The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 24, 1915, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner
Third and Jefferson Streets.
Entered In the rontotttce at Athena, Oregon
- as econauiass juau jnaiier.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months . 75
One copy, three months 50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running lest than one
; month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 12
' Display regular, per inch 12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line 5c
. Lodee resolutions, per line 5c
'(Church notices, admission, per line. .
tTHENA. ORE. SEPT. 24 1915
College attendance In America may
show a slight falling 09 tbe coming
year, owing to the nureat and unoer
taintr arising Irom tbe possibility of
this government beooming directly in
volved in tbe war. Dr. Charles Frank
lin Ihwing, io aa artiole In tbe De
troit Free Pieee, expressee tbe feat
that tbe (Dooming claEsei may be
' somewhat lessened, and that active
and aggressive plans for tbe enlarge
ment of tbe courses of lnstrnottoo, of
endowments and general oollege facil
ities may be limited, Notwithstand
ing, however, these possibilities, tbe
' two great elements which oonstltnte
tbe higher ednoation are not in peril
of being seriously affected in this ooon
try. That great and ever increasing
part of tbe higher ednoation, known
as research will still go forward, In
laboratory and library scholars will
continue to pnrsoe their vooatlon of
seeking for, disoovering and publish
ing what teems to be tbe trntb. In
deed the war may promote tbe culti
vation of this Held. For scholars
wbo in times of peaoe wcnld have gone
to Uermany or France oi England will
stay at home ; and other aobolara too
may oome from foreign parts to par
goo their Investigations in tbe univer
sities of America.
How wonld yon like to beoompelled
to go or send to some other town or
city every time yon want a paper of
pins, or a spool of thread, or a saott of
totaooo? 'Twoold be a fiigbtfnl uni
aanca, wouldn't it? And von wouldn't
want to live io snob a grave yaid
town, anyway, wonld vou? Acd yon
wonld feel jost like telling yonr farm
or town property and going to some
place with a little life, wouldn't yon
that is if yon COULD sell, and if
anybody else was foolish euongb to
want to settle down and iurest iu a
"dead bole." Now, do yon think it is
jost a fair proposition even to yonr
own Interest as a propeity owner to
make a convenienoe of tbe loaal dealer
when you wuu.t pins or a smoke, and
then send jour trade tbat is worlb
having away to corns galoot wbo does
u't oare whether von live or die, just
(0 lcug as he gets your money? Da
".'St. BW . !
It is nndeistaod that tbe billiou
- dollar loan naked of American bankeis
by Great Britain and France is to te
used entirely In tbe purohaae of goods
In the United States. Tbo exports of
supplies tiotn America Io lCurope are
Increasing "jnormooely each month and
will Increase slill more as the convert
ed munition plants gH to lunning
more fully aud turn ont their products
in greater quantities. Aooordiog to
ilgniea published by the boreao of for
eign aud dometio commerce, tbe ship
ments of horses, mules, automobiles,
aeroplanes and explosives, all olasaed
aa war supplies, aggregated neailv
150,000,000 io tbe month of July.
One of onr exchanges remarks:
"The Elks, after tbey gnt through
with their convention nt Iowa City,
Iowa, did not pass a vote of thank a to
everybodr, tot tbey took np a oolleu.
tion and left It to be dlviil d among
tbo looal charities. Those Elks be
lieve In deeds and nnver saying any.
thing about them. Tbat is the badge
of an Elk ttao oouotry over."
Anew orop of Auinrluuu million
(Tires has sprang iuto briog aa a leeult
Of oideis for Earopeao w if supplies.
Following the usual ousto'.n, they will
now ontanot all tba rest of (be suotii.
A Mulligan Stew
Seein' as Kernel Wood's metropolis
originated tbe tight game in. this eeo
tion and farther seein' as there aeems
to be a half-nelson on contest deoi
sious, I'm in favor of suburban dis
tricts bandin' tba said game baok to
said metropolis without qualm or
quiver. By so doin' they'd have
ootbin' on ns bat tbe deaieioa tbe
game going to where It rightfully
Yes, America is a laud of peaoe and
honey. Pass tbe honey I
Snpposin' Jim Bitohey, erstwhile
Weston ranober and later resident of
Corneilns, WillamEtte valley, Oreg.,
had all the say yea or no, whether
we sbonld bond tor roads; wonld we
bond? We would not. As relates to
Umatilla ooooty. I'm not tayin' he's
forninst bonds down in bia WebFoot
ooontry. Mebby be oomes np bere
witb a bond. on one shoulder and
to tin' a free lance on totber. I dnnno.
Walla Walla bad a big show so's
fj-H horse liuiment ia a well known
remedy for the eqoine epeoiea, ao well
known in faot that a Missouri detec
tive factory baa initiated the practice
of graduating 8-H sleuths at 60o. psr,
witb a tin badge to-Boot. So 'm told.
Fonny but tine Tbis ooun try is be
coming calamity fat.
Dootoi Dnmba appears to be the
diplomat who diplomated himself ont
of bis diplomatic post. After serious
consideration I am of tbe opinion tbat
Unola Sam oau get along without all
snob meddlers. Uitl
Tbe tombstone business is looking np
on tbe border.
If tbe kaiser keeps on dolin' ont iron
crosses bis subjeoto will soon be so
loaded down with junk tbat tbey may
have to discard tbeir Ugbtiu' equip
ment. t
We all 'round hero know It aa a
ford; on some parts of tbe globe tbey
oall it a henry, b'gosh I
'I any rate, Fred Funston does n't
have to woiry over submarines "down
on tbo Bio Uianday."
I dlsbed np a perfectly fine oon
Dyment for this mulligan on "Don'ts"
tbe other day, bnt when I came to
reading it over I found it bit me
where I live, too often, so 1 deemed it
tbe part of wisdom to cnt 'er ont,
Peaoe talk is op in tbe air again
and so ore tbe talkers.
In tbe old world a gentleman Is one
wbo is torn nf tbe npper crust, whe
ther be be mint, sinner or snob. In
this oonutry a gentleman la a decent
A rumor is Posting around to tbe
elleot tbat tbo president' is to ask oon
gtess for $500.00,000 for the national
defense. Hot the amount it too iaslg
nifloanl for comment.
Did yon ever piok np a bandtul of
Una sand and watch It dribble through
yonr Augers? 'I bat's the way trade
diiftiaway from tbe merchant who
never advertiser.
It the present day "oivlllaation" Is
any criteilun of that of tba future, we
re poweifully glad we will not be on
band to ebato lu its triumphs aud
Wbo is yout oboioa for president?
From the number of candidates sprlug
log np wa fear there will not be
enongb voters left to oast a majoiily.
Uermiston Dairy aud bog abow No
vcmber SO.
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for Umalilla Connty.
Helen Bamilton KiefTur, Plaintiff, '
' . vs.
De Walt F. KiefTer, Defendant.
To De Walt F. Kieffer, defendant
In tbe naame of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap-
JJtjnr duu nuinci iud vuuiiihiui uieu j
againet yon io the above entitled suit j
within six weeks of tbe date of tbe
first publication of thia summons, to
wit: Friday, October 20, 1915; and
yon will take notice tbat If yon fail to
appear and answer said oomplaint or
otherwise plead thereto within aald
time, tbe plaintiff for want thereof
will apply to tbe (Jourt for tbe relief
prayed lor end demanded in ber com
plaint on bill herein, namely for a de
cree of the Court forever dissolving
tbe boods of matrimony now existing
between tba plaintiff and defendant,
and for snob otber relief aa tba Court
may deem proper.
Tbis summons Is published pursuant
to an order of Bon, Gilbert W. Phelps,
Judge of tbe Sixth Jndioial Distiiot
of tbe State of Oregon, duly, made and
filed in tbe matter herein on Septem
ber 9th, 1015. Tbe Bret publication
bereot is made on Friday, Bept. 17,
1915, and tbe last publication will be
made on Friday, Oct. 39, 1916, said
publication to be in the Athena Press,
a newspaper published at Athene,
Umatilla County, Oregon.
Homer I. Watts,
Attorney for Plaiutiff.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all i
call both right and day. .
Oalls promptly answered. Offloe on Third
Btrot. Athena Orecor
Physician and Surgeon.
Notice of Final Account.
In tbe County Conrt of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of tbe Estate of
Tokti, an Indian woman, deceased:
Notioe ia beieby given to all persons
whom it may ooncein tbat Leo Samp
son, administrator with tba will an
nexed of the estate of Tokti, an Indian
woman, deoeased, has tiled bis final
aooonnt and report in tbe administra
tion of tbe estate; that the Connty
Judfe, by order duly made and enter
ed, has appointed Monday the 18lb day
of October, A. D,,1915, at the boar
of ten o'clook io the forenoon as tbe
lime and tbe county nourt bonse at
Pendleton, Oregon, aa the plaoe where
objections to tbe said final aooonnt and
report will be beard ano the settle
ment thereof made.
Dated thia tbe lltth day of Septem
ber, A, D., 1915. Leo Sampson, .
Will M. Peterson, Admr. o. t. a.
Attoiney for A dm'.
Executrix' Notice to Creditors.
In the Cuuuty (Jourt ot the State
of Oregon for Umatilla Connty.
In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of
William Tompkins, deoeaeed:
Noliae is berebv given, tbat tire
undersigned hea been duly and regu
larly appointed exeootrix of the es
tate of William Tompkins, deceased,
by tbe Judge ot tbe atove entitled
Court, and bas qualified as suob.
All persona having olaime against
said estate are hereby notified and
requested to present said claims, witb
proper 'onohers to me at Athens,
Umutilla County, Oregon, or to my
attorney, S. A, kewberry, at bis offloe
rooms 12-25 Smith-Crawford Build
ing io Pendleton, Umatilla Cnnnty,
Oiegoo, witbin six months from tbo
date hereof.
Dated tbis 10th day of Sept., 1015.
Mary Tompkins, Executrix.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, 501
Offiice one block North of the Bank.
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m; -
Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist
Graduate McKllupVetinary college -
Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug
Blore. rnouatfS.
Homer'I. Watts
, Athena, Oregon. .
Foss-Winship Hardware Co.
"She Looketh Well to the Ways
of Her Household"
'Necessity required the woman of olden days to watch
every penny in the conducting of the household and
supplying it with its requirements. oMoney was not
as plentiful in those days, nor did she enjoy the ad
vantage of being able to procure nearly everything
needed for the house, all made up and ready to use.
This is a good thought to bear in mind in these times of plenty and this is a
- good store to come to in order to learn what real economy means in buying.
Uono to'Lhe Kouod-Up. Null (Jed.
On Relatione of Rallroeds and People
The industrial
leaders ot this
nation are talking
to the public tnce
to face through
the columns ot
this paper. The
time was when If
a corporation had
anything to say
to tbe people they
sent a hired hand,
whispered it
through a lawyer
or employed a
lobbyist to ex
plain It to the legislature, but the men
who know and the men who do are
now talking over the fence to the
man who plows. vi
When the leading business men of
this nation got "back to the soil" with
their problems, strife and dissension
will disappear, tor when men look In-.
to eneb other's faces and smile there
Is a better day coming.
Mr. IS. P. Ripley, presldont of the
Banta Fe Railroad, when asked to give
his views In reference to relations ex
isting between the railroad and the.
public Bald In part:
"Frequently we hear statements to
the effect that those relations are
Improvtug, that the era of railroad
balling haa passed and tbat publlo
sentiment now favors treating the rail
roads fairly. As yet this change In
publlo sentiment, If any buc!i there be,'
Is not effective In results.
It Is true that In the legislatures) ot
the southwestern slates during the,
past winter there were frwer unreae
onnhlo and unreasoning lawa passed
thnn usual, hut a consideration of ihe
hostile bills Introduced shows that
llinro Is still reason (or much dining
even though they were defeated by
more or loss of a majority.
Moreover, the Idea that the railroads
liavo been harBlily treated dries not
seem to prevail In the offices of the
State Railroad Commissions which
siwm to ohorlBh uotloijthat their
business Is not to act aa an arbitrator
between the rallroadB and the people,
but which proceed on the theory that
the railroads are able to take care of
themselves anil that their dut;,- la to
act as attorney for the people even
though In ao dolus they deny Justice
to the railroads. It requires no argu
ment to demonstrate that the rail
roads aro entitled to Justice equally
with other cltlrcns aud taxpayers.
That Ihoy have not received It and
are not receiving It Is perfectly sus
coptthle of proof. That they have
practically no recourse In the courta
bas slso been determined.
The situation therefore Is that the
people, through their representatives,
must elect whether the services of
the railroads shrill be adequately com
pensated or not; and It requires .no
fortune teller or soothsayer to predict
,n It. I.m ..n tlm Arvl- will
I take the class tliut Is paid for and no
Notice of Final Account. -In
the Uoooty Conit ot the State oi
Oregon for Umatilla County,
Iu tbe Matter ot tbe Estate ot
W. W, Jacobs, deceased.
Notioe is berety given to all poraous
whom it may oouoern tbst li. B.
Riobaids, administrator of the estate
ot W. W. Jaaots, deoeased, has Bled
bis final aacouut and repoit in tbe ad
ministration ot tbe estate; tbat the
Connty Jodge by order dnly made and
entered has appointed Saturday, the
Sud day ot Ootober, A. 0. 1015, at 10
o'olook in tbe forenooo as the time,
and tba Uonuly Conrt Hoote at Peu
dleton, Oregon, as the plaoe, where
tbe said tlnsl aooonnt and report will
be beard and the settlement thereof
Dated Ibis ilrd day ot September,
A. D., 1915. '
Homer I. Walts, B. B. Riohards,
: Alty tor Admr. Adminislitot.
Capital and Surplus
For Sale.
Grain aud etook (arm 708 acres, 320
under plow, 100 summer-fallow, 10
alfalfa, S orchard, 330 more oau be
onltlvated and 1138 pastnre, bonse.
baru, outhouses, good well, windmill,
water piped to boose and barn lot,
90 horses and oolts, 8 aows, pigs,
oblokens and farm implements includ
ed, Soil an ash loam. Railroad Bid
lug on the plaoe; 8 miles to town;
rural dellvorj; good county road aud
In the Wheat belt in Whitman connty,
Wash, Prioe $25 per aore, one-third
oasb, balance on lime. Write
Owner, oars Athena Press, Athena,
In Pound.
Notioe Is hereby given that the tal
lowing stock was tiiken np In tbe cily
ot Athena September X4, 11)16, im
pounded aud on I ess redeemed by own
ers, will be sold in tue highest bidder
far osah In bund at tbe Athena City
Pnoud ou Tuesday, Sept. 88, at S o'
clook p. U). i
Ouo auirfl mate blase fane, battle
brand oo left shoulder, atout 7 yra
old, wt, 1000 lbs.
One bay gelding, bottle brand on
left ahonlder, 8-yrs old, wt. atont 800
lbs. ,
One gtay mate, O on left ahooldei
about 7 rs. old 050 lbs.
Una roan mare with eookling colt,
btand O on iett ahonlder 6 yra. old wt,
000 lbs.
One buckskin mara O on left sboul
der 8 yis. old wt. 700.
Oue sortel stallion M on right shoul
der, yrs old wt. 1000 lbs.
. Una bay gelding oar-lock b'snd on
right hip a yre. old wt. 700.
Due sorrel mate, oar look brand on
right hip, with anokliog colt, 7 yrs.
old, 000 lbs.
Uue iiou-gray mare, g oo right hip
witb suckling oolt, 3 jisold, 50.
Uoa bay mare, qo titer oirele B on
lett stifle, 1 yrold, SOO pouuds.
One bay mare, bliss taoe, qoarter
circle K on left slillle, witb iuokltug
oolt, 8 yrs old, 1000 pounds.
Una Iron-giay mare, oarlock brand
on right shoulder and hip, 8 jra old,
1000 sounds.
Oue roao male blaae taoe, oailook
braud ou right atille. 8 yra old 800 lbs.
B. J. Btoue, Marshal.
SEPT. 23-24-25, 1915
Wild and Wonderful
Get Fares and Pariicuiars
Furious and Exciting
nvw vwiwiiMs for worjr
OU. Ctismolens, inasj anal
btt, hoM yen ftMJttoun4
"AH Work and no Play, makes Jack a dull Boy."
(37.65 boys all tbe Inciter, millnoik and cement, witb complete
ATU'S,." Why not install tbis on jour Bohool grounds and 'give tbcjfilrls
JJJJJand boys the greatest tbiugknownfnr good wholesome tilm
stGassssassei ub w$:u'riz: Lumber Co.
A Photo Studio
With Facilities for Doing Big City
Work at reasonable prices. Now's
the time to get good photos. Don't
wait. Sunday, Sept. 26th, is the last
day for settings. Ohmart Studio.
si the Luhnrofthe
Bcm box spring atystne a
See the'VeJ&''Bed Springs at
T JoHNSoi Mall - -
With new butldtntra, better equipment, en
larged ,r round, and atanr add HI one to tta
faculty the University of Oregon will bejrjn Its
fortieth year, Tuesday September 14, 1915.
Special tratnlnc In Commerce, Journalism,
Architecture. Law. Medicine, Teaching, Libra
ry Work, Music, Physical Tralnins and Fine
Arts. Larce and fttront departments of Liber
al Education.
Library of more than 68,000 volumes, thir
teen bulldlnss fully equipped, twe splendid
"j gymnasiums.
I Tuition Free. Dormitories for men and for
ijj women. Expenses Lowest
tf Write for free eatalors. addressing Registrar
s-- We carry the best
:f ' MEATS
n-TjJf IIlT That Money Buys
iIauI f ur Market is
1 I Sr3 Clean and Cool
I M fl II' JLli- Insuring Wholesome Meats.
jtMSlTW :
cg. v--- Main Street, Athena, Oregon