Press Paragraphs B. D. Tbarp made tnslneai trip to Beppoer jeeterdaj. Charles Pinkerton was io town yes terday from Weaton, - ; Boh Fletoher of Pendletoo, -jsss an Atbena visitor Friday. J. 'T. Lienallen drove over from Walla Walla Wednesday. "', Elmer Boober moved tbia week Into one of tbe Sam Spaooar oottagei. . .. - Obarlea Prloa and Q. W. Stasia of Weston, weia lo tbe city Tuesday. Albeit Fix, Walla Walla merchant, was In tba oitj . Wednesday eventing, Mr. and Mra. Beit Zeiha. were op from tbeir home at Canyon, tbia week. Postmaster Onae. Henry took a lay off yesterday and attended tba Kooud- i If yon want to boy oily property (arm lands enqoire of Brnry Adv. - - '.:-. Mra. B. MoPheison, of Clem, Ore., is a goeat at tba Wm. MoPbaraon , borne. ' Mia. Beo Iiombley rsaa io town Tuesday, a gnest of Miss Don Ben- nott. . J;-." ; ; Mra. Mary Tompkins ia visit: friends at Waitabnrg, Waen., ' tbis week. Mr. and Mrs. Joaepb Bbeard visited at tbe MoUorkell borne at Briggaon, Sunday. 1 '.- I - sf odd over shot Wo o d in Carload Lots Cascade 4 f.ot Fir Wood,. ... .'. .$5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,.... 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .. . , '. 5.10 F.O.B. Athena - Pendleton Branches ern Pacific Railway. : C O, WILLIAMS, Poatoffice, Edgewater, Washington. ; Si North er t. - THE X ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, raop. Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS la me only one that can Moomniodttt .. - atnmrrlal travelM. Iff i 'mi nriMHimended tor ll clean an ft veil TM)r.llit.ri rnnBna. Mr. and Mra. Beoj. Dnpnis were in tbe olty Wedonday, from tbeir borne near Adams. Sonday, tbe 26tb, it positively tbe last day for a sitting at tba Obaurt Stadia. Adv. Col. Baldwn, tbe well known auc tioneer of Walla Walla, waa In the oity Wednesday, v Robert Borna, tbe popnlat O.-W. railroad offlioial, apent Wednesday oigbt in tbe oity. Mr. and Mra. Ora Zerba were np from their home near Eennewiok, Waab., tola week. Mra. William Pinketton, who baa been qnite ill doling tba past week, ia slowly improving. - Colonel Wood, Ralph Baling and aeveral other metropolitans, were in town Monday evening. Yon most hnrry. Sunday, Sept. 36 la tbe laat dav yon can get aittinga at tbe Ob mart Studio. Adv. , eorge Winabip left last night tax gene, where he will begin bis aeo- year ia the university. r. and Mra. W. H. Boobei were from tbeir home eaat of town, iping in Atbena Tuesday. For Bale Tba , Bert Oartano res idence, located at corner of Tbiid and Adams street. Athena, Adv. Marshal StoD6pat Main atreet In liok-span condition this week when agave it a thorough cleaning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Benty Pinkerton left Wednesday for Portland, wbare they will remain for a ooople of weeks. n ' J Tbe new dining room at the Atbena rltotM waa opened to tba publio tbia ' weak and baa been well patronized. Mra. Janie WaodrnS and children bave retained from a visit to tbeir toimer borne at Two ilivers, Waab. - Tba Watts law offloe is being en laiged by an addition to the rear loom. Reed Bill is doing tbe oarpsa ter work. " .Mrs. Byron Hawks came down from Spokane yesterday and with Mra. F. S. Le Grow left last evening for a tonr throng h California. A. Bennett ia appearing on tba atreets with bia delivery wagon fresh y painted, witb artiatio letteia adver tising bis paint atoie. B. O. Woitbington is this week paintiug and piiperine tbe residence on tbe ranch east ot Weatoa recently parahaaed by Roy Tompkins. Jobn Rosen bora, a well known jew eler of Pendleton, died at bia borne there Tuesday from internal oanoer. Be waa a native ot Norway. - r Mr, and Mra. J. A. Kirk arrived in tbe oity Wednesday morning from Balaey, and will remain in tbia vicin ity nntil after the Roundup. - Maiion Hanaell is spending tbe week at Pendleton witb tbe rest of the ogw tjoya. Be went down Monday with a bunch of atook for Jinks Taylor. MissFerol MoBride, wbo spent'tbe anmmer at the Wm. MoBride farm south of towp, bas retnined to Weaton wbeie aba ia attending High sobool. Charles Bryan and Will Read r'e tnrned thia week from a fishing trip in Wallowa ooonty. Thev bad great sport obasinn tba feetive "yank " at allows .Lake. Cob. Mtit and Third. ATHim.or. 4 For the convenienoe of Atbena peo- e attending tbe Rooodnp this week, the O-W. provided a apeolal oar wblob waa left on tba aiding eaob day ot tbe big show. - Obaa. Kirk this week delivered a Smalley 40-iooh ourter to Crumble & Nelson at Vincent. Tbe maonina is folly equipped; having alfalfa meal attachment, etc till in on some of the mountain n r;naA l moDCT rinobes. Tbe Bote Bros.' outfit ia DALEROTHWELL EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN - (J Harvesting operaliona are Glasses Are Scientifically ,LP6rogresa duplicated io a few mom ents. All work guaranteed ctmerican Naticnal Bank Building, (Upsisirs) Pendlston, Oregon. "... , Wild Hoiae f bresblog t alley on mountain this week. Dr. J. Q. MoMatb bas reoently add ed to bia offloe equipment high fre anenoy cleotrio machine and ia now tboroagblv prepared to give eleotric treatments. Adv. . , Uomlorts ana Blankets For Cooler Nights . Colder nighta are at hand. 'lore bedding will te needed in many huuies. - Right now our beddiug seotion is especially well equip ped to seive yon. Especially Is this tine of Comforts and Cotton Blan ketsthe kind with tbe long, soft woolly osp. We show eight grades in Cotton not shoddy filled ailkaline and oielonne Comfort;, at $1.90, 13.50, (3.65, $3.85. il.25. $1.00, $4.50 and $3.00; also Lambs Wool and Down Comiorts at $7.50 $10.50 and $17.50. Tbeae are not tbe obeapest goods we could Bod hot are extia good valnua at tbe prio ea. Our Cotton Blanketa tbis seaaon kt a little better tbao ever te fore. Above $1.00 io price, all rnn in good generons sizes; colors are in white, tan and gray witb appropiiate oolared bordete; also a Boa assortment nf plaida ia fine woolly nap gooda some people take for wool. Twenty numbers in aesoried.oolore here to aeleot from, at prion fiom 95 oeota to $3.6. " , ; THE DAVIS-KASER CO., WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools U-22 AlderSt A. C. CARPENTER THE UP-TO-DATE JEWELER Dealer in PrecioW Stones, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass and Eilverwear ' NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA, ORE Mr. and Mra. Henry Wood attended the laying of tbe oorner atone of tbe new Federal bnilding in Pendleton Wednesday, Mrs. Wood ataying over to attend tbe Bound-Up. Miss Partiidge. the well known teacher, ia haviog a aix-room bunga low built on lota reoeutly purchased, in tbe north part of tbe oitv. D. Soott Fisher has tbe oontraot Mra. Arohia A. Shlok will give lei sous io pisno and voice, at her resi dence, Adams atreet, between Fourth and Fifth. Prioea reasonable, satis faction guaranteed. Adv. . ' C. A. Barrett la Having an ofBoe built foi tbe Foss-Winsblp Haidware oompany. Tbe room Is looated on tba aontb end of tba store bnilding, and ia being oonstmoted of oement and biiok. . : ; ..- Zerba Bros, base ordered an Oxy Aoetylene welding equipment for tbeir repaii sbop at the -garage. , Tbe boys keep abreast of tbe times In all the different branobea of automobile rei pairing. '..---v Watts Bros., of tbis city, last 'week olosed tbe purchase of a seotion of valuable . land from Claude Steen. Tbe land adjoins otber land holdings nf the Watts' and they now have one ot the beet raoobes in tbe county. f . Mr. and Mrs.-F. 0. Miller era guests of the A. J. Walkers this weak. Mr. and Mrs. Millar, wbo formerly resided here, will take a residanoe in Athena if it ia possible to seoure one. Mr. Miller is traveling for a oigar bouse. CJoite an atleratlou is being made this week lo tbe rear of Waia'a Phar maoy. By arrangement of ahelvlng and removal of partitlona, consider able more room bas been acquired and eoovenienoe gained in the pharma ceutical department. . ..... , Presorting next Sabbath morning and evening at tbe Methodist Kpisoo palobnrcb;. morning sutjeor, "Doing Business for God ;" sobjeot at night, "The Fight for Heaven." Sabbath Sobool at 10 a. m. : All are invited. W. C. Renter, Pastor. Quite a number nf Masons from. Atbena attended tbe laying of tbe ooiner stone of tbe new federal build ing at Pendleton, Wednesday after noon. The oeremony waa participated In by tbe Grand Master and a large number ot prominent Masons. Tbe seating of the High Sobool au ditorium witb opera obairg baa been in progress tbia week. Tbe furnish ings will be in plaoa for tbe conven ience of tbe public by Sstuiday even ing, Ootober a. wben the Seqnoia Male Quartette will appear nnder tbe auspices of the school. ; f y. ' John Shlok, pi to her for Atbena, and considered tbe best left-bander in" the Eaat End leagne haa been signed for a tryout witb MoOreedie'a Port land team in the PaoiBo Coast league next spriog. Jimmy Riobaidaon oame to Atbena tbe otber day and aeonied Sbiok'a aignatore to a oootraot, Mrs. Jessie M. Hcneyman, nf La Grande, waa in tbe oity last Friday in tbe interest nf promoting Art atndy in tbe aobools. Mrs. Honevman is a well known woikei in Parent-Teaob-era' associations, and may return to thia city at some f nture date to assist in tbe organization ot an association in Atbena. Jndga Uiobards has been quite busy in mnnicpal oouit tbis week. So far he bas disposed of the following cases with fines attached: Gay Matlook, exoeediug spsed limit, $5; Larry Mit chell, fighting, $7.50; John Doe, dis orderly oouduct, forfeited $10; Will! Shlok. fighting, $7.60; Fred Cardeu fighting, $7.50. A little eon was torn to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Thompson nf tbis city, Tuesday, September 81, 1915. Tbe little one lived only a few honrs after tirth. The remains were taken to Heppner. Wednesday, for inteiment in the oemeteiy there. - Tbe bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends in tbeii sorrow. isitors to "Happy Canyon" will reated to tba rare apeotacla of two' I hlisebaak weddings tbia week, one a Pendleton oouple and tbe otbeiB from Weston. Tbe marriages will ba on borsebaok, and all the wedding par ties will ba mounted. Tbe identity of these neivy young people is to be kept seoret nntil the auspicious moment ar rives. - With tba ice cream season nearly over, I oan tnrn my attention more towarda tbe bianob of bread making. I bave installed tbe Compressed Yeast system, wbiob will insure a sweet, wholesome loaf of bread. 'Iry it and you will find nn need of buying shipped in bread. Atbena Bakery, Ed. Kent mann, proprietor. Adv. Weston Lader: J. H. Ulodins has sold bis quarter seotion of faiming, truit and paatnie land on Big Dry ortek to Roy Tompkina for a consider ation of $7000. Mr. Tompkins wli), vaoBte the MoGrew holdings, near Weston, wbcib he has been farming nidi'r lease and wbiob will ta occu pied soon by Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mo Grew.' Mr. and Mrv. Joseph N. Scott leit Saturday evening, alter attendiug Frontier Days at Walla Walla, for Seattle, via. Portland. Tbey go lo Seattle for tba purpose of seeing Rev. Charles Rutherford, wbo is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Soott and wbo witb otber missionaries, is embarking this week for bis Baptist mission, field at Calentta, India. Ha is aooompauied ti y bia little daughter, and will be ab sent for several years. Mrs. Will Peeblet uf Pendleton lias bad ber oup of sorrow foil in tbe past two months. First ber bnsband died, and Wednesday bei little tbree-year-aid inn waa drowned in tbe mill raoe near ber home. Tbe little fellow was playing witb other small children, and preanmably waa dragged la wben his sled went over the bank. Tbis ia an other grim reminder that the mill laoe in Pendleton is a dangeiona Ibing in "bt oitv. yeteidy a negro tramp and a white man broke into tbe Northern Paoiflo section bouse, broke open a anit oasa kelonging to a Gieek seotion band, atola $1.80 and bid under Cbailey Bantu's pig banse In lbs Northwest part of town. Tbe boboa were biongbl forth from tbeir hiding place br Detective Littlejohu and portion of his foro and lodge in tbe oity jail by Marshal Stone, and tbey will bave a bearing . before Judge Riobards today. , Pendleton papers state that John Rotbrook, an Atbena bny, and Paul Winter wbo failed to appear befoie tbe justioe of tbe peace in Pilot Rook September 11 to anawsr onargea of bnnting without a lioense, werepioked up Sunday in Camas valley by Deputy State Game Waiden Tonkin. Wben arraigned before the jnstioe tbey were ennvioted and sentenoed to aerve SO days in jail and pay a" fine nf $35 each in addition to tbe ooets. Tbe bays de clared that tbey were bnnting bear and cougar only, wbiob tbey had a right to do without a lioense. School Notes( . On Saturday evening Ootober 3, tba Sequoia Male Quartet, oompany of high elasa musicians of Portland, will give a ooooert nnder tba auspices of tbe Athena High Sobool atndent' body in tbe anditorinm of tbe new sobnol building. Ibis will be tbe first en tertainment to be ataged by tba atnd ents, wbo are working bard to make tbe affair a snooesa floauoially, and tbe patronage of tbe publio will te highly appreciated. . -' The folowing men who, aooording to tbe Portland Oregoniau are musi cians well knuwn to muaio lovera of that oity, make up tbe oompany: Bariy Wbetsel, fi rat tenor; Joseph A. Finley, aeoond teuni ; Lowell Pattou, baritone and M. L. Bowman, baas. Harry Wetsel was soloist lsBt yeai at one of the largest ohniobes in Port land and baa a bigb touor vcioe and a winning personality. Joseph A, Fin ley haa been aative as a singer and chorus oonduotor while in Portland. Be oiganized, directed and Unanoed tbe Portland "Oraroiio Society for three years. In addition b is talented as a reader of Yankee, Dntob and Ital ian dialects. Lo well Pattou, who haa teen organist at several of tbe Port land churches, last winter toured tbe EaBt witb "The Flying Sqnadion of Amerioa". as eocompanist and pipe organ soloist. Ha will do tha aaoom- paalst work for tbe company. M. L. Bowman was for eight yeaia bass solo 1st witb Savage's Grand Opeia Com pany and baa held a number ot pos itions of equal note. .Referee Makea Unpopular Decision. lAPerbaps tbe last boxing oonteet that will" be aobeduled in Atbena for many a day, ended in a near riot Monday night at Urqabart'a pavilion. Iuteose interest developed in lbs !0-round svent between Clark and Evans. : Tbe flgbtera went tbe full limit and there was a buwl of disapproval when Ref eree Hyberg held np Evans' band as the winner. , In tbe 'opinion of Clark's aopporlera and nentral observ ers ot tha Ogbi, any otber deoiaion tban a draw, sbnnld bave been de clared io favoi of Olark. Those cap able of judging say tbat Clark easily bad tbe edge on Evans for fifteen rounds ont of tbe twenty. Alter tbe fight the referee oame in for a lot of crlticisci and ragging from the dis satisfied element. A ooterla of young fellows made-it so hot for him that he lost bia temper and etrnok yonug Sbiok, a minor. He waa then pinobed by Marshal Stone, and while walking up tbe street was assaulted 1 y Will Sbick, au older brother. The men were finally aepsiated, Hyberg placed in Jail, and later liberated on. cash bail. He appeared iu oonrt next mor ning and was fined $7.50, Sbiok being also fined a liaa amount foi fighting. THE HOUSE OF THREES. Curious Architecture of England's Most Peculiar Building. The most ptfiilinr house In the Unit ed Kingdom is uilnhlv the ti'lnniriilnr one nt. RiishriHi. In Northnmptuiinlilre Its deBlgu Is nppHd to typify th trinity , ; ; This singular liiilldlrig hns throe sto ries, mid each story bus three win down on eneli of the three sides, while encb of the windows In two of the three storks Is In the shape of n tre foll-the three leaved shamrock. In ench or tbe other windows thrre an twelve panes, nrrnnired in three four, and the pnnes throughout are tnnn gulur. Three gables rise on vucli side and from the center, where their roofs meet, a three sided chimney surmount cd by a triniiRiiliir pyramid terminates In a large trefoil The smoke Issues from three round holes on eiieli of the three sides of tbe chimney Three Lntlu Inscriptions, oneoneiich elde of the house, have enrb thirty letters, while over tbe door there U another Latin Inscription of Sfcree words, the English of which la, "there are three, that bear record" and on each aide are tbe curved fiKiires of three angels bearing shields. ' . Inside the bouse each Boor contains three three-sided apartments. The length of encb nf the walls by outside measurement Is thlrtj three , frt four Inches that In. exactly thirty-three and one-third feet Londou Telegraph. The Chair of Torture. Tbe most prominent building In the ancient city uf Nureiuburg is. the caa tie. One of its two towers was used for torture ; the other served as a prison The castle also contained a museum uf horrors until It was purchased liylhe Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, III whose possession these relies now lie One of these was the chair ot torture (t was very heavily made and studded over the sent and nt the elbows with blunt topped spike. To It the victim was tlshtly tMinnd. mill In a short time discomfort I.cjmii to inriiilfcsl Itself and In time tiecniue nnl-:i r.i li- Dnrtiig Its continuance the torture was lucre ed in several ways liy means of cli'i being pnwe:l tiotwceii- the h-n and screws belnc npplied l the llminiw until tbey began to hleed "Mamma. lisped t'fte cherub, while a smile of seraphic sweetness illumi nated his baby face, "do yon know that sometimes 1 help Catherine's mam ma." "That's nice," prompted the proud parent "And what do yon do to help her, dearX' "Oh," replied the cherub, "when Catherine' nauchtv I punish herr We Dont Sell ivJisery W El SHOES Evarv Pair Has 100 per cent solid comfort 100 per cent quality 100 per cent style FLORSHEIM SHOES UTZ & DUNN SHOES FOR MEN FOR LADIES r $5.00. 6.50, 6.00 and 7.00 $3.50, 4.00, 4.60 and 5.00 SELZ SHOES OUR SPECIAL SHOES FOR MEN FOR LADIES $3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 4.50 $2.50, 2.95 and 3.50 SELZ SHOES UTZ & DUNN SHOES FOR BOYS FOR GIRLS $1.65, 2.00, 2.25 2.50 and 3.00 $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and 3.00 MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMPANY The Quality- Store." v f Jp B,ock Now is the time to cut your stubble and get the weeds started and your ground in shape to get all the moisture and insure a big crop. We have the two-way" Bonanza Disc, the only disc on the market that will not track. Single Disc that can't be, beat. Come in and see for yourselves, and you will sure take one out. 3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, OUR STORE IS NOW FULL of New, Clean, Up-to-date Fall eTVlerchandise. The stock is complete in every De partment We sell the best shoes that money can buy, for the whole lamily. You cant beat our Gent's Fur nishings and Fall Suits; latest styles and good workmanship, $9.90 $12.50 $14.75 $16.50 Hats in the latest English and Telescope styles. Our prices. 98c $1.49, 1.98. 2.49. 2 98 John B. Stetson No. I, $5 qual ity, our price, $3.45 English Lace Shoes, $5 values our price, $3.98 , Gun Metal, button, gray cloth top, $5 value, our price, $3.98 Boys Knickerbocker Suits for $1.98. 2.49, 2 98, 3.98, 4 98 Boys School Caps, 25c aad 49c Visit our Ready-towear depart ment. We have new, uptodate Suits, Coats and Dresses at GOLDEN RULE PRICES One-piece Dresses in Combina tion navy blue serges with black taffeta trimmings. Our prices., $4.98, 6.90, 8.90 and 9.90 Nice School Dresses for Girls 98 TO $3.98 Middies in fancy stripe and blue flannel colars, $1.50 values, our price only 98c Ladies, Separate Skirts, at only $2.98 to $9.90 TUC nninCll Dill C We Lead You Can Do Better at MIL UULULI1 HULL Others Follow J. C. PENNY COMPANY (Inc.) 8; BUSY STORES.