The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 09, 1915, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd. Publisher
Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner
Third and lefferson Streets.
Entered in the rnttornce at Athena, Oregon
aa econdUla" Mail Matter.
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. , 'f'
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months H
One copy, three months 50
Advertisings Rates.
Shick and O'Harra PitcTi Nine Innings
In Mid-Season Form.
Display, transient, running w..- ,
i iiK-h ...... 25c
UJUUiu, Mia. a....w.., f ,,, I J
Subsequent msertions.. iyn Osborn anil Colonel Wood, man
.r .
nienlnv rfnilflr. tier inch. . . .
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line c
Lodge resolutions, per line 'c
Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c
School Notes.
The looal spelling contest for tha
Athena, giadea wu held last Friday.
In order to qoalify, a grade had to
make a olasa avetage ol 60 par cent.
All grade) aioept tba eighth qualified,
with tha following averages:
Ihiid grade, 95.
' Fourth grade. 81.
Filth grade, 96.
Sixth grade, 93.
Seventh trade 68.
In tba written contest, the following
students wrote perfect papeia:
Third grade Ethel Ueiesel, Mildred
Mathers, Areta Payne, Benla Banister,
Dorothy Koepka, Kicbard Caitano,
Myrtle Downing.
Fonrth arade Velma MoAlexander,
Andra Wiusbip, Angntta Orodott, Ed-
ra Cartaoo, Sadie Pamuron, Kennetn
Stone. Lnolnda Uell, John Pink ei ton,
Verve Gross. Eva Carsten, Ethel
Fifth grade Nina Thaip, Herman
Geissel. Helen Downing. Ray Vanoil,
Eva Loudell, Willard Parker, Ralph
Gbanev. Lela Sobnbert, Savannah
Smith. Gail Stone. Harvey Lnodell.
Sixth grade Thelma MoEwen, Mae-
belle Dnnoan, Eogena Osborn, nana
Seventh gradr Areta Littlejoho.
Fnllnwina tha written contest was
an oral and a wiittsn elimination eon
teat. Aa a result, tba following wete
aeleoted to represent tbeir reapeotive
grade at tbe division oonteit:
8rd grade Dorothy Koepke and
Riohard Cartaoo.
1th grade Lnoinda Dell and Sadie
fith grade Harvey Lnodell and Sa
vannah Smith.
6tb grade, Maebelle Dnnoan and
Franc Miller,
7tn grade Areta Liltlejonn and
Belle Pambrno.
Tbe Athene division contest will be
held at tbe Baptist obnroh on Batnr
day, April 17. beginning at 1 p. in.
Tbe districts comprising tbe Atbena
division ate Numbers 8, 15. 17, 29, 80,
62, 85, 94, and 1111.
League Standing:
Played Won Lost PO
Weston a 3 0 1000
Milton-Frcewater. 2 2 0 1000
Atbena - - 2 0 3 000
Helix - 2 0 2 000
Next Monday's games: Athena at
Helix; Weston at Milton Freewatei.
agera respectively of tba Athena and
Weston teams in Judge Hiobatdg
"East End" base ball leagne, settled
an argument on the Athena grounds
Snnday afternoon, and Weston took
the game by a score of 3 to 1XY
"Rnsty" Sbiok and NewyU'Harra
went tba tnll nine innings in mid
seaaon form and pnt np a battle royal
for tba entertainment cf Atbena and
Weston fans. A leatnra of the game
was tba number of ettik acuta renoided.
Sbiok found fourteen of the Colonel's
men and O'Harra whiffed 15 of Os
toin's pete. Sbiok allowed tut tbtea
bits, ona that went for borne rnn
and brongbt borne tha bacon in tba
ninth with tha score tied np 2 and.
Atbena solved O'Harra for aix binglea
ona a S bagger by DePealt in tba fifth
which netted Atuna'a second tun
Brooks and Stone lead off with tbe
batting honors of tba day, getting two
bits oft O'Harra. Blocks also was tbe
fiiet to aoare in tbe game, registering
in tbe third, when Stona laoed out a
two-faasa fait.
Weslon put over two unearned runs
in tbe fifth. Kennard made a safe bit,
advanced to second when Sbiok jog
gled Barnes' grounder and gava him
life at Oist. Turner boned one over
to Utant, wbioh tbe lanky first base
man erred in handling. Kennard
aooied. Barnes aoored a moment later
wbeo F. Turner sacrificed. No more
runs came until the ninth, when
Blomgren sent the ball into aenter,
wbiab rolled out of reach of Stone for
a home rnn. Atbena could do nothing
with O'Hsria in her part of the ninth,
Henry Dell tells it aa follows:
Wednesday, Apiil 7, at 1 o'clock,
a pretty wedding was consummated at
the home of Mrs.N. Dlokeuson. when
Ruth Olive, ber youngest daughter,
wbs united in marriage with Mr. Er
nest S. Chandler. .
Both yonng people are well known
in Atbena, tbe yonng lady having beet;
reared here, where last year aha grad
uated from the High sobool. The
groom has made bis home in thii vic
inity for several years and it highly
Tba rooms were tastefully oeooratea.
A bower of lace and flowers Oiled one
coo ret, wueie, under n oen or lines,
the oeiemony was performed by Kev.
A. M. Lambert. Tbe biida locked
obarming in a simple diets of white
organdie, and was unattended. Soon
after tha ceremony, the guests, woo
oompiised near relatives and friends.
partook of a wedding lunoheon, (re
pared by tba bride's mother, and tbe
young oouplo left immediately after
by auto for Pendleton. From tbere
tbey will go to Central Oregon, where
they will visit relatives of Mr. Chand
lre. and may take up residence on a
homestead in tbe vicinity of Sbaniko.
Monday nigbt'a meeting wag the
Drst under tbe newly elected uity
(.lllII and tbe oatb of offloe was ad
ministered to the following officers:
Homer I. Wats, Mayor; M. L.
Watts, J. E. Frconie, J. W. Welch,
N. A. Miller, oonnollmeu; B..B. Rich
ards, reoordor.
CounallmBD Dell reported that the
fire committee bad ordered an eleotrlo
fire siren alatm on HO days trial ou
oonditlon that the oily pay tbe freight
In oase tbe siren was not aooepted and
Is returned to tba company.
Tbe matter of street improvement
was dieouased and it was deoided to
Improve Filth street largeli by dona
tion and volunteer labor.
Tba use of megaphone Is prohibited
hnteaflei an Sunday.
The aounoil will enter a contract
with Oliver Diakeuson whereby it will
reimburse hi in for aanoreto walk at
intersection of Urd and Lincoln streets,
should tbe oonnoll nt any intuie time
rennire him to remove any walk so
Bert Cartaoo was granted a liquor
license for tba remainder of tha year
The oonnoil took under oensideration
a nronoeltion to norohase an Interest
in tba ball gionod and grand stand
for a ball around for children.
Tba mayor appointed tbe following
1'iuanoe Froome, Dell and Miller.
Ordinance Walts. Welch, and
Streets Llttloiobo. Welch aud
Fire Dell, Miller and Welch.
Water Miller, Froome end Little
Park Walts, Dell end Llttlejohu.
Health Welch. Miller aud Dell.
The bill of Tieasnier Bnrke of IfiO
(or annual aulaty was laid ou tbe table
nntil tbe tieasnrer'a toots were aun
ited. Tbe mayor uuuied E A. Zerba
as an accountant tu examine the
treaaurer'a books and report to tbe
. Steps In Front of Auto.
The Walla Wail Uulou of Wedues
day morning says: ,
"Mrs. F. U. Jouuion, aged atout 57
of Colli bo Plaoe, was run down by an
ntndiiveu by J. F. SSeibe, liviug
near Alliens, about t:0 and received
bad t'lakicg np and sprained back.
With her husband, she started to cross
Main street. Looking up, aha euw
Zotti's macblna, wbloh wa moving
Hlowly. She apparently beoame con.
fused, according to witnesses, and
stepped baok, the maoblne throwing
tier to tbe pavement and stopping
stove her tody. Chief of Polios Mar
tin and Patrolman Potter polled her
from beneatb the oar, put ber In an
atnbulauoa and sent her boms. "
Mr. Zerts did everything possible to
avoid tbe accident, and is in no way
fa-blame. He bad bis oar in pel feat
oontiol sad bad the lady not stepped
in frout of tbe maohioe after she had
suited in tbe opposite direction ths
accident uudonltedly would not &
occurred. ' ' " "
1'bs auto stage leaves Athens twioe
daily for Weston, at 8:40 a. m. and
4 :1Q p. m. ; aud leaves twice daily for
Adams sod Pendleton, st 9:25 s. m.
aud (1:30 p. oi. Express packages sal
lied. Headquarters st St. Nlohols
Hotel. A. M. Borden, proprietor. Ad.
M. Turner
F. Turner
0 0 0 0
0 0 10
Tbe Score.
2 0 0 0 18
1 0 0 0 02
86 2 6
Total - - 82 8 8 8
Summary Earned runs, Atbena 2;
Weston, 1. 2-base hit, Stone; a base
bit, DePeatt; home rnn, Blomgren;
eaoriUoe hit, Turner; etoleu bases,
Biauks, Stone 8, Harmon 2, DePeatt.
Base on balls, O'Harra, 1; stiuck out
by O'Harra, 15; by Shick, 11; left on
baHBS, Athena, 7; Weston, 1; double
plays, Brooks to DePeatt to Grant.
Reception to Grandma Bovd.
Yesteiday afteinoon at the regular
meeting of tbe Metbodiat ladies' Aid
society, tha time was passed in social
session, in honor cf Mr. K. A. Boyd
who will leave next week for a visit
with ber son in Ssn Fraaoisoo. Re
freshments were served by tbe ladies,
there being eigbteeu present A gold
rtonob was presented to Grandma
Boyd, in token of tba esteem io which
she is held by the eooiety eod appre
ciation cf the walk she has done with
tbem. Past oi Lam belt made the pre
sentation speech.
Notice to Creditors. ,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Io the ma tier of the Estate of
Lizzie Watts, Deceased.
Notice is heieby giveu to all persons
whom it may concern that Morville
L. Watts has been appointed exeantoi
of tbe last will and testament of Lizzie
Watts, deceased, aud baa qualified as
snob. All peisons having claims
against her estate are hereby requited
to present tbem with proper vouchers
as required by law to the said Marvllle
L. Watts, at his offloe in Athena, Ore
gon or at tbe offloe of hi attorney,
Homer I. Watts, in Athena, Oregon,
within six mouth from the date of
tbe Hist pnblioition of this notioe.
Dated this the 19th day of Marob,
A. D. 1015. Marvllle L. Watts.
Homei I. Watts, Executor.
Atty. for Exnoutur.
By Administratrix With Will Annexed.
In the County Conit of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
John Martin, Deoeaeed.
Notioe is hereby given that the un
dersigned faas been appointed adminis
tratrix with will annexed of the atove
entitled estate in the above entitled
court, and cae qualified a tbe law
directs. All persons having olaims
legally enforoible against said estate
are hereby notified to present same to
me at my residence in Athena, in
Umatilla County, Oregon, wilb proper
vocoders, witbia six months from lb
date hereof.
Dated this 26th day of March, A. D.
As administratrix with will annexed of
the aetata of John Martin, deceased.
Tbe Atbena Band is sure some swell
Bnt tbey don't know bow Io run
Giant' plaoe veiy well.
The cooks and tbe boosters and the
wet goods mix
Thev got the Palaoe lunoh room in
an awful fix.
But try for tbe batter Tbey oame
thro' with the collator'
Now Grant is baok at bis same old
Bnt nevertheless, it is all for tbe best;
Everyone trie to feather bis own nest,
But we as a people will show you why,
If we make a mistake, we never will
By the sole of our foot aud the orown
of our bead, ,
We are still selling lots of Pendleton
So think as you may and guess as yon
But old Grant's plaoe is running still.
Nioe White bens, a speoialty on tbe
You oan eat fresh eggs till you're
blaok in tbe face.
U is "Fido, Sbep, and a bale of bay,"
You oan get a good lunoh at Grant's
any day.
Monday, Tuesday and Saturday too,
Go to Giant's for some Mulligan stew.
Tba man at tbe bat is a responsible
The tig fellow himself, is a fine look
ing man.
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
call both night and dajr.
Calla promptly answered. Offloe on Third
Street, Athena Oregor
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloe in Post Building. Phone, 501
Offiice one block North of the Bank. .
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
The High sobool' play, "A Russian
Honeymoon," given at tbe open bouse
last Friday evening, soored a tig sua
aess for the young people, both from
A Unanoisl aud an ailietia standpoinl.
Indeed, tbe acting of these young lad
ies aud men was a revelation to tbe
audience, tbe production, under tbe
management of Pint. Muttbews, being
practically tiee from tbe usual ama
teurish diffidence. The different parts
were well carried out and tbe lines,
many oenstitnting long and difficult
sentonoes, were well learned. Mies
Rnbv Banister as the shrewish biide,
Miss Gladys Andre at tba grand lady
and Miss Pauline Myiiuk as tha peas
ant girl were characters remarkably
well taken, while Tom Caton bandied
the difficult tole of the Ooaut, taming
tbe ebiew, like a professional. Veine
Dudley as Irao, the sbcomakei. , with
bis wise proveibs and Hiram Harmon
as the portly hitendaot,'. brnogbl
down the bouse with their oomloslitiea
aud exoelleut soling, vbilo Lawscn
Boober, as tbe peasant lover, was all
that could be dealt ed. ,
" Tbe prooanris ot the entertainment
will go to defray expenses of school
- .
Elections Tnet W' Not In Acoord
With f PcsMlar Vote.
One on linoVa tn la n majority, atd
ttVmli.ll l'lilllli I tu nny fi Anierl
oiiii insldi'i,! iitii 1-n i:u-K urv not re
quired, else a troml wmiy of tlii'in never
would hnr reiu lii'il tha White House.
I'fiinsylvnnln'a tuny president, James
Buchanan, bad uonrly 40,!HKi fewer
vote thnn his competitors, old Itongh
and ItpHdy Taylor landed the )uh with
only 47 per eeut of nil the bnllota cast
Lincoln was n decisive minority pres
ident, mid be went to the White llmiae
with only forty out of evsry Hundred
vote that were polled Wooilrow Wil
son (rot Into otttee hj nu hIiiiomI equally
slim majority, hitting a trill mors
than -IO per cent ot all hmlnu
Neither time he was chonen irldent
did tirover Cleveland have holt ths
votes or the United states with nlin.
Strangely enoimh. the othei time h
wna nominated and when he wns bent
en by- Harrison, Cleveland nithoiich
the loser, had the irr enter niimlier of
vote by nearly louum .
Hence Cleveland won twlev un k mi
nority, but lost once with immiMt.v
Tllden tinil not only mors viiio than
Hayes, but more iinin nil hl eoniiietl
tore combined, jvl he nn-m t luenl lent
(Inrrleld, liks Hayes, minority
There seems to be aa great luck in a
minority aa in the divine right of ma-Joritles.-PtUlRdvU.ihla
R. W. HATCH, Manager.
Despain Building, ! Pendleton, Oregon.
Glasses Are Scientifically
Ground and Fitted. Lenses
duplicated in a few mom.
ents. All work guaranteed
American National Bank Building,
(Upstaira) Pendleton, Oregon,
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 f:ot Fir Wood $5.50
Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, .
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .
" 5.M
F, 0. B.
Athena Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Postofflce, Bdgewater, Washington.
Homer I. Watts
Athena, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon fc Dentist
Graduate McKllllp.Vetlnnry college
Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug
Hiore. rnone uo.
Buccced when everything else foils.
In nervous prostration and female
weaknesses they are the supreme
remedy, as thousands have testified.
It is the best medicine ever sold
over s druggist's counter.
' "A Recent
U. S. Government Report
makes plain your need of a
With Guaranteed Non-rusting Skimming Device
The Scientific Staff of the
Dairy Division in the United
States Department of Agricul
ture recently conducted a series of
experiments to learn what effect, if
any, iron (rust) has on cream and
The tests definitely established
of iron (rust) caused certain undesir
able flavors and that in every in
. stance when butter was scored a few
days after the making, the samples
in which iron (rust) was present
scored lower than the butter made
from cream which contained no iron
(rust). .
In using the United States
Cream Separator with non-rusting
skimming sections of solid
nickel silver you avoid all risk of
cream and butter with an "off"
The U.S. skimming sections are
positively guaranteed never to
rust. No other separator manufac
turer gives you a printed non-rusting
A demonstration gladly given
right at your home, without obligation.
EDWARD TUCKER, Weston, Oregon
Ed. V. Price Clothes
Made to Order
Our new Spring and Summer cloth samples are now
on display and we invite your inspection. We guaran
tee a fit and general satisfaction. Cleaning and pressing
given prompt attentiod. Reasonable charges.
Main St Booher & Piersol, Athena
Test It With a Tum.a.Lum
J. . FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
lot ooly out tbftl tn tMeommodftU
torn mtrolUrT trm
1 Can baiMoiuaodtd lor It elvan ana
veil nnMlnttd raoma.
k Cob. Mai AHBTaias, ATHSitA, fr
. T(raa -WT.Mii,i,.iii,iiii.r-" -nn
J1 i j-y.
Some Satisfied Owners of "TUM-A-LUM." SILOS
Top row, lull to riht: Swan Nelaou, Grandview, Wn; E. O. Piter
baugb, Graudvlavr, Wo; H. D. Forks, Graodvlew. Wo; II. 0. Davia,
Granger, Wu; R. D. Hun is, Granger. Wn. -
Middle row, leftto light: Geo. Firm, Prosser, Wn; P. Pengrnber.
Froeaa'r, Wn;E. 0. Job neon, Proseer, Wo; V. F. Jensen, Toppenisb, Wn;
Mr. Hague, Kenneniok, Wu; Fred (Jrosawoll Kenrjewlok, Wn.
Bottom tow, left to right: B. F. Outright, Sannyide, Wn; V. E.
Kreane, Snnnyeide, Wn; 0. M. Dagley Sanojslde, Wn; Chai. Armstrong,
Freewaler, Or.
iWTear Out and Mail
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company
. Athena, Oregon
I ahonld lika to have Information regarding yonr "1UM A LUM
SILOS" and would Ilka to aea a small model ot same. Am contemplating
craoting ton silo.
New Shop 0
For Business
lam now ready to handle all work in ray
line at living prices. All kinds of Sheet Met
al work a specialty. All kinds of pump re
pairing, plumbing, etc. I will guarantee en
tire satisfaction. Give nie trial.
W, H, Marcho J .
Opposite Tum-a-lum Lumber Yard, Main Street, Athena
The Style Shop
It is here to stay permanently. We are showing large,
dress Hats, Chiffon and the very latest in Panama Hats.
We will make special effort to please everybody. Call
and examine the stock, and get our prices.
Main Street.
Carden Building
Mrs. T. J. McCarty, Mg'r
Athena, Ore
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Our Market is
Clean and Cool
Insuring Wholesome Meats.
Main Street, Athena, Oregon