'OULTIIY and Dairy Produce " of ell kiadM wanted. Write Iter one " CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES - iNmnAk . Large assortment, Spe rp cfsJ Prices. REMINGTON tat smith nuniM, vf. Machinal shipped on approval and guaran teed by Home concern. Writ for samples of work, b Latins maka D referred. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 351ft Wuk St., Partial:. Or. NEW HOTEL HOUSTON Dave Houston. Prop. H. B. Thonmes, Mgr. Througrhly modem. 101 Rooms of comfort. Mod erate Trices. Three minutes' walk fnm Union Depot. Write for rates. 72 H. Sink SL. PORTUHD. 08. COME to MONTANA. Good climate, food times, good crops. Have good ranch for sale cheap. Ad dress John C. Rosser, Augusta, Mont. AGENTS WANTED If we had rour address we could tell you how to make money. Write today, Right away. The Ding-man Company, 604 Panama Building, Port land. Oregon. The Cocktail. The cocktail was invented by Mrs. Elizabeth Flanagan, widow of an Irish soldier who fell in the service of the American army during the revolution. After her husband's death Mrs. Flan agan became an army sutler, follow ing a troop of Virginia horse under Colonel Burr. In the winter of 1779 she took up quarters with the troop in a place called Four Corners, on the road between Tarrytown and White Plains, N. Y. near the demesne of John D. Rockefeller. There Mra. Flanagan set up a hotel which soon became the rendezvous of the "swells" of that day. One day the hosteBS surprised hor guests by announcing a new drink the cocktail supposed to have been named after the blending of colors In the tall of a game cock. Philadelphia Public Ledger. Too Regular. Not long ago a worthy woman of an Iowa town, who had lost three hus bands, coyly admitted her intention to marry a fourth. "Congratulations, Mary, congratula tions!" cried a friend one day as she burst In upon the prospective bride. The latter sighed. "Oh, the wed dines are all very well," Bald she, "but what I do object to are the funerals." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Quite Particular. "Why Is there such a hot fight over the appointment of a postmaster In this town? asked the stranger. "The office doesn't pay anything much, does It?" "That ain't it, mister," replied the native. "You Bee, most of us are par titular as to who reads our postal cards." A Better Term. "Not much of a town." "One-horse, eh?" "Well, a trifle faster than that. Sup pose we say one-cylinder." Puck. ' If Doston played the Federal cham pions could the head-writers refer to It as a bean-fed contest? MRS. THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. - Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa. "I am just 62 years of age and during Change of Life I suf- zered tor six yean terribly. I tried sev eral doctors but none seemed to give me any relief. Every month the p&inswere 1 Intense in both sides, and mad ma so weak that I had to go to bed. At last i friend recommen ded Lydia E. Pink- J ham's Vegstabla Compound to me and I tried it at once and found much relief. After that I ' had no piling at all and could do my housework and shopping the same as always. For years I have praised Lydia li Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for what it has done for me. and shall always recommend it as a wo man 'a friend. You are at liberty to us my letter in any way. " Mra.THOMSON, 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa. Change of JJfe is one of the moat critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through tins trying period aa Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pink ham Med- Iclne Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mann. Your letter will be opened, read and auswered by a woman turn ueid in strict confidence. M!'!i!i'V!'!':ji'!ll'l?!!l?l'IE! DENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE People from all parU of Or iron and Washing. ton constantly visit our tin ice for dental treat- menU Our skill is ac knowledgod, and our promptness In finish, ma work In one day when required la appro patrons. Dr. W se a false. I tooth expert. Ther is ALWAYS ONE HbBt in every esilinir. and I Or. Wise lays claim to It his distinction in Ora tion. 27 Ytart' unca. What we can't a-uar aniee weoon tao, LOW .'KICKS FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. flood Red Rubber Plates, each 9S.M The Ileal Red Rubber Plates, earn , 7.M B-Karat Isold er ForctJaia Crows WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS, " " Phones Mai KU. A SO. 1UH Third Straw. Falllaic Wit.. P.rtUad. Oregon 8. E. Cw. Third aad WaiMagiaa. r. n. u. NO. 44, 1(14 I WUKN writing ta advertisers, ela I- tl.a thla mimr. LONGEST SESSION HAS ADJOURNED Cotton Men Are Promised Con sideration Next Time. 'God Blest U$ Everyone" Say Speaker Clark SenatelCloset With Small Ceremony. Washington, D. C After nearly 19 months of continuous session, the long est ever taken, the Sixty-third Con gress adjourned its second session Sat urday, after the collapse of prolonged efforts to procure cotton growers' re lief legislation. Leaders in this movement agreed to adjourn, however, only on the condi tion that pending cotton relief meas ures would have the right of way when congress reconvenes December 7. Not more than 60 members of the house and less than a quorum of the senate were in attendance when the gavels fell in adjournment without day. The end was accomplished through a concurrent reslution, ending the ses sion at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, but clocks were ahead, actual adjournment occurring at 8 :22 in the house and at 8 :27 in the senate. As the altered hands of the house clock drew near 4, while the senate was winding up the legislative busi ness, Speaker Clark arose at his desk, and, facing the scattered attendance on the floor, said : "This is the longest and most labor ious session that congress ever has known. I contratulate you most heartily on being able to adjourn at last. I wish to thank the house Democrats, Republicans, Progressives and Independents for uniform cour tesy shown to the speaker. Now, in the language of Tiny Tim: 'God bless us everyone.' " The senate adjournment was prob ably the most undemonstrative in its history. Democratic leaders and a few Republicans were sitting behind closed doors, confirming nominations, when word came that the house had carried out the adjournment resolution. Senator Kern, the majority leader, at once moved to open the doors. When this was ordered, the doorkeeper hur riedly set the clock ahead and Senator Swanson, of Virginia, presiding in the absence of Vice President Marshall and President Pro Tempore Clarke, an nounced that the senate was adjourned. Senators who had remained for the finality hurriedly left the chamber. The announcing of the abandonment of the filibuster for cotton legislation followed a conference held early in the day.' Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Representative Henry, of Texas, told the senate and house it was ap parent no quorum could be procured for consideration of cotton legislation at this time, and that further filibus tering might injure chances of ulti mate success. Representaive Henry expressed his conviction that congress would be con vened in extraordinary session by the middle of November, when the fight could be resumed. One of the last acts of the house was the adoption of a resolution au thorizing the appointment of a com mittee to investigate cotton conditions in the South end to report possible measures for Federal aid by December 16. On the committee were Repre sentatives Mann, Austin, Henry, Lever, Heflin, Bell, of Georgia, and Langley. Swiss Officials Imprison and Fine German Spies Geneva Three German spies, hav ing headquarters in Geneva, were sen tenced by the third military tribunal here Saturday. The three are : Lieu tenant Colonel Otto Ulrich, of Berlin ; Dr. Wohllander and Herr Kohr, a chemist. They were charged with plotting against Engand and France and thereby viollating SwIbs neutral ity. Colonel Ulrich was not present, hav ing gone into hiding, presumably some where in Switzerand. He was sen tenced in default to serve two years in proton and pay a fine of (1000. Dr, Wohlander must serve three months and pay a fine of $200, and Herr Kohr must remain in prison two months and pay a fine of $100. All three were sentenced to expulsion from Switzer land for life after serving their sen tencea. Maritz h Driven Back. London "Lieutenant Colonel Mer its, the head of the rebellion in British South Africa, attacked Keimos, Cape Province, at 6 o'clock on the morning of October 22 with a force of more than 1000 men, including several hun dred Germans and artillery and ma chine guns," says an official statement from Pretoria. "Our casualties were 10 wounded. The enemy left two, one a German and the other a native." A previous dispatch from Cape Town said in a battle on October 22 a defeat was administered to Colonel Marks. British StafT Chief Diet. i London General Sir Charles Wit tingham Hoursely Douglas, chief of the imperial general staff and first mil' itary member of the army council, died Monday. General Douglas was ap pointed chief of staff of the British army April 1 last, following the resig nation of Sir John French, the present commander of the British expedition ary forces on the continent Sir Charles was born In 1860 and served in all Great Britain's wars since 1879. He had been inspector general of the home forces since 1912. Adventit to Extend Slutiont. Washington, D. C Missionary ex tensions to new parts of China, Japan, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, Cuba, Manchuria, the Malay Islands and sections of the Bahamas and South America were determined on at the fall council of the general conference of Seventh Day Adventista in Takoma Park, i NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Portland The undertone of the but ter market is weak. City creameries quote the old price and give no indica tion of any immediate change, but it is said some shading of quotations is being done. : The weakness of the market is due to the large make and the slower demand. Because of the mild, open weather. production is unusually heavy for this this time of year. One large cream ery man reports that the output of his plant is 76 per cent of what it was in July. Country creameries are turning out a great deal of butter, as is shown by the pressure to sell the surplus on this market. In past years, the Oc tober make has usually shown a great shrinkage, but this season the cream ery men are facing unexpected conditions. Club wheat sales were made in the Walla Walla section at a price equal to $1.06 at tidewater. This is the highest price that club has brought in the Pacific Northwest this year. In the Palouse country fortyfold sold at the equivalent of $1.08 Coast. Buying was active in the country wherever wheat was offered for sale, and strong prices were bid. . At the Merchants Exchange 6000 bushels of November club changed hands at $1.04. The best bid for spot club wss $1,021. Bluestem was also unchanged at $1.08, but there were lower offers made for fortyfold and red. For spot fortyfold $1.06 was bid, and $1.08 was offered for December delivery. Wheat Bid: Bluestem, $1.08 per bushel; fortyfold, $1.06; club, $1.02; red Fife, 98c; red Russian, 97c. Oats Bid: No. 1 feed, $26.76 per ton. Barley Bid: No. 1 feed, $21 per ton; bran, $22.26; shorts, $23.26. All quotations for prompt delivery. Millfeed Spot prices: bran, Z4(g) 24.60 per ton; shorts, $2626.60; rolled barley, $2626. Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked. $38. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16.6016; grain hay, $1011; al falfa, $1213.60; valley timothy, $13 14. Hops 1914 crop, 81llc per pound; 1918 crop, nominal. Hides Salted hides, 13c per pound; salt kip, 13c; salted calf, 18c; salt dry hides 24c; dry calf, 26c; salted bulls, 10c: green bulls, 81c Wool Valley, 1718c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1620c nominal; mo hair, 1914 clip, 271c Cascara Bark Old and new, 4c per pound. Vegetables Cucumbers, 30c per dozen; eggplant, 7c; per pound; pep pers, 66c; artichokes, 90c per dozen; tomatoes, 6090c per crate; cabbage, lie per pound; peas, 10c; beans, 6c; celery, 6076c per dozen; cauliflower, 76c; sprouts, 10c per pound. Head lettuce, $2.26 per crate. Green Fruits Apples, 65e$1.60 per box; cantaloupes, $11.60 per crate; casabas, $1.261.60 per dozen; pears, 60c$1.76 per box; grapes, 86c$1.10 per crate; cranberries, $8 (38.60 per barrel. ' Potatoes Oregon, 90c$1.10 per sack ; sweets, 2c per pound. Onions Yellow, 90e$l per sack. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, 84c; candled, 371c Poultry Hens, 13114c per pound; springs, 131c turkeys, young, 1820e dressed, 2226c ducks, 1012Jc geese, 10llc. Butter Creamery, prints, extras, 3436e per pound cubes, 30811c. Veal Fancy, 1213e per pound. Pork Block, 910c per pound. Cattle Prime steers, $6.76(3)7.75; choice, $6.606.76 medium, $6.26 6.60; choice cows, $66.26; me dium, $6.26(85.75; heifers, $5.50(3) 6.26; calveB, $68; bulls, $34.76; stags, $4.606. Hogs Light, $77.40; heavy, $6 6.40. ' Sheep Wethers, $4(3)6.60; ewes, $3.604.86; lambs, $56. Had First Carrier Pigeon. The sport of pigeon-flylug, now pro hibited by our war office, dates back less than 100 years, although the Egyptians trained pigeons to serve as messengers 4000-odd years ago, and their example was followed by the As syrians, the Chinese, the Greeks and the Romans. The first pigeon race was organized in Belgium in 1818, and two years later a bird was flown from Paris to Venders, where Its arrival was hailed by a procession with brass bands. Over here the first pigeon race was held In 1876, from Newcastle-on-Tyne to Bexhill. The sport caught on rapidly, especially In Lancashire and Yorkshire, and such long distance flights as from Manchester to San Sebastian (700 miles) have been achieved. Nowadays the English clubs train about 1,500,000 birds an nually, and "pigeon specials" of 16 or 20 vans are common on all our rail ways. London Chronicle. First Fiction Known. Are you aware that the "Tale of Two Brothers," written 3200 years ago by the Theban scribe Ennana, li brarian of the palace of King Merenp tah, the supposed Pharaoh of the Ex odus, Is the oldest work of fiction extant? The tale was written, apparently, for the entertainment of the crown prince, who subsequently reigned as Setl II. His name appears In two places on the manuscript probably the only surviving autograph signa tures of an Egyptian king. This piece of antique fiction, writ ten on 19 sheets of papyrus In a bold hieratic hand, was purchased in Italy by Mme. d'Orblney, who sold it in 1867 to the authorities of the British museum, where it is now known as the d'Orblney papyrus. Tid-Bits. Seattle Greatly encouraged by the probable success of apple week, grow ers of Yakima, are Belling f. o. b. on a firm to higher basis for ninety-sixes and larger Bizes, as shown in a reply to a telegram of Inquiry sent out by one of the leading brokerage houses. These quotations were $1.86 for Deli cious and Winter Bananas, $1.20 for WineBapa and $1.10 for Spitzenbergs, f. o. b. shipping point These prices, of course, are for the very best extra fancy grades, but it indicates the brighter feeling now prevailing among orchardists, who a month ago viewed future with gloomy prophecy. Eggs Select ranch, 44(fi)46c dozen. Poultry Live hens, 1015c pound; old roosters 10c; 1914 broilers, IS 14c; ducklings, 10 12c; geese, 10c; guinea fowl, $9 dozen. Apples New, cooking, 5060c box; Gravenstein, 86c$l; Jonathans, 76c $1.25; Winter Bananas, $1.26 $1.60; Kings, 76c$l. Cantaloupes Ponies,' 75c crate; standards, $11.25. Casaba melon $1.601.76. Citron 2c pound. Crabapplea 40c(S)$l box. Cranberries Eastern, $7.60 barrel. Grapes Malagas, $1.10 crate; To kays, $1 ; Concords, 19i(i)25c basket. Pears Sickel, 6060c box; Fall butter, $11.26. Peaches 35(ii)40c crate. Quinces $1.25((i!l. 76 box. Strawberries $2.60(33 per 24 qts. Dressed beef Prime beef steers, 12 12Jc pound; cows, lll12c; heifj ers, Via. Dressed veal 1416c pound. Dressed hogs Whole, packing house, 131c pound. Dressed spring lamb 12(n?13c pound. Dressed mutton lwilOlc pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 76c dozen; beans, 8((j9c pound; bell peppers, Wenatchee, 9-lb. boxes, 60te60c; beets, new, $11.25 sack; cabbage, local, lc pound; corn, green, $1 sack; cauliflower, local, 76c per sack; On ions, green, 25(t30c per dosen; Walla Walla, 8590c per ewt ; parsley, 25c per dozen; potatoes, White River, $20 per ton; Yakimas, $23(&27; squash. local, 1(3)1 la per pound; tomatoes, lo cal, 80(it40c per crate; turnips, new, white, $1.26 per sack. Walnuts 181c pound. HERE 13 A WAY TO GET RID OF PIMPLES Bathe your face for several minutes with resinol soap and hot water, then apply a little resinol ointment very gently. Let this stay on ten minutes, and wash off with resinol soap and more hot water, finishing with a dash of cold water to cloBe the pores. Do this once or twice a day, and you will be astonished to find how quickly the healing, antiseptic reBinol medication soothes and cleanses the pores, re moves pimples and blackheads, and leaves the complexion clear and vel vety, All druggists sell resinol soap and resinol ointment. Adv. Rats Save Store Manager. Rats saved August Schmidt in court at Oreensburg, Pa., when tried on the charge of embezzling goods worth $2460 from the store of P. H. Butler, Monessen, of which he was the man ager. It was offered in testimony that during the early part of the year the rodents killed 27 cats which had been purchased to exterminate them. They also destroyed a weasel which was guaranteed to rid the place of rats. Clerks in the store testified that as many as half a crate of eggs would be destroyed in a night, and that 17 barrels of flour had been eaten by the rats In a short time. It did not take the Jury long to arrive at .ac quittal. Philadelphia Record. Dr. Peery'e Vermifuge "Dead Shot" kllta and expels Worms In a Yery few hours. AdT. Named. "Who Is that powerful giant who looks like a modern Samson?" asked the stranger. ' "That Is Perclval Algernon Cyril Milk," replied the native. "And who is the delicate, elsslfled looking chap with him?" asked the 3trneer. "That Is John L. Sullivan Hercules Strong," replied the native. Stanford Chapparal. New Use for Word. "Who can make a sentence and use the word 'income' correctly?" asked the teacher of the second grade. "You may tell us, Johnny," Indica ting a little boy whose hand was wa ving violently. "The kitchen door was left open and in come a rat," was the trium phant response. Harper's Magazine. YOUI OWN DHUGG1ST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Bye Kemeuy for Red, Weak. Watery Eyea aod Granulated Eyelid.; No Smarting uafe.lCye Comfort. Write for Book of Hie Eye bymallFree. Murine Kye Remedy 3o., Chicago. Good at Figures. Sammy was not prone to over-exer tion in the classroom; therefore his mother was both surprised and de lighted when he came home one noon with the announcement: "I got 100 this morning." "Thats lovely, Sammy!" exclaimed his proud mother, and she kissed him tenderly, "what was it in?" 'Fifty in reading and 60 In 'rit; metic." Philadelphia Publio Ledger Too Effective. "But how did he happen to get e gaged to the girl If he doesn't lo her?" "Why, he said he was convincing when he merely meant to be plaus ible. judge. Uae Roman Eye Balenm for acaldlnff sen sation In eyea and Inflammation of eyea or eyeuue. aov. Ask Some Milkman. . The following notice recently ap peared outside the office of a busy Boston firm: "Boy wanted One who knows the city well." Presently a bright youth presented himself for the Job. "Do you know the city well?" asked the manager. "No, sir," replied the young hopeful, "but I could find it." Boston Globe. Her Plan. "Do you read all the war news?" "Every line of it" "And can you pronounce the awful names of these places? "Dear me, no. Whenever any other town than London or Berlin or Parts is mentioned I just skip right over the name." Detroit Free Press. Mayonnaise Mlxtr. An attachment for the crank mani pulated egg beater to drop oil slowly so the beater can be used for mixing mayonnaise is the invention of a New York man. Not His Fault Poet Good gracious! Here is your servant asleep. Hostess Silly fool I He must have been eavesdropping while you were reading your new poem to me. Pels Meie. How He Began Life. "I understand you began your life as a newsboy," observed the friend admiringly. "No." replied the millionaire. "Some one has been fooliiist you. I began Ufa aa an infant" New York Times. Neuralgia There if no need to suffer the annoying, excruciating pain of neuralgia; Sloan's Liniment laid on gently will soothe the aching head like magio. Don't delay. Xty it at once. ' . LW What Othcn Ssy "I turn been tufferer with Neuralgias for sever years sad have tried different ; liniments, out Sloan's Liniment is the best Liniment for Neuralgia on earth. I hare trisd it successfully; it hsj never failsd.". H. WiiluuM, Augutta, Ark. Mr. Ruth C. Clawod, Independent Mo., wriUe: "A friend of ours told us about rour Liniment. We have been using it for 18 years and think there is nothing like it. We use it on everything, sorts, cuts, burns, bruises, tore throat, headaches aod oo everything else. We can't get along without it. We think it if the best mt maae. SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheumatism, backache, sore throat and sprains. At all dealers, 2ge. Send four cents in stamps for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. I SUCCESS Depends Upon Your Training Our courses In Shorthand, Pen manship, BuBinesa Training and Telefrrnphy will equip you for a successful business career. 'FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 7. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth Street, Near Morrison. Portland, Or. We Guarantee Positions for All Our Graduates. Write Us, No Trouble to Answer. J Fish Stealing His Gasoline. Leo Kelly, director general of Port age Lake, has solved one of the od dest of mysteries. Kelly operates the motorboat ferry service. A few weeks ago Kelly observed a mysterious dis appearance of gasoline from his re serve tank in the boat. Each night a gallon or more of gasoline disappeared. Kelly searched for leaks, tested his valves and could not find the cause of the shrinkage In the supply. He began to suspect that some one was pilfering during the night. Watching his vessel to learn the cause of the loss of gasoline he heard an odd sound under the keel, and casting his light down to the surface of the water he saw an 18-pound pick erel sucking gasoline from the escape pipe at the water line. Detroit News. Careful. ' -Chief Clerk If I am wanted, I will be in with the manager. Latest Acquisition Yes, Blr. An If you are not wanted, where will yer be? Sidney Bulletin. Effect of a Wet Blanket. Hokus I never knew such a wet blanket as Flubdub. Pokus That's right. If that fellow should Jump from the frying-pan into the fire, he would put out the fire. London Echo. Quite. "I see that a German chemist has extracted a deadly poison from the castor oil plant." Gee, wasn t it deadly enough be fore!" A military aviator can do anything loop the loop. After wrecking a Zeppelins and bombarding numer- i cities this seems tougb. Quick Relief When Utterly Worn Out Getting the Blood in Order Is Required By Most : ; People. If yoa tbink yoa hire gone ta smssh mi fit only for the dlecard, try S. 8. 9. tot the blood. It will surprise yon to know what can be done for health once the blood is released ol the exceas of body wastes that keep It from exercising Ita full measure of bodily repair. r If yon tee played out, to to any drag tor and ask tor a bottle of 8. S. H. Bere la a remedy that ceta at work la a twlnk- llax; It Just naturally rashes right Into year blood, scatters terms risat and lef p and down and sideways. Yoa feel better at once, not from a stim ulant, not front the action of drugs, but from tne rational effect of a natural medi cine. The ingredients In B. 8. 8. eerre the active purpose of so stimulating the cellular tlasues or the body that they pick out from the blood their own essential nutriment and thus repair work begins at one. Tne relief IS gaaerai all oyer the system. Do aot neglect to get a bottle of S. S. 8. today. It will make yoa feel better In lust a tew nutates. It it prepared only In tbe laboratory ot The Swift Specific Co., 630 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. Kend for their fre book tellln of the many Strang con ditions that affilct Hie hu-nan family hf ewjaoa oc imporertsuea biooa. . FOSS-WINSHIP HARDWARE COMPANY SELL l i mp. j ijji m ii m ii 1 1 " m in mII f n j-TeV'TVT'r-''-'' ni i rim irm SUPERIOR RANGES ' .. THE . 'Vv World Leader SINCE 1837 BARRETT B'LD'G., Athena, Oregon, ' ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the , very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. - Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour. The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Washington. I v Jtx Home of QUALITY HBrB Groceries -lTTTlism Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat Butter Wrappers Printed at the Press Office on the best Parchment Paper at the following prices: 100 Wrappers - - $1.25 250 Wrappers - - - . 1.50 500 Wrappers 2.25 i .