The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 08, 1915, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Claude flteeo was over from Milton
Clyde Willaby was a Pendleton vis
itor Monday. -
Mia. Arnold Wood baa been on the
aiok list tbia week.
1). B. Jarman waa lo the oity yes
terday from Westoo.
Mra. Biobard Morrison of Weston,
was in tbe oity yeaterday.
air. and Mrs. r. u. .Bogers were
in tbe oity yesterday from Pendleton.
Mrs. Kf Us Lloyd ia visilng at tb
borne of ber grandmother, Mr 8. Fin
J. T. Lienallen came over
Walla Walla Tuesday, and apent tbe
day bere.
Mra. N. J. Garfield, of Walla Wal
la, la a gneet tbia week of ber mother,
Mia. Nelson.
Mrs. George Mencke oame np from
Pendleton yesterday and apent tbe
day in tbe oity.
Mrs. Marlon Jack it- reported recov
ering from an attaok of aiokness, at
hut hnma In Panlutnn
red j . .
l-Jf J. 11
nlf Weston, witb bis dangbter Gladya,
I AnlfB.l In 1 K m J
from I u ,udu AHDfiuafi '
Senator and Mrs. O. A. Barrett left
yeaterday for Salem, to sa present at
the sessions of tbe Legislature.
Mrs. Sam Bawoith and Mra. Wm.
Wloahip have been visiting their par
ents in Walla Walla, tbia week. .
Tbe ladies of tbe Oatholio obnrob
will give a benefit tall in tbia oity,
Homer 1. Watts' Ford roadster looks
IS. - . ..... . ,
Mr.. V. W. Long has been ill at hS " "w ' noe BM ".
ar town thi. w.k. . "u " ""op.
home near town tbia week.
Tom Mosgrove waa in the oity from
Milton tbe Brat of tbe week.
W. R. Tavlor and D. H. ManaBeld
were in Jfendleton yesterday.
Miss Gtaoe MoBride of Walla Wl,
la. ia visiting friends in tba oity.
- Lester Vaughn baa retnrned to his
atndies at Columbia oollega, Milton.
E. M. Banks baa ordered his Press
to be transferred from flnntville.
Wash., to Freewater. . ; ; ,
d Liss Knth Stewart left Monday for
Forest Grove, wbeia aha is a student
at PaoiBo University.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. LeGrow retnrned
Sunday evening from a pleasant holi
day visit in Portland.
Coal Tar
Increases the Life of your Barn Roofs
and Fence Posts.
Genuine Coal Tar in Barrels
of 50 Gallons
At the Gas Plant,
Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 40
j havi
Start the New Year
By Having Your Watch Cleaned and Overhauled
L, S. Vincent, JEWELERj . Athena, Oreg.
At Hawks' Drug Store
a r i iit a tit "ww w v Ai
Wednesday; January 20
n. Wow in its mmJzz ITS S. I
ii siiaiiaiiiiwi" OrAKacrejisrcj
Clarence' Powell, Dave Smith, Chicken Reel Beaman, Man
t zie Campbell, George Walls, John Mondy.
Beautiful Scenic and Electrical Effects
Gorgeous Street Parade, Daily
ou can buy the best seats for 75c; Other good seats at 50c!
Children, 25 cents.
We Strongly Recommend Our
White Pine, Tar
For Colds. Give it a Trial.
Banister, prominent farmer
. Pastor HUrroon announces that there
will be held next Sunday morning,
at IbeChriiilan ohurob, tba annual
election of obnrob oSioers, and be ur
gently requests the presence of erery
member of thlr congregation.
Frank Swaggsrt of Enterprise, vis
ited at tba horns; of his parents, north
of town, Sunday!', We learn that Frank
bad a bear story aVlted down for up,
bnt by hook or or oik, we did not meet,
so tbe story oaonot be related here.
Word comes to J. V. Darby that
another oonsio has met '.death in tbe
British trenobea at Ypres. Charles
Wednesday evening, January 18. ' Darby, gunner in tba loyal Oarrison
I will buy your second hand furni- fArlillary met death while Br b ting for
lure, paying highest prioe therefor.
Phone 848, Walla Walla. Adv.
Mrs. Darr, who bag teen visiting
ber daughter, Mra. Barry MoBride,
has retnrned to her borne in Adams.
Misses Areta and Bath Rothrook
spent Saturday in Pendleton,, the lat
ter returning to ber studies at Eugene.
J. M. Haves was nn from Pendleton
the first of tbe week, visiting at the home in Spokane.
borne of bis daughter. Mra. Frank Lwith favorable weather conditions
. ... - -
I yea
.Mrs. f
9ft on art
idanoer inns
Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist
Will Pinkerton wag over from Mil-
ton Wednesday. His spare time is
being utilised in overhauling the Pin
kerton antompbiles. : :i
Mrs. Arthur Foster, of Prineville,
visited at the borne of ber grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nelson
tbe first of the week. ; r
Mrs. MoKay, of Walla Walla, is
visiting tbia week at the homes of ber
son and dangbter, Wm. Winibip and
Mrs. W. J. (Jholson. . 4 .
Ii. S. Vinoent will leave tomorrow
evening for Portland, where be will
seleotnew equipment for bis watob
and jewelry department. .-; j ;,. .
Mrs. Elisabeth Mansfield has gone
to Weston, where aha will remain for
tbe-balBDoe of tbe winter with ber
sister, Mrs. J. S. Harris. j
Mra, R. E. Brady, a former Atbena
resident, bnt who now lives near
Freewater, and daughter were in the
this week, visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tompkins
have gone to San Diego, California, to
spend the winter. They will; stop in
Portland for several days ea route.
Mr. and Mis. Hogh Mo Arthur write
from8an Diego, Calif.. wbre tbey
are established for the winter j asking
that their oopy of tbe Press be sent
Clarenoe Rosa waa in town yester
day from his pLaee on tbe Umatilla
river. Be reports the Umatilla lower
than he ever before saw it at this time
of the year.
Miss Wlnnifred Bent of Portland,
who visited at tbe Homer I. Watts
borne during tba holidays, is reported
ill at tbe home of Mra.' U. B. Jerard,
in fendleton.
Dr. Plamondon received word yea.
terday of tbe death of bis sister
Pape. at Salem. The doctor left
tbe evening train to be iq attendano
at the funeral. . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Clerking left
tbia morning for Portland, wbere they
will remain for several weeks, and
will also visit relatives in Taooma be
fore their retnrn.
Wash np your Ford, take it down to
Bennett's and have it painted, striped
and varnished by ao expert ooaob
painter. Unly (20 and work guaran
teed, to boot. Adv.
J. W. Calender has returned from
his visit to Portland. . While there,
Mr, Calender took medical treatment.
With tbe resolt that bis health ia
somewhat improved.
Bob Tharp is exhibiting a new and
efficient eleatrio lighting system for
Ford oars. Tbe lights are from a stor
age battery, wbioh receives its oor
reut from the magneto. 1
Mr. and Mra. Joseph N. Soott mot
ored to Pendleton Monday evening,
with Mrs. DePeatt and Miss Zelma
DePeatt, tbe latter visiting Mra. Gen.
Harria, who has been qnlte ill..'
C. E. Bade, tbe Pendleton stock
buyer, ebipped three aarloade of boga
from Athena this week. Tbia is tbe
second shipment of hogs Mr, Rude
has made from Atbena recently.
The subjeot for the morning sermon
at tba Metbodist obnrob next Sunday
is: "Tbe Great Commission ;" in
tba evening, "Will tba Old Book
Stand?" A. M. Lambert, (Bator. ;
Tbe regular monthly meeting of tbe
Christian Woman's Board of Missions
was held Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. J. B. Barmon. Mrs. B.
D. Thtrp was leader of tbe meeting.
B. N. Bawks has installed a new
National Caah Register. The ruaobinu
ia an up-to-date affair in every partio
nlar and will do most anything about
tbe store except inn tbe soda fountain.
Mrs. George Carmiobeal of Walla
Walla, who officiated as installing of
ficer or tba Order of Eastern Star,
was -entertained at tbe borne of Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. MoEwen, while in tbe
Mrs. 0. L. Orookatt. who has bean
at tbe home of ber daughter, Mrs.
A. M. Meldrnm in Spokane tba past
few months, will return to Pendleton
wnera bar son Ernest ia attending bigb
Earl Dudley last Tuesday submitted
to a surgical operation at a hospital in
Walla Walla, for a complication of
appendicitis and hernia. Be is report
ed to ba recovering satisfactorily from
tbe operation.
The Press is under obligations to S.
B. Calderbead of tba Northern Paoifio
In the
his oonntry and is tbe eighth
of Mr. Darby's to loss bis lite
A. Mackenzie Meldrnm was in tbe
Joity a ooopleof days this week, on
bis way from Seattle, wbere be at
tended ' tba Ministerial Parliament,
and gave two or three leotnrea to tbe
assemblage. He left last evening tor
Milton, and will go from there to his
C San ford Stone expects to begin hauling
briok Monday from the. Weston yard
for the new sobool buillding. : Be
has tbe contract to banl 100,000 brick.
Be will use three teams, handling
2000 briok per load and will make
three trips a day.
Jimmia Lienallen ia having tie lit
tle Ford exteusively altered np at Zer-
ba Bros. shop. Be bas bad the frame
lengthened abont 'steen feet and the
vehiole bas mnob the same appearance
as does a dasohnnd, sans ears and oau-
die appendage, If this ia his trade
mark, it is our first knowledge of bis
being a Dntohman. Aob, Yimmyl
County Sept. I. E. Voong, at tbe
meeting of oonnty superintendents
which closed at Salem last Friday
night, was eleoted seoretary-treasorer
of a permanent organization of the
superintendents wbioh was eBeoted.
The other officers eleoted were 0. C.
Brown, Douglas county. President,
and W. M. Smith, Marion County,
vioe President.
Peno 8t. Dennis was before Judge
Richards Wednesday on a drunk and
disorderly charge preferred by Marsbal
Ramsay, tba arresting offioer. Peno
need ouss words in disputing testimony
of a witness, and in addition to being
fined $15, was assessed $10 more for
contempt, remanded to jail and the
aentenoe inoinded bread and water
diet opoB refusal to work.
Tbe fnneral of Mrs. Ben Selling of
Portland, who died at ber borne there
from the effects of an injury received
in a fall some time agof was held in
Pendleton Monday morning. Inter
ment was'mada in Olney oemetery.
where ber husband bad been laid only
a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sell
ing were tbe parents. of Mrs. Jnlins
Levy, of Walla Walla .who formerly
lived In Athena. . -
Jluka" Taylor baa oome to the
arting of tbe waya. It took him a
long time to deoido between old Bally
and an automobile. Now he's got it.
Its a 40-horse powei Oakland roadster
and W. B. Is having a hard time in
getting the meaaley thing bridlewise.
Witb tba help of Hardy Mansfield and
advice from all hands, be is getting
along fairly well, thank yon.
All Pendleton ia mourning the un
timely death of Mrs. Edwin P. Mar
shall, -a prominent charity worker of
that uity, wbiab ooourred at ber borne
there, Sunday afternoon. Her illness
waa of abort duration, and wna a com
plication of heart tronble witb other
ills. Mra. Maraball was identified
witb tbe principal Clnb activities of
tbe oity and waa secretary of the Lib
rary Board and of tba Umatilla Coun
ty Historical Sooiety. Sbe is survived
by bar uuaband.
Tbe Sve and a-half miles atretob ol
road between Adams and Athena is
now oompleted, making a fine stretch
of bard surface road from Pendleton to
Weston. The cost per mile waa a
little more than $2110. Tba detailed
statement of tbe oost aa presented to
tbe oonnty oonrt ia as follows: Mac
adam, 9108 16: grading, $1573.95;
hardware, $133.75; oil, $48.19; pow
der, $128.29; blacksmitbing, $2.50;
ooal and lumber, $438.40; electric
power, $303.10; total, $11,609.68.
A complaint oomes from Hot Lake
that a oold weather story, absolutely
nntroa. baa bean published in papers
of the Northwest to tbe effect that
Hot Lake bas frozen ovsr and gneats
are skating on it. The complainant
wonders that the romancer did not add
that a skater broke tbrongb the ice
aud soalded bis feet, . A small pond
near Bot Lake freezes over averv win
ter and aSorda skating, tnt not tbe
lake itself, from wbioh natural wonder
steam oan he seen for miles, on tba
coldest days 6f winter.
Tbeoomlog Walla Walla Poultry
Show, January 11 to 16, promises to
te tbe largest in the Northwest, ow
ing to tbe faot tbat tbe Washington
State branch of the American Poultry
Association . will bold their annual
sbow in connection witb it. Better
premiums than ever before are being
offered. A olass will be open to all
sobools and pupils. Tbere will be no
extra obarge for sohooi exbib its and
all birds entered singly (for wbioh 15o
per bird will be ofaarged) may comp'te
in sobool classes, if wben entry is
made the name of tbe sobool is writ
ten on tea entry blank. Valuable oops
and diplomaa will ba awarded to tbe
sobnols making tbe largest and best
exbitit. For entry blanks and inform
ation, write Harry Dickenson, Sec,
M5ox 835, walla waua. wain,
i lY Sheriff Taylor arrested an Italian at
for snbataotlally remembering tbe of jfpndleton Tuesday, wbo wora on his
Boa with a splendid map, Also our
tuenke are daa old Bill Konasak for
an N. P. calendar.
The fnneral of William B. Jones,
who died at bis boms lo Pendleton
laat weak, waa beld there Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. Jones was a promioent
pioneer farmer and hardware mer
chant, and waa formerly wall known
In tbia end of tba oonnty.
W. D. Gbambnlain and John Peeb-
ler were in tba oity yeaterday fi
Pendleton. Tbey made a trip by aoto
to Wee ton mountain, wbere the ma-
obloe became stalled In a snowdrift.
sod tbe ooonpaota walked a diitanoe
of a mils lo tbeir destination.
wrists hsndonrTs that bad worn tba
flesh away nearly to tba bone. - Tbe
tleab on one wriat bad nearly grown
over tba steel braoelet and on band
was swollen nearly twioa natural size,
Through an interpreter tba man told
tba of doers tbat be was working on a
railroad near tbe Britisb line wben be
wai arrested and esoaped while his
osptor was telephoning. Ba bas wan
dered ovar tba oonntry for several
months bis wrists enclosed in tbs steel
bands. He broke tbe connecting links
of tba obaio by striking against some
thing. He wora a large coat tbat
oame down over bis bands. W. B.
Tavlor brought np a photograph of tbe
man taken at Pendleton, wbiob shows
u A id U, al iAA-JkJr-i . JT y
vvm"-in tn jt rt rc its n tn vi yr
ani s ar ir t t if k v y him
Just 15 Days :i.;W.ljilch
to Pyrctiae&i;,: ,
The Most Wonderful Bargains Ever
Shown at any Sale in this Country
At the closing out of The Mosgrove Mercantile Com
pany. This mighty Mercantile Event commences today, Fri
day, presenting you your one great opportunity to pur
chase your present and future needs.
You can get them at a mighty little price,
Come quick, action is necessary.
Mosgrove Mercantile Co
Thos. Rucker, of Spokane, in charge
Corner cTWain and Third,
cAthena, Oregon
latauiiiiaiiaii. 1 1 1 n ii i uliiM Mhiain i frill ill 1 1 ir'ii ri-""" rM,"V, S jl''Wlilalii iiiaaaaar '
A Real Car for
Farm Implement and Vehicle Lines
include Rock Island and Southbend Plows, the Peoria
Drills, Discs, etc. Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Gaso
line Engines, Birdsell Wagons, Rex Buggies and Hacks.
Third Street CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore,
the terrible eondition of his wrists snd
bands. Tbs bandouffa were removed
after administering anesthetics, by
sawing tbem off.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the oity oounoil, Monday evening, I
was deoided to oolleot tbe liquor 11
oeniea hereafter in quarterly pay
ments. Under tba bead of license
business, tba oounoil also reduced tbe
lioense of tbe Atbena opera boose
from f 40 down to S30 per year. Not
ices were ordered posted for tbe meet
ing to te bald on Monday, January US
at tba oity hall at 7:30 p. p., at
wbiab time tbe nominations for oity
ofHoers will ba made. Tba $13,000
refunding water bonds were disposed
of at private sals. The bonds are to
roo SO years at 8 per oaot. from data
of issns, without option of redemption.
Tbe mayor and reoorder were author
ized to male arrangements for funds
to tska np outstanding oity warrants
for all bills payable in eaab.
For Bale or Trade.
2000 aores of grain land aiz miles
from BtanHeld. Fraotioally all in cul
tivation; 1000 aores in winter wheat,
fair buildings, plenty of well water.
Owner will tride for oity property or
stook ranoh op to 10 or 40 tbonsand
and take erop payments for balanos.
Prioe $3B par aore; what bava you for
tbU? iraok MoElroy, Cambridge,
Idaho. Air.
M1 iheLmQinrofihe
best haXspringatYgthG cost
JJ See tlio'VeJ&ce'Bed Sprix& at
IN wiL