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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1915)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and leSerson Streets. Entered in the Fnstornce at Athena, Oregon .as eoona4;iasBjuauHiivr. Rufincriotion Rates. One ennv. nne vear ...$1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six montns One copy, three months SO Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch. ..... 25c Subsequent Insertions.. 12 Display regular, per inch M Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line : Sc Lodge resolutions, per line v ' 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c tATHENA. ORE., JAN. 22 .1915 Athena sportsm en ore almost unit in favoring the retention of the com mission form of gams Rod flab prop agation and protection. Letters to the Senate, Hoose and Chairman of the Game Committee bare teen for warded, acclaiming their views in the matter. The proposed abolishment of the oommisaion and plaolng tbe foods derived from booting and fishing li censes into tbe general food, would be merely to plaoe game and flsb regula tion! back in the deoadent obaoneli from wbioh it was resorreoted by tbe commission. Tbe oommieiioo bag reg olated flsb and game on a oonitrnotive basis since tbe department was organ ized, wboily or nearly so from fnods derived from sale of licenses. This constructive polioy has resulted in a notioabie increase of game, tbrongb proper protection, aod more flsb In the streams, by virtue of strict en forcement of law regelating tbe tak ing of. them from the streams, Tbe Sub and game possibilities are assets of whiob tbe State may well beprood, This asset has cost the taxpayers of the State bot little, for the flsb and game commission is tbe one depart ment of tba State government tbat has been self-sustaining. Under pres ent conditions yon pay nothing if yon do not bnot or Hen, so wbat is the kick coming from those wbo are back ing tbe commission? If it takes every laitblng of the flsb and game fond to keep tba oommission going, whose boa loess is it, exoupt those who pay tbe piioetobnnt and fish! If tbey are satisfied, who else is interested, Wbat does It oost tbe taxpayer to feed tbe llsb in Oregon streams? Bow mnob Is the taxpayer out for game bird feed? Yet a few disgruntled legislators would "lop tbe taxes" by putting the ex to the neck of tbe game oommission iu the Interest of lower taxation. And the Oregonion, wltb a group of poach era wbo are denied tbe privilege of slaughtering deer by Ibe boond meth od, are vociferooelr joining in anvil oborns. ARMY AMD NAVY TERMS. Origin of 8ome of the Titles and Ex pressions In Uh. Here are tbe origins of some of the terms need In the army and navy: "Captain" Is derived from the Latin "caput," meaning a head: "colonel" comes from the Italian "colonna," a column, the "compagna colonella" bar ing been tbe first company of an In fantry regiment, the little column which the "colonel" led.- The title "lieutenant" cornea from a word sig nifying "holding the plnce"-e. g.t a lieutenant colonel is a sort of under study for a colonel, a lieutenant looks after a company In the absence of the captain, and so on. The titles of "lance sergeant and "lance corporal" origi nated In the fact that in tbe old days the holders or those ranks carried lance Instead of a halberd, round the head of which was twisted a slow match. Their duties were to go round the ranks with tbese torchlike lances and give Are to tbe matchlock men Just before a battle took place. The word "dragoon" was Brat used of a regiment of mounted Infantry, so called from the "dragons," or short muskets, with which they were armed: the wen known cavalry call of "Boot and saddle" Is really a corruption of the old French signal, "Dome selle,' or "Put on your saddles." "Admiral' comes from the Arabic "Emir of bagh, meaning i.ora or toe sea"; "commo dore" comes from tbe Italian "com mandatore;" "mate" Is from tbe Ice landic and means an equal, and the term "giving quarter" Is believed to have originated In tbe agreement wblcb existed in the old fighting days, that tbe ransom of a foot soldier should be one-quarter of his pay for one year, f earson s Weekly. Kindly fake tour squadrons and a cou ple of guns and push on forty mllea to clear up the situation, and start In half an hourr "Very good, sir." As the cavalry was Jingling out of camp Fussyman came out of his tent wltb the order of the day. Cpon find ing that Broad wood's orders were totally different from the formal ver sion Intrusted to blm by the command er, Fossyman gave Kitchener np as hopeless. World's Work. tbe Tha amendment to tbe proposed liquor bill reducing the quantity from live gallons to two quarts every four weeks, la rsduotioo, all right, but tba pluoipleof prohibition is lost sight at, nevaitheless. As one prohibition isl remarks: "It looks like the only bops rents with tbe booesty of those legislators wbo do not believe in pro hibition and wbo toted wet." Well, it does look like tbe Committee of One Hundred, tbe Anti-Saloon League, et. al. have tbe brand of Judas on them, if, as the Oregonlan says, tbey oon eoientiously ratify tbe bill as drafted and pieseuted to the legislature. . In a nutshell, it's up to the legislature to fsoa tbat 86,000 majority given pro hibition in tbe November election aod see to it tbat the people get what tbey voted for, A compromise with tbe liquor Interests of ootslde States, whereby they may be permitted to ship llqour Into Oregon, by virtue of Oregon legislative enactment, simply means conllsoation of thousands of dollars of Oregon liquor interests, In cluding valuable property holdings. Aod to this must be added tbe Inevit able transfer of tba liquor traBio from the lioensed saloon,, vciers you knew liquor was cold and regulation to some degree was assured. Into the hands of tbe bootlegger, whom you will not kuow and whose illioit trade it will be almost Impossible to apprehend, to ay nothing of regulating. Do yon oppose tba legislature oan te trusted to look after aud protect tbe interests of probltition Oregon, Mr. Newell? lu your oapaoity as Chairman of tbe State F ohibition committee, you are in a poiltiou to give us a lnoid answer. How atiout it? Satrrday, iu tbe House, Hopressnt-r-llva Olson iutrodnoed a fitrnk in tbe form of House Bill 78, wblcb provides for tba exemption of (eraoual property from attaoo moot. How any sane leg Islatoroan give support to this bill Is teyond tba power of reasoning. To exempt personal property from attach ment prooadlugs, would nullity possi ble collection of Indebtedness through prooess of recovery by law of at leist oue-tbird of all delta oontraoted. Should this bill become a law, tha marobaot and business man would he forced to rati iot extension of oredits iu proportion do oouUaution ot possi ble security, n biob tba passage of this bill would out il. Its operation would not only f'einlr to the disadvantage of tbe creditor, bo;t to tba perscual prop-, erty owner sek ig ore.Ht, as well. BELFRY OF BRUGES. A Belgian Landmark That Goes Back to the Thirteenth Century. Of all the cities of Belgium Bruges has best preserved Its medieval char acteristics. Brugea in Flemish means bridges, the city deriving Its name from Its many bridges, all opening In tbe middle to admit of tbe passage of vessels. It is connected wltb tbe sea, eight miles away, by tbe three canals from Ghent, Sluya aud OstendL Dating from the third century, Brugea ultimately became the metropo lis of the worlds commerce. Seven teen privileged trading companies, from seventeen different kingdoms, settled there, while Its importance was such that twenty ministers from for eign courts at one time bad mansions within Its walls. The belfry of Bruges Is probably the most famous In tbe world. It was built at the end of tbe thirteenth cen tury, it is 803 reet high and pos sesses a cnrfllon of forty-eight bells, regarded as tbe finest in Europe. It Is really one of tbe detached municipal belfries which were erected in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in cer tain continental towns as Important symbols of their freedom. Cnxton, the first English printer, lived ot Bruges, where be served out his apprenticeship after the death, in 1441, of his first master, Robert Lango (lord mayor of London, 1430-40). Co. ton lived In Bruges for thirty-five years, when be returned to London and set up his press In Westminster. London Answers. Wellington's Plans. Wellingtons reticence once arev? a protest from Lord Crbrldgo, the bril liant cavalry lender, who lost a leg at Waterloo and became Marquis of An glesey. Op the eve of the great bnttle TJxlirlilge, although next to Welling ton In command, knew nothing of bis chiefs plans for the morrow's battle. Wltb trepidation he approached the duke. If Wellington were killed Ox 'bridge would become commnnder In chief. What was the plan? Tbe duke listened patiently. "Tell me, Uxbrldge, who will attack the first tomorrow, I or Bonapnrto?" "Undoubtedly Bona parte." "Well, Bonaparte hasn't glv en me any Idea of bis projects, and. as my plana depend upon bis plans, bow can you expect me to tell you mlue?"- Lomlon Standard. HEALTH GIVING OZONE. Hi Process of Formation and the Way It Attacks Microbes. The pungent, bracing effect of moun tain nil Is largely due to the pressure of great quantities, of Every one knows tills mid lenrnedly talks about the ozone In the air, but very few people have the slightest Idea of whnt they are really talking about Nature makes osone by allowing the nltiii violet rays of tbe sun to act upon tbe oxygen of the ulr. Itrietly, ozone ta particularly active form of oxygen. A molecule of oxygen Is composed ot two atoms, whereas osoue la composed of three, Aa ouly two elements of oxygen can exist together, the addition of the third sets up a disturbance, whleb causes It to detach Itself from the other two. Being thus detached, the third atom, which ta now oxone. wandering arouud by Itself, gravitates wltb great sure ncss and rapidity to any bit of foul air or any microbe which may he lurking In the vicinity, for the attraction be tween atone and microbes Is Irresistible Like most fatal passions, tha out come la tragic, for the oxone burna up the microbes as soon aa tbey touch each other. This Is tbe reason that oxone la health glvlug; It may be truly said to eat up disease. Detroit Free Press. CUT THE RED TAPE. Kitchener's Unofficial Methods In tha Khartum Campaign, It was In the Khartum campaign that Lord Kitchener's abhorrence ot red tape waa Hint impressed upon whom It concerned A certnln general, wbo may be called Fusaynutn, luslsted upon Issuing n dully order with all due forms ami ceremonies. So Importunate waa he that lu sheer weoriuesa Kitch ener at limt dictated an order. Huored up by s bllnsrul wne or tiuportnnrs, Kussyumu hurried tiff to Imve It duly copied. ittllirtl. duplicated, muled, signed and delivered in the good uld style Meanwhile Kitchener atrolllug out aci-ldciitiilty met llroadwood, his cavalry com mm id it. , "Oh. llriwilw.NKl," exclaimed Kirch tner In bis soften drawl "will too, Making History. When Elnglake was writing bis his tory of the Crimean war be received letters from all sorts of people con cerned in the war. One day a letter wltb ii deep black border came from two people In the colonies, husband and wife, dexcrlblng their grief. Their only child bad oeen killed In the Crimea. Thof wanted to have blm mentioned In tbe "History of tbe Crimean War." Klngtake waa touched and replied by post tbat he would do bis best If tbey would send blm tbe necessary particu lars. Again a letter, also black bor dered, full of thanks, but wltb tbe fol lowing conclusion: "We have no par ticulars whatever to give yon.' He was killed on tbe spot, like many others, but anything you may kindly Invent will be welcome. We leave It entirely to your Imagination." London Opinion Perpetual Motion. Alderman Currnn of New fork city worked bis way tbrongb Yale college. During bis course be was kept very busy by tbe various Jobs be did to belp wltb bis expenses. On graduation be went to New York and was even busier than be bad been In New Haven. After some months of life In New York a friend met blm and said, "Hen ry, what are yon doing?" "I have three Jobs," replied Mr. Cur- ran. i am studying law, 1 am a news paper reporter, and I am selling life in surance." "How do you manage to get It all In r said the friend. "Ob," replied Mr. Curran. "that's easy enough. They're only eight hour Jobs." youth's Companion. Cunning of the Fox. A fox on emergency will sham death to perfection. A master of bounds once noosed a fox In a whip as be bolted be fore a terrier. The fox appeared to hare been strangled. Wben held np by tbe scruff of tbe neck bis eyes were seen to be closed, bis Jaws gnped and tbe body hung limply down from the band. He was placed tenderly on the ground only to dash off to covert- London Standard. . THE FRENCH ZOUAVES. A Picturesque Corps Whose Fame Be- oame Worldwide. Among the most Interesting classes of soldiers of modern times Is the t rencb corps called the touaves. Tbe body of daring and picturesquely at tired warriors reached the height of Its fame during the Crimean war. The souave corps at that time waa sup posed to consist of Frenchmen, but It was In reality quite International, since Its ranks contained many daring young foreigners. In this corps served many men from Oxford, Uottlngen and other universities, and it Is probable that tbe greater part of Its members bad Joined more for the love of fighting than for love of country. Its fame aa a fight Ing body soon spread throughout tbe world. When our own war between the states broke out several corps ot sou aves. wearing the splendid oriental uniforms of the French corpe, or a modification or them, were formed on both sides. On the Federal side tha best known was that corps command ed by Elmer Ellsworth, a young officer from New York, the first man. It Is aid, to be killed on the Union side, in the Confederacy the moat famous corps of touaves waa tbat called the Louisiana Tigers, While to American military life tbe souave uniform has practically disap peared, It still persists In France. Exchange, Old Time Sea Food. A glance at tbe Qsb shops today arouses tbe reflection tbat one could have fasted wltb far more variety In the middle ages. Where la now tbe whale of yesteryear that was roasted and served on tbe aplt or bolted wltb peas, tbe tongue and tail being tbe choicest parte? The porpoise, too, was a royal dish, roasted whole and eaten wltb mustard, wben Henry VII was king, and ao waa the grampus or sea wolf. Tbe lamprey, after Its one dra matic and reglcldal performance, seems to have lost Us popularity, and nobody nowadaya Is anxious to eat the limpet Many fish, however, seem to have en dured throughout the ages, such aa the sprat and herring, eaten especially In Lent; the oyster (officially a fish) and the anchovy, sternly anathema tlxed by old Tobias Vernier tn 1020 as food for drunkards."-Ioodon Stand ard. A Floral Murderer. The mocassin plant ta a wanton mur derer. Its flowers are so shaped aa to lure ants and other wingless Insects to them. Once Inside they have small chance to escape. There they stay, struggling until they starve to death. These orchids are not considered In cct eaters, but they undoubtedly draw certain amount ot nourishment from tba decayed bodies of their Insect prey. Many other flowers trap insects, which tbey kill and gradually digest as food. UMMON8. In tbe Jostle (Jourt for tbe District of Athena Umatilla Conntv. Ores. Lillnj MiBer, Plaintiff, vs. IiavialaQraham and Hermsii Graham, Defendants. To Lavinia Graham and Herman Gra ham, tbe above-oamed Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you ere hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tbe above entitled suit within six weeks of the date of tbe first pub lication of tbis summons, on or before tbe 26th day of February, 1915. Aod you will taae notioe tbat if yon fail to appear aod answer or otherwise plead within said time, the plaintiff, for wane thereof, will apply to tbe court for tbe relief prayed for Bnd de manded in plain tiB's said oomplaint towit: For 200 aod oosU and dis bursements of tbis aotion. Tbis summons is porhsbed porsuant to an order ot Hon. B. B. Biobards, Jodge of tbe above entitled Court, du ly made and filed on tbe 13th day of January , 1916; and the first publica tion of tbis summons will be made in the Atbena Press newspaper publisbed at Atbena, Umatilla county, Oregon on Friday, tbe 15th day of January, 1916, and tbe last pnblioation will be made on Friday, February 26, 1915. HOMER I. WATTS, Attorney fcr Plaintiff. Professional SUMMONS. In tbe Jnslioe Court for' tbe Disiriot ot Athena, Umatilla County, Oreg. James E. Sorimsber, Plaintiff, ' vs. Malcolm Stevens, Defendant. To Maloom Stereos, tbe above-named Defendant: ' In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear aod ani ver tbe oomplaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit within six weeks of the date ot tbe first putliea tioo of tbis summons, on or before the 26th day of Febrnary, 1915. And yon will take notioe tbat if you fail to ap pear and answer or otherwise plead within said time, tbe plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tbe court for tbe relief prayed for end demanded in plaintiff 'a said oomplaint to-wit: For 200 with interest tbereon at 8 per oeot per annum from July 14, 1913 to Nov. 1, 1914 and interest at 10 pec oont per annum from Nov. lr 1914 un til paid, and 25 attorneys fees, and oosts and disbursements of tbis aotion. Tbis summons U published pursuant to an order of Hon. B. B. Biobards, Jodge of tbe above entitled Court. duly made and filed on the 13th day of January, 1916; and the first publioa lion ol this summon will be made in tbe Atbena Press newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla Coonty, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of January, iuio, and the last publication will be made on Friday, February 26, 1915. HOMER I. WAITS. Attorney for Plaintiff. 8. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGE0N Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Oalli promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street. Athena Oregor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Offloa in Post Building. Phone,' 601 SUMMONS. In tbe Justioe Court for tbe District of Athena, Umatilla County, Oreg. F. Q. Luoas, Plaintiff, vs. Malcolm Stevens, Defendant. To Maloom Stevens, tbe above-named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, Ton are hereby required to appear and answer tbe oomplaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit witbin six weeks of tbe data of the Bret publica tion ot tbis SnmmooB, on or before tbe 29th day of January, 1915. And yon will take notioe tbat if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the oonrt for tbe relief prayed for aod demand ed in plaintiff's said o&molaint to wit: For 138.00 wilb interest tbereon at 8 per oenl per annum from July 18 1913 until paid, and for .15.00 attor neys fees thereon, for plaintiff's fiist oaose of aotioo; for f93.13 npon plaintiff's second oause of aotion aod tor plaintiff's oosts and disbursements of tbis aotion. Tbis summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. B. B. Biohaids. Judge of tbe above entitled Coort, dnly made and filed on the 18tb day of December, 1911; and tbe first pnhlio- tionof thia summons will te made In the Atbena Press newspaper pnblisbed t'Atheus, UmatillBt County, Oregon on Friday, tba 18tb day of December, 1914, and tbe last publication will te made on Friday, January 29lb. 1916. HOMER I. WAITS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Umatilla Conntv. In tbe Matter ot- tbe Estate of Tokti, au Indian Woman, Deceased. Notioe is hereby given to all persons whom it may oouoein that Leo Samp son baa been appionted administrator with the will annexed ot tbe estate of lokti, an Iudian woman, deoeased, and baa ttnrilified as such. All persons having olaims agaiust ber estate are requited to present them with proper vouchers aa required by law to the aaid Lao Sampson at tbe Umatilla Indian Agenoy npon the Umatilla In dian Beeervation or to Will M. Peter son bis attorney, at his otfioe in the Smith-Crawford Boilding at Pendle ton, Oregon, within six months from the date of tba first publication of tbis notioe. - Dated tbia tbe 15th day of Jaouary, D., 1915. Leo Sampson, Will M. Peterson, Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. The Eagle. As tree aa a bird In the air," we say. Now, or all the birds of tha air tbe eagle hi king and. therefore, ot all birds he I the freest Thta fact, coo- pled wltb the eagle's Independence, self reliance aud unconquerable cour age, caused it tu be chonva aa tba em blem ot our republic. For Sale or Trade. 2000 Bores of arala land aix mllea from StaoUeld. Praotioally all la cul tivation; 1000 aerea lu winter wheat, fair buildings, plenty of well water. Owner will tride for oity property or stock ranch np to 80 or iO thousand and take eiop payments for balance. Pries $38 per aore; what have yoo for this? frank MoElioy, Cambridge, Idaho. Alv. Why Par 8 Per Cent? For farm loana when you oan obtain obeaper money by applyidg to Maloney A Owinn. Knquirs or wiite to either J. ti. Uwinn of lbs Pendleton Ab stract Company, oi J. W. Maloney, of Pendleton, Oregou. Adt. DR. J. W. WELCH Dentlat Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. n Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athens, Oregon. "' DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon k Dentist Graduate McKllllp.Vetlnary college Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drug PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneye-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon FEDERAL I MEMBER 4 FTsafetyTI CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1 00,000.00 1 ST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA W B. SHAFFER President, W. S. FER GUSON, Vice-President, F. S. LeGBOW Cashier, R. T. CANNON, Aas't, Cashier RESERVE SYSTtM TDURTELLOTTE ft HDMHEL Architects R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon. rsAaAsaAAAAAAAAAsAAAAaAA THE : ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I S. &. FROOME, prop. Iff - Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff THE ST. NICHOLS the only one tbat can accommodate commercial traveler. Iff Can be teoomended tor Its eleaa and well ventilated rooms. Eton, maim and Thied, ATBisA.Or. ? Money to Loan 6 I per cent, on 2 Wheat Land Call or Write, F. R. ATKINS, No. 12, East Court Street, Pendleton. THE TUM A LUM TOY Wood a in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood, $5.50 Cascade 4 oo'm Maple Wood, .... 5.75 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.25 F.O.B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. C. O. WILLIAMS, Po8toffice, Edgewater, Washington. C. E. RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guar.inteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Order with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and Madder right BANNER 6 A L'.'E fia moat tiaatinn aalva In tha world. I ' "-O-i: 1 111 I t . T - ' S? ' t ! I If .. , " . 9 tyi. J. Parker varythlaf rtret Ctaaa 'ava aad Vstoat sou STBEET SIDE Ml ATHEU To Our Customers: Our Engineering Department at Walla Walla is equipped with Architect aud Engineers, wbo supply us with FREE PLANS ANDS PECIFICAIIONS oontaining complete working drawiugs and details. If jou eootamplata ereotog a new home, our big new $15,000 plan took of over on hundred contains your "Ideal Home." Thia plan book is tba beat ever pnblisbed. Ail designs therein bava been built many times. Our material lists and oost data on them an accurate. Wa oan Rive you an estimate covering tbeaotual oost oa your grosnd, "in no lime." PLANS for Barns, Silos, Milk houses. Bog houses, Model Sobools and Chorohes, Bank and Offloe Buildings are furnished with tbe lat est ideas. By building right THE 1UM A LUM WAY you get tbe most for the least oost. We help Build what you want "See A. M. JOHNSON about it" at THE HOME OF TUM A-LUMBER Start the New Year Right By Having Your Watch Cleaned and Overhauled L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. At Hawks' Drug Store CAL.IF0R-N.IA The Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers CALLS YOU v With Summertime in Winter, Outdoor and indoor sports boating, surfbatbing, driving, golf, polo, tennis. For rest and recreation, Califofrnia is delightful. For safety and comfort, go via tba OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO, through Portland and return the same way. California is staging two big shows, eelebrating tbe completion of the Panama oanal PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION Ban Franoiaoo, February 20 to December 4, 1915. PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION San Diego, January 1 to Deoem ber 31, 1915. Ihev represent the highest and best of hu man endeavor iu tbe world of art, soienos and industry. Sea both ot them. Tiokets, information, etc, upon application to J. fi. Mathers, Agent, O-W. B. & N. Co. Athena, Oregon. B. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla, Wn THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & 3IEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon