The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 14, 1915, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner
Third and Iefferson Streets.
Entered In the fortofflee at Athena, Oregon
as econdi'lass Mall Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months. 75
One copy, three months.... . .-. 50
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first Insertion, per inch 25C
bubaequent insertions 1
Display regular, per inch., j, 1
Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 5c
Lodge resolutions, per line 5c
Church notices, admission, per line . . 5c
ond in the feats of strength. Snob
victories are the best pablloilv schools
oau acquire.
The sporting editor ol the Helix Ad
vooale refers to Col. Wood's base ball
team as tbe Weston "oongregation,"
and savs it pots op a brilliant game in
Ihe Held.
cTHENA. ORE., MAY 14 ........ 1915
A ridiooloos and nnoeaeesary state
ot affairs exists at the West Umatilla
projeot dam, where thousands of sal
inon, released from the flsh wheels
on tbe Columbia bave made their
passage through tbe Celilo oanal and
are strandeD at Ibe dam fsr tbe reason
that provisions for a ladder have been
wantonly negleoted by tbe aotboii
ties. Thousands of dollars annually
. bave been paid into tbe fish aod game
fond for protective and propagative
pi r poses, and tbis is the return on tbe
investment. The flsh, beaded for
spawning grounds, will never get for
ther, and la law enforcemeoU?) game
wardens are seeing to it tbat flsber
mea keep below Ihe 200 foot limit be
low Ibe falls, while the flsh are indus
triously beating tbeir besds off against
the oonorete wall I Borne class this;
the administration of Oregon's fish
and game laws.
Rent ty strife that Is reddening its
livers with blood, Enrope presents,
npon at least one subject, a remark
able piatnte of unanimity. Germany
and England, Austria and Russia, and
, even one-lims , gay Franoe, are all
agreed tbat tooze must go. And even
Unola Ham is beooming an ally in this
crusade. Liquor baa been decreed tbe
. one great outlaw and pirate of tbe
war. It took the war to demonstrate
tbat there was no place for it in (be
conservation of nations and tbeir com
mercial expansion. Omitting moral
and pbysloal aspeots as affecting in
dividuals and aggregates of Individ
uals, tbe busluesa side of it has awak
ened rulers and leaders of men to the
national danger in booae aud tbey
bave Issued their decrees against It.'
(Jbaiu up your safe. Hsfeonokera
opened tbe safe at tbe O.-W. B. & N.
depot st Milton Sunday oight, getting
Walla Walla Players Used As Pinch
... Hitters; Win Game 6 to 5.
. League Stsndiag:
Played Wou Lost PO
Milton -Freewater
New Rental Books Received Are Ready
for Library Patrons.
Tbe spaoe tbat every newspaper
donates to public affairs and worthy
oauses is not always appreciated, and
often when appreciated the editor
never bears of It, Ths Minnesota
Poblio Health Association during Us
last Red Cross Christmas seal cam-
pdigu sent seals to Minnesota news
papers with tbe following tiitiote:
"We feel tbat the editor wbo give
generously of bis spaoe, not only dur
ing the seal oampaign, bnt through
tbe year, is giving as much as any ot
our heaviest ooutcibotors. These are
merely an acknowledgement of your
generons, voluutary belp, wbiob we
feel no amount of oasb oonld purchase,"
An Innovation wbiob the Forest
Bervloe bas planned for tbls snmmer
is the plaoing of a patiolman on tbe
reoently Oiimpleted Prlneville-Mitobell
road In tba Ohooo forest in Ceulral
Oregon. This idea Is copied from a
foreign country and Is known as
"maintenance patrol." Tbe patrolman
will drug the road peiiodially, keep
ruts filled, dltobes open, weeds nut,
brush down and look after snob work
as will keep the road open and smooth
for traffic lo fact, his duties will be
similar to those of a seotion man on a
railroad. '
i . ... . '-
Tbe total winter wheat production
in t.h. United States In 1915 will be
693,000,000 bushels. Of Ibis quan
' tity 115,1)00,000 buabela will be pro
Armed In Oreson. These Ha ores are
tba May I foreoaat of the Bureau of
Crop Estimates of tbe United Stales
Dsnartment of Agriculture. Tbe same
bureau gives the final estimate of the
1914 nrodnotlon in tbe United States
At 684,090,000 and iu Oregon lb
684,000. e-.
Tbat people will be wearing wbito
overalls before the coming summer is
over is the onlnlon of a Misnouii river
manufacturer. Beoaoaa of the shot
Una off of German dyeatuffs by ' the
War every denim mill iu tbe oountry
baa withdrawn indigo blue goods; it
is Impossible to boy a bale for delivery
after the llrst of May, So It will
nrobahlv he white or brown overalls
after tbe present supply of blue goods
is exhausted.
Tbe European war is digglug in deep
for its toll, taking tbe lives of women
and ohildrsn. The war hopper must
be Oiled, but it is doubtful if anv more
Ametloans will risk their lives by
tailiug ou Iliitiab passenger steamers
as a eoieen for shipments of war mun
itions. Not so long as Ueiroaoy main
tains a oordon of snbmailnea aiouud
the British Isles at least
Soore another for Athena Blgb
School. Louis Siewait breugbt borne
tbe nratoiloal plum from Ibe Eastern
Oregon ooutest at LaUlrand'e Saturday.
Thus tbe exceptional ability of tbe
AtliAMM anhnnla An n t.i n n tui In !) lliada
known. Wcelnj Tompkiul stood see- I
Tbe Athena library oontioues to
lead all tbe branoh libraries in tbe
oouutj in point ot patronage, aa the
county Librarian's report showed last
week. Interest oontinues unabated,
and it Is telieved that after tbe close
of school, a yet greBter number" of
books will be read. Tbe shelf of
books purobased some time ago, and
renting for 7 oents per week, bave al
ready paid for themselves and will be
plaoed on tbe free shelves. Another
consignment of late fiotion bas been
oidered, a liar of wbiob appears
below. Ihe following books bave
reoently beeu received from the bead
library at Pendleton:
Stoddard Lectures, v. 7,
De Forest Love Affair of a Home
ly Uirl.
Grayson Adventures In Friendship.
Moore Peaoook Feather.
Wiggin Mother Carey's Chiokeus.
Children's Books.
Field Eugene Field Book.
MsoDonstd At tbe Baok ol the
North Wind.
Portor (ieneveive.
St. Nicholas Stories of tbe Great
Stein Tioubadour Tales.
Wilson Tad Sheldon's Fourth of
Fiotion donated by oitizens:
Hall Caine Tbe Christian.
Bowers lbs Lonesome Trail.
Chambers Conspire tors.
Connor Bliok Rook.
Meade The Heart of Gold.
Hosmet Lenny, The Orphan.
Alger, Jr. Bound to Rise.
New Rental Baoks;
Turuboll Looking after Sandy.
Spearman Daughter of a Magnate.
Biggers Seven Keys to Baldpate.
Parker You Never Know Your Luck
Rinehart I be Amazing Adventures of
Letitia Carberrry.
Webster Just Patty.
Lipman Martha and Cupid.
Urey Light of tbe Western Stars.
Llllbridge Where the Trail Divides.
Sinclair North of Fifty Three.
Tarkiogton Penrod.
Davis The White Mioe.
Bower Lonesome Land.
Hrey Riders of tbe Purple Sage.
Glass Potash and Petlmntter.
Tbe following Chlldrens' Hooks
were purohased ty ths local hoard and
added to the shelves:
Crane Ibe Automobile Gills at New
Button Pretty Polly Pembertoo.
Animal Stories.
Meade Sweet Gill Giaduats,
Jaokson Three Little Women.
Aloott A Modern Cinderella.
Blauobard Little Miss Oddity.
Ellis Deeifoot on tbe Prairies.
Carson Saddle Boys of tbe Rookies,
Pientlss Stepping lieavenward,
Prentice Bunny Rabbit's Story.
Mulook Adventures of a Biowuia.
Finley Mildied Keltb.
Prentice Billy Goat's Storr.
Red Riding Hood aud Other Stories.
Goody Two-Shoes.
Meade Daddy's Boy.
Alger RBgged Dick.
Ueoty Capt, Bayley's Heir.
Staudisb Frank Merrlwell'i
Swiss Family Robinson.
Resnit of Sunday's games: Milton
6, Atbeua 5. Game protested over in
eligibility ot Player Riob, At Wes
ton: Helix 6, Weston 4.
Next Sunday's games: Weston at
Atbeua; Milton at Helix.
Over Manager Osrorn's protest,
tbe Milton base ball management
woiked tbree ineligible players iu
Sunday's game, Rioh, an employe in
Ibe Walla Walla postoffioe, played
tbrongh tbe entire game, wbile Post,
a Whitman College player and Sbel
too of Walla Walla, both in uniform
other Iban regulation Milton duds
asms np ss pluab bitters in the ninth
Tbe aotion of playing non-resident
playeis on Milton's part is oritioiaed
as rank a boss of league rules, and
protest bss been filed with B.
Richards, president of tbe league.
Milton started the sooiing in ber
half of tbe first, after Rich was bit
by pitcher and rjtlred at eeoond by
throw from Harmon. Everett singled
took second when Renuiok was safe
on fielder's oboioe, both moving op on
Wager's out, and soorlng on Heuder
son's single. That was all for Milton
until tbe ninth, when Milton Intro
duoed Sbeltou and Post of Walla
Walla as pinch bitters. Sheitou bat
ting far Miller, flew ont to Williams.
Post singled. Bartholomew sent
grounder toward seoond, acd Biooks
missed so easy obanoe for a double,
botb runners being safe, when the side
stonld have been retired tnt for tbe
error. Rich sooted tbem with a dou
ble, and Eveiett went to first on
fielder's cboioe, and stole seoond.
Sager scored Riob and Everett wltb
Athena oame near batting around
In Ibe seoond when Doo's huskies all
but got Bartuolemew's goat. E. Wll
Hams, NoiDeau, King and Shiok
found him for singles aud Harmon
saoiitloe, Bll of wbiob netted three
runs, putting Atbeua one in the lead
Brocks scored for Albena in the fifth
when be beat out an Infield bit, stole
seoond, went lo third on Everett's foz
zle of E. Williams' gronoder aud aoorsd
on Stone's infield hit. Harmon slnglsd
in tbs niDtb, took third when Kiug
singled, Brooks sooiing biro with
single. Hemy Dell's sooie bonk reads
Notice to Patrons.
Our Eleotrio service tariff baa been
filed with the Oregon Railroad Com
mission, and the following rule must
be striotly observed:
Rule 2. Any bill not paid before
the 30th of eaob month beoomes de
linquent and tbe supply of electric
ity may be discontinued without no
lice ti- tbe customer, in wbiob oase
an additional payment of 50 cents
will he required to turn eleatrloity
on eguin. The right is reserved to
discontinue tbe eupply or to refuse
to supply anyone with eleotrioity
who is in debt to tbe Company.
We want to be square with onr pat
rons and lo give tbem good service,
and only ask them to be square witb
us. If yon are dissatisfied witb your
meter leadings or for any other rea
son, kindly notify as and we will en
deavor to make amends.
Any aud all oontracts for service
must be made wilb tbe Company.
See tbat your reoeiprs are counter
signed by E. A. Zeiba or by Lanra
Adv. Preston-Bbaffer Milling Co.
Music Recital.
The Ifalid of a aeries of reoltals by
the pupils of Mies Nellie Dee W biting
was given at the home of Mrs. D. H.
Monatleld Wednesday afternoon, lbs
improvement made ty tbe class slues
tbeir last sppearanca wat marked,
tbeir tone work and good shading be
lug particularly notloable. Tbe pro
gram follows:
Duet, Pink Dominoa, Adami
Arete Llltlejohu and Vernlta Watts
The Cuckoo, - Maxim
Sadie Parctruo.
Sailor's Soug, -
Night Wind,
Ellen Pnmbrun,
Seieuata, ...
Vernlta Watts.
Duet, Barcarolle, - fiom Oberon
Luoiuda Dell, Miss Whiting.
Seiensde .... Klein
Angle Pambrun.
Drolleries Van Wllin
Areta Littlejohn.
Merry Farmer Bobumauu
Alfred Pambrun.
The Avalanohe Heller
Velra Mansfield.
The Ball - Ludovia
Lucluda Dell.
Watei Lily - McDowell
Kathreu Fioouie,
Essay, Life of Baoh,
Ellen Pambrun.
Gavotte - Gluok Uiahma
Jilts Wbitiug
The Rooster, - - Muiiin
Belle Pambrun
Woman' Logio,
Tou sometimes wonder about the
logic of tho feminist mind.
A man was to moot his wife nt hpr
offlco nt 1 o'clock to tnko luncheon with
her. Ho was twenty minutes Into.
Sho gone out.
Ho eat down nud wulttil At 1:30
abe arrived.
"Whnt are you doing herer she
I'm wnlting for you."
Didn't you know I wouldn't come
back after 1M itlvcn y md roup
But yon did cow l in k. Utdn't your
You are back now, r n't von"
Yes, hut you m'irM h.ivo knenn 111 it
when I did come Ixck I would have
bad my lunch and thero woul,1 be no
iiHo In waiting to bave It with me."
"Well, have you bad It J"
"No,"-Di'Uver Nows, ,
Atbeua AB R H PO 4 E
Brooks 2b - 5 1 8 5 8 2
V. Williams, It 4 0 0 0 0 1
Stone, at - 4 0 1 2 0 0
Coehaw, if 4 0 0 0 1 0
E. Williams, cs 4 118 8 0
NorDean, lb 4 1 2 7 0 0
Harmon, 8b , 4 112 11
King, o - 4 1 3 6 0 1
Shiuk. p . 4 0 2 0 2 0
Totals 87 E 12 26 10 5
Milton AB R H PO A E
Rioh, of 5 11110
Everett, 2b S 2 2 0 4 1
Renuiok, o 5 10 7 11
Saner, rf B 0 2 0,' 0 0
Henderson, If 4 0 2 0 0 0
Duff, 8b 4 0 1 3 2 0
Miller, lb - 8 0 1 13 2 0
Sheitou 1 0 0 0 0 0
Jeukins, ss - 8 0 0 8 8 0
Post 1110 0 0
Bartholomew, p 4 10 0 10
Totals 40 6 10 27 14 2
Baited for Miller,
Baited for Jeukins.
Summary. Sacrifice bit, Harmon:
2-base bit Biooks, Riob; stolen bases
Biooks, V. Williams. NoiDeau, Ever
ett; atruck out by Shiok 5, by Barth
olomew 7; passed ball by King; bit
by pitober, Riob.
Tbe Palace Restaurant is cutting
prices. We sell s meal now for two
biis, tbat wa bave heretofore obarged
25 oents for the same kind cf a meal
not the same meal, understand, bat
oue ust like it
We have flue ohiokeu baok and
breast, will give you the wings and
obarga a dollar for tbe rest.
We don't handle whiskey nor wa
don't peddle beei; but If you want a
good lunob, just aome op heie.
lhereisone thing we do sural e
dread: Tbey talk of putting Califor
nia laisiua iu Peudlelon Bread;
So If they do, we are auiely lb rough;
onr oostomeis lay it will not do.
For every ens bss not got a good eve:
they might eat a raisin, and tbiuk it
was a fly.
So we'll bang right on to tbe same
old stuff; It Is light aud flaky, and is
good enough.
I here is one thing yon cannot heat:
We bave got the best Restaurant ou
Ibis street. We sell everything Iu tbe
market, so von oan't growl; from a
baaon sandwich to biled owl.
Our Java, now, la all tbe talk: we
make it so stiong, it can almost walk.
A cup iu the morning a cod at niaht
how yon can sleep ie a holy fright.
Usared, steered and ensiueered hv
Chus. Graut, Ouly.
Broad Streets.
Berlin tmnsts thnt TJntor den Linden
Is tho ImwHlent actunl street to be
found In tiny grout city. It Is 215 feet
wide. Other noble thorough fnrcs are
the RlngstrnFse, n Vienna. 1SS feet:
the Piuls Grand boulevards, 1C2 feet,
and tile Amlrnssvstrnsse In Budapest
I5B feet wide.
Min.-I!e aald I reminded him of a
Hrwk Koddr-o. Mr-nub: Mra.-Whnt
do I remind yon of! Mr. Of pverv
iirr4 V-'rr I nvertook thnt yon ask
me to dn. CliTPlnnrt Lender
F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calia both night and day.
Oalls promptly answered. Office on Third
etmet. Athena Oresor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, 501
Office one block North of the Bank.
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Qradnale MoKUIIp Vetlnary College
Outcast Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug
reat Salvale Sale
Now Going on Will Make Your Dollar do Double Duty
Buying here will save you at least 100 per cent on every dollar's worth of merchan
dise. Our lucky purchase of these two big stocks at such a low figure is your gain.
We are absolutely selling every dollar's worth of this merchandise to THE PUBLIC.
Such high-grade goods may neyer again be offered in Pendleton at such a low figure.
Come now, and take advantage of our purchase of these two great stocks, at about
30 Cents on the Dollar
Men's Suits at $.90
Men's Hats at ... 10c and up
Men's dress shirts 59c an d up
Men's work shirts 39c and up
Men's socks 5c and up
Boys' Knicker suits $2.39
Boys' hats 25c
Boys' Union suits 33c
Men's Union suits 69c
Men's Overalls 85c
Men's work gloves 49c
Men's Shoes $1.69
Ladies' Suits $1.98 and up
Ladles' Coats 25c and up
Ladies' Dresses 98c and up
Ladies' Waists 15c and up
Ladies' 25c hose 13c pair
Ladies' 35c hose ... 19c pair
Ladies' 75c silk hose 44c pair
Ladies' 16-button silk gloves.. 59c
Ladies' 16-button kid gloves. . $1-98
Ladies' 2-clasp kid gloves. .. 59c
Ladies' 2fc sleeveless vests. .. 11c
Children's heavy hose . ....... , 13c
Just a lew suggestions to show how easily aud economically it may
be remodeled and modernized.
A NEW FRONT PORCH, built along modern lines, ooets not a great
deal, adds Immeasurably to the appearanoe ot the house, besides adding
greatlv to its liveable aud likeable qualities.
ONE OF THOSE MODERN FRONT DOORS, really one of tbe most
attractive features of reoently built bouses. You oonld bave one put in
at small oost aud witb very little trouble. No one thing would make
more notioable improvement.
WHY NOT HAVE MORE LIGHT? Larger openings from tbe ball
to the adjoining loom or between two adjoining rooms, would produce .
tbat effeot, with uinob additional oomfort. Additional light oould te se
cured by putting in a new single or mullion (double) windows. Tho cost
of tbese obaogea is slight. The introduotion of a wiodow seat, especially
in a bay window, gives added ooziness at a very alight additional oost.
THOSE NEW BREAMED CEILINH8 Yon bave admirsd tbem in
other bouses. Eld yon ever slop to think tbat tbe higher oeilinga of yoor
older house would permit of Ibe introduotion of one of tbem, most effeot
ively at a small outlay? It would make a veiy flue setting for those new
eleotrio fixtures too would like so muoh.
HARDWOOD FLOORS tbose vertioal grain hardwood floors appeal
to the housewife. You would be surprised to know bow easily we oonld
put one in tor you tight over tbe old one, without tearing np tbe room,
and all at a most moderate oost,
MAKE THE STAIRWAY COUNT. It should not be a convenience
only, but play its part In tbe interior deoorative sobeme as well. Just a
few alterations new balusters aud mil or newel, or new treads and risers
will help mnob.
THOSU BUILT-IN FEATURES they may all be so easily introduced
into tbe old house. Sideboards, obiua oloaets, kitohen oupboards, when
built in save spaoe and harmonize with the rest nt tba woodwork. New
trim would likewise add a striking effeot as compared with the old.
WITH VERY LI1ILE MUSS a great many improvements can be
made without partition work, ao that there Is none of tbe "muss" tbat
accompanies new plastering work. Soma of these improvements, whloh
oau be made at slight cost, will not only inorease tbe oomfort of your
house but add to its selling value as well.
Our WALLBOARD can te.easily used simply nail tbis to your old
walls and paint over same. Yon will get a lot of sugges iona for using
wallboard from our books on the same. Very pretty designs for the home
oan te easily worked out. OUR FREE PLAN BOOKS GIVE MANY
SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS WORK. Why not let ua explain to yon in
detail soon at what reasonable prioes and witb bow little tronble yon
can make tbese improvements.
"See Johnson abonl It" at TUM-A LUM LUMBER CO.
Imported and home-bred Percheron, Belgian and Shire
Stallions. They are good, big and rugged, with the best of
pedigrees, and will be sold at bargain prices to close out.
Now at the cTWodel Stables, Walla Walla, for a short time.
J. R. JUSTICE, Importer, of Galesburg, Ills.
RMIn-l ttikr my Imsunnd nlonir to
help choose n hat. Belln-I take a bat
along to help choose a husband. New
York Sun.
Many go for wool nud conic borne
ahoru thcinwlves. -Cervantes
Capital and Surplus
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
We Strongly Recommend Our
White Pine, Tar
For Colds. Give it a Trial.
Byron N. Hawks, Wi Druggist
I : ft it i v
lb. ,JEU
i. J. Parker
KTrjrthlD( Flrn
Claaa - Morn