The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 16, 1915, Image 4

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    THE NEW 1915 REO
"The Car that Carries You Safely."
A Car of absolute dependability, consistent in daily perform-
ance, economical in fuel and upkeep; refined, improved and priced
low because REO purchasing power and manufacturing con
ditions make low price possible. .
Always ready to take the road, be it smooth or roufrh alert,
eager with an excess of reserve power to meet any contingency.
' Visit with the nearest Reo dealer, or write to as for full, free
information about this wonderful car.
The Reo Four $1050. . The Reo Six $1385
F. O. B. Factory.
Reo Service covers every mile of the way from the Canadian
border to Mexico
Distributors for Pacific Northwest. F. W. VOGLER, President
Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon.
For list of American firms employing AMERICAN
LABOR In SOUTH AMERICA send 11.00. South
American Serving Co., B7, Ban Francinco, Cal.
New and Second-hand Atrenti forThorand Excel'
aior. Write for Catalogues and Second-hand price
Lists. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-126 12B Tl, ferine. Dim
fnma In and have your mouth examined.
VAlllic i i VM the very lalcat ecientitio
palnleu methods. DR. A. W. KEEN E,
Mitt Washington St., Portland.
Teaches the Trade 8 Weeks. Scalp. M-J
Face Massage a Specialty. Tools Free,
Positions Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING,
8M Madlaoa St., I'ortland, Oregon.
KU lUIlLiU Rivm aUBlute com
fort and many cures paymenta $1 wok, with
money-back guarantee. Write for FRUB book.
Jay W. Wilson, 802 Commercial Club Huildins.
Portland, Oregon.
HOWARD K BtlBTOK - ansjer and OBemlrt,
Leodville, Oolorsdo. Hixytiuitra prk'WI Gold,
Silver. lid, O. Hold, Silver, IDuj Gold. Wo: Zinc
er Copper. 11. Mftllina envelopes a id full price list
sent on application. Control and Umpire workao
UoHed. Ileferenaei Carbonate National Bank.
at th beit equipped, moat up-to-date and only
t radical Automobile School in the Northwent.
.. M. Auto Repair Co., 369 HiwUwrnt An , rorllud, Or
prices. Why pay $5 to SKI
lor a pair or jriaflse-. wnen
1 can fit your eyes with
i first duality lenries in e
-old filled frame as low as 11.641? Chos. W. Good-
man, 20i Morrison St., Portland, Or. GlanM lit-
ted by mail. Writ for particulars.
A fruaranteed remedy for Colds and
La Urippe. race ztc 01 your aruRgisi.
It s food, rake nothing else. Aav.
14th and WashlneIon Sti., Portland. Ore.
Rooms with both, f 1.80 per day. Rooms without
batrt. Cl.uo per day.
All Outside Rooms Fireproof Construction
Special Rates for permanent truest!.
Ross Flnnejran, Mar. Victor Brandt, Prop,
The only atrlctly Bicycle Salesroom and Re
pair Shop in Portland. Price list on applica
tion. Write 108 18th St, Corner Washington,
a F. SWAGGART, Prop.
"Joh L. Sullivan"
a l-year-old Jack
raised on this farm.
Jacks) Thoroughbred
Saddle, Relay and
Banning Horses!
Berkshire Huge,
Lexington. Oregon.
To be closed out at Actual Cost
We are going out of the Bicycle Busi
ness and will sell at Retail all our High
Crude Ivtr Johnwn rrfcesat the follow
ing prices:
Ladles' Roadster, Model H87-L. complete
with Coaster Brake, Mudguards and
Tlrea, Regular $35 Wheels, at
Mens' Roadster, Model 187, equipped as
above, regular 935, at
Htaty Serore Wheel. Mode! 14S8-S, fully
equipped, Tht ViMit Whtel in Atntrka,
regular 950,
Special, $40.00.
Thti will be your only opportunity to get
the Hlgheil Crmlt Wheel manufactured
at actual oust. All wheela fully guaranteed,
110 Third SL, Portland, Or.
$17.50 Per Ton
f . o. b. Warehouse
Full Information furnished upon
application. . -
418 Corbett BIdg.,
Plow East 6912. Portland, Or.
Insult to tht Be.
An Insult to the bee Is to nse (be
name to denote a crazy or erratic per
son, as the bee Is possibly the most
methodical of all Insects, with the
possible exception of the ant. There
fore the expression "He has bees In
his bonnet" Is an offensive phrase ex
cept that It may mean a buzzing in
the head, such as president and other
political aspirants are said to be af
flicted with. "She's whiles crack
brained and has a bee In her head"
was not worthy of Walter Scott,
though It la his.
Willing to Go to Grandma.
Owen had been on a visit at her
grandmother's. Several days after,
for disobedience, her mother said to
her, "Sometimes, when little girls are
naughty, their mothers give them
away." Little Gwen looked troubled,
then suddenly, with a bright smile,
said, "Well, mother, if you are going
to give me away, please give me to
Buchanan's Hund lor Charity.
One of the few funds, If not the only
one. left for charity by a president of
the United States, Is used in Lancas
ter, Pa., for buying coal for the
poor at Christmas and for other good
uses. The fund was left by President
Buchanan, who was a resident of Lan
caster, and the income now amounts
to about (3,000 a year.
Now, Swell Up.
In Chicago, says a Chicago editor,
more slang can be beard than in an;
other city In the country. Chicago Is
always boasting about something.
Boston Globe.
Dancing Around.
Nowadays, when two Irresistible
bodies meet, the usual course Is for
them to Join handn and take a tew
turns in the maxlxe or the hesitation.
Only Absolutely British Bird.
The red grouse is the only bird that
la absolutely British, Mr. Richard
Kearton claimed In a lecture the other
day. It cannot be found In any other
part of the world.
Think for Yourself.
The book to read is not the one
which thinks for you, but the one that
makes you think. No book In the
world equals the Bible for that. Doc
tor McCosh.
First English Medals Issued.
Medals as decorations (or military
service were llrnt Issued In England
by Charles I in 1643.
Old English Publlo School.
Harrow, the famous English publlo
school, was founded by John Lynn In
P. N. U.
No. is, Ulf
WHEN wrlttag to aarertlaera, pleeae sua. I
" Men this paper. I
Though Sickand Suffering; At
Last Found Help in Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Richmond, Pa. - " When I started
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
compound 1 was in a
dreadfully rundown
state of health,
had internal trou
bles, and was so ex
tremely nervous and
prostrated that If I
had given In to my
feelinga I would
have been in bed.
Ai It was I had
hardly strength at
time to be on my
feet and what I did do was by a great
effort. I could not sleep at night and
of course felt very bad in the morning,
and had a steady headache.
"After taking the second bottle 1 no
ticed that the headache was not so bad,
1 rested better, and my nerves were
stronger. I continued Its use until it
made a new woman of me, and now I
can hardly realize that I am able to do
so much as I do. Whenever I know any
woman in need of a good medicine I
highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound." Mrs. Frank
Clark, 8146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pa.
Women Haw Been Telling Woniea
for forty years how Lydia E.Pinkb&m't
Vegetable Compound has restored their
health when suffering with female ills.
This accounts for the enormous demand
for it from coast to coast If you are
troubled with any ailment peculiar to
women why don't yon try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? II
will pay you to do so, Lydia E. Pink,
ham Meliclue Co., Lynn, Mass.
Portland Wheat Bluestem, bid,
$1.28; forty-fold,'$1.26; club, $1.27;
red Russian, $1.22; red fife, $1.22.
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran,,?26.60
ton; shorts, $28.60; rolled barley, $31
Corn Whole; $36 ton; cracked, $36.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
16; valley timothy, $12 12.60;
grain hay, $1012; alfalfa, $12.60
Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1.60 dozen; peppers, 8036c pound;
artichokes, 7686c dozen; tomatoes,
$6 crate; cabbage, l3c pound; cel
ery, $4.60 crate; cauliflower, 76c$l
dozen; head lettuce, $2.26 crate; hot
house lettuce, 76c$l box; spinach, 6
6c pound; rhubarb, lj8c pound;
asparagus, white, $1.251.76 box;
green, 910c pound; eggplant, 80c
pound; peas, ll12Jc pound.
Green fruits Strawberries, $4.60
crate, apples, 60c$1.60 box; cran
berries, $1112 barrel.
Potatoes Oregon, $1.261.60 sack;
Washington, $1.261.60; new pota
toes, 10c pounds; sweet potatoes, 8ic
Onions Oregon, selling price, 76c
sack, country points.
Carrots, $1.60 sack; beets, $1.60;
parsnips, $1.26; turnips, $1.76.
Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case
count, 1818cjc; candled, 19c dozen.
Poultry Hens, 16J16c; broilers,
26271c; fryers, 1820c; turkeys,
dreBsed, 2228c; live, 1619; ducks,
1215c; geese, 89c.
Butter Creamery, prints, extras,
29ic pound in case lots ; Jc more in
less than case lots, cubes, 2326c.
Hops 1914 crop, nominal; con
tracts, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon, coarse, 22
26c; Eastern Oregon, fine, 1820c;
valley, 2427c; mohair, new clip, 29
Uascara bark Uld and new, 4jc
Cattle Best steers, $7.267.76;
choice, $77.25; medium, $6.767;
choice cows, $6 6.70; medium, $6
6.76; heifers, $66.26; bulls, $3.60
6; stags, $66.60.
Hogs Light, $6.607.66; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $78.26; ewes,
$67; lambs, $7.609.26.
Seattle Wheat, Bluestem, $1.28;
forty-fold, $1.26; fife, $1.24; red Rus
sian, $1.20; barley, $26 ton. Car re
ceipts: Wheat, 18, oats, 8; barley, 2;
hay, 16;' flour, 10.
Tacoma Apples Cooking, 7690c;
Wlnesaps, $1.261.36 a box; local,
86c. f
Vegetables Cabbage, Flat Dutch,
2Jc; carrots, $1.601.66; beets, home
grown, $1.26 sack; potatoes, Yakima,
$32 ton; Idaho, $2830; sweets, $3.60
cwt. ; Early Rose seed, $60; tomatoes,
$6 case; Onions, green, 20c dozen;
Walla Walla, $1.76 box; Oregon yel
low Danvers, $1.76; Yakima, $1.60;
garlic, 80c pound; radishes, local, 20c
dozen bunches; parsley, 8c dozen
bunches; lettuce, head, $2.26 crate;
spinach, 6c pound; cucumbers, $2.26
dozen; celery, $4 (rt) 4.60; rutabagas,
$1.86 sacks; cauliflower, $2.26 crate;
Oregon, $3 crate; artichokes, 76c
dozen; Brussels sprouts, 8c pound;
rhubarb, local, 4c; asparagus, Walla
Walla, $1.66 a box; green peas, 12c
Fresh Meats Steers, 12 121c
pound; cows, 12c; heifers, 1212Jc;
wethers, 14Jc; dressed hogs, lljc;
trimmed sides, 16 Jc; combinations,
16c; Diamond T. C, lejc; yearlings,
16c; ewes, 13c.
Poultry Ducks, live, 1012c; hens,
dressed, 16 18c; live, 10 14c;
springs, dressed, 22c; live, 1418c;
squabs, live, $2.60 dozen; dressed, $6;
turkeys, live, 18c; dressed, 2830c;
geese, 20c.
Butter Washington creamery, 19
80s pound; Oregon and California, 28c.
Eggs FreBh ranch, 1821c.
Spokane Cattle Prime Bteers, $6
7 cwt. ; heifers, and cows $66.
Sheep Wethers, $6 7; ewes, $6
6; lambs, $67.
Hogs Heavy live hogs, $6.26 cwt. ;
light, $7.26.
Wheat $46 ton, delivered in city.
Oats $36 ton, whole, $36 rolled, de
livered In city.
Bran $26 ton; shorts, $32; bran
and shorts, $27.
Hay Timothy, $16 ton; $16 ton In
carloads; alfalfa, $16 ton delivered in
city; $14 ton In carloads.
Corn $37 ton; cracked, $38.
Barley Rolled, $36 ton.
Contract for 1,900,000 Boxee.
North Yakima Contracts for the
fournlshing of 1,900,000 fruit boxes,
and more at the same prices if needed,
for use by members of the Yakima
Valley Fruit Growers' association this
season were awarded Saturday to the
Cascade Lumber company, of this city,
The association declined to state the
price, but Manager Huebner, of the
company, said it was considerably
lower than last year. Delivery of 1,
000,000 apple boxes, 700,000 peach
boxes and 200,000 pear boxes are
called for.
Fruit Inspector Ak$ Help.
Walla Walla County commissioners
this week will be asked by District
Horticltuural Inspector Charles W.
Gilbreath for an assistant in Walla
Walla county. A similar request will
be made at Asotin and the counties of
Garfield and Columbia will be asked to
employ a man jointly. The new law
increases the duties of the inspector,
who must inspect all vegetable and
fruit shipments, nursery stock and
orchards. One day last week Mr.
Gilbreath received over one hundred
requests to examine nursery stock.
Bunt 200 Bead of Cattle.
Walla Walla Grant Copeland who
la feeding 1200 cattle on his Hooper,
Wash., ranch was here this week from
Spokane arranging for the transport
tion of 800 head of cattle from the
Hudson Bay country to the Hooper
ranch. The cattle were bought from
Thomas Copeland.
It is a sure enemy to health,
strength and happiness. It
robs you of your appetite,
causes constipation, bilious
spells and a general rundown
condition. You can help
Nature" conquer it by the
timely aid of ;'
Stomach Bitters
It will help you bring back
the appetite, aid digestion
and promote health in a gen
eral way. For over 60 years
it has enjoyed public confi
dence. .
Try it Today. Avoid Substitutes
Use for Anthologies.
The mistake is In thinking that all
poetry Is for all readers. On the con
trary the realm of poetry Is as wide
aa the world, for the very-reason that
each man may find there Just what
he needs and leave the rest. The
thing is to discover the poetry thai
was meant for us, and perhaps the
best way to do that 1b to turn over the
pages of some well-made selection,
and see where our eyes get caught
and held. Richard Le Gallienne.
Constipation causes manv serious
diseases. It is thoroughly cured by
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. On't
a laxative, three for cathartic.
The Vast World.
A student of Erfurt, desiring to set
Nuremberg, departed with a friend ot
a Journey thither. Before they had
walked half a mile, he asked his com
panlon whether they should soon gel
to Nuremberg, and was answered:
" 'Tis scarce likely, since we have only
Just left Erfurt." Having repeated the
question another half mile farther on
and getting the same answer, he said:
"Let's give up the Journey and gc
back, since the world's so vast!"
Luther's "Table Talk."
Got His Answer.
He "Why are you women alwayi
going to bargain sales in the hope ol
getting something for nothing?" She
"For the same reason you men are
always going to your poker clubs."
Dallas News.
Some Indication,
Mary "I'm positive Fred loves mt
and intends to make me his wife.'
Helen "Why? Has he proposed yet?'
Mary "No; but he dislikes mothoi
more every time he sees her." Liver
pool Mercury.
All the Difference,
"In India a lac of rupees Is a foi
tune." "And in America a lack of dol
lars is a misfortune." Boston Tran
Daily Thouaht.
fhe gods will give what Is mosl
suitable rather than what is mosl
pleasing; man Is dearer to them than
he Is to himself. Juvenal.
Another One.
"What are the two sexes. Alec?"
asked the teacher. "Masculine and
feline," answered Alec. Woman's
Home Companion.
Take Your Choice,
There are but two ways of rising In
the' world, observer La Bruyere, by
your own Industry or by the weakness
of others.
He Had To.
"See America first," didactically
quoted the professor. "I have already
done so," replied J. Fuller Gloom. "I
was born here." Judce.
Information Desired.
Wonder who loses all the fault ev
erybody seems to find. Philadelphia
For Young and Old
The acute agonising pain of
rheumatism is soothed at once
by Sloan's Liniment. Do not
rub it penetrates to the sore
rt, bringing a comfort not
aroed of until tried. Cet a
bottle today.
Hot What Other Sari
"I highly recommend your Linimrtl I
w iu oeit rameay lor rnumatuim i ever
umhI. Before using it I spent large miam
of money trying to g?t relief of th mimy
and palm in limb and body, ao I tria
your Liuimeot botk iuterual and axUrnal
and I found quick reltuf, and now am
well and strong again." ?, CwrOt, $6
HctVt Proof
'I wish to writ and tell you about a
fall I baddownfourteattrpa,aadbrUMiMi
my neck and nip rery twul. I could not
ilecp at all. X writ my wifa for a 25 cont
bout of your Linimeat and iu two dayi'
tima I wu on my feet again." Aar.a
UyU, ISSoi-i Pntiri Am,, &L Lx$. Me.
for neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and
AH Dranlata, 18a.
Send (our cent in ttampa (or a
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc.
Dpt. B. Philadelphia, Pa.
Latest Talking-Machine Sensation
The equal in tone-quality of any $200 model
At for W
jSTTT Aa o8ar eraatee. aapaelalljr for theaa who know th na.
f t II t'01 valua of a talWlns maohlna In th. noma, but wke
1 1 1 1 , rto(ora kaaitatad abaut pajlag 1!00 for a flrat-
U II alaaa Instrument.
aVJI Hare it n talklnar machine that combines all ef the
aaenttej features ej the lioi meohlaa, that Is oorreotlr
eelneil ana beautlfuUr Unished and that la In every
way the equal In tone aoalltr of unr 200 machine made
And net pair we offer theaa splendid new lnatru
menu at the low rlee of 111.19. but we Include with
each, abaolutolr without further ohariee, a oollootion of
t records, three of them etnle dlaca and the balanoe
double dlace. Thor lnalude aeleotleni- by Constantino,
Caruso, Malba, Bohaman-Helnk and other world-famous
"1'.. Wt J, 'urnlak a Uaeral aupply of new needles
and ether acoeeaorlee.
r i
Portland, Oregon
Delivered, everywhere
In the state, for
Free Trial
Write for actual photographs of this and other new models.
Oils and Greases
are the sooda of QUALITY.
: OillfaJ Grata he AUTOMOBILES. .
Oils u. Grew, for TRACTION ud HARVESTERS
Oili ul Grata far STEAM ENGINES.
Oil come. In 1, S, 15, 82 and 55 gal. pksa.
Grease comes In 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 251b. and up
, Write ua for prices and particulars.
Km Ibnsil) 1216. 68 Fr St, Plhat Or.
Tjonj looj ott n.ssaj joj
)! Snors Xpedojd Jtnq j.oto noX Alon
pnu 'iuAtqaiq enqomojns u ojni j
pettin. pus 4ms em ni poone; jsnf e
ou ssenS I ipeSujnoosip ea J8 tiq
i.eqjo eqi oj jepjoq eno tnojj epj
Bum md V Pn imi 'B"I eW
jno no pepaaosep s.eddoqssBjS eq)
'jsmooq naeS9At eq) pies 'd9A
umoj. m peujaog sjsddoqssuo
Testing Precious otones.
The science of optics has in the last
year or so given much aid to Jewelers
In making tests that are said to be ab
solutely conclusive as to the nature
of a gem. The refractive Index, or the
power of bending light rays, Is deter
mined as to precious stones In the
same way as that of the spectacle
lenses which the opticians sell.
Try Murine K;e ltemedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Eyeaand Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting
iust.Kye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye
bymailFree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
More Dire Threat.
There was trouble In the back yard.
Six-year-old Billy had thrown a Btone
at a boy in the "next yard, who was
making vociferous threats. "If you
throw another stone," he yelled, "I'll
sick my dog on you!" "Huh!" replied
Billy. "If you come Into my yard I'll
sick my mother on you!" Youth's
The Real American.
America Is the land of labor and by
no means what the English call Lub
berland and the French Pays de Co
cagne, where the streets are said to be
paved with half peck loaves, the
houses tiled with pancakes and where
the fowls fly about ready roasted, cry
ing, "Come, eat me." Franklin.
The Aurora.
The Northern Lights, or Aurora
Borealis, are caused by the flow ol
positive electricity, off from the earth,
through the icy mists or clouds that
float above the poles, toward the plan
etary spaces. There Is a close causal
connection between the aurora and the
"sun spots."
First In Resurrection.
In some districts of India the east
ern parts of cemeteries are regarded
ns the most desirable. The choice la
based on the belief that the dead In
the eastern section will be the first
to leap from tbelr graves, brush the
dust from their bones and proclaim
their readiness to ascend.
One Penalty of Fame.
The Victim "Ptomaine poisoning,
ehf Well, I surely was a blame fool
to eat the stuff." The Doctor "But,
my dear sir, you can't establish your
self as a recognized epicure without a
touch of ptomaine now and then."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Only Thing a Dollar Can Start
"In those glad, care-free days when
I was trying to be a sport," said the
Old Scout, casual like, "I made a dis
covery that has since stood me In
good stead. About the only thing you
can start with a dollar Is a bank ac
count' Detroit News.
Small, but Important
Gibraltar Is less than two square
lilies in area.
When you know physicians have
prescribed resinol for 20 years In the
treatment of eczema and other itching,
burning, unsightly skin eruptions, and
have written thousands of reports say
ing: "It Is my regular prescription
for itching," "Resinol has produced
brillant results,' "The result it gave
was marvelous In one ot the worst
cases of eczema," etc., etc, doesn't it
make you feel that ' this Is the treat
ment I can rely on for MY skin-trouble!"
The moment resinol -ointment
touches itching skins, the itching
stops ana healing begins. With the
aid of resinol soap, It almost always
clears away every trace ot eczema,
ringworm, pimples, or other torment
ing eruptions quickly, leaving the skin
clear and healthy. Sold by all drug
tista, Adv.
Business gives work to labor's
countless hands; business wipes the
tears from the eyes of widows and or
phans; business dimples with joy the
cheek of sorrow; business puts a root
above the heads ot the homeless; busi
ness covers the land with happy
homea; business will feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, educate the ignor
ant, enrich the world with art fill the
air with song. Ingersoli.
Too Witty for the Lawyers. ,
A man was excused from a Jury on
his plea that he was a pharmacist. The
next man asking to be excused said he
had a similar reason, for he was a
"farm assistant." He was not excused,
but he got to hear no cases. The law
yers were afraid of htm. He was too
Sawed-Off Sermon.
If a man fails to open a door when
fortune knocks it doesn't borrow a
battering ram for the purpose ol
breaking the door down. Indianapolis
Universities Open to Women.
Of the three oldest universities ol
western Europe Salerno, Bologna and
Paris two were open from the first
to women. Those were Salurno and
Keeps Butter Sweet
Housekeepers who get butter by the
Jar or tub will find that a little char
coal placed in a paper bag and then
put Into the tub or Jar will keep the
butter sweet
Daily Thought.
It Is not wealth or ancestry but hon
arable conduct and a noble disposition
that make men great Ovid.
ALaiaj munis nutnyAU
Keep KidsKleen
The mott practiced, halthful, playtime
garment ever Invented lor cblldrea 1 1
to 8 yean of axe. Made tn one piece !
with drop back. Eaiily ttipped on or
off. Easily washed. No tiiht
elastic bands to Mop circulation.
Made in blue denim, and blue and
white hickory Mripet tor all the
year round. Alto lighter welrbt
material for summer wear. All
garments trimmed with fast red or
blue galatea. Made In Dutch neck
with elbow sleeves and high
neck and long sleeves.
75c the suit
If your dealer cannot supply yon,
we will send them, charges prepaid
on receipt of price. 7k each.
A New rDrE M They
Suit liVLLi Kin
I Mad. By
Levi Strauss dt Co, San Tnndteoy
In Ml
Profession of Farming.
Farming is a business which re
quires the highest business talent It
is a profession which requires the best
technical skill. There is no other pro
fession that requires such a variety
of learning, such ah Insight Into na
ture, such skill of a technical order
to be successful, as the profession of
farming. From Dr. Harvey W. Wiley's
"The Lure of the Land."
Popular Individual.
"When a man brags about llkln'
work,' said Uncle Eben, "he finds dat
everybody Is willln' to' help him have
a good time."
Aeld-Proof Corks.
Soak the corks In hot paraffin. Thl
will prevent the acids from eating
away the corks.
-In the Expectant Period
Before the coming of the little one women need to be pos
sessed of all their natural strengtfi. Instead of being harassed
by forebodings and weakened by nausea, sleeplessness,
or nervousness if you will bring to your aid
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
yon will find that most of the suffer
ing will not make its appearance.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the result of a life study of
ailments, disorders and irregularities peculiar to women. Its continued
supremacy in its particular field for more than forty years is your
assurance of the benefit to be derived from its use. .
Neither narcotics nor alcohol will be found In this vegetable prescrip
tion, in liquid or tablet form. Sold by druggists or a trial box will be
sent you by mail on receipt of B0 one-cent stamps.
Address r. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. T.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets re salute liver and bowels -
Wonderful Blood Remedy
That Works in the Tissues
fha Very Ufssf Theory About How and Why Iks
Blood is Disordered.
S.S. S. Means Pure Blood Which Insures Long Life and Health.
The great experts In Chemistry and
Physiology now declare what has all
along been contended by the Swift Lab
oratory that the germs of blood disorders
find lodgment la the Interstices of the tis
sues. And herein Is where S. 8. 8. goes to
work rapidly, effectively and with won
derfully noticeable results.
This famous blood purifier contains
medicinal components Just aa vital and
essential to healthy blood as the nutritive
elements of wheat, roast beef, and fats
and the sugars that make up our daily
As a matter of fact there Is one Ingre
dient in S. B. 8. which serves the active
purpose of stimulating each cellular part
of the body to the healthy and Judicious
selection of its own essential nutriment.
That Is why it regenerates the blood sup
ply; why It has such a tremendous in
fluence tn overcoming ecaema, rasa, pim
ples, and all akin afflictions.
And In regenerating the tissues 8. S. 8.
has a rapid and positive antidotal affect
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak
eyes, loss of weight, thin pale cheeks, and
that weariness ot muscle and nerve that
is generally experienced, by all sufferers
with poisoned blood.
Get a bottle of S. 8. S. at any drug
store, and In a few days you will not only
feel bright, and energetic, but you will be
the picture of new life,
S. S. S. Is prepared only In the labora
tory of the Swift BpeclSo Co., 101 Swift
Bldg. Atlanta. Oa. Who maintain a very
efficient Medical Department, where all
who have any blood disorder ef a stub
born nature may write freely tor advice.
S. a S. is sold everywhere by all drag
Beware of an attempts to sell yon
something "Juat aa good." laalat upon
fl. 8 8.
To expel stomach and Intestinal worms from colts, as
well aa older horsea, use a remedy that will not "physic them
to death." but will act aa a tonic In this respect 8POMN'
Is unequaled. Full Instructions in booklet with every bottle.
All druggists or manufacturers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO Goshen, Ind, U. . A.