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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
Press Paragraphs the city (torn Tharp motored Eail Dudley, was in town Wednes day. Oeo. Wall went down to Pendleton Sonde;. E. W. Konasek wee a Pendleton ... visitor 8nnduy. . . Col. Loose waa In Weston Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. to Pendleton Sunday. Mrs. T. P. DeFreeoe wbb a Walla Walla visitor Tneaday. Miss Gelene Bergevin spent Monday with friends in Pendleton. Mrs. E. M. Smith, of Weston, waa hopping in Athena Monday. Mrs. Lillie Miller was a Walla WBlla business visitor yesterday. Oonnty Commissioner Cook born waa in the oity from Milton, yesterday. Coming: Cbristy'a Minstrels. Op era House, Sunday, Feb. 14. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Vinoent were WAall-And anaatB nf Pan ( Johnson 'a orobestra will tlay a dance engagement at Weston, tonight. Mrs. W. 8. Farffnsnn taa witn irienaain walla Walla. Mrs. Chamberlain of Pendletun, visited at tbe Ramsay home on San day. " E. M. Smith and William MoKen zie of Weston, were in town Wednea- ' fay- . - . Jerry Stone and wife were in town Wednesday from their borne near Ad tams. Charles Chant ia having his eating honse deooiated with a fresh ooat of paint. , Mia. Bngh Molatyre and danghter, Miss Ethel, went over to Walla Walla yesterday. Miss Boylan, who ia teaoblng fn the Stone distriot, spent the week end in Pendleton. I The Preaton-ShaSer mill bag been olosed down thia week for repairs to maobinery. Mrs. J. H. Harmon and her little son have both been ill this week with severe oolds. ' Ueorge Darvean, owner of the St. George betel at Pendleton, waa in the oity Wednesday. ', Wm. MoBride has pnrohased a Bniok tooring oar. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dndley motored to Pendleton Tuesday. For SaleA practically new Velhr piano, for $250. Enquire of Mrs. Jane Garden. Adv. Louis Bergevin and danghter and JUlsa Marguerite Forrest visited Walla Walla Tnesday. Mr. and Mrs. Zopn have rented the Luna home near the mill, and have taken nn rafltrinnna fhnA Va dog showing symptoms of rabies. fie reported to have been killed at tba Raymond plaoe reoently. The Tom Christy (all white) Min strels, Sunday February 14. Entire ohange of program. Adv. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon will give a putlia reoital for her mosio pupils at her home tomorrow afternoon. I will buy your seoond-hand furni ture, paying highest prioe therefor. Pbone 948, Walla Walla. Adv. Wanted. Man and wife desire em ployment on farm. Competent and reliable. Enquire at Ibis oflioe. 8t. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton oame over from their home in Milton Sat urday, to visit their son on the ranob. All outstanding aooonnta owing to Mrs. Lillie Miller, must be settled during the month of February. Adv. B. D. Tharp took a numter of en thusiasts over to see the basket ball game in Walla Walla Wednesday eve ning, Mrs. Mariin Hansell and ohildren returned borne Monday,- from a visit witb relatives at county. ad.XJ in ing Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Le Grow went down to Pendleton Sunday and spent tbe at ternoon witb friends. Mrs. Eber Lnua has gone to La Grande, wbere she will join her bos oana, woo la employed in a mercan tile establishment there. Milt Swaggart has another oil paint' on display lu this oity. It may te seen in tna show window at Car penter's jewelry store. Wanted. Man and wife want work on ranoh for tbe summer. Experienc ed. Referenoes. Address, 819, Beaure- fgard St., Pendleton, Ore. Adv. Una Sohubert, formerly a resident of Atbena but now in tba mercantile business in Pendleton, was a bnsluesa visitor in tbe oity last Saturday. ; Osteopathy is making wonderfnl progress. Call at Dr. MoMath'a otlioe at tbe Barrett building and be relieved of those aches and pains. Adv. Miss Zelma DePeatt went down to Pendleton Bunday evening to visit ber aunt, Mrs. Gen Harris, who baa been seriously 111 for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley spent Wednesday night in Walla Walla, and witnessed Whitman college defeat University of Oregon at basket ball. Walter Judy dropped in on bis Athena friends Wednesday, He ' ia employed in the Postofflae at Seattle and was on a vaoation trip to Califor nia A three-bottom Book Island plow a new implement being introduced by the Eirk implement house, waa tried ont satisfactorily Wednesday after noon. : , . Moro, Sherman Plowing bag begun in thia part 'of I te oonnty, tbongb In tola immediate , den -i hat Born, February JO, 1916. to Mrf TloiDi' 'he work is not under way as and Mrs. Alex. MoFayden of this oity a girl, weight seven and one-half pounds. ' rohie Molntyre has purobssed one or tbe new and peppery looking Dodge oars, the first one to be plaoed in this vioinity. Mr. Bnd Mrs. Sheldon Taylor, were among those going over to Walla Wal la Wednesday evening to tee the bas ket ball game. Jaoob Beno baa been engaged this week in cleaning np the City Park. He Bods plenty to da down there, and ia doiog .it well. The usnal' Saturday night danoe will be held at tba opera boost, to morrow night, Gordon's orohestra fur nishing the musio. Coal Tar Increases the Life of your Barn Roofs and Fence Posts. Genuine Coal Tar in Barrels of 50 Gallons $3.50 At the Gas Plant, PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 40 Russell eSt Son The cTWarket That Lowered Prices J. W. Da by, Manager. mm Sf4 Don't Forget that we are still in the Meat Bus iness, and prepared to give you the choicest of meats. We kill nothing but top-grade stock We have pur home-made Bacon and Bologna. Try our Jelly Tongue. We have the purest of Lard at $1.25 for 10s; 65c for 5s; 40c for 3a. Our Phone number is 493, and we give special attention to Phone orders. We Strongly Recommend Our White Pine, Tar and Eucalyptus For Colds. Give it a Trial. Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist extensively as it is north and west of town. ' A foil line of Spalding's base ball goods for men and toys will bs oatried hereafter at Walter's billiard ball. The line inolndes, balls, bats, mitts, eto. Adv. The Athena tennis olnb has reoigan- ized for the season. Tbe olnb will have two oonrts this Teat. Tbe new oourt will te located just east of tbe Flamondnn oourt. Craig Wilkinson went down to Pen dleton Wednesday evening to see bis unole, W. D. Chamberlain, who re oently underwent a second operation at tbe hospital there, W. S. Preston, brother of Mrs. Jos eph N. Soott, and Miss Mary Marshall, a yonng lady of MoMinnville, ware married on the 2nd Inst., at Hunting ton Beaoh, California. Bob Moloney, a former well known Athena boy, having lived here witb bis mother, Mrs. Delia Ualoney in bis early boyhood, is over this week from bis home in Walla Walla. W. J. King bas been appointed' supervisor of Boad Distriot No. 8, wbioh is situated north and weal of Athena. Bia appointment was made by the oonnty oourt this week. Chris Tboney, the well known -gas-den produce raiser, residing on Fine Creek above Weston, spent a oouple of daya tbig week in the FoBS-Winship tin shop. Mr. Tboney is an expert tinsmith. Born, Saturday, February 6, 191?, to Mr. aod Mrs. Von Wiler, of Eenne wiok. Wash., a daughter. Mrs. Von Wiler is at the borne of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. B. Zerba, in thia oity. , j Fay LeOrow handed ont Mexican oigars of a rare quality to bis friends yesterday, he reoeived with tbe oorn plimenta of his brother-in-law, an army officer reoently stationed at Vera Cmz. Matt Mosgrove haa deoided to remain in the mercantile business in this oltr. A recent dosing oot'aale was held, and Charles Betts baa retired from tbe Arm. Mew stock, is being added daily. Mr. and Mis. James Potts had A, Maokenzie Meldrum as their guest for dinner last Sunday, aod with Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Soott and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson added to the party, motored to Milton Sunday evening. "Big Dan" Kirk graoed Athena witb his smiling visage, Wednesday. He was promoting the sale of butter man ufactured by tbe Hudson Bay Co operative Creamery oompany of which be is one of the principal atookbolderi Freewater Times: D. B. Jarman, a well known mercbant of Weston, bas aooepted a position witb the J. A. Sahmidt Meroantile Co. aod bas rent ed a boose and will take up bis res idence iq Freewater in tbe near futnre. . George Froome spent a oonple of daya ia Atbena thia week. He la nursing a broken arm the injury hav ing ooonrred some three months ago when be was thrown from a stage eoaob, while traveling tbrongb Nev Mrs. E. A. Dudley' went over to Walla Walla Wednesday,' morning to spend tbe day and attend tbe U. of O. Wbitman basket ball game. She was detained on the aooount of the serions illness of ber mother, Mrs. Donald McDonald of that oity. To obiaken owners Thia ia to serve aa a notioa for the last time. tbat all ownera of ouiokeng most keep them oonnned aa provided by ordl nanoe. From this time on, owners witb obiokens fonnd running at large will be brought before the oity record ar. Bert Bamaay. City Marshal. Mrs. Anna Wilkinson reoently re oeived a letter from an annt, Mrs Ootavia Chamberlain Ccoxford of Wakaman, Ohio, which, considering tba extreme age of tba writer is a marvel of aoooraoy in diotioo and composition. Mra. Croxford is 93 Tears young, and writes with tbe fluenoy and alert intelligence of mid die age. - ine are department answered an alarm Mooday morning, and made a rnn to tbe Dnnoan Molntyre resideooe on tbe West Side, ooonpied by Cbarles Ooomana' family. An overheated stove eaoeed tbe floe to barn out and aoorebed wall paper was tbe only dam age. Tbe scare waa over before tba fire laddies arrived, tat Mr. Coomana la tbaokfnl for their prompt response, aevertnelees. Bev. Bentley, of Milton-Freewater. HS will arrive tomorrow to assist in tbe evaogelistio meetings being oortdnot- ed ty Bev. and Mrs. Driver, in the obapel oar. Bev. Driver announces tbat tbe meeting will oontione in definitely. . . lea Dndley is in town for a oonpls f days, before returning to Eugene, having been a participant in tbe Uni versity basket ball tour. Clayton Sharp, a former Atbena boy, but now of Seattle, who is attending the U. of O., was also a member of the team, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ferris reoently of Harrington, Wash., bava been vis iting at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Williams, sooth of Athene. Mr. Ferris is favorably impressed with Athena, and waa in tbe oity Wednes day, endeavoring to looate a house for rent. i . Dreamland program for tonight and tomorrow night: 1 and 9. "A Lead er of Men," Lubin. 8. "Sandy aod Shorty at the Ciioos," Vitagrapb. Sunday: 1. "In a Hostile Country," Essanay. 3. "Love-of Penelope." Selig. 8. "Tbe Hangry Tramp," Labia. ' - , ' Wanted. By a first class tenant, a lease on 800 to 1000 sores improved barley and wheat land; or 820 to 810 acres improved general farming land with some alfalfa; will buy atook and implements neoeBsary to run ranoh; must te. near shipping station. Ad dress tills paper witb looation and de- iption of land. Adv. . Lower Main street was badly out Friday and Saturday of last week by heavy trafflo, owing to thawing of frost under tbe maoadam surfaoe. The Athena Truck oompany whiob hag tbe oontraot for hauling the material for the new sohool bonse, reoeived in struction from the anthoritles to light en its loads to be banled over tbat portion of tbe street. Louis Andette, who has been visit ing friends in this vioinity for a oon ple of weeks, will leave next week for big borne in Alberta. He is not suited with Canadian halter ohains, and pur chased a bnndred foot of his favorite kind from the Fogg-Winsbip oompany. By outting the ohain in proper halter lengths, be evades tbe payment of cus toms duty. Mrs. A. A. Fobs took a photograph of tbe big stiok of timber, tba seoond one to te used in the oonstruction of Athena's new sohool building. Ths huge pieoe of lumber ia 40 feet in length, and 90x80 Inches in dimen sions. It wss mounted on a Birdsell wagon, handled in atook at tbe Eirk implement bouse, aed when the plo tnre waa taken a orowd of men atood on the timber. Looal taxpayers may pay their taxes at the First National Bank of Atheoa, aod thus save the expense of a trip to the oonnty aeat. Tbe 1914 assesssment roll baa beeo turned over to tbe oonn ty treasurer hy the oonnty assessor, and statements will be mailed to tax payers as soon as possible. Taxes are now due and payatle, and will be oolleoted under the same law as list year. All or one-half must be paid on or before Ma-rob 81st, and the seo ond half is payable on or befoie the Slat day of Angust. The aeries of evangelittlo meetings now in progress in the Baptist obapel oar "Wood Will," nnder tbe manage ment of Bev. aod Mrs. W. C. Driver, is attracting good andienoes each eve ning, and many have been tnrned awBy on aooooot of tbe laok of room, Sbonld this oontlnne, the minister an nounces tbat aervioes will be trans ferred from tbe oar to the Baptist ohnroh building on Fifth street Bev. Driver, who beld a meeting here some five years ago, is a pleasant and ioroe ful speaker, and with Mrs. Driver, fornisbes excellent vooal musio eaob evening. Sinoe tbe Reserve banking act bas gone into effect, toe comptroller or tbe currently bas served notioe cn all National banks of the nation, tbat tba praotioe of allowing aooounta to be overdrawn, mnst ba discontinued. Tbis rnle, aa laid down by tbe comp troller will hereafter be rigidly en foroed by all banks in the reserve sys tem. The new ruling is expeoted to be made universally easier to enforce in view of tbe faot tbat the co-operation of state banks has been obtained, sj that from this time on the over draft privilege will te abolished all r tbe oonutry. Harvey drove, a young men well known in Atbena and Weston, a bro ther of Charles Grove, waa fatally in jured Friday last, while working in a logging oamp near La Grande. A steel oabla nsed for draggiug logs narlAfl and fine end struck the yonng ... - . . man on tbe head, fraotnrlng tnastuiyj He was removed from tbe lunihsr oamp to a hospital at La Urande, where be lived until Monday, when he passed away. Charles Grove and N. A. Miller went to La Grande to oara for tbe remains, and on arrival there found tbe father bad preceded them, baving arrived from Portland before bis aoo died. Tbe body was shipped to Hillsboro for burial. Tbe deoeaaed was a member of tbe Moose order, and the La Granda lodge took obarga of arrangements there. WANTED By the OBEGON NUB SEB COMPANY, Orenoo, Oregon Tba LAHGESX and BEST Nursery in tba Northwest Two more hubi LING SALESMEN. Experience on neoessary. We teaob yon how to do it. COMPLETE OUTFIT luinisnea. Write NOW. HUBBXl-Adv. Fear of Premature Burial. The fear of premature burial, wblcb prompted tbe lata Lord Burton to dl rect by bla will that bis heart sbonld ba removed from bla body, baa caused many well known men and women to order a surgical operation to be per formed upon their bodies. Harriet Martlneau left her doctor 10 to ampu tate ber bead, and Lady Burton direct ed that ber heart should be pierced with a needle. Tbe late Edmund Tales left Instruction! tbat bis Juirnlnr rein should be severed, with s prorlxkm tbat a fee of 2U rtnlnens should be paid for tbe liarpow. Literary persons np pen r to nave been partial In rty afraid of premature tmrliil Hlnop nrrKewy lrd l.rttnn. linn Anili-rwn ami W!l HI,- 'llin nil looM uiraaiirea tu protect thwiiseltva fr-xu It- "'ciniloeUM tie xette. s aanuni'WLj . jui rt& . "sr avlngs The Waste in Groceries of in ferior, secondary quality, is costly. They are expensive to you, no matter how little you pay for them. It a certain portion is bad-unfit for use, it is a dead loss-a box of specked apples, for instance. Everything we sell is first-class- for the waste loss and Extravagance accruing therefrom, are eliminated. What you buy here is fresh Nothing better than our Red Ribbon Tomatoes. Corn, Pineapple, Salmon, Etc, FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY BACK STORE," ATHENA, OREGON The Litchfield lanure Spreader a f,- WAW The Rock Island Gang Plow by trial have been proved to be an unqualified success We carry" Peoria Drills, Birdsell Wagons, Rex Hacks and Buggies, Foos Gasoline Engines, Etc Third Street CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, fa ivious LIVER .GANG 14 and 16 inch Chilled Bases, Steel Shears SMetaker Wagons and Crank Spring wagons, Hacks x and Buggies. Athena C. A. BARRETT & CO. Oregon i 5aJ5as! A Anm a tllTIA USUal it " " - iv fH.vp tha most aavera r w -.w case before morniiut. 30 days' treatment for $1.00. Satisfaction Lf A If A -i 4 guaranteed or money refunded. LJjtskmJtWf&&&-A