The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 15, 1915, Image 2

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F. B. Boyd, Publisher
Published Ever? Friday. Office, Co ner
Third and Iefierson Streets.
Entered In the Fnrtotflce at Athena, Oregon
as eoondClasa Mall Matter.
Subscription Katee.
One copy, one year $1.50
When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00)
One copy, six months ?5
One copy, three months M
Advertising Rates.
Display, transient, running less than one
month, first insertion, per inch 25c
Subsequent insertions 1JH
Display regular, per inch j l2?s
Local readers, first insertion, per line. 10c
Subsequent insertions, per line.....;. ?c
Lodge resolutions, per line J0
Church notices, admission, per, line. ag.
cATHENA. ORE.. JAN. lft . U
A political junta In XiOndon baa ap
parently begun an nttaok on President
Wilson. Tbe war is the inane and the
President la being roaated In Assoolat
ed Press dispatobes for not protesting
and taking Bides with tbe Allies when
the neutrality o! Belgium was violat
ed. It was to be expeoted that nvery
effort possible would be made to draw
tbis oonntry into tbe oonfliot, and anoh
was foreseen by the adminstration,
with tbe resclt that a polloy of
"bands ofl" was taken at tbe begin
ning and has' been strictly adhered to
lnoe. Ai a signatory power of tbe
Hague, tbe United States recognizes
the nentraiity of Belgium, and for
that matter, the rights of all neu
trals, bnt only France, England and
Bnssia went so far as to guarantee the
neutrality of Belgium, and it is be
coming more and more apparent that
tbis guarantee was made for strategic
al and polittoal reasons. However,
in faoe of snob bitter and undeserved
attacks as tbe junta sent out through
the Associated Press on Tuesday,
America will ; continue to feed tbe
starving Belgian's while tbe big Eur
opean poweri combat to turn her
bloodsoakad soil into a shambles. Tbe
gratitude of England aa a whole, to
ward tbis nation, may not be ques
tioned. but ber restrictions in oensor-
sbln of acrimonious attacks against a
friendly, President and bis nation, are
apparently very lax.
The fuel value of two! pounds of
wood la rongbly equivalent to tbat of
one nonnd of coal. Tbis Is given as
tbe result of oertain calculations now
belus made in tbe forest service labor
story, whioh show also about bow
manv cords of certain kinds of wood
are required to obtain an amount of
beat equal to tbat in a ton of ooal
ueitain kinds of wood, snob as biok
cry, oak, bseob, birob, bard maple,
sub, elm, loaust, longleaf pine, and
cherry, have fairly high beat values,
and onlv one cord of seasoned wood of
these ipeolea is required to equal one
tou'ot good ooal. It takes a cord and
a balf of ahortleaf pine, hemlock, red
gam, Donglas Br, sycamore, and aoft
niaple, to equal a ton of ooal, and two
cords of oedar, redwood, poplar, cat
alpa, Norway pine, cypress, tasswood,
snraoe and white pine.
An Ineident Showing a Queer Phase of
i Russian Character.
"The Kuselan character bus In It
something very beautiful something
childlike." wrote the i'rlncess Troubet
skol (Amelia Rives) from 1'etrograd to
a Richmond friend. ,
"A happening In Petrograd brings
out the Uusslan character well.
"A young nobleman, rather Hushed
and Incoherent with champagne, drove
up to the opera, and, aa be descended,
a wretched beggar whined out the
usual petition for alms.
"Tbe nobleman looked at the ragged
and filthy beggar; then be iaugbed
foolishly, dropped a silver ruble In tbe
gutter and said: '
"There. Pick that out wltb your
teeth add you can bave it'
''The beggar gave the nobleman a
strange look, a strange, reproachful
look wblcb did not lack a certain dig
nity. Then, without a word, be went
down on all fours and drew tbe coin
from tbe foul water and mire wltb his
"Tbe young nobleman took out a
fifty ruble note.
" 'Now strike me in tbe face,' be said.
Strike me, and I'll give yon this.'
"Tbe beggar struck blm a good, vig
orous blow.
Then the young nobleman, bis con
science satisfied, Iaugbed, gave tbe
beggar tbe promised reward and hur
ried into tbe opera, patting bis burt
cbeek tenderly wltb his handkerchief."
-Buffalo Express.
Senator Barrett starts wltb a "bing"
down at Salem. Tbe Senator was tbe
Hut to gain tbe eye of tbe President
of tbe Senate and before floor, gallery
or lobby oould bat an eye, bad intro
duced a resolution and two bills. Ibe
resolution smoked with abolishment
of useless oommlsslousand general de
claration for lower taxes. When It
bad bsen lead tbaie was genuine ap
plause and two members asked for tbe
author's ideutity. When Mr. Barrett's
name was announoed, there, arose
shoots of "Good toy; you are all
right I" Senator Barrett is chairman
of the oommlttee on resolutions.
Onr mutual friend Swaggart, says
be la under obligations to Wood foi a
little editorial boost in last week'a
Leaden that be would learn to like
the Colonel, if be (tbe colonel) were
the least bit approaobable. That's
easy, Mr. Swaggart JcbI arm your
self with one of Fay La Grow'a band
made qulrta and yon will be able to
approaob thf old grouch at your plea-
i -
Nebraska gains fame rlgbt now by
troolalnilng a policy meant to foster
basinets. Tbe coming session of ber
legislature ia to be abort ana. Tbe
Oregon legislature mlgbt do worse
than to emulate Nebraska. Oiva os
a short abiit and aoofmpllb some
thing iu tbe abift.
' The fJountv Librarian'! reportabdws
tba At.iona brancb library to be the
youngest in the oountv aud tbe largest
Oblldien'e looks appear to bave the
largest oitooletloo in all county lib
raries, although books for adults aojoy
commendable patronage.
This man Lnke MoLnka is a proliUo
writer. He ia fntnlsblug original
staff for about half, the newspapers
tbat eoma to our axobange table.
Snow, tain and slush are moisture
component!. We have bad all three
this week, and none too moon at that.
Whv Pa 8 Per Cent?
lor farm loans when yoa can obtain
cheaper money bv applying to Maloney
'iwluB. Eoqnire or wtlte to either
J. H. Uwinn of the Pendleton Ab
atraot Company, oi J. W. Maloney. of
Pendleton, Oregon. Adf.
Some of Them Are Trained to War AI
most Prom Babyhood.
One may often see In tbe English
Oustrated periodicals photographs of
tiny soldiers about seven or eight yean
old gravely saluting elderly officers.
These diminutive warriors are boy re
cruits holding regular and dignified
places in tbe Indian army. Each Sikh
regiment la allowed twelve of these
little chaps,, who are trained almost
from babyhood. Tbey are each paid 8
rupees and 8 annas a month and at the
age of sixteen enter tbe regular army.
Tbe Sikh soldiers are a most interest
ing and remnrknble part of tbe British
army in India. Their conduct In fron
tier engagements bas distinguished
them as brave, steady and devoted to
their English officers. Yet about fifty
years ago these well ordered soldiers
were fanatical savages, who In their
nind uprisings shook tbe power of
Great Britain. Once conquered they
accepted British rule and were trained
and disciplined Into a well equipped
army 6t 80.000 soldiers. Tbey formed
part of tbe force that subdued the mu
tiny. The Hodson's horse troops, which
helped capture Delhi, were composed
of Sikhs whose devoted service to their
lender made them famous.
Their scarlet sashes and turbana
gained them the name of "Flamingos."
Their descendants are no less deter
mined lighters and stanch soldiers.
Chicago Herald.
Easy Getting Back.
A man named Hlue was talking to bla
friend Brown one night when the lat
ter casually mentioned Black, a mutual
"Millies me think of an experience
Black had a few weeks ago," laughed
Jones. "He dreamed that he was an
Indian and, getting out of bed, he wrap
ped a banket around himself and start
ed to walk through the woods Woke
up about three hours later and found
himself ten miles from borne and no
carfare In sight"
"You don't mean Itf wna the amaied
rejoinder of Brown. "How In the
world did he get back?"
"That was eOBy," was the cheerful
reply of Jones. "Ue lay down under a
tree, dreamed that be was an Indian
aguln uiid walked back." Philadelphia
Rheumatism In One Reel.
An old darky appeared In the doc
tor's office one morning, plainly very
low in bis mind.
The doctor, recognizing his old pa
tlpiit, greeted blm In hla most Inspirit
lng manner.
"Well. Elijah, how la the rheumatism
these days?"
"Purely, porely, sab!" replied Elljnb
dejectedly. "Believe me, Murse Doc
tor, I'se Jest a movln' picture ob palnl"
-Woman's Home Compunlon
Cut by Friends.
Kuddy Did you bear of the terrible
accident that happened to Dauby? Hit
Injuries were so serious that bis most
Intimate friends were nnnble to recog
nine him. Duddy-Terrlble accident?
Hallway collision? Motor suinsli?
Faddy-Worse. He has lost all his
money.-Pblladelphla Ledger.
Real Gratitude.
First Little Lamb-How grateful we
ahonhl be for the wool which covers us.
Second Little Lamb I return tliauks
every day for mine. Without our wool
how could those affectionate buuuin
oelngs who eat us keep warm?-Wl
cousin Btnte Journal.
-I'leaae," ne said, -in tne aoctor f
music In?"
"Yea. What la It yon want?" tbe
servant asked.
"Why. just pop In- an' ax blm how
much be'll charge to mend my concer
tina." was tbe reply.
Sax In Business.
It may be Ins tl net. It may Oe custom,
but anyway It Is a fact
First Tbat when a woman marries
ahe doesn't want her job any longer,
Second. Tbat when a man marries
be wants his Job nil the more Consequently
Third. That aa long as there Is mar
rying and giving In marriage business,.
being desirous of reliable help, will dis
cern n difference between the sexes.
( A tittle Different
Miss Vane I know be was talking
to you about me. Now, wasn't be?
Mian Rpeltz Well, yea. Miss Vane I
thought I beard blm remark tbat I bad
a tblck bead of balr. Miss Spelts
Partly correct He didn't mention your
hair, however. Exchange.
A friendship that makes the least
noise Is very often the most useful for
which reason I should prefer a pru
dent friend to a zealous one. Addison.
Quite Reasonable.
"That rich Mr. Smith la going to
build a home that will cost $3,000,000,''.
"That looks as If tbe plumbing was
Included "Cleveland 1'lnln Dealer.
Dim retton of speech la more than
ilo'im n u Rncon.
New List of Books.
Tbe Atbena Branch Library, whioh
is pronononed tbe banner branob of
tba oountv library, baa reoeived an
other new list of books. Interest con
tinues unabated in tbe library, a large
nnmnerof tba books being in oironla
tloo. Tbe following oonpriss the
latest list:
Hughes Love Affairs of Great Mus
icians. Carleton One Way Out
Harrison Tbis Oonntry of Oars.
James Memories and Studies.
Jerome Stageland.
Kerst Mozart.
MoMnrray How to Study.
Riley Songa of Home.
Soyer Paper Bag Cookery.
Van Dyke Essays in Application.
Dlokena Cbristmaa Books.
Fox Trail of the Lonesome Pice.
Llnooln Cap'n Eri,
Monroe Making of a Buslnesl Wo
man. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables.
OUivant Bob, Son of Battle.
Parker Tbe Weavers. '
Porter Four Million.
Porter. Freckles.
Smith Caleb West, Master Diver.
Spearman Held for Orders,
larkington Conquest of Canaan.
Webster When Patty Went to Col
lege. Westoott David Harnm.
Wlggin Bebeooa of Sonnybrook
Wright The Shepherd of the Hills.
Children'! Boots.
Aloott Little Men.
Aloott Little Women.
Aloott Eight Cousins.
Beard Shelters, Shack! and Shanties.
Davis Boy Soont,
Miller Kristy'B Queer Christmas. '.
Perkins Tbe Japaneae Twina.
Rogers-Tiees Tbat Every Obild
Should Koow.
Raskin King of tba Golden Biver.
Walker Little Playa From Amerioan
History for Little Folks.
Zollinger The Widow O'Oallahan'a
For Sale or Trade.
2000 aotes of grain land six miles
from StanUeld, Practioally all in cul
tivation; 1000 aorea in winter wheat,
fair buildings, plsnty of well water,
Owner will tride for oity property or
stook ranob np to SO or 10 thousand
and take otop payments for balanoe.
Piioe 83 per aore; what bave yon for
this? Frank MoElioy, Cambridge,
Idaho. Adv.
An Insulting Pronoun.
The ritual of society, aa women make
It, is very exacting the world over,
even In almhouses. Tbe London Out
look reports a serious trouble among a
set of workhouse officials. Tbe In
firmary nurses, three In number, bad
demanded a separate sitting room and
tbe delight of Sunday dinner therein.
and the matron had sought to bumble
them by sending the cook to enjoy ner
Sunday dinner In their company. The
brawny cook described what ocenrrea
as follows:
"Well, Nurse Blank, she come down
and gut Inside tbe door. 'Four coveraf
aha snvs. 'Four? Who the fourth?"
Me,' says L 'You!' she says, and with
that she tosses her head and walk!
Ilere cook drew a long brentli. then
continued, "If It hadn't 'a' been Sun
day. gvnUemt-o. I abuuld hare let ber
bave It for calling me 'your "
Want la tha Doetsr'a.
An old man who looked Ilk a for
eigner was walking, a limit a London
etrvot playing, a cnucertlna that had
mi liettw dava Noticing a brnal
nlnt with Hi.- wuida. "Doctor ef kin
eV" written under th name on It ha
n-wii In I he hnna and rang the
bell The dm.) was answered by a
servant, who askwl his tulusa .
Notice to Creditors.
In the Connty Court of the Stats of
Oregon for Umatilla Oountv.
In tbe Matter of tba Estate of
Toktl, an Indian Woman, Deceased.
Notloe is hereby given to til persona
whom it may oonoern tbat Leo Samp
son has been appionted administrator
wltb tba will annexed of the estate of
Toktl, an Indian woman, deceased,
and baa qualified aa auob. All persons
having olaims against ber estate are
required to preaent them with proper
vouchers aa required by law to the
said Leo Sampson at tbe Umatilla
Indlau Ageooy upon the Umatilla In
dian Reservation or to Will M. Peter
son bla attorney, at bis oHIoe in the
Smith-Crawford Building at Pendle
ton, Oregon, witbin aix months iiom
tbe date of the first pnblloation of this
Dated thii the 16th day of January,
A. D., 1915. Leo 8ampiou,
Will M. Peterson, Administrator.
Attorney for Administrator.
and Genera
Satisfaction Guaranteed
' Reference
First National Bank
of Athena
Leave OrJera with P. 8. La Orow,
or phone Main 36, Pendleton Ore.
Residence, 50t Pine Street
In tba Justioe Conrt for tile District
of Atbena, Umatilla County, Oreg.
Lillie Miller, Plaintiff,
' vi.
Lavlnia Graham and
Herman Urabam, Defendants.
To Lavinia Graham and Herman Gra
ham, tbe above-named Delendants:
In tbe name cf tbe State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed againat
yon iu tbe above entitled anit witbin
six weeks of tbe date of tbe first pub
lication of tbis summons, on or before
tbe 36th day of February, 1915. And
you will take notioe tbat if yon fail
to appear and answer or otherwise
plead within said time, tba plaintiff,
for wanr thereof, will apply to tba
oourt for tbe relief prayed for and de
manded in plaintiffs aaid complaint
towit: For $300 and ooets and dis
bursements of tbis aotion.
Tbis summons is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. B. B. Kiohards,
Judge of tbe above entitled Conrt, du
ly made and filed on the 13th day of
January , 1915; and the first publica
tion of tbia summons will te made in
tbe Atbena Press newspaper published
at Athena, Umatilla oonnly, Oregon
on Friday, the 16th day of January,
1915, and tbe last publication will be
made on Friday, February 26, 1915.
Attorney fcr Plaintiff.
In tbe Justice Court for tbe District
of Atbena, Umatilla Conuty, Oreg.
James E. Sorimsber, Plaintiff,
Malcolm Stevens, Defendant.
To Maloom Stevens, the above-named
In tba name of tbe State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe oomplaint filed againat yon
la tba above entitled suit within six
week! of tbe date of tbe first pntlioa
tion of tbia aummons, on or before the
36tb day of February, 1915. And yon
will take notloe that if yon fail to ap
pear and answer or otherwise plead
within aaid time, tbe plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for and demanded
in plaintiff's aaid oomplaint to-wit:
For 200 with interest thereon at 8 per
oent per annum from Juiy 11, 1918 to
Nov. 1, 1914 and interest at 10 per
cent per annum from Nov. 1, 1911 nn
1 11 paid, and (35 attorneys fees, and
costs and disbursements of this aotion,
Tbia summons U published pursuant
to an order of Hon, B. B. Richards,
Jndge of tbe above entitled Court,
duly made and filed on tba 13th day of
January, 1915; and the first pnblloa
tion of tbia summons will be made in
tbe Atbena Press newspaper published
at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon,
on Friday, tbe 15th day of January,
1915, and the last puhlioatlon will be
made on Friday, February 36, 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
8. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all .
callB both night and day.
Calls promptly answered. Offloa on Third
Street, Athena Oregor . -
Physician and Surgeon.
Offloa in Post Bnilding. Phone, 01
Athena, Oregon
Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m.
Homer I. Watts
Attorney-at-Law -Athena,
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Graduate McKllllp Vetlnary college
Offices: Commercial Stable and Hawks Drag
Store. Phone 435.
Preewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon
Architects .
- K. W. HATCH, Manager
Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon.
In the Justioe Court for tbe District of
Atbena, Umatilla County, Oreg.
F. G. Lucas, Plaintiff,
Malcolm Stevens, Defendant.
To Maloom BtevenB, tbe above-named
In the name of tbe State of Oregon,
von are hereby required to appear and
answer tbe oomplaint filed againat yon
in tbe above entitled suit witbin aix
weeks of tbe date of tbe first publica
tion of this Snmmona, on or before
tbe 29tb day of January, 1915. And
yon will take notioe that if yon fail to
appear and answer or otherwise plead
within aaid time, the plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to the oourt
for the relief waved for and demand
ed in plaintiff'a aaid comDlaint to
wit: For 136.00 with interest thereon
at 8 per oent per annum from July 18
1913 until paid, and for (15.00 attor
neys feea tbereon, for plaintiff'a first
oause cf aotion; for 198.18 ' npoo
plaintiff'a second oause of aotion and
for plaintiff'a oosts and disbursements
of tbis notion.
Tbia anmmona is published pursuant
to an order of Hon. B. B. Bichards,
Jndge of the above entitled Court,
duly made and filed on tbe 18th day of
December, 1911; aud tbe first public
ation of tbia summon! will be made in
tba Atbena Press newspaper publiabed
at Athena, Umatilla Connty, Oregon
on Friday, the 18tb day of December,
lull, and tbe last publication will te
made on Friday. January 291b. 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
t J. &. FROOME, pbop.
Only First-class Hotel in
the City.
li the only one that can accommodate
aommeroial travel en.
Can beieoomended tor Us elean and
well ventilated rooms.
Money to loan
1 per cent, on
2 Wheat Land
Call or Write,
No. 12, East Court , Street, Pendleton.
in Carload Lots
Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood $5.50
Cascade 4 fool Maple Wood 5.75
Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood 5.25
F. 0. B.
Athena - Pendleton Branches North
ern Pacific Railway.
Poatoffice, Bdgewater, Washington.
no. 4516. Report of the Condition
of The First National Bank, at Athena, in the State of
Oregon, at the close of business,
December 31, 1914.
...$ 11 559 76
...$73 650 84
142 67
352 161 48
6 59
12 500 oo
70 oo
1 542 82
1 000 oo
10 000 oo
8000 00
85 210 60
15 110 47
707 84
640 oo
21 975 40
625 oo
510 450 20
Loans and discounts
Overdrafle, secured, ; unsecured, $6 59
U. S. bonds depoaited to secure circulation (par value)
Other bonds to secure postal savings
Bonds, securities, etc. on hand (other than stocks;, including
premiums on same
Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank $6 000 ... .
Leas amount unpaid sauuu ...siwv
Banking house, $9000;.... furniture and fixtures.... $1 000
Due from Federal Reserve Dana
Due from approved reserve agents in central reserve cities
Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities...
Due from banks and bangers lower man anove;
Outside checks and other cash items, $565 17; fractional currency
Notes of other national banks
Specie $21950 40
Legal-tender notes $ 25 oo
Red'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent on circulation
Total $
Capital atock paid in $ 50 000 oo
Surplus I 'nd 50 000 oo
Undivided profits , 5 408 79
Circulating notes . . . . 12 500 oo
Due to banka and bankers t'other than above! 571 61
Dividends unpaid 5 OUO oo
Individual deposits subject to check $227 374 78
Cert's of deposit due in less than 30 days demand cert's $ 134 256 47
Certified checks $ 47 56
Cashier's checks outstanding... $ 101 oo
United States depoaits .....$ 24 375 It
Postal Savins. H,nn,iM .... 41)
State and municipal depoaits i x w aao
Total $510 450 20
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, bs :
I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier of the above-named bank,
do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. F. S. Le GROW, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 9th day of January, 1915.
B. B. RICHARDS, Notary Public
Correct Attest:
W. S. Ferguson,
M. L. Watte,
H. Koapke, Directors.
$1 00,000.00
W 8. SHAFFER President, W. S. FER
ODSON, Vioe-Preeident. F. 8. LeGROW
Cashier, E. I. CANNON, Ass't Cashier
To Our Customers:
Our Engineering Department at Walla Walla ia equipped
with Arobiteot aud Engineers, who supply us with FREE PLANS
ANDS PECIFIOA1IONS oontBlning oomplete working drawings
and details. - .
If you contemplate ereotng a new borne, our big new $15,000
plan book of over one hundred oontains your "Ideal Home."
Ibis plan book is tbe best ever published. All designs therein
bave been built many times. Onr material lists and oost data
on them are aoourate. We oan Rive yon an estimate covering
tbeaotnal oost on your ground, "in no time."
for Barns, Silos, Milk bouses, Bog bouses, Model Sohools and
Cbnrobes, Bank and Otfloe Buildings are furnished witb tbe lat
est ideas. By bnilding right THE TUM A-LUM WAY yon
get tbe most for tbe least oost.
We help Build what you want
"See A. M. JOHNSON about it" at
Start the New Year
By Having Your Watch Cleaned and Overhauled
L. S. Vincent, ' JEWELERj Athena, Oreg.
V At Hawks' Drug Store .
This Land of Sunshine. Fruit and Flowers
With Summertime in Winter, r
Outdoor and Indoor epotta boating, surfbatbing, driving, golf, polo,
tennis. For rest and reoreation, California ia delightful. For safety
and oomfort, go via tbe
through Portland and return Ibe same way. California ia staging two
big shows, oelebrating tba completion of the Panama oanal
San Franoiaoo, February 20 to Deoember 4, 1915,
San Diego, January 1 to December 31, 1915. -
I her represent tha highest and beat of hu
man endeavor iu tha world of art, aoienae
and industry. See both of them.
Tickets, Information, etc, upon application
to J. B. Mathers, Agent, O-W. R. & N. Co.
Athena, Oregon.
B. Bnrna. D. F. & P. A.. Walla Walla, Wn
4,1jS; 1 We carry the best
ZZT That Money Buys
Our Market is I
- l , QFTixy Clean and Cool
1 fill l?i irr Insarin8 wholesome Meats.
a!a -ri"- Main Street, Athena, Oregon