AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher ' ' ' Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Iefferson Streets. Entered In the Kofitornce lit Athena, Oregon as econcruiauB wan Mauer. - - LONDON'S SLUM BABIES. Siibacriotioti Ratee On ft rnnv. one vear ...... $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six montna .a One roov. three months 50 , Advertising Rates, Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 12 A. iu..i ... i.v. miZ uisjjiay regular, per mm t.nrnl rfarifrfl first insertion, ner line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line " ' Church nntlceii. admission, ner line. . 5c tATHENA. ORE., FEB. 26 ....1915 There will be no more oensue taken In the state of Oregon by the siate end county officers, and hereafter when "noses are oounted" It will be nndei fedetal supervision and tbat will take plaoe every ten veais or in 1020 for tbe next censes. The legislature has abolished tbe aot whioh provided tbat tbe assessor shonld taks tbe census of bis oonnty and as a oonseqnenoe As sessor Strain will esoape tbe nselees, needless and superfluous task of count ing the people of tbe oonnty this year. Not only in Oregon bat In all parts of tbe ooontry tbe government bas in augurated a movement to secure work for the unemployed and to furnish men and women to farmers and other employers ootaida the ottles. Every applioant for woik will be given a tborongb examination as to his qual ifications and no man wlil te sent onl ' for any epeoilio line of Work unless he is fitted for It. That Germany's blookade la effeo tlve so far, may be shown by the faot tbat twelve vessels have been attacked and either destroyed or damaged, and that in oonseqnenoe Amerioan grain has atruok tbe toboggan slide. Ger many's warning to keep out of the war zona Is being batkened to ty shipping to the extent that Insniauoe and char ters are climbing to probibitlve rates. Fred Warnook, for years publisher V of tbe Beppoer Gazette, and one of the best known newspaper men In tbe itate, dropped dead last Saturday it while traveling on a stage near West Htnjtou. For several months Mr. Warnook bad been otty editor of the Corvallia Gazette-Times. Deep plowing ia now the order of the day with Athena farmers. They are going "down below tbe crust" with 8-bottom, 18-inoh plows drawn by twelve head of horses. Tbe deeper tl'e furrow tbe better tbe orop, and with wheat prloes blgb, they are going down after the yield. Up aoross tbe lino, Canadian farms bio being Bold to satisfy mortgage oluims, there is no money In olroula. tinn and business is stagnated. Can ada it being faoed with a situation slmilur to tbat of tbe States in 1893. A smooth promoter book lu Iowa swiudled a large nnniber of investors In a fuba "Fox Farm" soheme, wbioh naturally suggests to us tbat some of tliem bave been probably "fox trot ling" considerable slnoe tbat time. Twonty-foor quarts of beer la too muob of I "chaser", for two quarts of whisky. Tbe legislature should bave "balanoed rations" hotter than that either a ont on tbe beer or pnt in more tooze. Twenty-five dollars "for sorubbing of the tombstones of my neighbors In tbe graveyard" was one of the pecu liar bequests lu the will of Mrs. Mar garettu H.Sohmldt, on file for probate In Bellevile, 111. Tbe formal report of Ore marshal on a fire wbioh destroyed a barn In Houston oonnty, Minnesota, stutea that a sparrow carried a coal from a bonfire to Its nest with the idea of waimiug it, Soatt If politics baa anything to do witb it, here's hoping tbat Mr. Proitt will make as good a game warden as bit piedeoessor, Ed Averlll grautlug there's nothing in politics but snooess. I IS! ' Will soma one tell us bow long the Moser bill will atand after tbe people are given a abanoe to get a whaok at It prodded of couiie, tbe governor does not beat them to it witb bis veto? Coui t reoords reveal tbe fact that I'endltton is the wulsky-tu-Iudluo boollengiug oouter of the Northwest. Peudlrton is to tne front in everything and ti kes a back aeat in nothing. Rubber la on tbe deollue. Filoea re ont nearly one-third on rubber tires for automobiles, and a new aohed ela on rubbernecks may bt aunonuoed later. . Witb wheat at $1.80, supplemented with poetry as an advertisiug novelty, tbe product untie bakeries la suie at tracting some attention in Athena. The newest paper iu tbe State ia tba Warrenton Newa. K. H. Flagg Is tba man behind tbe pen -and Volume I, Number 1 ia up to the standard. A few warm daya would pnt Ufa into growing grain,- and many fields that now look ragged would bave a diifereut appearance. Gutter Childrem That Thrive Where They Court Death. London gutter babies nro Immune to ordinary diseases and thrive under con ditions that would be death to other children, said Dr. Thomas, health of ficer of the Ftnsbury district. Dr. Thomas works In the most congested of the London boroughs, where 0,000 families live and sleep in 0,000 rooms. "Some of these babies," be says, "as soon or even before they are able to crawl, ore placed on the sidewalks early In tbe day, to be watched or nursed by a girl of four or fire years. They are true gutter children. Some times the Immature nurse falls asleep, wearied by her task, and tbe baby crawls to the other side of the road, heedless of traffic. Both are filthy and gutter stained, but tbey seem to live. Iu fact, the stock from which they have sprung rises superior to the ordinary diseases of childhood." A mong the cases reported are these: . A baby four months old was given a piece of raw fat and bacon to chew, because tbe grandmother said bacon was good for babies and canaries. One baby was dosed with stout and aniseed by the mother as a cure for colic. Another baby of nine weeks was fed chiefly on weak tea. Dr. Thomas complains of the Sal rcy Gumps, who act as nurses In tbe district, undoing the work of the doc tors in many cases. He says their ar rogance is equaled only by their Ig norance. New Vork Tribune. JHE HOUSE OF THREES. Curious Architecture of England's Most Peculiar Building. Tbe most peculiar bouse In tbe Unit ed Kingdom is probably tbe triangular one at Rushton, In Northamptonshire. Us design Is supposed to typify the trinity. This singular building has three sto ries, and each Btory has three win dows on each of tbe three sides, while each of the windows in two of the three stories Is in the shape of a tre foilthe three leaved shamrock. In each of the other windows there are twelve panes, arranged in three four's, and the panes throughout are trian gular. Three gables rise on each side and from the center, whero their roofs meet, a three sided chimney surmount ed by n triangular pyramid terminates In a largo trefoil. Tbe smoke Issues from three round holes on each of the three sides of the chimney. Three Latin inscriptions, oneoneach Bide of the house, have each thirty letters, while over the door there is another Lntln Inscription of three words, tho English of which Is, "There are three that bear record," and on each side are the carved figures of three angels bearing shields. Inside the houso each floor contains three three-sided apartments. The length of each of the wulls by outside measurement is thirty-three feet four inehea that Is, exactly thirty-throe and one-third feet London Telegraph. The Chair of. Torture. Tbe most prominent building In tho ancient city of Nuremburg is the cas tle. One of Its two towers was used for torture; the other served as a prison. The castle.also contained a museum of horrors until it was purchased by tho Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, in whose possession these relics now lie. One of these was the chnlr of torture. It was very heavily made and studded over the seat nnd nt the elbows with blunt topped spikes. To It the victim wastlglitly bound, and In a short time discomfort began to manifest itself and In time becnino unbearable. . During Its continuance the torture was increas ed In several ways by means of wedges being passed between the legs nnd screws being applied to the thumbs until they began to bleed. A Joint Concern. . When Rlebnrd Brlusley Sheridan was In distress, In early life, one of his resources was that of writing for the fugitive publications of the day, in which bo was materially assisted by his wife, and many years after his entrance Into the spheres of politics be was heard to say that "If he had stuck to tho law he believed ho should have done us much ns his friend Tom Ursklne; but," continued ho. "I had no tlmo for such studies Mis. Sheri dan nnd myself were often obliged to kovp writing for our dally leg or shoul der of mutton; otherwise we should have had no dinner." One of bis friends, to whom ho confessed this, wittily replied, "Then I perceive It was a 'Joint' concern." Triumph of Womanly Nature, A budding novelist who knew how to depart from the hackneyed way of piittin things sent to a Bostou editor a novel containing the following: "When she heard of the mnrrlnge of her false lover to her hand rival alio at first bawled bitterly, but her wo manly nntiiro booh assertiil Itself, and she began a desperate Hli'tntlon with another man." New York I'ost '" Paid the Fine. A policeman In a country village where "cases" were rare one day came across his landlord In au Incapable stale. The cbnnco was too good to tie missed, so the landlord was summoned and lined to tho amount or Hs ikl Tho lino was paid, tint the policeman's feelings can be better Imagined than described when, on reaching home, he found bis rent bad been raised six pence per week, and so It continued tor twenty-nine weeks, when the land lord coolly Informed him that he had paid tbe fine and could have his bouse at the former rent-Umdon Answers. . tfaking a Distinction. "What Is the difference," asked the teacher, "between caution and cow arUlee?' Johnny, wli,. uiwrvwl thins care tolly tor wi voiithfui a nersun Ha awerwl ".'notion wiieii yiiu re atraio nO fowardlo u when tlu- t'iri h.iitiw't afinld iJuUea' llmne Journal Dear eby " "Hoes the baby iro lu Bleep without much trouble J" Always, excpt on the MKbta we tiara company ur want to go out." Then Your Chance to Get This $400 ' Piano Free Will Be Gone. ban We will give a beautiful $100 Fiano direot from tbe maonfaotnter abso lutely free to the person sending ns tbe most appropriate lines to complete the verses below: A happy home, a borne complete, Where mosio, peace and pleasure meet; You'll find a Kohler & Chase Fiano here, And if yonr home lacks mosio, you Shonld buy a Kobler & Chase Fiano too, Then from all oare and trnntle free, Yon may be tbe one to get this beau titol piano free. A little thought and tbe words to complete the verses will oome to yon. We want every home tbat needs a Fiano or Flayer Fiano to enter this competition. Fill in tbe lines and write it on a sheet of paper and fill out and sign tbe oonpon below and mail or bring to our stote, THE FREE PRIZES 1st Prize To tbe person sending u tbe most appropriate answer we will give Absolutely FREE a Beautiful Fiano Valued at $400. 2nd Prize To the next most appro priate answer we will give FREE 6 mooths' MnBio Lessons and a cash credit of $120. iird Prize To the next most appro priate answer we will give FREE 8 months' Mosio Lessons and a oash oredit of $120. 4th Prize To the next ten most appropriate answers we will give a oasb oredit to each of $120. All other answers will receive oash credits of $25 to $120. These cash credits are good for the amount stated thereon towards tbe purchase of any new Fiano or Flayer Fiano if nsed within tbe time limit and are not good on any previous sale. Only one oredit may be applied on the same piano. Easy, isn't It? Fnt yonr thinking oap on and send ns tbe lines now; all yon have to do 1b make np two lines to complete the above verses. Fill in tbe lines now while yon think of it. KOHLER & CHASE, Wholesalers, for JOHN S. BAKER, Dealer, Pendleton, Oreg. All answers must reach onr store be fore 9 a. m. Tuesday, Mar. 2nd, 1915. Athena Bakery ED. KAUFMANN, Prop. Plain and Taney Cakes All kinds of Bread Dandy Sandwiches Delecatessen The shipping of bread, as everybody shonld know, is oritioissd ty sanitary commissions; It Is bandied so often and thrown aronnd so much, accumulating deadly germs tbat atiok like mosh. , And the doga aronnd tho coiner tbey smell at it as they go, wbiob makes tbe standard of shipped-ln tread so low. And when it's kept snrronuded witb bottles of tootleggerwhisky aronnd it. It's no wonder tbe people will aby in disgnst. None of tbat for ns, if we bnst. So go to tbe Atbena Bakery, wbere the best material is bongbt; wbere tbe prodncta are healthy and whole some, with a responsible man at tbe top. Kanfmann, FRES FRESH BUNS, 10c PER DOZ At GRANT'S LUNCH ROOM Come one oome all, both great and small; if yon aan't walk in, von oan orawl. It I'm not in, just rap tbe wail, and Into tbe Bread Box I will fall. , ... My Bread Is nice and ftesb and sweet and fit for any one to eat. It is neither sad not sour; will keep in year breed box many an boor. What it's made of, I didu't bear; bat will pledge myself 'tisn't made of beer. Six loaves for a quarter Is not too dear. Tbe Bread la mada In Pendleton not here, r , , The Bona are ronnd as an apple and brown aa a bear; yon oan get tbem at (J rant's, but net elsewhere." r Our Flog, a specialty, nice and thick are so good yon oan eat till yen make yourself siok, v 80 silenoe is oonsent; they're on the shelf. Coma into Grant's Plaoe and sea tor yoorself. . Grant. Notice of Final Account. In tba Couuty Conrt of the Stats of Oregon for Umatilla Oonnty. In the Matter of the Estate of Lonis LaBiasohe, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persona whom it maT oouoein tbat W. S. Fer guson, exeontor at the estate ot Lonis LaBraschc, deoeaied, baa filed his final acconnt and report iu the admin istration ot tbe cetata; tbat the Coun ty Judge by oidet duly made and en teied baa appointed (Saturday, lbs 20th day of Cdaicb, A. 0. 1915 at lOo'clook in tbe forenoon as tbe time, aod tbe rjoouty Conrt House in Pendleton. Oregon, aa the plaoe, where tbe said Dual aoaonnt aud report will be beaid and tbe settlement thereof made. tinted this 18tb day ot February, 1015. Homer I. Watts, W. S. Ferguson, Attorney. Administrator. SUMMONS. In the Jnstioe Court for the District of Athena, Umatilla County, Oreg. Lillie Miller, Plaintiff, - vs. Lavinia Graham and -Herman Graham, Defendants. To Lavinia Graham and Herman Gra ham, tbe above-named Defendants: In tbe name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer tbe oomplaint filed against yon in the above entitled soit witbin six weeks of tbe date of the first pub lication of this summons, on or before the 26th day of February, 1915. And you will take notioe tbat if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead witbin said time, tbe -plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tbe oonrt for tbe relief prayed for and de manded in plaintiff's said complaint to wit: For $200 and oosts and dis bursements of this action. This summons ia published pnrsnant to an order of Hon. B. B. Richards, Jndge of the above entitled Court, du ly made and filed on the 13th day of Jaonarr , 1915; and tbe first publica tion of this summons will be made in tbe Atbena Press newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla oonnty, Oregon on Friday, tbe 15th day of January, 1915, and the last publication will be mada on Friday, February 26, 1915. HOMER I. WATTa, Attorney fci Plaintiff. Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street, Atbena Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Offloe in Post Boilding. Phone, 501 DR. J. G. McMATII Osteopathic Physician Will be in Athena, on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, Office in Barrett Building, upstairs. Phone, 521. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. "' fa'"IMIIM"'1 FEDERAL MEMBER L 1 T SAFETY DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Graduale MoKllllpVetinary college Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug I more, rnone PETERSON & BISHOP i Attorneys-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon TOURTELLOTTE & HUMMEL Architects R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon. Notice of Administrator's Sale. In the County Oonrt of Umatillla Connty, State of Oregon. In the matter of tbe Estate of W. W. Jacobs, deceased: Notioe 1b hereby given by me, B. B, Richards, administrator of tbe estate of W. W. Jacobs, deoeased, tbat on Saturday,' the 6th day Marob, 1915, between tba bonra of one and five o'clock p. m., on tbe premises at Atbena, Umatilla Connty, Oregon, I will sell to tbe highest and best bidder for cash in band all tbe following de scribed realty, wbioh belongs to the estate ot W. W. Jacobs, deoeased, re alty desoribed as follows, and apprais ed at (250, to wit: Lot 8, in blook 6, in Railroad addition of tbe City of Athena, Umatilla County; Oregon, This notioe is given pursuant to that certain order made aud entered in tbe stove entitled matter in open oonrt on Jannary 27, A. D. 1915, directing tbe administrator berein to sell said realty. Homer I. Walts, B. B. Riohards, Attorney. Administrator. Citation, lo tbe Connty Court of the Slate of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. In the Matter ot tbe Estate of B. 0. Kidder, Deoeased. - To George B. Eiddor, Administrator of the above entitled estate: Yon are hereby oited to appear in tbe above entitled Court, on or before six weeks from tbe date of the first publication of this citation, aud then and there show oanse it any exist why yon should not aooount for all moneys reoeived by you as administrator of the above entitled estate, and wby a new bond shonld not be required of said administrator, aod wby tbe peti tioner the Ametioan Snrety Company ot New Yotk, should not be exonerat ed from all liatility as surety on tbe administrator's bond filed here in sub sequent to the time of filiug a new bond. The first publication of this citation ia tbe 26tb day of Febrnary, A. D., 1915, and tbe last publication of this oitatiou, the 2nd day of April, 1915. This citation is made and published pnrsnant to an order ot the Honorable Charles H. Marsh, Judge of tbe above entitled Oonrt, made aud entered in tbe above entitled oanse, upon tbe 18tb day of February, 1915. FREDERICK STEIWER, Attorney for Amerioan Snrety Com pany, of New York. For Sale or Trade. 2000 acres of grain land six miles from StauHeld. Fraotioally all in om tivatiuu; 1000 acres iu winter wheat, fair buildiugs, pluty at well water. Owner will trtde for oily property or atook ranch np to SO or 40 thousand aud take crop payments for balance. Price $-13 peraore; what bave yon for this? Frank MoEltoy, Cambridge, Idaho. -Adv, - THE ST. NICHOLS HOTELl I J. E. FBOOME, prop. X Only First-class Hotel in the City. : THE ST. NICHOLS ) la the only one that can accommodate T commercial travelers. i w ran beteoomendd for lu olean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. MArs aud Third, atbena, Or. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood $5.50 Cascade 4 foot Maple Wood, .... 5. 75 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.25 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS, Postoffice, Edgewater, Washington. C. I RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed .Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. lecftric Succeed when everything else falls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses tbey are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine ever Bold over a druggist's counter. &BarjaaeaBaaanaMssaimaBBSBBBBnBa "J Sit i it V s.. ' mm1' I -I v l tA. J. Parker in 1 Everything Flral Claaa - M 4 era and Dp-u-litf SOUTH SIDE MAIN i STREET ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 00,000.00 1 SI NATIONAL BANK OF W B. SHAFFER President, W. 8. FER GUSON, Vioe-Prosident. P. S. LeGROW Cashier. R. T. CANNON, Asa't Cashier. RESERVE jSYSTEMj BUILD MORE DURING THIS YEAR Many New Buildings on Farms and in Cities Expected in this Vicinity During Present Year. Many more new buildiugs for Athena are predioted both in town and io the oonntrv. The general (soling of better times is rapidly spreading and with the advent of spring, new jobs are op ening up. - Many modern step saving Homes are being contemplated. A general im provement in the arobiteotare of homes ' ot this viainity is being notioed. Ibe plan book which the lorn A-Lum Lum ber Co. loan to prospective homhuild ers contains over one bundled designs of homes, all of whioh have been built in the Northwest before and hava been designed by Northwest Architects, eo they are appropriate tot tbia part of tbe country. Barns, General Purpose Barns, Horse Barns aud Dairy Barns are being con templated. In the two story barns, the speoial Tnm-A-Lnm Circle Roof or Gambrel roof seem to be the two styles most favored. Both of these are self-supporting and will be fouod lu . the speoial Tnm-A-Lum Flan Book, The Tum-A-Lum Silo baa been de signed by their Engineers, to be built of atook lumber from their free plans. Tbey bave proven very satisfactory, and are recommended over stave siloa for hot dry climates. By reason of ab sence of patents, their cost is about - half the oost of patented stave bIIob. Hog-sheds, Cbioken Houses, Milk . houses, eto, will make np a large part of tbe smaller typeB of buildings. Ma ny of the designs of these bmldings , whioh bave proven most satisfactory elsewhere, are to be found in the free plans of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. aa well as a number of model sobool houses, of one room np. "See Johnson at the home of luni-A-Lnmber." Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOVAl 8AWIWQ POWQgW OO. , MEW YORK. ' JUIthe LmCunrofihe hesthgCspiing atfy the cost NOflAMMOCKING NOflUMMOCKING NO SAGGING IKi. I LlSS-rl WITT W-TWWW NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING See the SeJis!&Bed Springs at MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best RJEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon