The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 11, 1915, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
H. O. Woilbiagton baa received bis
Fold oar;
W. D. , Chamberlain of Pendleton,
waa In the nlcj Suodav.
Mrs. Arthur Baas of Waaton. waa
an Athena vialtor everday.
Born, to Mt. and Mra. Olarenoa
Zeiba, JoneB, I91B, "daoghter.
Mra. Henry Keen and daoghter Zola,
spent Wednesday i0 Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mra. W. B. Watson' aie
tamping on tba Umatilla river tbis
week, n .
Mra. Both Molntyre and daoghter
Ethel, were in Pendleton Tuesday. .
. . M. L. Watts and B. B. Biohards
motored to Wailsbnig Wednesday. .
William Aoderson and family of
Milton, were in the oity, Monday. :.
Ibe mother of Soott Fisher baa ar
rived in the city on a visit to her ton.,
Earl Urqohart ia making arrange
menta to pot in a skating rink at tbe
pavilion. '
James Henderson waa over from
Milton Friday and Saturday attending
the plonio. .... .
Yesterday was oirons day at Pendle
ton, aud a large nnmber of people
from Athena and vioiuity, took in tba
bow. .
loney is ftijm
We Shall Keep Those 10,000 Pennies Going
Ten per oeut off means a LOT. Snppoaing von buy for oasb every time
jon so to town and yon go onoe or more imes each week. That means 53
or more trmes a yeai and that yon get 10 per oent each time making a
total fll over 20 per een or more than five times the oost of tba aitiole.
Can yon Bee five of those artioles laid in a row that yon have saved by
paying oaah at Watta and Boners' V
Now bare goes some oaah targalnt for Pioneer Pionio week. The time
rorl Vavv nTJi"' '2m pePle oin,! hon,e BIOHER THAN
WHEN THEY GAME and we will make that Home Fellow wish be had
been there too. , .
We have six or eight new road oarte, tnilt alike, same atyle and oolor,
look alike and ride alike. We defy anybody to abow as one dollor'a
dlileieuoe between any two of tbem. Prioea for tbe two days of the pio
nio BIS 16.50, 8.60, $10.60, 112.60, $11.50, $18.50, eto. .
Dandy biavoles woith $38, $30 and $45. They will go tbe toboggan slide
tboae two days at $1.00 off eaoh honr from 9.. a. m. to 0 1. m.
We have sii styles of washing maohlnes and some of tbem will be pot on
tbe at 25 oentB per honr off.' .."
One ot the beat sewing maobinea made, a Kotarr Standard worth $45.00,
we eell for $35.00, also the New Royal worth $20.00. Pot a blanket over
tbetn and take yon pick for $25.00. ,
There will be tbree top and open baggies placed on the street eaoh day at
snob prioea that yon will tlusu when yon band as the. ptioe; and as for
wagons, just tiy ns nothing in them but we will give YOU something
out of tbem.
Watts & Rogers, Wsston
(Three miles over the hill.)
Ueueioos dlstiibuton of valuable prises by Plane Maanfaatureia and
Northwestern Wholesalers, oo-operating with the looal Piano Ageoay of
Warren's Music House
at Pendletou, Oregon
Prize Number 1 An exoellent Forty Dollar Oourss ot Mnsioal In,
trnction. -
. Prize Number 2 A Ladies' Beautifnl Gold Watota.
Prize Number 8 A Gentleman's Beantiful Uold Watob.
- Prize Number 4 Chest of Sogers' Silverware, 26 pieoes.
(Sea note telow.)
Spend a few minutes of your time and win ons of these beautiful
premiums. ' (
Yon do not have to boy anything to win one of tbe following prizes
free. : Simply solve the "Little Mary Puzzle," send nsyonr answer, and
yon oan have yonr oboice of a Ladies' Beauty Pin, Box of Candy, Foun
tain Fena, Gent's Tie Clasps, Safety Razors.
; ' ourmmnerpA0 " -, ' Jjt
jva 7ZACKarwrM rensxz? ffl aJL
Contest Closes June 22, 1915
All answers to pozzies most be sent in to us befors or not later than
June 22, 1918.- Everyone baa an equal opportunity of aeouring ona of tbe
above prizes. Don't delay answering, but write yonr nama and address
plainly, and aend in yonr solution today. . .
' ' , . - . . , ' .' '
1 Name,. ; ..... i .......... . .......
Address, . .
. Everyone sending in bis solution before tbe above date, will also re
oeive from tbe Northwestern Wholesaler's offices of tbe Pianos wa repre
sent, In addition to tbe premiums mentioned above, a Piano Maoofaotor
er's reoeipt tor $105.00, wbiob will te received Ibe earns ss gold eoin on
ar-y new Piano or Piano Player in our store, provided tbe reoeipt. be used
within the data shown On its face.
NOIE Read tba conditions for obtaining prizes Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
All contestants who call at our store and use their reoeipt, will ""
tbeir choice of Bny of the foor prizes, namely. $40 musloal instruction
course. Ladies' Geld Watob, Gentleman's Gold Watob, Chest of Bogsrs
Silverware. ,
For many years the Piano dealers bavo been trying to rednoe the sell
ing expense' of Pianos. The old way of paving solicitors, paying teachers
commissions, and engaging great artists to plsy pianos at fabulous sums,
we are trying to eliminate. We aro therefore working with the manrj
foturers and wholesalers, on an eipense-sb.ridg campaign to sell jvitbin
tbis district tbi greslest number of piaoo. at tba least possible expense.
We are tba mannlaotuiers agents tor instruments of proven quality, com
prising soma of tba worlds most famous makes.
Remember, your solution most be la our bands before Jena 23, 1915.
Tbi. date has been made imperative by the m.nof.ctarer, tbemeel.e.,
and wa bav. no authority to extend it Seed all answers direct to
Warrens Miisic House, Pendleton, Or
Mrs. Ooie Barton waa in tbe city
Wednesday trading with loaal mer
chants. ;,
' Lost A lady's obain and pendant.
Finder will please leave at tbis offioe.
Angus McKay of Walla Walla, in
guest Ibis week at the Winship borne
in this oily. " t
If you want to, buy oity property or
farm lands, enquire ot Henry Keen.
Adv. . .
Weston friends have received news
of tba deatb ot O. G. Beeler, at Price
ville, recently.
Miss Edna Carrie ef Walla Walla
bas been a guest of Misses Graoa and
Ethel Johnson.
D. H. Mansfield, who has been buy
ing horses in tbe Psloose country, bas
returned borne.
George; Winship, Mrs. Wm, Win
ship and daughters spent Wednesday
in Wail'a Walla. , -
: George Winship is borne from Eu
gene for tbe' vaoation period, having
1. 1 rived Monday.
' ibe Walla Walla Union reports the
arrival in that oity ot J. B. Hunting-;
ton, of Manila, P, L ; . . '
Charles Kirk this week sold to Com
bach & Nelson ot Hudson Bay,: a 40
inch Smalley feed cutter.
Mr. and Mra. Arthur Stone oama
up from Pendleton Saturday, and
mingled with tbe pionio orowd.
Mr. and Mra. Byrou Hawks and Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Foss are spending
oouple of days at Bingbam Springs. '
Mrs. Benry Wood and granddaugh
ter, Milled Stanton, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Alt. Johnson at . Walla
Walla. . ...
Miss Mandia Mansfield is spending
the wek in Portland, the guest of
Mrs. Robt. Cionin and Mrs. Fred
Emery Wortbington is working in
Ibe grooery department at Fix & Bad
tke's, during tbe absenos this Week ot
Mr. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gsorga Gregory and
Miss King and Miss Kennedy ot Walla
Walla, were guests ot Miss Zelma De
Peatt, Sunday.-
This ia the week for Pioneer Pionio
and tbe music is already oo. See
bow Watts and Rogers will make you
tbe richer for ooming.
Mr. and Mrs. Clitfoid Stone will re
side in Athena. Tbey will ooaupy the
reaidenoe jost vaoated by Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Hawortb. .
. Mrs. Elizabeth Mansfield went over
to Weston last evening to attend tbe
Pioneers pionio, of which association
aba is an honored member.
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ely of Nora pa.
Idabp, were in tbe oity tbis werk,
guests at tbe home of Mr. Ely's mo
ther, Mrs. Henry Piukertoo.
. Tbe weather baa teeu right for ma
turing roses, and the reanlt is that
many beautiful blossoms may be seen
in Athena flower gardens. :. ..
' Only three miles over the bill to
where Watta and Rogers will offer to
make yon richer in going borne than
when yon oame. See tig Ad.
Tharp & Son will run auto atages
between Athena and Weston today
and tomorrow, tor tbe oonvenlenoe of
those desiring to attend Ibe pionio.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koenke enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Dunoan of this
citf, and Mr. Gildersleeve of New
Yqrk, at tbeir home south of town.
Wm. Winship returned home Sat
urday afternoon from a Dullness visit
to Spokane. Ha was within two fclooks
of tbe scene ot- the bank roboery In
tbe Falls oity last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tompkins
returned borne from California Friday
evening. Mr. Tompkins is somewhat
improved in health as oompared with
bis condition, before leaving home
last fall.
Mis. A. B. Little, of Port Hnron,
Miob, who has been visitlog ber bro
tber. F, B. Boyd, left Wednesday for
Milton, 'where she will speud oouple
of weeka wilb ber sister, Mrs. B. D.
Mr. and Mrs. George Banister and
Miss Helen Russell left on yesterday
morning's train for Portland, where
they will remain for a oouple ot weeks
before proceeding to San Franolsco, to
visit the Fair.
Mrs. B. G. Baling, who favored tbe
Pionio witb a solo Saturday morning,
left tbis week for Portland where she
will reoeive inatruotioo from Profes
sor Ehrins of New York City, vooal
Instructor of note.
Tba weather conditions ware perfeot
for holding tbe Atbeoa pionio, and
large orowda were In attondanoa botb
days. Tba literary program at City
Park and the sports and games were
especially interesting. ,
A splendid specimen of woodwork
may te seen at tba offioe or a. u.
Biobarda. Tbe produot ia beautiful
table, mads bv 'Soott Fishar, the car
penter. Fir timber waa nsed through
out and the effeot is splendid.
Today and tomorrow the Pioneers
are holding tbeir annua 1 reunion (t
Wee ton. If tba weather man will only
be good, Weston people will again dis
play their hospitality and tba usual
good time at Weston will ba bad.
A. M. Boyden proprietor of tbe
auto stage line between Weaton and
Pendletoo, was married Saturday,
May 29, to Miss Mand E. Suiste, re
cently graduated from tbe Pendletoo
High acboel. They will make tbeir
boma in Weston. . ,
Guy' Hayes waa Jogged Saturday
afternoon foe appaariog oo tba streets
driving a team while boozed op. and
letting the team run away through
orowd tba doring tba pionio. Tba
team ran Into tbe corner at tba Mos
grove store, where It left tbe rig
against tbe curb. A number of women
and children oame near being injured
when the team dashed thiongh tbe
Mr. and Mrs. i E. Stewart and
soo, Loots left Wadoesday evening for
Portland, where tbey will take tba
boat for Sao Fraaciaoo. making tba
trip fh tba steamer Bon City. Tbey
will be Joined en root by Miss Bntb
St9wart, who bat been attending Pa
oifio University, and also a sister of
Mrs. Stewart, both of whom will ao
onmpauv tbe party in their visit to
the Panama-PaoiSo Exposition.
Athena waa honored with a visit
Saturday from Governor Withycombe,
who remained in the oily several
hours. Tbe governor was accompanied
to Athena by Dr. W. D. MoNary, su
perintendent of tbe Eastern Oregon
hospital at Pendleton.
Mra. Bowles and daughter, Miss
Laura Bowles, arrived in the oity
Sunday evening from California,
where tbey spent tbe past winter,
and will visit tbeir daughter aud sis
ter, Mra. F. S. LeGrow, before going
to tbeir borne in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Bagley and
daughter, Miss Elva, stopped over
Monday night and visited Athena
friends. Tbey were en route by auto
mobile from tbeir borne near Bnbl,
Idaho, to Portland for a visit. Mr.
and Mra Bagley formerly oondnoted a
grooery store in Athena, and are now
prospering in tbeir Idaho home. '
v' On Tbuiaday, June 24, a demonstra
tion car in charge of Mis. M. E. King
Will be In Atbeua to demonstrate tbe
making of jams, jellies and preserves
for consumption in tte home. Tbe
demonstration is to lake place in Its
oar at tbe O.-W. B. & N. depot, The
leoture will take place at 2:30 p. m.
aud will doubtless bs largely attended
by tbe ladies of Atbeua aud vioinity.
An automobile' party consisting ot
Mr. and Mra Joseph T. Scott of
Ooenr d'Alene, Idaho, and tbeir nieoe.
Miss Katherine Dnnlevy, passed
through Atheua Wednesday morniug
en ronte or Lis Aogeles, California,
and uther points, wheta tbey will
spend tbe summer, returning by way
of Seattle. Mr. Soott is editor and
proprietor of tbe Ooeur d'Alene Even
ing and Weekly Press.
A serious automobile aocldent oo
cured un Main street during the pionio
Saturday afternoon. Charles Stanton
of Helix, backed his oar into the Mo
Bride automobile. A little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Artbnr Goppook was stand
ing on tba running board of tbe Ma
Bride oar, and tbe impaot oiusbed
bim up against tbe side of ths auto,
resetting in a compound fraotnre of
the leg. Tba bona was broken square
off above tbe knee, and the knee was
also fractured. Dr. Stone oarrled. tbe"
little fellow tnto bis offioe, and be
was later taken to Pendletou, and
placed in tbe boBpital, where he is
getting along as well as could bn ex
pea ted. ' ., ,i
Irving Biooks, of the Atbeua Tennis
Clnb participated in tbe tournament
at Walla Walla Wednesday. He en
tered tbe finals and was defeated by
Krofsoh tba oraak player, w bo fnr
tbtee years was obatupion of Cbloaao.
Brooks gave him a good game, bow-
ever, losing three out ot fnor sets bv
the soore of 6-4, 6 8, 6 0. 6-4. In tbe
pn-ltminaTiea Brooks dnf sated Yocon
6 0,6-1; Fleming. 6 0, 5 7, 6 0; aud
ia the semi-finals defeated Harspool
8-1,6-4., In tbe preliminary doubles
Biooks and Harmod won from Toner
and Thompson, 6-6,.6-0 and in the
semi-Boals from Brown and Livlngood
8-4, 6-0. Tbey were compelled to let
the flnals go by detanlt, because Mr.
Harmon was obliged to leava betore
tbe seta were played off.
A doable murder was peipetrated at
the Cbarles Ogilvy farm near Pilot
Book, Ibnraday evening of last week,
when Mrs.' Ogilvey was instantly
killed "and ber hustand shot In tbe
stomaob, which resulted In his deatb
tbe next day, . Lea Dale, a homestead
sr. residing near tbe Ogilvey farm: -is
in jail, obargeof with tbe awful crime',
Ogilvey, thinking be would die before
being found, wrote a statement on a
oallen-iei, saying that Dale committed
tba mnrder of bis wifs and shot him.
Later wbeo found, Mr. Ogilvey re
peated that Dale shot him and his
wife. Dale had been on a drunken de
bauch at Pendleton, and it was while
returning home that he is alleged to
have oommitted tbe deed. He claims
no remembrsnos of having baan at the
Ogilvey ranoh on tbe evening of tbe
orime. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvey were
tbe parents of Mrs. Earl Dudley.
At high noon Sunday, Jans 6. 1916,
ooonrred a happy event, when Virgil
Zerbe and Miss Eva May Sobrimpf
obanged tbe loneliness of single life
for tba happy relation of married life,
the ceremony being performed bv Bev,
Lambert of tbe M. E, pburob, at tba
boms of tba brida'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Sobrimpf, three miles
north of town.
The yonng oonple were attended by
Miss Bessie Key aod Mr. Eugene
Sobrimpf, brother of tbe bride. About
twenty of their friends and relations
witnessed the oeremony, among them
being Mr. and Mrs. Ed Banks of Mil
ton, and Mra. Momfoid of Pendleton.
Both trlde and groom are Athena
products, having grown np in tbis vi
cinity, Mr. erba ia ens of tbe most
bighly lespeoted and capable young
business men ot tbe oity and bis bride
is also a favorite among tbe youug
peopla, and a bright fntnre is pre
dicted for them.
Bev. Lambert, who furnishes this
annonnoemenl, aays bs could hardly
be azpeoted to ba quite himself tbis
week as be made an honest effort to
do bis part to reliava lbs dinner table
ot its tnrdan of good things set forth
for tbe guests, after tbe ceremony.
New Books This Week,
New books bavs been added to tbe
looal library this week as follows:
Reference Books.
Apple ton's New Praotical Gyolops-
dia, 6 Vols.
Non Fiolion.
Bennett How to Live oo Twenty-fonr
Hours a Day.
Bennett Irntb About an Author.
Dorand tbe Book of Roses.
MoOlnre House Forniabiug and Dec
Mumford Oriental Bags
. Fiction.
Cuitiug Befraotory Husbands.
Owing to law reoeotly passed In
Oregon, ws will discontinue givHg
coupons after June 10. All ontstaod
log coupons will be redeemed op to
tbat date. Fix & Badtke.
Friday arid Saturday
you may have your choice of 100 Suits for only $10.98
All are this season' new cTWodels. Full, flare skirts,
Coats with regular and raised waist lines. Navy, Sand
Belgian Blue, Black, Black and White Check and Wis
teria; sizes 16 to 44.
The Peoples- Warehouse
Where It Pays to Irade.
Save your TWP Stamps
I Kirk Implement House
Since 1871
That has given complete eatifctaotion. It ia bnilt to ant grain in the most eoonomioal way, maximum efficiency
ip tbe Held witb a minimum of trouble and repair ocat, Praotioability, ease of operation and feature of merit
ell oombined la what tbe users of (Jotting Machinery are demanding today. These oan best be found In tbe
Johnston Una of harvesting mauhlnery. '
, The manufaoturera of tbis line of cutting machinery were eslabliBbedl n 1S71 and today tbey are puttnig 48
years of knowing bow 10 every maohins that leaves tbeir factory. Johnston Harvesting Maohluery is being
sold today In moat all civilized oountries. Moon time and money bas been spent in psifsoting tbeir line ot ma
chinery to meet the yigid requirements of Ibe Paoillo .Northwest. A policy of the Mannfaotnrers is to know
that every machine is in perfeot running order before it leaves tbe factory. This is an assurance that it will
do the work when placed in Ibe held. All mnobines are guaranteed to tba work for wbiob Ibey are intended.
A t f, : ; , ; :
3rd aniMain J CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore,
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 tot Fir Wood, $5.35
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, , , . . 5.60
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 3.10
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington.
Glasses Are Scientifically
Ground and Fitted. Lenses
du plicated in a few mom
ents. All work guaranteed
tAmerican National Bank Building,
(Upstairs) Pendleton, Oregon.
i. fi. FEOOME, mop.
..m' :
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
w ;
lb only one ttajii oan fceoo id modal
1 Ciin b loomended for lu fllMui sad
wall ventilated rooms.
g foe. Mai akd Tu r bj. ATHsA,Or.
is eee eeeeeeeeeeeeee
IMe These
in Prices
No. 72 1-2 chain, 35c per foot
No. 103 chain, 65c per foot.
No. 115 chain, 85c per toot
No. 117 WC&B chain, 75c per ft.
No. 117 Ewert Chain, 90c per ft
Buy Deering Twine