The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 11, 1914, Image 3

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    J Press Paragraphs
John Botbiook is in
Portland tbis
spent Sunday In
Craig Wilkinson
Mrs. J. Q, . Flamondon visited In
Pendleton Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otha Beeder were in
Walla Walla this week.
. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Willuby visited
iu Pendleton Saturday.
A pretty line of Christmas stationery
on display at Fix & Radtke's. Adv.
Miss Lnla Tharp will leave"tomor
row for a visit with friends in Port
laud. .
.... ' Jf
Fix & Badtke have jnst received
auotber asHOitiueut of embroidery pat
terns. Adv.
MisB Ruth Krebs of Milton was a
guest ot Miss Velma Wilkinson for
tbe week eud. - ,
Mis. W. B. Soott is visiting ber
mother, Mrs. N. J. OarBeid, at Walla
Walla, tbis week.
Jobn Walter baa six milob oons
wbiob be is offering for sale atr'eason-
atle priaes. Adv
W ben looking tors nobby tie for
vonr bnsband or sweetheart, go to Fix
& Kadtk's. Adv.
A. B.. MoEweu and daughters, Miss,
Jessica and Mrs. Henry Barrett, visit-
m Pendleton tbia week.
Joe Sbeard haa purabased a new
Bnink automobile, trading in bis
While steamei on tbe deal.
Red Cross stamps to belp tte suf
fering Belgians, may be baa at Hawks'
drug store, at one cent eaob.
Mrs. Alf. Johnson of Walla Walla
is visiting relatives and friends in
Athena and vioinity tbis week.
Adams is tbia week establishing
her branob library and will have it
open each afternoon in the week.
For Sale An aoetylene gas plant,
suitable for farm borne. Clarenoe
Zflrba, Athena, Oregon. J Phone,
S9F'M .ad.
Mis. Charles May was down from
her home on Weston mountain, trading
with Atbena merobanta Monday,
The ' admission charges at tbe
Dreamland theatre will hereafter be
lOo straight, with no exceptions.
Burn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Web
er, at the St. Nlohola Hotel, in tbis
oity, December 9, 1911, a danghter.
Charles Grant is preparing to open
a restaurant and short order boose in
the bnilding opposite Dr. Sharp's
of floe.
Mrs. Charles Bryan, Mrs. A. B.
Steele, Mrs. Carl Christian and Mis,
Ueorge Mabar, motored to Pendleton
Claude Still was in tbe oity from
Milton Friday evening, and attended
the dancing party at the K. of P. -I. 0.
0. F. ball.
Butler wrappers were, printed at
the Piess offioe this week for Mrs. A.
J. Wagnei, Mrs. Will Kirk and Mrs.
Bobt. Coppook. j
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eabmitt oame
down from Wattsburg Tuesday even
ing, and visited frvenda in Athena for
a couple of days.
Dr. and Mrs. Watts ot Weston, with
Mrs. Watts' father, A. Phillips, will
leave soon for Los Angeles, Calif, to
Biend the winter. .
Miss Matlie Coppook, who was re
cently at Walla Walla, and under
went a surgical operation, bag return
ed to ber home in this oity.
Mrs. . GcomanB was this week taken
to Walla Walla where she entered
a bospital and underwent operation.
She is reported as recovering nicely.
One of the largest audiences of tbe
season attended tbe performance of
"The Girl and the Tramp," at tbe
Athena Opera house, Tuesday evening.
Tbe little daughter ot Mr. and Mis.
Fred Collins who has been seriously ill
with pneumonia at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank 'Iharp, is reported
Tbe pnblio is asked to call at tbe
Christian church tomorrow, and view
(and also buy) tbe splendid assortment
of artioles, that are both useful and
ornamental, and suitable for Christ
mas presents. Dioner served from 13
till 8. ' - " ,
Coal Tar
Increases the Life of your Barn Roofs
and Fence Posts.
Genuine Coal Tar in Barrels
of 50 Gallons
At the Gas Plant,
Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 40
Watches for Christmas
Good Quality in all Standard makesUn-
eluding Hamilton, Howard, Illinois, Waltham
JSaai Elgin movements. Your inspection of these
fine watcnes is respecttuiiy soucitea.
L. S. Vincent,
Athena, Oreg.
M """"'tfil
p ii,'iilu"eMtf "'iLLiii'r"Tii juiriiLJii''n"liimii'"'" iuwip" ''imux 111 iiwml"TTr ni"r "linsHl"""liMWn ' 111 IIHil1"1 'm
! Xiiias' (Sifts
IF you wish to purchase Christ
mas Giits that are up to the min
ute and are useful, as well as or
namental, you should call and inspect my stock. I en- l
deavored to select oniv sucn articles mat l considered
would be of real value and service to the one that re
ceives them. Remember, it's the good things in life
that count Inspect my Holiday line.
Byron N. Hawks, 7$e Druggist
Misa Lela Garfield is in the oity
from her home in Walla Walla and
will spend a oouple of weeks with ber
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jackson
Kelson. . .
William Tompkins has returned
borne from Walla Walla, where be
spent a oouple of weeks taking treat
ment in a hospital, greatly improved
in health.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mansfield is improv
ing ber cottage property oooupied ty
Mr. and Mrs. L. 8. Vincent, by con
struoting a oommodions cellar stor
age room.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson and
family have this week moved Into the
resideuos property on Adams street,
vaoated recently by Mr, and L. M.
Nelson. .
CO. Dorman and wife of 8pokane,
have arrived in Athena to spend tbe
winter Mr. Dorman is an automobile
painter and is employed at Bennett's
paint store.
The basket ball team ot lbs Ath
ena icnooi piayea ins uoinuu uiku
school team Friday night in Milton,
and the soore stood 39 to 8, in favor
of tbe Milton team.
' George D. Menke has sold bis in
terest in the Athena hotel to DavicO
ruouonaio, air, uiououtuu' win uuu
tinne to run the botel, and Mr. and
Mrs. Menke will retiie.
Everybody and bis friends dine at
the Christian ohurob tomorrow. A
sumptuous ohioken dinner, with all
the accessories will be served from
noon till 8 o.clook. Only 85 oents.
The sermon subjects at tbe Metb
odist oburob for next Sunday are an
nounced as follows, by the pastor, Bev.
A. M. Lambert: Morning servioe,
"Home Religion ;" evening, "God's
The past two nights have been tbe
coldest of tbe season so far, and water
pipes have given warning of trouble,
wherever unduly exposed. Fourteen
above aero was tbe lowest temperature
Dr. Sharp dressed a badly out lip
for Arthur Douglas, Tuesday morning.
Mr. Douglas out his lip on a baibwire
fence when be raised op after reaobing
tor his bat, wbiob had been blown off
by the wind.
Friends in Athena ot Bev. and Mrs.
W. E. ArmSeld have reoeived in
vitations to attend the celebration of
tbeir silver wedding anniversary, to
be held in tbe Wesley Methodist Epis-
oopal ohurob in Spokane, Ueoeniber
Tbe cub bear, shot by H. O. Wor
tbineton on a reoent hunting tup.
has been monnted life size and in
abaraoteriatio posture. It makes a
splendid addition to Mr. Worthing
ton's large oolleotion of wild game
Tuesday evening of this week, Miss
Hazel McFarland entertainnd in honor
of Edward and Buth Chittenden. A
large number of Miss MoFarland's
vonng friends were present and an en
joyable evening was spent. Refresh
ments were served.
' Tbe polioe reoord shows that Henry
Millr was fined $10 tbis week, with
provision for an additional fine of t35
if he is again brought before tbeoouit
for maloondnot. George Myrlok was
fined $7.60. Both arrests were made
by of Boer Hearsay. '
At Bennett's paint store may be
seen a splendid line of piotores suit
able for Christmas presents, and you
are cordially invited to oall and in
apeot them. AIbo remember that up-
to-date pioture framing is done there
on abort notioe. Ad.
Mrs. H, H. Bill has returned from
an extended visit at the borne ot ber
daughter, Mrs. 0. O. Wbiteman, near
LaCroes, Wash. She was aooompan
ied home by Mr. Bill, who has lately
acquired property in that oity, and
was up on a business visit.
Two automobile loads of Athena
shooters went to the breaks of tbe
Colombia river, northwest ot Bold
man Sunday, and spent the day killing
jaokrabbitB. That seotion of tbe ooon
ty is oveitun with rabbits and tbey
afford good spoit to marksmen.
The East Oiegonian repoits the re
oent marriage in Caldwell, Idaho, of
Mrs. . Lizzie Jones, formerly ot this
city, to W. P. Cavinees, of Bouita,
Oregon. Both bride and groom are
well known to old timers of tbis vio
inity, Mr Oavioess having lived here
in an early day.
Senator 0. A. Barrett attended tbe
meeting of Eastern Oregon legislators
and sportsmen clubs at La Grande,
on tbe 8rd inst. , At tbe meeting pro
posed obanges in tbe psb and game
laws, as affeoting Eastern Oregon weie
disaussed. A banquet was held in
honor of the oooasioo.
From the oonnty raooids it is learn
ed that Frank J. Beale and wife have
sold to Fay 8. LeGrow 1820 acres ot
land, north of Atbena for $36,800. It '
is understood that Mr. Beale has pur
chased Mr. LeGrow's (took lanob iu
Montana and tbe Umatilla oouuty
SIDE MAIN land figured in tbe dual.
ATHEM JJQradiog of Third street, from Cnr-
rrent street aoutb to the bridge, at tbe
City Park, was commenced yesterday
morning. Tbe surfaoe will be macad
amized to conform with previous
street work in tbe city. The new work
will conneot with tbe oounty maoad
amiz d road at the bridge.
Miss Maude Mansfield is still rou
sing well in the aubsoiiptioo contest.
She is in aeoond plaoe. The oootest
will close Saturday, December 19.
Miss Mansfield la deeply gratefnl for
ber support given by friends in tbe
contest, and solicits tbe early subscrip
tion ot all who Intend giving tbeir
Automobile owners should bear in
mind tbe appearance and lite of tbeir
maoblne depends to large extent on
keeping tbem properly painted. At
Bennett's paint atore a thoroughly re
liaele and competent aotomobile
painter has been employed to take
obarge of tbia class at work. Call for
prices. Adv.
lbs infant ma of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Johnson, Amid on Thanksgiving
day. died Tuesday and was bailed
Wednesday afternoon, funeral aer'ioes
being conducted at tbe borne, north of
town. Tbe little one
with spinel trouble. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson have tbe sympathy of the
community in tbeir bereavement.
Tbey are deeply thankful to all wbo
so kindly rendered assistance. -
Next Thursday evening, December
17th, Elizabeth de Barrie Gill, the
noted harpist and reader, will give an
entertainment in tbe Christian oburob.
General Lew Waliaoe said: "After
bearing hundreds of readers and aot
resaes give seleotions from Ban Bnr,
I had the pleasure of bearing Eliza
betb de Barrie Gill's rendition of tbe
Cbaiiot Kaoe. It was done to my en
tire satisfaction, and the best 1 have
ever beard."
cA. J. Parker
Kucrjrthlne Pint
CImm - Mo 4 am
ud Up-to-dat
Tonight at tbe Dreamland Theatre,
tbe'management will show the Walla
Walla Frontier Days in motion pic
tures; admission, 16o and Sflo. For
Saturday nigbt, 1 and a. "The Tigers
at. tbe - Bills," Kaiem. 8. "King
Baby'a Birthday," Selig. Sunday.
1. "The Beautiful Leading Lady,"
Edison. 3, "Ber Father's Silent
Partner," Biograpb. 8. "A Change
in Baggage Cheofcs," Vitagrapb.
, A splendid missionary program was
given by tb)C. W. B. M. at the Chris
tian ohuroh Sunday evening, at wbiob
tbe chief feature was a vooal duet by
Dr. and Mrs. Will K. Soott. Tbe
lights and scenery were effeotively ar-
tanged for the pantomime by four
girls and Sunset Song ty Mrs. Har
mon. Other numbers were well
worthy ot apeoial mention, notably,
a solo by Pearl BamBey and reoitation
by Savannah Smith and the "Mission
ary Dolls," by a olass of little girls
trained by Mrs. B. D. Tbarp.
' A delightful danoing party was giv
en last Friday evening in tbe K. otP.
I. 0. O. F. ball, Invitations being sent
out by the Atbena Sooial Club. A
number of the young people of the
city and yonng married couples were
piesent and enjoyed danoing and cards
until midnight, Johnson's orchestra
furnishing tbe music Mrs. M. L,
Watts, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs.
Bonier I. Watts and Miss Laura Smith
stood in the reoeiving line. Delicious
fruit punob was served throughout
the evening. Tbe hope is expressed
by the young people tbat this is only
the first of a series of these pleasant
Mr. end Mis. L.W. Smith, nee Miss
Merna DePeatt, left on Sunday morn
ing's train, via. Spokane, en route to
tbeir home in La Forte City, . lows,
followed bv tbe einoere good . wishes
of the people of Atheua, iflv'wlione
oburob and sooial aotivities, tb tride
will be greatly missed. The- young
people were muoh dined and feted by
tbeir friends preoediug tbeir depar
tare, and Saturday afteiooon spent tbe
time witb Pendleion fiiends, motoriug
down with Mr. J. N. Soott and Mrs.
Smith's mother, Mrs. Minnie DePeatt.
Postoards have been sent friends en
route, giving assurance of a pleasant
trip. . -. i t : .
Hew It Came to Be Placed Under the
. Treasury Department.
- The - Bniied-.atntes -rmmwuSSS&S
service is a military arm ot the govern
ment attached to nnd under the direc
tion of the treasury department The
service was orgnnized in 1700 and con
stituted tbe original naval force of tbe
country. There was at that time no
nary department, and the service was
placed under the treasury department,
where It has remained ever since.
It is charged with the enforcement of
the navigation and customs laws of the
United States, the assistance of vessels
In distress, the protection of tbe seal
ing industry in Alaska, the enforce
ment of tbe quarantine laws, tbe de
struction of derelicts and other floating'
dangers to navigation and numerous
other duties appropriate to its class ot
vessels. Each winter, by direction of
tbe president, a number of the cutters
patrol the coast for the special purpose
of assisting vessels in distress.
The service co-operntes with the navy
when directed by the president nnd
has so co-operated in every war In
which tbe United States has been en
gaged, it is sometimes colled the reve
nue marine service, but revenue cutter
service is the proper name. There are
forty-three outturn In the service, and
they carry from one to five or six guns
each.-Philadelphla Press.
Our Latter Day Methods Were an
Open Book to Moses.
Nothing under the sun Is new. Facts
have proved tbat even the pitch which
hygiene has reached at the present day
was equaled nnd In ninny lustnwes
excelled under the laws of Mose.
The particular and careful manner Iu
which animals are slnughtered accord
ing to the laws of tbe Talmud is ac
knowledged today to be the most snnl
tury method possible.
Profossor Koch gnve to the world the
valuable results (if his Investigations
in bacteriology, but several thousand
years before that the Mosaic law point
ed out the danger to humanity from
tuberculosis in cattle, but did not for
bid poultry as food. It was not many
years ago that specialists discovered
that fowl tuberculosis was harmless to
The yearly exodus to the country and
seaside Is no new Innovation. Moses,
the great lawgiver, prescribed not only
feasting at certain seasons or me year,
but the removal of whole families to
creat camping grounds In tbe open
spaces, where they could live near to
nature-Pearson's Weekly.
spirit is everywhere, and the policy of this store has
always been to make each successive season greater in
magnitude, more notable from an artistic view point,
and in every way more worthy of your patronage
than any of its predecessors.
Our Christmas goods are of the most worthy character.
' For months we have planned, bringing together here under one roof, gift things
from the most reliable and even the most remote supply points-articles that we know
will be thoroughly appreciated by those who select them, and boubly by the recipient.
A Real Car for
Farm Implement and Vehicle Lines
include Rock Island and Southbend Plows, the Peoria
Drills, Discs, etc. Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Gaso
line Engines, Birdsell Wagons, Rex .Buggies and Hacks.
Third Street CHARLES KIRK, Athena, Orei
The Athens bianah of the County
Library is now cosily boused in its
permanent borne on the south side of
Main street, where its patrons may
seoure tbeir books and periodicals on
eaob Wednesday afternoon and Sat
urday afternoons and evening. The
commodious rooms have been newly
painted and papered, and a number of
ohaira, rngs, and a oonob were donated
by citizens, also a handsome new par
lor stove for warming tbe rooms. Tbe
ladies of tbd board have reoeived the
fallowing congratulations and inform-
tion from Miss Sabra L. Mason,
the oounty librarian: .,
"Yoo ceitainly have reasi n to feel
elated over tbe way yonr library is
being used. Yonr tranob already
leads'all the others in number of books
circulated per wees;. We will gat
more children's books to yon Saturday
as out new boi was opnoed today and
we are rushing tbem tbroogb the mill
as fast as poesitla "
The followiog looks bsve been Do
nated this. week by citizens, and will
be entered on the list to be permanent
ly retained by this branch ;
MaoMowan Tbe Last Word.
Athertoo The Californiana.
Collins Tbe Woman in White.
Bell The Ioterferenoe of fatriola.
A tberton Rezaoov.
Major Volanda.
tinnier Mr. Barnes, American.
r Make Appearances Coupv
A good appearance 1 always an en
tering wedge when ft man seeks an
interview, but all the clothe in
king's wardrobe won't sell a bill of
goods. It takes human intelligence to
do tbat Vanity sometimes leads a
fellow to bedeck bis person like a five
storied wedding cake, and some men
do It. I suppose, because tbey believe
In the foolish aphorism tbat "eldihee
make tbe man." It'a the other way.
Man makes the clothes, and lust ft of
ten clothes unmake tbe man. Fine
feathers may make fine birds. One bats
or fine dusters, but tbe best tkat fine
clothes ever did waa to make One look
tag men. No doctor ever prescribes
for himself, and by the same token
yooll notice that tbe men who own
tbe clotbes foundries don't wear tnelr
own styles-lift publicly, at any rate.
was afflicted t -Maurice Mwitzer in Leslie'.
Russell & Son
The New
Meat -.Market
WE are selling Fresh Meats now at an enormous Re
duction. Since our Market has opened, the price of
Meat has been reduced about 7c per lb. and we expect to
continue these prices. If you wish us to stay, encourage
the Market that reduced the price of meat in Athena.
Phone, 93.. . J. W. DARBY, Manager.
Land for Sale. -I
have qnarter seotion of land in
Btsvens county, Wash., as gond, I be
lieve, as any land in tbe vioit ity of
Atbena, nearly all lit for cultivation;
about bait in cultivation, balanae
limber, gently rolling foothill land; 8
miles from town. 1 and one-naif miles
to sohnol and postoffioe, at 110,00 per
acre. Smell oasb payment, time to
salt parabsser on balance, . Writ
Wm, O, Lewis, Bitzviile, Wash. Ad.
Why Par 8 Per Cent?
For farm loans wben yon ean obtain
obeaper money by applying to Maloney
A (Jwiun. Enquire or wtite to either
3. U. Uwinn of tb Pendleton Ab
stract Company, oi J. W. Maloney, of
Pendleton, Oregon. Adv. : ,.
' Cbiintmas dishes and toys on display
Mlth LmtbnGtfpthe..
ihibtf spring atthe msi