The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 12, 1915, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
e. a. ue'irow Dad taaineaa la Pen-
aieioo Wednesday. ,
Mra. Oora Molntyre visited fiienda
io Pot (land last week.
jhuh LiBDta smith is apooding the
week netting Irleada in Spokane.
H. A. Street, a Weaton farmer,
was a visitor in tbe oity Honda;.
Wirt Zoph, tbi oontiaotor, made a
brniuoea tiip to Pendleton Mooday.
It yon want to buy oily property or
fuim lands enquire of Henry Keen.
"Unole John" Oallender observed
Ma 75th birthday anniveraary Tuesday
at tbe St. Niobola hotel, by receiving
ooogratnlalions fiom bis many fiienda.
East Oregonian: " Miss Mildred Fin
nell left ai noon Thnrsday for Port
land in response to a message staling
that ber sister, Mrs. L. M. Nelson,
was qnite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. B. MoAitbor,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Caton and Mr. and
Mrs. George Banister at dinner .last
Mayor Watts has retnrned from i
little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ander
reoent arrivals in Athena from
con, foil on a sidewalk Wednes
day while returning home from school
and seriously cut one of his - knees:
Dr. Sharp took several sti tones in
dressing the lacerated knee.
Walter Lenibke end Ed. Hagley, on
their way to their homes in Portland,
aftor working tbraogh harvest at
Twin Falls, Idaho, stopped over in
Athena and visited Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar MoCready. The for
mer is brother of Mrs. MoUready.
At the Methodist Epieoopal Cbnroh:
He was aoaompanied by bis sister-in-
law Miss Alloa Gaines, who visited
friends In Enonnn.
Many Athena fans will attend, tbe V Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Piokerton oame
mr usee oau game in Pendleton f ove from Milton and visited
Sberlfl Taylor and Deputy Eates
were in tne olty last evening from
Mrs. Delia Wright retnrned the Bret
- ol tbe week from a business visit to
' Pasoo, Wasb. ...
Born, tbis morning, Nov. 13, in
this oity, tu Mr. and Mra. Robert Hay
P'ond, a eon,
A J. M. Swaggart baa good pasture
for stook. Plenty of water. Prices
reasonable. Adv.
Jook Coleman, representing tbe
Nurtbweslern Urauite company, of
Baker, is in town today.
Mr p. George Sbeaid wsa down from
ler home on Weston Mountain, Satur
day, sboppiog in Athena.
For Bale 4n 80-aare ranob, sit
uated south of Athene. For parlio
olars oall at tbis office. Adv.
Homy Stamper, a pioneer resident
of Westou, is reported to be critically
ill trom tbe etteols of diabetes.
For Sale Two lota and six-room
house and barn; piioe $800. Mason
DaardoiB, Athena, Oiegon. Adv.
For Sale A six-room, two aloiy
house; good location ; very low prlee,
terms. H. H. Hill, Athena Adv.
Doroo Jersey Hose. Sorina bnara
and gilts for sale at reasonable priaeaXj
vS. B. Woodward, Adams, Ore. Adv. ITH).
Mr. aad Mrs. W H. Boober oame'l
over from tbeir home near Weston and
spent Sunday with relatives in Athene.
mayor watts nna retnrned from a ",
short visit to Portland BDd Eogene. I Fieonlnj Smbatb morniog
" " " v.vuaug, MuujDUb 1U IUD UtUIUlUff.
"Communion With God." Subject at
night: "Admittiug the Heavenly
Guest." Sabbatb sohool at 10 a. m.
All are invited. Rev. W. C. Renter,
pastor. r
Beginning tomorrow night, a series
of Satnrday nigbtdanoes will be given
at the Atbeua opera bonse. Mnsio
will be furnished by Bennelt'a orobes-
tra, the dances being managed by Mr.
Bennett personally, , while Aiohie
8biok and L. 0. Oatrander will have
obarge of tbe floor.
A letter from John 8tone, who is
farming near Midvale, Idaho, says he
is doing well; Properly farmed, Mr.
Stone says tbe land over there is oapa
ble of piodnoing on an average, 85
bushels of wheat per acre. He ' will
bow 870 acres to wheat thia fall on
summer fallow land.
aud Sunday with their son Lawrence
and wife, on the faim, and with other
relatives in town.
A baby daughter was horn Septem
ber 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Will 3. Prea
ton at tbeir home at Huutingtou
Beaob, Calif. Mr. Preston la a bro
ther of Mrs. J. N. Scott.
A little dangbter of Mr. ar.d Mrs.
J. A. Smith of thia oily was taken to
Walla Walla last week and underwent
a successful surgical operation for
thB removal of adenoids and tonsils. -
Mrs. Homer I. Watts left yesterday
for Eogene, where she will visit
friends. Mrs. Watts will be present
at tbe anuoal Oiegon-O. A. 0. foot
ball game, whioli oaours on the 3otb.
Mrs. Mary Wattenburger, who has
been visiting relatives for several
weeks at Eoho aud otbar points, is ex-
peoted home, to spend the wiuter with
ber daughter, Mrs. Henry Pinkerton.
Dan MaKenaie oame down from his
Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. Royet of Pilot
Rock, have deoided to spend tbe wiu
ter in tbis olty with theit daughter,
Mrs. W, L. Hoyt.
Matt Mosgrove was over from Mil
ton Monday, attending to business
connected with the Masgrove Meroau
tile Co, store in Athena.
The Mothers' Club of Athena will
meet next Fiiday afternoon, Nov. 10
at the borne of Mrs. S. 8. Hutt. Vis
itors are always welcome.
Hear Louis Albeit Banks, in tbe
Sobool Auditorium next Sunday, at
8:00 o'clock. An eloquent speaker on
a National qneetioo, prohibition.
Mrs. Boss Palmer,
identof tbe Rebekab Assembly, visit.
ed Mignonette Lodge In tula city last
evening and a most Interesting session
was held. .
"Pop" Gordon, the well known
band leader, came op from Pendleton
yesterday, on a short visit. Mr. Gor
don baa entirely reoovered bis health.
He will go to the home of his brotbei
at Caldwell, Idaho, for a abort time,
aftor whioh he expeots to go East, to
see bis aged mother.
ila v
borne near Spiingdale, Stevens county liwo carload of bogs were shipped
Wash., this week, and went on W from. Athena Saturday to Portland
Han Frnnniflnn tn uflnnri flia lair Ha 1 A. T..S
expeats to return to Athena, befoie
going borne. '
I. W. Ware, the drnggist is in a
seriooa oondltion as the result of a
severe attack of rheumatism. Ha baa
now been confined to his home for
neaily a month, and bnt little if any
improvement is noted.
H. Mansfield retnrned the fore
parrot the week from Sheridan; Wy
oming, where he delivered a oaiload
of horses to buyers for the British gov
ernment. His stock arrived over tbe
Northern PaoiUo Railway in good oon-v
ition. '
Tbe Bret snow of the season greeted
Atiem folk Toesdav morning. It did
not tarry long, however, aud by night
was gone. In .addition to the snow,
the rainfall of the week has provided
sufSoient moistnre to insure the grain
to grow.
G. 0. Richardson of Adams, was in
tbe oity Tuesday, exhibiting a splendid
line of brooms of his manufacture.
Mr. Riohardsou haa built np quite a
trade in the broom business. Tbis
year he raised fifteen tons of broom
oorn of excellent quality.
J&r-'Byrou Hawks has pnrohased a drug
latere at Astoria, and beginning Mon-
of Baker, pres- dayspf next week, will engage io bus
iness there. He accompanied bis wife
to Spokane Snndav evening, returnep
to Athena Wednesday and left for As
toria Wednesday evening.
Leave nothing undone in 'your Thanksgiving preparations. Al
ways tbe height of tbe good housewife's ambition, tbe Thanksgiving
Feast this year should out-do all previous 'efforts' for we of Amerloa
' and especially of tbe Walla Walla Country oertaiolv bavs abundant
oause for Thankfulness at peaoe and lu the midst of piety, in contrast
with the pitiful conditions of millions in other dimes.
Look through tbe borne room by room, maka a list of tbo bings
needed, then let Davlsk-Kaser's shorten the task of preparation for
here yon will find all requirements every need in good, big liberal
assortment and at ptioes that will aave you mouey. At no previoos
time io our bistorjbae onr proposition as a whole baen so attractive as
right now.
Beginning Monday, Nov. 15
We will give a nioe young oorn fed Turkey free witb eaoh pniohaee of
125.00 nr over, thia in a ddition to many special Tuankegiving bar
gains remaining several bnndred of them at tbistime, though every
day sees tbe last of some of them.
How about a Dining Table ' or Chairs,. a Couob, some Rngs, per
haps someUnrtalus or an Easy Chair. How about some Mnsio a Vio
trula or a Player Piano to help entertain tbe'Company?"
How about a Monaiob Ringe the "Stay Satisfactory Range" or
some Cooking Uteusils a Roaster, perhaps. How about jbe Dinner
ware, the Silverware or Glasjware?
Remember, entisfaotiou goes with every purobaseat Davis-Baser a.
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 10-20 Alder St.
They Said-.
"You Can't Raise Corn"
in the Northwest. Bnt oorn is grown liere good oorn, small ooba, deep
kernels, solid ears and plenty bnsbels per acre.
Every farmer every live slock ownei
every dairyman knows what oorn means.
, Whether or not you'anow that oorn is a successful crop in this ooontry,
go and see the results of a campaign for more pork and tetter pork, more oat
tle, more dairies and silos, andbetter times at tbe .
; Walla Walla, December 2-3-4
lnformotion and Premium List free
' upon application to
J. R. Mathers, Ag't Athena, or
R. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla
A. LASwaggart bad one carload aud
Burt Whitman the other. Io th
latter oar were some very fine bogs
whioh Whitman purobaaed of John
Bell. Joe Hodgson of Weston, also
shipped a oaiload of bogs to Portland.
Two all alar teams, one fiom tbe
National league aud one from the
American, will play an exhibition
game at Pendleton, tomorrow after
noon. - A "baby" Ronndnp stunt will
be given for tbe entertainment of tbe
big league players, Buffalo Vernon
being tbe principal stunt maker iu
the arena. " ' .
r-AJfred Pambrun had a narrow es-
when a pet deer attacked him.' Only
by rare presence of mind did the toy
prevent the bnofc from tearing him
witb its horns. Bill Wjod, wbo is
employed at tbe Pambron rauoh, and
a ahepberd dog, came to Alfred's as
sistance barely in tima to save him.
Athena people were delighted for
four evenings tbis week with tbe sing
ing of the GilHlen-Hatlej quartet of
yoong ladies, who aooompauy Otbo H.
Wililamaio bis lecturing toor iu the
interest of the Eugene Bible Univer
sity. The young ladies are students
oft be University, tbeir homes being
at Bellingham, Wash. ,
Vin Moore ami his popular company
of players will be in Athena next Sun
day night, in an entirely new comedy
entitled "He Comes Up Smiling."
Tinkets at Dell's, piioes 60 oenta for
adults, 35 oenta for children, Thia is
promised to. ta.-the best, oomedy the
company baa ever preseuted iere, and
will doobtless meet witb a full bouse.
Mr. and Mis. J. F. Thompson oame
over from tbe ranob nod spent a non
pie of days in Atbeua. returning borne
in tbeir Ford by way of Pendleton.
Mr. Tbompson has atnok with the oat
tle bnsiness nutil bn is on "easy
street," having also provided homes
for bis three children all of whom
are mariied, and bave settled down
olose to tbe parental home.
A Pendhton tasket ball team com
posed principally of ex-University of
Oregon plavers, baa beeo arranged
witb ty Irwiu Brooks, who is coach
ing tbe Athena High sobool team, to
come up tonight and play tbe looal
team a praolioo game in tbe sobool
gymnasium. This is deemed advisable
for tbe good of the looal youngsters,
wbo bave had very little praotice ao
far. . .
According to tbe East Oregonian,
plans are being drawn by an Aber
deen, Wast., arobiteot for a three
story hotel, thirty oottages, a natt
toiium and a dunning pavilion to be
built by W, H. MaCormaob at Leh
man Springs, BO mile from Pendleton,
at a oost of (76,000. It is said tbe
lumber for the purpose will be man
ufactured on tbe land near the resort,
and that work will start as soon as
possible in the spring,
Thomas Booher of this oity and Mies
Roth Snyder, daughter of Mr. aud
Mrs. Charles Snyder of Weston Moun
tain, were united in marriage at the
home of tbe bride's parents Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, tbe Bov. Mr.
Good being tbe officiating minister.
The ceremony was witnessed by forty
Hva relatives and friends of tbe con
tracting parties. Ihe bride and gioom
were the recipient of many bountiful
and nsefnl wedding presents.
Tbe danne at tb opera house' to
morrow nigbt will te given as a ben
efit to "Pop" Gordou, the well known
musician. An orobeBtra ol eight
pieces will fnrnisb the mnsio, tbe looal
muoiaiana bating donated tbeir set
pioes. Mr. Gordon will be beard on
jhe violin, of wbiob be is a recog
nized master. It is desired that as
many as possible attend tbe danoe on
vbis oocaaion, and contribute tbeir
mite to assist Mr. Gordon, wbo bas
reoently reoovered from a saiioos ill
neas. .
Pendleton pspeia announce that the
1915 Ronndnp direatnrl were nnan
imooslv re-eleuted to serve io tbe 1916
show, as follows: T. D. Taylor, pretr
fdent; B. W. Ritner, vice president
and bnsiness manager; Charles H.
Marsh, secretary; L. U. Ftazier, di
rector oi gionnds; Boy T. Bishop, di
rector of Indians; Sam B. Thompson,
diieotor of livestock ; F. W. Eari, di
rector of rion-oompetiliva events; H,
W. Collins, diraotor of exhibition;
Dean Tatom, director of accommoda
tions aud Claud Penland, director of
parade. A successor to J. W. Watson,
removed, will be selected by tbe directors.
Tbe regnlar monthly Sunshine meet
ing was well attended at the borne of
Mrs. Fred Gross, Thursday, Nov. 1.
Fourteen members were present, aod
ten visitois, namely: Mrs. Laura
Woodward and Miss Eva Woodward
of Walla Walla; Mrs. Inez F. Newell
of Newpoit, New Hampshire; Mrs.
Lonis Keen end Mrs. J. V. Mitoliell of
Freewater; Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Heniy
Keen, Mrs. George Gross, Mrs. Ed.
Barton and Mrs. George Gerkiug of
Athena. Refreshments were served
ty the hostess at 8.30. A very enjoy
able afternoon was spent by tbe ladies.
The four -county teachers' Institute
will convene in Pendleton next Wed
nesday, November 17 and oootinne for
tbres days, ending Fiiday evening, '
The oonnties repreeented will be:
Morrow, Wbeeler, Gilliam and Uma
tilla. The railroads have granted
round trip lates of a fare and a third
and bave promised to provide extra
equipment to handle properly the trav
eling teaohers. Prominent iuslruotors
will be present and a splendid progi am
is promised by County Supt. I. E,
Young. Ail suhools in tbe oouoty
will be dismissed for next Wednesday,
Tborsday aud Friday.''
School Notes.
Last -week the High Sohool roeelved
tbe auuonla for tbe past year from the
Oregon Agrionltnral College and tbe
University of Orcgun. '"The 0 ange,"
of 0. A, C, contaioa tbe names and
piotnres of the faonlty aod students,
also tbe course of study etc. Atbeoa
In past years has fceert represented at
this college, hut bas no' repesentation
there at present. "Tbe Oregon," from
tbe Uuiversitv. contaioa' the names
aud piotnres of the students, among
uem a number of Atbena high soliojl
raduatee, v . "
iBat week the boys and girls Higb
obool basket tall teams received a
challenge, from Weaton High for a
double header game here on Friday
night, November 19. The challenge
was anawered by Supt. Gnerne, who
raplied that tbe boys would accept,
tut ou aooount of insufficient praolioe
on the part of tbe girls' team, that
challenge will not be answered nutil
next Monday, Nov. IS. , -.. ,
Tbe enteitainment given by the
California Jubilee quartet last Friday
eveuing in the school auditorium, was
very well attended. ' One of the fea
tures of tbe program was its pleasing
variety and the perfeot harmony of
the voices. The High sobool made
enough to pay expenses, besides a
small balance whiob will be put in
be treasury.
s tbe result of recent iiorohases by
theNBoard of Direotora, the High
sohooT is the recipient of a first class
compound miorosoope sod eaoh room
in ihe sohool bas been fornisbed wllb
newly patented penoil sharpeners. Tbe
miorosoope Is the most valuable piece
of soienoe laboratory apparatus the
High Bobool bag reoeived in some time,
and the penoil sharpeners are especial
ly valuable to tbe lower grades.
' Superintendent 0. A. Gnerue bas
submitted the following report as a
summary of tbe school attendance for
tbe past month ;
No. of pupils at end of month - 178
Whole No. daye'altendanoe - 8468
Whole No. days' abseuoe - 82
Whole No. times late - - . 6
No. pupils neither atsent nor late 146
Per cent ot attendance -. v , , : .t a(
No. visila by parents - - IE
- Tbe room having the best attend
once for the month was that of
Miss Bderly, with a per oent of atien
danoe uf 99.6. Tbe second was Miss
Porsifull's room, with a pel aenlage
of 09.4.
To Patents: Every obild 'wbo has
been neither absent nor tardy and wbo
bas been exaBllent io deportment and
scholarship should have bis or ber
name in the Roll of Honor. If it dees
nut appear there this month every par-'
ent should see (o it that it does the
next, Of oourse, absenoe because of
illness and mental deficiency are the
only legal exouses. Now, If your
obild bas been neiiber absent nor tar
dy and la not mentally deficient bis
name should appear io the paper this
month. H it does not joa may boow
tbat it is due either to non-application
to hia work or to misbehavior.
Couucll Proceedings.
At the regular meeting of the City
noil, Zopb Broa. were given the
privilege of nsiog SO feet of Main
street in front of Zerta's garage, iu
doing ooustruotion work ou the new
City Treasurer Zerfca repdnred a re
port showing a balance of oash on
hand ot $1,745.04.
The mootbly report of the Recorder
abowed fines assessed iu the sum of
47.50 for the month of October and
oity pound money reoeived in tbe sum
of $.60.
An ordlnanoe levying a 15-mill tax
waa passady Bills were audited and
allowed aTo4Jpws:
S. 0. Stone, Ootober salary, 86,00
W. E. Dobaon, " '.' .- . 76.00
B. B. Riohardi, " " 27.00
Mill Co.. light ' - . - 66.00
" " powor for pumping lito.oo
Foss-Winaliip Co, supplies - 9.65
A. B. Steele ',' , - 2.68
M. Kelly, labor T - - 8.76
J. F. Wright, borsa board 11.00
Dell Bros, supplies - - .86
Chas. Coomana, shop work . - 2.76
Weie's Pharmacy, stationery, - 8.30
S. O. Stone, 6 faree to Pendleton, 8.76
B. B. Kiobards, Oat. fees, ' 7.60
Needles, Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing
Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.
New Home Users are Quality" Choosers.
For Sale By
N. A.MILLKR. Athena. Greg.
tSe New Home Sewing Machine Comp'y
San Francisco, California.
f - , m
I r
, , .;
10 Cents a Button
$122 a Rip
Looked At Onir
Cold Weather
Heavy weight mens pants
, with the Dutchess guaran
tee, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Boy's all . wool makinaws
$3.75 to $6.00. Mens winter suits, $1.95 to $7
Mens Wool Makinaws, our price now, $5.50
Mens Oregon wool Makinaws, others get $8.50
our price $7.50
"The Quality- Store." .
In the Great 3-Ait Comedy
Special Scenery. cTWusic
by Moore's Symphony
Seats at Dells. Prices 50-25
Better Look Out
It Is Coming
old Weather wil1 be uPn yu before you are
in I, aware of it, and your best pro
tection is one of our Heaters
Everybody knows of their superior qualities. Our Prices
i. J. FROOMB, prop.
Only First-class Hotel In
the City.
li ma only one trial can aocominodai
norom.'clai tmTeler. .
f.'an bi leonmeDdfcfi ror lift cleaD and
veil finr.Hctfiri rooma.
Tour wife thoroughly enjoy one of our splen-
JL did new cooking Ranges, made in all
sizes and handsomely nickled. cAU !
modern convenieniences go with them, and our price is
$35.00 up
We are giving 5 per cent off for cash
Athena, CHARLES KIRK, Oregon
Foley's Kidney Cure
make kidneys and bUdJer right.
in Carload Lots
Caacada 4 f.ot Fir Wood, $5.35
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, .... 5.60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wo 3d, .... S.10
F. 0. B.
Atbena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington,
Better Goods For Less
That's what you will find at the Golden Rule
Store. That is the reason this is Athena's
big' busy store. It's the way we buy goods
together with modern merchandising meth
ods. Here's wet weather goods at low prices
B A T? MR p !?A LVE
t' ntctt henlins jalva In the world.
Ueanioa Gaberdine abed-rain
slip on ooata whr pay tn.CO
to 30 Uoldea Rale prlab 13..
ISO and 111.76.
Cbiliireoi ralo coala, $1.98 and
MM. . - ' V
Women's Ural quality inbbera,
4i. "...
Misaea rnbliers, wbj ony fiOo.onr
pilna 89a :
Tills la great Umbrella weather
for aufaool children, 49o, H9o,
Ladies Uuhrellaa, aleel frima
and handle, Sd-iuob tize, prioed
at 4Uo, eOo, 98o, ll.ll), 11.98
Men's raluooata, geunlna rat-
berlzed cloth, prleed at 11.99,
H. 90, (9.90.
Men'a English Gaberdine Shed
rain hy pay 117.60 to 30.00
(iolden Role price (13.C0,
Men's bigh top lnoe boots yon
nan aave one dollar nn every pair
$4.60,14.08,15.90, 10.90.
Boya' high top laoa boots for wet
weather, (1.98, $9.89, $3.98,
Boya' storm mtbeis, 40c.
Men's Brat qnulity tnbbers, why
pay $1.00, oar price 69a.
Men's heavy rolled-edge aod heel
why pay $1.35. onr prioe 890.
Men's Hoed Alaska robbers why
pay $1.49, oar price 89o.