Press Paragraphs Bett Warren was la tana yesterday on dullness. Have your photos made on postals Pionio day. Adv. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dean tteiking visited this week in Milton. . Miss Zelma DePeatt visited friends in Milton, yesterday. Mrs. DeMoss, ol Weston, was shop ping in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley visited in Walla Walla Saturday. Obtnait & Atrams, photo men. Ath ena Jqne 1th and 6th. Adv. Photos I Photos! Photos! Pionio days. Photo Studio Adv. Mrs. Ohas. Coomans was a gnest of friends in Waitebarg last week. Bail Dudley aod S. A, Barnes were over from Weston, Wednesday. Mrs. F. 8. LeQrow has teen ill this wiek and nnder the doctor's oars. Mrs. J. V. Mitchell was over from Union this week visiting friends. Wm. Dobson, water superintendent, has teen on the Biok list this week. Mis. Minnie Crafts of Hood River, is visiting at the 0. T. Smith home. Mr. Theodore Russell has visited in Athena the past week from Portland. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. W. Q. Ungues of Milton, May 21, 1015, a daughter. Mis. S, U. Stanton left Sunday for LewlstoD, where she will visit rel atives. . John MoCounoll of The Dalles, was a gnest at the John Martin home last week. The Dreamland theatre has been re modeled on the Interior by manager Miller, and a fresh coat of paint is also being applied to the front, . . W, 8. Ferguson relnrned Sunday morning from a short visit to Port land. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sbiok and Miss Edna Harden visited in Pendleton Sat urday. B. B. Richards has been confined at bis home a portion of the week with illness. ., Lon Boo her oame In from Heppner Wednesday evening on a visit to rel tives here. J. B. Jostioe, importer of fine draft horses, was in the oity from Pendleton Tuesday. Q. M. Morrison, well known farmer of Adams, was in the olty on business Inesday. The Foss'-Wioehip Hardware com pany have installed a tlade grinder for olippers Misses Lizzie Sheard and ' Laura Smith made a business tilp to Walla Walla Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Boss oame in from the ranch Monday and visited at the Cannon bnme. Miss Hazel McFarland is in Walla Walla this week, a guest of her annt, Mis. Alt Johnson. , , See in big ad. how Watts & Rogers of Weston are abont to give ten thonsand pennies. . The Johnston binder, Bold by Oh as. Kirk, has been mannfaotured sinos 1871, and is gnaranteed, Frank Eoglemao, of Moro, visited bis mother, Ma Wm. J. King, in this oity the first of the week. Strayed Bay mare, 8 years old, wire out on right knee, white right hind foot, weight abont 900. Notify R. Bowell, Touohet, Wash. Adv. g 7 Per Cent Money, Plenty to Loan. Come and See Us Matlock-Laatz Investment Co. Loans, Real Estate, Insurance. Pendleton, Oregon. The Farmers Picnic Pilot Rock, Saturday May 29, 1915 Speaking by men of National repute. . Foot Races, Music by the Athena Band. Basket Dinner in Park, Base Ball Game. Dance in the Evening Special train from Pendleton and return. Fare and on trains to Pendleton 0,000 PENNIES TO BE GIVEN OUR CUSTOMERS . IN CHANGE For we are entering on a plan of one-tenth oS for or on all oash purohases. Nine cents pays a ten oent purchase, 90 oenta pays a dollar till and f 9.00 pays a ten dollar puicbase. We wish to mak our goods at snob value to yon that yon will ootne baok Baain and again. (We also have a stogie for yon every day.) Pioneer Pioino will soon be here and we intend to make more than one man sorry be "wBsJnot there." We hereby gnarantee that some people are going home tlcber than when they oame. Watch ns and keep on smiling. , Watts & Rogers, Weston (Three miles over the hill.) The Athena Picnic Friday and Saturday JUNE 4-5 c1 Carnival of Sports, Games, Fun, Frolic and Amusement GASH PRIZES II ALL SPORTS EVENTS. W. O. Vanoil aod family will leave for Bear Valley, Urant aonnty, where they will reside on ranah. Miss Ethel Llndley end Mr. Harry Yates of Walla Walla were gnosis Sunday at the DePeatt borne. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley, accom panied ty Mrs. Jackson Nelson, visit ed in Walla Walla Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Martin left Sat urday with their two little daughters for a visit at St. Anthony, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hinkle of Eoho, spent the week end at the home of Mr1, and Mrs. Homer I. Watts. ; Mrs. B. D. Tharp. her son Lawrenoe and Ulanil Coomans motored to Walts burg Thursday and attended the horse show. Friends of Manrioe Hill have re ceived announcements of his gradua tion on Jnne 18 from the University of Oregon. Mrs. Cass Gannon left 'Inesday morning for Bellingham, Wash, where she will visit her nieoe, Mrs. Nettie MoCaw. Gharles Kirk, implement dealer, guarantees all farm machinery sold by bim, and especially the Johnston bind er and mower. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Williams went down to Pendleton today to attend the oommenoement exeroisea of the Pen dleton High sohool. The death of Mrs. H. O. Monssn, mother of Mrs. T. D. Taylor, occurred in Pendleton Wednesday, and the fun eral was held today. Eggs for Setting The M. J. Myres strain of Barred Bocks Bt rnasonable prioes; also Indian Rnnner dnok eggs. J. M. SwBggan. Adv. Mrs. James Feeler and daughter arrived in the oitv Wednesday from Buhl, Idaho, and will spend several weeks with relatives here. Clyde Willnbv returned yesterday from the Springs, where he bad been for several days, in the hope of finding relief from atomaob trouble. Mrs. E. E. Koontz is expected to arrive Sunday from Portland, for Deooration Day. She will remain for several days' viist with friends. There will be union memorial ser vices at the Baptist ohoroh Sunday. The sermon will be delivered by Bev. Bentley, pastor of the looal ohoroh, Lonis Keen was in town Tuesday fiom bis farm near Free water. He has completed bis first ontting ot al- falfa, aod was rewarded with a good crop. Miss Millie Greighton, of Pullman, Wash., has arrived in tbe city and will tie the gnest of her annt, Mrs. Wm. Bosh, dming the summer vaca tion. Harry Sayer was in town Wednes day from bis ranch west of Uibbon. Us reports that graiu on the land south of the river is in splendid con dition. Milton bad a splendid day for her Horse Show and Strawberry festival yesterday and large numbers of peo ple from tbis seotion of the aounty at tended. Word from Mrs. E. L. Barnett an nounces that ber father, H. W. Kemp, is very low and is expected to pass away at any time, at bis borne in St Johns. Mrs. J. F. Wright who was recently operated on at Walla Walla, was tronght home by ber bnsband, Mon day, and Is getting along as well as oonld be expeoted. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawks and A. A. Fobs motored to Walla Walla Toes day. Tbey were aooompanied home bv Irvin McDonald of 8pokane, bro ter of Mrs. Hawks. Mrs. S.- A. Barnes and daughter, Mies Anioe were in town Tuesday from Weston. Miss Barnes bas been re tained to teaob tbe sobool next year in the Gerking district. Mr, and Mrs. B. D. Tharp aod Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gerking went to Pen dleton last evening where they wit nessed tbe production of "Ibe Holy City" by Pendleton talent. Mrs. Chester MoOulloogb of Tekon, Wash., with her two children is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haiden bere tbis ' week. Mrs, Harden has been quite ill, but is improving. Sam Haworth tbis week pntobased tbe property on Adams street ooonpied by Mr. and Mis. W. S. Fergnson, from Mr. West of LaGrande. As soon as vaoated they will take possession. Tbe Foss-Winsbip Hardware Go. have pnt in attractive display sections on their west side shelving tbis week. The arrangement serves to display shelf hardware in a satisfactory man ner. Four Indians, howling drank were arrested by Marshal Ramsay Monday. It is said they confessed where tbey got their booze, and as soon as Jostioe Biobarda is able, a hearing will be held. Mrs. D. B. Jarman and ohildren are visiting relatives bere for a few days, tefore departing for Dallas, Or egon where tbey will reside in fntnre. Mr. Jarman is connected with a store at Dallas. Reserve yonr orders for Chris Thooey'a strawberries, vrhioh will soon be on tbe market. They are home grown, without irrigation, and are tbe suitable kind for oanniug pur poses. Adv. Students of tbe sixth, seventh and eighth grades of tbe Athena so boo. who took the reeent state examinations oan obtain their grades by oslling at the office of Ernest Zerba, at the Pres ton Shaffer Mill. ' U. V. (Japlinger Is exhibiting a patent aelf looking nut and washer for bolts. It is one of the most uomplete fastening and looking devices for bolts ever patented; simple in design and always effective. Robt. E. Smith of Boseborg, "tbe man wbo pnt ax in tax," villi deliver an address in tbis city, this afternoon at 4 o' oloek taking for bis sntject "Came and Cars for High Taxes." Mr. Smith is master of tbe tax goes, tioo, is fluent speaker, and deservea a large andieooe. Miss Bessie Parker has returned from Helix, were she spent a oonple of weeks at tbs borne of Mrs. Fred Col lins. Mrs. Collins, who recently met with serious injnry in an automobile aocident, is recovering. Mrs. A. R. Little, of Port Huron, Miob., arrived In the city this morn ing and is visitlog at the home of ber brother, F. B. Boyd. Mrs. Little baa teen attending the San Franoisoo fair, and visiting relatives there. Misses Carrie and Katberine Sharp arrived home Sunday evening from Roslyn aod Dayton, Wash., respect ively, where tbey finished the year's sohool work. Both basa been retain ed in tbeir positions for next year. , Miss Lanra Smith leaves the last of this week for Bingham Springs where ' sbe will spend a part of her vaoation. Sbe will visit at Qoldondale, Wash., and then join her mother in Portland, tefore returning to her work bere. Dr. W. R. Soott was oalled to Mil ton Tuesday, owing to illness ot his brotber-ln-law Otis Ingle. He found Mr. Ingle to be affliuted with appen dicitis. An operation was successfully performed Wednesday at Walla Walla. Mrs. M. L. Walts and daughter, Vernlta, will leave tomoirow evening for Vancouver, Wash., where they will take a boat for San Franoisoo and expeot to away three months. Mr. Watts will aooompany tbem to Van couver. Tbe June meeting of tbe 0. W. B. M. will be beld next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Charlea Gerking west of town, nnless prevented by rain; in hiob oase it will be held in the Christian ohoroh parlor. Mrs. Cler king will be leader of tbe services. Dreamland program tonight and to morrow nigbt: 1 and 3. "The Ad ventures of Katblyn, No. 9" Selig. 8. "Dawn," Selig. Sunday: 1 "Out in Happy Hollow." Vltagrapb. 2. "For Iwo Pins," Lnbin. 8. "Sophie Starts Something,'! Eesanay. Ohmart & Abrams, the photograph ers of Weston, have made arrange ments to bs in Athena on Pionio days, Jnne 1th and 5th. They make any style photos from the pustal oards np to family groups. All work guaran teed. Location announced next week. Adv. The anthoiities of Willamette Uni versity, recognizing tbe splendid reoord made by Louis Stewart wbila in tbe Atbena High Sohnol, have oflered bint a scholarship In that institution. Or dinarily these scholarships are award ed only to tbe largest high sobools. They, have made an exception in ttiia oase. Mrs. Louise Glass end daughtir, Mrs. Hazel Wnods and three ohlldien arrived Snndav evening from Bubl. Idaho, where tbey bava spout ti e past year at the home of u. u. ijnamner- lnln nnrl wnr onestH at tbe Wilkin son borne. They left yestetduy for their home at Lvle, Wash- Mrs. Glass is a sister of Mrs. WilkiuBon. Miss Flora Booth is visiting her sis teis. Mis. Hntt aod Mrs. Elmer John son in their homes here, and will take a mnob needed rest from ber vooalion of nnise. She has been practicing in Spokane and Lewtston. Her two sis tern wbo bave been attending the Nor mal school at Lewiston will also spend tbeir vaoation beie. nanm Wnrrlnn Vincent and Attar ney Watts antoed to the government dam Sunday and brangbt home tbree ohinook salmon, wbioh were gener ously distributed Bmong their friends. Depnty Vincent distinguished ulmseir hv nrrnntlnn a man named Watts and nna nnmnd Kirknntriak for catohing salmon ooutignons to territory forbid den by law, Vflatnrriav morninii at the home of Mm nasner Woodward. Mrs. Wood ward and Mrs. Gland Wallan enter- ruined at an elaborate breakfast, wben i covers were laid for seventeen guiets. Among tbe most nruminent were Mr. and Mrs. Theo Rioehart of Pendleton, Dr. and Mrs. Wood, Pendleton, ana Mr. and Mrs. m. nooie oi wana Willi. The same narlv motored Son- day to Bingham springs where a pleas ant day was spent. Miss Geoile Boyd strives home tbis evening having olosed ber work iu tbe Pendleton sobools Wednesday after noon witb a May fete on the Ronndnp grounds. Her seivioes have been re tained for next year, and sbe will leave Sunday evening tor New York, wbere she will take special work in reoreation and folk-danoing in Gballf's sohool until July 1, when she will en ter Colombia College for the summer term. Sbe will be acoompaniesd by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cliloupek of Pen dleton. Atbena fared well at the Horse Show at Milton yesterday. In the ten nis tournament, Brooks defeated Toner of Walla Walla is the singles, and Plamondon and Barruon defeated Thompson and Toner of Walla Walla in doubles. Swaggart'a Bleak Dia mond won first in the ladies' saddle class; Mrs. J. D. Plamondon diiviug W. R. Taylor's team, won first in the Indies' driving) class, wbils Levoise MoEwen won second in the gentle men's saddlers. ,,- Bert Cartauo baa leased a plot of ground on the Russell plsoe below town and will engage In the bog bus iness. He is now feeding a bunoh of poikers. Foss tells uo that Bwtggart is sore over prospeotive competition, and is circulating tbe report that Bert already has tbe edge on him, for the reason that all be bas to do is diive tbe bogs into tbe oreek, wbere they oan fill np on Chinook salmon. Swag gers oonsiders himself bandloapped lor tbe reason that be is feediog high priced grain. :!ge:M ; Prices The Dry Salt. "I should think you would bare pre ferred the army to the nnvy?" "No, ma'am. I'd mtlier do my fight lug on water and fcrup dry than on lund end have to st-.nd knee deep in wntor In the trenches all the time." Detroit Free Pros. Time's Crrangaa. Time mn!ti mnny chamwa. When roil wore oialitiiMi I n: ':lly had Vild you that nt forty you'i! tic tnkluj darning you'd hnvu l::u;:hcd In his face. Detroit Free Treaa. 1' L:.' (S3 Right Whether your fancy leads you to high or low Shoes you will find the season's very latest styles here, in footwear that will prove their superior worth in wear. Shoes that will fit the foot, and be comfortabltjrom the moment you first put them on. cTWade of the best leathers ' and. consiructed so as to conform with the lines of the foot without "pinching." ' j .... t Every fashionable leather is "showrim various styles black, white or tan shoes in all ; iyate creations in lace, button and buckle effects;, vrfiffifffci . : ; FIX W TOEPttEMs; : THE "MONEY BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON EE21 Kirk Implement louse Since 1871 Johnston Continental Binder HERE IS A LEFT HAND BINDER That, has riven aomolete satisfaction. It is built to ont grain In the most eoonomloal way, maximum efflolenoy iu the field with a minimum. of trouble and repair cost. Practicability, ease of operation and features of merit all combined is what tbe users of Cutting Maohinery are demanding today. These oan beat be fnnnd in the Jnhnntnn Una of barvestina machinery. ' The manufaotnrers of this line of ontting machinery were established! a 1871 and today tbey are puttnig 43 years of knowing how in every mnobine that leaves their factory. Johnston Harvesting Maohinery la being sold today In most all civilized countries. Mnch time and money has been spent in perfecting tbeir line of ma chinery to meet tbe rigid reiinirenients of tbs Paoiflo Northwest. A policy of the Manufacturers is to know that every machine is in perfect running order before it leaves Ihe faotory. This is nn assurance that it will do the work wben plaoed in the Held. All machines are gnaranteed to the work for whlon iney are inienaea. 3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 hot Fir Wood $5.35 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, ... , 5.60 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 3.10 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS, Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington. DALEROTHWELL EXC LllSlVEOfTI AN Glasses Are Scientifically Ground and Fitted. Lenses duplicated in a few mom ents. All work guaranteed tAnieilcan National Bank Building, (Upstairs) Pendleton, Oregon, Mowers rl .-. the . t ST, NICHOLS HOTEL $ . B. FROOME, pbop. i Only First-class Hotel In X the City. I THE ST. NICHOLS X ! Mi ODiy one tbat cn accommodate sionomarclal travfllvn. AT Cud bo i eonmenitod tor It lui and X well TanttlPtfl roomf. : i Con. Mai akdTuibd, Amrai.or. I liternational Was 0B1S, Gas Engines rc Many preadeft C. A. BARRETTV& CO. ATHENA)