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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1914)
F0SS-WINSH1P HARDWARE COMPANY SELL SUPERIOR RANGES lgjjl- THE World Leader SINCE 1837 BARRETT BID'G, Athena, Oregon, ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere, . Patronize home industry. Your grocer Bells the famous American Beauty Flour. The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington. Home of QUALITY Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon , ; Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterer to the Public in Good Things to Eat Butter Wrappers Printed at the Press Office on the best Parchment Paper at the following prices: 100 Wrappers - - $1.25 250 Wrappers - - - 1.50 500 Wrappers - - 2.25 'OULTRY and Dairy Produce if all klraus wntal Writ for our CASH OFFER Peareon-Page Co. ""SKX" TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES Large assortment. Spe. cial Prices. REMINGTON Mrf SMmi PREMIER, 15 Iff. Machines shipped on approval and guaran teed by Rome concern. Write for samples of work, statin make rj referred. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 351 i WuL St., Purtbnl, Or. NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dam Houston, Prop. H. B. Thonmes. Mgr. ThorOUirhlr modern. 101 Rnnmanf -nmfni-t. Mnd. rate trices. Three minutes' walk from Union Depot Write for rates. ?2 . Sink St, fMlUUII), W. AGENTS WANTED If we had your address we could tell yon how to .anv iuviic. rrrivo tuiiiy, xviKnc BWRy, ine i !!!iflrm&n Company 60i Panama Building, Port- SUCCESS- Depends Upon Your Training . Our courses In Shorthand, Pan- " manship. Business Training and Telegraphy will equip you for a successful business career. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER T. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth Street, Near Morrlsoa. Portland. Or. We Guarantee Positions for All Our Graduates. write us, wo Trouble to Answer, j BLACKLEG LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED fcr Cutter's Blsekle, Pllli. Low. pried, fresh, reliable; preferred be WHtem etockmen becauae thoy are. teet where other vacolnel fall. Write for booklet and testimonials. lo.soes skfs. Blsekleg Pills $1.09 So-dose akse. Blaekles Pills 4.0S TJas any Injector, but Cutter's best reara of BperlalfKtn, In veeelne and serums only. Insist en Cutter's. Tf nnni.talnahi. .).. ir... THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Serkslty, Callfcrals Old Adam was a lucky hound, his days were filled with rest: It Is a cinch Eve never found A blond hair on his vest. Cincinnati Enquirer. Old Adam waB a luncky hound, i-ie never slums a fit. For Eve she never walked around in a skirt that had a slit. Los Angeles Express, Old Adam was a lucky hound, so free from modern ills, He never was dum-busted by Jjjve s millinery bills. Everybody's doing It. Berlin brands stories of defeats as lies and London Paris and Petrograd do likewise. Those A. B. C. diplomats are to be decorated. Why not let them settle the European war P. D. Q.? It may not be good biology but the larger an army's wings become the smaller the main body. If anything was in a name, Then we could safely bet The enemy would be captured With a single bayo-net W. L. DOUGLAS NEN'8( WOMEN'S W H.IHA . shoes - Es trv 12.50, $3, $3.50 ff'lp A $3.75, $4, $4.60 ' L) N mfljy no $5.00 ,js72Lr sf B0VS' 8H0E8 V ji Fl"'J-'t $2 25, $2 50 I iVl kVUC., a. $3 1)0 i $3 50 JWfTZ ' 160 kv sT 'J a'V " YOTF CAN SAVE HONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES. For 31 Vflare W. T. Doutrlu hna iniBranturt h value by bavlnir his name and the retail price etamped on the aole befove the shoea leave the fao Sry. This protects the wearer fxrainrt high prices r Inferior shoes of other makes. W. h. IioukIms shoes rn always worth what you pay for them, tf you could site how careful! t W. L. IIoukIrs shoes are nisdfl. Mid tlieh.Kli grade leathern used, you would then understand wHt thev look belter, (tt hen nr. liolil (hfir lisue and wear lonuer than other makes for ilie prii-e. It me w. I. uouKiasslioea are not for sale In your Vicinity, order direct from factory. Shoes tent every, wheie. I'mtaue free In the V. H. Write for I Hue. trted ThI'iIo liowlnR how to orU-x bv mall. W 1 VUUULAO, eUU OLIRTK su, jurucxiou, AiaiSa RUPTURE IS CURABLE By wearlntr a 8EKLEY SPERMATIC SHIELD TRUSS. No worrying or dan ger of an operation. Rupture fa not a tear or breach, as commonly supposed, but la the stretching', or dilation, of a natural uiivninv. inn or.r.L,. i DreKrttAlll gj SHIELD appliance cloaea this opening in 8 ID days in most cases. If you can't come. W write for measuring blank and literature, Hf Sold only by m LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. Who arc Truss parts and Exclusive State A cants for thia appliance. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS OR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE 4 Paoplo from all parta of Oragun and Waahina tn constantly visit our olftcafor dental treat imnt. Our skill Is ae knowladvod, and our proniptnesa In finish mi work tn ona day when required is appre ciated by out-of-town patrons. Dr. Wise la a false tooth expert. There ia ALWAYS ONE HKsr m every caJUmr. and llr. WIm lava claim to thia distinction tn Ora tion. 27 Years' sifjraaea. What wa can't eniar ante, wa don't da. LOW PRICES rOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. Goeat Rad Rabbar PUtaa. aaek t.N The Beat Red Kabber Platea. sack ., I.SC Karat UaM ar Panalala troa t.W WISE DENTAL CO. REUABIA PAINLESS DENTISTS. PkaaaaMala soaa, A set. UtH Tklrd Street, ralllem BleW.. Partlaad. Oram, S. K Car. Tbird sad WaeMajto. RH U. No. 48, 114 BKH writ! a, a advartlaan. aim in uw mpn 3 NORTHWEST MARKET ' REPORTS. Portland There is a slowing down of wheat buying in the country this week. Prices were not quotably changed, yet the large buyers did not seem disposed to eo as strone as they did a few days ago. . The Chicago mar ket receded, influenced by the accumu lation of domestic stocks, and this had some effect on sentiment notwithstand mg that the English markets were steady. Most of the dealers are can-vine large stocks, and until an opportunity, is presented for turning them, buying operations will likely be held down. Farmers are very Arm in all sections and the majority of them appear in different to current offers. At the Merchants Exchange sessions red wheat was steady, but club was li cents lower on bid, and milling and shipping bluestem were each down a cent. Five thousand bushels of forty- fold were sold at $1.09, followed by a sale of 10,000 bushels at $1.10. Five thousand bushels of red Russian changed hands at $1.01. The oats market did not display its recent strength. Buyers offered $28.25 against $29 the preceding week, and there were sellers at $28.50, or a dol lar less than was asked previously, Barley bids were 60 cents higher, $22.50 being offered for feed and $23 for export grade. Wheat Bid: Bluestem, $1.11 per bushel; forty-fold, $1.10; club, $1.07; red Kussian, $1.01: red Fife. $1.02. Oats Bid: No. 1 white feed, $28.25 per ton. Barley Bid: No. 1 feed, $22.50 per ton; brewing, $23; bran, $21.50: snorts, $zz. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran. $24 24.50 per ton; shorts, $2626.50; rolled barley, $25.50(3)26.50. Corn Whole. $37 ton: cacked. $38. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $15 (giD.ou; grain hay, $1011; alfalfa, $12.5013.60; valley timothy, $1314. Butter Creamery prints, extras. site per pound in case lots; lc more in IeBs than case lots; cubes, 30c. Pressed Veal Fancy, llic pound. Dressed Pork Block, 9c per pound, Hops 1914 crop, 81llc per pound: crop, nominal. Hides Salted hides. 13c per pound: salt kip, 13c; salted calf, 18c; salt dry nmes, zic; dry calf, 26c; salted bulls, luc; green bulls, Sie. Wool Valley, 17018c per pound: Eastern Oregon, 15(ff20c, nominal: monair, il4 cup, Z7c. Oascara bark Old and new. 4c per pound. vegetables Uucumbers, 30c per doz.; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers, 66c; artichokes, 90c per dozen; to matoes, 6090c per crate; cabbage, Mile per pound; peas, 10c: beanB. 6c: celery, 6075c per dozen; cauliflower, 4076c; sprouts, 10c per pound; head lettuce, $2 per crate. breen Fruits Apples, 65c$1.60 per box; cantaloupes, $11.60 per crate; casabas, $1.251.50 per dozen; pears, $11.76 per box; grapes, 90c $1.16 per crate; cranberries, $88.60 per barrel. Potatoes Oregon, 90c$l per sack; sweets, 2c per pound. Onions Yellow, 90c$l per sack. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 86c per dozen; candled, 371(3 40c; storage, 2830e. Poultry Hens, 14c per pound: springs, 13c; turkeys, young, 1820c; dressed, 22 26c; ducks, 1012c; geese, 10llc. Cattle Prime steers. $6.75(5)7: choice, $6.606. 76; medium, $6.26 .50; choice cows, $6(3)6.25! medium. $6.25 6.76; heifers, $6.60 6.26; calves, $68; bulls, $34.75; stags, $4.606. Hogs Light, $6.75 (5) 6.90: heavy. $5.9U6. Sheep Wethers, $4(5)5.50; ewes. a.bU(t;4.36; lambs, $56.26. for Action IS NOW.' Don't neglect or postpone helping your stom ach, liver and bowels when there is any indication of weakness. To do so only invites sick ness. Take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today and let it help you back to daily health and strength Why We 8hall Not Have Real Hard Times. We are not In for hard times at least not if we manage our affairs with intelligence. We can make hard times out of anything. But there Is no natural reason for it that I see; In fact, it's all in our favor. If manufac turers, inventors, chemists and scien tific experts generally all Join forces ana study tne problem and keep every body too busy to talk we will be mak ing the best use of our luck. The situation is simply a big call on Yan kee resourcefulness. American Maga zine. aat aiti aa a9Aaa e a a a a ! r, 1 ! I Trv Vase' this easy way to clear your skin "with. ResinoISoap Bathe your face for several min- utcs with Resinol Soap and hot J water, working the creamy lather J into the skin gently with the fin- J a ger-tips. Wash off with Resinol a Soap and more hot water. Finish I a with a dash of cold water to close I the pores. Do this once or twice a dav. and 2 you will be astonished to find how a quickly the healing, antiseptic Resinol medication soothes and ! cleanses the pores, removes pirn- 2 pies and blackheads, and leaves the ! complexioncleartreshandvelvety. Sold by all druff&Hsts. For sample free, write to Dept-2-W Kealnol, Baltimore, Md. Seattle Advices received here from Wenatchee are to the effect that ap ples are being Bhipped out at the rate of 100 carloads per day to imaginary buyers in the East and South in the hope that by "rolling" the fruit they win be able to find actual buyers be fore the cars stop traveling. In this, however, there is likely to be disap pointment It is probable that the fruit will have to be stored in the East until later, when there may be a chance to sell. No higher prices are hoped for this season. Following the success of the first apple show in Western Washington, Eastern Washington growers, who have been on the ground, are request ing that Seattle business men make plans to hold a show every year here after. The distributors have pointed out that owing to. the importance of Seattle as a distributing center, both as to the Coast and oversea trade. efforts should be made to exploit the apple industry annually as a means to widen distributing areas. Local job bers declared that between 400 and 500 carloads of Washington apples would be sent through this port before January 1 for storage in California. Eggs Select ranch, 44S)46c dozen. Poultry Live hens. 10(8)15c nound: old roosters, 10c; 1914 broilers. 12(31 14c; ducklings, 10(ffil2c: geese. 10c: guinea fowl, $9 per dozen. Apples New, cooking, 60(3:60c per box; uravenstems, 85c$l; Jona thans, 76c$1.26; Winter Bananas, .25(5)1.60; Kings, 76c$l ; Delicious, 26()1.50; Spitxenbergs, $11.26. Grapes Malagas, $1 (ffl 1.25 per crate; Tokays, $1.26; Concords, 191(g) 25c per basket. Huckleberries, 6c per pound. Pears Beurre Easter, $1.25 per box; Beurre Anjou, $1.25. (juinces $1.251.75 per box. Walnuts 18ic per pound. Dressed Beef Prime beef steers. 12(o.l21c per pound; cows, 11 J 12c: heifers, 12c. Dressed Veal 1516c per pound. Dressed Hogs Whole, packing house, 13c per pound. Dressed Spring Lamb 1213e per pound. Dressed Mutton lGVftlOJc pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 76e per dozen; beans, green, 910c pound; cabbage, local, lc per pound; red, lie; corn, green, $1 per sack; onions, green, 25ft30c per dozen; Walla Walla, 85((i90e per cwt; potatoes. White River, $1820 per ton; Yaki ma, $23. Shoe Brush on Auto. An ingenious brush for cleansing the shoes Is so mounted on an automobile footboard bb to be easily swung into position for use or out of the way be neath the board. - Play With a Happy Ending. "Did the play have a happy end ing?" "You bet it did. Some one ii the gallery hit the villain square tn the face with a tomato." Houston Post THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physi cal Health. The experience of Motherhood Is a try ing one to most women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred la prepared or on' derstands how to properly care for her self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays baa medical treatment at such tames, but many approach the experi ence witn an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it Is over her system bas received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following ngnt upon wis comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change In the mother results. There Is nothing more charming than nappy and healthy mother of children. and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women will persist In going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should relv upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic ami uvigorator of the female organism. In many homes once childless there are now children be cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- barn's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. IT TOR want medal idrioe writ to. Lydia E. Pinkhant HedictneCo. (confl. oeatial) lynn, Masts. lonr letter will he opened, read and answered by a ITMeM aad held In strict confldeacea The Devil of Race Hatred. ' Step right up and hit the man you Bate most "I hate a Jew," Bays one. So he takes a throw at "the Kike." "I hate an Irishman," Bays another, and he drives at "the Mick." Another hates La Englishman, an other a German or a Japanese; so the devil in human nature spends itself in this way until wisdom touches the human mind and uay, "Now calm yourself and wipe the froth from your mouth!" Then one begins to think and finally learns this truth: that race hatred Is one of the lowest and meanest of hu man passions. A race may have more cunning than another, but the race that makes the accusation may have more bluff. One may -have more cul ture, but the other may excel In sim ple honesty. And when it comes to summing up all the virtues, faults and capabilities of each race one about equals the other. Until we learn to judge every in dividual on his own peculiar merits we haven't taken a first good step toward social intelligence. Art Young in Metropolitan. . Too Much Cutting. Seizing an appropriate occasion, namely, the 68th anniversary of the discovery of ether as an anaesthetic, Dr. John M. T. Finney of Baltimore uttered a warning against the abuse of the knife. "There is far too great a tendency to operate nowadays, and the average doctor resorts to this shorter route when perhaps a more careful diagnosis would show some other course to be preferable," said he. "Many opera tors and I use the word advisedly rush into operations with no clear idea whatever of the true nature of the disease which they are endeavor ing to combat, and for this reason many operations are needlessly per formed." The plain words Quoted should be heeded, for they bear the stamp of authority. The man who spoke them is a distinguished surgeon connected with Johns Hopkins medical school. Boston Globe. ' The Worst Is Still In the Offing. Suppose the war should spread to the Caucasus, here is what the cable editors would have to face In the way of town and city nomenclature: Borisbliebsk Slobodishtchl . Ekatermodar Krosnof Uflmsk Ust Sisolsk M Ko8modemiank Vladlkaukaz Yelanskaia not to mention Novo Georgeviesk. Philadelphia Ledger. "Gains 22 Pounds In 23 Days" Remarkable Experience of F. Gagnoi lip Weight Wonderfully. Builds "I was all run down to the very bot tom", writes F. Cagnon. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, thanks to Sar gol, I look like a new man. I sained 23 pounds In 23 days.! "Sargol has put 10 pounds on me In 14 days," states W. O. Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled me to work with Interest and pleasure." A PLUMP, STRONG, ROBUST BODY "Before I took Sarxol neoole used to call me 'skinny' but now my name Is chan Bred. Mv whole bodv Is stout. Have gained 15 pounds and am gaining; yet. I look like a new man," declared another man who had just finished the- Sargol treatment. Wnnlii vnn tnrt Hko tn milfMrlv nut trin 10 to 30 lbs. of good, solid, "stay-there" flesh, fat and muscular tissue between your skin and bones? Don't say It can't be done. Try It. Let us send you free a 60c package of Sargol and prove what It can do tor you. More than half a million thin men and women have gladly made this test and that Sargol does succeed, does make thin folks fat even where all else has failed. Is best proved by the tremendous busi ness we have done. No drastic diet flesh creams, massage, oils or emulsions, but a simple, harmless home treatment. Cut out the coupon and send for this Free package today, enclosing only 10 cents In silver to help pay postage, packing, etc. Address The Harirol Co.. 337-Z. Herald Bldg., Blnghamton, N. Y. Take Sargol with your meals and watch it work. This test will tell the story. FREE SARGOL COUPON This coupon, with lOo In silver to help pay postage, packing, etc., and to show good faith, entitles holder to one 60c package of Sargol Free. Address the Sargol Co., 337 -Z, Herald Bldg.. Blnghamton, N. Y. WINCHESTER 5 i i v ;a ess i Smokeless Powder Shells "LEADER" and "REPEATER" The superiority of Winchester Smokeless Powder Shells is undisputed. Among intelligent shooters they stand first in pop ularity, records and shooting qualities. Always use them for Field or Tra Shooting. Ask Your Dealer For Them. oeeeoeeeces&sffieeoseceooeeeeseeeeeeei Behold the Hunter. He talketh much about his trip. He prepareth for It many days; Yea, he bringeth guns to the office. His equipment passeth understanding. He consulteth the time tables and He calleth up the depots to make sure. With other sportsmen holdeth he con verse. He retireth and ariseth early; His family sleepeth not He goeth forth Into sloughs and for ests And trampeth many miles. His gun increaseth in weight and His ammunition taxeth him sore. In the distance seeth he birds. Yet none Cometh near him. He returneth in disgust; He Blippeth home after dark And his countenance is evil. On the morrow he cometh to work. And lol he lieth mightily! To Braal: In New Shevn. Always shake In Allen'?. Poot-jaae, a powder. It OUres hot. aweatinir. ahinr s,.nllan Cures come, ingrowing nails and bunions. At til druggists and shoe steres, 25c. Dont accent inv substitute. HamplemailcdFREli Address Ulea a Olmsted, he Boy. N. Y, A Test of Endurance. The war will not be over until one side Is exhausted. A determinative military success is improbable until, through the attrition of corresponding losses, a strength ratio of 4 to 3 is increased to a ratio of 2 to 1. The contest has seemingly settled down to one of grim endurance. New York Globe. Size of Universities of the U. 8. The size of universities of the Uni ted States is rapidly passing beyond the comprehension of the average man, and, Indeed, of the average Uni versity man. How many New Sng landers are acquainted with the Uni versity of Minnesota? Asked to guess the number of students, few of us would place it above 2000. Yet, ac cording to the official figures, certi fied to by the university registrar, there are 8972 students enrolled there for the current year. Everybody gasp ed the other day when it was made known that Columbia had a total of 12,000 students. Yet other institu tions are not far behind Columbia. Springfield Republican. Silver. Lead, XI. Gold, SUver, a: Goli ate: Zine or Copper. IL MaillnaenrelopM aid full prieellsi Uoited. lleteranoei'OiirbojiuiteKatlriiialBaak, Auntie Wants to Know. City Nephew (on vacation) I'm studying now for a doctor. Rural Aunt Do tell! Ain't the doc tor able to do his own studying? YOUl OWN DIUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Tn Murine Eve RemedT for Red. Weitk. Erea and Granulated Erelide; No Smarting; luas-Eye Comfort. Write for Book of .he Era maui .Tea. aa urine eye itemeuy uo., onicago. No War on the Other Side. There is a world of dramatic pathos in tne story of the French soldier, who, wounded himself, passed his water bottle to a wounded German of ficer, who lay beside him on the bat tlefield. The German sipped a little, kissed the hand of the man who had been his enemy and said: "There will be no war on the other side.' Springfield Republican. Miss and Mrs. The Vicar (to the old lady, the last or whose family has married) You must feel lonely, Mrs. Muggins, after having such a large family. Mrs. Muggins Yea, I do, sir. Some times I misses 'em and sometimes I wants 'em, but I misses 'em more nor I wants em. London Sketch. Electric Egg Candling. To insure hotels and restaurants serving their patrons fresh eggs a candling apparatus using an electric light has been Invented. The Time and the Plant, "Any chump,' says the grouch, "can bring in the family rubber plant, but it takes a wise man to make it bUj brought' . Considerate. 'So you want to become mr son- in-law, eh?" "Y-Yes, sir. That Is. it you can af ford It" Amherst Rover. Purifies Blood . With Telling Effect Gives Conscious Evidence of Its Direct Action. 8. S. 8., th. famous blood purifier, almost talks as it sweeps its war through the cir culation. Its action Is so direct that very often Ira soma forma of akin .diction the' appearance of the eruption, change, orer night, the Itch and reducu, are gone . aa recovery begin. Immediatelr. A. a matter of fact, then 1. on. Ingredi ent m 8. S. 8. which serves the active pur pose of stimulating each cellular part of the body to the healthy end judicious eelec---tlon of tt. own essential nutriment. That la why It regeuerates the blood supply ; why It has such a tremendous lnlluenc. in over coming wiemt, rash, pimples, and all akla afflictions. And la regenerating the tissues 8. 8. 8. ha. a rapid and positive antidotal effect upon all those irritating Influence, that cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak ejeav loaa of weight, thia, pal. cheeks, and that wearntea. of muscle and nerve that Is gen erally experienced as spring fever. .Get a bottle of 8. 8. B. at any drug store, and tat a few day. yon will not only feel brlrht and energetic, but you will be the picture of sew lite. 8. 8. 8. is prepared only la the laboratory of The Swift Speclne CO., 534 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Go., who maintain a very efficient Uedical Detvartment. where all who have any blood disorder of . stubborn "attire may write freely for advice and a special book of Instruction. 8. 8. S. is sold everywhere by drug atorea, department and Suerai atorea, but beware of all substitute. aot acesut then.