1 i v. f.'f AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Iefferson Streets. Entered in the rnstofllce at Athena, Oregon as ecooaiuasH Aiaii mauer. A Mulligan Stew Subscription Rates. One copy, one year.. $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, J2.00) One copy, six months 75 Ope copy, three months '.50 Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 12 Js Display regular, per inch 12 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c clTHENA. ORE. AUGUST 27....19U SpeBkiog of tbe Gary plan of poblw school work, wbiob is to te adopted in tbe Portland sobaols tbie year, L. R. Alderman, superintendent of ohools la tbat city says: "Tbe new (todies oooki'Jg, sewing, manual training, music, drawing and organ ized play nave oome in so raoently tbat little adjustment baa been made to mfet tbem. Borne people oall those things fada; others oall tbem aseaa tials. Ia my judgment tbey have co ue to stay and are vitalizing aobool work. Tbs onild ia a oreitura of ao tivity; be has bands as well ai a bead. Tbe idea should be to educate tbe wbole obild, Tbe plan tbat ia to be tried In a fen of tbe Portland eobools tbia winter, modeled somewhat after the Gory plan, ia to bave tbe pnpila organized into two groups. While one gronp ia in tbe regnlar olass room tbe other group will te taking manual training, oooking, sewing, diawing, musio and organized play, also pen manablp, spelling and reading, with a apeolal teaoher in obarge of each aabjaot. Instead of needing more teaobers, nnder tbii plan we shall need fewer. Eaoh teaaber, teaching, aay, twenty-Bra pupils in a gronp, will handle tbe regnlar aoademio work of fifty pnpila. Thus, in a aobool of seven hundred pupils, fourteen teaohera can handle tbe regnlar work." . Wa may see a practical demonstra tion of Federal Reserve Banking pot to tbe test soon. The prodnoera of ootton in the South have been put down and ont by Britain planing cot ton on tbe contraband list, and Sec retary McAdoo ia ready to aend $30, 000.000 to tba bunks for their tern poraiy relief. Of course tbia la one of tha wise provisions of tbe banking lot to proteot the piodooer by scat tering gold among tbe banks of tbe district affected, instesd of centraliz ing it ia tbe vaults of Wall Street as lcroierly -hot, ia oar opinion tbe oese In point ooald be moie effectively relieved fcy tbis government bringing Great Britain to bet knees wiib au embargo on ootrou. A total ourtaii meut of shipments of ootton for GO daya would biiug Eoglaud to terms, and the cotton grower wonld have a market for bla pioduct, Tbe proced ure wonld also serve to demonstrate to England that tbers yet remains a few threads of oommeioial rights to neutral nations wbiob she should re Tha diet annual school fair to be held in Umatilla county will take place at Vinoeut on September 10 and 11. For the past year the aohool chil dren have been induced to take rouon. interest along industrial linos and their exhibits, at tbe Vinoeut fall should pmva most interesting, and ehoold be an lnoentivs to (ortber en deavor. Two boya and two girls, who make the best advancement along Industrial linea will ha aeut to tbe State Fair Gamp for boya and girls. All ezpeuses will be paid and auitable poisons will aooompany tbem. One girl and ona boy will be selected at tha Vincent fair, and a boy aud girl (rota other aeotioua of tbe couutr. Kernel Klerk Wood gravitated from Weston to Portland last wesk and op- pressed tbe P. Club atmosphere to tbe extent of 210 lbs. displacement. From what we can learn from our est. oom. metro, dailies, tbe Kernel tried to kapswBllow the chairmanship on tbe Taft reception committee Miss Virginia Arnold et. al. N. B. ' '' It isn't often tbat an angel ia found "fooling witb fire." The exception was uoted in Athena this week. One of Alex. Molntyre's ex-hired men bearing a oherobio sobriquet, earned several simoelcns bv singeing dead foxtail vegetation in tbs tborofarea and by-wsya of Athena at. one aim. per. And he still baa a yob. Mils Lafflngtitter and Bill Stay over, prominent members of the Ki yuse tribe, and of high social prom. In tbeir bailiwick, were Athena visitors for a couple of daya and nigbta tbis week. One of tbe coolest plaoes in tbe oity aud one that li rarely meptiooed by those who bave ionnd it to be ao, ia the new oity Castile. Kuuitui? Waltz me 'round agaio Jimmy I It never gels too hot tot Jawn Mo Manna of our est. oom. tbe Tribune to pour ont a vile colyum or more, per tinent and pertaining to tbe tariff oi Its equivalent thereto. He baau't mentioned tbe war in bis sbeet for a week. Be a Hearst, Jawn, aud give yonr readera what tbey ax for. - If tba devotees of tbe prize ling would disport themselves witb like decorum and oironmspeotioo on tbe street after tbe oontest which tbey ex bitit at tbe ilogslde, the game would be a better diawing card, tbeie would be fewer disoolored optios and less pnblio oritioism. Mr. Tommy Clark did not tarry long in Atbeoa, bnt be left a large number of acquaintanoea and a good impres sion on tbe anatomy of one James Farrell, wt. 183. We acre miss the tight of "Pink" Hnrbonr, witb a buuob of 20s in one baud and a Gbarlia Grant sandwiob in tbe other. Not ao mttob ao how ever, as his genial grin. Uome over and mingle a wea, Pink. Ii'a speciBoallv provided in Athena game laws that tbe bag limit on grouse for hainess-makuia is 1 bird. No need to mention names tore; suf tloe to say that one of tbe three expert leather-butchers residing in our midst has laid himself liable to a flue of (GO wa are sorry very sorry to say. Sun day be shot 3 mows. (Jet after bim "Happy," tbe state'll divide witb yon. Little "Bill" Parser is soma kid. There are all kinds of kids, hot only one "Bill" Parker, tie baa a bigger tank deposit right now than J.' of the voung m9n, and of tbe old oues. Aud Bill has just ueitnn, If he keeps up bis saving dot, at tbe age of 21 he'll be several 1000 to tba good. OUR PUBLIC FORUM Pteparationa for tbe new aoboul year are under way in Athena. Tba new boildlng will be ready fur ooco pauoy fay September , the data ae leoted by the boaid for the beginning of aohool. The date appeals on the oalender aa a holiday, kuown as "La bos Day," but ia obseived only in towns aud oltiea wbeie labor uuious and affiliated organisation exist, and baa nothing to do with looal observance. By Peter Radford. This nation Is now in the midst of a controversy as to how best to pro mote universal peace. That question wo will leave for diplomats to dis cuss, but peace within nations is no less important than peace between nations and it is heavily laden with prosperity for every citizen within our commonwealth. ( Many leading politicians and ofttlmes political platforms have declared war upon bustnesa and no cabinet crisis ever resulted. Many men have stood In high plftcos and hurled "gas bombs" at Industry; tbrust bayonets into bus iness enterprises and bombarded ag riculture with indifference. Party leaders have many times broken dip lomatic relations with industry; Bent political aviators spying through the affairs of business, and political sub marines have sent torpedoes crushing irto the destiny of commerce. Dur ing the past quarter of a century we have fought many a duel with prog ress, permitted many politicians to carry on a guerrilla warfare against civilization and point a pistol at the heart of honest enterprise. No man should bo permitted to cry out for universal peace until bla rec ord baa been searched for exploslvea. for no vessel armed or laden with munitions of war should bo glvp-u a clearance to Ball for the port 'of Unl verml Pence. Let us by e.'u means have peace, but peace, II'ne charity, should begin at home. Vlll C. E. 8CHAFF y , On Railway Investment! , j ton,, recently re-l ferrlng to our rail road problems, aid in part: "Tbey are Indis pensable to our whole economic' life and railway se curities are aUhe very heart of most investments, large and small, publlo and private, by in-1 dividuals and by institutions. There ia no other Interest ao. central to tbe business welfare' et the country1 as this. No doubt, la the .light of the new day, with Us new .understand ings, the problem of the railroads will also be met and dealt with in a spirit of candor and justice." When the first citizen of the land stresses the Importance of understand ing and dealing justly with the rail roads, certainly the American plow man can venture upon a careful study of the problem.. C. E. Schaff, presi dent of the M. K. & T. railway com pany, when asked to outline tbe rela tion of tbe publlo to railroads Invest ments, said in part: "It may be said tbat tbe railroad world is encumbered with a lot of phantoms which exlBt only in the pop ular fancy. For Instance, because there have been a few so-called 'railroad magnates' whose names bave figured prominently In finance, many people have come, to believe that the railroads of the country are largely owned by a few rich men. As a matter of fact nothing could be farther from ,the truth. Out of tbe colossal sum of twenty billion dollars of American rail road securities, lesa than five per cent is now, or ever has been, in tbe bands of these men who have figured promi nently in the newspaper headlines while the other 95 per cent is In the hands of oyer two million Investors, large and small, who in many in stances have put tbe modest savings of a lifetime into these securities in order that they might lay away a com petency for old age. When, therefore, the value of these securities is de pressed or perchance destroyed, the hardship is a hundredfold greater upon thousands of every-day citizens than upon the handful of millionaires, good or bad, who have figured promi nently In railroad circles. Hundreds of millions of dollars of the assets of our great life and fire insurance companies, savings banks, trust companies, educational and fidu ciary institutions are Invested in rail road bonds and the moment, there fore, that the soundness of these bonds is called into question the financial solidity of these myriad institutions directly affecting the welfare of mil lions of policyholders and bank depos itorsIs gravely menaced. During tbe last several years many millions of dol lars representing depreciated values have been charged off the books of concerns like those enumerated above. American railroads have become a vital part of the very woof and fa brio of the nation. Their continued effi ciency ia absolutely essential to tbe smallest community in the land. In blindly striking at tbe railroads our blows fall not merely upon thou sands who have committed no wrong, but. In the last analysis, upon our selves. We should remember how In terdependent we have come to be in this mighty republic of ours that each is in truth become more and more his brother's keeper, and that we noed to act and think circumspectly, lest in our mistaken zeal we destroy those who, like ourselves, need whatever of this world's goods the toll and sweat of years has bequeathed to them." It is oflloinlly anuouuoed that duiiug the oalender year 1UU, thn Oregou Washington Hailioad aud Navigatlou company expended in Oregon, Wash ington aud Idaho, lor -ague, taxes, construction and other purpose Inci dent to the oonduot of its business, the sum of lo.nM.HSS.M, tbe equiv alent of I50.8U3.H0 for each working day In tbe year. While tbe limits of weight and size of paroel post paokagaa have faeeo materially iuoreased, we are constrain ed to mention that automobiles most still be transported by freight or ex press. Every farmer with patob of ooid should bs eo tha lookout for suitable pooiuious foe the 0 W. R. & N. oom show. A good show leads to plautiug mora com. Keunewick will bave a grape ear Vival. Pltuty of juloe will te served. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood, $5.35 Cascade 4 foot' Maple Wood 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.10 F.O.B. Athena Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS, PostolBce, Edgewater, Washington, Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rlatit 1 the Luafthe NO ilAMMOCKING NOtWMMOOKING NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING zzs-iisii uzi -J -J- r" fn L2 MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. Vacation Journeys I AT 11 ROUND-TRIP FARES VIA SYSTEM TO NORTH BEACH "Where Cool Sea Breezes Blow." W miles of smooth, white beach; a soore of interesting beach towns; many excellent hotels and resorts; everything necessary for seashore outings. For real rest and recrea tiongo to North Beaob JjlQ "JC Bonnd trip fare QlUifu CIRCLE TOURS OF THE EAST nafoviH itowto T including a visit HOT LAKE OREGON to the world- famous California Expositions on going or return trip. The oppor tunity of a lifetime. Tbe most won derful shows tbe nation has ever seen. Do not miss tbem. ONE WAY THRU BOTH WAYS CALIFORNIA DIRECT Omaha 184.40 $60.00 Cbioago 97.30 72.60 New York City 135.50 110.70 Corresponding fares to many other Eastern oities. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The Wonderland of America. Open until September IS. Visit tbe Park tbia year in conneotion witb year summer tiip east or to the exposi tions. Diieot line and tbrn sleeping-oar service to Sontbein En trance. Ask for fares, folders, etc Let as help yon plan your trip. Ex pert travel servioe our hot by. Tick ets, reservations, information, npon application to r J. Mathers Agent O-W. R, & N. SAFETY IRST ' .. COURTESY ALWAYS LECTURES Romanism Revealed By one who' knows the ' inside,) workings. mi a mmam mmm The Known Author of "The Martyr in Black" and "Rome's Persecutions of Anna M. Lowry" Will Lecture in Dreamland Theatre Commencing Monday Night August 30 Jr. tr 1 ' v V I f i- I Professional L S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib both night and day. Oaili promptly answered. Offlce on Third Btret, Athena Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building. Phone, 601 DR. J. G. McMATH Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. ra. Pony Contest to August 27, Eugene Osborn, 8038. Biobard Oartano, ilSll. Aodra Winsbip, 1736. , Velma MoAlexander, 731. i Elizabeth Mathers, S03. Willard Parker, 218. Savannah Smith, 203. , Conrad Miller, 110. ' Velma Schubert, 110. Weldon Bell, 72. Tom Kirk, 08. Margaret LaCouise, 11. Bay Dndlev, 1. -Adv. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Sureon & Dentist Graduaie McKllllp,Vetinary Cfllege Offices; Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug 8tore. Fhou0 4j5. Homer I. Watts . Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. COL. J. L. BALDWIN The well Known Auctioneer will make Sales anywhere in Umatilla County. Phone, 1457; Residsnce, 1007 West Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash. A Photo Studio With Facilities for Doing Big City" Work at reasonable prices. Now's the time to get good photos. Don't wait. We are here for only a few weeks more. K Ohmart Studio. Thus Did Noah Aaoording to plans and speoifloations of tbe Supreme Arohiteot Noah bnilded an ark, tbat withstood tbe rain for forty daya and forty' nights. The plans oalled foe a oertaio kind of timoer aud oertaia dimen sions. Ihe waters prevailed npon the earth one bnudred and forty days. Evetv living oreatnre perished save those within tba protection of LUMBEB. Can we get euy better building materialman tbat whiob baa the stamp of tbis Arohiteot npon it? Bis wisdom ia never exoelled ty man's invention. ' " Lumber has evei been man's beat friend from the oradle, and the homes of the living to the shrouds of the dead. It is more sanitary (ban other building mateiial and jnst as warm when properly diied and put together. Noah has proven to us that theia ia no better protection from the weather, to both mau and beast (ban a shelter built of LUMBEB. We carry a full stock of lumber on hands at all times, gathered from tbe Half to tba Lakes and the Paoiflo Coast. Estimates and priots oheei fully given on application. - Ba aa wisa aa Noah. Tum,a.Lum Lumber Co. Bp THE John so Mall itMiuTMAViON Rime- u O With new building, totter qutpment, en-Iai-k! ffrountfft, and many aditi-loui to Its farnlty.the tinlvfttnltyof OrPaTon will bctn I tit fortieth year, Tutwdnr, 8ptenibr 14. 1U15. .Hp?!! training tn Commerce, Journnllm, Architecture. Law. Medicine. Teaching, Libra ry Work, Music, Physical Training and fine Art. Large and strong deiMrtinent of Liber al Kriut-Mtlon. Library of more than 55,000 volume, thir teen building fully equipped, two splendid gymnaaluni. Tuition Free, Dormitories for aaen and for women Evpanae Lowest. Writ for free catalogs, addressing Registrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Kl OKNK, OREGON 3 Kl OKNK, OREGON j"j If You Come To Us for your new Autumn and Winter Suit or Overcoat, you'll get clothes that are designed, cut and tailored from your own personal measurements not clothes "made-for-nobody-in-partic-ular"or"pulled-from-the-pile" by the ready-made salesman, but made to fit you by Ed.V Price & Co. Largest tailor! in the world of GOOD made - to - order clothes They tailor your clothes right in the first place and that's always best 3e measured Today Booher C& Piersol o4thena THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET t We carry the best iff ' -SV1EATS zir That Money BuJs V J jja Our Market is MrTP Clean and Cool g ' Insuring Wholesome Meats. eLiU- BRYAN & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon