Claude Still was in tbn oitj from Milton, Sunday. Mrs. W. 0. Miller was a Pendleton visitor Tuesday. -, ; Aire. Frank Grler of N Weston, was in the oity Tuesday, . Sheriff Tajlor came np from Pen dleton Tuesday oil business. Lowell Rogers was in town from his home in Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knight of Helix, were in town Monday. Oliver Diokenaon made a trip to Portland last week, on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dugus if Pendle ton, are in the oity for the week. Bert Kirby. a prominent oitizen of .Adams, bad business in Atbena Mon day. Wm. Winehip has returned from a visit to Spokane, where he spent the week. The Oity Meat Market sells pure leaf lard in 5 lb pails for 660; 10 lb pail for 11.35. Adv. . Tpvlno Prnnba hnnblroona fn fhn Fiist National Bank will spend several days In Portland and other towns in the Willamette valley. tWhen yon oonault Drs. Lowe Turner you roeeive the oom- bined skill of the trained specialist and optioian. They devote their en tire time, energy and effort exolusively to the eye. They have had yeare of experience and know their bnsioess in all its branches. Tuey give your ayes a most thorough, searoibng and sol eutitio examination, and when they preeoribe glasses it is with positive and absolute assurance they are the best and only kind suited to your eyes! Glasses guaranteed to give eatisfaotion whether tbey oost $3.00 or more. One obarge covers oost of examination, frames and lenses. Consult them at St. Nichols Hotel, Tuesday and Wed nesday, November 24 and 35. Re member the' days and dates. Adv, A. C. Carpenter WALCHMAKER AND JEWELR CARDEN BUILDING ATHENA , I give most careful atten tion to Repairing. High est class Workmanship GUARANTEED mwt, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed f Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. , Barry Alexander will hold a turkey shoot in Atbena, on November 23, 21 and 28. Mrs. Theo Danner, of Milton, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Wall, last week. Rev. Lambert of the Methodist ohuroh, was a Walla Walla visitor .Monday. ' , Born in this oity, November 11, 1011, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stolts, a daughter. , A daughter was bora to Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Mathers, yesterday, Nov ember 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dunoan were in tbe oity Monday, from their home near Weston. Mr. and Mrs. David Ferris motored over from their Walia Walla valley ranoh, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B . Steele returned from a visit to friends in Pendleton, Sunday evening. Alex Molntyre has purchased a Ford automobile and runs it all same old hand at the business. Mr. J. D. Matheson, of Portland, visited at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson, last week. Charles Noirls oame np from bis borne at Gornelius, Wednesday and is visiting friends in tbe oity. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Bead and Ar thur Coppook and wife motored to Walla Walla Sunday In tbe Coppook oar. Edward E. Eoonta was up from Portland tbe first of the week, shaking hands with friends. He made only a short stay. ' Grandma Wooddy baa arrived in the oity from Taootna, and will spend tbe winter with her daughter, Mrs. Csbs Cannon. N. MoDonald and E. N. Hull, of Spokane, visited in tbe oity over Sun day. Mr. MoDonald Is a brother of Mrs. B. N. Hawks. Mis. Genevieve Brown, of Seattle, has beo a guest tbis week of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson in tbis oity. IX Miss Merna DePeatt visited in ir Walla Walla Monday, and Miss Laura Molntyre .ssisted in the Fix is Badtke store during ber ntaenoe. Tbe Baptiet Missionary sooiety nut this week with Mrs C. A. Barrett, when tbe usual interesting program was rendered and enjoyed. Wm. Tompkins, who has been In ill health for several years, took an alarming turn for tbe worse this week, but is now reported out of danger. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Burae have mov ed over from Helix to make their home in Athene. Tbey are oooupying the Brookner cottage on the West side. i m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk and Rhildren arrived in the oity Saturday evening from Halsey. Mr. Kirk will open an implement warehouse in Athena. Piano Lessons. Mrs. Arobie Sbiak desires to organize a olass for piano in struction, at 50 oents per lesson. Call at residence, 1th and JeSerson streets, Atbena. 8t.' - Charles Ulm will move his shoe shop to Pendleton tbe first of next week, and those having shoes there are re quested to oall for them not later tban Monday. Adv.. The Mothers' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. N. Bnroker, Fiiday. November 27. The subieot tor tbe afternoon's study Is The Montessori Method of Ieaohing. The following well known butter- makers have bad butter wrappers printed at the Press offlos this week Mrs. A. O. Sobnbert, Mrs. Wm. Boo hei and Mrs. F. W. Long. A Thanksgiving bait will be given at tbe Athena opera honse next Thurs day evening. Those holding iuvita tions for tba Saturday night olufc danoes, are requested to attend. An exceptionally good time is an tloipat ed. Adv. Russell & Son The New Meat -.Market We are prepared to furnish the most choice meats at lower prices than have obtained in Athena tor many months. Let our Mr. Darbey attend to vour wants, Satisfaction guaranteed. Fish and Shellfish in Season Give us a trial. We can and will save you money " "Farmers' Week" at the Oregon Agrioultural oollege baa beea, changed in date from November 80 to Decem ber 5 for oeitaln reaious, to be held ip i i a A pleasant sooial session was enjoyed Wednesday evening after the regale meeting of MoEeniie obapter. O. E.8. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. uyLittlejobo and Mrs M. L. Watts. Ralph MoEwen was in from the ranoh Wednesday evening. He is a baobelor pro. tern., as Mrs. MoEwen and tba twin boys are visiting at tbe GoQ home in the Willamette valley. This afternoon, the Ladies' Aid So oiety of the Methodit Episoopal oburob are holding a Basaar at tbe ohurob. Ibis evening, beginning at 5:80, a obioken dinner will be served. Joe Lewis was in tbe oity from Helix Monday. Mr. Lewis bas recent ly sbipped his household goods and farming outfit to St. Anthony, Idaho, where he will farm on an extensive aoale. At the Duffy eobool bouse, distrlot No. 113 a Thanksgiving Basket Sooial will te given on next Thursday wan ing. Tbe pupils and patrons of the sobool are making preparations for tbe event, and an enjoyable time is ex peoted. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon entertained a few friends Tuesday afternoon, in honor of Miss Harriet Wish, who is visiting in the oity. Tbe time was pleasantly spent in needle work. The hostess served dainty refreshments. assisted by little Miss Leone Christian. Tbe Sunday Sohool olass of Mrs. 0. A. Barrett entertained their friends at her tome on Wednesday evening. Tbe rooms were tastefully deoorated ty tbe girls of tbe olass, wbo furnish ed refreshments, wbioh were served up to a late hour, and tbe young folks report a splendid time. Vinoent the jeweler, has installed a new onrooometor for oonvenienoe of the public in marking ooireot time. Mr. Vinoent baa also leoeived an order from tbe First National Bank for in stalling a large regulator. The new olook will be of mahogany, with a Il-inob dial plate. As usual, Landlord Froome of the St. Nichols, . will serve a splendid Thanksgiving dinner. These 'dinners bave a reputation that reaahes beyond the enrirons of Athena, and large numbers of oountry people also, avail themselves of tbe opportunity to dine at the St. Niobols on holidays. Emery Achilles is up from his Van- syole ranoh, and baa already demon strated that he bas made a suooessfui venture. A house and outbuildings, fenoes, etc,, have been built, and a well dug, water being seoured at a depth of six feet. He will move bis family to the ranoh next week, Program at tbe Dreamland far Fri day and Saturday nights: 1 and 2. "Tbe Grip of CiroumatBDoes," Ee- sanay. 8. "Vaooinating the Vil lage." Kalem. Sunday: I. "The Indian Ambuscade, Kalem. 3. Marrying. Sue," Vitagrapb, 8. "The Vagaries of Fate," Lubin., Tbe foot and month disease has spread its way westward. A ship ment of oattle from tbe east is being held up at Spokane, tbe disease having been discovered there. The oattle are under quarantine regulations and will be held by representatives of tbe Bu reau ot Animal industry until ail danger is over. Press readers who live at Gibbon Bud along the Umatilla and Meaoham oreek will reoelve their mail at Wes ton, B. F. D. No. 2. until snob, time as the- department reestablishes tbe offloe at Gibbon. Heretofore tbe Gibbon postofSoe bas been looated in the O-W. R, & N. depot at that plaoe but the oompany has ordered the offloe and equipment out of its build ing. For wantonly killing a female deer last spring out' ot season. Louis Met tle of Ukiab is serving a 80 day sen tenoe in tbe oounty juil. In addition to tbe jail aentenoe. tbe justioe of the peaoe at Pilot Book, fined him $25 and oosts. Mettie did not even nse the meat after be bad killed tbe doe, and two fawns died aa tbe result of the death ot the mother. pose is to promote oompelition be tween tbe four classes of the High sobool, along the lines ot scholarship, attendanoe, debating, oratory aud ath g?iii,lw "111."-'1 Bob Tbarp bad a rather unpleasant perienoe In the oountry north of town, tbe for part of tbe - week. Ditto Offloers Taylor and Ramsay, who were passengers in the auto, The maohine strook. a sandspit, ran upon tba bank along the roadside and oareened over. Taylor gyrated through the atmosphere squirrel fashion, bolt ing over Bamsay in safety. Tbe three men rigbted the machine and proceed ed on their way rejoioing at the in oonsequenoe of tbe mishap. Marooa Barone of Rome, Italy, was in the oity for a short while Sunday, aooompanled by his dog, "Brownie." As a biker, Mr. Barone oan baud oarda aud spades to John Dobson. Tom Gilkey or other of Athena's noted walkers. He is merely on a little jaunt around tbe world, aud when here, be bad reeled off tbe small mat ter of 11,803 miles of tho distanoe. Even Hawks, Wyoming hill olimber and prospective Alaskan perambulator took a aeoond squint at tbe Italian pedestrian. , lbs of Boials of the United States land of doe at LaGrande are in receipt of a letter from the commissioner of the general land otfioe, under date of November flth, 1911, designating ap proximately 88,820 acres of land sub- jeot to entry under tbe enlarged home stead act. Under tbis designation, these lands will te subjeot to entry December 10th 1911. Tbe lands are scattered throughout Umatilla, Wal lowa. Grant, Union, and Baker coun ties, tbe larger portion thereof being in Umatilla and Grant oountles, After having tbe matter of paroling Milton Anderson under advisement for several weeks, Judge Phelps oonolnded that tbe young man's offense of at tempted highway robbery was of too serious a nature to regard lightly, and sentenoed bim to serve a term in the penitentiary. Anderson resided at Helix, and with Jim Navin for a pal, attempted to bold up and rob a faro band named Dempsey. Tbeir supposed to be essy viotim made bis end of the holdup so warm that tbe pair gave the robbery up. Navin was also indicted tat forfeited bis bond and skipped tbe oonntry. Japaiiiesc,... Hand-woven Bamboo Jard : jnieres and Baskets: Some thing New, something fine. 0 75cts up to $3.00 Each Byron N. Hawks, Druggist Coyotes io tbis oounty and different parts of Eastern Oregon have devsl oped rabies and one man, Maok Gilli- land, is iu tba hospital at Pilot Book, tbe result of being bitten by one of the mad animals. At Meaoham a mad ooyote entered the little town and gave battle to dogs there. In other seotiona of tbe oounty stookmen report having enoonutered and killed ooyotes with revolvers. A-Mias Oeoile Boyd is io Pendleton iu.B wt, wuarv bud is bhibuuk iu establishing organized play and re oreation in the publio sohools of that oity. Ibis work will be extended over tha state under Supt. Oburobill, in tbe different oity sohools. Next Tuesday evening an exhibition in tbe form ot a folk festival wiil be given in the Pendleton High sobool building demonstrating tbe work to the sobool patrons. It is jeported that an Athena lady who taked an extraordinarily Sue oake for Sunday dinner, was surprised to nno in its pleoe one or someone else's baking. Tbe sutstitntion was oleverly done, the responsiblility of wbioh bas teen simmered down to rest between a oouple of boys in the family and two ontsiders, but tbe question yet remain!,, aa to wbo got tbe oate A auitabla reward may eventually the mystery. feolve tl Ssturday last, Wilbur, tba young Mr. and Mrs. Will Harden was seriously injured by tailing from disc. Tbe dlso, which was driven by Beta Banister, passed entirely over tbe boy, inflioting a deep gash In the ealf of tba leg and on one hand. Dr, Plamoodon, in droning the wounds, took eleven stitobes In tba out on tbe leg. It is considered very fortunate tbe boy was hurt no worse as tbe re sult of tha auoident. I The olass eop for the Atbena High sobool baa arrived and bas beea io tbe hands of L. 8. Vinoent this week ff engraving. The oop is of silver, bean tifol io design and will no doubt be greatly appreciated by tba olaas that wins it Tbe oop was presented by the patrons of tba sobool, and its pur Yesterday it became inonmbent on Marshal Bamsay iu pursuit of bis otBoial duly, to kill a oeitaln dog,- a stray on wbioh no tax bad been paid. He delegated Jobnnie Hoy to go to tbe livery barn where the dog was con fined, with instructions to take it 'out and ashoot it." Hoy found a dog as directed, all right, and shot it. But be got tbe wrong dawg, a boon' ang, belonging to George Myrick. Myriok settled with tbe marshal on tbe basis ot 35 oash In baod. Barn say's motto hereafter will be: Be sure you bave got the right dog and then go and kill it yourself. iy"In response to a telegram auuouoc- fVa the death of her brother, Miss 1 Laura Smith left Tuesday morning for Wasoo. being taken aa far as Pen dleton by Mrs. M. L. Watts. Later news reoeived beia gives, tbe inform ation that the young man, Orville Smith, waa working iu a deep well. when a rook fell some 7S feet, striking bttn on the head and fraoturing hit skull. He never regained ooosoious- bess. but died Monday bight. The lotim waa about 80 years old ana unmarried. Miss Smith, who is assist' ant bookkeeper at the Preston-Shatter Mill, is expeoted home tbis evening. Be surs and oall at St. Niobols Ho tel. Tuesday and Wednesday, Novem ber 21 and 25. and let Drs. Lowe and Turner, tba well known eye specialists of Portland, abow you tbe Krypton double vision glass, wbiob bas no un sightly lines or seams to eatob dirt, strain the eyes or oome apart. One liaht solid pieo of glass wbiob looks like a single pair, yet answers the pur poss of two, enabling you to read or do oloae work and see distant objeota perfectly. Be sure aod sea them. Free demonstration, satisfaction guar anteed. Dra. Lowe & Turner have been looated in Portiand for 20 yeBrs. Tbey go from bouse to house. They bave no agents. Adv. Tba Portland Journal says: When No. 18 pulled out ot the Union depot this morning it oarrind one of tbe happiest fathers in this part of tbe oountry. J. U. Martin of Atbena was ths father in question, and be was happy beoanse following an all day oonferenoe with a number of Portland specialists yesterday it was deoided it would not be necessary to amputate tbe leg of bis elgbt-year-old daughter, crushed a year ago in an aooident. We were pretty bloe wben we oame down here from Athena, said Mr. Martin, "bnt we are going back very bappy. Tba little girl was run over by FREE S2 WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE I A 400 Day 5.00; tin Runs 400 Days with a Single Winding. Ask to see it, and get our Plan of Introducing our New Line of Guaranteed Shaded Blue Enameledware With Every Purchase of this Enameledware, we give to you a numbered Ticket. When the Eighty Pieces are sold, the per son holding the ticket bearing number corresponding to the number under seal, will receive the Clock absolutely Free. This is the best wearing and most satisfactory line of Enameledware we could obtain, and we recommend it to our customers. FIX Mi RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. a wagon wbile playing last year, and we bave been unoertaln ever atnoe whether she was to lose her limb or not." BOOKS RECEIVED AT THE ATHENA BRANCH LIBRARY The Atbena branob of tba Umatilla onnotv library bas reoeived its Brat installment of books and tbe lnstltu tion will be open for tbe distribution of books tomorrow. Tbe library will be io obarge of the members of tbe library board appointed sometime ago hv Mavnr Watts. Tbe library, until further notice wiil be opened on Wednesday and Sat urday afternoons and on Saturday avaninns. wben books may be selecUd Tbe snooeas of tbe library branob will depend on tba intereat shown and tba number of tooka taken and lead. For tbis reason, the ladies oomorising tha membership of tbe board want it exoreaalv known that those wbo re side in tbe oonntry bave tbe same rlabta as those wbo live in town, and desire tbat all avail themselves- of the sultndid opportunity tbe library at forda. Tbe Atbena branob is tbe twelfth in tbe oounty to be organized tv Mi.. Naaoo. county librarian, and abe expects to orgaois tbres others. Iba Brat installment of books at tbe Atbena library inoludns: Addison Spell of England. Amlois Holland and Its People. Bennett Plain Man and Bis Wife. Bishop Daily Ways to Health. Oarleton New Lives for Old. Oarpenter Wiuter Camping. Carter Woman With Empty Hands. Denison Helping 8obool Obildren. Ely Woman's Handy Garden. Fisber Montessori Mother. Green England. 1 vols. Hall Garden, Yard. Hlllquit Socialism in Theory and Praotioe. Holllngswortb Advertising and Selling. Howells Heroines of Flotion. 2 vol. Kinne Foods and Housebold Man agement. Longfellow Complete Poems. Milnea Churob and tbe Young Man's Game. Morgan. Wireless Telegraph Con struction for Amateurs. Peets Praotioai Tree Repair. Pepper Panama to Patagonia. Powell Cooperation in Agriculture. Trafton Metboda of Attracting Birds. Voorbees Forage Crops. - Webster Book of Bee-Keeping. Wisconsin University How to Use the Baboook Test. Sooial Forces; a Topical Outline tor Club Study. Heferenoe Books. Mew Imperial Atlas of the World. "Oregon Blue Book aud Official Di rectory. Abstract of the 18th Census With Oregon Supplement. Statistical Abstraot nf the United States. Fiotlon. Birmingham Spanish Gold. Bosber How It Happened. Burnett T. Tembsrom. Cable Strange Stories of Louisiana. Catber O Pioneers. Connor Corporal Cameron. Caddook Io tbe Tennessee Moun tains. Crawford Htradella, Ferber Dawn O'Hara. Farnoi Amateur Gentleman. ' Harland Cardinal's Snuff Box. Harrison Queed. Higginson Malbone. Howells Tbeir Wedding Journey. Jordan Carmen and Mr. Dryasdust. Lagerlof Lilieorona's Home. MaoLaren Kate Carnegie. Morris Saturday's Child. Anon. Overland Red. ' Paattie The Preolpioe. Porter Pollyaona. Van Dyke Ruling Passion. . Waller Woodoarver ot 'I.ympus. White Blazed Trail. Wright Tbe Winning of Barbara Worth. , - i Children's Books. Anderson Stories. Bacon Songs Every Child Should Know." Brooks Stoiles of the Red Obildren, Bryoe Short Stories far Little Folks, Bryoe That's Why Stories. Burgess Old Mother West Wind. Carter Cat Stories. Chisbolm Old Testament Stories. Clemens Travels at Home. Collins Boy's Book of Model Aero planes. Deland Oakleigh. De la Ramee Dog of Flanders. Eddy Friends and Helpers. Eggleston Big Brother. ' Flint Small Gardens for Small Gardeners. Forman Stories of Useful Inven tions. Greene Piokett's Gap. Qrover Sunbonnet Babies Primer. Hawtborne Wonder Book. Hutobenson Child's Day. Jewett Control of Body and Mind. Keffar Nature Studies on tbe Farm, Lang Cinderella. MoManus Our Little English Con sio. Miller True Bear Stories. Morley Flowers and Tbeir Friends, Roulet Our Little Spanish Cousin, Saintine Piooiola. Snedden Dooas, the Iodian Boy." I am still doing business at the Old Stand in Hawks' Drug Store Don't neglect to call and inspect mv new Fall Lines of Jewelry . Remember that I am making a specialty if Watch Repairing and Engraving. L. S. Vincent, JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. aV-v' .... i . ' mn i i i n tA. J. Parke I think yimr iHfuiirit Una been run. nlnu long eimimh " "I thought ,vii Mild the other day It n one of lung atandlng." Florida Tliova-Unlon. When ili-nth has oome It Is never our Ieiii1i-riu ' ri-rwot of but our sever It). Klloi.- WhyPavSPerCentT For farm loans wben yon osn obta.n obeaper money bv applying to Malouey ft Gwlnn. Enquire or wiita to either H Uwlno of tbe Pendleton au straot Company, or J. W. Maloney. of Pendleton, Oregon. Adv. KvtiTjrthlna Km Olnim - Modern And Up-tB-dat SOUTH STREET SIDE MAIN ATHENA Show 10,000 Ears 01 Corn . The Cream of 1000 acrea of OREOON-WASHINQTON-IDAHO'SLUE RIBBON CROP i will be on competitive exhibition at the Corn 1 held under the auspices of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company ' ' ' '.'." Walla "Walla, Washington November 25 to 28, 1914 INTERESTING INSTRUCTIVE ENTERTAINING Lectures by Prot C. L. Smith, Agriculturist of the O-W. R. & N- Company ' Low Fares for the Round Trip Tickets, schedules and full information upon ap plication to J. R, Mathers, Agent, O-W. R. S N. Company, Athena, Oregon bhsthgfspringaty&he cost NO MAMMOCKING NO tiUMMOCKING NO SAGGING NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING iM -iiL' See the "VeJajfX "BedSpiinp at MILLER'S FURNITURE STORE.