The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 01, 1915, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
M. L. Watts was In Waitsbnrg yes
terday. A. A. Fobs transaoted business in
Pendleton yesterday.
B. B. Riobards attended oontt at
Pendleton, yesterday .
Miss Etbel Ben bow is gnest of
Miss Edna MoAlexsnder.
Irwin Brooks and Jsok Vinoent were
in Pendleton yesterday. ' .
Mrs. 8. F. Sharp and Mies Alta
Sbarp visited In Pendleton yesterday.
Tom Lienallen, a prominent oitizen
of Adams, wag in the oity Wednesday.
' Mrs. Fred fiadtka and Mrs. A. B.
Steele visited in Walla Walla Wednes
day. : i
Born, is tbiscity, Kept boo ber 26,
1915, to Vrt. and Mis. James Hodgson,
a boo.
If yon want to bny oity property or
faim lauds enquire of Henry Keen.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Seek of Hal
sev visited liienda in Atbena during
Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. W. P.
Littlejobn motored to Walls Wall
yesterday. -
Mrs. Win. Winship went over to
Walla Walla yesterday .and will te
tnru today.
William Coobran of Brownsville
was a Cosiness visitor in tbe oity dur
ing ins week.
'Hugh MoQill was lined in tbe
polios oourt Monday for reing drunk
and disorderly. -
The well Known Auctioneer
will make Sales anywhere in Umatilla
County. Phone, 1457; Residence, 1007
West Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash,
or book Dates wi.h J. F. Wright, Athena
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 hot Fir Wood,', .... . .$5.35
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,.... 5.60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.10
F.0. B. M
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
"" ern Pacific Railway.
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
Mrs. F. 0. Sogers name np from
Pendleton Wednesday on a visit to ber
mother, Mrs. Hill,
Misses Lnora and Belle Melntyre
visited their sister, Mrs. tiaual berry,
in Pendleton tbis week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booher left
Wednesday for a visit to relatives and
friends at Yakima, Wasb.
Mr.- and Mrs. J. C. Martin and fam
ily motored to Waitsbnrg Sunday and
spent the day with friends.
For Sale The Beit Gartano res
idence, looated at oorner of Ibird and
Adams street, Athena. Adv.
- For Sale Two lota and six-room
house and barn; piioe $300. Mason
DaardorS, Athena, Oiegon, Adv.
E. A. Bennett's little blsok team
ran nwaay tbis morning and oapered
through tbe streets without damage.
W. Ii. Weir of Ware's Pharmaoy,
Is taking bis vaoation. This week he
spent witb friends at Dayton, Wasb.
Harvs Whiteman was in the oity
Monday from Walla .Walla, tbe Bret
visit be bad made here for nearly Ave
' Mrs. Ottoman, who bas beeu visit
ing ber sister, Mrs. Homer I. Watts,
left for ber bome at Medford, Wed
nesday. 3. D. Larkin, of Willamette valley,
who has been visiting bis daagbter,
Mrs.. Wm. MoPberson left Sunday
for his home.
Mrs. Andrew Knudson of Wasbluo
db, Wash,, is visiling her mother,
Mrs. J. D. Haigatt, and sister, Mrs.
Ernest Zeros.
Obailes Greet bas mads extensive
improvements at his eating house. A
new kitoben has been tuilt and new
fixtures installed.
Mr. and Mrs. Kotert Wright and
Miss Hazel Wright of Walla Walla,
spent Sunday at tbe homi of Mr. and
Mrs. Hardly Manatleld. , ,
Atbena soloists were given oppor
tunity to Inspect the new 1916 model
Cole oar, with its eight oyllnders and
Hue lines, Wednesday.
Mr. F. H. Gaulke and obildren
spent the week end at the D. B. Mana
tleld home. Mr. Gaulke is oasbier of
tbe First National' Bank of Joseph,
Wallowa nnnnlv. ''. ..'
SW. N. Peddiooid is in the oity today
soother boise-buyihg' expedition.
Jesse Ediugton, who bas been visit
ing relatives and friends in Atbena
for a oouple of weeks, left Tuesdsy
morning for Ingomar, Montana.
Marlon Hansell will leave today or
tomorrow for the Willamette valley to
spend a few days, after whiob be will
aooompany bis family home. '
The Weston High sohool has made
arrangements with J. 0. Herbsman
of Seattle for a Ljoeom ooncse during
the winter, to begin November 86.
Miss Annie Hagen visited at tbe
Arthur Coppook home last week. Miss
Hsgen, who is a nurse at St. An-
ftbony's hospital, was also tbe guest of
Mrs. Charles Williams.
Mrs. Arohie A. Shiok, will (ire les
sons in piano and voioe, at ber resi
dence, Adams street, between Fouilli
and Fifth. . Prioes reasonable, satis
faction guaranteed. Adv.
Mr. and Mis. Fiank Enowlton,
who have spent several months in
Spokane, have returned to Atbena.
Frank oau-tell yun about tbe big 'ans
he oaugbt in the Spokane liver. . ,
Card of Thanks. We wish to IBank
our neighbors and friends for tbe kind
ness snd assistance rendered na in onr
Mr. and Mia. B. A. Thompson.
Mrs. Fred Foote and Mrs. G. T.
Williams of Portland, who hava bsen
visiling at tbe Cbss. Williams home
south of Atbena, left for tbeir homes
Wednesday morning. The two Mrs.
Williams are aistsis.
Mr, and Mrs. Erie Zopb (isms np
from Lebanon last week and attended
the Roundup, and will remain in
Athena, Mr. Zopb assisting in tbe
ootstt notion of tba Audsrsnu bunga
low on Third street.'; ' - ' -
Dreamland program for Friday "and
Saturday nigbls: 1 and 2. "BootUa1
Baby. Edison. 8. "A Tonsorial Leo
pard Tamer," Selig.,.. Sunday! . 1 and
2. "Good fcya Summer," Vitagrspb.
8. "The Crooks," Lnbin .
The Weston Leader' reports that
Sam Banister has traded his Wallowa
county boldiugs for Waitsborg wheal
land. Mr. Banister and family will,
bowevei, oontinoe to reside in Wall
owa oounty during the winter.
Onr old friend, G. W. Hansell, was
met in tbe orowded preoinots of Hap
py Canyon ty Atbena, friends, Satur
day night. Tbe place was so blamed
orowded that Geojge didn't have room..
In anin hla Anfltamnrv Hflh Blnrv. V
I Jinis Taylor snd D. H. MsnsB.ld have "PIB bu ""marv ilsn story.
I gathered up a bonob ot horses for tbe Oliver Dickenson, who is engaged
buyer a inspeolio
I Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Long have re
turned from a visit with relatives at
Spokane. The bad a very pleasant
trip, coming down from the falls city
io tbeir Dodge auto.
H. P. Milieu and Jim Stewart have
opened tbeir Queen ohop bouse on
Main street, next door to tbe Dream
land theatre. A full stook of Walla
Walla bread and pastries' H kept oi
I i ;i Prices I
No Store can always be lowest on every item, strive as bard aa it
may but we feel atsolntely safe in saving that on snv general bill of
gocds or on any f nil year'a purchases our prioes will be fuuud to be
kss than tbe same goods would oost from any other souroe of supply.
Folks should always compare the price and oost of transportation of
every item before ordering and not let very low piioes on a few items
iuduoe them to order a lot of other goods at high prioes.
Compare our prices on Wringers Amocjoao -Wringer Co.'s guar
anteed Horse Shoe Brand Wriugera. All are Sited with Universal Tub '
Cla ops, bsva improved adjusting sorews 1x10 iuch Boils and have
all metal paits heavy galvanized. Wringers with Wood Frames or im
proved stBel Frames and 1 year guaranteed Bolls $3.00. Same with
three year guaranteed Bolls, $3.75. Sams with live year guaranteed
Rolls. $1. 60. Paroel Post charges, SOo. additional. Delivered, bv
freight piepsid at the prioes when urder amounts to $10.00 or more.
GALVANIZED TUBS-Standard Galvanized Tub (too
large to go by Post) at 60c, 70c, 80c and 90c for Nos. 0,
1, 2 and rt respectively. Delivered free by freight with
orders ot $10.0 ) or it, ore-
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 12-22 AlderSt.
k.... tk-s- ;r. v
'-fr?.-.-. ' """ '
i . 9Tm-
' The above is a balf-tone plot ore of
the bungalow being bnilt by Contract
or D. Soott Fisher, for Miss Clare
Partridge. Tbe site is in the north
psitof tbe oity, The plans and ma
terial for Miss Haitridge's new home
were furnishsd by tbe Tum-a-Lom
Lumbal eompsuy. Tba company baa
over 200 complete designs in tbeir
plan tooks, wnioh they will beplessed
In modify and furnish free to suit
builders' wishes. Tbe oompsny's sroh
it.ant will also furnish free plans t
barns, schools, churches, etc.
Dealer in Precious Stones, Watches,
. Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass
and tilverwear
I irrtearing down the old sohool bousa
made a sweet And this weeka.wbeu be
encountered a Swarm of bees in the
upper Tart of the building aod ex
traoted a boot 70 ponnds cf honey.
.. ..V'.'v . .. '
Edtfeid-BNKoontsi oame op fiom
Portland yesteiday morning oh bus
iness sonneoted witb tbe Kirk estate.
He reports that Mia. Eoonti and
"Bob," tbe family oat, are well and
perhaps patiently awaiting bla-ietnrn
'ive crates of Obina pheasants were
received luesday by Ueputy uame
Wsfden Tonkin, fiom tbe state game
(arm at Corrallis. There were 60
birds in the shipment aod they were
all taken to Ukiah and liberated' on
farms thsrs.
The Ladies' Altar Sooiety will give
a paetry sale tomoirow, beginning at
p. m., at Fix & Badtke's store.
Von are invited to make purchases for
your Sunday dinner. Tbe proceeds de
rived from tbe sale .will be given to
tbe Cntholio ohoiab. - '
Ssrvioss at tba Baptist ohuich bxt
Lord's day. Sunday sohool at 10 a. m. .
cIbsbss for all. Ooma. Preaching at
11 a. m, subject. "The Great Teach
er;" preaching at 7:80, aoejeot "rn
lows Under the Arms." A welcome
for all. Bev. M. G. Bentley, Pastor.
Bav. Wm. Gallaher, a pioneer Unit
ed Bietbren preacher, formerly well
knowu over the northwest, is report
ed ill at College Place sanitaiium,
suffering witb a paralytio stroke. He
is 90 years old and baa lived in the
Walla Walla valley for 10 years.
Lee Caldwell, a Pendleton boy, won
the world's booking obampionship at
Pendletoo, Saturday, wben be node
three horses, one of them the famous
Long Tom, to viotory over the splen
did riding of Yakima Canntt. and the
Indian rider, Jackson Sundown.
Caldwell made a brilliant ride and de
served to win. , -
Following tbe example of a certain
Atbena lady, who bit upon tbe happy
idea of exterminating flies in a tent hy
eingeiug them with a bnrning taper,
Herrman Meyer tried tbe same exper
iment on tbe awning at tbe Meat
Market, yesterday morning. Besnltn:
A big patch adorns tbe lady s teut,
aod a oew awning will grace tba Mar
ket's front. ,
Mr. aod Mrs. E. A. Leonard of
Piesootl. retuiued home Sunday after
visiting at tbe home ot Mr. dud Wis.
George Banister, lu this- city. Mr.
and Mrs. Leunard will soon take op
tbeir retideoce in Waitsbnrg, where
Mr. Leonard will te associated with
lbs Pieston-Sbatfer milling interests
attei the Urst of the new year.
Pieaobiog next Sabbath morning
and eiening at the Methodist Episoo
pslcnuiob. Subject io tne morning:
"Tbe Greatest Spiritual Magnet. " At
nigbt tbe text will be: "And from
the days ot John tbe Baptist onlil
now, tbe Kingdom of Heaven sutter
etb violenoe, and the violent take It
by force." Matt lltb ohapter and
12tb verse. Sabbath School at 10
a. m. All ara invited.
.' While coming to town during tbe
ffote part of tba weak. Mi. and Mis.
d. Fotrest and Miss Marguerite sor-
at were viotlms of thrilling too-
waTT-vl'be buggy tongne neoame
oose on one end of tbe axe., foioing
tbe rig onto the team, whiob tan
away. Iba occupants were tbiawn
Dot, and Mi. Forrest reoeived a broken
wrist, while the ladiea were broised
Otto Hooker, 21-year-old eonviot
sent fiom this oonnty one ysar ago foi
burglary, escaped fiom tbe road gaog
near Albany Monday, wient to Jeffer
son, where be wrenobed a revolver
fiom tbe bands of tbs eitv marshal,
abot bim. and later killed Warden
Minto who attempted to oaptnre bim
on tbe publio bigbway. Twenty-four
boors later Hooker was looated coder
a vaoant house in Albsny and while
his capture was being effected was
shot and mortally wounded by Patrol
man Long of Portland. The desper
ado died a few bonrs later in an Al
bany hospital.
Miss MoKinney, ot tbe Prisoilla
Needle Sbop of Walla Walla, is at
tbe Publio Library, where she is ex
hibiting a splendid line of stamped
eio broidery materials, pillow tops, ta
ble runners, waists, gowns, etc Miss
MoKinney, who will be here only one
day more, Satoiday, Invites tbs ladies
of Athsoa and vioinity to call at the
Library and sea her goods. Now is
yoor opportunity to buy Obilsttnas
needle work. ( . '
Pendleton papers annoonoa tba wed
ding of Jack Keefe, well known over
tbis oounty as a mosloal genius, to
Miss Kosalie Leteier of Nashville,
Tennessee, wbioh will take place in
in that oity next Monday. Binoe
leaving, this oonnty, Mr. Keefe has
been aotlng as direotor for a oompany
wbioh is staging Elks' minstiel shows
over tbe country. He was formerly
prinoipal of tba Weston schools, and
later seorelary of tbe Pendleton com
mercial assooiation. His biide is said
to te a member of a prominent south
ern family. " ' . -
A quiet wedding took place iu Pen
dletoo Saturday evening, at' eight
o'clock at tbe parsonage of the Church
of tbe Redeemer, when John I. Mon
tague and Miss Ethel M. Johnson were
united in marriage, Reverend Charles
Qninnsv officiating. The ceremony
was witoessed by Mr. Alvin Johnson,
father of tbe biide, and Mrs. Charles
Qulnney. The trifle is the yonugest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin John
son, and has grown from childhood in
tbis vicinity. - Tbs young man is rec
ognized aa of aterling qualities, and
witb bis bride is reoeiviug the con
gratulations and good wishes of their
many friends. ,The youug couple will
make their borne for tbe present in
Atbena. r - . t
On Oototer Oth theie will be beld a
boise and mule sbow in; Pendleton at
tbe Ronud-Up grounds nndei tbe aus
pices of the Umatilla county branob
Of tbe Oregon Horse Breeders' Asso
ciation. Tbe officers invite all horse
men to bring tbeir stook to tbis sbow
and aiso come and see the sbow them
selves. Free feed will be furnished
all stook and a fres pass will be given
all exhibitors. The judging will be
in the bends ot tbe extension depart
ment of tbe O. A. C, who will send
two oompetent judges to do the work.
Tbe sbow will last only one day but
all stook must be in before 8:00 a. m,
Satnrday, tbe Oth ot October. The
officers of tbe oounty brauoh are as
follows: President, R. 0. Eurnhait
Pendleton: vice president, B. E. An
derson, Adams; Sec.-Trsas., Di. C. W.
Lassen, Pendleton. Adv.
School Notcss
Work ot equipping tbe High Sohool
gyjsnaslnm began to is morning, alter
theoompletion of the woik of placing
tbe new opera ohairs io tbe acditor
iuin, and will be finished early next
week. The goals at rived last Friday
and will be ereoted. Other things
needed before it is in resdiosss fur
basket ball are tbe screening of tbe
thermostats; another roll of wire to
be placed in fiont of the bleachers;
the walls ooveied with padding to a
height of six leg t for protection from
the rough surface of tbs wall, and tbe
floor filled aod varnished. .
' The gills' and boys' basket ball
squads will resums regular prsctioe
as soon as tbe gymnasium is ready,
having disosmtinued for atont a week
and a half. j
Gieat interest !bss been displayed
duiing tbe past week by the students
'id tbe concert to be given Saturday
evening in tbe High Sohool auditori
um. This is tbe first time tbe High
Sobool bas attempted to bring an out
side attraotion to Athena and the stu
dents aod faoulty are woiking hard
to make the aSatr a Onanolal success.
They feel that they are fortnoate to se
onre snob a bigb class entertainment
as tbe membeia of tbe Sequoia Male
Quaitot are able to furnish aod are
anxious to get a good andienoe, if only
to show the public tbs sort of enter
tainment in wbiob they are interested.
- w
' Easy Getting Back.
A man no mod Blue was talking to bis
friend Bruwu one night, when tbe Int
ter cnsimlly mentioned Blnck. a tnutunl
ncqiinlntnnce. .
"M-ikt's mo think of nn experience
Hlm li had a few weeks Bgn." Iniighed
Joni' "lie ilrennicd Hint he 'ni nn
Initiiiiiitnil. ni'tl Ins out of lied, lie vni
lu ll a Imriki't uromid himself arid start
cU to n-ntk throiijib the wikkU Woke
np iiluini three hours Inter mill found
lilifiii tr ten miles from home und no
.Hi in iv in sigh:." - i ,
"Vmi limit inenn Itf wns then milled
rejulii.lei "t Itrown. "How In the
nurlil did he get bnckT
'Hint nils may." was Ihe cheerful
rej'iv of Jones. "He Iny down miller a
rrii rlri-timeil Unit he wns mi Indlnn
squill ii iid walked back."-Plilhili'lphla
Hnaumatism In One Real. -
An ol'l d'irky appeared In tbe doc
kii-'h otlli'i- one morning, plnlnlv very
kuv In nia mind
The Hoc-tor. recognizing Ills, did pa
Ucni. greeted him In his most Inspirit
lug uniiincr
"Well. Elijah, bow la the rheumatism
tiieae dnyaT .
"Purely, porely, aahT replied Elijah
dejectedly. "Believe me. Ha rue Doc
tor, I's jest a inovln' picture ob palnl"
-Woman's Home Companion
Cut by Friends.
Faddy Did you near of the terrible
accident that happened to flnnbyt Hi
Injuries were so serious that bis most
Intimate friends were unable to retog
nlze him. Duddy-Tcrrible accident?
Railway "collision? Motor smashl He bas lost ail bis
money.-Phliadelpbla ledger '
Real Gratitude.
I'irst Little Lnmb- How grateful we
houlfl be for the wool whliii coierx us.
Second Utile Umb- I return lhniik
very day for mine. Wit limit om '"h
bow eoold those allei tlouiite liiimnn
In-ins who an a keep warm''- Wi
rouin State Journal.
Every Man, Woman and Child in this vicinity should
wear Munsing Union Suits every day.
-. ;' - " :-':'--':V :r-.---':-;C.
- , Because they are made just right.
Because the fit will not wash out
" Because they please and satisfy everybody. . .
Because they do not gap or bind anywhere. ,
Because if you wear them you will like them.
Because they yield to every motion, yet always stay in place. .
Pecause you can pay more and get no better quality, but vou can't pay
less and get as good. . .
WJien you ;buy, be very particular; don't say under
. ' "s wear, say "Munsingwear."
Men's Munsingwear Ladies' Munsingwear
Gray $100. 1.25 and 1.50 selling for $1.25 and 1.35
WOOL, $2.00 to 5.00 i WOOL ....... .......... $1.50 to 3.00
Boy's Munsingwear Girl's Munsingwear
Grades, sold at 75c and 85c selling at.. 60c to 75c
WOOL, $1.50 and 1.95 WOOL, ....... V. ..... . $1.00 to 1.50
"The Quality- Store."
Now is the time to cut your stubble and get the
weeds started and your ground in shape to get all the
moisture and insure a big crop.
We have the two-way Bonanza Disc, the only
disc on the market that will not track. V
Single Disc that can't be beat. Come in and see
for yourselves, and you will sure take one out.
3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore,
r J. J& FEOOME, pkop.
Only First-class Hotel in
he City.
tbauoly one itial uaD aotomDi.Hini
CsiMiwimiM lor IU oleo and
veil ventilates rooms.
Glasses Are Scientifically
Ground and Fitted. Lenses
duplicated in a few mom
ents. All work guaranteed
(American National Bank Building;,
(Ups airs) Pendleton, Oregon.
Via moat healina salve In the wartaV
"Have you ever thought why" the
Golden Rule
is always the busiest store in town
we sell High grade Merchandise
for less. Quality and price
count here.
Men's Oshkoosb bias bibb over
alls, Unloo made, $1.00 raloe,
oar prioe 88o.
Boys' bias bibb overalls, A5o.
valoes, oni prloe lOo.
Men's fsnov plsid Mioklnawi,
Noifolk St J Is, f 8.08, 14.98, $5.00
tf.90. Uade In Oregon.
Boys' faooy plaid Msokinaws,
Norfolk style, fa. 08, fa. 93,
Mso's bigb top Bboes, visool oil
ed, 15-inch top, fl.60, fl.08,
Ladies' Boas Dresses, only 08o
Bnnialow and Middy Apions,
made from Amoikoeg tilogbama
11.00 valaes, onr prloe 40a.
How about tboae Wool and Cot
loo Blansets for tbess oool
olsbtif Plaid wool nap, larga
sizs, fl.08, f3. 98. $3.98, $4.98.
tiotton Blankets, giay, tan and
white, 40o, 60o, 98o, $1.40,
You Can Do
We Lead