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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1915)
AX F. B. Boyd. Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and leSerson Streets. Enwnd in lh roKoffirr at Atbet, Otod a Mauer. .. Sutwscriotiori Rates. One codt. one Tear.... $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, 12.00) Use copy, i ix month .13 One copy, three months -50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 12 Display regular, per inch lH Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 3c Church notices, admission, per line.. 5c cATHENA. ORE. SEPT. 3. ....1915 .......................... 5 A KtilUrtr-a"! Q-rdTvr m IXDEPEXDEXT XEWSPAPEB ! vwiigi wvvrr g MlllHUa I fcaie fiieod (no need to mention bis Dims brs) vino leoeotly fcoogbt fori, after teasing it into town from tbs tsBch one day, bs started it (oi borne. He bad tried oat all the sinks in tbs machine ba bsd evei read of, beard of or been told sboot, wben brilliant idea pieioed bim. Be hit 'er up Utile, let go tbs wheel and grasp fog I plog o' "Star" which be took from bis pocket vritb both baods, pro ceeded to leissrelv nitble. Besolt: ford in the diteb, family soared speechless, and tbs wbols domed plog io bis mouth. Koeit i If it wasn't for Mi. Pearl Crawford and bis little coughing machine tbera'd be many a qoiet sreuing on Main street Pearl's cat use motor Ttbicls can eocgb loader, longer and stronger than a Herman taobe. And Pesrl lets 'er ooogb. I Kernel Klsrk Wood hss tbs habit w I d told of putting coglub sp to his Weston readers so iofeiasl strong that it keeps 'en broks baying websters; sad every mother's son of them weirs "small print" glstses and baa a callous ou tbs tbsmb of bis tight band and wonders why. Yoar kiddies most bs under joni own vioa and roof tree after darki falls bsieaftsr, beginning with eehocl days aeit week ; so .Marshal Bojntoo informs me. Be will begin tbs cur few sot Monday evening next Hsid on tba kids, bat better fitting tbem for school. Besides, soms of as will know wbers to Sad tlem. I (appose there's a difference be tween speeding the limit sod limiting tbs speed. Some peopls never learn the distinotioo until after Judge Riob side baa collected a V or so from 'em All of wbiob is oilrigbt, except A 13 mile limit io Athena woald be handier for into drivers Io keen trsek of tban tbs msgio 15. Presidential possibilities: Wilson, Roosevelt. Bryao, Xaft, Boot, Com- mios, Sherman, Jonathan Bonrne, sad a dark bona. Tbs cannibals of Africa are wiok- ing (be eye of approval at their bro thers io Uarope. AmidHt all this pestileooe of war and carnage and death, a learned cit izen of Chicago arises to inqniie: "Who is yonr favorite poet?" Amerios, like tba nawly born kitten baa been sleeping tbeea many years, with eyes closed aid tba possibiltiesof tba foture an impenetratle blank. Bat today tbs national ays is begin ning to open and the light of reason is sinking io. Tba president, a sincere sdvooata of peaie, reluctantly admits tbat tba oveitarniog of the old world by the swotd and tbs shell, and the lost for blood and conquest wbiob per meatea nearly every nation of tbs earlb, bis pieced tba United States io tba most precsrioos position of its history. Tba president wanls tbe American people to prepare to defend themselves sgsinst tbe invader when be appears. Tbat is, Mr. Wilson wonld bate a laigs number of eitizens throughout lbs country enlisted in an army rsserre, tally equipped, nady to take tbe field following tba forces of tba regular army and tba national guard. , Wa all lots peace and want peace, but we fear tbat io tbs preaeot temper of tba world tba only positive guarantee of pesos is to possess tbs meant of thrashing tbs otber fellow. Tbe president's idess along this line ars good. Uamblers on tbe New York Ex change bava sent tba vsloa of tbs English pound sterling down to as low as 11.65'iin Amerioan money, despite tbe fact tbat England shipped to this country 115,000,000 io gold and se curities to bolster ber credit bere. Bankers fear tbat tbe alarming drop on foreign exobaoge rates will have tbe effect of drkiog England out of tbe export market for everytbiog ex cept war munitions lbs deoline in ex change rates is being used alio ss a strong pretext for tearing down tbe grain market. The foreign, trade lem on is being squeezed with a strangle hold and unless a let-up occurs in a abort time, England, our principal bujer of agricultural prodncts, may bs forced out of our markets into otbeis wbers tbs value of her money bss grsster purchasing power, eveu tbongb convenience of pnrobase and transportation facilities be lees. Notice stf Pinal Accoant In tbe County Court of tba Stats cf Oregon for Umatilla County. Io the Matter of tba Estate of W. W. Jacobs, deceased. Notice ia hereby gireo to all persons whom it msy concern tbst B. B. Bicbatds. administrator of tba estate of W. W. Jaoots, deceased, bss filed bis final account and repott ia tbe ad ministration of the estate; tbat tbe County Judge by order duly mada and entered baa appointed Saturday, tbe 2nd day of October, A. D. 1915, at 10 o'clock in tba forenoon as tba time, and the County Court Boom at Pen dleton, Oregon, as tba place, where tbe said fine! account and report will be beard and tbe settlement thereof msde. Dated Ibis 3rd day of September, A. D., 1915. Homer I. Watts, B. B. Richards, Atty lor Admr. AdminUUtor, Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAS AND SCRGEOS Special attention giren to all . both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Offio. on TTUrd ftr-at. AUuna Onsor DR. A. B. STONE, Phvsician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, 501 School Notes, ' The American dollar is now said Io be tbe standard in the financial mar kets of the world. Sounds good and reads well, but for the love of Mike, give us sn opportunity to use it in tetd of talking about it. . The war is coating tbs belligerents (75,000,000 a day, and we are blamed glad we don't have to foot the bill, School Reception. , As announced in tbe frees, tba lad les composing the Library Board of the Atheua branch library, namely: Mrs. F. S. UrUio. Mrs. A. A, Fobs, Mis. W. P. Llttlejohu, Mrs. Uenrj Dell. Mrs. Homer I. Watts and Mrs. M. L. Wslts. will glvs a publio re ception next Friday evening, Septem ber 10, Io the tesohers, toard and patrons of tbs Athena school. Tbs commodious auditorium of tbe uew building bas bsen partially seatad, and a program will bs beard there. Ail natrons and visitors will bs msde wei noma and will have an opportunity to view tbs finished tuilditig. Tba following exoelleut ptogrsio will be presented: Address of Welocnio, . . Mayor II. I. Watts Piano solo - All's Zola Keen Response to Addtess . . Filnolpsl Cobs. A. Ouerne Vocsl solo - Mis. J. W. Welob Bemaiks County Sopt. I E. Young Address - Chair man of 8ohuol Board, M. L Watts Vooal solo Mrs. W. B. Soott Hesitation Jeaonetle Miller Plsno solo Miss Nellie Dra Whiting Beading - Mrs. 1). Scott Fisher Violin solo - Plot. Deit McDonald New Books at the Library. The following is a list of tlis latest books recslved at tbe Albena branch of tbe County Library: Non Fiction. Baron Beauty for Aabts. C'aodee Decoiative Style aod Petiods UrifSth Tbe Csre of tbs Bsby. Mao Ksye--Tomoirow. Btorgis A History of Aiobiteotoie. S Vols. Talbot Moving Pictures. Fiolion. Andrews The Perfect Tiiuute, . Andooi Maile-Clsirs." " -. Bollard Comrade Vetla. Davis Uallegber. IT--. ' Ferber Koast Beef Medium. Banoay Lost Trite. Harrison Lad of Kent Began Mrs. WIggs tit (he Cabbngs Patch. Biobens Tbs Uaidea of Allah. Lafou Jean Gilles Soboolboy. Lynde Soisntifio Sprsgue. 1 Wallace Ben Bur. Children's Books. : Finnemore Peeps at History. ' Unlliver The Friendships ct Nations. liiulou A I'rouD cf Famous Women. NlIsog Practical Boat Building. Fetou Rolf la lbs Woods. fete reason A Child's (Jar den of Verse. Tbe Athena soliool will open next Monday morning, September 6. This Is not a holiday, and all pupils are expeoted promptly at 9 o'clock. High aohool pupils need not report uulil afternoon, at 1 o'olook. It is almost neueesary tbat all first grade pupils who expeot to attend sobool during tbe year, should te present from lbs first day of tue term. The same is true of bigb sohool stud ents, for students wbo enter lata ste very seriously banoiospped. All students, both grade and bigb school, ooming from otber schools should fating report oards or diplomas. Following ore the teachers: Fiiet and second grades, Miss Ce cilia Aimattong. Third and fouith, Mies Elbe! Pol- Hull. Fifth and sixth, MissLeota Wagner, Seventh and eighth. Miss Inez Wag ner, High sohool, Cbas. A. Huerne, Mias Jessie Brier ly. The board of diieotors will elect an assistant piinolpal in tbe near futuie. Notice of Sale. In tba County Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon. Is tba Matter of tba Estate of T. J. Watta. deceased. Notice is hereby given tbat under and pursuant to tbat order mada and entered is tba above entitled matter in tbe Court herein, on tbe 1th day at August, 1915, 1, M. L. Watts, admin istrator of tbe estate of T. J. Watts, deceased, will proceed to sell to tbe highest bidder, for gash in hand, at tbe resideooa co tba premises of tbe property herein after described, all tbe right tills, inter tat aud eatata of T. J. Watts, deceased, in and to tbe S. E. the S. E. of Sec. 81, aud tba 8. W. H of the S. W. v of Seo. 13. all in T. 6, H. B. 35, E. W. M. Cmatilla County, Oregon. Said sale is to bs beld at the resi dence on said premises at the hour of two o'clock p. m., on Saturday, tbe 4th day of September, 1915. M. L. Watts, Administrator cf tbe Estate of T. J. Watts, deoeased. Notice to Creditors. In tbe County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Cmatilla County. Iu tbs Matter of tbe Estate of Joseph Emmett Maggert, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons wbom it may ootiosin tbat Alma Mae Maggert has been appointed adminls tratrix of tbe estate of Joseph Emmett Maggert deceased. All persona bav lag olsimi against bis estate are noti fied to present tbem as by law required to tbe said administratrix at tbe law offioe of Will M. Peterson io tbe Smith-Crawford Building at Pendleton Oregon, within six months from the date of tba first publication of this notice. Dated this 13tb day of Angus t, 1915. Alma Mae Maggert, Administratrix, Will M. Peterson, Attorney for Administratrix. Chattel Mortgage Sale. For Sale, One two-long jitney. Pursuant to tbe terms of one oertain mortgage made and eseonted on tbe 7tb day of April, 1915, by W. N. Van- oil, mortgagor, in favor of B. B. Rich ards, mortgagee, I will sell at putho auction to tbe highest and best bidder at tbe Commercial Livery Stable in Athena, Umatilla oounly, Oregon, at 9 o'clock p. m,, oo Saturday, Septem bre 4th, 1915, one fi-passenger Max well automobile, B. B. Richards. DR.J.G.McMATH Osteopath. Office one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 8 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Oradnale McKUUp.Vetinary College - Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug inore. PhouetM. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. THE "BUCK SHELL" THE SPORTSU'S FAVORITE 3 Foss-Winship Hardware Co. sen 00 AND SUPPLIES Our Stock Is Complete for All Grades Also a complete line of pencils, pens, tablets, inks, mucilages, etc. We car ry a specially fine stock of stationery Main StreetWARE'S PHARMACY Athena, Ore Where You Get What You Ask For the first national bank - Of ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:00 Roundup Slavs at Home Notwithstanding tbs annoanoemen: lu Wednesday's Portland Oreaoolao, tbat the Honnd Up wonld bs taken to lbs SanJb'iansisoo Kiposition in Oot oher, the ooly Koand Up to be held this year will fas beld in Pendlatou, September 'i'i, 34 and 25. 'Ibis was detlaitely deoided hv tbe Boaid ot Direotoie at a reoent meeting, they considering that it woald be disloyal to lbs psopls who bave stood by tbe big show, aod that it would be im possible Io transfer tbe spiiit wbiob makes the Itiood Up famonc For tbe past two months tbe Kiposilion oOioiala bave been making ovutoree to the management to reproduce the 1015 show tbeie io October. A deOn ite offer of payment of all expenses, spproiimsiely (36,000 witb (10,000 addtttoual for staging tbs show, bs sidei a handsome bonus, was olfeied, tot through a spirit of loyalty to tbe home fpinduotiou, the otfei wss le fosed,'There will be no'Ronnd-Up io 'fileoo. For Sale. Grain and stock farm 708 aoies, 320 under plow, 100 summer-fallow, 10 alfalfa, 6 orohard. 330 more oau be cultivated and 23R pasture, house. barn, onthonseB, good well, windmill, water piped to bouse and barn lot, 20 horses and oolts, S oows, piRS, obinkens and farm Implements includ ed. Soil an ash loam. Balhoad sid ing ou the plaoe; 8 miles tn town; rami delivery ; good oonnty road and in tbe wheat belt lu Whitman county. Wash. Frloe $35 pet Bote, one-tbird ossb, balance on lime. Write, Owner, oare Athena Press, Athena, Oregon. Adv, Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 f.ot Fir Wood, $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, . Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, . 5.60 S.10 F. 0. B. Athena . Pendleton Branches North, ern Pacific Railway. C O. WILLIAMS, Postofnce, Edgewater, Washington. ill the LmQinrofth host bgXspringatifeihe cost NO flAMMOGKKG NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING y See &e'2)zZce "Dc J Springs at DONT FAIL TO ATTEND 'FRONTIER DAYS' AT WALLA WALLA. SEPT. The World's Greatest Wild West Exhibition and Contest For Championship Riders and Ropers to compete for 1915 Championships. Events open to the World. Write for Prize Lists. Reduced Rates on all Railroads. Reserve Tour Seats For further information, write to R. H. JOHNSON, Secretary, Walla Walla, Wash. I ' PENDLETON. OREGON SEPT. 23-24-25. 1915 EXCUSlOfl FARES Wild and Wonderful PONY EXPRESS RACES BRONCHO BUSTING INDIANS, COWBOYS OUTLAW HORSES Get Fares and Particulars Furious and Exciting . New Contiitenti for Cloy CM Champions, mm and bast, hold you tpeSbouiKl wltt MwlriMive and osHnt From Agent 0-W. R. &M Thus Did Noah Aeoording to plans sod speoifloaiions of the Sapreme Arohileot Noah bnilded an ark, that withstood the rain for forty days and forty nights. The plans oalled for a oertain kind ot timoer and certain dimen aions. 1'ha waters prevailed opon the earth one hondred aod forty days. Eveiv liing orestare perished sate those withio the pioteotion ot LUMBER. Can we get euy better hoilding msteiial 'thso that which has tba stamp of this Arohileot opoo it! Bis wisdom is never exoelled ty mfto'a invention. " Lumber bas ever been man's best friend from tbs oiadle, and the bomea ot tbe living to tbe shroods ot tbe dead. It is more sanitary than otber hoilding material and jnet as warm when properly diied end pat together. Noah has proven to os tbst tbeie Is no better proteation from tbe wealber, to both man and beaat tban a shelter bnilt of LUMBER. Re carry t toll stock of I amber on hands at all times, gathered from tbe Golf to tbe Lakes and tbe Paoiflo Coast. Estimates sod prices ahem -folly given on application. Be as wist as Noah. (VIILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. Tum.a.Lum Lumber Co. ... - ".L. S. Vincent Jeweler lias removed his Store into the Welch Building, South Side Main Street, where he is displaying a standard and dependable stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. A Photo Studio With Facilities for Doing Big City Work at reasonable prices. Now's the time to get good photos. Don't wait. We are here for only" Four weeks more. Ohmart Studio. i! 'if 1 1 Jomnsoai Hall - tw x on nun at i pat BuiifN U or Q I THE "GREATER OREGON"! With pi w buildings, btter qulpmnt, n-lai-rl sruuhiK mul man additions to Its fnrultr.the l'ntveritrof OrtgnnwHI bectn IU firtith jrar, TuH4lt7. September 14. IttlS. Special tralntntt In Commerce. Joumnlism, Architecture, Law, Medicine, Teachlni, Hhra rr Work, MuhIc, Phical Trainlnv and Flue Arts. La rite and tinc departnienta of Liber al Edumtion. Library of more than 5A.000 volamea, thir teen build 1 n vs rally equipped two splendid E7ranattiumn. Tuition Free. I.ormitorten for uen and (or women. Kxpentei Lowettt. V rit for free catnlnrs, addresslnK ResUtmr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KIK1KNK, OREGON THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET I Ci.J ' We carry the best SlliEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & MEYER I Main Street, Athena, Oregong