The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 08, 1915, Image 1

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The other fellow may have; what you
have the other fellow may want. Come
together by advertising in the Press. '
Is every day with the Merchant who
advertises in the Press he has some
thing to self and says so. , ,
Buy Your Groceries From Your Home Grocer
Radio Phone Proven Success by
II. S. Navy Department.
Conversation Is Carried On Between
Washington, D, C, and Naval
Station at Mare Island.
Washington, D. C. Wireless tele
phone communication across the conti
nent was accomplished .for the first
time Thursday, when experiments ex
tending over several months culmi
nated in successful transmissions of
the human voice by radio from the
' great naval plant at Arlington, Va.,
to the station at Hare Island,' Cat
2500 miles away. , v
The experiments were conducted un
der direction of Captain Bullard, chief
of the naw's radio service, in co-oper
ation with the American Telephone &
Telegraph company and the Western
Electric company. -
Secretary Daniels, in announcing
the report, predicted that further de
velopment of wireless telephony would
make great changes in long distance
communication both for military and
navv service and commercial usage.
Successful operation of a device for
automatically transferring to the radio
telephone conversations originating on
9 i
The eleven-year-old Crown Prince
Humbert of Italy, while visiting the
king at the laonzo front, made his way
along several miles of the Italian
trenches' and tent the following tele
gram to his .'grandmother Queen
Margherita: "I am on Austrian terri
tory. I assisted In an artillery engage
ment this afternoon."
tattaps rv;nd'o7he; "vest pocket" wireless set is
officials of the American Telephone at
Telegraph company at New York
talked easily with the Mare Island
station over an ordinary metallic line
to Arlington and thence - by radio
across the continent,
"The fact that the voices can be
started on a land wire and automatical
ly transmitted to a voice radio-trans
mitter," said Secretary Daniels,
"holds out hope that persons
readily could be put In touch by tele
phone with others at sea through some
central transmitting station. .
The Navy department's formal an
nouncement in part followes:
"Secretary Daniels is pleased to
announce the successful outcome of ex
periments which have been carried on
for the last few months by the Amer
ican Telephone & Telegraph company
and Western Electric company in co
operation with the radio stations under
the jurisdiction of the Navy depart
ment, by which long-uistance wireless
Bedford Hills, N.,Y. A compact
and efficient wireless receiving and
sending apparatus, invented recently
by Dr. H. Barringer Cox, of this place,
is to be lent to one of the foreign pow-
i.i.Ji e" for use in the trenches, according
to announcement of the inventor.
The device, which may be strapped
around the waist and deftly hidden by
the folds of a cloak so as to be invis
ible to an unsuspecting person, is in
reality a "vest-pocket" -wireless, ap
paratus, as complete as any.
The sending apparatus consists of a
box in which are five dry cells ana a
vibrator. The electric pulsations are
started by tapping a telegraph key,
and the current, which the doctor says
is modified with j. Jjidden transformer
telephony has been made possible."
Lottery Game Dies Natural
Death In San Francisco
of bis own invention, sends out its
messages in waves, long and short.
The equivalent to a half watt, or one
eightieth as much as is required for
the ordinary electric light bulb iB the
amount of electricity necessary. From
the box protects a wire.
Ran Frnm-tHM .Persons in all walks In warfare use this wire is carried
of life had their last chance Thursday down the leg of the soldier and con
n nartiiMnnta in the S20.000 capital nected with a metal plate or spur in
prize in Ban Uraneisco lotteries, me snoe. me receiving uuu......
That nr. formal order sent out consists of a drum aoout wnicn is
by the police. It was tacitly under- coil of wires, un top or. tnis is a nne
stood by the seven lottery companies, deflector. It has a pair of ear-pieces
New Coal Era Is Seen.
Eugene The completion of the Wil
lamette-Pacific railroad from Coos Bay
to Eugene will change the character of
fuel burned in the Willamette valley,
is the opinion of Judge John S. Coke,
of Marshfield, who arrived here to pre
side in Circuit court caseB in which
Judge 6. F. Skipworth is disqualified
by reason of previous association or
personal interest.
It will be possible' to snip coai to
Eugene to be sold cheaper than wood
when mining development now under
way. is completed and the new branch
line of the Southern facitic is in
operation between the coal fields and
this citv. he said.
Judge Coke declares that the South
ern Pacific and other interests are
preparing to open mines - on a large
scale. At the Beaver Hill mine, owned
by the railroad, a depth of 32,000 feet
on a 32-degree slope has been reacnea,
he announced.
Judge Coke sees a wonderful future
for his home county.
"With onlv water transportation,
excepting the recently constructed
timber road, a community of 10,000
people has grown - up around Marsh-
field," he stated. -"We have the har
bor, timber, coal, and dairying, an un
usual combination of resources.
, "Harbor improvement, at Coos Bay,
representing the investment of f 700,
000. has . lust been completed. The
district raised $600,000 by bonding,
and about $100,000 was contributed by
private subscription. We now have 31
feet of water inside the harbor at or
dinary high tide and 36 feet of water
the bar at ordinary high tide."
Banks Report Gains.
Salem Rapid growth of business
during the past two months and an
early return to normal conditions are
indicated in the report ol superintend
ent of Banks Sargent, showing the
condition of banks in Oregon at the
close of business September 2 last. In
the combined statement of the 176
state banks and 88 national banks in
the state comparisons with correspond
ing figures of- a year ago point to a
general financial improvement.
Although the total demand deposits
of all banks in the state, including bal
ances due to other banks, show a de
crease of S6.212.476.65 for the year.
there has been a steady increase dur
ing the last three months. . The state
ment iust issued shows a gain r i.
813,538.12, since the statement
June 23 last.
Time and savings deposits continue
to grow and now reach a grand total
of $37,620,873.17. an increase of S2,-
379.672.88 since the statement of
September a year ago.
Rediscounts with the federal re
serve bank amount to i4u,sio.u,
having increased only $36,625.67 since
the June call. Other rediscounts and
bills payable are unusually high at this
time of the year, amounting to $2,-
533,430.80. According to Superin
tendent Sargent, this is because farm
ers apparently are holding their crops
for higher prices.
The national banks of the state now
have an investment of $461,788 34 in
the stock of the Federal Reserve
bank, and are carrying recerve bal
ances with that institution amount
ing to $1,454,609.41.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth;
as the result of an "order in council"
issued by the Police commission, that
"the game" was off at least for a
The police iudge fined a negro whom
a patrolman arrested with lottery tick
ets in his possession. The prisoner
said he would have to beg or steal now
that his occupation of selling lottery
tickets was taken from him. It was
admitted that the ousting of the lot
teries will cut off in fines accruing to
the city treasury thousands of dollars
a month.
It is also asserted that the death of
fha rama 'would throw upon the citv
O" - - - . - I . . ...
4000 indigents, men and women who holiday, in order to give tneir over-
such as is worn by telephone operators,
Dr. Cox can send and receive mes
sages bv this instrument over a dis
tance of 18 miles. When he desires
to receive a message be raises his cane.
Stock Exchange Gerks Overworked.
New York Eo tremendous- has been
the volume of trading on the stock ex
change this week that several prom
inent brokerage houses announced that
they were considering the advisability
of asking the board or governors oi
the exchange to declare Monday a full
have been selling tickets. Some were
sent to the lottery companies by char
itable associations, it was said. One
lotterv representative said: "I can
onlv sav that we will not hold a draw
ing next week. I can't yet see beyond
Chicago Under Sunday Lid.
worked clerks a rest. Many firms have
been obliged to work their forces day
and night. In one house two clerks
were taken away in an ambulance in
an exhausted condition.
The exchange governors, when ap
proached on the subject of closing the
exchange, maintained that they had no
Order Is In Difficulties, right to cut off the security business
a.niiv.nlaThAr.iilifornia Grand of the country on such short notice,
r j , -:t nwU f Tlitrf me promise was neia imw ,
U1 - -- . houd tte t volume f trad.
Workmen is experiencing nnanciai . continue next week, the declara
difficulties, according to a report made o , ia, 8tock exchange holi-
unaer me qiracviuu oi o day would be considered.
it f .' M Th. main rtiffi. I
eulty seems to be a deficiency in the
f.,nJa Thin n, a nvTarypA Kv
1 K unworn rind receiver, who uiii - i.j" .j.,
said men more than 64 years old had message to the city council, announced
not paid enough into the fund to carry I that the owners of all saloons in Chi
them after that age. They will now cftg0 hereafter would be forced to obey
have to make this good, be said, or it (he state law. which provides that
will be deducted from their benefits. they remain closed on Sunday. The
mayor ordered the city llector to
Sailor Rules Schooner. notify in writing all persons holding
q Fr.rn.laM 8. P. W. one of licenses for saloons that they must
k. w f tha American schooner Se-1 comply with the requirements of the
home, which arrived here Thursday state law. For many years owners of
from 8ydney, Ausrtalia, was turned saloons in Chicago have defied the
over to the police by John KilU, the state law governing their operation on
ship's captain, who alleged Ware laid Sunday,
nnt the eaotain and crew with a Re
laying pin off Apia, American Samoa, I - Allies' Loan Ready to Sign
and took command of the vessel far 24 New York The contract' for the
hours. Captain Kilt said he escaped, $500,000,000 credit loan to Great Brit
obtained a revolver and regained his nH France probably will be signed
command. Wednesday by the members of the
1 Anglo-French commission and J.
Hill Lends to Both Sides. Morgan & Co., agents in the United
Sf Ri foa nartie natinff in States. Lara Heading is expect
i. -; tn Rmt Britain and France, sign for Great Britain and bmest Mai-
local banking interests controlled by I let probably will sign tor me rrenco
James J. Hill will subscribe to the government preparations aiso win oe
third German loan being offered in this , made to close tne underwriters uwu,
(oontry. I which will probably be done soon.
universal Happenings in a nutsp
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers. . '
The allies are making a fierce fight
for the second German line in the West,
The Southern Pacific is sending 400
cars to various . lumpering points in
Oregon in response to demands.
Another slide has blocked the Pana
ma canal and the opening of the ditch
will be delayed until October 10. -
Nearly three score persons lost their
lives in a hurricane which also caused
immense property damage at New Or
William Steele, aged 81, and Mrs.
Arleta Golden, aged 78, obtained
marriage license and were married at
Salem, Or. , i
A catch of 1363 walruBes is reported
by the steamer Corwin. The hides are
in great demand in Eastern ammuni
tion factories for burnishing shrapnel
Governors Are to Attend.
Salem Governor Withycombe will
be present at the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition at the worm
Portland Union Stockyards, probably
several days, but certainly December
, for that date has been set aside as
'Governor's Day," and in addition to
the Oregon executive it is expected
that the governors of at least three
other Western states will be in attendance.
According to advices received by
Governor Withycombe from O. M.
Plummer, general manager of the ex
position, Governor Lister, of Washing
ton, and Governor Alexander, of Idaho,
have accepted invitations. It is also
expected that Governor Stewart, of
Montana, will attend, uovernor nena
rick, of Wyoming, also may be on
hand, and perhaps Governor Hunt, of
Phone Company Replies.
Salem Alleging that section 8 of
the public utilities act, referring to
common-UBer facilities, procedure and
interchange of business, is in violation
nf the state and Federal constitutions,
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company has filed with the Public
Service commission its answer to tne
complaint of the Public Service League
and others of Portland. With the
Home Telephone & Telegraph com-
nanv. the Pacific is defendant in
complaint to force an Interchange of
telephone service in rortiano.
Horse Kicks Child in Face,
Pendleton With her face and skull
crushed in by the hoof of a horse she
had attempted to pet, little 4-year-old
Bessie Msdden was brought to St. An
thony's hospital here from Hermiston
Wednesday by her parents. An opera
tion was performed and although the
child's condition is dangerous hopes
are held for her recovery. After try
ing vainly to have the horse lower its
head the child walked around and
pulled its tail
Commercial Club to Reorganize.
Corvallis The Corvallis Commer
cial club has started a campaign to re
organize under the plan adopted by the
Portland Chamber of Commerce and
Salem Commercial elub. H. V. Chase,
who reorganized the Portland and
Salem dobs, is here to take charge.
Saskatchewan, Canada, farmers won
first and second prizes in competition
for the best bushel of wheat at the
International Soil Products Exposition
at Denver. .
A Portland. Oregon, man, in a fit of
laughter, dislodged bis false teeth and
the artificial masticators lodged in nis
throat. It required a physician to re
move the molars.
Three liners have been added to the
fleet of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha Steam
ship company and will be put Into the
trans-Pacific trade between Pacific
CoaBt points and the Orient.
"'A heavy hail storm practically ruin
ed the winter apple crop in the vicin
ity of Boswell, N. M. The damage is
estimated at $200,000. Packing was
to have begun soon in the larger orch
' The inclusion of the Missouri, Kan
sas & Texas railroad, which recently
went into a receivership, makes the
mileage of railways in the United
States in the hands of receivers greater
than ever before.
A semi-official dispatch received at
Amsterdam from Berlin says all the
subscriptions to the third German war
loan, which amounted to 12,000,000,
000 marks ($3,000,000,000), represent
new money. No conversions are in
cluded. -.
The London Morning Post's Berne
correspondent says he learns from
Munich that T. St. John Gaffney, the
American consul general in Munich,
after conferring with Sir Roger Case
ment, has decided to resign and go on
a lecture tour in the United States on
behalf of Germany.
Coreans in Hawaii are training with
wooden guns, . in the hope of being
able to free Corea from Japan, accord
ing to Miss Sadie E. Barrett, a mis
sionary to Hawaii, who addressed the
National Convention of the women's
Home Missionary Society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church In Seattle. -
Germany declares she Bees the goal
of her ambitions.
The British admiralty has loaned a
number of submarines to the Russians.
United States sends artillery to
Mexican border to repel further raids
of bandits. ., i- .
Good Reasons Why He Should Make
Resolution Not to Bring the Sun
day Dinner From the City
"Why, Henryl"
There was the look of a man with
troubled soul In -the face ot Mr. Henry
Burltson-when, ho reached his home
one Saturday evening. ..-The smiling
face ot his wife did not lessen .the
look of grim determination in the, face
of Burlison. A wife, with far less In
tuition than'-MrJ. Burlison had would
have, discovered tnat something naa
gone wrong, and Mrs. Burlison -dsked
"Why, Henry, what has happened?"
Burlison stepped. Into the vestibule
of his home and dropped the suit case
he carried to the floor with a dull
thud. Hifi voice had an edge like
blade as he said:
"Something has happened that will
never happen again it I live to be so
old that Methuselah will seem like a
kid when compared with me. This is
the last time I save 15 cents by tak
ing that suit case downtown with me
on Saturday and bring home our Sun
day dinner in it to save express
charges the very last time!"
"Why, Henry, what happened?'.
"Enough happened to make me tell
you that I'll eat my Sunday dinner
from an armchair restaurant with glit
tering white letters on the window an
nouncing frankfurters and mashed po
tatoes tor 10 cents before 1 11 do any
Saturday marketing with a suit case.''
But you haven t told me what hap
pened." . '
"You would have seen what hap
pened if you had been with me Just as
I reached the subway stairs. I s'pose
I had forgot to push down the clasps
that help to hold the suit case to
gether, and the thing was so crammed
full that it was too much for the self
locking arrangement, and the thing
opened right at the top of the stairs."
"Why, Henry!"
"You'd say 'Why, Henry!' If you had
seen a Bix-pound Philadelphia capon
traveling down thoBe stairs, followed
bv three big yellow grapefruit and
half a dozen apples!" ,
"Why, Henry!" :
"A bunch ot celery rolled down two
or three steps, and a man racing down
the stairs Btepped on it and slipped,
and he threatened to sue me for dam
ages! You will find the print of
woman's boot heel on that pound of
butter, and I left the dozen eggs
had bought on the subway stairs, for
I would have needed a shovel to have
scraped them up after they had rolled
down six iron steps! One of the
grapefruit rolled between the feet of
an old lady going down the stairs, and
she gave a yell like a maniac and
called for the police! A grinning idiot
caught up one ot the grapefruit and
flung it up toward me, and two other
men pelted me with the apples!" '
"Oh, Henry!"
"The bottle of maple sirup spread
over six of the steps, and the people
carried it home on the soles of their
shoes; and the paper came oft the
soup bone I had bought, and I left It
lying at the foot of the subway stairB.
All Is, this is the very last time you
ever hear of me saving 15 cents In
that way! My lacerated feelings are
worth at least a quarter, and"
"Oh, Henry!"
"I left half of my stuff In the sub
way, and the other half will taste bit
ter to me when I think of that gap
ing, grinning, gigKllng, tittering mob
that saw me standing there with my
empty and open suit case in my hand
and all that stuff traveling down the
subway stairs!"
"Why, Henry! Judge. -
The Washington government has
made a final request that Dr, Dumba
be recalled. .-: . ',
Bv the will of John Oi Watmough,
of Philadelphia, his hired gh-1 falls
heir to $100,000. .;.
A Walla Walla, Wash., girl takes
dose of poison for headache, in dark,
which proves fatal. ' , " .
For the first time in history, Chinese
shipbuilders are competitors of the
European yards. . A steamship com
pany of Drammen has ordered three
steamers to be delivered in Copen
hagen in J916 and 1917. The placing
of this order in China is due to the
unusual pressure in the home yards.
The Munich Post,' according to the
Overseas News Agency, has received a
report from Switzerland that Pope
Benedict is preparing a circular letter
to the belligerents asking for a gen
eral truce on All Souls day. The Pon
tiff asked that the truce be dedicated
to the memory of the soldiers who
have perished in the war.
Society women in Paris have en
listed in the war and are driving army
ambulances, using their own cars.
The big loan to Britain and France,
which was negotiated in this country,
has been made, however, the amount
is $600,000,000, instead of one billion,
as first stated.
John Muir's famous clock, which, in
addtion to keeping time, awoke him in
the morning by tipping his bed, win
become the property of the University
of Wisconsin at the close ot tne ran
ama-Pacific Exposition. Muir invent
ed the clock many years ago.
Men's Wrist Watch a Fllwer,
The wrist watch for men, at least,
has been officially, if negatively, de
clared to be a "flivver." Even if the
classiest looking men you've ever seen
wears the time on his pulse, he hasn t
the official sanction of the American
National Retail Jewelers' association.
They closed their convention with the
refusal to have anything to do with
the bracelet timepiece. It was a fear
ful blow for the man who Introduced
the fad who has been extolling the vir
tues of the wrist watch, especially for
the male sex. Neither the advocate
ot the whimsy nor anyone else pro
posed that with the sport shirt men
might wear watches draped about their
necks on a string or a chain. Neither
was It Intimated that men might carry
their subway tickets and cigarettes lq
vanity cases. '
Buy your Heater WOT
- j "
Snake Successful Angler,
That some snakes can catch fish as
well as old anglers was demonstrated
Sunday on the ranch of B. D. Osborne,
near here.
A small spring creek runs through
the pasture on the Osborne ranch,
large enough for fish to play In. Here
a large water snake was seen to grab
a rainbow trout by the bead and make
for the tall grass.
Osborne killed the snake and threw
the live fish back Into the pool. The
fish was about 12 Inches in lengtb.-r-
From the Husum (Washington) Di
patch. .
Work Demanded of Recruits.
The English recruit is expected to
put every rifle shot into an eight-Inch
ring at 100 yards. The territorials
must put 80 per cent of all shots into a
12-Inch ring at that distance. The
French soldier Is required, to put bait
of his shots into an 12-Inch ring at
the same range.
Cold weather will be here ,
before you realize it. -We are
prepared for it with the best 1
line of Heating; Stoves on the
market. There is nothing to
equal them. Fine Heaters, easy
on coal, and very clean and'
very handsome in design..--.
Come and see them NOW
Bennett Building. Arlington, 6regon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the . .',
very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the .
best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. "
Patronize home Industry. Your grocer sells the 1 ,
famous American Beauty Flour.
The Flour Your Mother Uses
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitoburg, Washington.
:v JpL I Home of
ppllp Groceries
Good Groceries go to the Right Spot
Every Time
This is the Right Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries.
Try These They'll Please!
Monopole Vegetables
Monopole Fruits
Monopole Salmon
. Monopole Oysters
DELL BROS., Athena, Or.
Caterer to the Public in Good Things to Eat