The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 18, 1914, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
LeVoisa MoEwen was in Pendietou
Tuesday evening,
Wesley Tompkins wag a Weston
visitor Sunday, i
Miss Lillian Tompkiot was a Wes
ton visitor Sunday.
Just a little snow; not
really feel what it is like.
Mr. and Mrs. Venard Bell ol
ton, were in the oity Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Elmer Gordon
Fendieton visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Ferguson were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
A new sidewalk has been built from
Mrs. Barden'g residence south on
Second street, to Main street. :
W es-
Eev. A. M. Lambert spent the fore
part of the week in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Benty Keen bis been ill the
past week at her home in this oity.
Call and see Fix ft EUdtke'a toy
shop. Everything for the obildren.
Dr. and Mrs. Will B. Soott have
gone to Seattle on a two weeks' visit.
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon visited friends
in Walla Walla, the first of the week.
Mtfaiion Hansen left this morning
Tor the east end of the oonoty, to hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Staggs were
shopping with Athena meiohants
Mr. and Mrs. Nesmith Ankeny
were in tbe oity Wednesday, from
Pendleton. , .
Mies Lela (iarfleld, who has been
visiting friends in Athena returned
to her home in Walla Walla.
Coal Tar
Increases the Life of your Barn Roofs
and Fence Posts.
Genuine Coal Tar" in Barrels
of 50 Gallons
At the Gas Plant,
- Pendleton, Oregon
' Phone 40
For Christmas
Don't Neglect
to inspect Vincent's Superla- '
tive stock of Jewelry. 25 per
, cent off on gold filled Jewelry.
Get the kid a watch for Xmas
L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj
Athena, Oreg.
The Land of Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers
With Summertime in Winter,
Outdoor and indoor spoils boating surfbatbing, driving, golf, polo
tennis. For rest and reoreation, Califofrnia is delightful. For safety
and comfort, go via the
throosb Portland and return the same way. California is staging two
big shows, oelebrating the completion of the Panama canal
San Fianoisoo, February 20 to Deoember 4, 1915.
San Diego, January 1 to Deoember 81, 1915.
The? represent the bigbest and beet of hu
man endeavor in tbe world of ait, soienoe
and industry. Sea botb of them.
Tickets, information, eto.. upon application
to J. R. Mathers, Agent, O-W. H. ft N. Co. ,
Athena, Oregon.
B. Burns, D. F. ft P. A.. Wa 11a Walla, Wn
John Walter has alx milob cows
wbioh ha is offering for sale at reason
a tie prioes. Adv.
Miis Laura Smith spent Sunday in
Walla Walla, the gnest of her brother
Walter Smith. .
When looking for a nobby lie tor
your husband or sweetheart, go to Fix
ft Badtko'e. Adv.
Mrs Harris oame op from Pendleton
SundBy, and visited at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Defeats
Jook Coleman, he of Caledonian
Piooio fame, has been in Athena this
week, visiting with friends.
- Mlas Eva Sobrimpf Is spending tbe
Christmas vaoation
and friends in Portland.
David Lavendei. 'saga and high-oook
aluram of tbe metropolis over tte bill,
was in tbe oity Wednesday. , j
Mrs. boss visited over Sunday at the
home of her parents in tnis oity, Mr.
and Mrs. Cass Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers and
daughter, Gwendoline, of Pendleton
spent Saturday in Athena.
I The Raymond Bell company has
yteul prodnoing good plays at the
I juneua opera uuaaa iiujb wvm. .., :
1 JcBBie, the little daughter of Mr.
ana mis. jubbu uooiey, una uoeu yrj
ill this week with pnenmouia.
Harry MoBride was in from ' the
ranoh Wednesday. He is feeding a
mber of boge for the market. .
V. Maslin was arrested by Ofnoer
Ramsay Wednesday for fast driving.
Reoorder Biaharda fined him $5.
Mrs. J. W. Maioney of Pendleton,
nd Mrs.' Mattie Zeiger of Taaoma,
visited friends in Athena Saturday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor re
turned Saturdav evening from Pendle
ton after visiting friends in that oity.
Hear Jook Coleman In his famons
Sootob songs at tbe Dreamland The
atre Saturday night. Piioea 10 and
20 oents.
Miss Vesta Cntsfortb, teaoher in the
Athena pnblio schools, ia taking tbe
teaoher'g examination at Pendleton,
tbis week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lewis
of Adams, Deoember 14, 1914, a son,
Dr. Sham renorta mother and cane
doing well.
For Sale An aoetylene gas plant,
suitable for farm home. Clarenoe
Zarba, Athena, Oregon. Pbone,
29F32 .Ad.
William Graham well known Wes
tonite and particular orony of Colonel
Wood, spent a few hours in tbe oity
Wednesday. ...
James Lienallen tbe ' well known
Weston stookman was in the oity
Wednesday aooompanied by Oeoige
Kionear of tbal oity. -
W. S. Ferguson has porohased
new Buiok roadster. Tbe maohinn la
1015 model, fully equipped and
modern in every detail.
Dr. J. D. Plamondnn returned tbis
morning from Salem, where be was
called owing to the critioal illness of
hisister, Mis. Henry Pape.
Air. and Mrs. Braden Gerking.left
bis morning for their ranoh on the
Jobn Dav. after spending a 'week in
tbis vicinity, visiting relatives.
Mrs. Ralph MoEwen and the two
boys returned on Wednesday evening's
train from an extended visit with Mrs.
MoEwen's parents at Portland.
Mrs. F. S. Le Grow drove her car
to Pendleton Wednesday, aooompanied
by Mrs. B. N. Hawks, Mrs. M. L.
Watts and Mrs. L. 8. Vinaent.
Colonel Rnde shipped two oar loads
of hogs from Athena tbis week, pui-
Iohaaiog one oarload from A. L. Swag
gait and one load from Claud Stean.
'Tbe present cold weather baa
anaed a oessation of work on the base
ment of tbe new sobool buidling.
Material is being plaoed on tbe gronnd
toi spring woik. '
Emil Mnllenbeok, who for tbe past
two years has been employed in Ben
nett's paint store, left Wednesday
eveniog for Epbrata, Wash, to make
his future home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson rof Al
berta, spent a few daya in Athena tbis
week, visiting relatives. Mr. Kelson
disposed of bis Umatilla county wheat
ranoh for $51,000.
N. A. Miller baa partitioned off an
of floe in bis furniture store loom,
Tbe offloe is oompletelv enclosed,
heated with an oil stove, and oomfort
able to lounge in.
Weetoo annonnoes a danoe for
Christmas night. With the two here
on Thursday and Friday nigbts tbe
young people should have enough
danoiug for on week, at least
At tbe annnal fair and dinner held
by tbe ladles of tbe Christian Aid so
oiety last Saturday in tbe Basement of
theohurob, tbe sum of (123.60 cents
wss made, olear of all expenses,
Ed. Simpson has purchased tbe 40
a ore tar m of Mrs. Herman Graham
situated south of Athena. Mr. and
Mrs. Graham bave gone to Puget
Sound to make their f ntnre home.
Those who attended services last
Sunday at the Methodist oburob noted
with pleasure the warmth of tbe audi
torum tbe large heating stove reoeutly
installed being responsible for tbe
New elect! lo lights were installed at
theMUrst National Bank this week.
Tbe bank . Is new superbly lighted
with nitrogen Indirect lights set in
white and green shades with elaborate
brass fixtures.
1 Snnday Deoember 20, at the Chris
tian obnrob, the ottering for State
missions will be taken. ' Every mem
ber is earnestly requested to be present
as we hope to raise our full apportion-
J. H. Harmon, pastor.
I V The basketball team of tbe Athena
..fBigb eobool was defeated by tbe Echo
Xtiras (Gifts
IF you wish to purchase Christ
mas Gitts that are up to the min
ute and are useful, as well as or
namental, you should call and inspect my stock. I en
deavored to select only such articles that I considered
would be of real value and service to the one that re
ceives them. Remember, it's the good things in life
that count Inspect my Holiday line.
There will be a grand ball at the
Athena opera bouse on Christmas
night. . An espeoially fine time is an
tiolpated. Gordon'a oroheatra will
furnish the musio for tbe oocsaioo.
Byron N. Hawks, W Druggist
Tbe Foss-Winship Haidware com
pany bave this week installed a new
doutle deok show case. With tbis
installation,' tbe store is now equipped
with splendid facilities for displaying
The entertainment given last even
ing at the Cbriatiao obnroh by Mrs,
Elisabeth de Bsrria Gill, of Spokane,
was a delight to her andieuoe, wbioh
tboogb - small, was an appreciative
The LaGrande bran band will dts
band for the reason tbat at the teoent
oily election, a meaaure providing for
a payment of tbe organization mem.
berabip out of city tuuda, failed
B. Taylor and Ralph MoEwen
ently sold bunob of cavalry
holees to Russell ft Co. of Walla
Walla, for service in tbe French army
They were oompelled to make a visit
'J of two before they got their lucre.
team laat Friday nigbt by the eoore 6f
40 to IS on the Echo floor. A reoep
tion was tendered tbe Athena team
after the game. A good time reported
by all.
Tbe breaking ont of an epidemic of
mumps at tbe University of Oregi n
hastened adjontnment for tbe holiday
period. " The dismissal of stndentstor
the holiday leoess, was in aooord with
suggestions of tbe Eugene city health
ofHoer. . " . ' ,
Two nights of unalloyed mirth was
provoked at Peudleton tbis .week,
when the Elks put on a minstrel
show with looal talent in tbe tickle
stunts. It was one of the best peiform-
anoea ever put on in Pendleton by
home aotors. , .
At Bennett's paint store may be
seen a splendid line of piotures suit
able for Christmas presents, and you
are oordially invited to call and in
speot them. Also remember that up-
to-date picture framln; ia done tnerr
on ehort notice. Ad.
Hand bills are out with the an
nouncement of a Christmas ball at the
Lodge hall next Thursday evening.
Jacob Booher. Rnssel Pieisol of this
oity ; LetCber Norvel of Helix,. Lester
O'Hana of Westou, and Frank Heniy,
of Adams are tbe floor oommittee.
The promoters of an eleotrio light
ing system tor Helix are having diffi
culty in financing tbe proposition, and
in all nrobability tbe proposition win
fall through, for a time, at least, u
was nrooosed to furnish the motive
power witb a gasoline engine.
County Sobool Superintendent I. E.
Vonnff. made an othoial visit to tba
Athena Lubllo sobools. Tuesday. He
found tbe sobools here in a floutishiug
oondition and is bigbly pleased that
tbe oity is to have a modern BObool
building. ,
The maoudam road is now oompleted
between tbis city and Adams, the
road orewa have been laid off fnr tbe
winter. One of tbe orushers has been
moved to Pendleton and the othei will
be loo a ted nfrtbe Athena city query
whnro rook far street Work Will be
IGeorge Winship, one of the Athena
4ainilAnta nf the Oregon 8tata Univer
sity at Eocene, returned to Atbena
Tuesday morning, to spend tbe holiday
vaoation at tbe borne of bis parents.
George is well pleased witb his woik
at tbe University and his many
Athena friends wish him suooess.
Grand Patriarob Wiight of Albany,
met with the members of tbe' local
anoamnment Monday evening, and
addressed tbe lodge. His address is
said to bave been one of tbe beat ever
listened to by members of the order,
The Rebekabs also were present and
refreshment! were served.
Tbe Pendleton Tribune subsoriptiou
uonteat olnses tomorrow, with Miss
Mandis Mansileld well up as one of
tbe winners uf prizes offered. Those
bo desire to renew their anbsariptlooi
or snbsoribe foi the paper should give
heir subscriptions to Mies Mansfield
and thus assist her in winning over
other competitors.
Monday evening, Mr. and Mis,
Milt Swaggart were host and hostess
t a farewell party, given In bonor or
Mr. Jack MoCool, who left Tuesday
for bis borne in Missouri. Cards and
anoiug were enjoyed until a late bour
delightful supper was served riy
tbe hostess, assisted by MIsb Nellie
MoDonald, who baa been a gnest at
tbe Swaggait borne for tbe past week.
Automobile owners should bear in
mind tbe appearance and life of their
maohlne depends to a large extent on
keeping them properly painted. At
Bannett'a paint store a thoroughly re
liable and competent automobile
painter baa been employed to take
charge of this olass of work. ' Call for
prioes. Adv. ,
Clarenoe Burden, well known in
this oity. witb F. D. Bull, is to have
a hearing at Baker oity, on charge of
aaeault witb a dangerous weapon upon
tbe neraon of George Simpson, a miner
who claims tbat bis mining property
baa been jumped by Burden and Bull,
who Bled a homestead on tbe property
where tba mine is situated.
Umatlilla ooouty'a share of tbe
state tax this year will be f 188,700. as
against f 172,864 last yeer, aooording
to renorta reoelved from Salem. The
rsdooiion is not as great as was antic!
paled owing to the new polioy of an
tioipating expenses. Two ypais ago
Umatilla county's snare or ine siaie
tax was bnt f 48,000 and last year tbe
Inmti waa over three times tbat
Preparations are in progress at all
three of tbe eburobes for tbe usual
Cb list mas festivities. Splendid pio
grams and Christmas treee will be seen
and enjoyed by tbe little folks at tbe
BaDtist aod Methodist oburobes, and a
Christmas Passant will be added at
the Chriatian oburob. All tbe exerois
M will be held Christina eve, Tburs
day eveniog.
Russell ft Son will make a great
Chriatmaa sbowiog of prime beef
mnttnu and Dork. Donltry, eto., be
sinning Tuesday. Deoember 22, sbo
inn botb quality and quantity. Ou
and after tbat date, tbey will give two
pounds of their noted pork sausags tJ
avarv nurobase of 11 and npwards Of
tbeir prime seleoted Xmss stcok.
Don't fail to see tbis fine display of
tbe beet mesU the market affords. Ad.
The following will be tba program
at tbe Dreamland Theatre Friday aod
Batoiday nigbts: 1 and 2, "Tbe In
trigue" Kslem. 8 "Mr. Sultfkine'
Widow EaMeon. Saturday night spe-
Tariramr i
spirit is everywhere, and the policy of this store has
always been -to make each successive season greater in
magnitude, more notable from an artistic view point,
and in every way more worthy of your patronage
than any of its predecessors.
Our Christmas goods are of the most worthy character.
For months we have planned, bringing together here under one roof, gift things
from the most reliable and even the most remote supply points-articles that we know
will be thoroughly appreciated by those who select them, and boubly by the recipient.
A Real Car for
Farm Implement and Vehicle Lines
include Rock Island and Southbend Plows, the Peoria
Drills, Discs, etc. ' Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Gaso
line Engines, Birdsell Wagons, Rex Buggies and Hacks.
Third Street CHARLES KIRK, Athena, pre,
oial, Jook Coleman lu bis famoua
Sootob songs. Prioes, 10 and 20 cents.
Sunday night: 1. "Witb tbe Eye of
Love" Edison. 2. "Tbe Countess
and tbe Bu'glar." Selig. 8 "A Bo-
manoe of the Northwest. " Lunln.
Louis Beignviu was in a soary run
away Hunday, wnen nis team iook
fright near tbe First National Dana
tuildlnk, turned tbe rig over ana
dragged young Bergevin some distanoe
down Main street, slightly brulBing
him. Tbe team ran into tbe curb at
tbe St. Niobola hotel, turned sonth
and left a tartly wreoked buggy belnw
Current street. Ibe harness was also
bsdly torn DP, but tbe team esoaped
aerious injury.
Thomas P. Page, a pioneer resldsnt
nf Walla Walla and Umatilla county
who left Atbena for California several
veers ago after disposing of land bold
in bars, died Saturday afternoon at
tba home of bis daughter at B.eni,
Wflab. Mr. Pase bad been in feeble
hmlth for aome time and recently bis
danahter went to California aod
brooaht the old gentleman home witb
her. He was well known to all old
timers of tbe Northwest, and wss a
member of tbe Washington territorial
legislature and beld the postmaater
abip of Walla Walla for a numter of
' Tbe prinoipal part of Christmas
shopping will be done in Athena from
tomorrow until Thursday night of
next week. There are good stocks of
Holiday goods displayed in Athena
atoies tbis season. At Hawk's drug
store an exceptionally fine display is
noticed. In addition to Mi. Hawks'
large stook.L. 8. Vincent is exhibiting
a splendid line of watobesand jewelry.
Fix ft Badtke have a fine diaplay of
toys and Christmas goods, while Foss
& Winship Haidware company are
making a specialty of silverware and
ontlery. Tbey also bave a mammoth
stook of sleds and flash lights suitable
for presents. Tbe Uolden Rule atore
is displaying a complete line of toys,
so there is no excuse for Atbena people
to go away tiom boma tbis year, to do
tbeir Christmas shopping.
Russell & Son
The New
Meat -.Market
tlE are selling Fresh
Meats now at an enormous Re
duction. Since our Market has opened, the price or
Meat has been reduced about 7c per lb. and we expect to
continue these prices. If you wish us to stay, encourage
the Market that reduced the price of meat In Athena.
Phone, 493. , J. W. DARBY, Manager.
Why Pay 8 Per Cent?
For farm loans when yon can obtain
hv aoplyiog to Malonay
ft (jwion. Boquire or wnte to either
J. H. Owlnn of ibe Pendleton Ab
treat Comnany. or J. W, Maioney, of
Pendletoo, .Oregon. Adv.
rMlthe LwQinrof the
hhsth($springtthe cost
t? -k?'W t t-4 i Ti W ,r IT . asli.a Wi U1JK p
1-rrri-T-i rn si r-
See he'&eJ&e'edSprix&r at
' - - f