AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER - F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co tier Third and Ieffcrson Streets. Entered in the Fostorflce at Athena, Oregon as econdulass Mail Hatter. Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $1-50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months... -50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions Display regular, per inch UH Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5e Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . - 5c cATHEN A. ORB. SEPT. 10 1915 Tonight the first public- function takes place iu tbe auditorium ot Ath ena's splendid new sobool toilding, when it will ba dedioated with re peption to the new oorps ot teaohers. the toard and tbe general publio, bj the ladies of the Library Board. It . is witb no small degree of pleasure and gratification tbat tbe residents at Athena and Sobool District No. 29 contemplate with pardonable pride this beautlfol edifice, whiob, in aroh Iteotoral design and modem strnatnral facilities, ia not surpassed by any ' sohool building in Eastern Oregon. And to eaob and every member of tbe sohool board is given unstinted appre ciation for their nntiring efforts in se curing for tba district values oommen enrate with tbe funds expended. Tbese men obeerfnlly shouldered a burden aad performed a task foi tbe commun ity wbioh baa required time and at tention from their bneiness and per gonal interests, and now that tbeir work is completed, it remains for tbe patrons of tbe sobool to make the best of tbe opportunity within tbeir grasp, of having one of tbe best tabools in tbe state a sohool tbat will aid ma terially in building np tbe town. Tbe board of directors bave, for tbe most part, accomplished tbeir work. It is left for tbe' parents and sohool patrons to oo-operate witb the teaohers by in stilling in tbe mind of tbe pupil tbe proper spirit of school life and acquirement of eduoatloo. The possession of a fine, modern building of itself by no means Insures eoooesi. Without tbe sedulous Interest of tbe parent and unremitting zoal and com petency on the part of tba teacher, the best results of onr publio school ' system are not obtainable, Nothing should be tolerated tbat will hamper tbe progress of tbe school. Neither ' ia it ossential tbat a system of retrenchment ba inaugurated for the reason tbat the district is bonded for tba new building. Ibe taxpayers of tbe district voted tbe bonds, not ouly for the purpose of teourlug tbe building, but also with tbe fixed de termination of improving tbe stand ard ot tbe institution, and tbey will zealous!; support tbe polloy of install ing ioaaonatle courses in domestic oience, manual training, or agricul ture, with the object cf atlraotiug poplls desirous of attending a pro gressiva sohool. What a glorious thing it is to be at peace witb all tbe world! Bow re freshing the thought that there are none who seek our gore. And yet Wa have been on the briuk ol war witb Germany. W faoe tbe necessity of intervention In Moxloo. Oar marines ore toroibly occupying Haiti. Japan has bur eye on the Philippines. And Hades ia too close for oouifort. Advertising pais tbs buyer just as muoh aa It pays the advertiser. It pays both and it pava them handsome ly, for it creates creator sales fur tbe dealer aud leads the buvor to puiuts where ha can trade to brut advantage. Hltob tight up to ibe merohant who advertise and grow with bitn. " The naval board is advocating the oonatrnotion cf dreadnangbls costing 115,000,000 eaob, regardless cf the foot that these monsters aia no match tor a little (1100,000 submarine. Ibis country ia producing ever a billion bushels of wheat this jear aud Wo wouldn't otjeol if we bad' our ahare, though the prioe is down right now. Bnmao nature is muoh Ike same wherever yon find It. We depreaute tbe war in Enropi today, aud tumor tow we may be whooping it op our selves. Canadian dimes, quuitors aud four tit pleoea are being "shaved" ou this aide of tba line. Iry Mexico. Maybe tbcj nill go at faue value down there, Elgin, Illinois, polled olf a big uto mobile race tbs other day, but It was so exasperatlugly tame tbat they couldn't aoare np even a single "kill." Having tired of their own territory, Mexicans are now coming over to our elde of tba Rio Qranda to do their fighting. "Tbe United States must feed the world," aays Washington dlspatob. Uood eoougb, tut let's oolleot in ad vance. The state department Is planning an invasion of China, but it ia of a com mercial uutnre and ueed cause no alarm. A Mulligan Stew I have another friend. Ha delights in fishing and spinning snake yarns. Last year while flsblng in Wallowa oounty, (so he tells me.) be ran across many rattlers. 'I hey just beoame so blamed plentiful that be studied 'em fiom a snakeologioal standpoint (so be tells me) and one in partioular, be let orawl aorosa bis brogau and rest while it lapped a drink of water from Big Sheep crick. - Ton year ba went over to Wallowa again and 1. John Cobsoo relatea bow our friend swathed his laiga in a pair of robber boots and kept to tbe middle ot tbe stream, tineas why. Alfred Pambrnn ia again handling theiitbonson tbe twioe-a-day stags to and from the Pambrnn lanob. His passengers are tbe same as last year, tils sobednle will terminate as usual witb the sohool year. ' There was a time when a man in this town spoke well of Ills neighbors, and bis friends, and the ohorob, and society, and tba business men, and the farmers, and tbe whole community in general. But he died! I Gee I If tbat old green benob down at Fioomo'H could only talk, and re peat what' Is discussed there day by dayf Bowsumever, I firmly believe some '.people's sense of humor was hatobed in a garbage oan, anyway. So Jet 'or flicker. ' "l'wo gentlemen were walking down the street. One of them was a news paper man and tbe other one didn't bave any money, either." With the attention of Bis Honor, Mayor Watts, I rise to place in nom ination for the office of City Marshal, a man who has made an enviatle rep. in Umatilla Uounty as political oampsign manager of Georgia Bob bins' Pendleton (dead) Live Wire; a man w bo cleverly carried and deliv ered tbe great Webfoot commonwealth of Oregon at the feet of the legislature aa a prohibition state without frills or trlmmin's; a man, albeit, wbo has risen in managerial status until at present he manages to manage t movie sbaok in Portland. Mr. May or, I hava tbe honor of presenting', tbs illustrious name of Bon. Orton'K. Goodwin. " in tbe wheat belt in Whitman connty. Wash. Prioe $25 per aore, one-third cash, balaooe on time. Write, Owner, cara Athena Press, Athena, Oregon. Adv. Executrix' Notice to Creditors. In the Connty Court of the Stale of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate - of William Tompkins, deceased: Notice is berebv given, that tbe undersigned has been dnly and regu larly appointed exeootrix of tbe es tate of William Tompkins, deoaaseo, by the Judge of tba above entitled Conrt, and has qualified as snob. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified and requested to pressnt said olaims, with proper 'ouohers to me at Atbena, Umatilla County, Oregon, or to my attorney, 8. A. Newberry, at his office rooms 12-25 Smltb-Crawford Build ing in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof. , Dated this 10th day of Sept., 1910. Mary Tompkins, Executrix. Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. 'alls promptly answered. Offloe on Third elret, Athena, Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Sureeon. For Sale. Grain and stock farm 70!) acres, 220 under plow, 100 summer-fallow, 10 alfalfa, S orchard, 280 more can bs cultivated aud 238 pasture, bouse, baru, ontbonses, good well, windmill, water piped to bouse and barn lot, 20 horses and oolts, S cows, pigs, chickens and farm Implenientsinolnd ad. Soil an ash loam. Railroad sid ing ou tbe plaoe; 8 miles to town; rnral delivery ; good oounty road and Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla Oounty. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of W. W. Jaoobs, deosased. Notice ia bereby giveti to all persons whom it may oonoern tbat B. B. Biobards, administrator ot the eatate of W. W. Jaoots, deoeased, has tiled bia final acoonnt and report In the ad ministration of tbe estate; tbat the County Judge by order duly made and entered has appointed Saturday, tbe 2nd day of Ootober, A. D. 1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon as tbe time, and tba County Conrt House at Pen dleton, Oregon, as tbe plaoe, wbere the said final aoconnt and report will ba heard and tbe settlement thereof made. Dated tbis 3rd day ot September, A. D., 1015. Homer I. Watts, B. B. Biobards, Atty for Admr. Adminislitor. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of tbe Slate of Oregon for Umatilla County. x ' In the ' Matter of the Estate of Joseph Emmett Maggert, Deoeased. Notice Is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that Alma Mae Maggert has been appointed adminis tratrix ot tba estate ot Joseph Emmett Maggert, deoeased. All persons hav log olaims against bis estate are noti fied to present them as by law required to the said administratrix at tbe law oflloe of Will M. Peterson In the Smith-Crawlnrd Buildiog at Pendleton Oregon, within six months from tba date of tbe first publication of tbis notloe. Dated this 13th day of August, 1016. Alma. Mae Maggert, Administratrix. Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Administratrix. no. 4516. Report of the Condition of The First National Bank, at Athena, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Sept. 2, 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounta $523 539 89 Overdraws, Becured,$ ; unsecured, U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 12 500 oo Other bonds to Becure postal savings 970 oo Securities other than U S bonds (not including stocks) owned un pledged 3 078 44 4 048 44 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank $6 000 .... Less amount unpaid 13 000 ... S3 000 . . . , 3 000 oo Banking house, $9000; .... furniture and fixtures .... $1 000 10 000 oo Due from Federal Reserve bank 12 000 oo Due from ap'vd reserve agt's in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, $19 063 44 Due from ap'vd reserve agenta in other reserve cities 91 438 53 110 501 97 Due trom banks and bankers (other than included in 9 or 10) 1 173 34 Checks on banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Outside checks and other cash items, $11896 Fractional currency, nlckles and cents 145 50 264 46 Notes of other national banks 1 363 oo Lawful money reserve in bank; Total coin and' certificates 21259 90 Legal-tender notes Red'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than S per cent on circulation) 625 oo Total $700 500 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50 000 oo Surplus fund '. SO 000 oo Total Capital and Surplus 100 000 oo Undivided profits $7 598 73 Reserved for $ $ 7 598 75 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid $ 1 789 92 5 80s 83 Circulating notes 12 500 oo 12 500 oo Due to banks and bankers (other than included in 5 or 6) 1 978 27 Dividends unpaid , Individual dtposits subject to check $ 450 091 82 Cert's of deposit due in less than 30 days...' $ 129 423 o4 Certified checks $ 428 5o Cashier'B checks outstanding $ 36 45 United States deposits .,..$ Postal Savings deposits $ 233 09 Total deposits, Items 4, 5, 6,7, and 8 , 582 191 17 Total .$700 500 00 State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss : I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. S. Le GROT, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of September, 1915. HOMER I. WATTS, Notary Public, for Oregon. My commission expires Sep tember, 1916. Cot rect Attest: W. B. Shaffer. M. L. Watts, H. Koepke, Directors, $J! the LiiPfofthe bsst hot spring atY2 the cost NO MAMMOCKING NOflUMMOCKING NO SAGGING No NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING See ise'Pxs'IiedJTxJsat MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. Offloe In Post Building. Phone. 501 DR.J.G. McMATII Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon &, Dentist Graduate McKilupjVetinai College Offices: Commercial Btable and Hawks Drag Wore, rhouem. Homer I. Watts Attorner-at-Law Athena, Oregon. THE "BLACK SHELL" THE SPORTSMAN'S FAVORITE c -:"rv- Foss-Winship Hardware Co. MiieiM Opera House . . To-Wight . . VN And His Company In "The Price She Paid" Tomorrow Night The Comedy Scream, "Lizzie's Punctured Romance" Tickets on Sale at Dell Bros. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ATHENA It Capital and Surplus $100,000:22 DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND FRONTIER DM5' IT WflLLA WILLI, SEPT. 16, 17 AND 18 V ): The World's Greatest -1 T'v' Wild West Exhibition and Contest For Championship': Riders and Ropers to compete for 1915 Championships. Events open to the World. Write for Prize t ists i Tjr " -, Reduced Rates on all Railroads.' -Reserve Your Seats For further information, write to R. II. JOHNSON, Secretary, wRna Walla, Wash. lifffw PENDLETON. ORteAU SEPT. 23-24-25, 1915 EXCURSION - FARES Wild .nd Wonderful PONY EXPRESS RACES BRONCHO BUSTING) INDIANS, COWBOYS OUTLAW HORSES Get Fares and Particular? ; Furious and Exciting Msw Csnlsstsnts.fgr Glory Old Chsmpion, man utd ? rwthoMyHipBbou . wWi their nerve Hid ttnlnf '' From Agent 0-W.R.& It Mr. Schoolboard I 11 Phbto Studio With Facilities for Doing Big City" Work at reasonable prices. Now's the time to get good photos. Don't wait. We are here for only" Three weeks more. Ohmart Studio. "All Work and no Play, makes Jack a dull Boy." 37.68 boys all Ibe Id ruler, rnillwoik and oement, witb oomplets FREE PLANS for tbis "TUM-A-LUM PLAYGROUND APPAR ATUS,." Wbj not ioatall tbis on jonr sobool grounds ind giva tba girls and boys the greatsst thins known for good wbolnsoma plaj "Ses JOHNSON about It." Tum.a.Lum Lumber Co. IT i lA. J. Parker rCTrjlhlf .Flril CUu Mo a era ad VHI SOUTH SIDE MAID STREET ATHENA L e. JOHNSOM Hall'-- THE "GREATER OREGON"! mm new ouiidinn, Mttcr equipment, en forced ft-roumls, and many additions to IU racnltr.the University of Oreicon will becin IU fortieth year. Tueadar. September 14. 191S. Special tralnlnsr In Commerce, Journalism. Architects re, Law, Medicine. Teachinc, Libra ry Work, Music, Fhrsical Traininc and Fine Arts. Large and strong departmenU of Liber al Education. Library of more than ffS.OOO volumes, thir teen bulldincs fully equipped, two splendid gymnasium. Tuition Free. Dormitories for men and for women. Expenses Lowest. Write for free oatalors,addresslna Becistrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KUOKNE. OREGON THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET ftj-3' . We carry the best S?ii! MEATS' rHiSCS s- That Money Buys i SttH Clean and Cool 1 nil Hi-lD Insuring Wholesome Meats. VsJgtlJ READ & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon