The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 04, 1914, Image 3

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    Christmas dishes and toys on display
at Fix & Rudtke's. ;
A. L. Swaggurt made business
visit to Daytun, Wash., Saturday,
Dr. and Mm. P. W. Vlnoent were In
the city Sunday from Pendleton.
Mrs. Venard Bell was in the oity
from Weston, Monday, ehoppiDg.
: Claude Sanders returned last week
from a visit to relatives in Alberta,
Emery Worthington spent a oonple
of days this week at Waitsbnrg, Wash.
Mrs. William Winship spent a oon
ple of days at Walla Walla, this week.
Miss Nellie MoDonald is borne from
Walla Walla, where she has been ill.
H. M. Warran, Pendleton piano
dealer, was in the oity Wednesday, on
basinets. ; ..-.-
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. AdolphFar
row of Adams, November 80, 1914,, a
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Aonilks have
moved to their homestead in the Van
ayele distriot. ; ,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Davis of Mil
ton,' are risking relatives and friends
in this vioiuttv.
John Walter has six rmlob oows
wbiob be is offering for sale atreaBou
Btle prioes. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond have
moved tn town and will reside in the
Joe Cannon residenoe.
Miss Edna Taylor is visiting this
week at lire home of her nnole, Sher
iff Taylor in Pendleton. j
Tbs Citv Meat Market sells pnre
leaf lard in S lb pails for 85o; 10 lb
pailtor lfl.25. Adv. -j
Mrs. Miller will give a special prioe
on obildren's hats for two weeks, be
ginning tomorrow. Ad.
Mrs. Fred Boyd visited Tuesday at
the borne of Mr. and Mia. Rollo T.
Brown, in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Morrison of
Adams, ware in the oity Wednesday,
trading at the looal stores.
Dr. Sharp reports the' biitb of a
daughter to Mr. and Mis. R. B. Jones
of Adams, December 1, 1014. . "
Mrs. Homer I. Watts baa returned
from an extended visit with relatives
in sonthern and western Oregon.
For the next two weeks Mrs. Miller
will reduoa ladies' bats torn $8 down
to f 2. CO, beginning tomorrow. Ad.
Mrs. Sam. Ha worth returned from
Walla Walla Tuesday morning, where
she attended the funeral of an nnole.
Of doer Dobson and a force of men
are replacing the old wood oul verts on
Main street with galvanized iron oul
vertB. , . '..,..
Mr. and Mrs. S. Starr of Walla
Walla, parents of Mrs. W. A. Watson,
are visiting at tbs boma of their
For Sale An acetylene gas plant,
suitable for farm borne. Clarence
Zerba, Athena, Oregon.- Phone,
29F32 .Ad. ' - "
joeorge Mitohell oame down yester
day irom oia monuiain ranon. ne
reported a light fall of snow in bis
neighborhood. '. . , -
U. K. Rnde, stock buyer, has heen
in Athena and vioinity this week, in
quest of bogs in oarload lots, for ship
ment to Seattle. -
Mr. and Mrs. F.,' W. Chase of Free-
water, were guests this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Qerking
west of Athena. ' . " .
" Thomas Myers, for years a resident
on a farm North of Athena, bnt who
now resides south of Pendleton, was In
the oity, Monday. ' , ' I. :
A mlniatnre Ferris wheel is on' ex
hlbition at Hawks' drug store.. The
oonstiootiinn work was dona by Mas
ter Ralph Chittenden. ;
Robert Coppock baa set a splendid
example in otvio improvement, in the
manner in wbiob be bas oleaned np
bis resideooe premises. . ' .
Mrs. Gen Harris was in the oity
from Pendleton, Wednesday night, and
attended tba reoeption to bar nitoe,
he Joseph N. Soott home. .
The first flurry of snow in this vio-
did not amount to muob, bnt
yesterday morning the mountains and
foot-bills woia a mantle of white, ,
Mrs. L. S. Vlnoent and sister; Mist
Peggy Boy len, ot Pendleton, were
week end gnests of Miss Edith and
Claude Still, at their borne in Milton;
exoavaiicn for tbs basement of
new High sobool bulldiog nas
been oompleted by the oontraotors,
and the concrete work will begin at
onoe. ,'..-, -'..y'.'''.".:-'.,.v... - '
Reports from Walla Walla are to
tbe elfeot that Miss. Ma! tie Coppook,
who recently underwent an operation:'
is oonvaleaoent and is getting along
splendidly. . ;';,.
" A wedding ooonrred at the boma tf
Rev. Good, at Waterman, Wednesday
evening, when bis daughter, Miaa Vina
Good, became tbe wife of Mr. Cbarles
Magers of Tekoa. . . l
William Tompkins, who bas been
taking treatment at a Walla Walla
hospital, bas greatly Improved In
health and is expeoted to return to bis
home in this oity. ... 'C .J-
i BlbHUU
rirBty (
J Claude
T Mrs. A. M. Johnson and Miss Lizzie
Malntyra left this week for a visit
with relatives at Portland and Hood
River. While In Portland Mrs. John
soon will consult a speoialist, oonoern
ing her little daughter, who has been
slightly lams sinoe a severe illness.
The Athens pnblio is promised a
splendid entertainment on tbe evening
ot Deoember 17, wban Mrs. Elizabeth
da Barrio Gill, tba noted barpist and
reader will appear in tbe Christian
obnrob. Further announcement will
bo made next week. Don't forget tbe
Mrs. B. N. Hawks motored to Walla
Walla Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs.
M. L. Watts, Mrs. F. B. Boyd and
Mrs. L. S Vincent.
Athena Opera House,
The first real City" Attraction of
the Season, the Laughing Comedy
Success . A A
The Grirl
'..,,-: The
Direct From Chicago
Four Big c4cts, 7 Big Song Hits
Complete with Music and Scenery
Reserved Seats at Dells. Prices, 25c, 50c and 75c. This
is a John Cort Circuit Attraction, playing Spokane, Pen
dleton and Walla Walla. Something unusual in Athena
Watches for Christmas
Good Quality in all Standard makes, in
cluding Hamilton, Howard, Illinois, Waltham
and Elgin movements. Your inspection of these fts?""1"" "a9'
fine Watches is respectfully solicited. '.. rll
L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj
Athena, Oreg.
R. Taylor, D. H. Mansfield and
Jonas drove a bnnob of cavalry
horses over to Walla Walla,. Wednes
day, for inspection by buyers in the
Enro'pean war service. . .'..'. I.
Tbe new room for the Athena
faianoh libiary bas been papered and
painted by K. A. Bennett and tbe
Dlaoe will be comfortable and oou
venient for tba pnblio.
Mrs. Arobie Shlok has splendid reo-
ommendations ai an instructor on
the piano. Her methods of teaohiug
are modern. She oharges only GO
oeuts per lesson. Adv.
Miss Grace Riokman ot Wenatohee,
and Miss Gladys Oox and Bernie Cox
grand-nieces Bnd nephew ot Mrs,
David Taylor, have heen visiting ber
trie past week and left for theit homes
today. ( . . ,-.vy
News is reoelved by friendB here ot
tbe oritioal illness of Mrs. Alt. Prioe,
at ber borne near Pnllmap, Wast. She
has been ill with heart tronbla for
many months, and is rapidly growing
worse. ' . ,'-',
The ladies of tbe library board an-
nonnoe that the new rooms on the
south side of Main street ..viiU Joe
opened tomorrow for the distribution
of books, and tbe receiving ot those
tbat are out. V i '
Little Marcos Conley, fell from a
fenoe Tuesday, and when Dr. Plamoo
don was oalled. be found tbat tbe
right leg was fractured. The little
fellow Is getting along as well as oonld
be expeoted.
Special tax stamps may be pur
obased at tba First National Bank' of
Athena. Tbe apeoial tax, whiob is for
tbe purpose of increasing the internal
revenne, went into effect Tuesday of
this week, Deo. 1.
The girls basket tall teams of Echo
d Weston will pley at Weston, to
night. Tbe boys' team of the Atbena
High aobool, go to Milton tonight,
where they will (lay the team of the
Milton High sobool. '.
Two arrests are reoorded on the pj
lloa blatter fur this week. . Charley
Whirlwind and Young Whirlwind,
Indians, were arrested by Marshal
Ramsay for being drunk, and eaob
paid a fine of f7. GO.
Miss Ruth Stewart who is attending
sobool at Forest Grove, this week re
membered ber friends by sending a
qnantity of Christmas mistletoe wbiob
she bad herself gathered while on an
Miss Maude ManBfleld of this oity
who is a contestant in , the Pendleton
Tribune voting oonteat is leading ber
eompetitors with a total ol 100,200
votes. - Miss Hone Webb of Eobo, is
seoond witb 97,800 votes. The winner
has the alternative of aooepting a trip
to tba Panama Exposition or taking
- Mr. nod Mrs. Harrison Kirk are
down from Maple Oreek, Saskatche
wan, and will spend tbe winter al tbe
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Key,
north of Athena. Mr. Kirk says that
Owing to a dry season, orop oonditions
were poor in both Saskatchewan ana
Alberta, the past season. Plenty ot
tall moisture insores good orops for
next seeson. .- ' """ : "'' " '
-.'' "1s ' ' -. '
tense, Peterson shot him. Tbe sberrft
and ioroner found tba body lying on
tbs poron, and when tbey tnrnud the
oorpsa over, the knlle was still in cue
right band. - Homer I. Watts of this
oity and Ool. Baley of Pendleton, ap
peared at tbe inqoest on behalf ol Mr.
Peterson, and tbe jnry returned a ver
dict fully exonerating Mr. Peterson
from Mil blame in the deplorable
a If air.
Col. F. G. Lnoas, tba Weston real
estate dealer, was in tbe oity Wednes
day, and while hero porohased a Max
will automobile ot the looal agent,
Charles Kirk. Mr. Kin intends to
keep tbs Maxwells in stock at his im
plement h'ooee, and at onoe ordered
another oar for demonstration pur
poses,1 ..';,,':-;.''
Di'. Stone. W. E. Dobson, F. B.
Boyd and Wro. Winsblp spent Satur
day and Sunday in the Hermiston
country. The trip was made ostensi
bly lo shoot geese, bnt their arsenal
Was turned on jaakrabbits, instead,
witb tbe result tbat tbe fields of Cold
Soring farmsrs were relieved of tbe
pest to a certain extent.
" Charles Peterson, brother ot Will
M. .Peterson, well known " attorney.
shot a Stranger iu self defense, at tbe
Peterson rauob, near Cayuse, Tuesday
evening; The man bad teen employed
at the Peterson lauob for severs! days
and was of a morose disposition. Toes
day evening, he entered tbe kitchen
Bnd was abusing Mrs. Peterson, when
he- husband interfered and ordered
the man from the house. He came at
Peterson witb a knife, and in self de-
, "The Girl and the Tramp'? will be
Hnerttrtofiirh' af 'fba Atbena opera
bonse next Tuesday nigbt. In tbis
attraction is fonnd tbe very latest of
oomedy dramas, witb a strong, trne
storv taken from lite. This prodootipn
nnder the dircotion of Fred Byers i
oomplete in detail, oarrying everything
required front a stage screw to a prac
tical automobile of tbe newest design.
Miss Billy Robinson bas been eeleoted
tor the role of Flo, tbe bowery girl,
iesooiated witb her is a oompany of
well balanoed artists. Adv.
Tbe annnal Fair and obioken dinner
of tbe ladies of the Christian ohOroh
wilt be held Saturday. December 12,
in the basement of tha obnrcb.
Many artioles of use and beanty will
be offered for sale, Inoludlng quilts,
oomforters, etc A sumptuous, hot
dinner of ohioken served in all ways.
witb salads, vegetables, pies, oaken,
and all aooessorlea will be served, be
ginning promptly at 12 and oontlnning
until 8. Booths for home-made can-
ies will bs presided O'er by young
ladies. A hearty invitation is extend
ed tbe pnblio for patronage. Dinner,
85 oents.
, i ';.,-. v. ' '
Runs 400 Days with a Single Winding. Ask to see
it, and get our Plan of Introducing our New Line of
Guaranteed Shaded Blue
With Every Purchase
of this Enameledware, we give to you a numbered
Ticket. Wheu the Eighty Pieces are sold, the per-
son holding the ticket bearing number corresponding to the number under seal, will
receive the Clock absolutely Free. This is the best wearing and most satisfactory line
of Enameledware we could obtain, and we recommend it to our customers.
tA. J. Parker
KTrrthins Pint
OUm - ModarD
Dd Vp-tO-dftt
Hand-wovten Bamboo Jard
inieres, and Baskets. Some
thing New, something fine.
75cts up to $3.00 Each
Byron N Hawks, Druggist
Ortis D. Harris, of Spokane, a rising
nng minister of tbe Christian obnrob
and a student of tbe Spokane Univer
sity, visited friends in Athena a few
days tbis week having ooma down lor
tbe Smitb-DaPeatt wedding.
Mrs. Eva Tbompsonr of Dow City,
Iowa, is visiting friends in the oity.
Mrs. Thompson resided in Atbena dnr
log her girlhood, and will be remem
bered as Miss Eva Thompson, not hav
ing changed ber name when married.
An ncnsnally pleasant social session
was held at Masonio Hall Tuesday
evening- after tbe regular session of
MoKenzie Chapter 0. E, 8., when re
freshments were served by Mrs. Byron
8, Hawks and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson.
. Mr. Fred Byers appears here Tues
day, Deoember 8tb, witb "Iba Girl
and tba Tramp." As an added att'ao
tion tbeie will ba eight big song bits,
and tba Brazilian Maiiie danoe by
Miss Horsey and Frank Baroley. Ad.
Tbe regnlar services will ba held in
the Methodist obnrob Sunday: Sun
day sobool at 10; preaobing by tbe
pastor, Uev. Lambert at 11, subject
for the morning aervioe, "The Way
to Meet Temptation;" for tba evening
aervioe, "Winning a Prize."
J. W. Darby bad his share ot mis
fortonea Wednesday of tbis week
when ba fraotnred bis left thumb.
Later in the day bs snSered tba x
traotioo of four teeth withjnt as muob
as batting an eye in honor of tba oo-
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hatob of
Pendleton, ware in tbe oity Wednes
day. Mr. Hatob is the oonsnltlng
architect for tbe firm of Toortellotta
Sc Hummel, having in obarge tba non
strnotion of Athena's now aobool
Sam Hott fonnd quite a freak last
week, when be picked np tba neok of
a bottle, through whiob a loouet root
bad grown. Tbs theory bv some is
that tba bottle neok would have aven
toally trokeo. Otbera oontend tbat
tba toot would simply bava grown over
tha glass.
A Real Car for
Farm Implement and Vehicle Lines
include ' Rock Island and , Southbend Plows, the Peoria
Drills, Discs, etc. Litchfield Manure Spreaders, Gaso
line Engines, Birdsell Wagons, Rex Buggies and Hacks.
Third Street CHARLES KIRK, AthenaOre,
Wednesday. Deoember 2, a qniet
wedding ooonrred in Walla Walla,
when Miss Meina DePeatt, one of
Atbeoa's moBt popular girls, became
tbe bride of Mr. L. W. Smith, of La
Porto City, Iowa. The oeremony was
performed in the Central Christian
obnrob in tbat oity, by Urtis D. Har
ris of Spokane, and witnessed by tbe
bride's sister, Miss Zelma DePeatt and
Jr. and Mrs. David T. Btone of Ath
ena, at 8:80 p. m. Tbe party im
mediately after motored to Atbena,
and oa to the oonntry home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stone, where a wedding din
ner awaited tbem.
In tbe evening a reoeption was held
at tbe beautiful ooontry borne of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott, and many
friends ot tbe blide assembled to offer
oonsratulations. Tba psrty was met
witb a sbower of rioe, and a merry re
oeption given tbem. Tbe oeremony of
tbaonttiug of the bride's oake. was
observed, and dainty refreshments of
loss and oaka were served. Many
beantifnl presents were in evidunoe.
On Tuesday evening a shower was
given tbe bride at ber boma by tbe
yonug ladies of the J. jr. F, Ulnb, or
whiob aha bas been an aotiva member,
Thursday evsning tbe young peopls
spent at tba boma of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheldon Taylor, west ot town, and
here it was that a typioai obarivaii
was given tbem, by an autotruck load
of friends from town.
Tbe bride is tba yonugeet daughter
of Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, and was born
and reared (a tbis oltr. Tba groom is
a railroad man . of La Ports, Iowa,
and aitbongb. a stranger to Athena
peopls, bas made a apleodid impres
sion as young man ot sterling wortb.
Tbe yonug people will leave Scnday
morning attended by tbe well wishes
of a host of friends, for Iowa where
they will make their boma.
Why Par 8 Per Cant?
For farm loans wban yon can obtain
obeaner money by applying to Maloney
& (iwino. Enqnira or write to either
1. ti. Uwinn of tba Pendleton AD'
strsot Company, or 1. W. Maloosy, of
Pendleton, Oregon. Adv.
Notion is hereby given tbat tha
County Superintendent of Umatilla
County, Oregon, will hold tba regnlar
examination ot applicants for State
certificates at Pendietoo, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, Deoember
16, 1914 at 9 o'olock a, m. and oon
tinulng nntll Saturday, Deoember 19.
1914, at 4 o'olock p. m.
Wednesday foieuoon. Writing, Uni
ted Stites History, Physiology.
Wednesday afternoon Physical lie
ography, Reading, Composition, Meth
ods in Beading, Methods In Arithme
tic. Thursday forenoon. Arithmetic.
History of Kciuoatiori, Psyobology,
Methods in Geography.
Thursday afternoon. Grammar, Ge
ography, AmerioBn Literatnre, Phys
ios. Method in Language, Thesis for
Primary GertirJnato.
Friday forenoon. Theory and Prac
tice. Otbograpy, English Literatnre,
Friday afternoon, Sobool Law,
Geology, Algebra, Civil Government.
Saturday forr.noon. Geometry, Bot
Saturday aiteruoon. General His
tory, Bookkeeping.
I. K, YOUNG, Oonuty Snpt.
I) - -MM
Russell & Son
The New
Meat -.Market
WE are selling Fresh Meats now at an enormous Re
duction. , Since our Market has opened, the price of
Meat has been reduced about 7c per lb. ao.d we expect to
continue these prices. If you wish us to stay, encourage
the Market that reduced the price of meat in Athena.
Phone, 493. J. W. DARBY, Manager.
Donations to the Library.
Tbe following, books bava been re
oelved this week as donations from
oitizens of Athens to tbe branob lit
rary: .
Sinking of tbe Tllanlo.
Oaine The Prodigal Son.
Dumas lbs Black Tulip.
Hugo Les Miserables. i) vols.
Hewlett Song of Benny.
Edgar Allen Poe. 6 vols.
MoCntobeoo Hollow ot Her Hand.
White Tess.
Inner Sbrins.
Who's Who.
One new book was reoelved by re
quest from tba bead library at Pendle
ton, as follows:
Heisbfeld and Ulbrigbt Gas Engines
for tba Farm.
Sea Frank Baroley aod Miss Hnrsey
in their Brazilian Mazixe and late
Booiety danoes, with "The Girl and
tba Tramp," at tbe Opera bonsa Tues
day Deoember 8. Adv. '
If iir i in! Hi'tlmiK ri-proacb im they
(annul lit- mount for lv our own no
r?rv retlM-i iou to crTixiiiolly rta by a
ti,iiirit!,T lu-nartur. Htwsie. . '
MIlthe LmOinrof the
hestbspringatYBthe cost
See tlie"Z)eJi2:e"Bed Spiinils at
ini ii.