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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1915)
run WESCO SYSTEM or PENMANSHIP teaches rov HOW TO WRITE. IT IS THB BEST. BOOK BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED : " 182 PAGES. BY MAIL, 75c NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dave Houston. Prop. H. B. Thoranea, Mgr. Thoroughly modern. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod rat Prices. Thro minutes' walk from Union Depot. Writ for ratw. 72 It Si St, PORTLAND, OR. RUBBER STAMPS S,X"" Rubber Stamp, for Fruit Boxes. Mode on ihort set notice. Write. WMITI STAMP IIU CO., Iimmo am tun, mium, WHOM TRADE PROSPECTS ARE ENCOURAGING PORTLAND BARBER COLLECT Teaches the Trade 8 Weeks. Scalp, Cj Feoe Massage Specialty. Tool. Free. Position. Guaranteed. PAY while LEARNING. 193 Madleea St. Portland, Oregoa. r SAVE YOUR TEETH i Come Itl hftva yur mouth examined. I use the vary latest scientific painless method.. DR. A. W. KKENK. 851H Washington gt, Portland. MATRIMONIAL. Business man wants acaualntanca of lady be tween iJO and 80, matrimonially Inclined. This Is absolutely bona-flda and oonOdsntial. Box 866, Portland, Oregon. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. $800 to $600 puts you In possession of (rood paying tore, making- real money. Also a farm wanted, frefcrably unencumbered, in exchange for a No. rooming house. Remember our listings are guar anteed by bank references. We have been estab lished 22 years. Oldest real estate company in Portland. Send us your listings. We have the east, buyer. 618-619 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED try Cutttf's Black U PHI i. Low- BLACK priced, fresh, reliable; preferred by Wei tarn stockmen because thiv urn. tt whtrt oth.)f vaoelnti fall. I Lm Writt for booklet ond testimonial, M m io-soh tKft. HisoKiaf cilia ii.od sWIalXaS 80doM pkBa. Black I, Pills 4.00 TTia an Inltwtnp hut niiHar'a hart The mperlorltT of GutUr products Is dua to orer 11 yaara ot apeciaiinnr in vaosmat ana sarumi amy. All it All r.liltar't. Tf llnnMaln.hla. nr.l.r dlwt Vit CUTTER LAI ORATORY! Barkalsy, Call lor a la Improvement In business since depres Ion reached low tide several months ago has been gradual. Confidence has been restored and unless all signs fall, the country Is scheduled for a boom almost unparallelled. In order to overcome the depression that attacks a person In poor health it Is necessary that particular attention be paid to the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. These organs are the controlling; power In all matters pertaining to health and there is nothing will make you feel "so blue" and discouraged as to be without appetite to be subject to spells of head ache, indigestion, dyspepsia and bilious ness or to have constipated bowels. Nature never Intended anyone to be In such a condition and the only way to Im prove matters Is to give necessary aid promptly. This suggests a trial of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, because it has an established reputation as a tonic and appetizer, and will be found very helpful In any Stomach, Liver or Bowel ailment Jt is well known as a real "first aid." and for over 60 years has held a perma nent Place In thou Hands nf hnmra vi.i will make no mistake In purchasing a bottle today, but be careful to see that the Private Stamp over the neck is un broken. This is your protection against imitations. . TTDBtlEB 0.000 offered for enrtnln Inventions. Bonk"HowtoObtuin i Patent" and "What to Invent" Hsentfreo. Bend roufm sketch for free "report as to patentability. Patents ad l vertised for stile at our expense la U an ofartnrwtV Jnnrnala. CHANDLEE & CHANDLEL Patfttfltty't rasLUYssts 1034F.SLttasiUortcD.C. 1 I latoJO-afflaa I n3 ' WW HIS ctulot truthMy pre sent, and illiutrate the matt desirable varieties of Kedi (or the Northweit The beit of every thiaf lot (he eiarket at home tardea, the fane, the orchard, the poulnymaa and tin baa keeper. A reliable and safe guide to your purchases sad a reference book which should be io the kaads of every grower, AJt lor utile. No. PORTLAND PORTLAND.ORE. SPffl 9 Ha.. 1 Skunk, Enemiei of Caterpillar. A' new field of usefulness has been found for the much-ridiculed skunk in the fact that It Is a vigorous enemy of tne run-grown range caterpillars. Birds are of no service whatever In destroying these large caterpillars, but ikunks devour quantities of them, and this Is another reason why these little creatures should receive more consid' ration than they now do. Business vs. Idleness. The Importunities and perplexities of business are softness and luxury eompared with the incessant cravings of vacancy and the unsatisfactory ex pedients of Idleness. Doctor Johnson. Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids. Before operating to remove ade noids and tonsils the health of the child should always be built up. If there is an existing cold this must be treated and cured. If the teeth are decayed they must be filled. Treating me teem ana tne practicing of deep breathing exercises will be all that is needed to cure tonsil disease If It is strictly local, and not the expression of a systematic condition or some re cent Infection. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. 80UR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape'i Dlapepain" Digests 3000 grains rood, ending all stomach misery In five minutes. Time It In five minutes all stom ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Fape'a Diapepsln Is noted for Us speed in regulating upset stomachs. It Is the sureBt, quickest stomach rem edy in the whole world and besides It is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf fer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. Greatest Poets. Homer, Lucretius, Dante, Shake speare, Goethe, Milton, Shelley, Byron, Tennyson, Browning. Perhaps others might be added. It Is largely a mat ter of taste and temperament al though there Is but little room for ar gument about the first six names. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and: bow els. Do not gripe. Horse Chestnut Tree In Bottle. Horse chestnuts can be grown tn a bottle of water. Use a bottle with a neck wide enough to hold the chest- nut, adding water to Just touch the nut and stand It In a window. Roots will form, followed by a stem and leaves. If the water is constantly supplied the tree can grow lor years In the bottle Sincerity. I should say sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, la the first charac teristic! of all men In anr wav heroin. Carlyle, Optlmlstlo Thought. It you mean to profit learn to please, For years we have been stating in the newspapers of the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? ; 1 nDG1IM'. Ms, "I had pains In both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached and I was so nervous I eould not sleep, and I thought I never would be any bettor until I submitted to an operation, but I commenced taking lydia K. Pinkhara's Vegotable Compound and soon felt like a new woman." Mi's. ILlyward Sowers, Ilodgdon, Me. 9 Phkbtviixe, Kt. "I suffered from a severe female trouble. My ngut Biue nun me Dauiy it was anally decided that I must be operated upon. When my husband learned this he got a bottle of Lydia h. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound for me, and after taking it a few days I got better and continued to improve until I am now weli." Mrs. Mouua Smith, K.F.D, Shelbyvillo, Ky. 3 lU?0V3B' tTI.'? tt' "dvlsed a severe operation, but my J husband got me Lydia K. l'mkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now I foci like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it" Mrs. Ada. Wilt 803 Walnut St, Hanover, Pa. ' A DioATuit. III. I was sick In bed and three of the best phyal. . clans said I would have to be taken to the hospital for anoper, atron as I had something- growing in my left side. I refused to sub mit tp the operation and took Lydia & rinkham's Vegetable Com. Jwd,-nd worked a miracle In. my case, and I toll other women what It has done for me." Mrs. Lacba. A. Uriswold, 2437 East William Street, Decatur, ILL (f CLivBLAnn, Onia-M was very Irregular and for several years J my side pained me so that I expected to have to undergo an on. eration. lectors said tney Jmew of nothing that would help me. I took Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and I became regular and free from pain, I am thankful for such a amnd mmii. cine and will always give it the highest praise." Mia (1 IT (JnimrrTTi lAttf) rVtnarnnf. Kt n f-5sWrlte to ITDU E.PINKHAX MEDICINE CO. CONHbENmL)LVSN,MASS..foradvlcs Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held la strict ooulUlenee. Portland The wool market in the East ia in a most excited condition and stirring times are looked for in the Western atatea when the buying sea son opens. Everybody in the trade ia bullish, the growers because they are practically certain to get very high prices, and the buyers because they cannot be otherwise. The contracting- movement ia begin ning to get a little headway In the West It would be booming were there enough sellers. Buyers stand ready to contract for wool anywhere in eastern Oregon, but thev are not able to make any impression yet on the growers, and may not be able to do much In this line before ahearing time, unless they offer a good deal more than they are talking now. Dealers would be glad to contract for good medium clips at 22 cents, such clips as they bought last year at 17 to 18 cents, but sheepmen turn a deaf ear to such proposals. While values are ero- ing to be high this year it would be lolly to predict any definite prices. lhe hop market la plainly movme in an upward direction, under the in fluence of a strong export demand and with stocks at a low ebb. Fourteen cents waa paid this week for choice Oregons. This quotation has not been seen since the middle of last Septem ber. This top price, 14 cents, was paid by Louis Lachmund to Henry Eoff, of Independence, for 400 bales. Harry L. Hart bought 177 bales from Robert Ankeny, of Rickreall, at 12 cents. Wheat Bid: Bluestem, $1,641; fortyfold, $1.58; club, $1.52i; red Russian, 11.42; red Fife, $1.47. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran. $30.60 O31.60 ton; shorts, $32.6033.66; roueo parley, 3&(p6. Corn White, $38 ton; cracked, $39. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 16; valley timothy, $12.60: (Train nay, tiwajiz; alfalfa, $1213. - Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse. $1.261.60 dozen; eggplant, 810c pound; peppers, $4 crate; artichokes, 8S90c dozen; tomatoes, $1.76 crate: cabbage, ljllc pound; celery, $4 4.25 crate; cauliflower, $2; sprouts, 8 9c pound; head lettuce, $1.752 crate; rhubarb, 1012ic pound; car rota, $1.25 sack; beets, $1.26; pars nips, $1.26. Green Fruits Apples. 76c(S1.60 box; casabas, $1.65 crate; cranber ries, $11 barrel. Potatoes Oregon, $1,103)1.16 sack: Vakima, 90c$1.16. Onions Selling price $1 per sack. country points. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count 2223c; candled, 24c. Poultry Hens, lSOlSlc pound: mixed, 1212jc; broilers, 1820c; turkeys, dressed, 2021c; live, 16c: ducks, 1816c; geese, 810c. Butter Creamery, prints, extras. 82c pound in case lots; jc more in less that case lots; cubes, 26c. Veal Fancy, 1212Jc pound. Pork Block, 9Jc pound. Hope 1914 crop, 1214e; 1913 crop, 12c. '"" -,..; Hides Salted hidea, 16c; salted bulla, 10c; salted kip, 15c; salted calf, 19c; green hides, 131c; green bulls, 9c; green kip, 15c; green calf, 19c; ary nides, zee; dry calf, Z8c. Wool Valley, nominal; Eastern Oregon, nominal; mohair, 1914 clip, ZlC. Cascara bark Old and new, 41c Pelts Dry long wool, 13c; dry snort wool, lUc; dry shearings, each, 1015c; salted shearings, each. 15(3! 25c; dry goats, long hair, each, 12 izic; dry goat shearings, each, 10 zuc; salted sheep pelts, February, $1 1.60 each. . Cattle Prime ateera, $7.607.75; choice, $7.257.60; medium, $6.75 7.26; choice cows, $6(3)6.60; medium, $66; heifers, $56.26; bulls, $3.60 6; stags, $4.506. Hogs Light $6.26(3)6.90: heavv. $6.606.20. Sheep Wethers, $67.15; ewea, $56.15; lambs, $78.20. I XOW-KURE, ia the wall-known sow tnsdleftts that has for over twenty years been making good producers out of backward cows. It ia a tried ; ihj ucuvcti remsuy lur in" yrcc(i'-ffjij wr ireat" tnont of such Ills as Abortion, Milk Favor, Scour- ' ing sod Lost Appetite. Try a padcatrt ot KOW-KURK on your poorest milker and note results. It la sold by druaaiats and feed dealen In 60c aad 11,00 package. Writs as for raiuabia fros book, "Tot Cow Doctor." ! Dairy Association Co. X Lyndon-llle, ft teftllVxJ A complete modern disc Graf onola PORTLAND SEED GO. 0 Northwestern A tents for KOW-KURE. Portland, Oregon. HOW TO HEAL THAT RAW, ITCHING, SCALY SKIN- If you are suffering with eczema. ringworm, rasn or similar tormenting skin disease, try reslnol ointment and resinol soap. You will be surprised now quickly the Itching stops and the skin becomes clear and healthy again. Prescribed by doctors for 20 years. All druggists sell resinol ointment (50c and $1.00). and reslnol soaD (26c). Adv. Danger In Waiting. . Just because an Oregon scientist de clares that old men do the best work Is no reason, of course, why young fellows should put off contem plated achievements until the arrival of declining years. It may be that the man who accomplishes little in his early maturity will make up for the lack when he' starts down the western slope of life. It doesn't sound reasonable, however. r ' Made Slavery Hereditary. The first formal recognition of ne gro slavery In Virginia was March 1, 1661, when the assembly declared that negroes are Incapable of making sat isfaction for the time lost in running away, by addition of time," and slav ery was made hereditary in Virginia In 1662 by an act of the assembly that the Issue of slave mothers should fol low their condition. Weeping Willows. The weeping willows, so-called (sci entific name S. babylonlca), Is a na tive of China, from which country it has been taken over most of the civil ized earth. It varies in height and dimensions, according to climate and soil, and invariably maintains its drooping habit-thechief cause of Its attractiveness. 73 S)le(U lwith an outfit of 12 records (24 pieces) A (ij?5 I cak or at tame cak price on $5 JT1 XIK JJJ monthly payments, No extras. All sub- vTy v ggjr ject to y0ur approval. Send for one now. t It's the "Favorite" the first Grafonola ever offered at its price or anywhere near it. We believe it is the best that can be constructed and sold at the " price, or near it the first instrument of the enclosed type offered at anything like its price, and capable of 'all the tonal quality of the $200 Instruments. THE 24 selections on tha 12 double-disc rc- ords include the famous "Rigotetto' Quartette and also the splendid Lucia" Sextette, for which two selections alone many talking machine owners have had to pay Or your own selection of records will be supplied. No other instrument has built up for It self the tremendous vogue of the "Favor It." The cabinet work ia of tha highest possible craftsmanship the wood used be ing either selected grain quartered golden oak, fumed oak, Early English oak, or strongly marked genuine mahogany, hand polished. A guarantee slip goes with every Instrument. HThe Whole outfit subject to'three days' approval and your money back if you do not find the "Favorite" all that we claim for it. H.C. TRENCH &CHAAMcKINNl5 Broadway vbAlder3t PORTLAND, OREGON All The Makes And All The Records All The Time. Mail Orders Given Special Attention Seattle Wheat Bluestem, $1.64; fortyfold, $1.63; club, $1.62; Fife, $1,471; red Russian, $1.44. Barley $30.ton. Tacoma Apples Cooking, 7590c box) Spitzenbergs, Winesaps, Rome Beauties, Arkansas Blacks, Staymen Winesaps !! and Black Twigs, 85c $1.65; Delicious, $1.501.65. Cider 80c gallon; Oregon, $3 keg; 25c gallon. Comb Honey Yakima, $3.25 crate; atrained honey, $5.60; Idaho, $3.60; Nevada, $3.60. Hears Yakima, $1,60. Cranberries $8.26. Cabbage Home-grown, lie pound; winningsteat, zc. Carrots Local, 76c$l. Beets Home-grown, $11.26. Turnips Per aack, $1.85. Fotatoea Yakima, $2022 ton; White River, $1718; Burbanks, $22; sweets, SZ.OU cwt. Onions Green, 20c dozen; Oregon orown, si.&U aack; Yakima, $1.60; California, $1.60. Garlic 15c pound. Radishes Local, 20c dozen bunches; California, 80c Parsley 30c dozen bunches. Lettuce Head, $2 crate. Spinach Local, 6c pound. Cucumbers $1.602 dozen. Celery $3(83.25. Green peppers 26c pound. Eggplant 10c pound. Hubbard squash 21c pound. Rutabagas $1.75 aack. Cauliflower $2.25 crate. Artichokea 90c dozen. Brussels sprouts 8c pound. Rhubarb lOe pound. Fresh Meats Steers. 121c: cows. 12c; heifera, 12(5)121c: wethere. 121c: dressed hogs, 12c; trimmed sides. 161c; combinations, 161c; lambs. 13(uj 14c; Diamond T. C, 141c; yearlings, 18c; ewes, 11c. Poultry Ducks, live. 10(5)12c: hens. dressed, 16 18c; live, 10 14c; springs, dressed, 22c: live. 14(u)16c: squabs, live, $2.60 dozen; dressed, $6; turkeys, live, 18c j dressed, 2880c; geese, 20c , Butter Washington creamery. 80 Sic; Oregon, 2930e. Eggs Fresh ranch, tlrft atnr. I age, 2025c - TRIAL WILL CONVINCE ANYONE -THE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY NEVER DISAPPOINTS A few years ago I was troubled with complication ot kidney and stomach ailments and although I tried two or three different doctors, I was unable to obtain a cure. Having heard a great deal about Swamp-Root, I de cided to give it a trial and purchased a one-dollar bottle of Mr. Alexander, the druggist. From the beginning I could notice a change for the better and after taking eight bottles of your medicine, I felt entirely cured and have not had any trouble since. Had I began using Swamp-Root sooner, I would have been a few hun dred dollars to the good and saved myself a lot of suffering. You may use my testimonial any time you wish. Yours very truly, CHARLES E. HARRIS, 460 Sixth St. Marion, Iowa. ' I certify that Charles E. Harris signed the above testimonial In my presence, being first duly sworn to the truth thereof, this the 12th dav of JUiy, 1SU. U. R. KINLEY, J. P. A POTATO ROMANCE - If I ware a fanner boy. or a bov witli- rat capital, ana wanted an early compe ;ency, ra stare riant out crowing rota- wee," raid Henry Schroeder, the Potato ung of tha Red River Valley, whose story n the John A. Salzer Seed Co.'a Catalogue reada stranger than a romance. That advice of Mr. Schroeder'a, the aelf nade Potate king, cornea from a warm leart, a level head, an active hand, and tbove all, a aucceaiful Potate grower! Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co., Bingham ton, N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Win Do For Vou Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y.. for a samDle size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling about the kldnevs and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Wrong Position for Sleep. Sleep cannot knit up the raveled sleeve of care or do any other repar ative knitting if the head is bent sharply to an acute angle with the collar Joints. Frequently men and women who have slept In this suppos edly objectionable fashion for years and years suddenly lose the capacity for sleep with no new discoverable reason. It is difficult to convince them them that the elasticity and resiliency of youth has heretofore made up for meir ineiong awkward pose. Impedimenta. I cannot call riches better than the baggage of virtue; the Roman word la better, impedimenta; for u the bag gage la to an army, so Is riches to virtue; it cannot be spared nor left behind, but It hlndereth the march; yea, and the care of it sometimes loseth or dtsturbeth the victory; of great riches there Is no real use, ex cept It be In the distribution; the rest ia but conceit. Bacon. And There Are Others. The only actress who is willing to admit that she does not know all about acting Is she who has been at it all her life. Margaret Nybloc. GIVE "SYRUP 0 FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" cant harm tender little stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother) If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoontul of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigest ed food and sour bile gently moves out of Its little bowels without grip ing, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your druggist for a 60 ceut bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, children of all axea and (or grown-ups. Do You Know, Mr. Farmer, (here li mora money in five acres of Pota toes year in and year out than in anything rou can grow on your farm, and the grow ing of Potatoes now, with present machin ery, etc., is easy. It's regular Fourth of July funl Salter's Creations in Seed Corn put Wisconsin on tha Corn Map with its as tonishing yields I Headquarters for Oats, Barley, Clovers. For 10o In Postage We gladlv mail our Cataloc ind sample package of Ten Fa moua Farm Seeds, including Spelts, "The Cereal Wonder;" Rejuvenated White Bonanza Oats, "The Prize Winner;" Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte, the Silo Filler, etc., ate. Or Send 12 And we will mail you our big Catalog and aix generous packages of Karly Cabbage, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Onion furnishinfr lota and lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring and Summer. Or send to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box 720, La Croeae, Wta.. twenty eenta and receive both above collec tions and their big catalog. The Submarine. To get a submarine ready for diving water is admitted into the "ballast" tanks. To keep the vessel on an even keel water ia taken into the "trim ming tanks." By means ot these tanks the vessel is made to sink or rise, and to preserve the right position. 10 CENT "CA8CARET8" IF BILI0U8 OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause jrour stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery indi gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. Helping Kidneys By Clearing Blood A Function Greatly Assisted By a Well-Known . Remedy, , Dressy Collegians. - Patience "An automobile repair course has been added to the curricu lum of an Iowa agricultural college." Patrice "Now, In speaking of college togs, don't forget the overalls." Yon- kers Statesman. To Clean Copper. Copper articles that have become discolored can be made to look new again by rubbing them with lemon dipped in salt and afterward rinsing in clear not water and polishing with a soft cloth. Yon Ceo Get Allaire r. rRFX. Write Allen S. Olm.t. !. v v . free sample ot Allen'. frnnt.KaNA. Tt ''r.Toa sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight .hoes easy. A certain cure for oorns. ingrowing nail, and bunions. All drug llataaelut. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. The Real Thing. An aim In life is the only fortune worth the finding, says Stevenson; and it is not to be found in foreign lands, but in the heart itself. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Kemetly for Red, Weak, Watery Eyee and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting luwAye uomiors. write lor Book, ot .be Eye )y mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Dally Thought If a man has nothing to reproach himself with, he can bear anything. Phillips Brooks. Human Doormats. Some men could be sized up In two words: Human doormats. Florida Times-Union. The Medicine of Life. A faithful friend is the medicine of life. EccleslaBtlcus. WHEN the food reaches the stomach it b snbjeeted to rjealbrtV. churning movement by themuacular walla of thestomaeir 9mA . ". vt' "j- in im liver. Kidneys and akin, the blood la purified of its waate materials thee organs act as human altera, leaving the blood pore and clear unless liver, digestive tract and kidneya are clogged. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic by assistinir the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the kidneys to act the poisons are removed, the red blood corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active instead of logy, dull and heavy. The ''Discovery" stlmu lea and ia a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants baa been favorably known for over forty yean. Everywhere some neighbor can tell you of the good it has dona. Sol J by all nWi'ctne oWera In EquiJ mr tabUt form or tmnd SO one-cenf romp, to Dr. V. M. HBMCe. Bmflmlm, S.Y.,m trial box will kt matlmd you. uumjin Churn Most readers will ba Intcrr-sted to mora clearly understand why analysis ot urine Is so Important. In the use of 8. R. S. to purify the blood, Its action Is a stimulant to the myriad of fine Mood vessels thai make up the constructive tlBsues of the kidneys. All the blood from all over the body must pass through the kidneys. They act as testers and aasayers. And according to what they allow to pass out in the urine, both as to quantity and materials, the health of the kidneys and the quality of the blood Is determined. The catalytic energy forced by S. 8. &. Is shown In the urine. It Is also demonstrated In the skin. And as the blood continues to sweep through the kidneys the dominating nature ef 8. 8. 8., acting as it does through all the avenues of elimination, shows a marked decrease of disease manifestations as dem onstrated by urine analysis. This assist ance is a great relief to the kldnevs. The body wastes are more evenly- distributed to the emunctorles; their elimination la stim ulated by the tonic action afforded tha liver, lungs, skin and kidneya. Thus, In cases of rheumatism, cystitis, chronic sore throat, duskiness of voice, bronchitis, ssth ma and the myriad of ithM reflex Indica tions of weak kidney action, Brst purify your blood with 8. 8. R., so It will enable the tissues to rebuild the cellular strength and regain the normal health. S. 8. 8. Is prepared by The Swift Speclde Co., R27 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Oa., and 11 you have any deep-seated or obstinate blood trouble, write to their Medical Dept. lol free advice. Keep Up the Fight. This alone is thy concern, to fight manfully, and never, however mani fold' thy wounds, to lay down thine arms, or to take to flight. Lorenzo Scupoli. Catarrh of Kidneys Cured By Peruna COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathsome disease from runnibar through your stable ant cure all the colta suffering tiith It Tij" '"u beg'n the treatment. No matter how young-. SPOH N'S Is safe to use on any colt It la wonderful how It preventa all distempera, no matter how colta or horses at any age are "exposed." All good drucglsta and turf goods nouses and manufacturers sell SPOHN'S at 50 centa and tl a bottle: 13 and $10 a doaen. 8POHN MEDICAL CO., Chem. lata and Bacterloloelata, Goahen, Ind., U. S. A. i " i " " .? -JJasn'' I Vaf' "IhadCa- , iarrn or uio Kidneys and Bladder. I ' Am Very Thankful For Peruna. I Feel Well, My tongue is clear. I have no bitter taste mouth. I am glad to Ijiy I do not need Peruna any longer, I am perfectly welL I have Peruna in the house all the time. When I have a cold or when I do not feel well I take Peruna. We were all tick with the grip last winter. We took Peru na and it helped us. Peruna is the best medicine for grip or colds." Mra. Caa. H. Carina, Hex SOI, Or. tUTllle, Hlaua. P. N. U. No. a, iii WHEN writh a, tioa tMa pacer. El PUTNAM FADELESS DYES fa," r 1 aod (.irfu ool, SMmjn. Byck. h oofc. Wool. C- vl Hlx Co a, Un.. a aasaaaa. Wilts lei In. Mutt -W Dye aad Mi. CekecalatebMtera..t. UONKQE DliUG COMPANY " - - TZZ tZ.Oacr.llaMai