The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 21, 1915, Image 1

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The other fellow may have; what you
have the other fellow may want. Come
together by advertising in the Press.
Is every day with the Merchant who
advertises In the Press he has some
thing to sell and says so.
Buy Your Groceries From Your Home Grocer
Brief Resume of General News
.from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items From All Nations,
Pacific Northwest and Our Own
Commonwealth Condensed for
Our Many Busy Readers.
A new gold strike is reported from
Nome. . . .
Heavy rains check battles in Flan
ders and France. t
Lord Kitchener asks England for
800,000 more men.
Shocks of a slight earthquake in
East Portland are reported.
Charles M. Schwab, the "steel king"
of Pittsburg, pays Portland a visit.
Spokane is visited by a $150,000
fire which burned a wholesale grocery
At a conference of Western gov
ernors at Seattle a strong plea is made
for Btronger coast defense.
A Petrograd correspondent declares
a collapse of the Russian forces is
hinted in a bulletin issued in that city.
Wallace Bray, manager of the Ven
ice ball team, and known to the fans
as "Happy Hogan," dies suddenly of
It is reported that a ship hearing the
distress call of the Lusitania was not
permitted to go to her aid by German
Probable entrance into the war by
Italy is said to be one of the causes of
delay of Germany answering the
American note.
Resignation of the veteran sailor,
Lord Fisher, has forced a crisis which
will result in the reorganization of the
British cabinet. -
An entire German army corps is
moved from France to the frontier of
Russia and that country now looks to
the allies for aid.
Washington hears that German sub
marine warfare in the war zone is to
be abandoned until after Berlin replies
to the American note.
German and Austrian envoys in Italy
have packed their trunks and are or
dered to be ready to leave that country
on a moment s notice.
The British admiralty has chocked
the English channel with mines so
numberous that a channel only one-
third of a mile wide is left.'
A giant egg 14 feet in diameter was
"hatched" in the streets of Eugene,
. Oregon, and out of it marched 171 new
members of the Commercial club.
Atlantic fleet, five miles long, passes
before President Wilson in the annual
insDection parade in New York. The
fleet goes to sea for maneuvering purposes.
Criminal records of 2500 Portland
children, who were before the Juvenile
court, are destroyed by the outgoing
Judge Gatens, in order to give them
clean start with the new judge.
The consistorial congregation at
Rome decides to submit for the ap
proval of Pope Benedict the appoint
ment of Right Rev. Edward J. Hanna
as archbishop of San t rancisco.
Bride of two' months of Hoquiam,
Wash., is instantly killed when thrown
from an automobile driven by her hus
band, who ' swerved his machine to
avoid striking a speeding motocycle.
The National Congress of Mothers is
in session at Portland.
Wenatchee. Wash., apples are sel-
lingjin Germany for (8 a box.
Because of anti-German riots in
England, German subjects ask Ameri
can aid.
The Italian cabinet has resigned as
a result of disagreement over the Eu
ropean war question.
Lightning strikes tree near Lebanon,
Ore., and kills 20 goats that were
seeking shelter there.
Baptists in session at Houston, Tex.,
unanimously decide to support Presi
dent Wilson in the war crisis.
Austro-Germans capture 143, 500 Rus
sians, 69 cannon, 265 machine guns
in the recent battles in Galicia.
Portland, Ore., is sprinkling coal oil
on all nearby lakes, pools and ponds.
in order to destroy the mosquito pest,
The national committee of the So
cialist party adopted a peace program,
but met with considerable opposition
in doing so.
United States government sends
note of protest to Germany concerning
tne sinxing oi me uisiiania ana oiner
vessels conveying Americans.
Th ivilri from whicti Kfnir f!onntAn-
- tine has been suffering for the past
weea nas luruuu inw pleurisy, wtjrn
neuter s Aniens correspondent.
William D. Haywood, secretary
treasurer of the L W. W., declares
before the Federal Industrial Relations
committee that "implacable warfare
gainst capital must be waged until it
ends in confiscation of the means of
New York President Wilson the
man on whom the eyes of the world
are turned because of the international
situation Tuesday reviewed the At
lantic fleet in the Hudson river and at
a luncheon tendered to him on shore by
the City of New York told a distin
guished gathering of navy officers,
army officers and civilians what the
country and its navy stood for. The
great battleships that lay in the river,
he said, were "engines to promote the
interests of humanity."
"The inspiring thing about Amer
ica," the President asserted, "is that
she asks nothing for herself except
whatshe has a rightto ask forhuman
ity itself. We want no nation's prop
erty; we wish to question no nation's
honor; we wish to stand selfishly in
the way of the development of no na
tion. .' . It is not pretension on our
part to say that we are privileged to
stand for what every nation would like
to stand for and speaking for those
things which all humanity most de-
The spirit which brooded over the
river, said tne President, was just a
solemn evidence that the force of
America is the force of moral princi
ple, that there is not anything else she
loves and that there is not anything
else for which she will contend."
The President took occasion in his
speech to pay tribute to Secretary of
the Navy Daniels, who sat beside him.
Although the day was damp and
chilly, with occasional downpours of
rain, the weather in no away abated
the enthusiasm with which New York
greeted the head of the nation. In
the forenoon he reviewed a land parade
of 6000 sailors and marines from the
fleet's 16 battleships, and from the
moment he set foot on shore until
after the luncheon he returned to the
Mayflower to review the fleet, his
progress through the streets was a con
tinuous ovation, remarked upon by
those who accompanied him as the
most enthusiastic they had witnessed
since the President's inauguration. He
was plainly touched by the welcome
accorded him.
Silverton The farmers' institute
and picnic, held in this city Saturday,
was attended by 600 farmers. The
damp weather of the few days imme
diately preceding it necessitated a
slight change in plans and the ad
dresses of the morning were held in a
theater. The entire day was bright
and clear and by noon the dampness
had so far disappeared from the park
that it was deemed advisable to hold
the remainder of the exercises - there.
County Agriculturist Chapin spoke
on "Soil Fertility; How to Maintain
It." Mibb Elizabeth Levy, of this
city, played several violin solos. "Di-
600 Farmers Attend Semi
annual Picnic at Silverton
versified Farming" was' the subject of
Professor French, of Oregon Agricul
tural college. Representative Hawley
spoke on "Farm Credits." Free
luncheon was served by the business
men of Silverton at noon.
Mr. Chapin is preparing to hold a
corn show here this fall and arrange
ments are well under way for it. Plans
are being made for cash prizes in lib
eral amounts. Saturday's meeting
surpassed in interest and attendance
the expectations of even the most
hopeful, and it is believed because of
the interest now awakened that this
event will be made a semi-annual occurrence.
Revolutionists Are Now in full
Control of Capital City.
State Grange Asks Rural
Credits at Annual Session
Order Is Partly Restored and Many
Royalists Arrested Both Sides
Lose Heavily in Fighting.
Tillamook Demands for a rural
creditor Federal long-time loan law
re made in a committee report to
the State Grange in session here. Af
ter an hour of discussion, the grange
decided to take no action on the report
until the committee in charge of the
Bathrick bill has announced its findings.
The committee also urged the grange
to declare it would support no candi
date for the United States senate who
would not promise to work and vote
for a rural credit law.
Increase in the limit placed on pos
tal savings accounts to $6000 with the
privilege of diverting these funds to
the farmers at a low rate of interest
was favored by the committee in a res
olution which was adopted.
A resolution also was adopted by the
grange declaring against tax exemp
tions on certain classes of property.
The resolution, however, was not op
posed to an exemption of 1300 on
household goods actually in use.
The grange also declared in favor of
a Federal law that would require man
ufacturers of woolen goods to mark
their products to indicate whether they
are made of long wool or recarded or
of old woolen garments. Changes in
mail or rural routes were opposed in
a resolution adpoted and the changing
of the date of the collection of the
second half of the taxes from October
5 to the first Monday in November
favored in another.
In the demand for the rural credit
law the committee recites that the
people of the country expected relief
from the financial stringency after the
passage of the administration currency
act and that the law has failed to
bring about that relief. It says that
money is as scarce as it was before the
passage of the act, and reports that
rates of interest have remained as be
fore. ;
It calls upon all of the subordinate
granges of the state to support a
I measure for the relief of the farmers,
contending that the interest rates now
charged by lenders are "eating the
vitals and life out of the state and nation."
The committee would have congress
grant to the states the right to issue
non-interest-bearing bonds to be used
as time loans on which the secretary
of the treasury would issue currency
less 2 per cent discount. This would
be handled by the state land board and
applicants for funds would receive
loans not in excess of 60 per cent of
the valuation of land for periods of 6,
10, 16, 20, 26, 3 or 35 years at a rate
not more than 4 " per cent, payable
semi-annually. '
Seven Battles in Week is Bloodiest
of Entire War in .Western Europe
London Seven separate and distinct
battles were fought in the week just
closed and there can be little doubt
that the days from Saturday, the 8th,
until Friday, the 14th, will rank
among the most bloody in the history
of Western Europe, says the corre
spondent of the Times. He adds:
"Saturday night saw no lessening in
the intensity of the struggle. On the
Ypres front, although . outnumbered
and in danger of being outflanked, our
men again and again hurled back Ger
man attacks.
'During the darkness the Germans,
as though aware that with every pass
ing hour their opportunity was slip
ping away, continued to hurl them
selves against our lines.
'Men who lived through this night
shot until they could no longer hold
their rifles. The fury of the assault
was indescribable.
'Dawn of Sunday showed in the
fields in front of Ypres the dead piled
like cornstalks at harvest time, British
and Germans lying side by side."
Freezing Temperature Over Wide Area.
Washington, D. C. Abnormally cold
weather prevailed Tuesday night
throughout the entire country except
in the Gulf states, with tempeatures
20 degrees below the seasonal average
in the Upper Lake region and the Da
kotas. Snow fell in St. Paul and other
parts of Minnesota and West Virginia.
Reports to the weather bureau told of
the disturbance, one accompnied by
heavy frosts in Nebraska, Minnesota
and parts of Iowa and Wisconsin, and
the other attended by rains over the
Northern states east of the Missis
sippi, which were said to be responsi
ble for the unsettled condition and low
The Eastern storm was said to be
passing into the Atlantic and the one
in the West to be moving eastward.
Frost warnings were issued for
many sections. ;
Liberty Bell Due July 16.
Philadelphia Saturday, July 17,
will be Liberty Bell Day at the Panama-Pacific
exposition. The relic will
leave Philadelphia July 5. It will ar
rive in San Francisco July 16. Sev
eral stops will be made along the way,
Omaha and Lincoln will be reached
July 9, Denver July 10, Portland and
Salem July 15, Sacramento July 16.
The Liberty Bell will reach Portland at
6 a. m. and will be sidetracked here
six hours so that all who wish may
have the opportunity of viewing it. It
will leave here for Salem at noon.
' ' Riots Surprise Germans.
Berlin The Overseas News Agency
Wednesday gave out the following:
The German press expresses sur
prise at the impotence of the London
police. Mob rule is easily suppressed
where the police are active. Official
reports of parliamentary debate clearly
show that the hatred of the Germans
is the only pretext left for plundering.
That the internment of all hostile for
eigners should be necessary to protect
strangers is a bad sign."
Big Power Project Begun for
Oregon Electric at Eugene
Eugene A force of men is at work
at the Oregon Electric's $5,000,000
power project at Clear Lake at the
head of the McKenzie river in the
summit of the Cascade mountains.
Preliminary work is to be rushed says
L. C. Gillman, president of the Oregon
Electric, who arrived in Eugene this
week. : He stated definitely that no
other plans for development are under
"I am not prepared to state at this
time how soon the permanent con
struction work will begin, " he said.
The McKenzie power project, one of
the largest in the state, involving the
tapping of one of the largest lakes at
the summit of the Cascades, was com
menced quietly several years ago.
Engineers established headquarters
and meteorological readings were made
daily over a period of two years.
Final surveys were made and engineers
reports submitted were favorable to
the projects.
The first formal announcement was
made more than a year ago, when one
of the engineers, returning with the
final reports, made public the plans.
New Stage Line to Start.
Klamath Falls An automobile stage
service is to be inaugurated by George
Hoyt, of Fort Klamath, and will oper
ate between Chiloquin, which is the
point at which passengers on the
Southern Pacific for the North leave
the train, and Bend. Two machines
will be used, so the stages may leave
Bend and Chiloquin at the same time,
meeting at Crescent. Trips will be
made on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
The route will permit of stops at
Harp, La Pine, Crescent, Lonrotn,
Skeen Ranch and other places. Pas
sengers, freight and baggage will be
transported, and arrangements have
also been made for private mail de
livery for farmers living along the
route who are some distance from
postoffices. '
Big Rains Damage Roads.
Baker Torrents of rain this week
greatly benefited crops, but did consid
erable damage. In 24 hours .27 inch
of rain brought the total for the year
within .01 inch of normal and settled
definitely the possibilities of a dry
season. The city was without light or
power five hours because the wind
blew a tree across the line of the East
ern Oregon Light & Power company
near the Rock Creek plant The roads
are a quagmire and many places are
isolated. Roads between here and
Halfway are practically impassable.
Safe Blast Fruitless.
Canyonville Robbers who blew the
safe of J. M. Gross ft Son, general
merchants, demolished the store office
and awakened the town at 8 o clock
Thursday morning, were chased away
before they could loot the cash drawer
after they had opened the vault with
a gigantic charge of nitroglycerine.
The report of the explosion brought
neighbors to the store and the men es
caped in the darkness without any val
Coos and Curry Farmers Will
Compete for Dairy Show Prizes
Marshfield Coos and Curry counties
will hold their dairy show and annual
Fair at Myrtle Point soon. Since the
cow-testing associations have been in
operation the interest in better cows
and closer attention to production has
increased wonderfully and the ranchers
are ready for any contest. The Fair
association has appropriated $200 for
this particular feature of the Fair and
the following exhibits will be made for
prizes :
Dairy cows, showing best records for
production of butter fat for a period of
90 consecutive days in any of the cow
testing associations during 1916, get
three prizes. All entries must be
registered cows or from a registered
Cheese and butter exhibit has three
prizes for Doth commodities, rro
feBsor O. G. Simpson, of the depart
ment of dairy manufacturing, Oregon
Agricultural' college, will score the
points in this showing, exhibitors
will show five full-weight Cheddar
cheeses or 15 rolls of butter.
Klamath Shipping Cattle.
Klamath Falls Three carloads of
cattle have been Bhipped to the Port
land markets. These are the first
Klamath Falls cattle to go to the Port
land Union Stockyards for some time,
and the grading and prices they re
ceive is being awaited with interest
by Klamath Falls shippers. It is
thought by some shippers that the
Portland market, while it offers in
some instances more attractive prices
for stock, cut the profits from ship
ments there by too strict grading.
If the prices and (Tradings at fort-
land are what Klamath Fails, men be
lieve they should be, there is reason
to expect that some of the several car
loads of stock that are sent away from
Klamath Falls every Thursday will be
delivered to Portland instead of going
to Sacramento. , .
" Notices Sent Officials: .. .
Salem The State Tax commission
has sent circular letters to county offi
cials calling attention to an act passed
by the recent legislature, which makes
sheriffs, instead of county treasurers,
tax collectors. The letter says in part
"This act does not SDecifv anv D artic
ular method to be follows! in making
transfer of the tax roll from the treas
urer to the sheriff. It is evident, how
ever, that the treasurer must make a
return to the County court, verified by
proper certificate, as required by law,
showing clearly the state of the tax
roll on the conclusion of his duties as
tax collector."
Hatchery Building Plan.
Oregon City C. P. Henkel, super
intendent of the United States bureau
of fisheries, with headquarters at the
Clackamas fish hatchery, who has been
on an inspection trip of those in South
ern Oregon, has returned to Oregon
City with Willis S. Rich, scientist for
the government hatchery. Plans are
being made for great improvements at
the hatchery. Mr. Henkel is planning
for the new building, and also intends
to make the place a summer resort.
where visitors may have picnics, but
no camping privileges.
Paris, Via London Joae Chagas,
proclaimed president of the Portuguese
cabinet at Lisbon Monday, by the revo
lutionists, was'"-shot and killed Tues
day, and fighting" .in the streets of the
capital has tbeea resumed, more than
100 persons being killed, according to
dispatches reaching here. Warships
were again bombarding the city.
President Chagas was shot four
times while on a train at Entroca
mento by Senator Frietas, who was
immediately killed. One report has it
that a passenger killed the president's
assailant, while another Bays Senator
Frietas was shot to death by gend
armes. .
Lisbon, via Paris The success of
the revolutionary forces has been con
firmed. The new government, which
will be presided over by Joac Chagas,
was proclaimed from the windows of
the city hall and the announcement
was received with enthusiastic mani
The military governor of Lisbon im
mediately posted throughout the city
proclamations praising the courage of
the citizens and calling upon civilians
to deliver up all arms at the arsenal
under pain of arrest.
- The casualties in Friday's fighting
numbered 67 killed and 800 wounded.
Saturday's list was not available, but
there were many victims on both
sides, during assaults on police head
quarters, the military college and the
cavalry barracks, the defenders of
which delivered determined counter at
tacks before they were overcome.
One hundred prisoners were taken to
warships. '
The insurgents wrecked and looted
the house in which Captain Couceiro,
the royalist leader, stayed until re
cently. Several royalists were arrest
ed, including Marquis Fioalho.
Order has been partly restored and
the new government is taking meas
ures to re-establish normal conditions.
The ex-minister of marine was arrest
ed and taken aboard a warship for hav
ing ordered a destroyer to sink the
warships which were bombarding the
News from Oporto indicates that the
disturbances there were similar to
those in Lisbon, but there were fewer
casualties. 1
All regiments in Lisbon and the
provinces have now surrendered. The
last two to capitulate were cavalry
regiments which led the military
movement resulting in the appoint
ment of Pimenta Castro as premier in
Business Is Able to Bear' Strain ;
of War With German Is Declared
Chicago Whatever may be the out
come of this country's diplomatic
dealings with Germany, it is the opin
ion of many authorities that business
at home will not suffer curtailments.
In fact, it is expected that industry
would receive enormous impetus
should war be declared.
The great base of supplies is in the
United States and the requirements of
Great Britian, France and Russia will
grow no smaller if the United States
is drawn into the conflict, IMS coun
try's own necessities will be great If
the trouble comes. To supply every
thing that would be wanted should tax
the maximum capacities of every man
ufacturing industry in the land.
Business has not been affected ap
preciably since the Lusitania tragedy,
except in the case of perhaps a few
new projects which were developing at
the time of the lnclndent. These
transactions are of a financial nature
and probably will be halted temporar
ily; ',
.Activities in what may be termed
the "war business" of the country are
larger than' at any previous time,
More contracts have been received for
mutions and supplies and production on
former orders has continued to gain as
it has in each week since these pur
chases became heavy.
Merchandising reports more uni
formly agree as to increasing demand
of consumers. The weather has been
a stimulating influence in the reduc
tion of stocks, drygoods jobbing being
notably active.
Contraband Cargo Sails.
Philadelphia Before sailing Mon
day for Liverpool the British steamer
Michigan, under charter of the Amer
ican line, filed a bond in the United
States District Court for appearance
in defense of an action brought by two
young American stokers who refused
to sail on the vessel because it was
going into the war tone, thus endan
gering their lives. The stokers are
Arthur W. Palmer, of American Falls,
Idaho, and James G. Winter, of Unity,
Wis. The stokers said they did not
desire to sail into the war zone. .
, The Trout Season is here, and we are prepared .
to give you anything in the Tackle line you may de
sire. We are carrying a dandy line of
Split Bamboo Rods. Reels, Leaders,
Flies, Fly Books, Baskets, Etc.
Call here for your Fishing and Hunting Licenses.
Barrett Building, Main Street, Athena, Oregon.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co,
, Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the
very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the ;
best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. .
Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the
famous American Beauty Flour.
The Flour Your Mother Uses
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington.
V Jik I Home of
jlBlpI Groceries
4 Good Groceries go to the Right Spot
Every Time
This is the Right Spot
To go to Every Time for Groceries. ,
Try These They 11 Please!
Monopole Vegetables
Monopole Fruits
Monopole Salmon
Monopole Oysters
DELL BROS., Athena, Or.
Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat