The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 17, 1915, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
Mrs. 8. P. Sharp visited io.Peudle
ton Wednesday.
Wm. Winship Is in Spokane tbia
week on business.
Will Piokerton was in tba ally Mon
day, from Milton.
Only tea days more in Athena. Oh
mart Studio. Adv.
Mrs. Charles Coomans visited (rienda
in Waitsburg this week.
A Piano for rent, oall at the Gold
en Bnle Store. Adv.
Miss Ada DePreeoe waB in Pendle
ton Wednesday afternoon.
. Born, to Mr. and Mra, S. Sanohez,
TSBplember 15, 1916, aon.
W. 0. Miller baa opened a leal es
tate o(Boe in the Garden bnilding.
Geo. Gerking and family are this
week attending the fair at Walla
If yon want to bay oily property or
(aim lauds enquire of Henry Keen.
a. W. Gross pnrobased a new Stn
debaker nar from Agent Kyle Long,
Monday. ,; .
Mr. and Mrs. Cbailea Harmon of
Walla Walla, ffere in the city Wed
nesday. f Bom, September 8, 1915, to 41r.
laud Mrs. Karl Dudley a son, weight
uOJtf pounds. ; '
Sondaj. the 26th, is positively the
last day for a aitting at the Obmart
Studio. Adv.
Mr. and Mra. David Stone are rid
ing in a new Overland auto, pnrahas
ed last week,
an extended visit with relatives in
the Willamette valley.
T. J.
to the Weston Moontain to mak
their home on a farm.
You mnat hurry. Sunday, Sept. 26
is the last dav yon oan get sittings at'
the Uhmart Studio. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. lioQiow went'
over to Walla' Walla Wednesday to
attend the Frontier Day.
For Sale tba Bert Gartano res
idence, located at oorner of Third and
Adams street, Athena. Adv.
Zopb Bros., contractors, have made
good progress on the Anderabn bun
galow on South Third street.
Mrs. Martha Maya came down from
Starbnok, Friday, and Is at the borne
of ber dangbter, Mrs. 0. A. Barrett
Mrs. Lillie Miller has a splendid
line of new pattern bats, Gall in and
see them before the Roundup. Adv.
W. R. Taylor and D. H. MansOeld
disposed of two oarloads of horses to
bnyera at Caldwell, Idaho, laat week,
"Dubs" Miller and Marion Hansell
had fair anooess angling for trout in
Meaoham oreek, tbe fore part of tbe
Alfred Pambrnn'a stage-driving daya
are praatioally over. A new light
Bniok Six has taken plaoe of the old
family ooaob.
Rev. ao1 Mrs. W. 0. Banter name
down from Fomeroy, Wash. Wednes
day and are now established in the
M. E. parsonage.
Mr. and Mis. George Banister and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Oaton visited
tbe fair and Frontier Daya In Walla
Walla yesterday. .. :'
Mrs. Milton Ottoman of Medford,
arrived Thursday evening to visit ber
sisters, Mrs. Homer I. Watts and
Miss Alice Gaines.
Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Lambert left
Wednesday morniog tor Redmond, Or.
where Mr. Lambert has the pasporate
of tbe Metbodist church.
Jesae Ediogton has been in town the
past week, on his way from New
Mexioo to Montana. He will remain
nntil attar tba Roundup.
Miss (Jo tutor tb a former teaober in
the Athena sohool, oame up from
Pendleton Sunday and spent ibe day,
a gnest of tnisa Brierly.
Mr. and Mra. L. S. Vinoent and
Tiuin (i. Brooks visited in Pendleton.
Thursday evening. (V Oonsigumens.ot pheasants from the
. . . VI atace game rami .were reoerven ana
Grandma Burden has returned from ,ita thla aau h. Hm Pnmh.nn
Frank Berlin and Walter Adams.
&aAAnnA on anfit-.nrn hnvar
raouarty ana ramiiy wm move j, .rtiii,. d ....i,. hnrsnn for the
British government, will te in Athena
today for tbe purpose of buying horses
VSam Boober removed an old Oenter
illian landmark, wben he tore down
te old oity jail. The material for
the moat part, will be nsed for Ore
Grood Healing
With a Heater as with a Range, it's so mnob the first oost aa
tbe oost of fuel to keep it going that counts most.
There's a big ditference in stoves in this respeot, as well aa in tbe
way they last, tbe way they kep flre,'eaee of regulation and appear
ance." Onr twenty odd yeare experienoe with stoves under local fuel
conditions is at your servioe. Whatever your beating problem, we
believe we oan help you to solve it to your own advantage. Tba beat
stoves to he bad tor soft coal and our mountain wood are here, stoves
that will get you tbe moat possible beat from these fuels, stoves that
look well and etay so, which keep Bre well and wi l continue to do so;
stoves that will please you permanently, stoves at reasonable prioes as
well. Of oourraa in oatering to all classes we have to have a great
variety of heaters but if yon leave it to ns you will get tbe best prop
osition for yonr oase that is possible. Call if yon oan. Write telling
m hnw mnoh snace von wish to beat, what fael you use eto. if Jou
oan't oall and we will send yon illustrations and ojuoteprloes.
Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 13-22 AlderSt.
Dealer in Precious Stones, Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass
and iilverwear
' ,Sr "Ro! Sort twain
StapCoxto M " l j-r?ru''Vmm
tj!fL. fSfcowhi Eariy lift)
W "SEPT. 16-17 -18, 1915
: .sr. Rs&sMh
- i V.TSTEF.a m mn m REAL mgSU
twrmm tmmmKmmimmm awaaassnxareasr - """' 1
Jerome Hill and family arrived In
tbe oity Monday and have been visiting
at the home of bia mother. He is en
gaged in farming in Whitman county,
Lost On the Walla Walla road,
east of Weston, a red hand satohel,
containing gloves and Indian bead
work. Finder will please leave at
thisoffloe. .,. '
Misses Helen and Shea O'Neal, wbo
have spent their vaoation at tba Oa
ton and Leon Kidder homes, returned
this week to Presoott to resume their
sohool studies.
Tommy Clark and Bobby Evans are
sobednled for a 20-ioond boxing oon
test at Urqubart'a pavilion in this
oity, Monday night. A oouple of live
ly preliminaries are also on tbe oard.
Irwin Brooks, winner of tbe Eastern
Oregon tennis championship in singles
has reoeived tbe onp awarded by Roy
al Sawtelle, of Pendleton. The onp ia
of bronw and silver and beautifully
engraved. ,. -
Wednesday tbe XBtb birthday-nnol,-versary
of Ed. LaFave was duly ob
served by a bost of relativea who
gathered at his home sonth of town.
A good dinner was served in honor of
the oooasioa. -.,.,. ,
Wm. Winship, the MaEwen broth
ers aud tbe Messrs. Mundell enjoyed
splendid fishing on tbe John Day last
week. A number of tbelr Athena
friends served tront lor treakfast Sat-
rday morning. : ,
Mr. and Mis. Ed Hand, of Onlver,
Ind., Were guests this week at tbe
home of Mr. and Mra. Cbas. Bryan.
r. Hand, wbo is an nnole of Mr.
Bryan, and bis wife are on their way
to the fair at San Francisoo.
Mrs; W. S. Fergnson, with ber
daughter, Miss Gladya Andre, left the
rst of the week for Portland, wnere
the yonng lady will go into, training
at tbe Good Samaritan Hospital, with
tbe view of reooming a gradnate
Wesley Parris this week aent down
om his Caldwell, Idaho, ronoh some
fpeoimens from his onoumber patoh
which he considers hard to bear, me
largest, a growth of three weeks, mea
sures 11 by 15 lnohes, and weigba fonr
pounds. ,
Athena was entertained by a atrong
man on Main street Wednesday after
noon. He was master of several stnnts
wbiob displayed feats of strength,
with teeth and jaw. Snob little
things as twisting spikes and bending
iron rods with bis teeth seemed easy.
Dreamland program for Friday and
Satnrday'evenings: Three reels, "Ibe
Long Way," with Miriam Nesbitt,
Mabel Trunelle and MoDermott, &ai
son. Sunday: 1. "The Beloved Ad
venturer." Lubin. "Joaie's Leg.
aoy." Vitagraph. 8. "Slim dim.
A. L. Swarrgart, aa usual, took many
izes on bis snlendid exhibition of
thVonnhbred Poland China bogs at
tbVWalla Walla fair, thia week. In
addition to having the satisfaction of
winning, the exhibition of bis Btook
at tbe fair brings to Mr. SwBggart
many buyers.
Jim. of the Cabbage Patoh." is
the way we feel like writing it after
seeing bis picture. We have refeienoe
to Jim Foss. and the picture was fast
en while be was standing in tbe gar
den on tbe Fees, raooh down in Crook
oonnty. where they make tain
any time they desire, with a dltott anu
Mrs. Alma Wilkinson left Tuesday
mornina for Hood River, where sbn
will make ber borne with ber daugh
ter, who is employed in the eoboola
there. The many friends of Mrs. and
Misa Wilkinson regret to see thorn
leave Atbena where they bave uvea
so many years, to reside elsewhere
Dr. Will R. Soott and his talented
wife have moved to town from the
Potts farm where they bave spent tbe
summer, ind bave taken the IJesper
property, on Adams and 3rd streets.
It is understood that Mrs. soott, wno
will be a mnob appreciated aoioieitlon
to the muaioal oiroles of tbe oity, will
teach vooal and instrnmental music ,
The pastor of the Baptist ohnrob,
Rev. Milo G. Bentley, who has been
away on his vaoation, will be in bis
nulcit next Snnday morning at 11a.
m. and evening at 7:30. Morning
anMcnt "Tha Plirlflnn TrRnanrfl:" flVe-
BUVJUV, " , . j
ning eubjeot. "God's Call." Tbe pub-S
lio is most oordially Invited to attend.
Sunday Sohool at 10 a. m., Mrs. u. A,
Barrett superintendent.
Mrs. Sbarpnaoa, of San Franoisoo,
has arrived in tbe oity and ia at tbe
home of Mrs. Lnoinda Hiteman. Tbe
two ladiea were girlhood friends 4n
tbe east. Mis. Sbarpnaok spent sev
eral weeks here some years ago, nurs
ing tbe late Mr. Hiteman through a
.nine of illness. With ber husband,
now deceased she went through the
horrors of tbe great earthquake,
Manv Atbena people' aie attending
I ha Frontier Data show at Walla
Walla, .wbiob oommenoed yesterday
fieinaon. The contests are said to
be superior to those of last year, and
the races have been good. Tbe agri
onllural aud industrial exhitits at the
fail have attracted tbe attention of
hundreds of people during tbe week
A man was arrested on the street
yesterday ty Marshal Stone, on com
plaint of two ladies, whom he aoaost
ed in their borne in tbe north part of
the oity. He meekly submitted tu tbe
arrest, and on examination it was de
aided that tbe fellow was demented.
Be was taken lo Pendleton for further
examination by Deputies Blakley and
Estes, wbo happened to be in town.
Tbe man was a stranger here, and it
was reported had been ordered at
Weston to move on.
W. C. Banter the new pastor of
the M. E. obnroh." arrived in Atbena
Wednesday. Be is a native of St. 1
Louis, Mo., aud began bia ministry
in that atate. He la a gradnate of
Garrett Biblical Institute and baa tbe
degree of Doctor of Philosophy from
Illinois Wesleyan University. Among
the ehnrobes he bas served are:
Brnadway Hannibal, Medford Ore.,
Lewiston Idaho and Firat Cbnrob,
Walla Walla. : He will preach next
Sabbath morning aud evening. Morn
ing subject. "Gospel Dynamite;" sub
ject at night, "Tba Best Poasifls In
vestment" All are invited.
Were yonr children baokward in
their studies last year? If so possibly
It was dna'fo eye trouble of some kind.
Drs. Lowe and Inrner wbo are to be
at St. Niohola Hotel Tuesday, Sept.
SI, one day nnly, are eye specialists of
loog experience and skill; take yonr
ohildrsn to tbem and let them give
their eyea a thorough examination,
and if they are defeotive have them
oorreotly fitted with glasses. Ons
obarge covers entire oost of examina
tion, frames and lenses, whether tbe
glasses oost 2. 00 or more: they are
guaranteed absolutely. Seorea of ref
erences. Remember the day and date.
"Yon bet," is to be the slogan of
Happy Canyon at tbe Ronnd-Up thia
year, tbe institution which tbe Pen
dleton people have provtfed for "tbe
entertainment of the evening tbrongs
wbiob gather there durini Ronnd-Up
week. Inside tbe bnga pavilion bor
dering Main street, is seen) a reproduc
tion of one of those old rough frontier
towns in wbiob romanoe and history
are so riob. Early in tbe evening an
hour's program of a thrilling wild
west nature inolnding a steer fight, is
given before the general festivities be
oin. A buae danoing pavilion is one
of the attractions. "Happy Canjon"i
will npen its doors this year on Sept.
aa and olose them on Sept. 95.
Drs. Lowe and Tnrner devote their
entire time, energy and effort exoln
sively to tbe eye. They have bad
yeara of hard praotioal experience and
know their bnsiness thoroughly in all
its branches. They give your eyes a
most thorough soientiflo examination
and when tbey prescrite glasses it is
with positive and absolute assurance
tbat ttey are the best and only suited
to yonr eyes. Their glasses are guar
anteed to give satisfaction whether
tbey oost 12 or more. One obarge
oovers the entire cost of examination,
f ranee and lenses. Consult them at
St. Nichols Botel, Tnesday, Sept. 31;
Weston, Wed., Sept. 22; Helix, Sept.
!. 4dV. -v.,,. .j ".., ;
Aa nan Bniioinated. the reoection
and entertainment given last Friday
evening in the auditotlum of tbe
sohool bnilding, under the auspices
of the Library Board proved to be a
most enjoyable event. Tbe program
as nnblished last week, was carried
ontand eaob musical tiuuber 01 read
lng received hearty encores which
were generously responded tu. Ibe
addresses were listened to witb inter
eet, especially that of County Supt
Young, wbo paid many deserved com
pliments to onr splendid new sohool
bouse. A large aud representative
audience of Atbena people were pres
ent. and all evinced a keen appreoia
tion nf the advantages to bs gained iu
every way from the possession of the
new edifice, whose lighting, beating
and aoonstia qualities were reuognizid
to be of the best.
School Notes
; The following items written by High
sohool students, a boy and a girl re
spectively, in tbe opinion of the Press
critio present quite a bign degree or
exoellenae in composition, whiob nee
essary branob of eduoation ia being
siven snecial attention ty Prof. Post
This column is open to the Atben
Psohool, and all items of like obaraaler
wllLbe gladly reoeived for publics
ith a turnout of eight men, fou
of whom were members of last years
squad, basket ball praotioe was start
ed for thR Atbena -High school boys
team on Tuesday, under the direotio
of I. G. Brooks, a former UnivetBti
of Oreuon star, and Assistant Prin
oinal H. A. Post, of tba High sobool.i
Of tbe fonr experienced men
put in an appearanoe at tbe Initial
nraotiae. three Grant, center and
nantain: Bnrnbam. forward, an
Payne, guard played regularly
last year's quintette, while ttooner
aa a substitute forward and played
in several gameeAjfOwing tn tbe laok
of etpiipinent, ntftl of tbe available
material bas aa yet turned out, rut u
is expected tbat enough for two teams
will beont before the end 01 tne wees,
No games bave as yet been sobed
nled, bnt plans are being made for a
series of games witb Milton, Weston
and Vinoent, with tbe idea of arrang
ing for contests witb the Walla Walla
and Pendleton aggregations later.
0 order to disonss the basket ball
nestinn tor tbe oomlng season, tbe
igb sohool girls met in their study
morn Tbnrsdav afternoon. Miss Pnr-
sifnli volunteered ber assistance as
ooaob, after wbiob she took charge of
the meeting. Rnby Banister was
elected as oaptain of tbe team.
Mr. Post, who was invited to at
tend the meeting, gave a talk in
which be encouraged the girls. 10 take
interest in Basket ball, and work for
Albena High eobool instead of, Indi
vidual honors. ' ' "
It wbs deoided to start praotioing as
soon as Ibe grmnasinm is in readinets.
New Books in Library.
The following new'books are
played on tbe Library shelves
Dixon the Foolish Virgin.
Urey Tbe Lone Star Ranger. '
Grey Paradise Trail.
Knibbs Sundown Slim.
Linoolo Tbaokfnl's Inheritance.
Porter Michael O'Hallorao.
Rowland The Apple of Disocrd.
Tarkington Tbe Turmoil.
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 faot Fir Wood
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood,. .
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood,
. 5.60
. 5.10
F. O. B.
Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Poatoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
dl Misery
Every Pair Has.
100 per cent solid comfort,
100 per cent quality
100 per cent style
$5.00, 5.50, 6.00 and 7.00
$3.00, 3.50, 4.03 and .50
$1.65, 2.00, 2.25 2.50 and 3.00
, $3.50, .00, 4.50 and 5.00
$2.50, 2.95 and 3.50
$1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and 3.00
"The Quality Store."
j. I 3r Rock
Now is the time to cut your stubble and get the
weeds started and your ground in shape to get all the
moisture and insure a big crop. .
X We have the two-way Bonanza Disc, the only
disc on the market that will not track. S
I Single Disc that can't be beat. Come in and see
for yourselves, and you will sure take one out.
v v ; '.
3fcJ and Main ' CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore,
Glasses! Are Scientifically
Ground and Fitted. Lenses
duplicated in a few mom
ents. All work guaranteed
tlmericarl Kational Bank Building,
(Ups.iir'a) Ptndlcton, Oregon.
J.E, FROOME, pbop.
It? i
I Only First-class Hotel in t
I the City.
J I, mi only ou that oan aecommiKiaH
ioniDn)lal tmm.
, W ,
On MiMnmandod lor It. elean and
J vail Tntllnto rrnmi,
ton. Mai ahu Tnrao, ATHim.Or.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Have you Seen the very Latest in
Mens Fall
We have the Newest Shapes at
98 $1.49 $1.98 $2.49 $2.98
It's The Buying Power
of 83 Big Busy Stores, buying direct from the Manu
facturer, buying for Cash, that enables us to
sell at these prices.
Use's pew Fall Bolts ia grey,
brown and bine Sergei, $9,9t,
113,50, 75, I10.M).
Hoya' Knickerbocker Sella lo
grey and brown mixed, bine Bei
ges, 11.98, I2.H8, (3.08, 4.08.
Batter Brown 8bos4 (or bays.
Una metal, tin. or tnllon, f 1.08
13.49, 218.
Ibe latest in New Fall Bolts and
Coats witb for trimming, for
Ladies, $9.00, $12.50, $14.75,
Bava Jon seen tucee Corduroy
Coats witb In) trimming on ool
lr and ooffe? $40.00 values,
our price $25.00.
Busier Brown Shoes for gills,
gun metal, and patent, tnttoo,
$1,49. 1.1)8, a.49, $3.98 - .