I FOSS-WINSHIP HARDWARE COMPANY SELL SUPERIOR RANGES THE' World Leader SINCE 1837 BARRETT B'LD'G., Athena, Oregon, i ISr Mi feiaiiiiiifii" r II ! UD ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells -the famous American Beauty Flour. The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington. v Ji Home of rj- QUALITY gplfE 'Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These- They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterer to the Public in Good Things to Eat Butter Wrappers Printed at the Press Office on the best Parchment Paper at the following prices: t ?. v 100 Wrappers - $1.25 250 Wrappers' - - - 1.50 500 Wrappers - - 2.25 POULTRY and Dairy Produce of alt kinds want. Writ for oar s CASH OFFER j Pearson-Page Co. P22J.D TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES Large assortment, Spe cial Prices. REMINGTON ud SMfTH PREMIER. $15 Dpi Machines shipped on approval and ruartin uled by Home concern. Write for samples of work, statins make TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 351 Wash. St' FvtluJ, Of. NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dave Houston. Prop. H. B. Thorsnea, Mirr. Thoroughly modern. 101 Rooms of comfort Mod erate Prices. Three minutes' walk from Union Depot. Write for rates. 72 It Sbta St, PORTLAND, OR. WEEKS' BREAK UP-A-COLD TABLETS A guaranteed remedy for Colds and La Grippe. Price 25c of your druggiBt. It's good. Take nothing else. Adv. AGENTS male. 50 profit. Sell every mechanic on sight. New invention, exclusive territory; wriu Dahl Co., 61 Esat ttd, New York. Tobacco Habit Cured Not only to users of pipe and cigars, but the vicious cigarette habit is overcome by using the "NITRITE" treatment. Price complete, postage paid, J1.00. Lauo-Davis Drug Co., 8d and Yam hill, Portland, Or. (When writing mention this paper.) Industrial Era For Us. Fifteen million men In the field will use apparel about three times as fast as when peace prevails. The equip ment of 1,000,000 horses is no small Item and means steady equipment of supplies and food for this vast army. Europe can not fight and meet these requirements simultaneously. The more one of our industries Is taxed the greater the activity which will be reflected upon others. It is the history of war that the first shock produced dullness, but upon recovery Industry boomed and prices soared. There is reason to believe that history will repeat Itself and as the waste and demolition exceed any previous dem onstration the sources of supply must be looked to to meet the inevitable demand. We are at peace, the greatest indus trial nation; we have the mills, the farms, In short, the equipment wanted. In spite of fear we must be busy for ourselves and for others. Some im portant materials we may lack, but we will be Ingenious enough to evolve adequate substitutes. Fiber and Fabric. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELI, YOU Try Murine Eye Itemedy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyea and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting lust-Eye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye by mall Free. Murlue Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. A Plea of Guilty. "What!" exclaimed the teacher, "does no one know? What animal has bristly hair, is dirty all the time and loves getting into the mud?" A small boy raised a timid hand. "Well, Allan," said the teacher, "tell us what It is." "Please, ma'am," said the little boy reflectively, "it's me." Chicago American. And Sometimes Trousers. The teacher was examining the class in physiology. "Mary, you tell us," Bhe asked, "what Is the function of the Btomach?" "The function of the stomach," the little girl answered, "is to hold up the petticoat." Buffalo Express. The Mosquito Habit. "What makes Jack keep slapping himself on the back of his neck?" "He spent his vacation at a New Jersey summer resort and he can't get rid of the habit." St. Louis PoBt-Dispatch. A Time Saver. "I always tell the waiter what I'm going to tip him." "Why?" "So he won't keep me waiting half an hour while the cashier splits a $10 bill Into dimes." Detroit Free Press. No Opener Needed. Two Phlladelphians have patented a crown seal for bottles to which is at tached a bit of metal to lift it with out the necessity for a separate opener. New job for university students attending society functions and dem onstrating latest dances. The fount of knowledge seemB to have gone dry. They often tell us the worm will turn, but only two in 8000 boxes of apples returned to the selling agency. He wasn't a pitcher, but a witness in court recently got peeved when the attorney criticized his delivery. Few deer are being reported shot, but the number of hunters bagged seems to keep up to standard. Probably It Is an unwise plan to count the) enemy. It might be better to discount them and then lick them. Kola Tablets have many friends who use them as a general tonle and for Kidney trouble. Price 25c per box. 5 boxes for 11.00. For sale by Laue-Davls Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill Sta., Portland. Ore. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS EOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE People from all parts of Oresn and Washing--ton constantly visit our olltce for dental treat menu Our skill is ac knowledged, and our promptness In finishing- work in one day whan required iB appro bated by oul-of-lown patrons. Dr. Wise fa a false toorh expert. There is ALWAYSONKBKSr in every callm. and t . 1 this distinction in Ore- ante we don't do. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. Geod Red Rubber Plates, each tft.OO The Rest Red Rubber Plates, each 7.M &-&arat told er Percelaiu Crews. I.M WISE DENTAL CO. RKL1AB1 g PAINLESS DENTISTS. Ptoses Main KU. A 1U. 111H Third Street. Palling Bid,.. Penlaad. Oram S. C Car. Third aad Washtagtea, P. N. U. N. , 1(14 , VBEN writing to " ilea thle aaer. NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World's Important Events Told in Brief. The "blue sky law" passes in Cali fornia, after an early apparent defeat. England repeats call to all voters to declare their attitude on enlistment in the army or navy. j A Portland, Or., banker predicts better times by spring "In spite of handicaps caused by unwise and freak legislation. The idle of Belgium is told to go to work by the German governor under penalty that all charitable orgamza lions feeding them, will be dissolved, The German cruiser Emden, forced to run ashore by an Australian war ship, had destroyed 23 merchantmen and other small vessels before Bhe was Anally captured. Panrtrra rfwaivarl In Rprlln tYnm f!n. penhagen set forth that the Russian government is protesting to rekin against the concentration of troops on the Manchurian frontier. General Villa in command of 15,000 men, is said to be marching from the north on Mexico City, ostensibly to oust Carranza who has an army of 40, 000 to resist the attack. The Norwegian steamer Pluton, bound from London for Christiania, was sunk by a mine Sunday off Yar mouth. Nineteen men of her crew and three passengers were rescued by a Dutch lugger. The Sheik-ul-Islam, head of the hier archy in Turkey, has prepared an an nouncement to all Mohammedans in which he declares that every Moham medan fighting on the side of Great Britain, France and Russia is not a warrior but a murderer, and liable to religious punishment. The situation along the battle line in France proper, from the standpoint of the allies, was summed up in a dis patch from an "observer with the In dian corps," who says there has been no marked change anywhere, though he professes to see a gradual weaken ing of the German attacks. Every county in the state of Oregon has voted "dry." Woman suffrage is believed to have won in Montana and Nevada. There is a technical point raised against prohibition in Arizona. Emperor Nicholas has arrived at army headquarters at the front. London is again promised a raid by German Zeppelins some time this month. Admiral Cradock's ship is believed sunk in the engagement with the Ger mans off the coast of Chile. The Russian army marches 30 hours in deep snow in mountains, and it is claimed its front is 100 miles long. A Marconi wireless dispatch from Berlin Bays that in Egypt the English have abandoned the Arabian frontier and withdrawn across the Suez canal. A dispatch to the Amsterdam Tele- graaf says Prince Joachim Albrecht, of Prussia, son of the late regent of Brunswick, has been wounded in France. According to the London Daily Mail's Rotterdam correspondent the inhabitants of Ostend have been or dered to take to their cellars with five days' provisions. Fog was responsible for the loss of the German cruiser Yorck, which Btruck a mine in Jade bay, an inlet of the North sea, November 4. This statement is made by Berlin papers. Lieutenant Murray lost his life in an aeroplane accident at the English avi ation school at Avon. It is believed he miscalculated the distance while land ing, after making a flight over Rushall Down. Two German officers and two men of the crew of the German cruiser Geier, now at Honolulu, who have been held for some time at San Francisco, will be paroled, but must remain in the United States until the end of the war. , Wireless dispatches from Berlin say that Shanghai newspapers report the German artillery Are is systematically destroying the entrenched positions oc cupied by the Japanese around Tsing Tau. The Japanese have postponed indefinitely their attacks. The waters around Tsing Tau are sown with mines. A wireless dispatch from Berlin to Vienna officially reports that in Rus sian Poland the Austrians captured over 2000 prisoners, including 20 offi cers. On the Galician front 600 Rus sians surrendered. During the opera tions against Servia 77 officers and 650 men were taken at Roumania, as well as much war material. An Amsterdam dispatch to the Reu- ter Telegram company in London, says that the Dutch newspapers confirm the statement that Germany is transfer ring cavalry and artillery from the western to the eastern frontier. A heavy snow has fallen in the Voa- ges mountains and the Black forest. The Germans are said to have had difficulty in removing their reserve Held artillery from defensive postions on the heights into the valleys. Their removal is considered in some quarters to indicate that the army is preparing for a retreat. A dispatch from Vienna says that preparations are being rushed for the second siege of Przemsyl. It is re ported that the Russians are equipped with new eight-inch French guns. Russian troops have made notable advances against the German right wing, while the kaiser's army in Northwestern Prussia has forced at least a part of the enemy back across the frontier, although the czar's forces defeated the guard of a railroad and destroyed bridges and captured a train in that district, according to reports from Petrograd and Berlin. Barbed Wire In Warfare. Russia Is in the market to purchase from us 5000 tons of barbed wire to be used In military operations. The effectiveness of barbed wire entangle ments as defense measures has been demonstrated repeatedly since our war with Spain. They were brought into use then with much success and were very effective as a part of the Russian defenses at Port Arthur in the war with Japan. .The Russians probably have in mind their experi ence In the far east and are hoping to make equally good use of the wire they would purchase in this country. The Russian entanglements before Port Arthur consisted of four, parallel lines of three-strand fences about three feet high. The fences were about 10 feet apart and zigzag lines of barbed wire were strung back and forth between the fences. And In ad dition large quantities of loose coils and pieces of wire were scattered on the ground. The combination was al most an impassable barrier. It was found that the Japanese could not make progress by cutting the wires. If they got through the first fence they became entangled In the wire on the ground If they were not shot down before reaching the second fence. The Japanese tried the expedient of having their soldiers charge with mat tresses which they threw on the fences. That was only a partial suc cess, as many men became helpless in the entanglement of loose wires on the ground. The entanglements fi nally were disposed of by pulling up the posts and dragging the fences away under cover of darkness, but it was a long and costly task for the at tacking force. The use of wire entanglements Is valuable as a defense measure and even then has its limitations. An en tanglement which would keep an army of Germans from reaching the Rus sians also would prevent the Russians from getting at the Germans. It is effective in delaying and hampering the progress of an enemy and it also protects him against pursuit and as sault in case the fortune of battle is against him. Indianapolis Star. ' Your Margin of Health 5a is very small, indeed, when the appetite is poor, the digestion bad, the liver lazy and the bowels clog ged but don't re main that way; take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today and let it help Nature restore these organs to their proper functions. Be sure to GET HOSTETTER'S Rheumatism Muscle Colds "It is easy to use and quick to respond. No work. Just apply. It penetrates without rubbing." Read What Others Sayi "Hsre used your Lfo.moat very successfully in a ease of rheumatism, and always hare a bottle on hand in case of a cold or sore throat. I wish to say I think it of the best of household remedies. I would not hare used it only it was recommended to me by a friend of mine who, I wish to say, is one of the best boosters for your Liniment I erer aawTW, W, FulUr, Dtnnr, Cel. "Just a line In praise of Sloan's Liniment. X have been ill nearly fourteen weeks with rheumatism, hart besn treated by doctors who . did their best I had not slept for the terrible pain for several nights, when my wile sot me a small bottle of the Liniment and three appbea cations gave me relief so that 1 could sleep." Joteph Tamblyn, $16 Cm tSTM Strttt, McKttttvrt, fa. MIlIFl Good for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains and Bruises. All Dealers 2 Sc. Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. DePt-B Philadelphia, Pa. PROPERLY MADE TEA THE MOST HEALTHFUL AND EX HILARATINO OP BEVERAGES. No Danger. An old woman was greatly fright ened when the train thundered Into the long tunnel. "Do you think," she asked the con ductor, "this tunnel is perfectly safe?" "Don't be afraid, madam," replied' the waggish official. "Our company got you in this hole, and we're bound to see you through." Kansas City Times. , - Her Belief. "Do you," he asked, "believe in early marriage?" "Well," she replied, "I used to, but I am willing to say that at present I believe 'better late than never" may be applied to marriage as well as to some other things." Brooklyn Citizen. HOW RESINOL CURED ITCHING SKIN TORMENT Baltimore, Md., May 23, 1914: "My limbs from knee to ankle were com pletely covered with eczema for a year. I hated to go In company, it itched and burned so badly. I had no rest at night. I tried a good many remedies for eczema, both liquid and salve, but they did me no gooa, only made the skin more rough and scaly. I learned of resinol ointment and resi nol soap and tried them, and was re lieved of the severe itching and burn ing AT ONCE, and after a month's steady use was completely cured." (Signed) T. S. Lewis, 1821 Summit St. Sold by all druggists. Adv. The South' Fear. Here In the south our chief fear now is that the European savages will quit wearing clothes. Galveston News. The system of some candidates, Like loving, loyal brothers, Is to extol their own virtues By bawling out the others. The Germans deny overtures. Cer tainly. The "Wacht Am Rhein" and "Deutschland Uber Alles" have sup planted mere overtures. That relief ship certainly can be re One thousand boxes of it are on board, ferred to as bringing home the bacon. A baseball player is seeking a di vorce. He is tired of stealing home, making sacrifice hits and culinary errors. Some of the new Bkirts are four yards around. The women can take half a dozen old ones and make a styl ish one. A war correspondent has coined the phrase, a sirocco of shrapnel. With the TurcoB from Africa mixed up In it the phrase seems apt. A marconlgram from the allies to the kaiser: In the matter of Calais, it is a case of taker, not Havre- Good Missionary Year. In one mission In India last year 40,000 were baptized. In the last two years this mission has added more people to the Christian covenants than in the first forty years of its labors. Where It Don Harm tha Fault la As waya With th Maker Unwhole some Qualities Are Brought Out In the Steeping. It Is said that we tan our stomachs and become, therefore, incapable of digesting food that we turn Into nerv ous wrecks If we drink tea. And this would be so If we used tea Immoder ately and made It carelessly. Let us Investigate a little and see what can be done to preserve to our use the cup that cheers. Analysis shows that tea Is rich In proteld, that it contains alkaloid thein and a volatile oil and tannic acid. Its stimulating effect Is due to theln and the oil Its astrlngency Is caused by the tannic acid. Thein Is ao soluble that It Is almost Immediate ly drawn from the leaf when brought Into contact with boiling water. Theln stimulates gastric digestion, but the I tannlo acid and oil are harmful. Ex periments show that tannic acid Is de veloped In very small quantity as soon as tea oomea In contact with boiling water, and that more tannlo acid Is developed when tea has steeped five minutes than when It has steeped three minutes, and that the longer It stands the more this acid la drawn out. It Is known that tea is stimulating, refreshing and an alleviator of head ache and bodily fatigue. It has a slight Influence in regulating the cir culation of the blood and the tempera ture of the body. It Is one of the most warming drinks in winter and cooling drinks In summer. In view of these facts all will ad mit that to get the good and reject the unwholesome qualities of tea it is necessary to make It with freshly boiled water fast boiling because the stimulating property, theln, cannot be extracted below the boiling point and for this reason also the teapot should be thoroughly scalded before the tea is put into it; freshly boiled water, because long cooking causes its at mospheric gases to escape and ren ders it flat and insipid. (Soft water IS oest used when it first comes to a rapid boil, bard water may be boiled fifteen to twenty minutes before us ing). Tea should always be made as an Infusion never boiled and with but one Infusion to each measure of tea The habit of renewing the boiling wa ter over the first measure of tea, or of using and reusing the tea leaves with a 'small additional supply, la a very objectionable one and is most strongly condemned by all health and food authorities. This is the way to obtain all the injurious qif&ljties and none of the benefits of a pot of, .tea. No wonder people tan their stomachs when they follow such a method. Here is the way to make one cup ol tea without a teapot: Heat a cup to boiling point with boiling water, meas ure one-halt teaspoonful 'of best tea; pour the water from the cup, put In the tea. pour over enough fresh boil ing water to fill the cup three-quarters full, cover closely and, let stand In a warm place (not in a draught and not over the fire) for three minutes. Have ready another hot cup and a hot atrainer; strain the tea into the cup and serve at once with sugar and i cream or milk, or with thinly sliced lemon and sugar. Chicago Rmiord-1 Harald. Conceded. "Mr. Taft," declares the' New York ' World, "has gained high place among ' ex-presidents." We insist, however, ! that while this is undoubtedly true ! Mr. Roosevelt ranks second. Boston ! Transcript- Ruptured Persons suffer more from inexperienced trass fitting than from hernia. Why not bur your trusses from experts? Try Laue-Davis Drug Co., at 3d and Yamhill, Portland. Ore., who are ex perts and know how. Didn't Need To. "What are you laughing at?" asked the Old Fogy. "What's so funny in that paper?" "It says here that a hundred per sons have left New York to engage in missionary work," said the Grouch. Cincinnati Enquirer. A Sure Proof of Love. "I'm certain he loves me," said the suburban girl. i "How's that?" "It is a four-mile walk to town. He miBses the lust car about twice a week, but he still keeps calling." Pittsburg Post. Well Answered. Teacher of Hygiene Why must w always be careful to keep our houses clean and neat? Little Girl Because company may walk in at any moment. Judge. Moral Never Give Up. Mrs. Flatte Did you see the doctor about your indigestion today? Mr. Flatte Yes. Mrs. Flatte Did he ask you to give up anything? Yes, ?2. Yonkers Statesman. Flour Imported to Egypt. Flour imports in Egypt increased from $2,500,000 during the first four months of last year to more than $4,000,000 in a like period this year. A Self-Denying Editor. At any Tate we have never stated that the Germans went into Ostend without ostendation and that ostendsl bly they were bound for the Channel. Philadelphia Public Ledger. He was a thoughtful citizen. He studied ballots late, But when it came election day, He up and voted straight. Even election day has Its advant ages. For one day at least the war takes a secondary position. In spite of weeks of argument, The voting signifies That all the wets will still be wets And all the dries be dries. In times of war, as you may have noted, brilliant execution is often sup planted by plausible explanation. Mpkg Kidneys -Ey Clearing Blood A Function Greatly Assisted By a Well-Known Remedy. e V I i Ins i Fi-"i' Sa. mm Rubber In Malays. A gum has been discovered in large quantities in the Malay peninsula that yields from 10 to 20 per cent pure rubber.. Ttrttish women ar rninr tn atint nn dress. Their cousins in this land seem I to have stinted to tha limit Our language is a funny thing, It really makes me laugh. We speak of something going on When It is coming off. ?XetSl Wost n-oilere will he InterntM t nor clearly nndrnuuid whj aualyuls of urine Is a Important, in the use ot S. K. S. to purify the blood, Its action la a stimulant to the myriad of line blood Teasels that ninke op tlie constructive tissues of the kidneys. All the blood from all oyer the body must pass through the kidneys. Ther act as teslrrs end assurers. And according to what they allow to pass out In the urine, both as to cuantlty and materials, the health of the kidneys and the quality of tha blood Is drtcrratupd. 'llie catalytic energy forced by S. S. s. Is shewn In the urine. It is also demonstrated In the skin. And as the blood continues to sweep through the kidneys the dominating nature of b. & S., acting as it does through all th ayenuea of elimination, shows a marked decrease of disease manifestations as dem onstrated by urine analysis. This assist, ance la a great relief to the kidneys. The body wastes are more evenly distributed to the emunctones ; ttarir elimination la stim ulated by the tonic action aEorded the liyer. lungs, skin and kidneys. Thus, In rases ef rheumstlsm, cyatltla. chroale son throat, husklness of voice, brearhitljs, asth ma and the myriad of other refiex indica tions ot weak kidney action, Bret purify your blood with 8. 8. S so It will enable the tissues to rebuild the cellular strength, and regain the normal health. 8. 8. 8. Is prepared by The Swift Fpeclle Co., 517 Swift bidr., Atlanta, (la., and If you hart any deepeated or obetiaate blood trouble, writ, U their lasdlcaj Pant, tut tret adrlca. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora rodi luM ami briiktet colors Bur. any other dye. RnrrMcaw guuaaucd to color SlVt, Wool. Cotftn nl Hind Gooea at ecu Mung. ttcaata isjackage. "Vitu Ice lm booklrt Tiew tor a Mia Cc" sak.atotuifc etc. UONkOfi CatUC COUP ANY. TVrimal Z. Qutwr. liMeec