Press Paragraphs 0. 0. Henry was a Pendleton visitor Tuesday. George Grose waa a visitor in Walla Walla Tuesday, . Emery Worthington was a Walla Walla visitor Wednesday. : Miai Oiaoe Johnson visited in Wal la Walla toe first of the week.. W. A. Watson and Ohailea Ulm apent Sunday on the Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dickenson and family visited in Walla Walla T Dee day. ' U .I: 'v" .-J I Mrs. .Jag. Q. Bryan and little daugh ter of Helix, were Athena visitors Tuesday. - , ;. William MoRenzia of Weston, de livered aome fine porkers iq this bity Wednesday.. ' . ,.J J. H. Harmon, pastor of the Chris tian ohnroh, was a Walla Walla visit or Tnesday. v:'i ; Hra. W. A. Graham and Mrs. El eanor warren were visum in tne 1 Lei Tnesday. AA.' B, Steal and the Press man Mrs. Lnoien Gagnoo has reoently vara trnnt flshtns on Maaaham oreek. pnrohased a light Maxwell oar. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sogers oame op from Pendleton, Wednesday. ' Am. Foss took time Wednesday to see the bell game at Walla Walla. Mn. A. A. Foes and Mra. Henry Dell were in Walla Walla yesterday. Mia. Charles Bryan and little son Arohio, are visiting relatives in Pasoo. Mr. and Mra. Roy Alexander of Pendleton were in tbe city Wednesday. Mrs. R. E. Stewart and son, Lonis, are visiting fiienda in North Yakima. Next week we shall have a detailed report on tbe attendance for the month. 1 he repnblioan oandidatea were in Athena Monday, meeting Athena voters. A. H. Cqppookv baa pnrohased a Ford tonring oar from a Walla Walla Brm. " . i The Citv Meat Market sells pure leaf lard in 5 lb paila for 65o; 10 lb pail tor 11.25. Adv. C. I RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. -' Polley & Polley Contractors and Builders of Bungalows and Buildings Rnnrintf nnd Mnnrinv. At tbe fire dril bald last: Monday, the entire knilding was oleared In a little less than 85 seconds. Thaip Bros, have 'a new sign directing- antoists to their garage on Fourth street, south of Main. J. E. Froome is carrying bis right band in a sling, as the result of a pain ful boil of boge proportion!. Help the yonng people oarpet the M. E. ohnroh anew, by patronizing their Election Day dinner. - Mr. and Mrs. Eber Lnna have re turned from an extended visit with friends and relatives at Milton. Mrs. O. L. Woodward, Mrs. Joseph N. Scott, and Mra. David I. Stone, motored to Walla Walla Tuesday, Mrs. Homer 1. Watts left yesterday for visit with relativea at Medford and other Willamette valley points. . Misa Dora Bennett leaves tbia even ing for Portland, where she baa seonr ed a position with the Owl Drug oom pany. - ' ' Fred Radtae, Will and Lnke Bead left yesterday morning for tbe forks of the Umatilla on a bunting and fishing trip. .. - . - Mrs. Lillian Fredericks and Mrs. Geo. W. Proefcstel Jr. Were shopping in the city from Weston Tnesday af ternoon. Mrs. J. E. MoDaniel, a former teaoher in the Atbena sohools, waa In tbe oity Tnesday from ber borne in Weston. ; . .-A , Dr. Plamondon, Oarl Christian, Marion -Hansell and W. 0. Miller Orin Mattin, after visiting at the bomea of his oouaios, Mrs.' Winsbip and Mrs. Hawortb, bas returned to hia bom in Spokane.- : ; f . vv'-'. Mra. Tittawortb, of Cambridge, Ida bo, visited last week at the borne of Dr. A. B. Stone and other' relativea in this vicinity. - K. A. Bennett has bis painters at work "on the MoLeod and Coppook res idences in Athena, and at the Watts farm borne north of town. . Forrest Zerba has converted a Ford oar into a freak, which the Press man hereby ohrisiena the "Spider." The. "Spider" is tome mover, believe us. j Roy Borke baa severed his oonneo tion with the Helix Advooate, and ac companied by bis wife, has been vis- iting relativea in Atbena tbia weekA Lady voter, spare yonrself work Tnesday, and take yonr husband and family to tbe Yonng People's dinner, in the Methodist, ohnroh dining room. Dr. Stone reports the birth of a boy, born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Luck en bill, who live on the Martin plaoe near town. Tbe little one died tbe same day. Arthur Soott oame in : yesterday morning from bis borne near Enter prise, Wallowa oonnty. Mr. Soott is pleased with the Wallowa aa a farm ing aeotion. '"VLeon Miller has oompleted drilling Yell on tbe Claude Prioe plaoe near Weston. Tbe depth of tbe well is 300 feet and a plentiful supply of water waa obtained. J. A. Kirk arrived in town from Halsey tbe fore part of the week. Ha brought up a nnmber nf China pheas ants and treated bis friends to a pheasant feed. Friends in this oity of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Inrner of Weston, were grieved this week to bear of tbe serious illness of Mrs. Turner, at St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bradley of Freewater, visited at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Bern Banister, this week. Mr. Bradley is tbe republioan nominee tor oounty surveyor. ; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoArthur and Mrs. H. 0. Gaton last week viBiled at Dayton and Presoott. Mr. and Mrs. MoArthur will leave for their home in Portland tbia week. Prices right and all work guaranteed. P. O. Box 156, or call at Mra. Harden'. PETERSON & BISHOP " Attorneys-at-Law Freewater, Oregon - Pendleton, Oregon TOURTELLOTTE a Architects 1 R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon. Sshing. Milt Swaggait and Emit Sohuber spent a part of the week on Meaoham oreek, where they reported trout Ash ing good. - - Mrs. Charles Ulm and little sons aaoomrianied Mrs. J. F. Brewer, mo ther of Mrs. Ulm, to Walla Walla, Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Downs and little son returned to tbeir borne in Portland tbia morning, after visiting here for several days. Mrs. Robert Coppook and'daugkter, Miss Mary Irvine, arrived Saturday evening from Albany, and will make their home here. . T .-:. A heavy shower of rain fell this morning , dampening tbe aoil and giv lug tbe atmosphere a balmy, spring like freshness. Tbe Brat of tbe olub dances took plaoe at the opera bonse, Saturday evening. Those in attendance had an enjoyable time. Members of Pythian Lodge, E. of P. went, to Adams, Wednesday evening of last week and met with tbe member of tbe lodge there. , When anything gets wrong witb yonr automobile, take it to Tbarp Bros., for recalls. Yon will And an expert automobile repairer there. Ad. spent Sunday on Meaoham oreek, trout" Attnnr labJ waa i Athena Tues day, where be met many oia-urne iends. Arthur is residing In Pendle ton, bnt would like to get a footbold in farming again in this vioinity. Many people from Weston, Adams, Helix and tbe surronnding oonntry were in tbe oity tbe first of the week to take advantaee of the bargains offered by looal merchants in speoial sales. ;' ' H. J. Taylor and A. W. Simmons, demooratio nominees on tbe legislative tioket, were in the oity Wednesday, interviewing, voters. Both are capa ble men and well kuovsn to tbe people School Sis pplies We now have on" hand a com plete assortment of school Supplies Consisting of tablets, pencils, pens, holders, inks, eras ers, pencil boxes, rulers, water colors, paints and numerous other articles for school work. Byron N. Hawks, 1 Druggist 4U1 the LwGinrof the M$thgXsprii!8tithe cost V fi rT X NOflAMMOCKING NOtiUMMOCKKG , NO SAGGING y,tAiv i alT "lims JI-SfanTI sTi rTi BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING H,.rUt 3 See tkeeje''BedSprmgs at LLER'S FURNITURE STORE- Waew meat market on the north aide of Main street, first door east or ins Dreamland Theatre. J. W. Darby formerly in the employ of D. H. Mens field, is meat ontter at tbe new shop. Dr. W. R. Soott, Phone 81F4, bas 10 tons of good alfalfa bay for sale and 160 aores of fine pasture, inolnd ing 40 aorea of alfalfa meadow for tent. Hav can be snrobased wnn nrivileae of feeding on ground if de sired. Adv. Dreamland Theater piogram for to night and tomorrow night: 1 and S, "The Paleface Brave," Vitagrapn. 3. "Reggie, tbe Daiedevil,". Bio graph. Sunday: 1 aod 8. "Too Late." Essanay 8. "The Janitor's Hlirtation." Edison. Aidayor Watts and Marshal Ramsay (rave bad a foroe of men engaged in removing tbe aoonmulation of soil from tbe aides of Main street, and tbe result is a great improvement to fie atreet. Tbe dirt taken from the clean up waa used in filling low plaoes on the side streets. Bida are being advertised for tbe oonstrnotion of Athena a new sooooi house. Proposals. will be reoeived up to 1:80 p. m., Saturday November 7. The opening of the bids will follow a few daya later, wbeo the oontraot for oonstrnotion will be let R. A. Weit and yonng son of La Grande, were in tbe oity yesterday. Mr. West will be remembered in Ath ena as a member of tbe firm of Miller & West, well drillers, and was here for a time during tbe drilling of tbe artesian well for the Athena Land and Trust company. , Invitations are ont for a party to be given in tbe K. of P.-I. 0. 0. F. ball tomorrow evening, when the ladies of the Sunshine Club will entertain a large number of Cbeir frieods. Aa these ladies are noted for tbeir hospitality, tba event is looked forward to with unuanal anticipation. Farmers are gradually completing the seeding of grain. Borne few fields already are ahowing green. - The pres ent fall baa bean ideal tor grain sow ing, and tbe high prioe of wheat with vrospeota for good prices next year, is an indnoement for insuring a large aoreaae In Eastern Oregon aod Uma tilla oonnty. . ' - Last Sunday party consisting of Prof. C. A. tiuerne, Misa Cntstoitb and Miss Brierly, tesohsrs in the Atb ena school, and Mra. L. ' Sherman, were given a treat by Arnold Koepke when tbey motored to Helix, witb At nold as chauffeur, in tbe Koepke car and took dinner with Prof. Howard Dw and wife in that town. . lOharles Kirk baa returned to th Nlan)ette valley to make prepare firnsto move to Atbena, where be will engage in tbe agricultural imple ment business. He baa leased from tbe Mosgrove Mercantile company tba old Umatilla Implement company warehouse, grounds and Implement sheds. Hia stock will arrive in a few days. f " Quite a number of Athena lovers of tbe national game weot to Walla Walla Wednesday and witnessed tbe tig leeguera meet on tbe diamond. Tbe game resulted in a 1 to 0 score in favor of tba Atbletios. Tbe mighty Xeerean waa In the) bos foe tba All Stars and allowed bnt three hits, and an error lost bim tbe game. Bash pitabed a strong game for the Athlet ics. Those who went from here to see.the game were well repaid for the trip. .. The Toung People's Clasa of the Methodist Sunday sobool will give an Election Day Dinner in tbe dining rooma of the M. E. obnrob next Tnes day, beginning at 11:80 a. in. Splen did, generons fare will be served, and the voters are invited to come and bring their famiiiea and enjoy a good dinner. . Prioe 85 cents. Tbe November meeting of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions looal auxiliary will be beld next , Wednesday, the 4tb, at tbe home of Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, witb Mrs. Sber- man leader. Tbe ladiea of tbe sox illary propose to have tbr Christian Obnrob parlor repainted and deoorated and will make this their usnal meet ing plaoe tor the ooming year. Postmaster Worthington returned Tnesday evening from tbe Urand Ronde bunting grounds, where he left tbe rest of ins party, Tom Gilkey and Al. Sigmon, to retnrn by team next week. Mr. Worthington was suooeea- fnl in killing a bear, and a book deer bad been killed by Sigmon. Oame seemed to te plenttfnl but wild, owing tn tbe preeenoe of Indians bnnting there just before the Worthington parly went in. ;- ' A temperance Cantata, entitled "A Saloonlesa . Nation, . or The Liquor Traffic Most Go," will be given in tbe Christian obnrob, Monday evening, Nov. 3, at 8 o'olook. Tbe Cantata is to be given by tbe Bible Schools of tbe oity, combined, in answer to all arguments offered in favor of tbe liq- our trattio. uooa singing win heard, and the oharaoters will be seen in elaborate costumes. Admission to tbe eutertainment will be free. ' Mrs. 0. A. Barrett and daughter, Mrs. J. D. Plamondon, motored to Pendleton yosterday, aocompanring Mrs. Homer I. Watts, where she took the train for Portland. Wbile in Pen dleton tbe ladies oalled at the Eastern Oregon hospital, where tbey visited witb several patients, among tbem Mrs. Parker, well known to Athena people as an old lady who formerly lived here. "To tbe visitors, the old lady seemed perfectly normal, and in quired couoerning many old Atbena friends. ., i, '. . -. .The ladles of tbe Freewater Tennis Glnb slaved a return game witb tbe ladiea' olnb of Athena Monday after noon, in whiob the following results era rauorted: Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mra. J. D. Plamondon against Mrs. Sanderson and Misa Hardest?. 6-0, 6-1: Mrs! B. N. Hawks and Mis. Watts aaainst Mrs. Beam and Miss Hoon, 6-0, 6-8. In singles, Mrs. Pia mondon defeated Miss uoon, 6-1, B-a. A fourth game. waa played, in wbioh Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Sanderson ae- feated Miss Both Krebs and Miss Bar- desty, 6-2, 6-3. It is probable tbe Atbena ladies will go to Freewater soon for another oonteat. FREE WE WILL GIVE AWAY FQ 5.00 CLOCK S2 School Notes Sohool waa in session only three days this week, it baving been dis- misssd on Wednesday evening in order to give tbe teachers a ohanoe to attend tba annual county institute now lu ses slqn at Pendleton. The sohool will not be dismissed on eleotion day. We shall bold that day in Order that we may noy have to bold sohool on Fiiday following Thanks giving day. The University of Oregon has pre senltd eaoh of tbe larger high schools of the state with a rose-busb from its campus. The original rose-bush from whiob these outtings were made grows on the campus of Harvard University. The rose is of tbe Fran Druaobkl var ietv. Aa it wonld not be advisable to slant it in tbe snbool yard until the new building is oompleted, Mrs. m, u Watta bas kindly oonsented to keep It for us in her garden. 'j tn tbe high sphool class contest in volving attendance, scholarship, eto. tbe Senior class is still ahead tut tbe Junior olass is running a oloie seoond. Some misunderstanding seems cur rent as to the ages of pupils atfeoted bv tbe compulsory sohool law. The law says that it appliea to all ohlldren from the day that tbey aia nine years of age until the day that tbey are fif teen years of age. It provides lor reg ular attendance for the entire term of sohool. '.: Runs 400 Days with a Single Winding. Ask to see it, and get our Plan of Introducing our New Line of Guaranteed Shaded Blue Enameledware Wif rt l?TTaiTl PnrnriQ on of this Enameledware, we give to you a numbered Willi EiWiy rUlUiaoU Ticket. When the Eighty Pieces are sold, the per sun holding the ticket bearing number corresponding to the number under seal, will receive the Clock absolutely Free. This is the best wearing and most satisfactory line of Enameledware we could obtain, and we recommend it to our customers. FIX .St RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. V Amended. Little Leander-8ny. grandpa, give me a penny, will yon 7 oranapa-wny. Lemuel, you are too old to be begging for pennies. Little Leander Yes, grandpa. Make It a dime, please, -Chi cago New. ,. . .. In the Girouit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. Sohool District No. 17, Umatilla Oonn ty, State of Oregon, Plaintiff, . .. vs. ' v Clark Walter and Hannah B. Walter, sometimes known as Mis. H. B. Walter, his wife, Defendants. To (jlark Walter and Hannah B. Wal ter. sometimes knowp aa Mrs. a. a. Walter, bis wife, tbe above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Yon are hereby re quired to appear and answer tbe com. nlaint heretofore tiled against you in the above entitled oourt and obubo on or tefore the last day of the time pie soribed in the order for publication of summons herein, to wit: Within six weeks from tbe date of the flint pub lication of tbia summons, or within six weeks from tbe date of personal servioe upon you of complaint and summons, it the same be served ont of the State of Oregon, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to tbe Conrt for the relief demanded in tbe complaint herein, to wit: That an assessment be bad of the damages that will result to the de fendante, and eaoh of tbem by reason of tbe condemnation and appiopriation of tba following desoribed lends towit A traot of land in tbe BEli of the NWKoI Seotion 83, Tp. 1, N. R. 84 EWM. for sohool purposes for Sohool Dlstriot No. 17 in Umatilla Connty, Oreaon. desoribed aa follows, to wit: Oommenoiaa at a point at the NE oorner of a oertain fence, said point being S. 81 20 W. 88.11 feet, distant from tba center of the N !i of Seotion 23, Tp. i N. U. 84, EWM: tbenoe WeBt, 0 rods, tbenoe South 18 88-100 rods; thence East rods; tbenoe North 18 88-100 rods to plaoe of beginning, and oontainiog K aore, said land being and lying in the Sohool Distriot aforesaid, and that judgment be entered appropriating to tbe plaintiff tbe lands above desoribed I in fee simple olear of all enonmtianoe together with all tbe righta and appnr tanoe therennto belonging or in any wise appertaining for tba use and pur doss of Sobool Distriot No 17. Uma tilla County, State of Oregon. Tbis summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Honorable u. w Phelps. Judge of tbe said Circuit Court made and entered on tbe 20th ay of Ootober, 1014, directing that aeivioe of summons herein be made by publioation and that said summons be published once eaoh week for six suc cessive weeks, oonstitnting seven pub lications in all in tbe Atbena Press, a newspaper published in Atbena, Ore gon. The date of the first publication is the 23rd day of Ootober, 1914. FREDERICK 8TEIWER, Distiiot Attorney Umatilla Connty, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. I am still doing business at the Old Stand in Hawks' Drug Store Don't neglect to call and inspect my new Fall Lines of Jewelry. Remember that I am making a specialty tf Watch Repairing and Engraving. We have committed the Golden Bale to memory. Now let os commit it ro Ufa Mnrkham. ' - Notice to Contractors. Proposals will be reoeived up till 80 p. m. Saturday, November 7, for tbe Plnmbing, Heating and General Contracts on a two-story brlok sobool knilding to be eteoted at Atbena by Sobool Distiiot No. 20, Umatilla Co, Oreson. Plans may ba bad at tbe offices of Touitellotte & Hummel, Arobiteots, Despain Building, Pendle ton, Oregon. . ; Adv. Notice of Administrator Sale. In tbe Connty Conrt of Umatilla Connty. State of Oregon. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of Louis LaBrosobe, deoeaaed. Notioe Is hereby given by me, W. 8 Ferguson, administrator of tbe estate of Looia LaBrasobe, deceased, that on Saturday, the 81st day of Ootober, 1914. at Athens, Umatilla Conntv Oregon, I will sell to tbe highest and beat tidder for cash in band all the following desoribed realty, wbiob be longa to tbe estate of LooisLaBrasohe, deoeaaed, realty desoribed as follows, towit: Tbe 8. E. H of tbe N. W. M of Sec. 89, T. 1, N. B. 83, E. W. M in Umatilla Connty, Oregon, contain ing forty aores more or less. Tbis notice is given pursuant to that oertain order made and entered in tbe above entitled matter in open conrt on September 33, A. D. 1914, directing the administrator herein to cell aaid realty. W. S. Ferguson, Administrator, SUMMONS. In the Cirouit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Umatilla Connty. Sarah J. Warner, Plaintiff, vs. Jamea H. Warner, Defendant. To Jamea H. Warner, tbe acove named defendant: In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and anawer tbe complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit within six weeks of tbe date of tbe first potuioa tion of this Summons, to-wlts On or before tbe 80th day of Ootober, A. v, 1914. And you will take notioe tbat if you fail to anoear and answer or otherwise plead within aaid time, tbe plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for tbe teller preyea ror and demanded in plaintiff's said oom nlaint for tbe Ueoree of tbe Conrt forever dissolving tbe bonds of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between nlaintin and defendant, anu for otber equitable relief. Tbis 8ummons is published pursu ant to an order of Hon. Ullbeit W Phelps, Judge of tbe above entitled Conrt. duly mads and filed on the 10th day of September, 1914; and tbe first pnhlioation of this summons win oe made in the Athena Piesa Newspaper nnhlished at Athena. Umatilla Coun r Orecon on Friday the 18tb day Cf SaDtember 1914 and tbe last publics tion will be made on Friday, tba 80tb dav of Ootober. 1914. Dated this tba 16th day of Septea hr 1A14. WillM. Peterson, Attorney for Plaintiff, L. S. Vincent,' JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. Absolutely "Pcse Makes the food more delicious and wholesome BOVM. BfcKlwa POWPPH CO., WBW VOBtt. PC - .-O.OC -""PR fll EDITORIAL o o Bg OSWALD WEST Governor of Oregon ,. .,, annul-nr- OSWALO WEST n REGON should go dry be cause there does not exist a. single reason on earth why it should stay wet. ' The war news from Europe strikes us with horror ; yet this great war, with all its carnage, past, present and future, will not prove a drop in the bucket compared with the ravages which aro being made through out the land by booze. We boast we are the greatest nation upon earth, and in our efforts to preserve this position wo boast we must strive con stantly to raiso, or at least main tain, the standard of our citizen ship, and to accomplish this end wo must unceasingly fight or ganized greed and graft, stamp out poverty, vice and crime, protect the home and make life more pleasant for those who have been less fortunato than others. It is idle, however, to talk of progress along those lines so long as King Alcohol occupies the throne. Who grabs the pay check from the honest work man on Saturday night and makes hi wife and little ones go hungry? Mr, Booze. Who ow the seed of poverty and distress everywhere? ' Mr. Booze. Who loads upon us most of our tax burdens? . Mr. Booze. The Wets protest against our voting the state drv because it will close Paul Wcssinger's brewery and be equivalent to the confiscation of his prop erty, but they do not tell you how the brewery was built through the ruination of homes and the confiscation of pay checks. They. do not tell you tlmt dHH brick in the buildiiitr represents a hrnltim heart and the color of thn building is em blematical of the blood which has dripped there- from. Whenever I think of the devil I think of hooze, nd whenever I think of booze I think of tne devil, fur the devil is booze and booze is hell. Old Hooze is an outlaw who has been long pur sued but never subdued. At no time and under no circumstances should he be given quarter, and it is the duty of every good citizen to stand ready tn mind-bur bim whenever ho sticks his head in sight. All Oregon will have a chance to sand-bag him on November 3, and for tho Lord's sake let us make a good job of it. IF YOU BELIEVE WITH GOVERNOR WEST, VOTE OREGON DRY, 332 X YES PUd fttlTrt1fmeBt by tb Oomnittia of Ont Hoadrtd 74 Morgan Building, Portland, Ortgon, o o o u n BAaBaaaaiaBBBBBV aDaaaar Ifi