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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1914)
'OULTRY and Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. Writ foe our CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES Large auortment. spe I ciaj Prices. REMINGTON as SMITH rKEfliEK, 313 I Machinei shipped on approval and guaran teed by Home concern. Write for sampled of work, - stating make nPEWKUER EXCHANGE, 3S1J Wait St, rwlUad, Or. f m T NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dave Houston, Prop. H. B. Thorsnes, Mgr. Thoroughly modern. 101 Booms of comfort. Mod erate Prices. Three minutes' -elk " 'lnlI2' Bepot, Write for rates. 72 II So St. WMIAND. H, TYPHOID t no more necessiry than Smallpox. Army experljj' h" demortttriteA 0cr, tndbamlentiew.otL id Vaccination. B Ttccimrted NOW by jOTlf phyiiclan, you and your family. It Is more vital than bouse iniurance. Ask your physician,, or send for Hav you bad Typhoid?" telling of Typbold Vaccine, resulu from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABOHATOKY, BCBhCLCY, CAL. rieHCim vaccimks stauiis uhhi h. a, aov. uciaai NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World's 'Important Events Told in Brief. .', Interrupted Communication. "Tou don't mean to say that this It the first you've heard of It?" "Absolutely." "Why, it' the talk ot the neighbor hood." "Yes, but my wife is away on a visit." Boston Transcript For destroying dirigible balloons Italian army officers have- Invented shells carrying oxygen and platinum sponges in their heads, the latter be coming red hot on entering the hydro gen and exploding the mixture of the two gases. VV. L. DOUGLAS WN'8W0MEN'8 f ft ,3,0SJ $2.50, $8. $3 ft EW F f A 7xl', v f fX1181"1 TOP" CAN SAVE MOKEY BY WKABIN3 W. L. DODGLAS SHOES. for 31 years W. Ij. Douglas has g-usranteed the value bp having his name and tne retail price ataniped on the sole before the shoos leave the fao tory. This protects the wearer against hlab prices for Inferior shoes of other makes. W-1. Dous-lus shoes are always worth wlial Tou pay for tlimn. If you could see fiow carefully W. L. Doujflal shoes are liinile.aiid the hluli Kraile leathers used, you would then understand why they look heller, lit better, hold their ahaps and wear loniter than other makes for the price. If the w. I. Douslas shoes are not for sals in your Tlelnlty, order direct from factory. Shoes sent every where. Postage free In Ihe U. S. Write for I Hue antled tuti.lis showing how to order hy mail. W. L. DOUULAS, lU Spat blnllroukton, Mesa, A flexible wire window-screen that a WlBconsln man has invented Is at tached to the lower sash in such a manner that It unrollB and fills the window to whatever extent the sash be raised. To detect gas In mines there has been Invented apparatus wherein a rat operates a treadmill to furnish power for a small incandescent lamp, tne dimming ot the light Indicating that the rat Is affected by gas. Pipes lead from every compartment to a common center on one of the new transatlantic liners so that In case of fire In any of them It can be filled with steam through its pipe. The world's largest plant for steril ising water with ultraviolet rays Is being built at Niagara Falls and will have a capacity ot 16,000,000 gallons a day. HEAL YOUR ECZEMA QUICKLY WITH RESINOL No matter how long you have been tortured and disfigured by eczema or other Itching, burning, raw or scaly skin humor, Just put a little ot that wonderful resinol ointment on the ores and the suffering stops right there! Healing begins that very min ute, and your skin gets well so quickly you feel ashamed of the money you threw away on tedious, useless treat ments. Used by doctors for 19 years. Resinol ointment and resinol soap also clear away pimples, blackheads, and dandruff speedily nnd at little cost. Sold by ull druggists. Adv. The Chilean government Is giving much attention to the development of the coal mines ot that country, which In time are expected to produce enough tuel to supply the home demand. This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first electrlo- street car service In the United Suites, the first car being operated at Lynn, Mass, In October, 1888. " Europe's largest steam-turbine Is being built tor the central power sta tion of a Qermnn city, and Is expected to develop 40,000 horsepower. Flowers are regularly grown for the dinlng-tables and for sale in a green house carried on the topmost deck ot one of the new transatlantic liners. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUT-Of-TOWN PEOPLE People from all parts of Oregon and Washing ton constantly vut our olllcs for dental treat ment. Our skill is ac knowledged, ami our promptness In tinho rn work in one day when required Is appre ciated by out-of-town natrons. Dr. Wise Is a false tooth expert. There is "ALWAYS ONE HKST In every calling, and Dr. Wise lays claim to Incttun in Ore- What weoui't guar antee we uon t ao. LOW PUK ES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. Good Red Rubber Pistes, seen U.I The Best Red Rubber Plates, each. 7.5 B-Karat Cera er Perrelala Crewa I.N WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DKNTIHTB. MM, A X2. 1HU Third Sheet, Falling Bide. Portland, Orates. . ft, E. Car. Third and Wasklastta. UN. U. NO. 4T, 114 WHIN wrlfdst to adrsrUeere. eleeas , ties thlo seper. Revocation of the permit of. the Bachelors' club in Seattle is based on bad dancing. '' '- Exports of food to Europe have in creased $26,000,000 more during Oc tober this year than last. President Wilson predicts bright future when the new Federal banking system is given a fair trial. A Portland traffic policeman was run down and killed by a large motor truck while on duty at a street intersection. The occupation of Belgrade, Servia, by the Austrians apparently is immi nent, according to an official announce ment made public in Berlin. Prohibition of the exportation of tin plate to Denmark, Holland and Sweden will mean the closing of 36 mills and will directly affect 1700 men. Press dispatches received in Berlin describe the proclamation at Constan tinople of a holy war as arousing great enthusiasm in the Turkish capital. Girl graduates of the Portland Jef ferson high school voted to dress in nothing but cotton, from stockings to hair ribbons, on commencement night. A coterie of Holland damsels in Portland, dressed in Dutch costume, are soliciting aid for the relief of Bel gians who have taken refuge in Hol land. Among the Russian prisoners cap tured by the Germans in the battle of Kutno were the governor of Warsaw and his staff, according to a Berlin telegram. The casualties on the Australian cruiser Sydney, which destroyed the German cruiBer Emden in the Indian ocean, were four men killed and one officer and 14 men wounded. Prince Oscar, the fifth son of Em peror William, who has recuperated from a recent attack of heart trouble, is returning: to the general staff head quarters for duty in the field. An Amsterdam paper prints an ap peal to Queen Wilhelmina, of The Netherlands, and president wuson, to use their respective offices to bring about peace in the European conflict. It was officially announced in London that the Prince of Wales had been ap pointed aide'de camp to Field Marshal Sir John t rench, the commander or the British expeditionary forces on the Continent. The Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant quotes a letter from a Galician priest saying that 40,000 AuBtrlans had been buried in one day in a grave six and one-half feet wide and a little more than four miles long. The Swedish steamer Andrew struck a mine in the North sea Thursday and sank. Eighteen survivors, including two women, after having drifted about in boats for 12 hours, were rescued by a liner and landed at Hull. The German government has issued a denial of the report that Germany had refused American aid for the suffering population of Belgium. On the contrary, the government is highly pleased with this American assistance, It is reported that a launch from the cruiser Tennessee in the Mediterra nean, was fired on by the Turkish fort, but the Washington government thinks there was a misunderstanding, as there were no official orders to ef fect a landing. Ecuador is admonished by the allies to maintain a strict neutrality. A wildcat which has slain 87 goats in Linn county, Oregon, has been killed. Belgians abroad have subscribed a fund of $3,000,000 to aid their stricken brothers. It is said 70,000 alien enemies are in the British empire and are causing much trouble to that government. Japan's Ire is stirred by a demand of China to evacuate Tsing Tau, just taken by the Japanese from the Germans. The official newspaper of Berlin pub lishea a decree forbidding the export of leather, horse Bkins and calf skins, shoddy and tinplate. A dispatch received at Montevideo from Valparaiso, Chile, says that the Japanese squadron seen recently oft Easter island in the Pacific by ft mer chant vessel consisted of eight vessels, Field Marshal Lord Roberts, of Kan dahar, is going to France, The official announcement making this fact public says the famous general is going into the war zone "to see tha Indian troops." Lord Roberts was born in Cawnpore, India, 82 J earl ago. Washington government hag decided to hold VerarCrui for the present, and a guarantee of guarantees is now de manded of the tangled Mexican gov ernment. Passengers who were on the British steamship Vandyck when she was cap tured off the coast of Brazil Uctooer 26 by the German cruiser Karlsruhe are being brought to New York. The German authorities again rec ommend that all Egllsh subjects women, children and girls under 17, clergymen, doctors and other men over 66 years of age leave Germany. Members of the Investment Bank era' association in session in Philadel phia declare the er of depression in the money market Is past. A storm of protest by women at tending council meeting in Tacoma, arose whon a dairyman declared that "babies are cheaper than cows." The London admiralty announce that in the absence of further informa tion, the loss of the British cruisers Good Hope and Monmouth in the naval engagement off tha coast of Chile with the Geman squadron on November 1, ii bow "officially p returned." - Portland There is firm market for all kinds of livestock at the North Portland yards, particulary for hogs. The run in one day was heavy, amount ing to 61 cars, all told, and buying was brisk. Cattle were traded in within the former range of quotations. Full loads of steers sold at prices running from $6.10 to $7.16, and the bulk of the cow sales were at $6.60 to $6.26. Forty loads of hogs were handled during one day. A full dozen of these sold at $7.16, about 20 loads at $7.10, and the remainder at $7.06 and $7. Heavy hogs went at the usual differ ence in pirce. The tendency of the sheep market is upward. The quotation on choice lambs advanced to . $6.86, and one brought $6.40. Wethers sold up to $6.60 and the best ewes were disposed of at $4.60. Livestock men here are beginning to show uneasiness over the spread of foot and mouth disease, as there are unconfirmed reports that it had been found in Montana, from whence Port land has beep bringing cattle, bpecu lation, therefore, has been checked. The stoppage of cattle from that sec tion, however, would probably not affect prices here, as there would be no shortage in the supply. The demand for hops at recent prices continues limited, most of the dealers have offers, but the majority of these are said to be at a lower scale of prices. The Cosgrove lot of 168 bales, at Champoeg, was sold to the Uhlmanns at 10 cents. Official government returns of the 1914 German hop crop are 464,732 cwt., grown on 27,686 hektares, as gainst 212,868 cwts. from 27,048 hektars under cultivation in 1913 and 411,270 cwts. from 26,966 hektars in 1912. Wheat Bid, Bluestem, $1.17; forty- fold, $1.17; club, $1.14; red Russian, $1.08J; red Fife, $1.09; No. 1 white feed, $28.60 ton. Barley Bid, No.l feed, $24 ton; brewing, $26.60; bran, $22.26; shorts, NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. ?. . I :' ": 'the.:W How They Bathe In Vienna. Previous to the outbreak of the war Vienna was building a municipal bath which will be the largest In the world, being 820 feet long by 197 feet wide. Yet It Is only quite recently mat Vienna has abandoned what was the most primitive and curious bathing custom. Instead of going to your bath, the bath was brought to you by agreement with one of the purveyors private Datns. Their huee wagons with tanks of hot and cold water and heavy wooden tubs used to be a familiar sight in the streets of the Austrian capital down little more than a decade ago. They went the round of their cus tomers, delivering baths and hot wa ter at private residences and calling for them again after the ablutions had been performed. Corn Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, $37. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16 (3)15.50; grain hay, $10(5)11; alfalfa, $13.6014; valley timothy, $1314. Vegetables Cucumbers, 4076c per dozen; eggplant, 7c per pound; pep pers, 67Jc; artichokes, 90c per dozen; tomatoes, 6090c per crate; cabbage, Jftfilc per pound; peas, 10c; beans, 610c; celery, 6076c per dozen; cauliflower, 4076c; sprouts, 8c per pound; head lettuce, $1.86 per crate; pumpkins, lc per pound; squash, lc. Green Fruits Apples, 6bc(0j$l.tu per box; cantaloupes, l(gil.tu per crate; casabas, $1.261.60 per dozen; pears, $11.60 per box; grapes, 7 be (a $1.17 per crate; cranberries, $8( per barrel. Potatoes Oregon, 86c$l per sack; sweet potatoes, 2c per pound. Onions Yellow, 8690c per sack, Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count. 871c: candled, 40(ffi42ic: stor age, 2730c; fresh Eastern, 8687gc. Poultry Hens, 1318,e; springs, 12c; turkeys, young, 1618c; dressed, 1821c; ducks, 1014c; geese, 1' 12c. Butter Creamery prints, extras, 24Je per pound; in case lots; Jc more in less than case lots; cubes, 8031c. Veal Fancy, llj12c per pound. Pork Block, 9ac per pound. Hops 1914 crop, 9li0c; 1913 crop, nominal. Wool Valley, 1718e; Eastern Oregon, 1620c: mohair. 1914 clip, 274c per pound. CaBcara bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Cattle Prime steers, $6.76)7.zd; choice, $6.606.76; medium, $6.26 60: choice cows, $6.766 26; me dium, $6.2&6.76; heifers, $5.60(3) 6.26; calves, $68; bulls, $34.76; stags. $4.606. Hogs Light, $6.767.16; heavy, $6.766.16. Sheep Wethers, $46.60; ewes, $3.604.60; lambs, $66.S6. Seattle The spud market as regards first class stock free of blight, cutouts and sprouts, is firm,' although the gen eral run of receipts is weak. It would be difficult at this time to say as to how far the damage will extend, but many sacks of the Yakima Gems now coming into this market appear to develop blight ends. It is claimed that this blight does not show when the stock is shipped, but it is so plain here that considerable shrinkage has been the rule. The tracks are well loaded with carloads of spuds, but in all this there is comparatively little fancy stock. The onion market Is steady, borne excellent Western Washington offer- inn at 76(a86c are selling. There are few Yakimas on the curb, but there is little Interest Jonathan apples, so far as good qual itv is concerned, are cleaned up, and the street is willing to close the chapter on one of the most disastrous seasons. Eggs Select ranch, 4646c per dozen. Poultry Live hens, 1016t pound old roosters, 10c: 1914 broilers, 12c ducklings, 1213c; geese, 10c; tur keys, live, 20o pound; do. dressed, zac Apples New, cooking, 6060c per box: Jonathans. TBcKil: winter Ba nanas. $1.26(0)1.60; Kings, 76c$l Delicious, $1.261.60; Spitzenbergs, 75c(S)1.25. Cranberries Eastern $8 per barrel, Pears Beurre Easter. $1.26 box. Dressed beef Prime beef steers, 1212ci pound; cows, llj12c; heif ers, 12c Dressed veal 16(ffil6c per pound. Dressed hogs Whole, packing house, lSic per pound. Dressed spring lamb 1218e per pound. Dressed mutton 10 18Jo per noiind. Vegetables Artichokes, 85c dozen beans, green, 910c pound; bell nep- oen. Wenatchee. 9-Ib. boxes, GWftbOc beets, new, $lfj)1.25 per sack ; cab- baa-e. local. 75c(ffiJl per 100 pound celery. 4060e dozen; carrots, local, 76cffi$l sack; Onions, green, 2630c dozen; potatoes. White Rivera, $14 16 ton; Yakimas, $1820; sweets, $1.90g2 per hundred. BRAND Mwu.a.rr.fft REVOLVER AND PISTOL C A R T R IDG E S. Winchester Revolver and Pistol cart ridges in all calibers prove their sup-' eriority by the targets they make.' Shoot them and you'll find they are ACCURATE, CLEAN, SURI b Arouse A iazy Liver J special attention must be paid to the Stomach and Bowels for they have a di rect influence on each other. You will find it a good plan to take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS 'for a few days to help Na ture restore these organs to strength & healthy activity. AVOID SUBSTITUTES The First Transatlantic Liner. The first transatlantic liner to be operated by steam power was launch ed at New York ninety-six years ago, and was formally christened the Sa vannah. 'She vessel bore little resem blance to the ocean leviathans of the present, for she was a tiny wooden craft of 350 tons. The "crazy crank" who thought it possible for a ship to cross the Atlantic by steam power was William Scarborough, of Savan nah, and the boat, although built in New York, was named after the own er's home city. By the April follow ing her launching the Savannah was ready for the sea, and on April 10, 1819, she left New York for Savannah, which was to be her American ter minus. On May 24th the little liner steamed away from Savannah on her maiden voyage, and on June 20th she reached Liverpool, where she was giv en a rousing welcome as the first steam vessel to cross the ocean. From Liverpool the Savannah proceeded to St. Petersburg, Russia, and In Decem ber, 1819, the Savannah was again anchored in the harbor of the Geor gian city, fifty days out from the Rus sian capital. Thus Scarborough "crazy crank" achieved for Georgia the honor of revolutionizing the com merce of the world. Savannah will celebrate the centenary of the sailing of the Savannah five years hence. HOWARD E. BFRTOrJ - Assayer ana Cbrrnlst, Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: tiold, Silver, Lei.d, U. Gold, Silver, l&ci Gold, olio; Zino or Copper SI. Mailing envelopes a id full price list Entonat'Plication. Control and Umpire vr org. so il ted. liefereooei Oarbonate National Bank. Treacle for 8oldlers. The English Sepoy troops have few equals as fighters as the Germans will soon discover but in private life they are among the mildest and most peaceable of men. In barracks they love to have their wives and children about them, and their fine, sturdy fig ures may give joy to advocates of vegetarian and teetotal principles, tor the Sepoy Beldom touches meat and his drinks are water and milk. Even when out for a jollification "Jack Se poy" seldom shows an inclination for strong liquors, his favorite Indulgence being treacle junket. London Chroni cle. YEAR'S DIGGING OF COAL Greater Than Total Excavation for Panama Canal. It has been estimated that the amount of coal which will be dug out of the ground in the United States during the present year will be great er by far than the total excavation for the Panama Canal. Experts for the United States geo logical survey have estimated that originally there wns enough coal in this country to make a solid block 10 miles long, 10 miles wide and 10 miles high. A block of this size would weigh more than 3,500,000,000,000 tons, and up to the present time the coal that has been removed amounts oniy to something like 15,000,000,000 tons. The coal mined during 1914 will amount to about 600,000,000 tons, con taining about 300,000,000 cubic yards.- The total excavation for the Panama Canal from start to finish is computed at some 262.000,000 cubic yards. The comparison indicates in a strlK- ing way the extent of the coal mining industry in the United States. The output of coal Is enormous, but It is increasing year by year. The amount of coal so far taken out is only a frac tion ot what remains, according to the estimates of the geologists. The peo ple of this country, however, are us ing more coal every year, ana witn the exhaustion of some of the Euro pean coal fields already in sight, the foreicn demand for American coal wil! Increase enormously. The hUtory of coal mining in tde United States covers only a period of about a century. There was some mining of anthracite In Pennsylvania as far back as 1790, but the records of the anthracite coal trade usually be gin with the year 1820. The first ac tunl mining is believed to hpve been In Virginia, though tne recoras oi pro duction In that state date from 1822. The presence of coal in Ohio was dis covered as far back as 1765, but the record of output begins with 1837. The history ot coal mining In Kentucky begins in mn, but in imu tne produc tion had reached only 23,527 tons. Kentucky s coal industry sutrerea greatly during the Civil War. In 1860 the production had reached 85,760 tons, but In 1864 It was under 2000 tons, and in 1870 it was only 150,682 tons. Since that time progress nas been continuous until last year a max imum output ot about 20,000,000 tons was reached. Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Crude oil in its tanks limited the amount of water which could enter a steamship when it struck rocks near Ceylon and punctured large holes In its hull, and enabled it to reach port five days later. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try liurlne Eye Kemcdy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyea and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting-iuat-Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Just One Thing After Another. Hub I've given up drinking, smok ing and golf to please you, still you're not satisfied. Now what else do you want me to give up? Wife Well, you might give up $50. I need a new gown. New York World. Some Swearer. First Trooper, Imperial Yeomanry (discussing a new officer) Swears a bit, don't 'e sometimes? Second Trooper 'E's a masterpiece, 'e is; just opens 'is mouth and lets it say wot it likes. Punch. Shake Into Tour snoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. K Jur painful, awollen, Bmarting, sweating feet. Makes new ahoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N . Y. Germany's newest dirigible balloon has been given a framework of steel tubing that is expected to make It proof against damage by the most severe storms. Over a series of mountain peaks In France there will be stretched anten nues approximately fifteen miles long to test wireless waves of extreme length. The coal mined In the United States last year would load a train of cars long enough to reach four and one halt times around the earth. Rheumatic Throat Is Common Trouble Should Be Treated in Blood To Prevent Recurrences To prevent a horse running away an Indiana man has patented a lever to be fastened to a wagon wheel to which a hitchlng-strap may be tied, pulling backward if the horse starts. New French tops for touring-cars have roofs that telescope and fold ! down with the backs Into recesses in the bodies, while the sides slide down Into similar openings. F0SS-W1NSH1P HARDWARE COMPANY SELL SUPERIOR RANGES THE ; World Leader SINCE 1837 BARRETT BID'G, Athena, Oregon, ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour. . The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington. Speeds up to fifty miles an hour over the Desert of Sahara have been mnria hv a Franr-h irmv automobile driven by an aerial propeller. A Wisconsin inventor's refrigerator is equipped with a hydraulic scale on the outside to show the weight of the ice placed in it. A man never realises what a poor business man he Ib until a second hand man comes to buy his old clothes. In some parts of Switierland all the dead, rich and poor alike, are- buried at public expense. Deposits of platinum sufficiently rich to make their operation profitable have been discovered, to Gennftftjr. There an successful gargles that step soreness la the Uroat, buc to prevent tlielr incessant return, tbe blood saust Da put in order. Tbe best remedy la S. 8. S.. as It influences alt the functions of tha body to neutralise tha Irritants or waste products and to stimulate their excretion throufh the proper cuaaaels. Rheumatic sore throat Is a dangerous Indication, as It means that tha blood Is loaded with mora uric acid than the kid neys can excrete, and may thus lead tv serloni general dtattiruance. The actloa of 8. 8. 8. atlmnlatea cellnlir activity. It preventa tha accumulation of Irritants In local spots. It enables tha arteries to supply quickly tha new red blond to replace worn-out tissue. For this reason uric add that flata the throat an easy prey to Its breaklne-down Influence, la scattered and eliminated. Ia other words, 8. 8. 8. prevents chronic con ditions by enabling ali tha nticoua l!nlu-s of the body to secrets healthy mucus. Its influence la shown In a marked Improve ment of tha bronchial tobee, whereby tha husklness of voice with thick, Rtsjlsh ei pectorsllens la overcome. 8. 8. S well diluted with water, means a blood bath, sine It Is welcome to any stomach and at once tela Into tha blood. n R. ft. is free of all minerals av.6 con tains incredieata wonderful iy condudva to well-balanced health. You ran net It at any dnnt store, but da Rot accept anytniaa- else, 'mere is as user ta substitutes. 8. S. 8. Is prepsred smly by The Swift Specific Co., fM Swift Bids., atlaata. Oa. Our kjedlcal Dept. will give you free rnatrnctlea bv mall on say subject U D.oau uiauncn. isuia awaj, iTpr" Home of nf OUAIM jllljlpi Groceries L Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat Butter Wrappers Printed at the Press Office on the best Parchment Paper at the following prices: ; 100 Wrappers . . $1.25 j , 250 Wrappers - - - 1.50 .V 500 Wrappers - - 2.25