Press Paragraphs V. R Zerba. was Walla itot Tuesday. Walla vis- Weston, was in the Dr. Watte of oitv Tuesday. John Walter made a buinesBS trip to Milton Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk were in Pendleton Monday. Lowell Rogets was in the otiy from Pendleton Wednesday. Rev. and Mis. A. M. Lambert visit ed in Pendleton Monday. J. W. Miller of Pilot Book, was an Athena visitor, Tuesday. . George Thompson and family were in Walla Walla Tuesday. Mrs. Win Burdeu made a business trip to Pendleton Monday. Mr.- and Mrs. MoKenzie of Weston, were in the oity Inesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson November 25, 1914, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Douglaa were over from Weston Tuesday. Mi. and Mrs. Ben Dupuis of Adams were in the oity Wednesday. Miss Lnla Tbarp is confined to ber borne with illness this week. A. L. Swaggart transacted business in Walla Walla, Wednesday. E. A. Dudley made a business trip to Portland the first of the week. Mrs. James and son, Donald, of . ud.uu, nnio jm aiUHUfl XUeHUttV. Born, to Mi. and Mrs. Fred Collins of Helix, November 33, 1914, a son. .. Charles Kiik finished unloading his line of agricultural implements, Wed nesday noon. (Jbailes May was down .from biB mountain ranch Wednesday with a load of spods. Mrs. L. S. Viuoent has been a guest at the home o( her parents in Pendle ton this week. Mrs. William Winsbip and daugh ters, spent Thanksgiving with rela tives in Walla Walla. Miss Simmons, of Freewater, has been visiting at the borne ot Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Lambert - The City Meat Market sella pnre leaf lard in 5 lb pails for 65o; 10 lb pail for 11.25. Adv. B. A. Barrett bas purchased a Chalmers Six, one of the finest auto mobiles on the market. Dr. Turner, eye speoiallst of Port land, was in the 'oitv Toesday and Wednesday of this week. , Mrs. Wm. Tompkins is at Walla Walla tbia week, attending ber bus tand in the bospilal there. H. H. Hill went up to La Crosse, Wash., Monday, where be baB invest ed in some business property.. 1 Japanese handpainted chinaware; something nioe, reasonable in prioe, just reoeived at Fix & Radtke's. Harry Alexander has nnrnhaaed the Corner Saloon from Guy Jonas and Will oonduot that resort hereafter. i W. B. Bhaffxr oame in from Port land Wednesday, and left for bis home at Waitabnrg, dnrlng the afternoon. Mrs. Janie Woodruff and ohildren have oome np from Two Rivers, Wash, and will spend the winter in Athena. Piano Lessons. Mrs. Arohie Sbiok desires to organize a olass for piano in struction, at 50 oents per lesson. Call at residenoe, 4th and Jefferson streets, Athena. 8t. Mrs. Oliver Diokenion and ohildren have gone to Flanagan, Oreg., where they spent Thanksgiving with friends. J. M. Crawford, president ot the Tnm-a-Lnm Lumber company, was in the oity from Walla Walla, Wednesday- Peroy Osborne, a Pendleton, bigb sohool boy spent Thanksgiving bera with bis brother, Dr. Osborne, and mother. Mrs. Casper Woodward. Mrs. Claude Wallan, Mrs. D. T. Stone and Mrs. Johnson motored to Walla Walla Toesday , Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejobn mot ored to Pendleton yesterday and spent the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jaok oame np from Pendleton yesterday, and spent Thanksgiving at the borne ot Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Smith. Mrs. W. E. Dobon, teaoher In the Waterman distriot, is spending the Thanksgiving holiday period at ber home in tbia oity. Frank Rogera and family were np from Pendleton yesterday and spent Thanksgiving at the Hill home in the north part of town. . spent the day at the borne of Mis. Har moo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loo is Bergevin, sooth of town. Miss Mattie Ooppook, who baa been oritioally ill at Walla Walla, ia re ported well on tbe road to ieoovery, and is now at tbe borne of ber aister, Mrs. Raymond, in that oity. ' The Tnm-a-Lnm Lumber oompany of this oity bas been awarded the oon traot to furnish tbe lumber and con orete for tbe new aohool building, by Zopb Bros, tbe building oontraotors. 'Thirty two votes were polled in the lsotion beld in Athena. Monday to, vote on the $12,000 water bonds. Ttirty voters favorsd tbe bonds, and two ballots were oast against them. H. I. Harmon of Ringwood, Okla homa bas arrived in Athena, and will make bis home witb his brother, J. H. Harmon, pastor of the Christian obnrob. He baa entered the Atbena High sobool. ' Wm. Tompkins, aooompanied by Dr. Sharp, was taken to Walla Walla Monday, wbere be entered a hospital tor a oomse of treatment for atomaob tronble. Reports from tbe hospital show that Mr. Tompkins is getting tetter. Mrs. Byron N. Hawks and Mrs. V. B. Boyd went down to Pendleton Tuesday evening where they witness ed a Folk Festival, an exbibition of organized play wbloh was established' in the Pendleton eoboola reoently by MissCeoile Boyd. bave tiokets to this wonderful ex bibition, tree of obarga by calling on Mr. Kits. A further demonstration, proviog tbe polling power ot the Max well will be given at the theatre, when one of tbe regular atook oars will olimb the stairway, into the auditor ium. The people of Atbena are promised a rare treat next month in an entertain ment given by Ellzatetb de Barrie (Jill, (be noted barpist entertainer. 1 be lady oomea very bigbly rooom mended by Eastern papers and oritioa, and the Spokesman-Review reports ber reoent appearanoe in Spokane in most glowing terms of praise. Tbe program is both musioal and literary, and is ot the highest order thronghout. The entertainer appeara in tbia oity at tbe Christian ohurob on Deoember 17, under tbe auspioes of tha Aid society of the ohuroh. Tbe ladles bava de cided on the low price ot 85 oeuta ad mission, and it is hoped every one will take advantage of the opportunity of beating a bigb class antertalnment. Mr. Zopb, wbo is tbe oontrautor building the new sohool bouse, witb his family will oooupy tbe Dobaoo residenoe this winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. S Longsore, of Silverton, have arrived in the oity and are guests at tbe borne ot their daugh ter, Mrs. J. W. Weloh. Miss tiraoe Finnell, in oompany witb her brother-in-law, L. M. Nelson wes a dinner guest at the L,. S. Vincent home Snnday. Mrs. M. L. Watts motored to Walla jf Tbe Atbena library will be moved Charles Ulm and Eter Luna bare formed a partnership in tba shoe re pairing business and bave moved tbe machinery and repair outfit to Pen dleton, where they will engage ia business. Their families will remain in Atbena for tbe winter. Walla Toesday, aooompanied by Mis. W. P Littlejobn, Mrs. F. S. LeUrow t and Mrs. B. N. Hawks. Myers has opened a shoe shop in tbe postof Hoe hnilding, and is pre pared to give attention to yonr wants in the shoe repairing line. Thanksgiving day was observed in' Athena, in tbe partioipatlon of Tnrkey dinners. Tbe business houses were olosed during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright and daughter, Hazel, of Walla Walla, were guests yesterday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield. - Master Wendell LaBrasohe oame over from Walla Walla yesterday and Spent Thanksgiving witb bis grand mother, Mrs. Maggie LaBrasohe J. K. Froome and Qeorge Weber bave leased the "Bud" O'Brien plaoe on the mountain. Tha ranoh ia at present owned by Spokane parties. Mr. and Mis. W. E. Bnrnbam ot Presoott, and Miss Francis Bnrnbam, of Walla Walla, spent Thanksgiving day at tbe borne of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stone. The ladi of the Christian oburoh wish to remind the publio that their sale and obloken dinner will be given on Saturday, Deoember 12. Don't forget tbe date. .- ;;' ' 1 The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. r tt . i . . . . ... 1 1 ... narry juomme aas ueeu aruioauT in tbis week witb pneumonia, but this morning was reported to be consid erably better. A danoa will be given at Adams on Thursday evening, Deoember 8, for the benefit of tbe Catbolio ohuroh of that oity. A general ' invitation ia extended tbe publio. L. M. Nelson oame np from Pendle ton Snnday, and prepared bis house hold goods for shipment to that oity, and Wednesday they were transferred in the N. A. Milier van. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harmon oame over from Walla Walla yesterday and I am still doing business at the Old Stand in Hawks' Drug Store m Don t neglect to call and inspect my new Fall vM Lines of Jewelry. Remember that I am making a specialty 47 Watch Repairing and Engraving. L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. --' "A'y tA. j. Parker BARBER SHOP UTerytblnc Vint CImh - Madera and Up-to - d a ta SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHEHA aeainicse.... u Hand-woven Bamboo Jard inieres and Baskets. Some thing .New, something fine. 0 75cts up to $3.00 Each Byron N. Hawks, Druggist jj into its new quarters in tbe room east of Dr. Stone's otBoe, in a few days. Tbe ladies of tbe library board are thanktnl to W. O. Hussell, who gave them tbe use of the room id at present, free of obarge. lias Oe'oile Boyd is spending Thanks giving at bume, before leaving for Hood River, wbere she will next week continue in ber demonstration of or ganized play in the aohools, wbioh was successfully begun last week in Pen dleton, upon recommendation of Btate Superintendent Ouurohill. Tha bazaar and dinner given by tbe Ladies' aid sooiety at the Methr diet Episoopal oburoh, last Friday after noon and evening, was a splendid suo- oesa financially and otherwise. Tha proceeds amounted to f 68. Only a few articles remained nnsold and a large number of .people dined at j;ha rob. The polios court was rather a busy plaoe Saturday. Officer Dobson made seven arrests and in oourt eaoh plead guilty to tbe drunk and disorderly charge. Recorder Riobarda Sued Jerry Lafrombran, Sam Qaiton.D'ranK Parr, Fete Bushman, Bay Pioard and F. G. Mattisoo each $7.50 and John Dullen $10; In a letter tbis morning from Spok ane, announcement is made or me birth ot a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. Maokenzie Meldrutn. at their boma in that oity November 21th, 1911 The small mau has been named William Gordon, and tbe bappy father hopes "he will by and by make I ajlne preaoher." K Andrew Douglas was in tba oity, ednesday, from Weston. He was aooompaniod by Sim Barnes, Weston grain buyer, wbo returned to Weston in Walter Adams' oar. Andy ob served that Barnes soon tires of met roplitan life, and flits tack over the bill at tbe first opportunity. As for Mr. Donglas, be enjoyed the entire oay in the oity. Master Balpb Chittenden is inter estlng many people at Hawks' drug store in bis olever exhibitions of oon struoting different meobanioal toys, The boy gives evidenoe of muoh in ventive talent. Mr. HaWks bas differ ent sets of material for building toya of a meobanioal and structural nature and every kid in town is saving his nlokels in the bope of buying a set. A Splendid exbibtiion of taxider mist work may boen seen in tbe new elk bead at the First National Bank. Tha massive head and antlers are from the elk killed by tbe LeUrow, Pam baun and Watts party in Montana, several weeks ago, and tbe mounting was done by Sam Pambrnn, wbo bas heretofore done some splendid work in this Hue. Mr. LeGrow now baa two fine beads on exbibition at tba bank Velma, the six year old dangbter of Mr., and Mrs. James Feeler died ot pneumonia last Friday, November 30, titer a short illness, at tba parents' borne in Buhl. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs, Al. Boober ot tbis city are grand parents ot the. little girl, Mr. and Mrs. Feeler formerly resided in Atb ena, wbere tbey bave many friends who deeply sympathize with tnem lo tbeir bereavement. Atbena took her share of prizes at tbe JBelix shooting matoh, Wednes day. W. W. MoPberson and Hery Alexander did some exceptionally good sbootiog at tbe traps. Alexander abot off a tie for a quarter of beef, winning witb 13 straight bits, to twelve for bis oppeneot. J. W. Darby, manager of tbe Russell market, out tba beef in to oboioe roasts, and Harry generously distributed them among bis friends. Several others from Atbena, won tur keys and ducks at tbe shoot. Tbe introduction of aluminum aod sal soda es a combination for cleaning silverware, bas li.d to neat pieoe of grattinc. Strangers are selling small plateaof alnmluum for 0 oents to 11.00. The first fellow who comes around sells hU for $1.00. He is soon followed by another wbo sells tbe same plates for GO cents eaob. Faot of the matter, Is that water and sal soda plaosd 'to any aluminum veesel will clean silverware just aa well as tba plates b eing offered for sale. Charles Kirk has the agenor for tbe Maxwell jars, aod la demonstrating witb tbe light oar. tbia week. At tbe Oregon (beatre. in Pen dleton, Bator day eve olog. a $40,000 five reel aim, illustrating tba manufacture of Max well s are from the iron oia taken from tha ir jine, to tba finished machine will be g iven tha public star ting at tbree o, seven o'olock, p. a i. Too may MORE NEW BOOKS AT THE ATHENA LIBRARY That the Atbena branch of the county library ia to ta an unqualified iuooess, is evidenced by the interest manifested on tbe day of opening. Al most all of the books were taken, and the board report about 60 visitors. Miss Nason, tbe oounty librarian, bas forwsrded another consignment of books, tba following comprising the new list: Abbott On tbe Training of Parents. Collyer Clear Grit. Crawford Tbe College Girl of Amer- ioa. DuBois The Souls of tbe Blsok Folk. Emerson The Sohool Garden Book. Hart The Life ot Robert Burns. Howes Bnildiug by a Bnilder, Laos Tbe Great Illusion. MoCollum Vices. ' MoVej The Making of a Town. Portland Cement Co. Construotion far Home end Farm. Rombud Russia. 2 Vols. . Reed Western Bird Guide. Ross My Personal Expsiienoe With Tuberoulosis. Stiokle Mora Craftsman Homes. Taylor Tba Prinoiples ot Scientific Management. U. S. Agrionltura Dept. Speoial Re port on Diseases of the Horse. Fiotlon. Andrews Tbe Marshal. Antin Tbey Wbo Knook at Our Gates, Barrie Auld Light Hall Land of Long Ago. Harte Bell Ringer of Angels. Holland Arthur Bonnioastle. Page In Ole Virginia.' - Parker Battle of the Strong. Pierre Paul and Virginia. -Porter Laddie. Riohmoud TWenty-Fonrth of June. Roberts The Heart of the Anoient Wood. , . . Scott Rob Boy. ,': Soott Tbe Betrothed. Stookton Casting Away of Mrs. Leoks and Mrs. Alesbine. Stows My Wife and Ii Stuart Napoleon Jaokson. Waller A Year Out of Life. Weyman Gentleman of Franoe. Wigain Penelope's Progress. Wright Garden of a Commuter. Children's Books. Baldwin Old Greek Stories. ' Barbour Double Play. , Brooks Roy Emigants., Burnett Little Lord Fauntleroy. Deland Eatrina. Qreenaway Mother Goose. Ingeisoll The Ioe Queen. Lorenzinl Penooobio. Marshal Stories of William Tell. Morley Donkey Jobn of the Toy Val ey. Stevenson Treasure Island. Soobev Stories of Great Mnsioians. Wallaoe Unole Henry's Letter to me Farm Boy. FREE WE WILL GIVE AWAY FO A 400 1 Day ' . .... ' , - 5M GLOCCC EE S2 Runs 400 Days with a Single Winding. Ask to see it, and get our Plan of Introducing our New Line of Guaranteed Shaded Blue Enameledware Wifh TiVaiTJ Pnrnhooo of this Enameledware, we give to you a numbered N 1U1 . V m $ T Ul Uia&O Ticket. Wheu the Eighty Pieces are sold, the per. son holding the ticket bearing number corresponding to the number under seal, will receive the Clock absolutely Free. This is the best wearing and most satisfactory line of Enameledware we could obtain, and we recommend it to our customers. FIX & RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. I I y if ir T JUL "H TT iir ir TT 2 Charles Kirk Farm Implements, and Automobiles Athena, Oreg TT Lal. JJL .la! "JU" THANKSGIVING SERVICES. u Thanksgiving services will be beld in tbe Christian obnrob next Sunday morning, at wbioh a speoial musioal program will be given. The choir baa reoently been augmented ty a ionr piece orobestra, and good mosio will be a prominent pait of tbe service. The following program bas been pre pared : Voluntary - Mrs. David T. Stone Hymn No 435, "God ot Ocr Fathers," Choir. Invocation. "Give Thanks and Sing Unto tbe Lord," - Jos. N. Soott and Choir Bvmn No. 494, "Holy Savior. Thou Didst Love Us." , Oboir Offertory. . Mrs. David 'I. Stone Solo. - Dr. Wm. R. Soott Sermon, subjeot) "God and Onr Na tion." by tbe Pastor. Invitation Hymn, No. 495, "Jesus, Tbou the Friend of Sinners." Uommnnion. Doxology. Benediotion. Why PT 8 Per Cent? For farm loans when you oan obtain cheaper money by applying to Moloney & Gwioo. Enqnire or wiita to either J. U. Gwinn of the Pendleton Ab stract Company, or J. W. Maloney, of Pendleton, Oregon. Adv. , Making Beech. (Veymonth owe the oeglnnlng of Its popularity - a. health ana pleasure resort to on Occident. In 1703 a west of England doctor wboRe name Is now forgotten advised one of MS panenis- Balph Allen. prominent pnnaninr plst of Bath to "bathe bis body In the open nea." By mere chance Allen selected Weymouth, and the first wood en bathing mnclilne was built Then crowds gathered to watch tha "mad man" enter tbe water. But tbe pa tient got better, told the Duke of Gloucester all about It, and Weymouth was made. London Tatler. Repentance. If oiir past actions reproach na tby cannot Iw ntoned fnr by our own se vere rrfiX-tlons so effectually ns by a contrary iH-havlor.HU-ele. Literary Note. Snm nmn never ililnk of midlr.E Iwtofc till thpy rim nrnwa It iindw a lot f nililiixli uImmi the wife Is packing up id roove.-paialia lleo- OUT AT LAMAR SCHOOL LaMar Distriot, No. 80 has always been reoognlzed as one of tbe most progressiva districts in tnsoonnty, and under tbs enioient management of Miss Clara Parti idge, is not to loss any of its energy. Wednesday even ing tha following Thanksgiving pro gram was tendered in tne sobool bouse, after wbicb an exhibition of tree band paper catting, drawing, painting and manual training waa given, and a bounteous snppsr was served by the patrons of the aohool: Song, Amerloa. Reading, Thanksgiving Day, Floyd Swaggart. "Star Spangled Banner," Sobool Reo. by Helen Haneell, Ralph John son, and Wayne SwBggart, Flower Song Sobool Song, "Thanksgiving Day," 5th grade Reo. ... Lola Key Reo. - - - Fred Jobnson Song, "Jnanita," - ' Sobool Song, "Forsaken," - - Sobool Reo. - Blanobe Swaggart Reo. Helen Johnson Song, ... Grant Key Reo. - - Vlrgle Key Soog, , - Lola and Vlrgle Key Reo. - - Emeral Doooan Bong - - - 8obool. Tba committee on refreshments was comprised of Mrs. Milt Swaggart. chairman; Misses Bessie Key, Eva Scbrimpf and Lizzie Sbeard, Eugene Sobrimpf and Jaok MaCool. TrF Russell & Son tyyjp Meat-. Market WE are selling Fresh Meats now at an enormous Re duction. Since our Market has opened, the price of Meat has been reduced about 7c per lb. and we expect to continue these prices. If you wish us to stay, encourage the Market that reduced the price of meat in Athena. Phone. 493. J. W. DARBY, Manager. An Eye to the Future. Tbe late tvilxon Uiirrett possessed a valuable old drvRiier wbo bad tba good fortuue t be built on tbe same cIiihhIc lltii'H h liurrett ntmseir, arid accordingly Inherited his master's cast oft clothe. Due day something bad upset Barrett at rehenrsnl, and be lost bis temper. Every one stampeded out of bis way. He atrode into bis dressing room with bashing eyes, and so In dlgnaut did be feel that be lncon tlnently dashed bis bat wit!) great violence Into tbe corner of tbe apart ment The faithful dresser, wbo knew very mood of bis master, was quite unperturbed. Be merely exclaimed, in bland tones, but with a touch of ra proach: "Here, steady, gov'nor; I've not to wear that some dayl" NOflAMMOCKING NOflUMMOCKING NO SAGGING I? a 111 " i r r it ssi i im ii i i , ftaa ,-..g m "mi mri i NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING SSfe IN nL . See thePeJte&''BedSprinpat MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE-