Press Paragraphs Mis. 0. W." B. Zerba bai beeo very seriously 111. : Mrs. Jobs Bealer of Weiton was la At Sena yesterday. Mrs. Brookner of Spokane, visited in Atbnm tbis week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis bave gone to Walla Walla to reside. Miss Clare Partridge Is visiting fiieods in Milton tbls week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alger left Fit day ioi Levao, Utah, to reside. Mis. Win Borden left tbis week for a visit witb friends at Halsey, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MoDaniel, of Weaton mountain, were In town Wed nesday. Mrs. Wilkinson offers bei household tornitnre for sale. Apply at ber res idence. If yon want to bny oily property or faim lands enqniie of Henry Keen. Adv. I boy and Bell seoond baud Inini taie. E. E. Zebra, Weston, Oregon. Adv.. .-. . ; . - Leon Kidder polled In bis harvest outut last night, after a eoaoessfal 83 days inn. Mrs. Dean Geikiug and son AtHis were guests of Mis. B. D. Ibarp dar ing the week. Mrs. J. B. Harmon and little son will arivie in the city tomorrow from Boise, Idaho. J. K. Gorman, traveling for the Oliver Chilled Flow Co. was in tbe 'oity.WedoeBdav. Mrs,' Ralph Smalley of Walla Walla is visiting ber paients, Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Boober. , Mrs. Frnett, of MoMinuville, who has been visiting in Weston was in town yeateidar, Mrs. Newberry ' and dangbter oH Pendleton, aro visiting at the borne of Mrs. Wm. Tompkins. For Sale The Beit Oartaoo res idence, looated at oorner of Tbiid and Adams street. Athena. Adv. Joseph Key this Week bongbt tbe oottega on 4tb and High streets, own ed by Nova Deeper, and it will be oo onpisd by his eoo-ia-law and dangb ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Kirk. Mr, and Mm. n. R RinhBrAa mnH little son and Miss Flora Booth were fendleton visitors '1'nesday. . . Just lour weeks more in Aihimn. If yon want a good pboto, nail while we in uere. unmart Studio. Adv. Clsod Coo mans left last week for Waitshnrff. ffaih mita hD h aition witb tbe railroad company. Household fainit nrA fnr aula Poll on Mrs. Alma Wilkinson at fan tesi denoe, oorner 4th and Adams streets. Mrs. W. E. Dnhann mill an In Wn. teiman station Sunday, and Monday will begin ber sobool in that distiiot. The Foes-Winehip Haidwara Co. are displaying an attractive window Ibis week in a splendid fi and 10 oent line. H. 0. Wortbington and Rev. A. M. Lambert are in Spokane tbis week, at tending annual oonfeienoe of tbe M. E. ofaorob. Mis. A. M. Lambert reoeived tbe sad news yesteiday of tbe death of her biotber, in a leoent railroad ao oident in Virginia. The Methodist ladies realized the neat sum of $31.60 fiom tbe pastry sale held in the Garden building Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Las Johnson and Miss es Kditb and Agnes Booth attended tbe wedding of Miss Flora Booth in Pendleton yesterday. Miss Edith Booth will leave soon for Lewiston, where she will be a member of the senior olass of the Idabo State Normal sobool. - The Obmart Stndio will remain in Athena only four weeks longer. Don't miss a ohanoe to get photos. Splendid woik. Perfeot satisfaction. Advs Flank Tbarp is negotiating for the pnrobase of the ithena Hotel. If the deal goes tbrongb, Mr. Tharp's resi dence property goes io on tbe trade. Tbe Via Moore tbeatiioal oompany, tend and orohestra will appear in Athena at the opeia honse tbrea nights next week, beginning Thursday Sep. 9. J. A. Keller, a former resident of this oonnty, and now tn the giain and feed business at Vancouver, Wash., was in tbis city on business Saturday. The Piess was in eiror last week in a statement regaiding a aala of tbe Brookner property to Fiank Berlin, Snob sale has not been made, we are ioformed. Herbert Parker, Niok Williams, Martin Sebaaki, Cosbow, and others Pianos At Dam-Kasefs ' Alter months of oarefol consideration, we bave deoided to install a Piano department and tbnsmake literally true onr siogan "Every thing to Furnish Homes, Churches and Sobools." Very oarefnl consideration of tbe numerona'makee available led us to tbe deoision to represent the time honored boose of Gbiokering of Boston and nf HuineS Bros., of New Yoik, in Orands, Uprights and Plater Piano'. In these we foond a splendid spiiit of progressiveoess and extraordinary musical exoellenoe. We will represent the Foster and tbe Brewster Pianos and Players, having in these tnnr mattes an instrument to meet every demand and from the finest Conceit Urand to a reliable instrument at a modest prioe. - ' - " ' '' Out One Prioe principle, witb ell goods marked in plain flgnies will be rigidly maintained; Our prioes will set a new standard of value on piacos. . We oan give our customers moie value for less money because of dlreot buying fiom factory, of carload shipping and beoanse we will bave no added expense other than salesmen. Tbis new Piano Department will be leady for business cy the last of this week. You ace cordially invited to visit it. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 12-22 AlderSt, A. C. CARPENTER THE UP-TO-DATE JEWELER Everything New and up to the minute. Absolutely no old stock whatever. All makes of High Grade Watches. Silverware, Cut Glass, Clocks. Jewelry made to order. NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET. ATHENA, ORE left this week for I he Independence bop fields, where tbey will assist In the harvest. -;: James Henderson returned to the faim on the Wall Walla tivsr tbis week, after spending tbe bnsy baivest season in tbe Mosgrove Meioantile stors in this oity. Vernle Grant baa puiohased the Buel residence on Current street, dam aged by Era some time ago, and will tear down tbe struature and build a new oottage on the lots, .Archie Molntyre, who has been in the Pendleton hospital since his reoent operation lor appendioitia was brought borne last evening and is faBt regain ing bis normal health. ..- Gus Vollmer, well known retired farmer of Waitebrug, was in Athena and vioinity Monday on "a business visit. Mr. Vollmer still owns bis laud northwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Oerking moved tbis week to their frnit ranch near Freewater, after spending the summei in oharge of the Schmidt farm, now owned by George Geiking. . 4 Di. J. D. Plamondon returned the. first of the week fiom a business tiip to Portland. Mis. Plamondon, who has been visiting: in Salem and other points, will return boms soon. , Haive MoAlexander is carrying bis right hand in a sling as tbe result, of tbe laceration of tbiee tlngeis, which were oaught in tbe woodsaw Monday. Di. Sbarp dressed the wonnd. Notice; All those indebted to me will please settle at onoe, as I leave Sunday for Portland, to lay in my winter's stook of millinery. Mrs. Lillie Miller. Adv. Carl Christian, tbe effloient barber, who has been employed iu thn Paikei shop for several yeais, has purohased a barber shop io Adams and will move his family to the little oity to reside Mrs. J. S. Henry, who sold her home in this oity tbis week, gave possession yesterday and will go to Portland about October 1 to make ber home witb her eon, William Henry. The Athena Band wlil combine th tbe Pendleton band ' for tbe Bound-Up. Members of tbe Pendle ton organization were in town Joes ady evening at tbe Tegular band prao tice. , . ' W. M. Zopb, wife and children came up from Lebanon yesterday. Mr, Zoph hs the contract to build tbe new con galow for J. B, Anderson, who re oently purchased lots from Zepn Look- wood, William MoLeod and family, who have been on an extended visit to rel atives in Eastern Canada, returned borne Saturday. A most pleasant summer was spent by tbe family; in tbe east. . i Mr. Watson, who has been m ployed witb Fix & Kadtke in the giooery deoaittnent of tbe store, has accepted a position in Dayton, Wash and will move bis family there at once aide. . .. .. , S IV In A a i X ROMTIERDMS anasSBasasBasBaSBasaiaMaSBass f .. .... if SJt 1 www I i li r rawHP will y A IteprodMttM ' Ji? Showing Early Life is tbe t ar west VALLA VMLA WASHINGTON SEPT. 16-17-18, 1915 Ztm WS S. M Of- A WESTERS StIOW mrs the REAL THiMS EXCURSION FARES .ft-.-"-- a last Snndav s Oregonian, appear ed most oreditable wiiteop and illus' tuition of B. A. Dudley's famous Gel man Red wheat Toe ai tide was sop' plied by the O-W. B. & N. industiial department. -5C Miss Velma Vilkiosoa left tbii morning for Hood Kiver, wbere she will Le a teacher io tbe schools. Her mother will join ber in tbe near f u tuie, and will spend the winter at Hood Kivei. S. L. Spencer tbis week purohased the oottase of Bert Ramsey on Higb street, adjoining bis otber two booses, foi $500, and Mr. Ramsey bought me borne of Mis. J. a. tieoiy on itiira street, paying 120O. i Mr. and Mis. C. H. Thompson, of Albany, have airived in tbe oity. Mr. Thompson is a letired farmer, having disposed nf large land holdings io tbe valley, and bas come io Atneoa io make bis permanent home. Miss Sybiia Beatbe, who bas spent the past nibeth in u vacation visit to her parents at Seattle, has returned and resumed her duties io the diy goods 'jJipartment of the Mosgrove Mercantile oompany 's store. Miss Rena Bergevin, wbo is in training foi a nnrse io a Seattle hospi tal, is at the. home of ber parents sonth of town on a three weeks visit, aftei a year's atiseiK Ihs young lady will giaduate tp iiaf hut LL L. Swassart was In town Tuea- dkmorning displaying a fine pair of Airedale pnppies, wnion ne gravely announoed be bad imported from Russia. He hopes to see them develop into a splendid braos of bear-logs. Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter Vernita wbo bave spent the past three months at Long Beach and otber nointe in California, returned home Saturday, spending a ooople of days en roote with friends iu Portland. In a letter to frie'nda beie, announce ment is made of the biith of a dsngb ter Io Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lakio, at Ethel. Mont. Their little son, Adiian was bitten by a lattlesnaka duiing tbe' summei, bnt bas fully leoovered. Mrs. David MoDonald, who conducts the Grand Geotral bote! at Ulatskunie Ore., was visiting witi bei husband, David MoDonald. ye landlord of tbe Athens hotel last week, retorning to ber boms io Clatekanie 1'hursday. " Wesley Tompkins bis accepted position in tbe grooery department of the Mossrova Mercantile store, aod this week entered upon bis dutier. Weslev was a member of tbe 1915 graduating elass of tbe Athena high sohool. Mis. S. 0. Stanton arrived home from Clarkston, Wash., laat evening, wbeie ebe bas spent tbe summer witb bei daogbter. She reports that tbe hot weather there was rather oppres sive. tbe memory registering often around 105 degrees. ; Tbe pony contest at tbe Mosgrove store oloeed August 81, and Eogene Oiboro led witb 4623 votes, and won tbsnooy. Audrey Winsbip was seo ond witb 3167 votes, receiving 35 in meiobaodise: Biohard Csrtauo wa third, reoeiving 2701 votes and tl in merohandite; Velma MoAlexander fouitb witb 813 vote aod 110 in mer chandise. Jndge Riohaids fined Emery Wor tblngton nnd a Milton fruit peddler $5 eaob for breaking the automotile speed limit.' Tbe peddlei also was assessed fa for contempt of court, itie airesis were mane oy special offioer Rawt Miller. Mrs. John Botbrook, who witb her daughters, Aieta, Kesa and Both, and ber son Everett, baa been sojoorning for several weeks at Lehman Springs, returned this week tn tbeir home here. Mrs. Botbrook is very encouragingly improved in health, "Bill" Tneiok, U. of 0, student who helped the Athena base ball team on to viotory, and has worked through harvest beie, left Saturday for bis borne in Portland, and will visit the Exposition at Sao Francisco before . the opening of tbe U. ; While milking bis oow one evening tbis weak, Sam Spencer Moeived a shaip wnund in tbe fleshy part of his band whan the animal threw her boin baok unexpectedly. A deep wonnd was" inflicted, wbiob necessi tated medical attention, . : . HBeginning Monday, the onifew bell j Twill i"'g esob evening, and the ordi nance will tie enforoed thereafter. The hour for ringing the bell will be deteimined at the Conooil meeting to be beld on that evening, so we are In formed by Marshal Boynton. "'V John Davison is visiting bis daugh ters. Mis. Fred Finkerton and Mrs. A. H. Mdotyie, of tbis aity. Mr. Davison baa resigned his position as gnard at the State Reformatory at Monioe, Wash., and has been on a re oent visit to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, A. Williamson and 0. J. Albiight oompleied installation of the fnrnace and ventilating system In the new sobool building Tuesday, after seven weeks work, and left for Portland Wednesday morning. I hey are em ployed by tbe Bayer Furnace Co. of Portland. Vsparks from an N. P. engine set fire tothe giass on the right of way Mon day near tha Boy Cannon field, and tbe wind soon oariied tbe flames intn tbe stnbble. Fortunately, the eaoked grain was piled in eboh end of the Held, aod the stubble, only, abont 80 aores, was bntned between tbe grain. Dreamland program for Friday and Satniday evenings: 1 and 2. "Giand Opera in Rnbeville,' - Edison. 3. "Slippery Slim and the Green Eyed Monster," Essanay. Sunday: 1. "An Affair of Honor," Lnbin. 2. "A Close Call," Vitagraph. ."The Love of Pieire Laiosse," Vitagraph -f-Vfaok Read bas puiohased Chsjles BKftn's interest iu tbe meat market, taking possession yesteraay. nam after tbe firm name will be Reed and MevervMr. Bead has been employed in tbcTrmrket for several years, and Athena people will be pleased to fearo that be will move his family from Weston, to reside here permanently Wm. MoKenzie, of WeBtoo, 1b in the oity today. Mr. MoKenzie and family have jnst returned fiom a torn through California and old Mexloo having oovered 5000 miles iu tbe tiip. Two oars were ntilized, and a delight tol tiin was unmaned by a single ao oident. Tbe party visited tbe Fair at San Franoisoo en route. ' . Contractor W. M. Zopb, wife and two children returned yesterday morn ing from their home at Lebanon, wbere tbey bave spent several weeks. Mr. Znph will eieot a modem bunga low for J. B. Anderson, on the lots be puiohased on Tbird street, near tbe Park. His brother and wife will ar rive soon from Labaoon. Cbas. May was down yesterday from bis Weston mountain ranch. Be leporla that much of tbe grain in tbat vioinity baa already tieen tbreab- d, though some of the later sown yet remains too green for culling. Mi. May says tbat the maximum yield of flats tbieBbed by bis machine wbb 60 bushels, and of wheat 45 to tbe sate. - Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Long left Wednesdiy morning via Waitsburg, Pomeioy and Lewiston, for Spokane and Newport.'Wasb., for a months' visit with relatives. Tbe trip is made in their Dodge oar, and on the return they will be nooompanied by Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. aod Mrs. Frank Knowiton, who have spent the past year iu Spokane. Paul McMatb, who has been visit ing bis parents bere dnring tbe vaca tion, will leave Tuesday for iios An geles, Calif,, wbere be will resnme bis studies in tbe Osteopathic sohool for Physioiaua and Surgeons. Tbe yoong nan will graduate Ibis year. He will be accompanied to Los Angeles ty his grandmother, Mia. Halladay, who re sides in tbat city. Walter Adams. Sam Pambrun and Frank Berlin ata farmers making tp nlioatinn tbrongb Dr. Plamondon to tbe State Gams Faim for distribution of China pheasaots. Tbe doolor in forms tbe Press that be is iu a post lion to secure pheasants iu limited numbers for those wbo will turn them loose io tbe fields and pioteot them Be will rooeive eighteen pairs io a ew days. i. F. B, Doin and Beit Mullens ,nha. were in the oity Sunday. Ybeie gentlemen sie menibeis of the Echo council, and oame to Aiuena expressly to view the new school building, oily jail, street Improvement and otosa walks. Tbey were given all information possible by Mr. Richards snd otters, returning home very tavor aoly Impressed witb Athena enter miss and tbe oonrtesy showo tbem. Echo will construct an auditorium aod jail in tbs near future., , Mi. Hugh Onstot, of Walla Walla, and Mils Flora A. Booth of this oity were united in marriage yesteiday Sentember 2. 1015 in Pendleton. The nroom is a well and favoratly known young man of the Garden city, aod is emnloved in a garage in that place. The bride, a nonular nurse of tbls oity. was attended by ber sister e, Mis. Lee Joonson and Mbs Agnes Booth. She also has two otber sisters, Mrs- S. S. Hntt aod Miss Edith Booth, in the oity and host of friends in Athena and vioioitv, where she bas mads bar home and onised tbe lick fat several years. She bas also practiced ber pro- fnuian to Lewiston. Idaho, and In Sookane. Tbs yonng couple will side io Walls Walla, wbere tbe best wishes of their friends attend them. mi M Your Fa or Press Express Your Personality WHY not have a Fall suit ordered that express es your own personality"; your own tastes and ideas, your own individual preferment? Select your materials for Fall suit or dress from our' extensive range of fashionable suit materials for the coming season. You will find just the goods you will like among our showing sf the ' LaPorte & Broadhead Fabrics These include all the newest weaves and colors. Here are a few of them: Broadcloths Serges Clan Plaids , . Garbardine Suitings Chinchilla Costume Poplins , . Tussah Carina Wool Crepe Corduroy Suitings Shepherd Checks Velveteen Suitings CHOOSE YOUR SUIT NOW MOSGROVE MERCANTILE COMPANY "The Quality-Store." llMls Now is the time to cut your stubble and get the weeds started and your ground in shape to get all the moisture and insure a big crop. X7 Viovr tIip hirn-mav Rnnnnza TilC.. the onlV VV U X1C. v V iuv t. vi w imj w 7 a- g disc on tne marKet tnat win not xracK. Single Disc that can't be beat. Come in and see for yourselves, and you will sure take one out. ' 3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore; DALEROTHWELL EXCLUSWE OPTICIAN Glasses Are Scientifically Ground and Fitted. Lenses duplicated in a few mom ents. All work guaranteed cAmeilcan National Bank Building, (Ups'.airs) Pendleton, Oregon. : the : i ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FEOOME, prop. It? I Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff.-:-- THE ST. NICHOLS J li in only out trial can coommoflt ommrnfmi traveler. Just Received By Express LADIES' SILK SWEATERS With Sash, in all Colors, $9.00 values Our Price $5.90 Have you seen those new Party Dresses, just in? An other big shipment of Ladies' Suits and Coats in the newest shades and styles. Prices from $9.90 to $30.00 t rn DstMnntendur! tor iu oleKu and ' well eDtllotd riwtmi. w f Com. MAI 4KDTHIKD, ATHIHa.Or. j - makes kidneys and bladder right Ladies' patent button 01 laos Sboes witb tbs Louis Cuban beel olotb top. i valns, our prioe, 12.98. Ladies' Easj Walker io laos or button atvls, $t value, out prioe 3.98. ' Ladins' tatton to blue Vial or Oun Metal Shoes, O0 value, our prioe, VI. BR. Ladles' Uun Metal viltb olotb top, la button or laoe, 1 value, onr prioe, $2.08 Misses bios serge Umsses, trim tiled witb blsokaod whltelohectt tl value, oor piios, t2.08, Misaes sobool Hboes Id Uun Met al oi patent, witb olotb top,. 11.49 to tl. 08. Men's Holts oorae io bias serges, trono aod gray mixed, f 15 val ues, onr piioe, $0.90: US valoes onr prioe, $13.60; $20 valoes. oor prioe. $14.75. Meo's dress sboes come in blank and tan, button or lace. $1 val oes our prioe $2,98; $5 valnes, oor prioe $8.98; $U valoes, oor prios $4. SO. Boj'b Kniokertooner Suits oome io blues, grevs aod browns, $1,98 $2,98 $3,98 aod $1.98. Boys button or bio. atjle Sboes, $1.49 to $1.98, all sizes. THE GOLDEN RULE J. C. PENNY CO. (Inc) 83 BUSY STORES.