Mrs. B. N. Hanks waa at Walla Walla Monday. Harry Bnody it ap from Psudletou, visiting relatives. Tbe Misses Carrie' aod Kittle Sharp are home lor the holidays. W. J. King ia prepared to deliver milk to regular customers. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Luna will speed Cbiistmas with relatives in Wilton. Al. Sigmon, ohef at tbe Walter Ad ams raoob was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Tompkins and daughter, Lillian, visited in Pendleton Saturday. Glen Dudley ia borne from tbe Uuiveislty of Oregon for the holidays. "Freuoby" Fortier arrived in tbe . oity Monday after to absence of over year. Miss Etbel Johnson and Miss Nellie McDonald were in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. W. S. Ferguson and dangbter, Gladys, were In Walla Walla Tuea day. Miss Clare Partridge, will spend Christmas week with her sister in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. L. 8 Vinoent are ii Pendleton, spending Christmas with relatives.' Mra. Carrie Bostwiok of Spokane is in Athena, and will spend tbe holidays with relatives. Jobn Walter has six milob cows whiob ha ia offering for sale at reason able prioes. Adv. For Sale An -aoetylene gas plant, editable for farm borne. Clarenoe Zerba, Athena, Oregon, Phone, U9F33 .Ad. ' ; i Coal Tar Increases the Life of your Barn Roofs and Fence Posts." Genuine Coal Tar in Barrels of 50 Gallons ' $3.50 , ' At the Gas Plant, PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO'. 1 Pendleton, Oregon Phone 40 For Christmas ; . . ... ........ Don't Neglect to inspe6tyincent's Superla- tive stock of Jewelry. 25 per cent off on gold filled Jewelry. ' Get the kid a-watch for Xmas L. S. Vincent, JE WELERj Athena, Oreg. -JUT' CALIFORNIA ' The Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers , CALLS YOU - ' ' ' r " , J With Summertime in Winter, Ootdoor and indoor sports boating, snrfbatbing, driving, golf, polo, tennis. For rest and reoreation, Culifofrnia is delightful. For safety and oomfort, go via tbe OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD a NAVIGATION CO, through Portland and return tbe same way. California is staging big shows, celebrating tbe completion of the Panama oanal ; PANAH1A-PAGIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION San Fianoisoo, Febrnary 20 to Deoember 4, 1915. - PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION San Diego, January 1 to December 81, 1915. ; lhev represent tbe highest and best of hu man endeavor in tbe world of art.' science aod industry.: See both of tbim. - Tiokets, information, etc., upon spplioation to J. B. Mathers, Agent, O-W. B. & N. Co. Athena, Orgon. " R. Burns, D. F. & P. A., Walla Walla, Wo Miss Maude MansBeld Is assisting tbe sales department at Fix Radtke's store this week. . " ' Tbe Atbena poblia school dosed Wednesday evening tor a two weeks' holiday raaation. - Christmas trading took on Consid erable snap in Athena daring the days preoeding Uhristmaa. : ; Miss Ruth Stewart ii borne for the holidays from Forest Grove, where she ia attending sobool. f Henry Keen ia working in the Par ker barter shop this week, ia tbe ab sence of Can Christian. .-. V. Miss Ruth Rntbrook, has arrived to spend the holidays at home, from tbe University of Oregon, Mra. Mattie Zeiger of Taooma, vis ited atbe home of Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor over Soodav. Mr. and Mrs. .Claude' Harris of Milton, spent Sunday at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Luna. , '- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Banks of Hnuta ville, Wash., are visiting relatives during the Bolidaya in Athena. Mrs. D. ft Sanders laft Monday evening for Portland, where (be apend the holidays with f deads. Miss Lnla Tbarp left Tuesday moming for Portland, where she will be a guest of Mrs. Arthur Downs, Mine Grace Zerba is borne tor the holidays, from Forest drove, where e is attending Paoiuo Unlveiartv. ?k These are the days of pork, county! sineage and spare-iibs. The farmer having hogs to kill are killing them. Mrs. Chas. Coomans, who baa been ill in a Walla Walla hospital, came home Saturday, somewhat improved. , Miss Winnifred Bent of Portland, is visiting in the oity, a guest tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer 1. Watts. Mrs. Ralph Baling and little daugh ter of Weston, were guests tbe first of tte week of Mr. and Mrs Fine Long. Miss Aloy Fobs aud Mrs. Ihos. U. Taggart are spending tbe holidays at the ti. J. Foss home in Sherman oonn Mra. Oliver Diokenaoa ' now posses- a splendid rug, made from the akin of bear she sbot in tbe Uklao . oountry tbe past fall. . -a r Mrs. BisobofT of North Yaklima, who has been visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs. Jobn Waller, has re turned home. . '' -3 'V Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christian are in Portland, where tbey will spend the holidays at the home of Mr, Chris tian's parents. . Miss Vesta Untsfortb. teacher in tb third and fourth grades has been tbis week; and nnable to. attund to her sobool dutUa. .'iJ"Vv X Offloer Dohson made .the only arrest of the week, when ha took ia tow J. W. MaGraw for being drank. Judge Riohnids fined blm 17.50. - In a letter to friends here from Mrs. Weeks, (nee Miss Lnla Lorens) in formation ia given of tbe ontiosl ill ness, with pneumonia, at Bexburg, Idaho of her husband, Frank Weeks, the popular actor who bas appeared in Atbena. - East Oregonian: Mrs. R. O Hawks bas returned from Ohio with her mo ther Mrs. Charlea wbo while on a vis it with relatives there Buffered a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Charles ia muob improved now and suffered no ill ef feots from tbe long railway trip baok. Dr. and Mrs. Wood are expeated to arrive from Blythsville, Arkaosaa in time to participate in the Christmas festivities at tbe Caspar Woodward home, today, 4, large family gather ing will be entertained there and tbe little folks will have a real Christmas tree. The annual meeting of the Umatilla County Caledooian Sooiety will be held at tbe of doe of B. B. Richards Saturday, January 2, 1915, at 3 o' olook p. m. There will be eleotioo of officers and tbe transaction of snob Business as may come before tbe meet- at tbat time. Taylor and D. H. MansBeld gathering horses for inpeotion by bnyer for the European war coun tries. Tbe Frenoh and British gov ernments are 'buying thousands of borseafor the ;ovalry and artillery service, and it said the life of a horse in the service averages only six days. Tom DeFreeoe is trying ont a new nkle this week at his place north of-Athena. in tbe hope that it deoim inate tbe orop of coyotes in bia neigh borhood. Large salmon hooka, bated with beef liver are bnng on wires, fastened to bushes. Mr. DeFreeoe be lieves a large timber wolt la associat ing wltb tbe band of ooyotes out there. It ia reported tbat a mad coyote ap peared at tbe Sim Culley home, sr ntb east of Athena and attacked a couple of dogs, driving them np on the poroh. The coyote was killed, like wise the dogs. It is supposed the oov- ote was afflicted with hydrophobia. and this is the first one appearing in tbia section, though tbey have been encountered in other parts of the oonnty. y-.! ... .... Xewe baa been received here of tbe nrltioal illness with appendicitis of Boater, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. B. I, Brown, at their home in Walla Walla. Miss Marguerite Forrest, wbo was in attendance npon tbe little pa (lent last week, reports a decided obaoge for tbe better. Physioiaus ad ministered tbe oil treatment, and it is booed a surgical operation will be oided. - All M KUUBUl UJCCllUH Ufc I u wmj noil, Mayor Watts appointed two ne members on toe Horary toara and now Mrs. W. P. Littlejobn and Mrs. Henry Dell are taking their tarn at filling- tbe duties of librarian, aev eral new booka have been received from the head libratv at Peudleton. but tbe list was not prepared for tbis week's paper. Also Beveral books have S3C3 . Business Ingattb )day Jr will. Wl Rl y are gathi XT Jii i Mr and Mm. W. tK. Dnhann went down to PorTlirld'WedbeSfttlnvngH be(Wt doBitai,Jij eitixeM of Jb9 oUj, aud will spend tbe holidays wltb rel atiyes there and at St. Johns. r - Orel MoPberrln ia spending tbe Christmas vaoation at hi home bare, from the Behnke Walker Business col lege in Portland where he is taking a ooorse. ' ',:,i' , Menager Darby of Russell fc Son 'a meat market is somewhat of a decor ator himself. Tbe interior of the market bas been handsomely deoorated for the holidays. Subjects for next Sunday's aervions at the Methodist obnrqh: Morning, "Looking Both Waist" evening, "A Pocket Full of Holes." Rev. A. M. Lambert, pastor. s Owing to tbe -absenoe of water in tbe small oreeks and what is there being frozen, dnoks in large numbers are resorted on tbe Umatilla river in Eoho Stanfield vicinity. be Uhristmaa tree exercises at tbe diSorent oharobes last night were well attended, and tbe programs as rendered, were thoroughly enjoyed by tbe large audiences present. rs. Ralph MoEweo baa returned from an extended visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. GoS, at Portland. Mrs. MoEwen was accom panied home by her mother. Misses Clara and Florenoe Zerba arrived from MoMinnville Unnday, and are visiting it the Claranoe Zerba home north of Athena. Tbey will r side at Walla Walla in tbe future. I'Xmas Cifts "Bob" Oliver, traveling aaleeman for the Lawrence Saddlery eompauy of Fortlaud, accompanied by bis bride, spent Tuesday night in the oity, gnests tat tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. A.- B. Bteele. ' , ; ' : ' " ' ; N JTbere will be joint installation of tftteers at tbe Masonic hall tomorrow vening. Masons and their families will attend tbe installation ceremon ies, after wbioh a banquet will be en- 1oyed. : ;. It is estimated tbat two and one balf tone ot jaekrabbita were killed in tbe sagebrush country in tbe west part of the oonnty, Sunday, and sripped to 3 A Yf deer if mio II bibi IF you wish to purchase Christ maij Giits that are up to the min ute and are useful, as well as or namental, you should call and inspect my stock. I en deavored to select only such articles that I considered would be of real value and service to the one that re ceives them. Remember, it's the good things in life that count Inspect my Holiday line. Byron N. Hawks, We Druggist the poor of Portland, to Christmas dinners. fin specimen of tbe wbita-t! deer family, abowiug fnrtber taxider skill of Sam Pambrnn, is on ex hibition at Hawks' drng store. Tbe pretty little fellow was killed in Mon tana by Fay LeUrow. At Beonett's paint store may be seen a splendid line of pictures suit able for Christmas presents, and you are oordially invited to sail aod io speot idem. Also remember tbat up- to-date ploture traoioc is dooe there oi abort notice. Ad. . , - Jook Coleman eotertaioed Athene people at the Dreamland theatre in bis inimitable way Saturday evening. Be introdnoed several new songs, and waa accompanied at tb piano by Mr. 1 Bandy Anderson, himself an entertaio I cr of talent and ability. Jobn Benson is up from Moro, man oonnty. to apend tb holi days. When Jobn is not fishing Des chutes liver, where be says tront grow "longer than pitchfork handle, be work for George haoaeli. who is somewhat of a flisbermao himself ; but not so amen so, a ia Jobn. Ik The Christmas nigbt bill at tbe Dreamland tbeater baa tbe fallowing to oSer: I. "A Bnnob of Flowers," Biogrnph. 3 and 8. The Tragedy of Ambition " Sells. Good Music. Sat nrday nigbt: 1. "Pa and Mb Elope," Biograpb. 9 and 8. "Tbe Two Bos as." Lobin. Sunday: 1. "Reggie, tbe Sqnaw Man." Kalem. 2. "Id the Dredger's Claw," Lnbin. 8. "A Story of the Wireless," Edison. Last Friday evening, Deoember 18, teim tue seventh anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mra. Joseph H. Scott, a reception waa given them at. their borne west of town, by friends from this oitv and vicinity. A boot twenty-five ohartered bay wagon, and b numter went ont In automo biles. A most pleasant informal even ing was paised with music sooiability and refreshments. A handsome piooe of pottery waa presented the couple in oonimemoiation ot tbe day. At LaMur school Wednesday after noon, 'the Buggies maiuy" naa an invitation to Christmas dinner, and dressed appropriately, accepted. Floyd Swaggsrtas Mrs. Buggies, certainly tangbt tbe little Bnggiesea manners. Lola Key impersonated Sarah Mand In blue open work atooklngs, a wonderful bead of curly hair and dress to ma tab; Mise Peory Buggies (Virgie Key,) looked comical in eld faahioued basque aod 19 boles in ber stockings. Tbe otbers were ' "suitably" attired in burlesque costumes and eaoh brought a hearty laugh. Tbe entertainment waa a complete aoocess. ' Three splendid trophies of the obese arrived Sunday morning from Jaokson Hole, Wyoming, consigned to Byron Ha was. Heads from two bnll elk and a mountain sheep, from game enitnals killed by Mr. Hawks in Wyoming laat fall, and mounted by a taxideimist at Jackson,' Wyoming are now attractive additions to lbs collection at tbe drug store. Ooe of tbe elk heada is an es peoielly tine specimen, antlers of heavy beam and oarrying a spread 'of 4a inched, the seoond bead carries a 44 inch spread of antlera, bnt are of lighter beam. Tbe. sheep bead ia much of a oorosity bere, many never if ii 'HslPMi Christmas spirit is everywhere, and the policy of this store has always been to make each successive season greater in magnitude,more notable from an artistic view point, and in every way more worthy of your patronage than any of its predecessors. Our Christmas goods are of the most worthy character. ; For months we have planned, bringing together here under one roof, gift things from the most reliable and even the most remote supply points-articles that we know will be thoroughly appreciated by those who select them, and boubly by the recipient ; ' : ; ' v FIX & RADTKE :B THE "MONET-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. A MAXWELL AUTOMOBILE x A Real Car for Farm Implement and Vehicle Lines include Rock Island and Southbend Plows, the Peoria Drills, Discs, fete. Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Gaso line Engines, Birdsell Wagons, Rex Buggies and Hacks. Third Street CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Ore, I be used for I having area one tefore. ItaVTbe welding of Miss Edna H. Tsy srRrW and Mr. Del ber t A. Olore ooonrred yesterday, December 24, 1914st Walla Walla, wltb tbe parenta of tbe bride and a few olber friends present. Tb bride is tbe eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. R. Taylor, and la one of Atb ana's most popular yonug ladies, bav ing been born aod reered here.. Tbe groom Is tbe sou of Mr. Qeoige Clore of Illnoil, well known In this oity. Tbe youog couple will remain io Atbena aod vicinity for month, where tbey will receive tbe congrato lationsof iheir boat ot friends, aod will go to Abingdon, Illinois, abonl February 1st, to reside. Both of tbe yonng people will te greatly missed in Athena, Mr. Olore having spent tbe psot year here. A. h. Bwaggert returned Wednesday from a bosiness trip to Portland. All former Atbenaites be met, now tesld ing ia tbe metropolis, seemed to be enjoying tbemeelvesj, Mr. Bwaggert pent two daya in the company of Ed. Koonta. who taosbt Link new song. It's a hammer anaV'to bear Swaggart sing it, makes one) iorget tbe braaen discordant notes off eui est. con temp. over tbe hill. Mr Swaggart Inveigled the Press man into an alley Wednesday atfernoon, where he bad everything bis own way and warbled tbe song nrer three or fonr times. Don t let bim get away without singing it for you. He Is making good, Kooutz. Automobile owners sbonld bear Ta mind the appearance and life of their machine depends to a large extent on keeping them properly painted. At Bennett a paint store a thoroughly re iiatle and competent automobile psioter has been employed to take charge of tbis olass of work. Call tot prioes. Adv. Mrs. A. R. Prioe, for many years a resident of tbis violnlty, died Tuesday at ber borne in Pullman, Wash., after lingering illness.. Mrs. Price was tbe mother of Lowell Rogers, and sis ter of E. A. Dudley ot tbis oitv. Of a family of six children, Mr. Dudley is tbe nnly one now left. Mrs. Price was well knowo in tbis oonnty, where she baa many friends. She leaves fife sons and two dangbters to mourn ber . loss. Tbey are Fred Rogers of Potlman; Lowell and Frank of Pendle ton; Chance of Weston aod Tot of Mil- too. The dangbters are Mra. Ueoige McDonald of Pullman and Mra Sanze of Walla Walla. . Fooeral services will be beld at Walla Walla at U a. a. toc"ay. A Deductin. IVrwumllv mi' dn not pretend to be innrh nl ii I : ltd nl rending character, '.mi ivIiimi "i'i ii young man carry Ihk ii imlr "f kid gloves in one band nud ii tiim In the other' we know be iKii't lookliift fur plowing lob. Qal rtMtou Sen. tft.,f f -v Russell & Son The New Meat -.Market WE are selling Fresh Meats now at an enormous Re duction. Since our Market has opened, the price of Meat has been reduced about 7c per lb. and we expect to continue these prices. If you wish us to stay, encourage, the Market that reduced the price of meat in Athena. Phone, 493. J. W. DARBY, Manager.' Only a Btiffer. i "He says he's Iiobs-likes to show bin wife that he's clothed In author ity" .-All I ran say Is thnt be'a a pretty poor dremwr." Town Tuples. "in my time." dfclnrrd grandma, "irlrlx wire more modest." ; "I Uimw." sold the fllppnrit girl. "It was ii ril once. We may get back to ltH"KtuiM Vlty Journal. Why Pay 8 Per Cent? For farm loans whan you"! can obtain cheaper money by applying to Maloney &'jwlnn. Enquire or wilte to either J. ti. Uwinn of tbe Pendleton Ab stract Company, oi J. W. Maloney, of Peudleton, Oregon. Adv. MstbgCspring ati Spst NOflAMMOCKING KOWJMMOCKIKG NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING ... . See the"'J)eJi:e"Se dSpittp at IE MILLER'S . FURNITURE STORE,