Columbia College. Eaoh of the soboolB
offered a retora game, witb the excep
tion of Pendleton wbo wanted bnt one
game in tbat oity. It wbs decided to
bave tba lettera answered favorably,
fixing tbe datea of tbe games.
Tonight in tha sohool gymnasium,,
a double header game will be played
between the toya' basket ball of Wes
ton and Athena, and the girls' teams
of the same sohoole. This will open
the intersoholasitio sahednle of tbe
aeasou for tbe Weston and Athena
teams. Tbe giila' team baa beau
praotioirig regularly and two good
games are expeoted,
: Mrs. Plamondon Gives Recital.
Tbia afternoon, at ber home on
Fifth street, Mrs. J. D. Plamondon
will give a recital for ber advanoed
pnpils. ' Near tbe UrBt of tba year an
other recital will be given for begiu
nere.. Following fa tba,program: -"Robin
Redbreast" ' - ' Sofailler
Dorothy Koepke '
"Playing in tbe Sunlight" Spanlding
Rope Danoa - - B. Van (iael
Blanohe Goode
"The Merry Bob o-liuk"
- Rnth Jaokson
"Tbe Bonevsnoble" nne-step Johnson
Edmund Potts
"TbaSky-lark" .
"The Fabls" -
Pearl Ramsay
"Miniature Da noes"
Eva Catstens
Satnrday evening for Seattle, wbeiO
. ,,, . . i. . : . l T
aue will enter bun uuNyiiui wuora u
sister, Miss Bena Bergevin, has been
in traiuiog for Ihe past two years,
and will also train for a norse.
The ladiea of the M. E. Aid society
Monday expressed a splendid box ot
flowers to Mi. W. L. Kinney, travel
ing salesman of the Weat Coast Gro
orey Co., who Is ill at bia borne in
Walla Walla. Mr. Kinney has long
been an honorary member of tbe so
ciety, paying regular dnea into its
treasury. .
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay arrived
Tuesday, from Cape Bieton, Canada,
wbete they have disposed of a cousid
reable amount of property including a
large hotel, and will make tbeir home
in the Weat. Mr, McKay baa been in
ill health for aome years, and expects
to benefit by the obange in climate.
Tbey are visiting at the borne of Mrs.
McKay's pareota, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
.Harden. .
A team belonging to Harry Street,
a farmer living beyond Westou, broke
loose from the bitching raok on Third
street Tuesday afternoon and started
for home. Mr. Street, wbo wag near
made a grab for tbe lines tot was
tbrown violently to tha pavement,
atriking bis shoulder and arm on tbe
Walla Walla, December 2-3-4
lnfor motion and Premium List free
upon application to
J. R. Mathers, Ag't Athena, or
R. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla
t?As tb
where tbey parted from tbe wagon
and wera caught about a mile ont of
Tbe Saoond Annual Turkey Shoot
of tha Helix Gun Clnb will be held at
tbat town on next Wednesday, Nov
ember 24, aod bills ara oiroulated ovet
tha country advertising the aveot.
Tha bills state that tbe following will
positively be shot off: Four quarters
of beef; 75 tnrkeys; SO gerae and 60
ducks. Target aod clay pigeon shoot
ing and a grand ties rtarbeoue will be
tba main features of tbe day. Every
body ib iovited to go and take bis fam
ily, fflenty of accommodations for a
big orowd. For further information,
write to E. E. Gels, seoretary of tb
Helix Gnu Olnb. Adv
Aa the result of an antamnbila en-
laat Satnrday morning, Mrs.
PHenrs, Keen is eoDfined to ber borne
in this oity, who several severe bruis
es, a wreuobed back and ia also suffer
ing from nervous shock. Wbile aha
and bar daughter wars driving tbeir
oar to Walla Wala, Miss Zola at tbe
wbeel, tbe front axle save way, and
ibe car turned completely over, oleer
Ing a low rail fenoe by the side df ths
road. Tha aooident happened near
the Emery Stagga borne on Dry ereek.
Jis. Bay worth
Mamie Sheard
"Tbe Hunting Song"
"Ihe Polka"
Oneila Jackson
"Burry-np" .
Charlotte Gtoeb,
- Czerny
E. Sobutt
W. Lege
Funeral of Mrs. Brace.
The funeral of Mrs. Bells Braos,
wbo died Snnday at tbe borne of her
nephew, Will Campbell near Helix,
ooonrred in Athena Tuesday at noon,
The sermon waa preaobed by Rnv. W.
O. Renter in tbe Methodist ohnrch,
and interment waa made ia tbe Athe
na cemetery, the body being laid be
side tbat of ber husband, wbo preced
ed ber several years ago.
. Mrs. Braoe was ill only a week, be
ing taken witb pleuro-pnenmonia.
Sbe leavee two aona and two daugh
ters, George and Will Biaoe of Gib
bon, and Mrs. Lnlu Stott of Endloott,
Wash., aud Mrs. . Olive Sainsburv ot
North Yakima; and one Bister, Mrs.
Fanuia Bennett of Weston all of whom
were present at ibe luuerai. Another
sister, Mrs. Benry Oaplinger, died at
ber home here about three years ago.
Mrs. Brace, whose maiden name
was Belle Duff, waa torn August 28,
1860, in Lexington, Mo. and was mar
ried Nov. 4. 1S7S to William Braoe.
aideot the oonorete gutter qo, Main For many years tba family resided
street and austaining severe brnisesM'nn Wildborae creek above Albena. aud
The learn prooeeded on np tbe road yieceaaed hag left many frienda in (this
oommnoity wbo sympathize witb
relatives in tbeir loss.
i - No Calm Medium.
Thi'i'i? Ik rm nihil mi'illiiiu In a six
teen yi-iir-iilil clrl's vuenunlary. If yuu
are mil iwrreotly irranil you are Insuf
ferably mlloiix '-American Slncnzlnc
10 Cents a Button
aififi a Rip
Looked M Oiir
Cold Weather
Heavy weight mens pants
with the Dutchess guaran
tee, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Boy's all wool makinaws
$3.75 to $6.00. Mens winter suits, $1.95 to $7
Mens Wool Makinaws,- our price now, $5.50
Mens Oregon wool Makinaws, others get $8.50
our price $7.50
"The Quality- Store."
S. K. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Offloe on Third
Street. Athena Oregor
DR. A. B. STiiNE,'
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone. ECU
Offiice one block North of the Bank.
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
and Mr.
Stagga witnessing It, but-
Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing
Machine supplies, Kcpairiug a specialty.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Graduate McKllllp Vetlnary College
Offices! Commercial Btable and Hawks Drug
Htore. fhoaem.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
i. . FBOOME, pbop.
' Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
li the only oue tlml can aooommuditte
riomravv?a1 traveler.
Better Look Out
It Is Coming
old weather e uPn vu tt yu ue
aware of it, and your best pro
tection is one of our Heaters.
Everybody knows of their superior qualities. Our Prices
$2.50 up
Our wife w thoroughly enjoy one of our splen-
szz did new cooking Ranges, made in all
sizes and handsomely" nickled. c411
modern convenieniences go with them, and our price is
$35.00 up
We are giving 5 per cent off for cash
Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon
' rD be leomneudud fur us clean and
welt ventllnted rooms.
a Cob. Mais. akdThikd, ATBi,cir.
New Home Users are Qualitr Choosers.
For Sale By
N. A.MILLKR, Athena. Ore.
1& New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
San Francisco, California.
Foley's Kidney Cure
maket kidney a and bladder riiiht.
Wo o d
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 fcot Fir Wood,.......$5.3J
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, . . . . J. 60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... S.10
Athena - Pendleton Branchea North
ern Pacific Railway.
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
Better Goods For Less
That's what you will find at the Golden Rule
Store. That is the reason this is cAthena's
big' busy store. It's the way" we buy goods
together with modern merchandising meth
ods. Here's wet weather goods at low prices
Genuine Gaberdine sbed rain
alipon ooats whv pay 117.60
to f 20 Oolden Bote prinef 13..
tO and 114.75.
Gnlldrens rsin ooals, 11.08 aod
ta.os. ; ,
Women's Urst qoalltj rubbers,
49o. "
Misses robbers, mhj paj (Oo.onr
pnoa 8Du
litis is great Uoibmlla weather
for sohool obildren, 40o, 69e,
Ladies Umbrellas, steel (rims
and handle, 26-luob size, priced
at 49o, 61)0. 8 So, 11.19, f 1.08
Men's raiuooats, gennina rub
berized oio'tb, prioed at 11.08,
18.90, 19.90.
Men's English Gaberdine Shed
rain uy pay 117.60 to 20.00
Golden Bole prion fl3.r0,
14.78- .
Hen's high top laoe boots yon
oao aava one dollar an every pair
' 11.50, $4.08, 15.90, 0.90.
Boys' high top laoe boota (or wet
weather, 11.08, 13.60, 3.08.
Boya' storm rutbeis, 49o.
Mta' first quality tobbeu, wby
: vay 1 1.00, ont prioa 69o.
' lien's heavy rolled-edge and beel
wby pay $1.86, our prioe 89o.
Meo's lioed Alaska rnbbeis why
pay $1.48, onr price 80a.
You Can Do Tlir nm nril mil P We Leal
Better I HI- U I I hN Kill h Others