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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1915)
Press Paragraphs Nez Aukeny of Pendleton, was in town yesterday. Misi Belle Molotyre visited in Pen dleton Wednesday. Mrs. Batman Kirk of Adams was shopping in Athena Monday, Tbe loofa on the Barrett buildings have been repainted tbis week. Mr. and Aire. Sim Kilgora motored np from tbe ranob Wednesday. 0. 0. Moore, a St. antbony, Idaho, leal estate dealer, is in tbe city. Miss Alta Sbarp was a gnest of friends in Pendleton Wednesday. Thomas Armstrong ot Milton, spent a few bonrs in tbe oity yesterday. N. A. Miller Is again at Shepherd Spiiuga taking treatment for eozBma. Mrs. Powell of Dayton. Wash., is the guest this week of Mrs. W. L. Weir. Weather observations, nnblisbed in this morning's papeis forecast frost for tonight Mrs. Elizabeth Mansfield attended the fnneral of Charles King, at Wes ton, Monday. - ' Fustnre for Horses. Three miles of Westoo. L. V. Warner, f bone UFltJ Weston. Aflv. J. li. Harmon went over to Walla Walla Monday to attend a obniob convention there. Miss Graae MoBride of Walla Wal la, spent a portion ot the week with friends in this oity. Mrs. Elmer Storey of Walla Walla, spsot the week in Athena, tbe gnest of Mrs. L. 8. Vincent. For Sale or Trade A good "Demo orat wagon." J. A. Lnmsden, route 1, Adams, Oregon. Adv. . Misses Clara and Florence Zeita of Walla Walla spent Sunday as tbe guests of Miss Laura Smith. Thoroughbred Wbits Wyandotte eggs tor sale at $1.60 the setting. Phone Main 122, Athena. Adv. Dr. and Mrs. Watts and Mrs. E. M. Smith and daughter, Gladys, were in tbe oity from Weston Wednesday, 1 Mr. and Mis. Casper Woodward and Mrs. Marine Wallan left Tuesday fay automobile for a visit to Spokane. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Rio hards and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson spent Sunday on the Walla Walla river. L. S. Vincent has received bis ap pointment as deputy game warden and has entered on his official duties. Hogwire. paints and oil, blacksmith coal and occasionally a snow storm are speoialtiea at Watts and Rogers', Weston. EggB for Setting Tbe M. J. Myres strain of Barred Books at rnasonable prices; also Indian Runner duok eggs. J. M. Swaggart. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willaby enjoyed a fishing trip on tbe Umatilla Wednes day. Tbey were acoompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Carl Christian. . Oliver Diokenson and family have moved to the Jaoobs plaoe on north Third street, which Mr. Diokenson pnrobased some time ago. Charles Kirk has sold a Maxwell oar to Mr. Hyatt of Weston mountain, this being tba seoond Maxwell ha has sold in the last few weeks. Strayed Bay mate. 8 years old, wire out on right knee, white right bind foot, weight abonl 000. Notify R. Rowell, Tonobet, Wash. Adv. Why Should Glasses Be Changed? Tbe eye Is praatioally developed at seven years. Underdevelopment In length means far sigbt, over-develomept means near sigbt; one diameter of tbe oornea longer than another means astig matism, . Tbe attempt to overoome these errors by the accommodation or focusing power, is eye strain; tbis power changes with age, the errors are always tbn same and must be oorreoted with glasses. Therefore, the only reason why glasses should be changed is a com mercial one. Opticians by giving away a smatteiing of mrdionl know ledge as a blind are enabled to sell glasses at an enormous profit. D. N. REBER, D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. Schmidt Building, Pendleton. Watts&Rogers Hardware Weston : Oregon A carload of Wagons; come, take choice of Weber, Winona and John Deere. Fine assortment of Banner and other buggies. Look at Binders, and you will find McCormick and John Deerethe silk of the world. Plymouth and International Binder Twine. Alfalfa seed 18c, guaranteed 99 per cent pure. THE HUDSON 40 Champion Light Weight "Six." It weighs less than 2900. The most flexible, quietest, powerful and econom ical engine, the greatest power for weight, the most comfortable and easy riding, the most beautitul and the most copied and imitated auto of them all. Auto tires, chains etc. California Raisin BREAD aw M a ft WAIL IIIYIVlii J'" - il 'sis ma &et It Here Freshly BAKED Today We are baking a bread after a famous prise reeipe which calls for California raisins a raisin bread that you'll want to serve on your table aa soon 1 as yon taste a kite. Fresh loaves are being bak ed today. Come buy one and try it. Bread was never baked better. And raisin bread is one ot the most bealtbfnl foods that any family oan eat. Tbe raisins are aun-oured in California. Tba sunshine al one brings out tbe delioinua pure grape sugar. And one pound of these rai sins is eqnal In fnod value to one and a third pounds of tba finest teef; four pounds of milk; two pounds of eggs: fonr and 8-quartera pounds of fish; fonr and one-half pounds of potatoes. California raisins ara tba '"gems of food" Let your folks especially vonr child ren enjoy them in tbis deli cious bread. PRICE PER LOAF, 5c AND 10c ATHENA BAKERY ED. KAUFMANN, PROPRIETOR Tbe soda fonntain at Hawk's drng store has been installed for tbe season, and as soon as tba wiuter weather la over, will he ready tot bnainess. Rslpb DePeatt left Wednesday mor ning fur lugomar, Montana, wbeia he will file on a homestead, and return here to work during the summer. B. A. Ashpangh oame in from Ar lington Wednesday evening, and is visiting at tbe home of bis sister, Mrs. D. H. Sanders. Be is aooompaoied by bis little son. Rev. A. M. Lambert went over to Walla Walla Monday and brought home Mrs, Lambert,, who is recover ing very satisfactorily from a recent oritioal operation. . Watts and Rogers of Weston, will give yon more value in Alfalfa seed, buggies, wagons, fishing licenses or antos for Dollar Forty wheat than any one else. See big ad. For Sale. I have for sale, bound wheat bay; two miles east and one halt mile sonth of Adama station, in Spriog hollow. 0. H. Allen, Adams, Or., Route 1. Adv. Clarence Wright, who left last week for Wallowa county, got ts far as La Grande, when he was called borne by tbe serions illness of his mother, Mrs. J. F. Wright. . Owing to siokness, it will be impos sible for Drs. Lowe and Turner to be in Athena April 80, bnt tbey will be here one week later, Friday, May 7. Wait for tbem. Adv. Hiram Knight has been been putting In oonorete cross walks at tbe alley crossings on Third street this Weak, and cross walks on Fourth street will be renewed with the same material. The yonng frienda of Miss Basel Sanders gave her a very pleasant sur prise Friday evening, when they gath ered en masse at ber borne west of town. A jolly evening was passed by tbe young people. W. R. Taylor and others yesterday sold 21 horses and mnles to Peddioord, tbe Kansas City buyer, at very satis factory prices. Tbe stock will be turned to the Freuoh and English gov ernments by Peddioord. Che anto stage leaves Athena twioe daily for Weston, at 8:10 a. m. and 4:10 j). m. ; and leaves twioe daily for Adams and Pendleton, at 9:25 a. m. and R:20 p. m. Express packages oat ried. . Boadquarters at St. Niobols Hotel. A. M. Boyden, proprietor. Ad Charles Groves will hereafter re ceive his mail at Gibbon. Recently he pnrobased tbe Gns Oornoyer plaoe on the Umatilla river, and has moved his family there. J. T. Lieoallen pur chased the Graves plaoe sonth of Athena. Zetba Bros, have installed a new air pump for inflating automobile tires. Tbe new maobine takes lbs place of an old gasoline engine whiab. years ago fnrnisbed motive power for tbe mechanical department of the Press office. - John Stanton oame in last evening from Eoho, and reported a cold rain but no snow in tbat locality. .Sheep shearing is well' nnder way there, and the flooks relieved of their fleeoe will doubtless suffer loss on aooount of the weather. Nib Ying the St. Niohols hotel oook will leave in a few days on an extend ed visit to his family in China. Sib has made several trips to his native land in past years, always returning to Athena and assuming bis position In the hotel kitoben. Mrs Leon Kidder and little daugh ter are visiting this week at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Leonard, at Preaoott, Wash. Her husband and Miss Carolyn will join tbem next week wben Mr. Kidder will do soma work in bis line in tbat oity. Mrs. Alfred CaBtello, who visited ber brother, Frank Ely at Nampa, Idaho, baa returned to the home of ber mother, Mrs. Henry Pinkerton and will remain here for some time before going to Portland, where she will reside in the f ntnre. W. R. Taylor spent a portion of tbe week at Ukiab where he purchased some good horses to tnrn over to the buyers for tbe Frenob and English governments. His Ukiab pnrohases inolnded some splendid young bones, and will bring a good price. . Weather permitting, tbis afternoon at 8:16 tba Athena High school and Feindale High school ball teams will play their first gams of tba season on the Athena groouds. An admission fee of 10 cents will be obarged. Tompkins aud MuPberrin will be the battery for Athena. . Frank Sams, a young man living on Dry Creek, has been bound over to the grand jury by Justice Richards on oomplaintbf P. 0. MoCausliu, who alleges tbat Hams shot a valuable dog. At the time of tbe shooting, MoOaus lin alleges tbe dog was lying on the poroh at his borne. , Charles Downing and Watts Broth ers have oompleted a atretob of splen did street improvement from the Downing oorner on Third street aoross tbs flat to tha mill. Ibe work was practically dons by donation on tbe part of these men and the job is a good one. Program at tbe Dreamland tbeatre for tonight and tnmorrow night: 1 and a. "The Adventures of Katblvo, No 8." Selig. "Martha's Rebel lion," Edison. Sunday: 1. "Tbe Mystery of tbe Crimson Trail," Patbe. 2. "A-Female Fagln," Kalem. 3. "A Terrible Lesson," Kalem. Mrs. J. F. Wrigbt was taken to Walla Walla Saturday, where she was operated on for reilef from gall atones and appendicitis complications. Dr. Stone aooompanted his patient to Walla Walla and performed tbe oner ation, ainoe wbiob Mrs. Wright has been doing aa well as could bs ex- peoted. Peters, tbe well known fat traveling man was In Albena Monday aod Toes day and took great delight in playing tall with tba boys. Mr. Peters weighs something less than too, bnt has not deteriorated in bis delight for tba game of bis yontb. Severel years ago be caught a game for Weston in a match with Athena, aud it la re membered that be did fairly good work behind tba bat for a big 'on. Dr. Fred Lieoallen and his little daughter, Barbara, made a flying trip np from Portland Monday, Tbey drove over from Walla Walla in oom pany with tbe doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieoallen, and stopped en route to call on relatives, taking the evening train in Pendleton for Portland. Three Indian boys reported to Offic er Ramsay last evening that tbey bad been left in town by relatives and asked permission to sleep in the oity jail. This morning it developed tbat tbey had run away from tbe Indian sobool, and Superintendent Swarts lander bad them held until he oonld onme after them. Charles G. King died at the Eastern Oregon hospital Saturday, after being there for twelve days. Mr. King bad been suffering from tumor of tbe brain. He formerly resided in Athena witb bis family, bnt bad lately lived at Bermiston. Interment took place at Weston cemetery, Monday, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. King, were bnried. Ralph MoEwen, Miss Jessica Mo- Ewen and Mrs. U. A. Barrett had rather a strennons trip in going and returning from Boms last week. They found some rongb roads in oroasing tba mountains, bnt the Ford oar oame through all right. Tbe trip was thor oughly enjoyed and tbe party was royally entertained at tbs borne of the big stookman, BUI Hanley. Mayor Watla baa set out to make a reoord for stmt improvement dnriog his official tennre which for perma nenoy and least cost to the oity he hopes to exoel any heretofore attempt ed. He intends to bring in tbe Watts farm tsama and witb some assistance from property owners, will grade tbe north ends of Third and Fourth streets and tbe entire length of Fifth street. Ibe oounty grader and scrapers will be nsed for tbe work. The May meeting nf tba local aux iliary, 0. W. B. M. will be held next Wednesdsy afternoon at tba oonnlry home of Mrs. Henry Konpke, southeast of town. Conveyanoea will be assem bled at tbe Christian parsonage for all wbo wiab to attend, and tbe request is made that all who desire tn go be in readiness shortly before 2 o'clook p. m. The meeting will be led by Mrs. J. T, King's division, and an nuusrtally in teresting session is anticipated. Yesterday a beavy rain storm waa followed by snow to the depth of a couple of iuohes. The flakes were large and heavy and etuok to the foliage of trees and bushes, a'nd In some instanoes limbs broke nnder the weight nf the wbite blanket, Tbe lope stays of Earl Urqnhart'a big pav ilion tent were nneqnal to tbe strain imposed on tbem, gave way and tba top fell with a orasb to the floor, the side canvas remaining in plaoe, Tbe top will be in plaoe ready for lbs danoe tomorrow night. i Mayor Watts Interviewed the bna iness men Wednesday in regard to subscribing fnnds for holding a picnio in Athena next month, with tba re sult tbat ha reoeived sufficient en couragement to make- the announce ment tbat tbe event will take plaoe. Now that the fnnds are assured, the diSereut committees appointed at a reoent meeting by Chairman M. L. Watts will get to work on the assign ment alloted tbem, and as soon as this is done, a basis will be given for ad vertising matter wbiob will be dis tributed throughout tbe county. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins left Ath ena Monday afternoon for their home in Helix, and wben near the Scott place, the car for some unknown rea son, lnrobed to one aide of tbe road on a onrva and turned turtle. Mrs. Collins suffered serions injuiy, one of ber legs being broken and sustaining bruises. Mr. Collins was also pinned nnder tbe oar, bnt managed to extri cate himself and release bis wife and the two little children. The obildren escaped Injury, bnt Mr. Collins re ceived a broken hand. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tharp, parents of Mrs. Collins were snmmooed from this oity. The Gorgons. The Gorgons were creatures of Greek mythology, mentioned by Homer nnd Euripides as being of peculiarly aDnor- rent aspect Their hair was composed of serpent their bodies covered with scales and girdled with reptiles with heads erect, vibrating their tongues threateningly, while the hands of the Gorgons, adorned with sharp talons, were of braBS. The gaze of the mon sters was deadly, nil upon whom they fixed their eyes being turned to stone. One of tho three terrible sisters was conquered and beheaded by Perseus, nnd as he took flight in the nlr en route for Ethlopln, holding the Bevered bend In his bands, the drops of blood whl- h fell from it became serpents, which ever after Infested the sands of Lybin. "Not! Like Us." Mrs. Anderson's husband is Scotch. Mrs. Anderson Is an American woman, and she bas in ber employ as black a cook as ever descended from Ham. One day the cook said to ber mistress: 'Yo' husband be ain't no'Mericnn, is her "Oh. no. Pboebe, he is a Scotchman." replied Mrs. Anderson. "Well," said the cook, "1 could see he wasn't like us, missus." New York Post ' Doubt. At a luncheon at the Philadelphia Country club a notoriously poor golfer said to a noted woman champion: "I am Improving. I did tbe difficult fourth hole yesterday in three." The champion smiled. "Three what hours?" she suld. Not In His Line. "Tbey tell me." said tie new report er, wbo was doing on Interview, "tbat yon have succeeded in forging your way, to the front" "Sir," said the self made man coldly, "you have been misinformed. I'm no forger." ' Accident, All Right Officer Did yoa get those bruises In an accident? Sad Guy Yes: I didn't tbink the uthcr fellow would fight New York Globe. (&TpiSf2w Prices Ftu(ttGS Just Virtue consists In avoiding vice and ts tbe highest wlsdoia-Horacfc Whether your fancy leads you to high or low Shoes you will find the season's very" latest styles here, in footwear that will prove their superior worth in wear; , Shoes that will fit the foot, and be comfortable from the moment you irst put them on. cTVlade of the best leathers and consiructed so as to conform with the lines of the foot without "pinching." . Every fashionable leather is shown in various styles black, white or tan shoes j in all the latest creations in lace, button and buckle effects. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONET BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON Kirk Implement louse In New Quarters A Hardware Stock Has been added to our Agricultural Implement, Ve hicle and Machinery Lines. Smalley Feed Cutters, the Best Made Hog Wire Fencing 24c Nails, Staples, Bolts, Chains. Zerolene Oil a Specialty 3rd and Main CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, drives with two fingers on the wheel I , i manriiTTwi Ever drive a car that made you WORK to drive it ? you know, a car that kept wandering from the road and kept you busy with the wheel ALL the time twisting and turning to keep it running straight? Well, with that recollection In your mind, we'd Uka to ta! yon for a rid in this Stndebekar Light SIX and show yon bow EASY to drlva a car can ba whan It'a built and balanced and aligned Uk a Stndebeker alwayele. Yon know, It's a pleasure to drive this BIX It drives ao EASILY. Just tha light touch of two fingers on tha wheel keeps It In the road. But come in get your own hands on tha wheel FEEL tha way fc drives. That's the way to telL , And, anyhow, youll want to ee this SIX for it'a not only one of the handsomest care yon ever laid area on bnt tba LIQHTE8T of all Light Sizes as well a car that costs lesa to run end that well back tba limit '1385 Studtbaktr Ftaturw Etectflo Lletitlnf ep turjlna FULL PTostlnf Rer Aile Timk.n Brtri-arjr Trd Rur TltM Oat-nun Tree Tea. StadehkerROADSTU.1 Sf StudebekerFOUIt. . . StwUUkar SIX. . . . MM g-limiilM) K O. ft, Dean Si J) The Stone Garage Phone 74 Pendleton, Oregon. 727 Johnson St,