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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1915)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered In the rnstofllce at Athena, Oregon as econdotass Mall Matter. Subscription Rate, n . . 11.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, But months Ore conv. three months 50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions Hi DiRnlav regular, cer inch ....12 Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c Rnhflenuent inftertiona. ner line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c clTHENA. ORE. OCT. 1 1U "Better than ever," is the universal verdiot we heat of the Pendleton Round-Up. Interest does not flag as expected in this ureHt Pi drama ol . the West. The usual big crowds were in attendanoo at the big gbow. Eaoh teonning day's exhibition seemed more thrilling oud entertaining. Tbe Let 'er Buck slogan is already vibrating In spiiit for the 1816 enow and the thousands will dome again next year just as tbey have come in past years. The diversion given by Walla Walla's Frontier Days by no means seems to lessen Interest or detract one iota from the eagerness evinced by people to wit" ness exhibitions of thisobaraoter. Tbe Walla Walls show tbis year waa bet ter tban ever and indioatioua are that it too, bas come to stay. And it Is well, for tbe ieasi n that tbe people feel disposed to support both alttao Tbe borse market is now passing in to a boom. Unprecedented orders have been plaoed with Ameiioan buyers and tbe demand for American horses for war purposes is far in excess of tbe available supply. Boyers con tinue to come bere and tbis seotion is being combed for stock, for whiob fair prices are paid. Tbe demand of tbe warring nations for horses and tbe utilization of gasoline motors would seem to have a tendeuoy to put tbe American borne out of business. We bad a strange aud startling dream tbe other night. In our slum hers we saw every fellow wulkiug up and squaring bis subscription aooouut and paying a year in advance, and fotthnitt wo were arranging to take up a large slioo of that billion dollar loan. JuEt why is a dream, anyway? Wish that fellow wbo baa teen analyz ing dreams in tbo magazines lately would do the Daniel not for us. Speik a good word tot tbe sohools, and the ohurobes, and the business and professional men, aud the indus tries and your neighbors and friends and tbe people generally. Keep on speaking good wards until others get - the habit aud begin speaking with you. It's a good thing for the town and In time nlbers will tie speaking well of you. There are eighteen thousand regu larly established libraiios in tbe Unit ed Btates, containing more tban 75 million volumes. The nuuiter of vol umes it an increase of 80 millions sioae 11108. Of tbe 3849 libiaiies con taining Ave thousand volumes or aver, 1814 are olnsBitled as public aud sooi ety libraries and 1005 are eobool and college libraiies. Tbe English rearuit is expected to put every title shot lulo an elabt-lnob ring at 100 yards. Tbe territorials roust put 80 per oent of all shots into twelve luoh ring at that distance. The French soldier is reqolied to pot halt of bli shots into au elgbleeu-luob (lug it the earns range. Tomorrow night, for tbe brat time an Atbena aodieuoe will be seated io the new ohairs in tbe Elian sobool auditorium, Tbe ocoaslou will be tbe appearance of tbe Sequoia Main Quar tette. Tbe furnlshlugs will Be fouurt to be In keeping with othor splondtd appointments of tbe auditorium, i Tbe rush of people into Vera Crui Mexico, since Uulted SUtcs soldiers . evaouatod it, has raised the population from 05. 000 Ho more thin 100,000. It is said that all traces of the cleanup our troops made have lnuii sluoe dis appeared, and tbat tbe wiUur and sbq ltatlon'problam ate senti. There are twice as many people iu tbe Uulted Slntes as iu 1880, throw times as tunoy as at tbe ontbieak of the'Olvll War, aud Ova times as maty lain '19. Tbe luerease tetweeu 10)0 nnd 1015 Is said to buve been equal to tbe entire population nt the time at the Revolution. Tbe English sparrow, thought to be i oitr bild, is fouud on the farma . of the northeastern pait of tbs United Statu to the exteut of Ova pairs ou each farm. Bums, Barney oouuty, bas tbe low est tax rate for city purposes of ant Incorporated city of Oiegon baviug 1,000 or more population. Jlurtian peasant womeu have, on an average, from six to twelve children, of whom ahnnt half survive. ' Don't worry over that billion dollar loan. It will not wear any holes in loot jiooket. A Mulligan Stew I beard a fellow ruminating oat loud like tbis tbe other night, and I give it to you straight: "My auto, lis of the, short cut to poverty of thee I ohant. I blew pile of dough on tbee two years ago, and now you refuse to go, or won't or can't. Tbrongb town and countryside, you were my joy and pride, a bappy day. I loved thy gaudy bue, thy nice wbite tirea so new, but now you're down and out for true in every way, To thee, old rattle box, oame many bnmps and knocks, for tbee I grieve, Badly thy top is torn, frayod are tby seats and worn; the whooping cough alfeots tby born, I do believe. Tby peitumes swell tbe breeze, while good folka cboke and wheeze, es we pass ty. I paid for thee a piioe, 'twbold buy mansion twioe, now everybody's yelling "ioe" I wonder why? Thy motor bas tbe pip, and woe is thine; 1, too, bave suffered obills, ague and kindred ills, endeav oring to pay my bills since tbou wert 'mine. Gone is my bank roll now; no more 'twould choke a oow, aa onoe be fore. Yet if I bad the mun, so help me John, amen I'd buy myself car again, and speed some more.'' . Tbs farm and a ford is far tetter tban tbe great oity and free lunob. Stiok to tbe farm. Tbe world's series between the Bos ton Bed Sox and tbe National Phillies promisee as many thrills as tbe last summer's affair of rtheJEaet End and Blue MountaisellR-- How ever, interest would JtjwrWIesI! tteelf more bereabouts, I'm thinking, if Sbiok were mixed op in it. Aw yon Busty I ' . Mtney makes tbs mare go, so it keeps a lot of people bot footing after the mare, I sinoerely telieva tbat lbs opinion of tbe unprejudiced obseiver is that both Walla Walla aud Pendleton gave good ebons and that neither has tbe edge on tolber io giving you the op portunity to leave your shekels with 'em. Tbe only difference laya in ihe fact tbat the 1-Wi bas more etieets to spend your spondulicks in, while the Roundup burg ooncentrates hers in one resulting in i livelier punob, as it were. I Life is one long dream, with an oc casional nightmare for a tbrillei. I'll take for tbe story au ordinary wbite Stetson hat, lay tbe plot on tbe Let 'er Book grounds at tbe oounly seat characters, an Indian and tiny Joubb, home-wrangler. Act 1 Somebody soaks bat to Injun. Act 2 Somebody buys a new bat. Aot 11 Jonas recovers bat from In- jnn, and on elill bunt for owner. Synopsis Who the aevu is ids owner? ifiiOOO at 9 bllB head, is tbe net re ceipts reported from Jolly Gulob down at Pendleton. If there's any joy coming- from belog packed like eatdioes in mustard, with everybody's elbow in everybodyelse a eye,'Bbow,me. By Peter Radford Lecturer National Farmers' Union The farmer ia the paymaster of industry and as such he must meet the nation's payroll. When Industry pays Its bill it must make a sight draft upon agriculture for the amount, which the farmer is compelled to honor without protest This check drawn upon agriculture may travel to and fro over the highways of com merce; may build cities; glrdlo tlio globe with bands of eteel; may ecurch hidden treasures In the earth or traverse tbe skies, but In the ond It will rest upon the soil. No dollar will remain suspended In midair; it Is as certain to seek the earth's surface as an apple that falls from a tree. When a farmer buys a plow he pays the man who mined the iuolal, the woodman who felled tho trco, tho manufacturer who assembled the raw material and shaped it Into an ar ticle of usefuluoss, the railroad that transported It and tho dealer who sold him tho goods. He pays the wages of labor and capital employed In the transaction as well as pays for the tools, machinery, buildings, etc, usod In the eoustructlon of the commodity and the same applies to nil articled of uso and dlot of him self aud those engngod In tho sub sidiary lines of industry. There Is no payroll In civilization that does not rest upon the back of the farmer. Ho must pay the bills all ot thom. The total value of tho nation's annual agricultural products Is around $12,000,000,000, nnd It la nolo to esti mate that 95 cents on evory dollar goes to meeting the expenses of sub sidiary Industries. The farmer does not work more than thirty minutes per day for himself; the remaining thirteen hours of tbo dny'B toll he devotes to meeting tbo payroll of the hired hands of agriculture, such as the manufacturer, ruilroad, commer cial and other servants. The Farmer's Payroll and How He Meets It Tho annual payroll ot agriculture approximates $12,000,000,000. A por tion of the amount is shifted to for eign countries In exports, but the total payroll ot industries working for tho farmer dlvldeB substantially as follows: Itallroads, $1,252,000,000; manufacturers, $4,305,000,000; mining, $(.55,000,000; banks. $200,000,000; miTciintile $:U00,000,000, and a heavy miscellaneous payroll constitutes the remainder. it takes the corn crop, the most valuable In agriculture, which sold last year for $1,602,000,000, to pay off the employes ot the railroads; the money derived from our annual sales of livestock of approximately $2,000, 000.000, tho yearly rottou crop, valued nt $020,000,000; the wheat crop, which Is worth $010,000,000, and tbe oat crop,' that is worth $140,000,000, are required to meet the annual pay roll of tho manufacturers. The u oney . derived from the remaining s'.uule crops, is used Iu meetlur. the SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon tor Umatilla County. Helen Hamilton Kieffer, Plaintiff, ' -vs. De Walt F. Kieffer, Defendant. To De Walt F. Kieffor, defendant . herein: In tbe naame of tbe State of Ore gon, you are hereby requiied to ap pear and answer tbe complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit witbin six weeks of tbe date of tbe first publication of this summons, to wlt: Friday, Ootober 29, 1916; and yon will take notice that if yon fail to appear and answer slid oomplaint or otherwise plead thereto witbin said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed loi and demanded in ber com plaint on bill berein, namely for de cree of the Court forever. dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing bstween tbe plaintiff md defendant, and for snob other relief as tbs Court may deem proper. TbiB summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Uilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the Sixth Judicial Dietiiot of tbe State of Oregon, dnly made and filed in tbe matter herein on Septem ber 9tb, 1915. Tbe first poblioation hereof ia made on Friday, Sept. 17, 1915, and tbe last publication will be madeou Friday, Oct. 39, 1015, said putlioation tq be in tbe Athena Press, a newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. . Homer I. Watts, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Account. In tbe Oouuty Court of tbe State ot Oiegon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of the Estate ot i Tokti, an Indian woman, deoeaied: Notioe is beieby given to all persons whom it may oonoein tbat Leo Samp son, administrator with tbe wilt an nexed of tbe estate of Tokti, an Indian woman, djneaaed, bas Died bis final aocount aorl'rsport in tbe administra tion of the estate; that tbs County Judse, by order duly made and enter ad, bas appointed Monday tbe 18lb day of Ootober, A. D., 1915, at the hour of ten o'clock iu tbe foteooon as tbe lime and the county nouit bouse it Pendleton, Oiegou, aa tbe plaoe wbere objections to tbe said final aooountand report will be beaid and tbe settle ment thereof made. Dated this tbe 13th day of Septem ber, A. D.. 1915. Leo Sampson, Will M. Peteiaon, Admr. o. t. a. Attorney for Adm r. Executrix' Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Court of tbe Stale of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of the Estate of William Tompkins, deceased: Notice is berebv given, that lue undorsigned bas been duly and regu larly appointed exeontrix of tbe es tate ot William Tompkins, deceased, by tbe Judge of tba atove entitled Court, and bat qualified as snob. All persona bavins claims against said estate aie hereby notified and requested to piesentsaid olaims, with pioper Touohets to me at Atbena, Umatilla County, Oiegon, or to my attorney, S. A. Newberry, at bisoftloe rooms 12-25 Smltb-Orawford Build ing in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oiegon, within six months from tbe date hereof. Dated tbia 10th day of Sept., 1915. Mary Tompkins, Execntrix. Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calu both night and day. Calls Dromotly answered. Office on Third Street. Atbena Oregor , DR. A. B STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, 601 DR. J. G. McMATH Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank, DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinarv Surgeon & Dentist Oradualo McKUIip.VeUnary college Offices: Commercial 811)1 and Hawks Drug more, rnoueuo. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. IHE "BUCK SHELL" IHE SPORTSMAN'S FAVORITE Itie 'Old C Foss-Winship Hardware Co. w "She Looketh Well to the Ways ... - of Her Household" Necessity required the woman of olden days to watch every penny in the conducting of the household and supplying it with its requirements. cTWoney was not as plentiful in those days, nor did she enjojr the ad vantage of being able to procure nearly" everything needed for the house, all made up and ready" to use. This is a good thought to bear in mind in these times of plenty and this is a good store to come to in order to learn what real economy means in buying. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY BACK STORE," ATHENA., OREGON THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ATHENA ' ' ., .' - s ,".: i;V Capital and Surplus $100,000 Notice of Final Account. Id the (Jonnty Court of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla Ooouty. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of W. W. Jacobs, deceased. Notioe is berefcy Riven to s 11 persons whom It mil oonoern tbat B. B. Rlobaids. administrator ot the estate of W. W. Jaoots, deoeased, bas Bled his final aooonnt and repoit In tbe ad ministration ot tbe estate; tbat tbe County Judge by order dnly made and entered baa appointed Saturday, tbe 3ud day of Ootober, A. D. 1015, at 10 o'oloQk in tba forenoon as tbe time, sod lbs Oounly Court House at Feu dletuu, Oregon, as the plsos, whore the said dual aocount and- report will be heard aud tba settlement tberenf msde. Dated this Hid day of September, A. P., 1919. Homer I. Watts, B. B. Biobards, Alty for Admr. Adruintsti tor. For Sale, (iraln and stock farm 7 OR sores. 820 under nlon. 100 summer-fallow. 10 alfalfa, B orobard, 2110 more can be cultivated and 21SR pasture, bouse, baru, onthouses, good well, windmill, water piped to bonse and barn lot, 20 horses and oolls, 8 cows, pigs, obickena aud iatm implemente includ ed, Soil au ash loam, Railroad sid ing ou tbe plaoe; 8 miles to town; rural deliverv : flood oountv road aud In tbe wheat belt In Whitman county, wash, Prloe fit per uore. one-third oasti, balnuou ou time. Wiite Owner, care Athena Press, Athena fayroll of toe bankers, niercfiunts. etc After thcBe obligations are paid, the farmer has only a few bunches of vegetables, some fruit and poultry which he can sell and call tbe pro ceeds his own. -, When the farmor pays oft bis help be has very littlo left and to meet these tremendous payrolls he baa been forced to mortgage homea, work women In tho Held and increase the hours of his labor. We are, there fore, compelled- to call upon all In dustries Cependent upon the farmers tor subsistence to retrench In their expenditures and to cut off all un necessary expenses. This course la aesolutely necessary In order to avoid, a reduction in wages, and ws want, if possible, to retain the present wagon scnlo paid rnilroad and all other In dustrial employes. . Notci About Drd:. A i.vt;!l:ir cli:i:':n tiTlst . about bird Is Unit the ,vu::ii of t'.rov t'Mt build, mv.ts In trws iiro blind v. '.i.n huli Uod. Hrv imUctl. Biwble to walk urni ur fl by the psirunt bird. Anions t!iL wad ing birds 'tbo yuuus can walls, swim and pick up food liunudliitoly npou leiivlriii the cKg. With birds, as with hlKlaT orilmtils, tbe fi-tuntos seem to fancy brtulit colors aud music; henco Mother Nature usually ornaments me head, neck and tub of tbo males that they may tlnd mates more readily. The male birds usually excel in music niso. -rExchnnge. MM. I. WWW. SwwforbVI hcitr It was a bad fail ure. Crrihshnw Wry Kveu tbe re ceivers didn't mako aiiytliluu out of It Mr. Schoolboard "AH Work and no Play, makes Jack a dull Boy." (37.65 buys all the lnniter, millwoik and oement, with 'complete FREE PLANS for this "TUM-A-LUM PLAYGROUND APPAR ATUS,." Why not install tbis on your school grounds and give the girls aud boys the greatest thing knowu'Jorgood wholesoni" play v "See JOHNSON about it." Tum.a.Lum Lumber Co. 3!UTD i.OfflT mm mm THE SIGN OF GOOD PAINT Any one who uses or ought to use paints and varnishes, should remember that we have, the agency for Sherwin-Williams Paihtsand Varnishes in this locality. For fifty years" this line has been the. world's leader, that's why we chose it; and we are leaders in good things here that's why they " chose us. 1 It's a pretty good combination to do business with. . . - Sold by Ware's Pharmacy "fen. mmmmmmMSSfl : X ilr lilS'-v I 'n.A.-b-.aa blithe LwCunrof the &es$hgCspm myB the cost NOHAMMOCKJN3 NO fiUMMOCKIKG NO SAGGING Sir. 9- lL.J3iW NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING Horse and lule Show Roundup Grounds, Pendleton Oct. 9th Under auspices Umatill 1 branch of the Oregon Horse Breeders Association. Judging in hands of the Extension Department of O. A. C. Free feed furnished. R. O. Earn hart, Pres.; Dr. W. C. Lassen, Pendleton, Sec-Treas. '11 See ti23'3e2u&'Be3 Spiihs at MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET i.!. We carry the best f MEATS TTr-"t That Money Buys I"" Our Market is W wT$ Clean and Cool 1 TJ It ? . Or Insurin Wholesome Meats. 'JlnljMr " READ & MEYER Clg(ti '3azv Main Street. Athena, Oregon aaBSsBBasBBSBjBBSrarMBcsBBasa