The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 21, 1915, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner
Third end Jefferson Streets.
Entered in the Fnntoffloe at Athene. Oregon
as econai;iass Man aiauer.
Sensational Fielding of Blomgren
Cuts Off Runs.
Subscription Rates.
One codv. one rear.. . $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six montns .73
One copy, three months. 50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch. . .... 25c
Subsequent insertions
Display regular, per inch . ......... .12
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line. . . ... 5e
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
ttTHENA. ORB., MAY 21.... .,..1915
The war god appears to have eterv
: thing oomirjg his own way. In event
the Uregonian tails iu its mission of
"oopperbeading" Wilson and his ooorj
try into war with Germany, the
. Pendleton Tribnne has job of oat
cage awaiting him down in Mexioo.
The "Irib." docs not bide its aenlj-
rcunts under a bnabel basket, neither
does it mlnoe words. It says: "We
need Mexioo and the Mefioan people
need ns and our civilization. Mexioo,
Drjfler (he Ameiioeo flag, woold be
come one of tbe most densely populat
ed seotioos of tbe American oontinent.
Not only this, bnt it woold soon be
come ooe of tbe riobest of Uncle Sam's
possessions. A bioab with Mexioo
wonld stimolate oot patriotism ana
destroy our copperhead tendencies and
give os an opportomty to build np an
army aod navy tbat woold be tbe
envy of tbe tottering principalities of
May President Wilson oontlnne to
keep tbe ship of state safely within
Ibe barbor of peace. Regal dless of
whether tbe death of American oiii
cens in tbe Lnsltanla disaster was doe
to England's oarrylog tbem on tbe
same merobant ship with monitions
and other ocutiatand of wat, or to
Germaoy'a barsb meassorea and start
ling methods of naval warfare, this
country needs to lemain at peace witb
tbe world for humanity's sake. There
most be an accounting tot tbe death
of neutrals bot aot necessarily through
tbe taking or giving of mora lives.
, League Standing:
Played Won Lost PC
Milton-Freewater 8 6 2 750
Weston ; 8 V ,4 600
Athena 8 8 S 876
Helix . - 8 8 5 876
The Pottlaud Oiegonian sees St to
dnb (very ooe woo disagiees witb its
war polioy, a copperhead. Well,
the trail of tin "copperhead" is pretty
bioad op this way, extending even to
many republican readers of Ibe great
only, some as long ago as baok in tbe
sixtiesand longer. Tbe . polioy of
abose which that paper poraoes is by
no means making it friends It bus
(Imply (blown neutrality to the winds
and is degeoeratlng into a ranting pro
British sheet. .
Gilbert MIntbotu it suie soma slok
Indian. He la oonflned io tbe Mult
nomah oonoty jail, oouvloted of tig
amy, and writes his attorney beta to
aeoora bia liberation tiiroogb pardon
not later than July 4. No doobt Gil
bert wonld prefer celebrating astride
bia pinto oaynee In siwnab regalia, (o
originating ourliooes In oigarette
smoka within the oouiluus of bis Mnlt
oomah ooonty ooll.
8. Norton Bono aod his West End
adherents are clamoring tor tbe recall
of Ooonty Oommlsaiooer Waterman.
Waterman is a Woat Under aod the
fight against him, so far as we are
able to ascertain, la localised to tbat
. looality. This being the oaae. It woold
eem tbat tbe proper thing to do wonld
ba to let tba family settle a family
In tbe oiisia of the Lositania dia
aster Ex-Presldant Tuft refused to
comment opon or embarasa the admin
istration In any way by expression of
opinion. Bow different Ex-Presldeot
Roosevelt's procedure, Ue threw neu
, trallty to tbe winds and stiongly sen
, mud one of the nations involved.
After toveatlgating tbe existence of
tables among oojotea in Eastern Ore
goo, the United Status rfepirtmeut of
Agriculture has deoided to organise
foioea for aystematloally destroying
tbe ooyota pest, and men trained io
the wotk will ba employed by the
This seema to be year of pioulos.
Even little old Ukiab it. plastttiog tbs
foot cornets of the ooonty witb 8
oolot announcements of a Fourth of
July celebration.
Tba pioneers bave held reunions al
Weatoo lot twenty-three sooorssiva
years and Interest io their gatherings
never dimlniabea.
Maybe the West End's determine
tion to bond itself for its own road
building la not anon a bad piopnaitlon
after ail.
Poab, don't atove and tbe fellow
In front of yon will get along better.
The barpoonists are not alt found
ou the editorial page.
Clean op, paint np, build op.
-. ..
Suit baa beeo Bled by 0. K. Zaiba
In tbe olronit court, asking tba ooort
. to'dineolve tbe partoerabip formed a
' jeer ago between himself and. John
Martin, aod that partaerabip prop
,rtr be oonveitvd into oath and par
titioned.. Hunter U Watts Is counsel
tut plaintiff. .
Sonday'i games: Weatoo i, Athena
2. Milton 18, Helii 10.
Next Sunday's games: Athena at
Helix i Weston at Milton.
IA Colonel Wood, Westoo fcaae ball
magoate, lntiodooed a Scandinavian
aoonrge io tbe person of left fielder
Blomgren on tbe borne grounds Sonday
and as a leeolt, waddled back over the
hill with tbe game safely tooked
away in Bid Barnes' score book.
8oore4 to SJC
Tbe game nana humdinger and any
body'a property dntil tbe nintb, when
a rally on Weston's part netted three
loos. Four singles, a passed ball and
a wild heave to seoood, turned tbe
trick. ";: V;
Weston's other ron was landed- on
the platter io tbe fifth wben Wheeler
made the olronit oa a abort bit back
of drat base, tbe ball biding itself in
tbe oooklebrosb io Coshsw't territory,
Athena forged ahead in bet half of
the aixtb wben V. Williams siogled,
was saoriBoed to seoond by NorDean
and soored on Franz's doable. De
Peatt scored Fraoz witb a single. ; Io
tbe nintb Athena's obanus wat good
for a batting rally, bnt tbe nimble
Blomgren out off a borne ran swat
which Brooks tent into deep left., by
making one of tbe most spectacular
catches ever teen oo tbe Atbeoa
grounds. It was, in the language of
Danny Shea, simply "phenomloal."
Previous to tbit, Blomgren had re
tired foot t a Here, two of them being
long, tonnlng oatnbet. V. Williams
flew oot to Barnes in center. Stone
foood O'Harra for a doable and tba
orowd weot wild when E, Williams
wsa bit by O'Harrs. NorUeao otme
to bat and tbe orowd was frantio for
a bit, bot O'Uarra settled down and
fanoed'tbe big Urstsaoker.
Ibe soore:
6 0 1 6 0 0
10 12 11
6 0 0 0 0 1
4 0 3 8 0 1
4 0 12 0 0
Blomgren, If
Jones, 8b
Kennard, es
Mitobell, lb
Barnes", of
Wood, 0
Wheeler, 2b
Smith, rt
O'Harra, p
8 12 9
12 2 0
10 10
112 0
1 1
0 0
2 1
Tbe mayor' and oity oonnoil bave
deoided to extend a geoeroos propo
sition to all propetty owners wbo de
sire to oooatroot concrete sidewalks
witbio a reasonable'peiiod.
As en inoentive to permanent im
provement, property owners will be
given ornshed rjot, free of obsrge to
nee as tbe foundation for their walks.
Witb this gift, aooording to A. M
JofaoEoo of tbe Tum-a-lnm Lumber
oompany, tbe oost of putting in con
crete walks will be out down about
one-tbitd in prioe. It it believed
that I be offer wblab tbe mayor and
oonnoil extends will be readily aooept
ed, and that a large nnmoer of new
walks will be built at onoe.
Tbe mayor seemt to bave a penoo
aot for street aod walk improvement,
aud the city's geoeroos offer should
aid materially in booating tbe good
work along,
Totals 87 1 12 26 8 6
Athens AB R H PO A E
Brooks, 2b 6 0 112 1
Goshaw, if 2 0 0 0 0 0
V, Williams, if 2 0 0 1 0 0
Stone, of - 6 0 1 0 0 0
E. Williams, st 8 1 1 0 4 0
Nordean, lb 8 0 0 10 0 0
Frocz, if - 8 1 2 0 0 0
DePeatt, 8b -10 112 1
King, 0 1 0 0 8 8 0
Sbiok, p - 1 0 0 8 2 0
Totals 87 2 6 27 18 2
Sommary: Saoritloe hits, E. Will
lams, NorDean; two-base bits, Stone
Franz; etolen basse,. Brooks, Oosbaw,
Stone, Proot, Sbiok j bases on balls,
by Sbiok 1, O'Harra 1; alruok oot,
by Sbiok 8, by O'Harra 11; bit ty
pltobed ball, Stooe bv O'Harra,
Jooea by Sbiok j peased ball. King,
Athena, Oregon, April 1, 1015.
To the Mayor aud Common Council,
City of Athena:
Gentlemen : I herewith tobmlt to
too my report for tbe fiscal year be
ginning 11 arch 81, 1914 and entilog
March 81 1015, as. follows:
Water system as per bonds
Issued ... 1 38,000. 00
, " " additions made
from goo. fund - 8,000.00
City ball and ground - 700.00
City Park - - 000.00
Improvements oo paik - 600.00
Hose oil te (2) . . 400.00
Hose (about 600 ft.) 800.00
Hook and Ladder truck - . 600.00
Fire bell and towert - ' 100.00
Bills reoeivatle 8:18.66
Total 81,788.65
Water bouds Issued to ootn-
tilntA wntnr avar.nm 38 000.00
Bills salable bank) , 1.700.00
Outstanding warrants 1,803.18
Total 31,008.18
Cash oo baud last leport 1,838.76
Reo'd of B. B. Richards for
Hues aud licenses 1,836.69
" " B. B. Rlobaida from
costs of Ireland oaae 106.20
" from water rentals for
year - 9,889.36,
" of G. W. Bradley
(special tax) - 9,260.11
" from tinting fond 339.60
" of N. A. Miller (sale of
aid tower) 40.00
" " A. L, Ramsey (flnea aod
aula of old sidewalk lumber) 16.60
" " tale of water bonds 12,000.00
" on note to Bank l-ae-'15
.. .. a.8'15 700.00
Total 28,095.36
Paid oot on Warrants and
Interest fot year 28,637.96
Balance on band Apr. 1, 1915 357.10
Submitted April 1, 1916.
City Treasurer.
To whom it may oonoernt Notice
is hereby glveo that I will not be re
sponsible for any debts, note oi mort
gage otligatlona oontraoted by my
bosband, Mnrrisette, or my
son-in-law, Patriot Handrail. Dated
at Athene, Oregon, tbit 19t0 day of
May, 1916. Mit. Agnes Morrlaette.
To Whom It may concern: Notloe
is berebj given that I will not be re.
sponsible) for any debta oontraoted by
Floyd Corporoo. J. M. 8waggaii.
Perfect Attendance at School.
Prinoipal C. A. Guerne bands in
the following list of students of tbe
Atbeua eobools, who bave maintained
peifeot attendance for the, entire year:
' Loraio Sbiok, Myrtle Downing, Coo
rad Miller, Mildred Stanton, Lee Ban
ister, Edra Cartauo, Helen Downing,
Gail Stooe, Lloyd Mathers, Ellis Hop
per, Velva MansHeld, Martha Holt,
Margaret Orndatf, Arohie Bryan, Rol
and Stone, Vergie Russell, Orvllle
Bnrnbam, Maebelle Dnnoan, George
Lienallen, Edna Pinberton, Eathren
Froome, Zola Keen, Lawrence Thaip,
James Phillips, Wesley Tompkins and
Lonis Stewart. '
Tbe following fs a list of tbose main
taioing perfect attendance for two
years: Willaid Parker, Enid Gartano,
Lawson Booher, Verne Dudley, Anna
telle MoLeod, Ceoil Phillips, Lucille
Taylor, Elmer Martin and Lillian
Tompkins. . '
And fot three years, these three pu
pils bave maiutaioed perfect attend
ance: Jfrarik Miller, Tbelma MoEw
eti aod Lloyd MoPberno.
JNotioe will be giveo io tbe Press as
soon as tbe Certificates of Attendsnoe
are reoeived.
The Palace Restaurant is onttlng
prices. We sell a meal now for two
bile, tbat we have heretofore oberged
26 cents for the same kind of a meal
- not the same meal, onderstsod, bat
one jaat like it
We bave floe ohloken baok and
breast, will give yon the wings aod
obargs a dollai for (be rest.
We don't handle whiskey nor we
don't peddle beer; bat if yon want a
good lunob, just come np bete.
There is one tbiog we do aurely
dread: Tbey talk of putting Califor
nia laisint in Pendleton Btead;
So if they do, we are anrely tbrougb;
oor costomers say it will not do.
For every one has not got a good eye;
they might eat a raisin, and think it
was a fly.
So we'll haog right on to the tame
old staff; it is light aod flaky, and is
good enough.
There is ooe thing you cannot beat:
We bave got the best Restaurant ou
tbis street. We sell everything in the
market, so yon oao't growl; from a
bacon sandwich to biled owl.
Oor Java, now, is all tba talk; we
make it to strong, it can almoat walk.
A onp io tbe morning a oop at nigbt
bow yon can sleep is a holy frigbt.
Geared, tteered and engineered by
Cbus. Grant, Only.
Io tbe Clronit Court of tbe State of
Oregoo for Umatilla Uoonty.
Jnlia Wbttewolf Stephens. Plaintiff,
Simon Stephens, Defendant.
To Simon Stephens, Defendant herein:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yoo are hereby required to appear aod
answer tbe complaint tiled against yoo
In (be above eotitled suit witbio six
weeks of the date of the first publica
tion of tbit summons, to-wit, oo or ba
fare Friday (be 2nd day of Jolt, 1915;
aod yoo will take notice that it yoo
fall to appear and 'answer said oom
plalut or otberwlsefplead thereto witb
io said time, the plaintiff, for want
thereof, will apply to the oourt for tne
relief prayed for and demauded in her
said complaint, namely for a deoree of
the ooort forever dissolving tbe bonds
of matrimony now and betetofore ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant
and for tbe oare aod custody of Celia
Stephens, the minor ohild of plaintiff
aod defeodaut and fot oilier equitable
relief. :
Tbis summons is published pniso
ant to an order of Hoo. Gilbert W.
Phelps, Jndge of the Sixth Judiolai
Distilat of the State of Oregoo, doly
made and filed herein ou tbe 18th day
of May, 1916; aud tbe first publication
hereof In made on Friday, the 31st day
of May, 196, tod tbe last publication
will be made oa Friday tba said 2nd
day of July, 1916, in the Athena
Piesa uewapaper published at Athena,
Umatilla Conuty, Oregon.
Dated tbit tbe 18tb day of May,
A, D 1916. Will M. Peteisoo,
Attorney fot Plaintiff.
BRANDT BLD'G. Opposite the PO
. Notice to Patrons.
Our Electrio servioe tariff bas been
Bled witb tbe Oregon Railroad Com
mission, and tbe following rnle must
be ttiiotly observed:
Bale 2. Aoy bill not paid before
tbe 80tb of eaob month beoomes de
linquent and tbe anpply of eleotrio
ity may be discontinued without no
tice tr- tbe onatomer, in wbiob case'
ao additional payment of 60 cents
wi1 be reqnired to torn eleotrioity
egain. The right is reserved to
iscoctinae the sopply or to refuse
to supply anyone witb eleotrioity
ho is io debt to the Company.
We want to be square witb our pat
rons aod to give tbem good servioe,
and only ask tbem to be square witb
as. If yoo are dissatisfied witb your
meter leadings or for aoy other rea
son, kindly notify ne and we will en
deavor to make amends.
Any and all oontraota for servioe
moat be made witb tbe Company.
See that your teoeiprs are counter
signed by E. A. Zerba or by Laora
Adv. Preaton-Sbatfer Milling Co.
S. V. Sharp '
Special attention given to all
calls both nigbt and day.
Calls promptly' answered. Offloe on Third
Htrxet, Atheiia Oreaor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, 601
Offiice one block North of the Bank,
. Dentist
Athena, Oregon
Office Houre: I a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist
Graduate McKUIlp.Vetinar;' college
Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug
shuts a
Beginning Saturday morning May 22nd we will offer
every man's suit in our entire stock at prices that will
open your eyes in astonishment.
are included Every one must go, blues, blacks and
all. ' " --r -
No matter what you doing it will pay you to lay off
a day and come to this great suit sale.
Now's your time a new spring suit when you most
need it and at about ONE-HALF PRICE.
The Peoples Warehouse
Where it Pays to Trade. Save Your TPW Stamps,
Just a few suggestions to show how easily and eoooomioally it may
be remodeled and modernized,
A NEW FRONT PORCH, bnilt along modern lines, ooeta not a great
deal, adds immeasurably to tbe appearaooe of (ha boose, besides adding
greatly to its liveable and likeable qnalitiet.
ONE 07 THOSE MODERN FRONT DOORS, really ooe of tbe most
attractive featnrea of reoently built bouses. Yon could bave one pot in
at email oost and witb very little ttonble. No ooe tbiog wonld make
more notifiable improvement.
WHY NOT flAVE MORE LIGHT? Larger openings from the bell
to the adjoining room or between two adjoining rooms,, would prodnoe
tbat effeot, witb moon additional oomfort. Additional light oould be aer
onred by patting in a new tingle or mnllion (double) windows. Tbi oost
of these ohangea is slight. The Introduction of a window seat, especially
in a bay window, givet added ooziness at a very alight additional oott.,
; THOSE NEW B.E A MED CEILINGS--Yon bave admired tbem in
olbet houses. Eld yoo ever stop to think that tba higher oeilinga of yonr
older hoose would permit of the introdaotion of ooe of them, most effeot
lvely at a small ontlay? It wonld make a very fine setting for those new
eleotrio flitnres yon would like so mnota. '
HARDWOOD FLOORS those vertical grain hardwood floors appeal
to the boosewife. Yon woold be surprised to koow how easily we oould
put ooe in for yon rigbt ovet tbe old one, without tearing op tbe room,
aod all at a most moderate oost.
MAKE THE STAIRWAY COUNT It should not be a convenience
only, bot play Its part la tbe ioterior deoorative scheme as well. Jost a
few alterations new balusters and rail or newel, or new treads and risers
will help mnob. ,
THOSE BUILT-IN FEATURES they may ell be so easily introduced
into tbe old hoose. Sideboards, ohloa olosets, kitoben cupboards, wben
bnilt in tare tpaoe and harmonize with the rest of (be woodwork. New
trim would likewise add a striking effeot as oompared with tbe old.
WITH VERY LITTLE MUSS a great many improvements can be
made without paitition work, so that there is none of tbe "muss" that
aooompsnles new plastering work. Some of these improvements, whiob
oan be made at a slight oost, will not only increase the oomfort of yoni
boose bot sdd to its selling value as well.
Oar WALLBOARD can te.'easily used simply nail tbis to yonr old
walls-end paint over same. You will get a lot of suggestions for nslng
wallboard from oor books oo the same. Very pretty designs for tbe borne
oao te easilyarked oat. OUR FREE PLAN BOOKS GIVE MANY
SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS WORK. Why not let os explain to yon in
detail sooo at what reasonable prices aod witb how little trooble yoc
can moke tbeea Improvements. ,
"See Johoeon about it" at TUM-A LUM LUMBER CO.
Imported and home-bred Percheron. Belerian and Shire
Stallions. They are good, big and rugged, with the best of
pedigrees, and will be sold at bargain prices to close out.
Now at the Commercial Stables Pendleton, for a short time.
J. R. JUSTICE, Importer, of Galesburg, Ills.
Capital and Surplus
er , We carry the best
'.$gmW MEATS
5ir,L That Money Buys
71 I IrfipS Clean and Cool
1 lift ,L , Insuring Wholesome Meats.
'QJ0;lji ' BRYAN & MEYER
ci3P Main Street, Athena, Oregon
We Strongly Recommend Our
White Pine, Tar
Eucalyptus "
For Colds. Give it a Trial.
Byron N. Hawks, Druggist
See tks"SeJigx'Bcd 'Springs 'at
" (A. J. Parker
ft:- ' JtlilB IFInl
f " J'' "- M.aern
' v ... -
rL - V i --xSS jaO"- -a STREET ATHENA