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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1915)
A Press Paragraphs Mauoj Bryan was in the city yester day from bulls. Ed. Kaofmaon was in North Yak ima Wednesday. Mies Dorothy Bnlflaoh of Weatoo, wua in the olty yesterday. J. C. Martin has treated himself and tamily to a new Hudson Six oar. Tbe Misses Katbeiine and Carrie Sliaip spent the week at Hot Lake. Mrs. Ueo. Myriok baa returned from a visit with relatives at Weiser, Ida bo. Saoford Stone has been suffering with blood poison in his band this week. Miss Ruth Bead, of Weston, is vis itiog at tbe home of ber brother, Will Bead. Mr. aod Mrs. Viotor Bane are spendiug tbe week in Pendleton with datives. Mrs. Wooddy, who has been visiting, friends near Helix returned Home Wednesday. Miss Mae Singer, of Waitabnrg, Wash., is in the oity, a guest at tbe (Joomaoa home. Ralph MoEwen harvested about 13, 000 aaoke of wheat from 1000 aores of laud this year. Mrs. Jackson Nelson is expected home tbe last of tbe, week from a visit to Spokane. George Payee accompanied Mr. aod Mrs. Deeper to tbeir new home at Orchards, Wasb. Mrs. A. B. Steele and' little daugh ter, Elizabeth, visited friends in Pen dleton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ooppook and children are enjoying a week's outing at Bingham Springs. Robt. Raymond left Wednesday to look after bis stook ranoh near frine ville, Crook oonnty. Mrs. Roy Cannon and baby daugh ter are visiting in town at the Cass Cannon borne this week. Miss Jessioa MoEwen arrived borne Wednesday after a deligbtfnl summer spent at Newport beach. S. L. Speooer has been seiiously ill at bis home on High street this week, but is improving at present. ' J&t. and Mrs. W. 0. Head and Mr. nd Mrs. W. W. MoPberson were renuieton visitors Saturday. , For Sale Tbe Bert Cartana res idence, loaated at oorner cf Tbiid and Adams street, Athena. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Thompson and Mr, and Mrs. George Biaoa were in tbe etty Tuesday from Gibbon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyer of Helix, visited for several days at tbe borne of tbeir daughter, Mrs. W. U. Hoyt. A first class dwelling bouse situated in the northwest part of Athena is for sale. Enquire at tbia offloe. Adv. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. W. Gross came in last evening from Bingham Springs where tbey spent several weeks oump log. A son was horn recently to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, (formerly Misa Elsa Rosenzweig,) at their borne in Spo kane. Mrs. MoPherson is expeoting a visit from her father, who will arrive from tbe Willamette valley the first of tbe week. Union sorvioe will be held in tbe Baptist oburab next Sunday evening, witb J. H. Harmon preaching the sermon. Dr. Sharp teporis the arrival of a baby daughter on August 21, at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper of WeBtoc . Mrs. D, Scott Fisher's mother has arrived in the city and is a guest at ber daughter's borne lo tbe northeast part of town. A marriage license was issned Wed nesday to Henry S. Tbompsou of Gib ton, aged 23, and Misa Gladys Price of Weston, SJO. Mrs. J. H. Harmon and little son. Homer, are expected borne tomorrow from an extended visit witb relatives at Boise, Idaho. Sidney Murphy left yesterady after noon for Portland, after spending a oonple of months at work in tbe bar vest fields here. Mrs. Minnie Craft and little son, who have bnen visiting at tbe Cnae. Smith home, have returned to Hood River, where they reside. Mrs. R. A. Halladay of Los Angel es, Cal.. arrived Friday morning for a two veeks visit with ber daughter, Mrs. J, G. MoMatb, in this city. F. S, LeGrow, Sam Pamhruo and Marion Hansell had Una sport Heblng Off Come the Red Tags Davis-Kaser's Great August Clearance Sale Will . End Saturday, August 29 Our August Clearance Sale will come to a olose next Satnrday eve ning et 9 o'clock. That means that there are only six more bnying davs left at Red Tag prices. So don't delay a minute tut come early this week and buy everything yon will need tor months to oome. The Red ffag Prices Offer ' You an Opportunity o save from 15 10 60 per cent on every purchase. So yon oan figure you will lose tbie amount if you put off bnying nutil later. " Several shipments bave been received lately and all bave been in cluded in this sale at Red Tag prioes, so that no matter bow often ynu bave visited this sale, yon will find that new bargains await 70a now. THE DAVIS-KASER CO,, WALLA WALLA Complete Furnishers of Homes, Offices and Schools 12-22 AlderSt. A. C. CARPENTER THE UP-TO-DATE JEWELER Everything New and up to the minute. Absolutely no old stock whatever. All makes of High Grade Watches. Silveiware, Cut Glass, Clocks, Jewelry made to order. NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET. :: ATHENA, ORE RMYS 1R0M1IE MS? w 1 w MB I '1 (Tki yt ciiitiii J 4 rtfcs wa Emigrant Trains ij Stage tam Mum M Blazers Cow Boys Cow Oris Pvkw RniiiM IW.UE Showing Early Life in the I ar West Walla Walu WASHINGTON SEPT. 16-17-18, 1915 " tiii r(piiitiit? A WESTERN SHOW nun r REAL TH1HG . , n o 1 n ki rtDrelli: mm on the Salmon last week. Yellow jackets was the one dlsoomflting fea ture of an otherwise pleasant trip. Yesterday was ' one of lha most snltry days of tbe season. A hot wind oame f,om (be east and the thermom eter registered around the hundred mark. W. P. Wlllaby, who' bnt a few days ago left for his home in Portland, re turned Tuesday on account of tbe grain lire in bis field near town, last Friday. ; ' ' , , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diokeneon land children, and Mrs. N. Diokensou aod daughter,-Mrs. Ruth Chandler, went to Ukiab for a visit with relatives this week. , ; Mr. and Mia. B. I. Watte and Miss Alice 'Gaines spent a oonple of days this wjaek at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Jnbn Thompson on she Uma tilla rivef. A. h. Swagga'r'f. thinned a oarload of hoga to PQr,tlJod Satnrday. . He went down with the-etook, whiob topped the market piioa in the Port land yards. . ' , Frank Berlin recently purchased tbe Brookner residence In the' northwest part. of towu and will move in from the' farm to send his children to the Athena school. .. v.' F. B. iiadtke, tbe ' merchant, has leaeed the reidenoe nf Mrs. Delia Ma loney on west High street and with bia family, will ooonpy the same boot October 1. i Mrs. W, S. Ferguson, wbo aoadm panied her husband as far as Wrangel, fi. 0. on bis bunting trip into tbe Oaisair country, returned borne Wed nesday evening. . i The little fonr-year-old obild , of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cannon baa been serionely ill this week. Dr. Sharp, the attending physioian reports it better tbia morning. Miss Clare Partridge has 'arrived from ber home at Stewart, Nebraska, and is a guest nf Mrs. Dobson. Her sohool duties at LaMar, District 80 will begin on Sept. 8. - ner r justly oelehrated will be on sale, and Athena ladies will take advantage of the faot to avoid baking for Sunday dinner. Tbe sale begins at 1 o'clock p. m. O. M. Mortenson, traveling freight and passenger agent ; of tbe North Bank road, was in the oity yesterday interviewing Athena business men. Mr. Mortenson offers splendid passen ger and freight service to and from San Franoisoo via the Hill steamers, tbe Northern PaoiSo and the Great Northern. Shipments on these vessels ont of San Franoisoo only take four days to leaob Atbeoa. 1 he ladies of the Library Boatd, wbo have announced a ieoer,tiouito tbe teaohers and board of the Athena eohoola and tbe patrons, on September 10, will bave tbe program lo read iness for neit week's paper. The re oeption, aa aunoonoed in left week's Press, will bt given in the auditoiinin of tbe new school bnilding, and will open tbe season'a sociil fnnotiona mast anspiaiously. A eplendid program by local talent is promised. The Fonrtb Quarterly Conference of tbe looal Methodist Episcopal ohuiob was held Monday forenoon, with Rev. Andrew Warner, of Walla Walla, district superintendent, pre siding, This oonferenoe finishes np the year's work, and next week Bev. A. M. Lambert, acoompanied by H. O. Wortbington, will attend the annnal oonferenoe whiob is to ba held in Spokane. It is not yet known whether Mr. Lambert will be returned to this charge. , Mrs. Henry Koepke and daughter, Dorothy, arrived home Wednesday after a most pleasant visit cf several weeks iu California. Mrs. Kospke spent a week at ber former borne at Loj Angeles, and noted many obaoges and improvements since ber residence there. Her eldest son, Arnold, wbo acoompanied ber on the trip, bas matriculated witb the Watsouville, Calif., high sohool, and will remain for tbe school year, making his home with bis brother, Dr. Koepke, a prominent physioian of that oity. LtMora than two hundred Pullmans Dr. J. M. Hutt anil wife, of KalBaf,finolnding diners and sleepers have City, arrived in tbe oity last evenhig on a sboit visit to his brother, Sam Butt and family. Tbe brothers pad not met before for 17 years, . j , A Jersey oow on tbe C. T. Sn)itb farm near town yesterday presented be' owner witb a tine pair of twin oalves, male and female, and Charles is duly appreoiative of tbe event. I Frank Jaokson bas moved his ily iu from tbe farm to the pioperty beporobased from Mi. Watson, known as tbe tins Sobubert plaoe, in the north part of town, to take advantaged f 1 liJ ' tarn- of p u ' 1, Lloyd Mitobener bad the misfortune to lose the end of one finger wbile working in the mill the first of the week. The finger was oaugbt in some machinery and orusbed, so that a small pieoe of the bone had to be removed. Mr. and Mrs. Deeper are moving to Orohaid, Wo., on the plaoe reoently purchased near there. Tbeir reBidenoe on Tbird and idams street will be oooopied ty the family of Jack Bead, the popular meat ontter," who will move them over from Weston. Mrs. William Winship and Mrs. Sam Haworth went over to Walla Walla Monday to visit their mother, Mrs. Jobn Martin, wbo is in very bad health. Tbe ladies brought tbeir mother home witb them, and she is now at Mrs. Winsbip's home. , Twelve sacks of wheat were missed in tbe Dean Dndlev field ty the grain hauleie nud the work horses -soon found them when turned into tbe field. Two, ona a valuable mare, became foundered. Tbe mare died and the loss is keenly felt by the owner. J. B. Harmon, pastor of the Chris tian ohuroh, arrived home from La Grande Tneslay, and is this week as sisting in a series of leotnres at Wes ton, Mr. Harmon will preaoh in his pulpit Sunday morning, at whiob ser- vloe Miss Lowrey will give a short talk. ,;, : Jim Mvriok, obarged witb disor derly uonduot, was fined $7.50 in Judge Bionards' oonrt Monday. Jobn Doe Zenk was eqneezed out of town for vagrancy. He had a penohant for fruit and wonld help himself from peddler's wagons down at tbe feed atatles. f School starts in Athena, Monday, September 6. Although tbe date oomeo on labor day, tbe holiday is not observed by tbe public schools of the state, generally. This faot should be borne in mind and a full attend ance is expeoted ty 'Superintendent tinerne. Next Wednesday, September 1 the regular monthly meeting of tbe Chris tian Woman's Board of Missiooa will be held at tbe Christian ohuroh. 1 In plaoe of tbe regular program, a 'dia oourse will be given by the lecturer, Miss Luwrey. Tbe punlin is cordially invited. ) Dreamland program for Friday and Satnrday evenings: 1 and a. "Mere ly Mother," Biograph. 8. "Made Herself Beautiful," Lnbin. Snnday: 1. "The Way of Bia Father," Essa nay. 2. "Tbe Beloved Adventurer, No. 2," Lnbin. 8. "Sophie's Leg aoy," Esaaoay. Mies Oeoile Boyd is expected to ai tivn borne tomorrow evening, after spending tbe summer at Columbia University, New York. Leaving tbat oity Satnrday, she spent a oonple of days witb friends in Washington, D. C, and will reach Pendleton to morrow on No. 17. Weston Leaden Fire broke ont Satnrday evening in Balph Kinoear'i barn on Co use oreek, during Mr. Kin near'a absence. Bia wife tirelessly fongbt tbe flames, eairyiug water from a trough soma distance away, and had tbem nearly sutdued when neighbors began to arrive. For a time both boose and barn were in grave danger of desti notion. Tbe ladies of tbe Methodist Aid so oiety are arranging to bold a pastry sale Saturday, tomorrow afternoon in tbe Carden bnilding, next door to tbe Carpenter Jewelry store. Tba very best of oakea, pies, bread and other pastry for whiob these ladles ara so Notice of Sale. Io the Connty Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tba Matter of tbe filiate of T. J. Watts, deceased. Notioa is hereby given that nnder and pursuant to tbat order made and entered in tbe above entitled matter in tbe Court herein, on tbe 4th day ot August, 1915, 1, M. L. Watts, admin, iatra tor of the estate of T. J. Watts, deceased, will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, for oaah in band, at the residenoe cn the premisea of the property hereinafter descrihed, all tbe rigbt, tide, interest and estate of T. J. Watts, deoeased, in and to tbe S. K. y4ol the S. E. ot Seo. 81, and tbe S. W. v4' of the S. W.-&! pf Sec 88. all in T. 5, N. B. 85. Ei W. M Umatilla Connty, Oregon,' U ' 1. Said sale la to be held la, tbe resi dence on eaid premises atthe boor of two o'blook p. m., on Saturday, the 4th day of September, WIS. f . M. li. Watta, Administrator of tbe Estate of T. J. Witts; deceased. ' . Notice' to Creditors, t In tbe County Court of the Stajte of Oregon for Umatilla County. Iu the Matter pf tbe Estate ot Joseph Emmett Maggert, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may oonoern tbat Alma Mae Maggert hua been appointed adminis tratrix of tbe estate of Joseph Emmett Maggert, deoeased. All persons hav ing claims agaicst bia estate are nuti fied to present them as by law required to the said administratrii at tbe law offloe of Will M. Peterson in the Smith-Crawford Building at Pendleton Oregon, within six months from tbe data of the first pnl lioatlou of this notioa. Dated this 13th day of Anguat, 4916. Alma Mao Maggert, Administratrix. Will M. Peterson. . i f Attorney for Administratrix.. been ordered by tbe Poitland division of the Union Paoifio from Omaba and other points east to accommodate tbe specials wbioh will be required to handle tbe tig crowds attending the Sixth Annual Bonnd-Uc, Sentember 28, 24 and SS.ibe Northern Pacific will draw aoont one hnndied snob 01 rs from St. Paul and other Eastern points. All these will be perked in the yards where the passengers will eat and sleep during (their stay in Pendleton. . (Through tbe splendid arlisio work or u. a. Aaame assisted ny u. a. bee, the stage of the auditorium in tbe new sohool bnildins has been fnrniBbed with settings and aoenery. Fur tbe dron curtain. Mr. Adama did a snnerb painting of Multnomab Falls in oil J Foi tbe baok ourtain a painting of Mt. Hood make! a eplendid baok ground. Iwo aettings, one interior and ona exterior, with the Wings, oompletes the equipment of scenery. Witb the installation of opera seats the new auditorium will ba one of tba test in the Inland Empire. . Sparks from an O-W. R. & N. lo- 'AnriiAtiva mat H.a An (ha vinht nf ! between the Willacy and Taylor farms Northeast of Athena. Snffioien t wind wee blowing to fan the flames, which soon spread to the adjoining fields. Five hundred sixty-seven sacks of wheat were bnrned in tbe Taylor field of 80 aores, the grain belonging to Jorlu Bannister. Marion Hansell lest 60 eaoka io tbe Wlllaby field. Besides all tbe grain in both fields a rail division fenoa on tbe Willaby plaoe was praotioally consumed. A Inoomotive etood by during tbe fire and a largo number ot automobiles aarried people to the soene. Prof. O'Biley haa been in Athena and Adams aa the guest of Father Joy. Mr. O'Biley was here looatiug for pupils for St. Andrews Sohool. Pendleton at wbioh plaoe be is lo te teaober. Bev. Thos. Neate has been again appointed Superior and it is bis intention to bave one of the best schools In the state. Tbe band will ba nndei tbe direction of Father O' Brien, formerly band instructor at Gonzaga Untversity, Spokane, Wash. This is an excollent opportunity for parents to send tbeir children to a good sobool. Sobool opens Sept. 1 and all should be enrolled as early aa possible. Adv. For six rounds of a sobednled 10 loond boxing contest at Urqnbart'a pavilion Friday night. Tommy Clark took tbe right over to Fan ell, and rapped the Pendleton man seemingly at his own sweet will. Then in a olinob, bntb men went to floor, and C,lark bnrt bis left knee. He was nn abie to go on and the bout was award ed to Farrell. Both men were in good condition and put op a slashing ex hibition wbile it lasted. Earl Snyder and Buddy Stevens of Pendleton and Lawrence Dud of Pendleton and Ed Sebaekl of this oity went to draws io the preliminaries. Oflrl Gniott, tbe Pendleton mus ician wbo so miraoulonsly regained bia eyesight a oonple of weeks ago, came to Atbeoa Friday evening to meet bis friends heia whom be had never before bad (be pleasnre ot seeing. It gave him joy lo look into tbe face for tbe first time ot soma friend whom be had known for yeara by voioe alone. Soma wonld approaoh witb out? atretobed hsnd of welcome, and al ways when be spoke, Mr. Gniott would beam with surprise when greet ing him by name. : Donbtleas in svery instance bis oouoeption of what tbe features ot friends looked like were at great vaiiance witb what tbey real ly, were. Mr. Gulott will probably or ganize a class io Athens again, for piano instruction. Chattel Mortgage Sale. For Sale. One two-lung, jitney. Pursuant- to the terms ot one eertain mortgage made and exeouted on the 7th day of April, 1015. by W. N. Van- oil, mortgagor, in favor of B. B. Bion ards, mortgagee, I will aell at pntlio nnotion to tbe bigheat and best bidder at tbe Commercial Livery Stable io Atbena, Umatilla oonnly, Oregon, at 2 o'olook p. m., 00 Saturday, Septem- bre 4tb, 1U15, one tS-paasenger Max well automobile. B. B, Kiohards. Look to the Golden Rule For the First Showing of New Fall Ready To Wear Our selection of TAILORED SUITS is better than ever before and the values are really marvelous it is' ., '. - 1 the way we buy them that enables you to get them at $9.90, 12.50, 14.75, 16.50, 18.50, also $22.50 to 30.00 sold elsewhere for $45.00 and $50.00. Another lot or All Wool Serge Dresses, with combination of Black, Taffeta, priced at $4.98, 7.90 and 12.50. Ladies' Cloth-top Pat. Button Shoes at $2.98 --THE GOLDEN RULE 3Se J. C. PENNY CO. (Inc) 83 BUSY STORES. If yon want to buy oily property or farm lands enquire of Henry Keen. Adv. Come to aea the new pbo'os at the new Stndio. Adv. I boy and aell aeoond hand furni ture. E. E. Zefam, Weston, Oregon. Adv. . DOIT FAIL TO ATTEND FRONTIER DAYS' , . AT WALU WALLH. SEPT. 16. H AND 18 The World's Greatest Wild West Exhibition and Contest For Championship Riders and Ropers to compete for 1915 Championships. Events open to the World. Write for Prize Lists. , , , 1 . 1 Reduced Rates on all Railroads. Reserve Your Seats For further information, write lo R. H. JOHNSON, Secretary, Walla Walla, Wash. BIDS WANTED. For Sale, ona two atory eight room brick sobool bnilding, situate on sobool grounds at Atbeoa, Umatilla oonnty, Oregon. Sealed bids will he received by tbe toard np to and ontil fl :00 o'clock p. m. August 8th. 1015. Ihe toard reserves the right to lejeot any and all bids. Keasonable time will be allowed to remote fcoildiog from premises. For fnrtber Inform ation enquire at tbe ofHoe of il, 1). Bicbards, Atbeoa, Oregon. ERNEST A. ZERBA. Clerk of Sobool District No. 29. listest Get one of our Monitor Pump Engines and insure a steady" supply of water for the stock-an engine that a boy can operate easily; Pump-jack built right in the engine. Just call us up, and our engine man will come out and install the outfit. Give us a chance to show you what this wonderful little engine will do., 3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, DALEROTHWELL EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Glasses Are Scientifically Ground and Fitted. Lenses duplicated in a few mom ents. All work Rua ran teed v4mericao National Bank Building, (Upstairs) Pendleton, Oregon, THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL . E. FROOME, peop. W Z Only First-class Hotel in I the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS r i It too only one thai can aeoouiiuudatt a fororaa'vjlfcl travelers. 4 ' " i aaa 1 "mi biMrnn4lHl for IU clean nd T TATitllnWifl rooms. a : - J 4, i on. MAI AKDTHIBD. ATBiA,or. 4 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000:20 L. 3. Vincent Jeweler Has removed his Store into the Welch Building, South Side Main Street, where he is displaying a standard and dependable stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. USES