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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1915)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER : F. B. Boyd, Publisher ; ' 1 Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and lefferson Streets. Show io November, teems to te rather looaliziog a prominent bianob o( industry. Ioaemnob aa the entire oounty is interested in tbe fair, the (took indostry of the CJnonty sbonld bava its plaoe there. Entered In the fnttornre at Athena, Oregon as econatiiaes Mail Mauer. evtbscripUon Rates. . One coov. one vear. tl.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months. " One copy, three months 50 Advertising Rates. ; Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch ...... 25c Subsequent insertions l Display regular, per inch HH Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line. 9c Lodge resolutions, per line. . . . . . 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA. ORB.. JUNE ji... IMS While Bryao lias resigned fiora the oabinet, be pays tribute to tbe in tea -lity and patiiotio endeavor of Pres ident Wilson. Be resigns ratber than plaoe hie signature to a note to Ger many, that may mean a clash of arms, when jo bis opinion the Lmitania matter .sbonld be left to arbitration as provided by treaty entered into fae tween tbe United Slates and tier many. In explaining bis resignation, Bryao atates tbat Germany rwas tb tw 11th nation of thirty to sign treat- ' lea ainoa be became aeoretary of state, eantainiug the arbitration olaose. The President, wbile seeking a settlement with Germany peacefully, if possible, . does not believe tbe Lositania tragedy oomes under tbe head ot arbitration, tnt is a direot violation of inter national law relative to Iba rights of tbe aitizens of neotral nation. Heooe it will be eeen tbat both Wilson and Bryan hope to gain tba same ends tnt nnder different procedure. Pre ldent Wilson's note to tbe Gar in an government appears in this morning's uanera and Its oooolllatorv tone, thongb firm id tbe demands for reoog nltion of Amerioan neotral tights, oan be characterized aa friendly and devoid of the ultimatum phrases nblob it wss supposed to oontaln, from Mr. Bryan's resignation. Tbe Piesidsnl't polioy is slill an appeal for peaoe, an honorable peaoeand tbe wording of bis note abowa that be aa fervently desires it aa does Mr. Bryan. Yonr Uncle Sam is some philan thropist. After furnishing relief to Belgium and Poland be now proposes to atop tbe war In Mexioo aod feed tbe starving people io tbat benighted country. Intervention, withheld dur ing repeated insults and injmies to tbia oonntrv and its oitizens, oomes at last bnt only to relieve 'goffering, to save Mexioo from herself. , Weston is acquiring tba repntation of being the aporteenter of tbe oounty A 20'rqnocl obampionsbip boxing oon test with 'prelimiaries pots Wood's bnrg oo a sporting par with tbe Boondop city. : WESTON DEFEATEDSUNDAY 5-5 Athena rinds O'Harra for Seventeen Healthy Wallops. League Standing: . Played Won Lost Milton-Freewater Atbena Weston Helix 11 . a a a' PC 737 638 874 883 The libel suit seems to he Boose velt'a long anil. The other fellow gets tbe short and of it. ' If yon want to lay the right thing at tbe right time, just keep yonr month abut. 1 ( The world is full of people who in slut that something ought to be done. Meet tbe Pioneeia at ;Weston today and tomorrow. CHANGES IN THE GAME LAWS Boys Under 14 Years Old and Women" Not Required to Hare License. Somming op tba terribla results ot tbe European war, a brilliant editorial writer oloaea bis article aa follows: "Tbe real enemy to the warring na tions of Europe has not yet appeared in its gannt and ghastly (ormi The oarnival of death will follow tba ba taliions of an unseen foe tbat will lay its unrelenting bands on the struggling mass from the pfaina of Flandera to the Russian stoppea. Tola foe will reoognize no flag; will give no quarter or offal an hour of respite. It will fasten its deadly fanga on festering flesh and levy a toll tbatonly the red orosa flag oan atop. Tba infinitesimal soldiers of this army of death will spring from tbe blood soaked soil, Aa ine uoi anus 01 aoiuiue hpimubuu, plague and pestlleuoa will arise like an avenger from tbe decomposed bod ies ottha slain to flourish with its ghoulish and merciless attack, Fiotn the sanitary conditions that moat fol low In tbe trail of armies that run up ward of eighteen milliona tbia foa will spiing, and when it does, It may be to aotneiorm that will baffle all medical precedent, and offer but tbe one alter native, and that is the oeinatlon from arma to unite frenzied Europe in a oommoo can se under tbe one flag whioh beara the rod cross aat in tbe white flBg of trooe." A number of obanges in the game laws went into effeot May 23 and aa they effeot this oounty, ara summar ized bera for the benefit of sportsmen : Boys under tbe aga of 14 years and women are not required to have li oense for either hooting or fishing. bunting and fishing lioenaes will be issued free to olvil war veterana npou propar appliaatioo being made direotly to tba oonnty oleik. All floes for violation of game laws retained by tbe connty. Deir with horns: Open season from Angnst 15th to October 1st. Bag lim it 8 io any one season. ' (lame birds : dnoks, geese, shore birds, etc, September 1st to February 1 Stb. Bag limit 80 in 7 oonseootlve days. Saga bans: July 16th to August 81. Bag limit 8 in one day or 10 in any seven oonseoutive days. Prairie ohiokena: Ootober let to October 1Mb. Bag limit 5 in one day or 10 io seven oonseoutive days. Orouse: Angnst 15tb to October 81. Bag limit tj in one day or 10 in eeven oonseoutive daya. front, over 6 inches in length! open season from April 1st to Ootober 81. Bag limit 75 tiont or 50 pounds in one day. Trout aver 10 Inches in length I open season all tbe year wttD fioos. and line only. Bag limit BO trout or 50 pounds io one day. Death of Mrs. Clinton Chancy. . Mrs. Jessie Ubaney, beloved wife of Clinton Cbaney, didd early Mooday morning at ber borne in Atbena. after short Illness following premature obildbfrth. She leaves her boitaud. fanr little sons, father and mother aud slater to mourn bar lots. She was 37 years of age, on tbe 35 day of May. Mr. and Mra. J. U Fuller, tbe pa rents of deoeieed were summoned from tboir home at Crooks, Idaho, aud ar rived iu time for tbe funeral. The sister. Mis. Boy Uhaney, lealdes here with her husband. The fnneral oo- nnned from, tbe borne Wednesday af ternoon, and wae oonduoted by J, H. Harmon ot the Christian ohuroh, in terment being in tbe Athena oeme tory. . Mi. and Mis. Uhaney have resided in Athena but a few moutbs, bnt bave made many friends who deeply sym pathize with the ttriokeo bnabaod and little sous in their meparable loss, , A newa dispatab last week told of ei-Ptesldent Roosevelt falling and breaking a rib In attempting to mount a horse. Tba rough-riding colonel will probably oome foiward with a ttreu none Ananiaa-olnb denial that any thing con Id ever happen to him. He may testify that he la error proof, tibysloaily aa well aa mentally, mor tally and polilloally; tbat it waa the borae that fell and bioke a lib and that he. tha oolonel. la too opright in everything to'eveu stumble. If neoes ntj he will, upon oross examination, tat with a machine gnu Are of cap ital I'a tbat furthermore he bea no rita and tbera la no snob animal as a horse. Then the jury will aoqnlt him forthwith. Tbe new weight and measures law passed by tbe Oregon legislature dur ing Its aesalon the past winter, rega letes the dimensions of berry boxes, consequently any left oer boxee fiom last year should be consigned to the aoiap heap. This new box must te .. fnlln! "Tbe standard boxee or baskets used in thesale of atrawber- ries. blaokheiriea, latpbrniee. logaa berries or other similar hertlea, ahall be of interior uapaoity of C7.J oubio inohea, dry qnart, or88.6onbio inch- a. dry pint." 1 A New York tax appraiser leoeutly decided tbat tbe good will of a fast brewing business in tbat State haa no pecuniary felue, beoeuse tbe prohibi tion wave may eweep over New York at any time aod wipe out ail the trew. erics." It ie not confined to New York. 1 v-" Beruiaton'e plea tbat no live slock exhibits be made at the County Fail at Stunfleld thii yeai, out of respeet tat tha Ueiaainton Hog ud Dairy Sunday's results: Athena ton 6; Milron 8, Helix 0. Next Snnday: Milton at Weston at Helix. 8, Wee Athena: Drramland program for Friday and Saturday nights: 1 and a. "The Ad- veutnres of Katblyn, No. 11," Sellg. 8. "Brought to Justice." Kalem. Sunday: : 1 and 8. -"Too Many Hus bands," Vitagrapb. 8. "Willie's Haircut," Sajig. NAVAL WIRELESS. It la Almost Impossible to "Jam" a Wall Organiiod 8rvic. Muiiy eupposo thnt It la possible for an enemy to disrupt and susiumuI nil wlri'loaa conimmilciitloii tit will by pro ducing wry powerful u-n'rea of Irreg ular lougth-iu other words, by Inter ference or. "J:nimlii!!." According to Commander V, (1. I.orinit of tUe Brit ish nuvy, mid) tuetleit are seldom auc "panful. It In very bard, If not lni- fcxil'.... to "Jnro" n well owuilied wireline service, fur there are mauy ways. Licit li tci-bntcul ami niotlni.llnil. to defeat mull au intention If the cuccy ntteiupta Interference he must put hla own wireless conirunnlentlon completely mil of action for the time being, with nu certain prospect of se riously Inconveniencing the rownimil cntlon of Ills opponent I'mnainnder Lorlug also bclbvea that the ri: k of bavins the nl;n:ils of the fleet intercepted by nu enemy l very iillj;ht. "Co-opera I ion between opera ton. with full knowledge f each otliJ ei-'s methods, la extremely luiHirtut)t when handling OUDcnlt code incetotgea, an.l tlio more skilled the nriMulaatlon the inure dllticult it la for n Htrnnga operator to take i'.owu with the neces sary neeunicy the Rruups of a code nicmuice. Ho cttnaut nek fur the rcpo Utlon of doubtful groups, and he baa no Intimate und dally familiarity with the methods of the aender to assist him in bis task. "And, nftor nil, glvlug tbe enemy ev ery advantage, giving him a perfect record of the altjiinls, tbe key of the code to bla btiml and equaj facility ot skill aud luimunw to translate It for usea most Improbable combination. It must bo atluiitted-bo has still fall ed to prevent the all important Infor mation from reaching its destination. ' All the ','ifs" in Wood'e Inexhaus tible vocabulary didn't amount to a tinker's dam Sunday and Doc Osborn'e lade had eg easy effort, winning from Weston. , Score 8 to 5. Seventeen healthy wallops weia glee fully plucked from Farmer O'Harra'e offerioga, Franz with four bits and Harmon with tbieu being tbeawatting leaders of tbe glee boys. Sblok waa invincible in tbe pinohea, bis only trouble of tbe day Doming in tbe form of that irrepressible "Scan dinavian Scourge," Blomgren, whose persistency in crowding over tbe borne platter unattended and uninvited ia well known. Tbegimewasan intereeting ooe-to witness, and Iba fact tbat Wood baa resigned aa plajing(? manager of the team , will in no way make fntnra games faetweeu tbe two teama less in teresting!. Tbe score by innfnga: Atbena 30000 204 08 Weston 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 15 Summary Stolen bases, Brooke, L. Blomgren; Saorifloe bits, Mitchell; two-base bits, L. Blomgren, Lansdale, Franz, V. Williams, Harmon; base bits off O'Haria 17, Hbiok 6: struck out by O'Harra 7, Sbiok I; base on balls off Sblok 1 ; passed balls, Wood 1, Umpire, C'hiisttan; soorer, Barnes. IV. H. KEEN NAMED MARSHAL Hereafter Treasurer and Recorder Must Render Reports Monthly. Upon the resignation of Marshal Ramsey, Mayor H. I. Watta appointed Henry Keen to the office of Marshal Monday evening, at the regular Conn- oil meeting, end tbe appointment was confirmed by tbe Cooncil. Mr. Keen will eoon BBsnme tbe duties of the ofBoe at a salary of $75 per month. nerearter tne oicy treasurer ana oity recorder will submit a monthly repoit to tba Counoil, A motion pre vailed to this effeot.. - .'. Councilman Watts reputed tbat a light bad been placed at the intersec tion of Main and Tblrd streets. The street committee waa inatruoted to see tbBt grass along the streets wes out aod that Harvey Ceton oonatruct a sidewalk in front of bia property at Fifth and Washington streets. Tbe finance oommittee waa instruc ted to see tbat tha City Treaauier ren ders a detailed repoit at tbe next coun oil meeting. . The Recorder wae'1 Instr noted to draw a wariant for 50 in favor of the llbraiyt-oard. i - V, Tbe strre'et committee will take .np cue matter qi an eieocria oeu signal itb the 0.-W; R. & N. offloials. to be plaoefl at the Main street crossing.' The toliowlog bills were read and allowed:. ' MarsbBl Bamssy, salary, H5; Wm. Dobson salary, t?5; B. B. Riobarda aalary, 37: do,,.- fees in Ave oases. a. 00: Mill company, lights, $65; Truck oompaoT. oaitage,. 110.50; Bnrke&Son oartage, 14.60; J. F. Wright, horse board, $11; Mill com pany, barley, 139.40; N. A. Miller park seals, (48.80; Lltrsry Boaid, library support. $B0: Louise Laoourse bay. $10.20. Auto Stage Schedule. 1:00 1:15 1:85 AM Going West PM Lv Weston 8:00 Lv Weaton Atbena 8:15 " Athena Adams 8:85 " Adams AM (Joing East PM Lv Pendleton 10:00 Lv Pendleton 4:00 ' Adams 10:50 " Adams 4:60 ' Atbena 11:15 " Atbena 5:16 Weaton to Atbena, 26o; Weaton to Adams, PUo; Atbena to Adams, 85o; Weston to Pendleton, $1.00; Athene to Pendleton, 7foj Adams to Pendleton, 50o. Bound trips, It made in same day: Weston and Pendleton, $1.50; Athena and Pendleton, $1.25. Headquarters: Weston, at City Drug Store; Atbena, St. Niohols Ho tel; Adams, Inland Maroantile Store; Pendleton, Fieuob Restaurant. Ip Pound. The following desoribsd animals have been taken up and Impounded by the oity of Athena. Unless redeemed by owner tbe stock will be sold to the highest bidder, tot. oasb In hand, on Tuesday, Jane 15, 1910, at i o'olook, p. m. The desoilptlon of tha animals ia aa follows: One sorrel mare, brand EK. flax mane and tail, white on nose and in faoe; hee auakliog colt at side. One grey gelding pony, biand DJ on light hip. One bay horse, branded with anobor brand on left btp aod shoulder, roaoh ed mane and haa saddle marks. Dated at Atbena, Oregon, Jnna 10, 1915. W. E. Dobson, Asaiatanl Marshal. Notice. To whom it may concern: Notloe ie bsraby given tbat I will not be re sponsible for any debts, note or mort gage otligatione oontraoted by my huabaod, Frank Morrlsette, or my son-in-lew, Patriok Handran, Dated at Athene, Oregon, thie llfto day of May, 101 C. Mra. Agnee Morrlsette, SUMMONS. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Uonnty. Julia Whltewolt Stephana. PlalotiS, vs. Simon Stephens, Defendant To Simon Stepheoa, Defendant herein: In the name ot the State of Oregon, you.are hereby required to appear and auewei the complaint Hied against yon in the above entitled euit within six weeke of the data of tha Brat publica tion ot tbia summons, to-wit, cn or be fore Friday the 2nd day of Jnly, 1915: and yon will take notice tbat if you fail to appear and answer said oom plaiut or otherwise plead thereto with in eaid time, tbe plaintiff, for want tbereof, will apply to the oourt for the relief prayed for and demanded in ber said complaint, namely for a deoren of tbe oourt forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between plaintiff and defendant aod lor tbe oare and custody of Celia Step I ens, tbe mioor child of plaintiff end defendant and tor other equitable relief. .... Thia Bummons ia published pursu ant to an order of Hon. Gilbert W. Phelpe, Judge of the Sixth Jndioial Distrlot of tbe State of Oregon, duly made and tiled hereto oo the 18th day of May, 1915; and the Brat publication hereof in made on Friday, the 21st day ot May, 1915, end the last publication will be made on Friday tbe said 2nd day ot July, 1916, io the Atbena Press newspaper published at Atbena, Umatilla County, Oregon. Dated this tbe 18th day ot May, A. D 1915. Will M. Peterson, Attorney fnr Plaintiff. . . 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Oalls promptly answered. Omce on Third Street, Athena Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. HE-SALVAGE WILL LAST BUT A FEW DAYS MORE Better take advantage of this great opportunity of say 100 per cent and even more on high grade goods.' WE ARE GOING TO CLOSE THIS SALE AND CLOSE II SOON I ' Every day the former low prices on some line or lines of high grade merchandise are being smashed down to almost nothing. Sena in your mau oraers; wey wm uc i ptly and properly filled, or better still, come in yourself and see the wonderfully low prices throughout this big store. In order to move the stock quick, we are offering high grade merchandise lower than any ever offered before in Pendleton. . v. Office in Post Building. Phone, 501 DR. J.G. McMATH Osteopath. Offiice one block North of the Bank, DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon ; Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Graduate MoKUllp.Vetlnary college Offices: Commercial Btable and Hawks Drug btora. JPlioue 435. Men'S . ......... . . ' . $4.90 ""g81:"9, !;.-;l;..$5.oo Men's Poris-Knit Union Suits 39c Wash Goods, 8c, 10c, 124c and 15c yard Men's Xtra Heavy Work Shirts . . . 39c Fine Grade Gingham, per yard 10c Men's All Leather Gloves 49c Heavy Grade House Lining, yd 4-c Men's Work Shoes $1.89 Pillow Slips, each .10 and 12c Men's Black or Tan Shirts. 49c Bed Sheets, no seams 9c Men's Dres" Shirts 59c Hopo Bleached Muslin, per yd, 12c Men's Sox 8c pair. Men's Suspenders 23c Children's Shoes, 39c, 9c. 59c, 69c, 89c, Men's $1 Overalls and Jumpers . " 83c 90c, $1.39 and $l.f9 per pair. Men's Dress Shoes $2.59. 2.95, 2-15 Ladies' Slippers, values up to $4 . $1.00 B ue Serge Suits, . . $10.90, 12.90, 14.90 Ladies's Summer Dresses $15 val , $2.98 Boy's Suits as low as $1.95 Short Kid Gloves, all colors. : . . 89c SALE EVERY DAY AT FORMER PENDLETON OREGON IVOHLENBERG STORE g 7 Per Cent Money Plenty to Loan. Come and See Us. Matlock'Laatz Investment Co. Loans, Real Estate, Insurance. Pendleton, Oregon. Where are you &)in my pretty maid ? . unuM-h 1 S&V- ----- W;$t &MteJ&&&&ZzS -v v m MAIDWELL SHOES" . f she said i The Ideal Home lfiTery man baa his ideal ot what be would like Io bave in his home the sort ot borne that be oan bnild (or tbe monej that he hee Io spend. Yon bave yonr ideal even if jon oeooot draw it ont on paper. To assist borne hnildrers and plaoe tbe latest ideas within roach ot every one, onr Lumbermen's Assooiation, through its regular department, has prepared and published at an eipenee of some twelve tbocseod dollars a most beautiful and complete Flan Book ot Modern Homes step savers, the; are termed, ooxv, eonvenieut and eoonomioal. ' We bave these plan bousa oontaining over 200 designe of Northwest homes. Drop into onr offloe or write ns a eard and we will see that yon get a oopy of these books from which to ohoose yonr IDEAL HOME. Through onr Engineering Dept. we oan make any praotioal cbangea in these plans for yon. We will fninish complete plana and specifications FREE. . ' The tpeoial "TUM-A-LUM Plan Book oontaina many anggestiona for tbat new bern, bogsbed, silos, sohooli, obnrohes, eto. Good Fir Wood. "See Johnson about it" at TUM-A LUM LUMBER 00. the first national bank OF ATHENA Capital and Surplus $100,000 M1 the LwQinrof the Mstbgspringat1fethe cost NOHAMMOGKING NO flUM MOCKING NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING iM.iiL See Ike 3)?Ji&''ed Springs st MILLER'S FURNITURE .STORE- THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET I We carry tlie best That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon We Strongly Recommend Our White Pine, Tar and Eucalyptus For Colds. Give it a Trial. , Byron N. Hawks, Druggist -M . HI L .x&mw tA- J. Parker BT7tbllia .Flret Clu - Ha a era ud Dt-U-Siu SOUTH SIDE H1IX j STREET ATHtKA