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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1915)
rKVTOAL COMMERCIAL COl.LWJFl A Modern Hyaiik'M Training School." Thorough, practical expert, reliable. Hew building, large, . well-lighted rooms, complete modern equipment Write for free lesson 'in Bookkeeping end Short hand. - , Central Buitdimr, Portland, Ore. YOUNG MAN, BE A BAW1PH. Learn Trade. Be Independent. Trade taught In eight weeks; tools free. Commissions paid while learning; pmltlone secured. Writ for free catalog. MOLER COLLIDES, Portland, K4fl N. 2nd St.; Bpokaoa. K2 Main Ave.; Seattle. K109 Main St FARM HELP SUPPLIED to Ranch, Hop Yard!, Brry and Fruit Farm Milkers, land-clearara and woodchppera onnhort eat notice. Prion or writ Hanley Employment HOWARD K. BTTRTOH - SWJer and Clients, Lead fill, Colorado. Bpwiimen price: Gold, flflvor. Laud, H. Gold, Silver, loo; Gold 60o: Zino orOopper. tt Mailing envelope J ull price 11 Enton ai'pHoatioii. Control and Umplr workao ilted. Itotaranoei OubonaU ffational Bank. . "USE THE RIVER" Dalles-Columbia Line Stats of Washington, for The Dalles dally ex, , Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles daily ex. Monde) 12 M. 6 team ere J. N, Teal, Inland Empire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river points. , Taylor St Dock. Tel. Main 818. WiHuKtte tad Cotasbi Rircr Tcwisf Ct., Portland. DAISY FIT KILLER. l ornamental, convert. I lent, cheap. Laiti oil Beaton. Madool metal, can't ipill or tip ov.ri will not toil or I injure any turns;. GuarantMd effective. Sold lr dealer, or 6 sent by ex pi Ml pie ptld lor 1. KABOUI tOMSBI, lWDtlalB Aw.. BrMklya, H. T. FRENCH SUCCESSFUL AGAINST GERMANS Commanding Points Over Plain of Flanders Heights Won. BOTH SIDES USING HEAVY ARTILLERY Night Attacks Spectacular Reports Say Teutons Lose 120,00 Men During 120 Days' Battle. LOSSES SURELY PREVENTEI hr Catter'e Blaeklei Pill,. Iw- pncM, md, reusDie; pmmm oj waaiera awoaraen neoaune in,, pro. tHt whar. other vaaalnH tall, BLACK LEG Use any Injector, but Gutters ban. The superiority of CuUsr products la due to orer m years of specializing In vaeelnea and serums only. Iflalat nn f.uH.r1.. If iinnht.lniihln. nrri.r itlrtct. T'lE OUTTCR LABORATORY, Berkeley, CalMersls. Write for booklet and testimonials. lo-doee pkoa. Blackles Fine fi.oo 80-soae nkea. Blsaklaa PHIS 4.00 tTse any lninotor, but Gutter's best Dangerous Method. "What are your usual model of pun Ishment?" was among tbe question) submitted to a teacher In a rural dis trict In Ohio. Her answer was, "I try moral suasion first, and If that does not work I use capital punishment. As It was a neighborhood where moral 'suasion had not been a success, and the children were scarce, the commit tee took no risks. I '' ' Her Own Business. The charming young woman who expected to be married soon, went to the registration book for the first .time. The man in oharge asked j'Wlth what party do you expect to be affiliated?" "That's none of your business," she replied. "It I have to tell his name I'm not going to regis ter, so there." Loved Daddy, Too. Pinning a flower on my little four year-old boy's suit on mother's day, I said to him: "You must wear this rose today to show that you love your mother, Bdward." In a little while he returned to me, saying: "Mother, please pin another rose on me bo peo ple will know I love my daddy, too." Exchange. Perseverance Bast. Perseverance is ( more prevailing than violence, and many things which cannot be overcome when they are to gether yield themselves up when ta ken little by little. Plutarch. Means that you keep the middleman's profit in your pockut when you buy Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Moulding, Doors, Wlndowa and other Building Ma terial from Sam Connell Lumber Co. Portland, - Oregon Send us a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you priceB delivered at your station and Guarantee to save you Money. ' Write for our Illustrated Catalog. Paris After battling 120 days for the hilly country between Sethune and Arras, the French forces are in posses sion of all the eminences looking out upon the plain of Flanders. Lille, Douai and Cabrai all are visible from here. Every position along the broad na tional road between Arras and Bethune has been won except Souchez, and last night another quarter-mile of trenches in the Souchez web was torn away. The attack was made under parachute rocket lights, the French burning buiBh white and the Germans greenish white, covering the scene of the des perate conflict with a ghastly glow. The most desperate fighting has-been along the short . 10-mile front from Arras to Aix Noulette, which began March 9 with the taking of a few hun dred yards of trenches on the water shed of Notre Dame de Lorette, where there are the ruins of an old Merovin gian military road. Every day since then some section of - tbe German trenches have been taken, lost or re-' taken. ; " Each side has been employing for midable artillery, both of small and heavy caliber, the French guns being somewhat the more numerous and served with unlimited quantities of high-explosive shels. A correspondent of the Associated Press went through five or six miles of the trenches formerly held by the Ger mans and reconstructed by the French. Upward of 100,000 Germans have fallen or been captured in these trenches, according to the French offi cial count, since the second week of March. The - French losses, the cor respondent was confidentially informed, while serious, have been much smaller than those of the Germans. There are thickets of little crosses made of twigs tied together marking graves between the trenches. Some of these graves have been torn up by the shell fire. Two-cent Rate Causes Railroads to Withdraw Many Public Privileges Chicago W. J. Cannon, assistant general passenger agent of the Chi cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, continuing his testimony in the west ern passenger rate hearing here, said the two-cent fare laws had wiped out the practice of granting special rates to fairs, conventions and resorts where the hauls are short ones. Experience," he said "has proved that the institution of reductions like tourists fares has generally stimulated travel and as a large percentage is carried on regular trains the railroads can afford to make such reductions. Tourist fares of all characters are open to the public ' and necessarily reduced the average rate per mile. Homeseek- ers' fares, which Bpply to round-trip tickets, have been made for many years to the West, Southwest and Northwest, and the demand continues. The carriers are vitallv interested in inducing settlers to take up or pur chase land. Experience shows that the bargain rate principle of granting such con cessions on certain days is a factor of consequence in accomplishing the de sired result. T77 (- "J :. i "'IJJothirig contrib 1 more to life thi butes than a 3 fine set of Teeth. A gold and porcelain bridge or a cast aluminum plate will last a life time. Let me examine your mouth and tell yon in advance what it will cost. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund DENTIST 4M-W Mers-aa Bolldinr. Washington Neat BreaoV war, Portlaod, Oregoa. PRICES REASONABLE WORK GUARANTEED When We Work Best . Autumn and spring are the best sea sons of the year for all kinds of work. At a very low temperature both men tal and physical work are depressing. Mental work reaches Its highest effi ciency at a temperature of 28 degrees, while physical work reaches Its maxi mum at 59 degrees for men and 60 de grees lot women. ' Recent Investiga tions show that weather variations are distinctly good for us and promote our mental efficiency. ,;.. DOES YOUR SKIN ITCH AND BURN? If your skin itches and burns with eczema or any such tormenting, un sightly skin disease, simply wash tbe sore places with resfnol soap and hot water, dry and apply a little reslnol ointment. The Itching stops IN STANTLY, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, and healing begins at once. That is because the soothing, antiseptic res lnolmedlcation strikes right Into the surface, arrests the action of the dis ease, and almost always restores the tortured, inflamed skin to perfect iealth quickly, easily and at little cost. . Prescribed by doctors for twenty years, and sold by all druggists, Adv. BAR VIEW TENT CITY On S. P. R. It. In Tillamook, Co. Or. Train stops at our door. Place to spend your vacation here this summer. You will And it delightful as wrll as inexpensive. We have fully furnished Housekeeping Tents, including electric livhu and water, from $6 per week up Danee every niirht. Bowling. Fool and Hal liards. Surf Fishing and Safe Bathing. For particulars write or call on Wlttti DKNTAL C Rooms 211-18 Falling Bklg., fcl at Wash ington, Portland. Ore., phones A or at BOW; or Bar View. Tillamook Co,, Ore. I ft C Gee Wo Sueesaafal Hoaae Reaasdlee His successful herb al remedies euro all kinde of ailmanta of men and women with out operation, used from the wonderful - "- Wl the medical at-ienee of Uiie country. Wrlta for blank and circulars. Send atamn. CONSULTATION FKKB, The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. let First St, Portland. Or. Mention Papur. l. N. U. No. M, ! Pacific Trade Growing, San Francisco Big increases In im ports and exports through the San Francisco customs office for the year ended June 80 are shown by the annual report of the collector. During the last six months the increase in exports over the same period last year is about two thirds. Exports for the last six months were $39,673,826; same period in 1914 $24,326,152. Other figures for the year ended June 30, 1916, are! ExJ ports 1915, $79,731,766;"exports 191, 62,535,64H; imports 1915, $76,063,- 028; Imports 1914, 166,394,389. France Wants Leather., Washington, D. C France has of ered to lift her embargo on raw hides in return for a supply of American leather goods for military purposes, according to advices received here. The plan, if worked .out, will release for manufacture in this country a vast quantity of raw hides which accumu lated in France as a result of the em bargo and because of the extensive slaughter of French cattle for food. Paris dispatches also contain requests for American wheat flour for the use of civilian bakers. BEN wrltlt t. adrarUaen, pieu. am. iu peper. Vatican's Lights Dimmed. Rome, via Paris. German Zeppe lins, according to reports received in Rome, have been transported to the coast of the Austrian Adriatic sea. Their object, it ia said, is to reach Kome. The Italian government has notified the Vatican and the Pope has ordered that the lights of the apostolic palace be dimmed or extinguished at an early hour. The Pope also gave in structions for the removal of art treas ures from places exposed to damage. 60 Passengers Held Up. Los Angeles Fifty passengers on westbound Pacific electric interurban car were held up and robbed late Sun day night by two masked men about a mile west of Pomona. The robbers poked their guns under the nose of the conductor when he waa throwing the switch. The robbers then went through the car and took money and jewelry amounting to about $200 and escaped. To Appreciate Colors. ' 1 "'Only5 few of the great painters have been great "colorlsts," for the re grettable reason that they could not divinely see color, and to such paint ers the master colorlst has been called crude and garish. The fine thing for everyone is to cultivate the eye to a close and ever observation of ell bues and shades in nature, for In that way only one can have the pleasure of the highest appreciation of nature, splen did as the wondrous revelations of the spectrum is In its divination of the composition of rays of light. All Have Three Forms. AH things In the world have three forms; these are gaseous, liquid and solid. Everything is moving from one of these forrr-s into another. For In stance, the sputum is a liquid.- Dried in the open air, it soon becomes a solid. Then, pulverized, it is taken up by tbe air and circulates in minute dust particles, some of which are too small to be seen. Expert In Silver Linings. ' Hail "Blythe is a pretty optimlstlo character, I hear." Wall "I should say so. If he failed in business, he'd thank heaven he had bis health; if he failed in health, he'd thank heaven be had his business, and If be failed in both, he'd say there was no use having one without the other." Poor Diagnosis. "What you need," said the eminent medical man, "is more bodily activity. You should exercise, your back and limbs and feet. What's your business." "I am the leading tango expert on the champagne floor of, the elite lob ster palace," replied the unhappy patient, r.Wll pinln Dealer. Outrageously Funny. "I'll never again Invite that profes sional humorist to dinner," exclaimed Mrs. Newlyrlohe. "Why, he made our English butler laugh." Philadelphia Ledger. Irony, The Inventor seldom profits by bis production. The Chinese Invented gunpowder. South Tiend Tribune. Optimlstlo Thought. The generous1 man grows rich la living. BERLIN NOTE MAKES PROMISE OF SAFEIY American Passenger Ships May Sail Freely in War Zone. OFFICIAL GUARANTIES ASKED OF U. S. 1 ' - -' GOULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Fouftd Relief In Novel Way! . Adrian, Mich. "I suffered terribly With female weakness and backache and got so weak that I could hardly do my work. When I washed my dishes I haH tn air dam end 0 when I would sweep me noon would get so weak that I would have to get a drink very few minutes, and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down. I got so poorly that my folks thought I was going Into consumption. One day I found s piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband and he said, Why don't you try it ? So.1 did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, 'I don't seed any more,' and he said 'You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So I took it for three months and got well and strong," Mrs, Alonzo E. Bakes, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian; Mich. Not "Well Knonpli to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earner who supports herself and is of tin helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, office, fac tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women ar. prone, and that is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. The Lydia E, fiokhsm Medicinal Co., Lynn, Mass. German Reply Makes Conditions for Travel Under Own Flag or On Neutral Passenger Ships. - Berlin, via London Germany's offer, embodied in-the reply po the United states' note regarding the sink ing of the Lusitania and submarine warfare, was delivered to James W. Gerard, the American ambassador, Saturday night. Its essential features are: - " First, reiterated assurances that American ships engaged in legitimate, trade will not be interfered with nor the lives of Americans upon neutral ships be endangered. Second, that German submarines will be instructed to allow American passenger ships to pass freely and safely, Germany entertaining in re turn confident hope that the American government will see that these ships do not carry contraband; such ships to be provided with distinguishing marks and their arrival announced a reason able time in advance. The same privilege is extended to a reasonable number of neutral passen ger ships under the American flag and should the number of ships thus avail able for passenger service prove inade quate Germany Is willing to permit America to place four hostile passen ger steamers under the American flag to ply between North America and Europe under the same conditions. German Reply Viewed Here As Quite Likely to Bring Crisis Washington, D. C. Arrival of the press translation of the German note confirmed impressions which have been current m official quarters for several days that Germany would refuse to give the assurances asked for by the United States that the lives of Ameri cans traveling the high seas on un armed ships of any nationality be not endangered. - . The press copy arrived too late to be read by many officials, and those who saw it said they could not comment until the official text from Ambassa dor Gerard had arrived. Assumption of liability for the loss of Americans in the Lusitania tragedy was considered to have been wholly evaded by Germany, and the chief principle for which the United States announced that it would omit "no word or act" to see observed was viewed as having been passed over lightly. The general feeling that the note would be unsatisfactory and bring to a crisis the friendly relations that have existed between the United States and Germany developed more strongly in official quarters. Steamer Minnehaha Arrives in Port ' After Terrific Explosion and Fire Halifax, N. S. A bomb placed aboard the Atlantic transport liner Minnehaha,- probably while she lay at her pier in New, York, caused the ex plosion and fire at sea, in the opinion of the officers of the steamer, which put in here for examination Saturday with the fire still unextinguished. The explosion occurred in No. 8 hold, and was of terrific force, shaking the vessel from stem to stern. Those of the crew who were forward at the time were stunned by the shock and two sailors were hurled Into the air. Flames followed, and for two days and nights the crew battled to save the ship. " There is no doubt in the minds of the officers that Erich Muenter, alias Frank Holt or confederates, were re sponsible for the explosion, which oc curred at 4 :16 o'clock on the afternoon of July 7, the date on which Muenter predicted that some vessel, as to the name of which he appeared uncertain, would be destroyed. ' London's Assent Lacking. Washington, D. C Germany's pro posals of last February for the reopen ing of her cable communications with the United States failed because they were conditioned on the consent of Great Britain and the London foreign office, which never replied to the ne gotiations communicated by the United States. -State ..department officials made this explanation in the light of a published assertion by Herr von Jagow, who laid stress on the lack of cable communication as means of an ex change of views on submarine warfare. Food Is Denied Civilians. Rotterdam, Holland It la reported here the German military authorities in several of the Belgian provinces, in an effort to force the civilians to work for the army of occupation, have with held food supplies sent in by the Com mission for the Relief of Belgium. In Malinea the supply of food is said to have been stopped because the me chanics refused to work in their shops. At Courtrai the workers are reported to have been deprived of food because of their refusal to work in barbed wire factories. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Liner's Sinking Forecast. Washington, D. C Sir Cecil Spring Rice, the British ambassador, formally called the attention of the State de partment to the Fatherland, a German paper published in New York, pointing out that it forecast the sinking of the Lusitania and predicted internal ex plosions on ships sailing from the United States for the allied nations. Without making any request the am bassador declared it indicated "guilty foreknowledge of a crime." ' Wheat Bluestero, $1.08; fortyfold, $1.04; club, $1.03; red Fife, 93c; red Russian, 95c.' .? 5 , - - ', . , Oats No. 1 white feed, $25.60 ton. Barley No. 1 feed, $22.50 ton. ; Bran $24 ton; shorts, $24. : Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $27 27.60 ton; shorts, $28 28.50; rolled barley, $25.5026.50. - Corn Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $37. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 17 ton; alfalfa, $12.5013.60. . - . Vegetables Cucumbers, Oregon, 4076c dozen; artichokes, 75c; toma toes, $1.60 per box; cabbage, llic pound; head lettuce, $1 crate; spinach, 6c pound; rhubarb, 23c; peas, 24c; beans, 23c; green corn, 4075c dozen. Green Fruits Cherries, 4 10c pound; cantaloupes, $2 2.75 crate; loganberries, 75c; raspberries, $1 1.10; currants, 75c$l; apricots, $1 1.35 box; peaches, 75c$l; watermel ons, li2ic pound; plums, $1.25 box; new apples, $1.762.50. Potatoes New, 111 Jc pound. ..Onions -7- Yellow, $1 1.60; red, $1.76 sack.- - Eggs-Oregon ranch, buying prices; No, 1, 24c dozen; No. 2, 20c; No. 8, 15c, Jobbing prices: No. 1, 26c. Poultry Hens, 10c pound; broilers, 1820c; turkeys, nominal; ducks, old, 10c; young 1520c; geese nominal. Butter : Creamery prints, plain wrappers, 29c pound; cartons, 80c; cubes, ordinary, 23 24c; fancy, 25 25Jc Veal Fancy, 10llc pound. . Pork Block, 10c pound. Hops 1915 contracts, nominal; 1914 crop, 12121c pound. ' Hides Salted hides, 14 Jc pound; salted kip, 15c; salted calf 18c; green hides 13c; green kip, 16c; green call, 18c; dry hides, 24c; dry calf, 26c. - Wool Eastern Oregon, medium, 26 28c pound; Eastern Oregon, hne, 18 21c; valley, 26 30c; mohair, new clip, 3031c pound. Cascara bark Old and new, 44Jc. Pelts Dry long-wooled pelts, 15Jc; dry, short-wooled pelts, Hie; dry shearlings, each, 1016c; salted shear lings, each, 1625c; dry goat, long hair, each, isc; dry goat, snearnngs, each, 1020c; salted long-wool pelts, May, $12 each. Grain Bags In car lots, 8i8Jc; in .less than car lots, about ic more. Cattle Best steers, $77.26; good, $6.757; medium, $6.506.75; choice cows, $66.26; good, $5.756; heif ers, $4.756.75; bulls, $3.505; stags, $56)6.50. Hogs Light, $7.607.60; heavy, $6.757. . . Sheep Wethers, $5 6.60; ewes, $34.60; lambs, $5.506.80. . Australia Demands More Butter, The strong California export demand for butter is keeping the Portland mar ket very firm and a higher range of prices for cubes in the near future is probable. The belief prevails in the trade that the 1,500,000 pounds of but ter already shipped from Ssn Francisco to Australia will find its way later to England. It is the understanding here that Australia butter shippers con tracted to supply the British govern ment with a large quantity of butter to make up for the deficiency In Dan ish shipments, and, being unable to complete the contract because of the Australian drouth, they have turned to the Pacific Coast for a supply. What puzzles the trade is why the American butter, if intended for England, iB not sent direct to London instead of by way of Sydney. Egg buying priceB were unchanged with the opening of the week. The poultry and dressed meat markets were quiet and unchanged. Demand for Fruit Is Renewed. That retailers of Portland sold up closely on the holiday nuh was indi cated by the good demand for fruit and vegetables on Front street this week. Watermelons were quoted lower at 11 to Z cents loose and 21 cents crated, Cantaloupes were firm at last week's prices. Oregon peaches were steady at 75 cents to $1 and California peaches at 90 cents to $1. Among the receipts was a mixed car of California apples, peacnes ana plums. There was a good-sized shipment of strawberries from Eastern Washington points, but there was not much demand for them. Raspberries sold readily at $1 to $1.10. Loganberries were quiet at 76 cents. A lot of fancy green corn arrived from the Imperial Valley and was put on sale at 76 cents a dozen. WaterJFamlne Is Feared.' Ellensburg Charles E. Hewitt 'of North ITakima, water, commissioner of Kittitas and Yakima counties, after going over water conditions in the val leys, sounds a general warning for all ranchers to be economical in their use of water. ".The reclamation is releas ing 2,000 acre feet of water every day in an effort to keep the ditches sup plied," said Mr. Hewitt "This is cut ting into the storage at a fast rate and unless there is co-operation among the ranchers there is danger of a critical condition in late summer." London Sets Wool Market Pace. The verdict at London has been ren dered in accordance with general pre dictions and if there were those who prior to the sale, were in any wise skeptical as to the maintenance of prices, the general support accorded to wool sales in London should be ample demonstration to them of the world'a belief in the strong position of wool, says the Boston Commercial Bulletin. Tbe sale in Sydney, Australia,' this week followed the lead of London. In Boston, too, prices are firmer and in some instances higher. . Wheat Not Badly Hurt. ' Eltopia, Wash. The damage Satur day night from a wind of hurricane proportions did not shatter the stand ing wheat as much as was feared. The early grain probably will be damaged from three to five bushels an acre. Turkey red and blues tem and the late sown Fife were not hurt materially. Tbe wind blew down several windmill towers throughout the district and but for prompt action a large grain ware house here would have been leveled. WHY FAMOUS PASTRY cooks USE : M Baking PdwbER The patrons of our first class hotels and restaurants are exact ing they demand the best Women go where the pastry and cakes are noted for their excellence. Men are attracted by hot bread and biscuits when fresh and moist and light , . . - J The pastry cook with a reputation uses K C Baking Powder because he knows that results are certain; every time everything is as good as his best ,;" -; . Then, too, with K C Baking Powder he can mix the various kinds of batter before the rush of the meal begins and bake as. needed so that every order goes to the table fresh and hot, yet the last he bakes are just as good as the nrst . - The reasons behind these reasons is that K C is really a blend of two baking powders. One commences to give off leavening gas as soon as moistened. The other requires both moisture and heat to make it active. Dough or batter will remain in a partially leavened condition for hours, and when put In the oven, will come up as light as if mixed a moment before. For cookies, pancakes, doughnuts and the like, which cannot all be baked at once, K C is indispensa ble. For all-baking thedoubleraise makes doubly certain. Follow th example of the professional ' -' 53 cook and your baking will be equal to hit. ' n . Brooklyn Navy Yard. The Brooklyn navy yard was estab lished February 23, 1801, when the first land, twenty-three acres, was bought from one John Jackson for $40, 000.. The yard now comprises 144 acres and has a water front of nearly three miles, protected by a sea wall of granite. Have Hestlthr, fitnnik', Baaatlfol K,o)e ' OcallBta aud FhyaiciaDa need Vuriue Eye Remedy many yeara before it waa offered aa a Domestic ttye Medicine, uurlne ta null com pounded by Our Payslciane and guaranteed by them aa a Reliable Belief ror Eyea that Need Care. Try It la your Eyes aod In Baby'e Byea No Smarting Juan Eye Comfort. Buy slurlD. of your Druggist accept no Subatttute awl U Interested write for Book of tb. Bye ea. HUKINB EYU ItEHBDS tXk, C1UCAOO To Make Bandages. ,?-, " Bandages can be prepared from the good parts of worn sheets or pillow slips If perfectly clean. Rolls six to eight yards in length are most con venientone inch wide for fingers, two Inches for feet, two and one-half to three Inches for head and arms and four inches for legs. A good way of keeping them in condition for use Is to seal the rolls in a perfectly clean glass fruit Jar. rii. Piowa'a Pallets small anrrav-. coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow els, uo not gnpe. . Killing Insects In Seeds. ' Injurious insects found in seeds may be killed without affecting the germinating qualities of the seed by treatment with hydrocyanic acid gas in a vacuum chamber. , Deserved Tribute.' "You see, we have done everything possible to preserve the . Plymouth Rock." "And I don't blame ye. New England owes a heap to that breed of hen." Voo Can Get Allen'a feot-Caac rRttV Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y for a tree sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for cornseinerowing nails and bunions. All drug glsUtenit. 26c Uon't accept any substitute Did You Know That : As a rhyme in St. Nicholas points out, the owl is most ungrammatlcal In saying "To who? to who 7" instead of "to whom? to whom?" But then you can't expect much from an owl. and even less from a boiled owl? Woman's Advantage. "Women undergo greater trials than men." True, fair one, but no matter whom they have murdered there's al ways an acquittal or a hung Jury. Louisville Courier-Journal.. -,. Why Vaccination Pays. Statistics show that to vaccinate a person against smallpox at public ex pense costs about twenty-five cents, while the disease itBelf costs the pub lic on an average about $50 per case. ' Power- at th. Individu.-.l. ' If only one person you makes up his mind to do his best for the meet ing, from that nucleus the contagion of best-doing will spread through the society. - . Such la Frail Humanity. "Many a man," said Uncle Eben, "dat kin hesitate or tango for miles while de music is gotn' couldn't be persuaded to walk two blocks to de grocery store." " TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES Rebuilt Federal Trucks 7 A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL In as rood value for the money as -a new truck. Bjr rebuilt we mean that the truck Is entirely : taken apart, each part examined and If necessary replaced by a new part at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and reflnished, and everything necessary done to make the truck practi cally as good aa new In every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal yon are protected by the same policy and in terest that we give to all Federal owners. We operate a repair department, In which the workmen are specialists on Federals, our supply of Federal parts is complete, and the stock room organization high lass, which Insures the prompt filling of , ail parts orders. We also operate a serv ice department, which is open day and night, "always at your .call." The Federal being a good truck In the first place and protected by a Company which is equip ped and has the disposition togive ybu service is consequently . : . . A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUT. If you are in the market for a truck from $1009 to $140,0, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices, We think we can convinc you of thelJi superior value. V GURtJNGER MOTOR CAR CO., ' King and Washington Sts. Merchants, Attention! Will trade elegant Portland, Or., home. an iren emu uivuciii, value c-uuuv, iur stock of Shoes or General Merchandise. - Royal Shoe Co., 229 Morrison St. -PORTLAND, OREGON ' Insect Feigns Death. The deathwatch beetle has the In variable habit of feigning death when seized or disturbed. The simulation Is so persistent that when Immersed In water, or even ia alcohol, the In sect rerfialns perfectly Immovable, and will allow Itself to be burned alive rather than betray itself. The tick made by the deathwatch resembles that made by tapping the finger nail upon the table so much so that the Insect may be led to recommence his sounds by doing this. ; He Cornea. ' "Where do we find the most miser able of men?" exclaimed the exhorter fervently. "You don't have to find him," responded the man in the fourth row, center, "he hunts you up and tells you all about It." Philadelphia Publlo Ledger. ' - ".'Dally Thought. The calm or disturbance of our mind does not depend so much on what we ' regard as the more Important things of lite as In a Judicious arrangement of the little things of daily occurrence. La Rochefoucauld. . Price of Drug Fixed. The German government has for years fixed the retail price of drugs, even to the extent of designating what must .be charged for bottle, cork, la bel or ointment box used In dispensing the medicine. Show Respect fw Bee. Attention Is called to the fact that no one ever seems to think of a bee as a bug. Insect is about the worst thing they are ever called. Uncle Eben. 'A well-fed hoss," said Unci. Eben. "la a better recommend fob de maa dat owns him dan fancy harness." dsn Fight On Thcf? Stomachs pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult almost impossible for anyone, man or woman. if digestion is poor, to succeed in businees or : eru-ial Iv rvr tn uninu lift. In l.hlat . 4. Dr. Pierce' mmJ Golden Medical Discovery helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action ' t,,,, V lu)M,k4nJiM.l lk.fJ IL.1 1 - .1 j : J rich, red blood which nouriahe the entire body. This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts the liver into activity oils the machinenr nf the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk, behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous bealtb. HM broorbt rriW Jo BMmy thoemds riry rr for orer forty y-ere. Beaa reUm you and I eknbtleaa reatora to yoei your former health and ntnmrtb. At . tnal box at TabteuDr. fMrca e Iahus' HoteiSuraTcal laatiuita. Buffli5. i. Tw mm tore Dr. Flare's Corua Stem Hadta. Urbwr sf 1001 ees h, tie. n . ".IV r