THE 1915 REO FOUR The Car for the Country." THE REO gives the utmost in quality and service at a moderate price. By reason of its accessibility it ia the most economical ear to overhaul lowest in fuel and upkeep. Easy to operate, sturdy, reliable, and with an excess of power that will carry you over any country road! ' . If there is no Beo dealer in your town, write to u for in formation and Reo booklets, free. PRICE $1050 F. 0. B. FACTORY. Some territory now open for reliable agents. Reo service all along the line from British Columbia to Panama-PaciBe Exposition. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Distributors for Pacific Northwest. F. W. VOGLER, President Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon. ALLOTS BIG SUM FOR NORTHWEST $2,926,175 for Improvement of - Oregon and Washington. MOTORCYCLES and BICYCLES Urn end Second-hind Asanta forThorand Excel lor. Writ, for Catalogue, and Second-hand price Lists. APE1 WCYOE CO, 124-IM 12a It, Parish, W. SAVE YOUR TEETH, fAm. In and have your mouth examined. VUMIC lit tne yery iatest Bcientitio painless methocla. DR. A. W. KKENE. . S51H Waahlngton St. Portland. DHDDCH OTHUDC 8tenclls, Butter nUODtll 01 AfflrO otEro Stamps, Rubber Stamps for Fruit Boxmu Hade on ihort t notice, Write. WHITI IT1MP tUl CO., IfNND aHO AUKS, FORTUNS, OREMN PORTLAND BARBER COIXEGTjl Teaches the Trad 8 Week. Scalp, Jj Pace Massajre a Specialty. Tool. Free. Position. Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING. tU Medina Bt, Portland, Oregon. TJT TDTT TRFTi The WILSON WAY KUri UXJEiIV givM absolute com fort and many cures; payments 11 week, with money-back guarantee. Write for FREE book, jay W. Wilson, 802 Commercial Club Building, Portland, Oregon. FARM HELP. Whin In need of Brood, reliable farm and dairy help writ or wire, our expense, rioneer vanpwy ment Company, 16 North Second Street, Portland, Greuun. JCaUblished 16 yean. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING at the beat equipped, moat up-to-date and only Aut'im.ihU Sphiml in the Northwest. LAM. Auto Itepalr Co., 369 Hawtiwii An., Pwtkai, Or A FIGHT ON HIGH prices. Why pay V to 10 lor a pair oi nausea wnen 1 can fit your eyes with 1 first duality lenaea in a roldfl frame Mlowaa il .ROT Chan. w. uood- nan, Morrison St. Portland, Or. Glaasw fit- tad by mail. Writ for particulars. HOTEL CARLTON ' 14th and Waahintrloa 8ta Portland, Ore, Rooms with bath, $1.60 per day. Rooma without bath, 91.00 par day. All Outside Rooms Fireproof Construction Special Rates for permanent runts. Rosa Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Braftdt, Prop. typhoid: Is no mora necesssrv than Smallpox. Aim dm demonstrated th. almost miraculoui effi cacy, and barmteiinew, of Antityphoid Vaccination. S. vaccinated NOW by your physician, you ami our f unily. It Is mote vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for 'Have on bad Typholdl" telling of Typhoid Vaccina, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers, rut CUTTER LABOtATOSY, dCIKCLEY, CAL. rlOSWCISS VAWiHSS SI.UH. VN.IS U. I, .0. UCB.BI Bad Habit to Cultivate. ThA habit of dissipating every seri ous thought by a suggestion oi agree able sensations Is as ratal 10 nappi- nesB as to virtue; for when amuse ment Is uniformly substituted for ob jects of moral and mental Interest, we lose all that elevates our enjoy ments above the scale of childish pleasures. Anna Maria Porter. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure HAa;nnAn Pnnotinafinn ia that cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. &asy to tane. Fireproof Wood. To make wood fireproof, slake a small quantity of fresh lime and add water till It has the consistency of cream, stir well and add one pound of alum, 12 ounces of commercial potash and about one pound of salt. Stir again and apply while hot. Two or three coats will keep wood fireproof for many months. Slap at Chicago Culture. Miss Ritta "Aren't you fond of dia lect poetry, Mr. Drestbeeph?" Mr. Drestbeeph (of the Chicago Browning society) "Well, James Whltcomb Riley and Eugene Field do very well; but I came across some poems by a fellow named Chaucer the other day, md he carried It too far." Life. Many Uses for Cotton. One hundred and eighty million yards of cotton cloth carry cement yearly to build the great office build ings, and the electrical Industry of the country yearly consumes four hundred thousand pounds of cotton In the insulation processes. Shake Into Tour Shoes Aden's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cores painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by all DruB-jrlsts and Shoe Htores. Von t accept any substitute. HampM r'Kniej. Address A. H. inmates, la Koy.n, X. The Important Question. It will not be fashionable to steal umbrellas the coming season, says an expert on fashions or on umbrella stealing, one forgets which. But will It be fashionable to return some of those stolen last season? t.000 nffnr-M for certntn 1nTnt loiui. Honk "flow to Obtain i i'attmt" and'Vlmt to Invent" tfrt'e. Rend rmiun saetrn lor irw ort as to r. PnU-nta nil- ' Torti-id for ante atour expense tullan ofrtrttirem' Journal!. CHANDUE l CHANW.EE, PatsM Intra Cbsluxm lC;m.lUWseaa-tea,B.C. i ri -fcir- m .r- mm I M4 Where He Came In. A witty barrister, says an English paper, who did not object to a Joke at his own expense, was asked, on re turning from circuit, how be bad got on. "Well," was the reply, "1 saved the lives of two or three prisoners." Then you defended them tor mur der?" "No," was the rejoinder, "I prosecuted them for It." Some Love Lacking. Helen was playing on the porch, where she spied a white moth and asked her mother to kill It. Her moth er said, "But, Helen, you ought to love the poor little moth." "I do love It, mother, but I don't love It enough." Are You One? Anyone can begin a thing, most peo ple can finish one already begun, but those who can always be depended upon to go straight ahead from start to finish are few and far between. Trade With French Oceania. America sends French Oceania more than 47 per cent of Its Imports, and receives la return a trifle over 60 per cent of its exports. Worth While Quotation. ' Iff friend Is one before whom I may be sincere. Before blm I may think aloud. Emerson, That Also to Be Thought Of. She was leaving the city for home, and by way of making her departure pleasant for those who had served her gave a nickel to a chambermaid, say ing, "Mary, you take a nice long car ride." The maid replied: "Yes, ma'am; thank you, ma'am, but how will I get back?" Handicaps to Church. The church Is also handicapped by me persevering person who gets con verted every winter, but whose re ligion won't keep through the sum mer. Atchison r.lobe. Avoid Despair. If we are to escape the grip of de spair, wrote Amiel, we must believe either that the whole of things at least Is good, or that grief Is a fatherly grace, a purifying ordeal Packing Hint In packing, handkerchiefs, under linen and toilet articles should be ef fectively protected from possible eon tamlnatlon from boots and clothes. Boots ahould. If possible, be packed by themselves. Peak of the Rhine. Mrs. Askum "So you took a trip abroad last summer. Did you go up the Rhine?" Mrs. Newrich "Right up to the very top. What a splendid view there la from the summit!" Boston Transcript A Paradox. The man who sells bis honor deals. in something that he has not got Youth' Companion. Worth Cultivating. On of the most charming thing In girlhood Is serenity. Margaret B. Bangeter Other Projects Are Designated, but Finishing Touches on Celilo Canal Deferred. Washington, D. C One million five hundred thousand dollars has been al lotted by the secretary of war to con tinue work on the north jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river during the 15 months ending June 80, 1916. This is within $260,000' of the amount that would have been appro priated had the rivers and harbors bill been passed as it was repuorted to the senate and $260,000 greater than the amount proposed to be appropriated by the house. Furthermore, this allot ment is the largest made out of the $30,000,000 lump appropriation, ex cept the allotments for the Mississippi and Ohio riven. The total amount allotted by Secre tary Garrison for Oregon and Wash ington is $2,926,176, or within $646, 600 of the amount carried by the rivers and harbors bill when it failed. Some Oregon projects will receive the same amount provided by the bill, and in all instances the amount allotted to these projects is higher proportionately than the average for the entire country. The only important project for which no allotment was made and for which an appropriation was proposed is the Celilo canal, and this was left out be cause the $80,000 first recommended was for finsihing touches, which can be put on later. Other allotments for Northwest wa terways are as follows: Columbia and Willamette, below Portland, $460,000; Coquille river, $76,000; Coos bay, $70,000; Coos river, $3000; SiUBlaw river, $117,600; Yaquina river, $3000; Nehalem bay, $116,176; Snake river, $20,000; Upper Columbia river, Celilo Falls to mouth of Snake river, $37, 000; Willamette and Yamhill rivers, above Portland, $26,000; Cowlitz and Lewis riverB, $16,000; Clatskanie river, $1000; Gray's harbor and bar, $460,000; waterway connecting Port Townsend Bay and Oak bay, $16,000; waterway connecting Puget Sound and Lakes Union and Washington, $17,-000. For other work on the Pacific Coast, allotments, were made as follows: Los Angeles, $76,000; San Francisco, $12,000; Oakland, Cal., $80,000; San Pablo bay, $16,000; Humboldt bar and bay, $300,000; Petaluma creek and Napa river, $150,000. The Mississippi river and its tribu taries receive the largest allotment of all. The Hudson" receives $1,500,000 in all. General allotments for the country at large include: Hudson river, $877,780, in addition to which there was appropriated by separate acts $622,220, making the total for the Hudson $1,500,000; Del aware river from Philadelphia to the sea, $1,000,000; Savannah, Ga., $233, 000; Jacksonville, Fla., to the ocean, $360,000; Southwest Pass, Mississippi river, $400,000; channel work at Gal veston, Port Bolivar and Texas City, $190,000; Houston ship channel, $200,000; inland waterway on coast of Texas, $626,000; Mississippi river be tween mouths of Ohio and Missouri rivers, $300,000; mouth of Missouri to Minneapolis, $1,065,000; Missouri river, Kansas City to mouth, $1,000, 000; Ohio river,, open channel work, $310,000; locks and dams, $3,000,000; Chicago harbor and rivers, $660,000; St. Mary' river, Mich., $1,006,000. . V Threat Stirs British. London In an editorial on Ger many's threat of reprisal against Bri tish officers held prisoners in Germany if the prisoner of submarine boats held in England receive treatment different from other war prisoners, the Daily Chronicle says: "It ia time to realize the pas to which thing are leading. At the end of the war, the allies will have two alternatives: The; can allow the practice of sub marine linking merchantmen to be come usage recognized by internation al law, or they can, after trial, hang the German officers responsible for in itiating it, including, if hi responsi bility is shown, Admiral von Tirpitz (the German minister of Marine). We do not at present see any third al ternative. System Make for Progress. The prudent penniless beginner In (he' world labors for wages a while, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land for himself, then labors on his own account another while, and at length hires another new ' ner to help him. This Is the use and generous and prosperous sys tem which opens the way to all, gives hope to all and consequent energy and progress and Improvement of con lltlon to all. Lincoln. Have Healthy, Strong, Beautiful Eyes Oculiata stud, Fhyalclaua used Murine Eye Bemedy many yeara before It was offered aa a Domeatio Eye Medicine. Murine la 8UU Com pounded by Our Phyaiciana and guaranteed by them as a Reliable Relief for Eyes that Need Care. Try It In your Eyes and in Baby'e Byes No Smarting' Just Eye Comfort. Buy Murine of your Druggist accept no Substitute, and 11 Interested writ for Book of the Eye Free UUUIMU BYJ BSHUUX CO., OHICAOC OUR COAST DEFENSE In these modern days of heavy arma ment and scientific war equipment, much thought has been given to our coast de fense. The question of preparedness Is one that concerns all patriotic Americana for it Is always the unexpected attack that causes consternation. This Is also true In matters pertaining to health. That great enemy of health Stomach troublemay spring an unex pected attack at any time and It Is well to be prepared by always keeping a bot tle of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters In th house. .- It Is your bulwark In time of distress. Be on guard at all times, and as soon u you notice the appetite failing, diges tion becoming Impaired, the liver inactive and the bowels refuse to perform thelt daily functions, commence taking the Bitters. . Prompt action, together with the aid of this medicine, has been the means of preventing much suffering from Blck Headache, Nausea, Poor Appetite, Indi gestion, Constipation and Biliousness. Don't trifle with your health, but rather help Nature when weakness is manifest ed. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is Na ture's ally, and these together, form a combination that is sure to result to youi welfare. Try It today, but be sure you get Hostetter's. RESINOL BEGINS TO HEAL SICK SKINS AT ONCE You don't have to WONDER If Res tart Ointment Is doing you good. You KNOW it is because the first applica tion stops the Itching and your tor tured skin feels cool and comfortable at last. Why don't YOU try this easy Resinol way to heal eczema or similar skin eruption? Resinol clears away pimples, too, and Is a valuable house hold remedy for cuts, sores, burns, chafings, etc. It has been prescribed by doctors for 20 years and contains nothing that could irritate or injure the tenderest skin. Sold by all drug gists. Adv. rtough on the Congregation. An old Scotch minister who did not quite regard himself as the paragon of pulpit perfection, addressing his assistant, remarked that it was singu lar how he felt more fatigued after hearing him than In preaching him self. To this the assistant replied that he experienced a similar feeling when his reverend constituent was in the pulpit. "Then," rejoined the minister, "I peety the folic that have to hear us baith!" Healthful Drink. Barley water is a safe and cooling drink and is nutritious as well. Put Into a pitcher one large tablespoonful of well-washed pearl barley, pour over it two quarts of boiling water, cover and let stand until cold.. Drain off the liquid, add one-halt cupful of sugar and a little nutmeg. The Juice of a lemon Is a pleasant addition. - Immutability. In a field that I passed there was unearthed, not long ago, the great country grange of a Roman settler. with Us refectory, Its little cloistered court. Its baths and chambers, and storehouses. And It may all last on, hardly changing, for another thousand years, or longety still. A. C. Benson in the North American Review. . Fragile Imitation Rubies. Imitation rubles are subject to In Jury when exposed to extreme cold. They have been known to crack open in a tingle night, even when stored in a safe. t mw tngHEtt) Warn Sooner or later you will be wrong In every organ of your body. It is swell known fact thatovert6$ of airsicknesses are caused by ailments of the digestive organs. If you have the ellgbeet suspicion that your stomach requires treatment, don't delay moment. Little ills soon grow Into serious Ula. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Llcdical Discovery soon rights the wrong. It helps the stomach digest the food and manu facture nourishing blood. It has tunic effect and soon enables the stomach and heart to perform their functions In a natural, healthy manner, without any outside aid. As Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains a.llh.r ajcohol nor narcotics there Is no reaction. For over forty years it has stood the teat of Dots as and abuse and ia today the greatest remedy of Its kind in the world. Bfia now. Take it home today. Bold by Medicine Dealers In liquid or tablet form, or and COo to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. X for a trial box. ror tie yea caa set the Coaxem Seaae McaVal Avlw, imin lajpw sJuia ajaauaa us pay caa aa aaauiiaai. I Writ Dt. V. ILrtKC, BaUal, H. T, mam Rout Attributed to Spy. Petrograd Sensational disclosures explaining the recent disastrous rout of the Russian Tenth army corps in the Masurian lakes fighting were hinted at in official circles, following the official announcement that Colonel Miasoyedoff had been proved to be s German spy and was hanged after a trial by court martial. Several of Mtasoyedoff's al leged accomplices are in custody. A thorough Investigation ia being made of their eases and it is believed possi ble the world may soon know why an entire Russian army corps was lost. Peace Report Reiterated. Petrograd, via London The Rusaky Slovoe returns Saturday to the subject of alleged Austrian peace overtures. The newspaper asserts that the Aus trian emperor appealed through the Pope to Berlin with s view to over coming Emperor William's "ob stinate desire" to continue the war, but that this effort failed. Ha is now trying through the same medium In Petrograd to secure a separate peace, offering to surrender Bosnia, Hertegovina and Galicia, says the newspaper. Vessel Dives 200 feet. Qulncy, Mass. The new submarine L-l, built here for the United States navy, returned Monday after a success ful trial trip to Cape Cod bay. The boat, one of group of four required by contract to submerge to a depth of 200 feet, and remain under water at rest for 48 hours, settled to the re quired depth, and, according to those aboard, showed no effects from the strain of water pressure. The 48 hours' test will be made later. WOMEN FROM 45 to 55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia ELPink- ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change i of life. . m$B m A lb J Free Trial Talking Machine of $200 Quality yT Now for Only $0 0.80 -1 MsTl yy Offer, too We knew that this Baektee will give the greatest satlsfaetlen. Ws knew that It It the ee,asl In tens eeaUty ef any H talkJig ataehlae new ea the market The suealae, with the reeeris, will be seat ssywhere In the Stats far FREE TRIAL. If yea decide te keep It, yea eaa pay for It littlest, mest eeavealeet payments. No better way eaa be evteed ei eenvlae in; jea ef the siperierfty ef ear talking mscklae serviee. Write far aetaal akete grapks ef this and ether new aiedels. Supplied with it is an as sortment of twenty select tions, including the late rec ords of popular hits and of many world-famous artists, such as Caruso, Constantino, Melba, Schuman-Hcink, Gad ski, etc. trwtMal MiJmM a Milt Vcasslwr stfc AtaarJt. The Nation's Largest Talking Machine Headquarters, Broadway at Alder St., Portland, Ore. MEN'S 2.50 3 3.50 4.00 4.50 5 5.50 SHOES WOMEN'S '2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES BOYS' 1 .75 2 2.50 3.00 MISSES' 2.00 & 2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES W. L. Dourlu ahof are made of th beat domestic and 1 moot-tad irainer. on tne wish nuaeu, caret uuy wnuraotea oy tne moss hhii-c iMt suu put torn mtsKora in hub rounirft no osner dmh of equal prices, can compete with W. Jj Douglas shoes for style. wuraiuaninip auu quasiiiv, u 0BUonUl easj WSUUBf shoes they are uusnrpassed The 3.00, 3.50 and 84.00 shoes will rlre as pood serviee s other makes eostlusr 64.00 to Sfi.OO. The A4.fiO.8S.oo and o.ov sWobb compare istooij wiin otner maves coning o.uu to 9o.uu there are many men and women wear noes, uonsuit tneut and they will tell Douglas shoes cannot be excelled for CAUTION I ia2??AWMLE If you could visit the W. JL. Douglas factory at Brockton, Mass.. and see bow carefully the shoes are made, and the high grade leathers used, yon would then under stand why they look and fit better, hold their shape and wear longer than other makes for tire price. 'Wherever you live IOg VW.aU.f'OUgiaS youtnat w. the price, . tamped on tbs bottom. Bboes thus stamped are always m me price piu ior uiem. rordz years w. i. uourim ou antead their valua and oratMtfHt thawnarnr airamnt hlrh nrlcesi for Inferior ihoe bv bavins hla NAME AND PRinrc tamped on the bottom before tbey leave the factory. Do not be persuaded to take some other make olalmed to be uet as good. You are paying your money sod are entitled to the best. If vour dealer cannot suuolv von. write for Illus trated Catalog showing how to order by mail. w. I uougias, hiu sparK c, HrocKton. mass. mm. mmmeam MSawKa W. L. Douglas shoes are sold through 80 stores In the large cities and shoe dealers every where. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Uar mot. goods faster an. brighter coloca than any etbn iyt. E Yery package euuantxd to color Silk, Wool, Cotton and Mlicd Goods at ons toliinj. 10 cants ttecksge. Write ior free booklet "How to Dr. Kid Mia Colors.'' caiendsr. blotters, etc MONROE DEUG COMPANY. Department Z. Qutocr. Illinois ' Best Hour for Reconciliation. A police justice iu speaking before the Woman Taxpayers' league of Mich igan said: "For some reason I find it easier to reconcile a man and his wife between the hours of eight and nine In the evening, rather than the same hours In the morning. Just why I do not know perhrfps there is a mellow ing Influence at that time but it's a fact" Miq!1!)IRJ!.!.!UI!l.l.l.'.;i!lll-l...lll WW Westbroolc, Me. "I Was passing through the Change M Life and bad palm in my back and side and was so weak I could hardly do my housework. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and it has done me a lot of (food. I will commend your med icine to my Irienda and give you permis sion to publish my testimonial." Mrs. Lawrence Masv- IIN. 12 King St, Westbtook, Maine. Mans ton, Wis. "At the Change of Life I suffered with pains in my back and loins until I could not stand. I also bad night-sweats so that the sheets would be wet I tried other medicine but got no relief. After taking one bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued it use for six months. The pains left me, the night-sweats and hot flashes grew less, and in one year I waa a different woman. I know I have to thank you for my continued good health ever since." Mrs. M. J. BSOWNBLI Uanston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roota and herbs, la nn paralleled in such case. If 700 wast special series write to lydia E. Finkham Medicine Co. (teal dentlal) Ltud, Hasa, lour letter will be opened, read and answered by t Woaiaa, tad held la strict confidence. All Right In Heaven. A lady of Somerset, England, be wailed the loss of a somewhat ill-bred but extremely wealthy neighbor, who had been Very liberal in his help to her country charities. "Mr. X is dead," said she. "He was so good, and kind, and helpful to me in all sorts of ways. He was so vulgar, poor, dear teiiow, we could not know htm In London, but we shall meet him in heaven." Workings of a Watch. In the average watch the balance wheel vibrates 300 times a minute, 18,- D04 times each hour, 432,000 times a day, and 157,788,000 times a year. As each vibration covers about one and a half revolutions, the shaft on which the balance wheel is mounted makes 266,(82,000 revolutions In Its bearings aach year. A Woman's Way. Bo determined is a woman to "looa up" to the man she loves tnat u sne married a worm she would dig a hole In the ground and crawl Into it in or ler to be able to put her head on his shoulder and say: "Darling, how big ind strong and tall aou are." Modern Term Misunderstood. "What became of that rascally young son of the Blowers?". "I understand he la to take a course of ethics In one it our modern penological Institutions." "There! And I heard he had been tent to Jail." Baltimore American. COLT DISTEMPER N You can prevent this loathsome disease from running through your stable an 1 cure all the colts suffering with it when you begin the treatment. No matter how young. SPOHN'S is safe to use on any colt. It Is wonderful how it prevents all distempers, no matter how colts or horses at any age are "exposed." All good druggists and turf good; houses and manufacturers sell SPOHN'S at 60 cents and 1 a bottle; $5 and (10 a dozen. 8POHN MEDICAL CO., Chem. Ists and Bacteriologists. Goshen, Ind., U. 8. A, - Love That Endures. Men and women may not forget In marriage the law of human nature that that which is not expressed dies. And any love that Is to . endure and to grow must express Itself in multiplied little ways. It is a serious matter that the repeated word of love and praise, the caress, the kiss, and the thoughtful attention should begin to tail. Delineator. Too Much Honor. Mildred was spending a day with a neighbor who had prepared a dainty luncheon table for the occasion. When Mildred was Informed luncheon was ready and arrived in the dining room she stopped, with a look of amazement In her face and exclaimed: "Oh, Mrs. 8., don't put all your finery on for me." Securing Happiness. ' There Is no such thing as finding true happiness by searching for It directly. It must come, if it come at all, indirectly, or by the service, the love, and the happiness we give to others. R. W. Trine. The Bee in Literature. The bee has- had a place in litera ture ever since there was a literature. Bees are frequently mentioned In our Scriptures. Classic poets rhymed the honey of Hybla, in Sicily, that being of Incomparable quality, and It Is a tact that the queens of the Hybla bees have been extensively Imported to this country to Improve the American stock. Should Love One's Work. The craft which thou' hast Ieamea, love; therein find thy refreshment; and prss through the rest of thy life as having entrusted to the gods all thine own affairs with thy whole soul, and making thyself neither a tyrant nor a slave to any man. Mar iub Aurellus. Dally Theught The key to every man Is his thought Sturdy and defying though he look, he has a helm which he obeys, which Is the idea after which all his facts are classified. He can be reformed only by . showing him a new Idea which commands his own. Emerson. Mysteries of Rheumatism Practically Solved Aefa'sa in Ilia Tissro of a Remarkable Anftljfj DAMAGED WHEAT BARLEY AND OATS FOR HOG FEED $17.60 Per Ton , t o, b. Warehouse Full ino,don fiuniahed upon !JicatioD. WALTER A. GOSS, 418 Corbett BIdg PVtoe East 6911 Portland, Or. S. S. S. Is a Begalar Wizard la Driving Out Rheumatism. RheumaUsm Is oftea the effect of some other blood affliction that has left Its lsn- r. n. u. No. IS, MIS WIBI wrltiat te " u.a tab aaear. press In the Joints, muaclea and mucoua coverings of the body. It works Into the tissue cells, theee tiny, little bodies la which nutrition goes on. And It Is hare that a most remarkable medicine known as 8. 8. S. does its most active and most effective work. IU action ta marvelona. Bed ridden rheumatics get on their feet as If by magic. That cold, clammy sensation that made you hujr a red hot store is (one In a twinkling. That excruciating pain that made a feather lay aa heavr aa a ton of coal on tha skin la (on. Tou get ua and dance with glee. Tour rheumatism ia tone-absolutely! It Is an actual logical fact, that Swift's Bur 8peclBo tushes your blood, gives your entire blood circulation a Ana thorough bath. It just naturally and In a to Inkling Irrigates every fctosk in louc body. It rushes into every celL every bone, muscle, ligament, tendon, mucous surface and every nerve to thrill with freedom, with health, with new found springiness And best of alt, 3. S. 8. though a pow erful searching, overwhelming enemy to pain and the causes of rheumatism Is as pure as tha dew on a peach blossom, aa powerful as the herolo works of nature, as aearchlng as the peremptory demand of tne most exact science. Ask for and Insist upon getting 8. 8. 8, tha world's cura for rheumatism. For private, personal advice cat stub born chronic rheumatism write at ones to tha 8wift Specific Co., SOS Bwlft Build. inc. Atlanta, Ga. Their medical depart, ment la famous on all blood diseases, and la equipped to make personal blood testa, approved by the highest medical authori ties. Get a bottle of a. 8. a today. Thaa Mar goes rheumatism tat all """l