t AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd. Publisher ' Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered In the Fnatofflce at Atbena, Oregon as ecouai;iaus ai&u Matter. A Mulligan Stew ' Subscription Rates. One copy, one year;.. $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months. ,50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch.. .... 25c Subsequent insertions U M Display regular, per inch.. 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA, ORE. OCT. 8 .1915 A book has been widely oironlated throughout the Japanese empire oil onlated (o Inflame the passions of the little tro'wn men against the people of the United States and pave the nay tot the waging of a oonrjneriog war against this oouotry. It is said to le creating wild and deadly enthusiasm throughout the empire. The United States is piotoxed as a nation of money grasping weaklings, inoapable of self defense, a people devoid of national piide or honor, a notion the conquer ing of whiota.would te but idle pas time for the fanatical hordes of the mikado. The took desoribes in detail the methods of an. alliance with Mex ico, the destruction of the Panama oanal and a simnltaneous invasion of this oonutry from (be sea shores and across tbe Bio Grande. This book is not altogether tbe fantaatio creation of an idle brain. Though ildionlonsly overdrawn and warped from all sem blanoe of troth, designedly so to in flame tbe musses, oandor compels ns to admit that foreign conntries have oome to look on na as a nation of monoy grabbers, with little patriotism and praotioally without means of self defense. ' There are approximately 1200 towns and oities in tbe United Slates depen dent upon the national forests for the onroe of tbelr water supply, and . Oregon bas a large ehare of them. Yet there Is a continual movement on foot to turn over Oregon forests to tbe greedy ax and saw of tbe lumber barons without restriction, nnder cov er of "8tat control." Tbe same bowl relative to state oontrol of water power is raised by the same orowd, Tbe past record of Oregon's adminis tration and distribution of State lands . is not in the leaBt enviable in com parison with the federal government's ndmiubj,ltnn mid oontrol of poblio lauds. , By the same token, measured by past expel ienoes, it would appear sifer to have tbe foderal government continue iu oontrol of foiests nod power sites Congress, rutber thun stale legislatures packod with Tom Dick and Hutry, olose and iutimate friends of the timber aad power site "grabbers." I say tbe '"Bnlldogger" oolyum In tbe E. O. is a dog-gone bully effort spioy kernels of pungent wisdom ettes, so to speak, bursting forth from fionndup burg. It's spot with me. I Man proposes, woman supposes, and Mulligan exposes. '. ': I suppose it's all a matter of senti Ment or no senti-Ment. But I can re collect (and so can some of tbe reit of yon ginks) when little kidlet trees on Main street were proteoted ty boxed- in enclosures and everybody in town held a cussing bee when some thought less ranober tied his team np to them, Now it's different. Tbe trees, after growing to manhood and womanhood, many sprouting the sere and yellow leaf, have been abolished by ax and saw. All of which leads me to remark that sometimes the way of tbe village is not in keeping with tbe ways of tbe metropolis. "The most conspicuous decorations of lbs average ball room aie tbe wall flowers." Humph I From what I hear tbe speedDemoos say, tbe metropolis "over the hill nobly deserves tbe ostrBOlzation she receives from railway maps, But. That's only one aide of the question, On tbe other, the vital right of the municipality of Weston to originate, regulate and perpetuate tbe speed lim it oi tbe buzz ooaohes through ber thoroughfares, continues to be em pnasizea ny tacking a U5 line on speed burners just as often as tbey are disposed to burn speed. No favorites played, either. A bnngry dog camps on tbe trail of a juicy bone, and Europe is tbe don ana America is tne none. Tbe war sitnation np to datei Mi- pqwhrt big,? M;.sd :lkzs e2j&; z Inidf gyb nire nytoftl And that's about all anytody knows about it, or hj it ever started. believe John Stanton oould tell yon good bear story, If you'd stiike him lust light. Mr. Stauton returned reoeutly from a hunting expedition np BostouOanyonway, U. H. Selfrlde, orstwhilo Amerioau citizen and now a London merchant, nrges tbe United States to "get Into the war aud help thn allies." And the Tontons wonld like ns to get into tbe war and help them. And not one of them would itrutob a linger to belp us when our time ci mos not even Selfrldge, erstwhile Amerloan oitlzeo A fen weeks ago the orj was for to rain. At prtsent tbe geneial supplies tion is for moisture. Let us hope that old Jnpe will uot turn ns down; should he do so, we will have a helluva long dry spell. A writer ouoe said that tbe best way to remember a thing is to wilte It oo a piece of paper, roll I be paper np into a ball, and put it In vonr pocket with your loose obuiige. It will do tbe rest. i . j witn toe removal or the (en is- malning trees on Main street, the re nit will be leas shade, but approx imately mora light In business bouses, Dr. E. E. Ferguson Suicides. Dr. E. E. Ferguson, hrotber of W. B, Ferguson of this city, oommltled, suicide Wednesday afteiuoou et bis farm boms bear iiood Giver. Domes tlo trouble is assigned as ibe oauss of tbe deed. Dr. Fersnson was for a long time a successful pbyslcian nod surgeon ac Tba Duller, bis wife who Is also a phyeloiau, belug associated with blm. Reoeutly Dr. and iUr. Ferguson wen rsruanied. after he had obtained a divorce, and it is said that auotbrr dlvoioe suit was pendiug. He left a note, the oonteuls of which were not divulged by tbe coroner. Ons daughter is the issue of the maniage. Wo od in Carload Lots Cascade 4 f.ot Fir Wood, $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.10 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches Nonh. ern Pacilic Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS. Postolfice, n Bdgewater, Washington. EASED HIS CONSCIENCE. . An Inoidant Showing a Queer Phase of Russian Character. TUe linssliiu clinriictur Oils hi It souiotblug very bttiutltiil-soiiivtlilng childlike." wrote the I'rlucitu Truuiiet eliol (A niello Hires) from I'otrogind to Richmond friend. "A happening In IVtrugnid brings out tlio Russian iliiiniiUir well "A young Mouleiuuu. rather flushed And Incoherent with cliuintuiguu, drove up to tlie oponi, mid, us he Ui-sccmluil, a wretched begun r whined out the usual petition for alms. "T ha nobleman looked 11 1 the ragged and filthy beggar; then he laughed foolishly, dropped a siller ruble In the gutter and said: "'There. Tick Hint mil Willi your tc-ctli and yini run have It. , "The beggar gave Hie 1111M1 mau a timings look, a strange, reproachful look which did mil ink 11 rerlum dig nlty 'I'lioii. without 11 word, lie went down on nil tons anil drew the coin from the rinil water anil mire with lil I will ' The ,1'iiiiiir iioiiiemnii lima out a II ft v ruble imtti " Wir.v strike me In Hie lin e, lie alrt iWrlke ine anil I'll give i-ii Mils "I'Iih iieguai struck nun a u,,mi vlg erinm blow "Then the yniuiu nnh mini m eun iX'h'liee MllMI.il ill lie ;i. II cavu Him beL'irai the irmiiieil lew inl nun mir rleil 111I11 1 tie u,ein I'liiniiu 111s hurt rlleelt tellrtirlj Willi MIX lliiliilkelehlef " Hurt a lii Kk press SIKH SOLDIERS.- SUMMONS. In the Cirrnit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. . Helen Hamilton Kielfer, Plaintiff; vs. De Walt F. Kieffer, Defendant. To De Walt F. Kielfer, defendant herein: k In tbe naame of tbe State of Ore gon, yon are hereby requited to ap pearand answer tbe complaint filed Bgainst yon in tbe above entitled suit within six weeks of ths date of tbe first publication of tbis summons, to wit: Friday, Ootober 29, 1915; and yon will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint or otherwise plead thereto witbin said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed lor and demanded in her com plaint'on bill herein, namely for a de cree of the Court forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing Between the plaintiff and defendant, and for snob other relief as the Court may deem proper. Tbis summons la published pursuant to an order of Hon. Uilbert W. Fbelps, Jndgeof tbe Sixth Judicial District of the Slate of Oregon, dnly made and led In tbe matter herein- on Septem ber 9th, 1(115. The Brst publication hereof is made on Friday, Sept. 17, 1918, and tbe last publication will be made on Friday, Oct. 29, 1015, said publication to be ib tbe Athena Frees, a newspaper published at Atbena, Umatilla County, Oregoo, "w:HomerI. Watts, Attorney for Plaintiff. Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and dajr. trills promptly answered. Office on Third Btret. Athena Oresor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, 601 Notice of Final Account., In tbe County Court of tbe State of. Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of the Estate of Toktl, an Indian woman, deoeased: JSotioe is beieby given to all persons whom It may oonoein tbat Leo Samp son, administrator with tbe will an nexed of tbe estate of Toktl, an Indian woman, deoeased, bas Hied bis final account and report in the administra tion of tbe estate; tbst the Oonnty Judge, by order dnly made and enter ed, has appointed Monday the lSlb day of October, A. D., 1916, at the faonr of ten o'clock in tbe forenoon as the lime and the county nourt bouse at Pendleton, Oiegoo, as tbe plaoe where objections to tbe said final aooonnt and report will be heard and the settle ment thereof made. Dated this tbe 1.1th day of Septem ber, A, D., 1915. Leo Sampson, Will M. Peterson, Admr. 0. t. a. Attorney for Adm'r. Seme ot Them Are Trained to War Al most From Babyhood. One may often see 111 the Kuu'llah llnstrnted periodicals iiiitiiLTiiihs ol tiny siililiers about aevvn or elglu yenra old gravely saluting elderly dMIcers These diminutive warriors are im.v re cruits huldlnii regular and ilk-niiied Place In tile Milium ariuy. Km h siKh regliueiil Is allowed twelve u these little t'hnpa, who are trained almost fiiim baliylioinl I hi'.v are each paid 8 rupees and s mums a month and at the age of sixteen enter the regular army Tlie Sikh soldiers lire 11 most interest lug and remarkable part of the Itiltlsh army In India Their condui t In frou tier engagement has distinguished them na brave, steady and devoted to their English nlllcers. Yet iibnui titty years ngo these well ordered suldlera were fanatical snvagea, who lu their mad uprisings slums the power of Great Hrltnln (Hue romincreil they accepted British rule nnd were trained aud disciplined Into n well eqiilpiHHl army of 30.000 soldiers They formed part of the force that subdued the inu- liny. The flodson's horse troops, which neiica enpture lielhl. were ruiiinmerl of Sikhs whose devoted service to their lender made them famous Their scarlet sashes and turbnna gained them the name of "Plaailinjoa " 1 heir descendants are 110 less deter mined lighters and stanch soldiers - Chicago Herald. The Yaws. Oil tho west coast of Africa the La thes c all tho lasplicny 11 yuw. It hap pous Hint one of tho pleasing diseases that tome out from that (ltiaitcr of the globe Is cliiiiactcrtiied by dusky rod spots that appeal' on the body and eoou grow Into ulcers about the size and looks of the raspberry. So this disease is called the yaws It is contagious and downright disagreeable. Whllo sailors bring it ImcU with them to Ihtir own discomfort mid the disgust of tboso nt home. Vans prevails also iu tlitt FIJI Island. uml In Samoa, but In tlicstt two places 1 'ilMiiu mainly nro minckcd, aud t!ie latlvos leg.v.l tho dlsecso l.i tl!.. !,a:.:i. x'.a ns flvlliied pcrsuui I.i:iU i.t i:i..i.-.b.inbiist cer tuluty t liive is.: 1:10 rtwuer over Will the .v:;v Executrix' Notice to Creditors. In tbe Conuty Court ot Ibe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of William Tompkins, deceased: Notice Is berebv given, that the nndersignsd has been dnly and regu larly appointed exeontrix of the es tate of William Tompkins, deoeased. by tbe Judge of the above entitled Conrt, and baa qualified as suoh. All persona having olaims against said estate ate hereby ootifled and requested to present said olaims, with pioper vouchers to me at Atbena, umaiuia uounty, uiegon, or to my attorney, S. A, Newberry, at bis office rooms la 20 Smith-Crawford Build ing in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, witbin six months from the date hereof. Dated tbis 10th day of Sept., 1'JdB. Mary Tompkins, Executrix. DR. J. G. McMATII Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon Si Dentist Graduate McKilllp.Vetinary college Ofllcesi Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug Store, fhoue 435. Tsue Fas nioanei SUMMONS. In the Jnstiae Court for tbe District ot Atbena, Umatilla County, Oieg. Lillie Miller, Plaintiff, VI. Joe MaClellan, Defendant. To Joe MoClellan, the atove named Defendant: Iu tbe name of the Stale of Oregon, yon are bereby required to appear and answer the complaint Hied against yoo In tbe above entitled snit witbin six weeks of tbe date of the Hist publica tion of this summons, on or before tbe )9th day of November, 1916, And you will tabs notice tbat if yon fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead witbiu said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed for and demanded lu plslutill's said oomplaiut to-wtt: Hot f 76.00 with interest there on at the rate i t V per oent per annum irom the tlist day ot September. 1916 until paid and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements ot this action, Tbis Salomons is published pursuant to an order of Bon. 13. B, Richards, Judge of tbe nbove eotitled Couit, duly made aud Hied on the 27th day of September, 11115; and tbe Urst pct lioulion of this summons will be made In tbe Allieua Press, a newspaper nub lisbed at Atueua, in Umatilla County, uregon, 00 Friday the 8th day of Oo tober, 1 111 IT, and the last publication will be made on Filday, November llltb, 1916. Lillie Miller, Plaintiff, For Sale A six-room, two story bouse; good location; very low prioe, terms, li. rJ. mil, Athens. Adv. For Sale. Jrsiu and stock farm 708 acies, 220 under plow, 100 summer-fallow, 10 allalfa, 6 orchard. 2:10 uroie oau be cultivated aud 8S pasture, house, baru, outhouses, good well, windmill, water piped to bonse aud barn lot, 20 horses and colls, 8 oows, rigs, obiekene aud lata implements Inolud ad. Soil an asb loam, Kailioad sid ing ou lbs plaoe; 8 miles to town; rural delivery ; good oounty road and in tbe wheat belt in Whitman county, wasn, Piloe f'JS per acie, one-tblrd oash, balauoe on time. Write Owner, care Atbena Press, Athena, Mrs. Aiobie A. Shiok will give lea- sous In piano and voice, at ber resi deuue, Adams street, between Fonttli and Fifth. Prices ressonable, satis faction guaranteed. Adv. If you waut to buy city property or fuim lauds ruquiie of Urnry Keen. Adv. For Sale Two lots and sis-room bouse aud baru; pi ice filOO. Mason Uestdottl, Atbaoa, Oieaon. Adv. CL. J. L. BALDWIN The well Known Auctioneer will make Sales anywhere in Umatilla County. Phone, 1457; Residence, 1007 West Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash, or book Datea with J. F. Wright, Athena Foley's Kidney Cure makes kldatys and bladJer rtslit. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law ... Athena, Oregon. THE BUCK SHELL" THE SPORTSMAN'S FAVORITE woman "She Looketh Well to the of Her Ways Household" C Foss-Winship Hardware Co. Necessity required the woman of olden days to watch every penny in the conducting of the household and supplying it with its requirements. cTWoney was not as plentiful in those days, nor did she enjoy the ad vantage of being able to procure nearly" everything needed for the house, all made up and ready to use. This is a good thought to bear in mind in these times of plenty and this is a good store to come to in order to learn what real economy means in buying. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 California YOUR HARVEST DOLLARS will buy more qood, clean 'lumber now, thin in ten years! B uy Now and save money. We'fl supply the plans free. cAnd "TUM-A-LUMBER" is "Buy word" for good lumber "SEE JOHNSON ABOUT IT." DIRECT ROUTE THROUGH 1HE COLUMBIA RIVER Al.,? 90RGB. , PORTLAND 'OCEAN LINER dr ' SHASTA ROUTE , RAIL SERVICE to SAN ERANCISCO . STEAMSHIP COAST LINE or ORANGE GROVES RAIL TRIP to SAN DIEGO LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES DIVERSE ROUTES . BOTH WAYS IP DESIRED ' ' FARES: San Francisco $35.95 Both Exposition? i $57.95 THTSvar has VielH more of interest, of wonder, ? of beauty, , of pleasure, than ever before pos sibly ever again. The world-famous Expositions si the LmChtkrhPthn bestlspringatYBthe cost V t'sW-iHit SI NOflAMMOCKK'j NO SAGGING ) BAGGING ) DRAGGING NO PITCHING mmmMA are now at the best' The opportunity to visit them is rear ing its end-go now Make all arrangements with J. R. Mathers, Ag't. Athena. R. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla. Wash. Walla OREGON -WASHINGTON UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Absolutely bticr Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Powder BOYAl BAK1TW POWOPH CO. , HEW YORK. MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET MEAT PRICES ARE REDUCED Fore quarters Beef . . . o0 Poik bj Iba side. - . sun Front qoarlec Pork, head on 1e Boil meats. Pork steak ' Sngar Cnred Uaoop Laid by 6-lb pail, Lard bj 10 lb pail, 8 to 19o ISjitoISo - 17 to 18o - - 65o fi.ae READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon A. C. CARPENTER THE UP-TO-DATE JEWELER Dealer in Precious Stones, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Irilverwear NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA, ORE