Press Paragraphs tbe ID Joe Liauallaa of Weston, was in city yesterday. Obaa. Gerking had bntineaa Walla Walla Monday. Rev, T. P. Weaver, of Pendleton, was in the oity Friday. E. N. Boll, of Spokane, spent tbe week end in tbe oily. W. B. Shaffer waa dona from Woilstorg, Wednesday., Mrs. W. S. Ferguson visited in Walla Walla yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Beeler of Westin, visited fiieuds in this city Sunday. Miss Gladys Andre was week-end gaest of Pendleton friends. Mrs. J. Myriok had business in Pen dleton the tint of the week. Mr. and Mr. Geo. R. (Jerking vis ited in Walia Walla Monday. Miss Areta Rothrook spent tba week end with friends la Pendleton. Dr. Osborne made a business trip to Walla Walla Snnday evening. Mrs. StiSel, sister-in-law of Geo. Brntober, la in the oity this week. Rev. Lambert, of tba M. E. ebnrob, spent a part of tbe week in Milton. Frank Boynton, insolence man of Pendleton, spent Monday in tba oity. Miss Neva Foirest returned Monday from a visit with friends in Pendleton. I, A son was torn to Mr. and Mis. Kiigar Forrest, reoently in Walla Walla. Henry Stamper the Weston livery man waa over from Wood'a village yesterday. Mrs. Leeper is having substantial improvements made on her cottage on Adams street. . F, G. Lnoas, leal ' estate agent and auctioneer, waa in tbe oity Tuesday from Weston. The City Meat Market sells pnre leaf lard in 5 lb pails for 660; 10 it pail tor 11.25. Adv. C. E. RUDE, LIVESTOCK and Genera AUCTIONEER Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 362, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. Polley & Polley Contractors and Builders of Bungalows and Buildings Prices right and all work guaranteed. O. Box 156, or call at Mrs. Harden's. Mrs. F. W. Vinoent of Pendleton, oama np yesterday and visited her son, L. 8. Vinoent. , Mrs. G. M. Harris oama np Sunday from Pendleton, and spent tha day at tbe DePeatt home. Frank Berlin disposed of his wheat orop this week at a prioa that made him smile smole. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenoe Plnkarton went over to Milton Snnday, where they spent the day with friends. M. A. Baker & Son, Weston paint ers, are painting and papering tbe Biohard Thompson resldenoe. . Mies ZelmaDePaett oama over from Walla Walla Sunday morning, and visited at her home here, returning Monday. Some of tbe best Jonathan apples seen in Athena for long time, are now on tbe market, selling at 1.85 per box. Mrs. L. S. Vinoent, who for soma time has baen in Portland and Kogene returned to her horn in this oity yes terday. J. M. Swaggart has some par trad Plymouth Book cookerels for sale. These birds all are hardy . and fine speoimens. Adv. Mrs. Arthur Downs arrived In tb oity this week from her homo in Portland, and is visiting relatives and friends in this oity. ' Mrs. J. A. BaddeW, of Walla Wal la, returned to her home Snnday even ing after visit with her mother, Mrs. LaBraohe, south ot town. Charles Kirk oame np Tuesday eve ning from Portland. Mr. Kirk is mak ing preparations to move bis family here to reside permanently. jobn Thompson waa in town yester day, from his stock ranoh, on the Um atilla. He says bis oattle will go Into winter quarters in good oondition. Dr. Welob has moved bis denial ofBoea from tbe PostofOoa building to the main attreet building he reoently purobased from E. L. Barnett. "Bob" Oliver, ot tbe George Law renoe Saddlery oompaoy of Portland, aooompanied by tbe oredit man ot tbe oompany, waa in tbe oity Tuesday. When anything gets wrong with your automobile, take it to Tbarp Bros., for repairs. You will find an expert automobile repairer there. Ad. Mrs. W. H. Oravens, of Cashmere, Wash., returned to her home this week, after spending the summer with bet parents, Mr. and Mia. J. W. Hop er. Lawrenoe T. Harris, candidate for Jnstioe of the supreme oourt has a number of warm friends in Athena, and will doubtless poll a splendid vote here. R. 0. Hawks, oandldata tor ooonty treasurer oame op from Pendleton ee terdy and spent the day in Athena, where he has many warm friends and supporters. ' Mrs. Edward E. Koontz writes the Press from Portland, that they desire their oosy of the paper sent to their present address, whioh is No. 103, Floral Avenue. The temperanoe leoture given by the noted lecturer. Miss Fox, at the Christian oburob Tuesday . evening, was pronounced to be an exoellent one by those attending. . The oountv authorities are asked to locate one Harry I. Leokie, said to ba in these Darts. His sister, Mrs. Dora Gitson, ot Seattle, sends word their mother has reoently died. Ibe Leader says tbat two big bnok deer were brought down Friday by Frank Crawford, while hunting in Bobsled oanyon near Bingnam.Springs. V asj v feeli Two other Weston hunters, George Nesbit and Jess Powls, ate ranging tbe mountains lo the hope of similar auooess. Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Preston of Huntington Beaob, Calif., and J. N. Soott and family of Athena, were reoent guests at tbe W. E. Dria ksll residence on Normal Heights. Tbe publio danoes, heretofore con ducted at tbe Athena Opera honse have been discontinued. Hereafter, olnb danoes only, will be held, tbe members being admitted by invitation oard. Leader: Mi. and Mrs. H. MoArtbur of Portland, are visiting with relatives and fiiends in Athena. Mr. MoAr thur oame over tbe hill Tuesday to pay his raspeota to this old pioneer burg. Charles Kirk remembered Mr. afd Mrs. Win Burden with a gift of Chin ese pheasants the fore part ot tbe week. Tbe birds were killed in tbe Willamette valley and oame by paroel post. , J. H. Ridenour baa returned from Walla Walla, where be spent tba past two weeks in a hospital. While there be underwent a aurgioal operation for a case ot hernia 01 long standing, ana feels that it was a complete suooeaa. caravan ot two wagons passed through Athena yesterday from Okla homa, bound for Southern Oregon. The wegons were fitted with miniature bouses, giving evidenoe of oonifort and oouvenienoe to tbe travelers with in. Dr. W. R. Soott, Phone 81F4, has 10 tons of good alfalfa bay for sale and 160 aores of floe pasture, includ ing 40 aorea of alfalfa meadow for rent Hay can be purohased with privilege of feeding on ground if de sired. Adv. Mrs. Byron N. Hawks returned home Sunday atternuon from a three weeks' visit with ber parents io Spokane. Last Wednesday Mrs. Hawks attended the wedding of her brother, Irvine MoDonald, wbioh ooourred io that oity . Mrs. J. B. Harmon, wife of the Christian minister, with ber little son, Homer, arrived in the oity Wed nesday from Boise, where she had been visiting ber parents, She was met in Pendleton Tuesday night by Mr. Harmon. Charles Marsh, candidate on ' tbe Demoaretio ticket for oounty Judge, and Lou Hodgen, on tbe same tioket for oounty commissioner, were in town yesterday getting acquainted with the Atbera voters, and they met up with many ot tbem. Boon tbat ISchool Supplies of Mrs. W. F. Matlook, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Eeitb, Mrs. 0. 8. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lasts. The ladies, with tbe exoeption of Mis. Laats, are sisters ot Mr. Swaggart, the latter being a nieoe. Tbe goests were aoeompanying tbe Gbambeilain party which spent a oonple ot hours in Athena. Father Oonrardy, one of tbe pioneer Catbolio Missionaries among the In dians of the Northwest died at Hong Kong, China, last month, after having spent more than 20 years among tbe Chinese lepers. Father Conrardy de voted himself tn work among tbe In diana on tbe Umatilla reservation, between tbe years 1876 and 1888, and will te remembered bv many pioneers ' of this oounty. S. Le Grow, Sam Pamtron and mer I. Watts, woo wun nana Grasty, hunted in tbe Swan River oountry, Montana, returned home Sun day evening after a most suocesatul and enjoyable trip. The boys killed three elk. oneot them a large bull, being entioed to within 75 yards of oamp with whistle wbioh adequate ly answered tbe animal's nugiing. u was diapatobed by well direoted shots, thongh it waa quite dark when tbe shooting took place. An espeoially flne pair of antleis, bead and ospe, be sides a smaller one were brought home as troubles of tbe hunt. De lirious elk meat was also distributed among Athena friends. W. H. Wiebke. who has been re siding on the Marion O'Harra plaoe above Weston, will bold a publio sale. Saturday, Octoter 81 at which he will dispose ot stook, hay and farming implements. Col. Lnoas will cry tbe sale. Among tbe many thinga enum erated on tbe bill, are 6 head of hors es, 8 heed of oows, 68 hogs, and 100 bushels of ooro 10 tons 01 wheat nay, 16 tons of alfalfa hay, farm machin ery of various kinds, kitohen range, oream separator, tables, inoobators, brooders, three dozen ohiokens,! dozen duoks, and other articles. Free lunoh. Terms of sale, hogs, bay and corn, cash; All sums ot $10.00 and under, oash; balance, a oredit till Ootober 1, 1916. on approved notes bearing 7 per cent interest. Iwo per oent discount for ossb. Adv. FREE WE WILL GIVE AWAY Fik S25.00 400 Day CLOCK n We now have on hand a com plete assortment of school Supplies Consisting of tablets, pencils, pens, holders, inks, eras ers, pencil boxes, rulers, water colors, paints and numerous other articles for school work. Byron N. Hawks, Druggist JJ A11 the Lwfunrof the test fioXspringatfytfte cost NOflAMMOCXING NOifdMMOCKING no sagging -1 NO BAGGING NO DRAGGING NO PITCHING I Hsrtjl. See the 2sJigz"Bed Springs at 11 MILLEtfS FURNITURE STORE The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of the Christian ohuroh make announcement of their annual Bazar and ohiokeo dinner, whioh will be beld on Satur day, December 12. Tbe publio is asked to keep this in mind. Further announcements later. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, old-time residents of tba Adams neighborhood. now residing at Long Beaob, Califor nia, visited friends in Athena, Toes day. Mr. and Mrs. Baker ware on their return from a trip throughout the Eastern states. Mrs. Neeley. cook at the Athena Hotel, had :ba misfoitona to seriously burn one of ber bands, Tuesday eve nine. She slipped and trying to break the tall, reaobed ont and plaoed ber hand on top of tbe range. Dr. Sbaip dressed the injury. Clyde Sands of Adams waa fined f 10 in Recorder Richards' oourt Monday morning for partioipating in fight at tbe Opeia hones danoe, Saturday night. Ed. Sehasky and Viotor Burks, tbe other participants, were not fined foi tbe evidence showed Sands to be tbe aggressor. To Property Owners. Yon ara here by notified tbat all alleys must be ole'aned up by November 1. or tbe mat ter will te tnrned over to the city marshal with instructions' to enforoe this order and collect payment for any cleaning np be may do. Homer I. Watts, Mayor. Adv. Mrs. Charles Norris leaves thiB af ternoon for her home in Cornelius, after a ooupls of weeka spent here visiting and attending to business mat ters. Mrs. Norris leased ber resldenoe to D. H. Mansfield, who with bis fam ily has taken possession of the prop erty. he oity of Weston is going to tbe expense 01 f 8000 to put in a concrete damaoross Pine Creek, wnion win store 8,000,000 gallons of water tor tbe oity's gravity system. John R. Eng lish, democratic candidate for connty surveyor, is tbe engineer in onarge 01 the woik. A. B. MoEwen, who solioited fnnds in this viainitv for the Red Oioss in the European war service, bas remit ted to date f 103 to tbe British oonsul at Portland. Tbe subscriptions were given voluntarily here, Joseph Hodgson being tbe highest on toe list, with a contribution of f 15. A publio sale will te beld Satordey, Ootober St, beginning at 10 o'clock, at tbe Wade ranch, seven miles north of Weston, at whioh 20 bead of boises, Home good bogs, a complete line of faim machinery, including a oombine harvester, hay, barley, eto. H. U, Smith, owner. F. G. Lucas, auotion eer. Adv. Ibe Dieamiand theater management have baen showing splendid films this week. For tonight and tomorrow night, tbe following will te given 1 and 2. "The Cypher Message,' Selig. .8. ''The Capturing of David Dunne." Biograph. Snoday: 1. "Uncle John to tbe Reaone," Patbe. 2. "Smithy's Grandma. 's Party,' Eseanav. 8. "Her Faith in tbe Flag,'.' Vitagrapb. Portland papers annonnoa tbe wed Bing of Miss Jessie M. Irvine, daugb ter of the late Dr. John Iivioe, at one time member of tbe firm of Coos & Irvine, arnggists of Athena, and step daughter of Mr. Robert Coppook of this oity. Ibe bridegroom is Walter J. Dunlap, and tba young oouple will liveia Portland. Tba affair is an nounoed as having been a very bril liant one, with about forty relatives and friends present . Last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, 8waggart bad as noon dinner guests, a party of Pendleton people, consisting ARABIAN JUSTICE. A Desert Problem the Cadi Haa no Trouble In Solving. Two Arabs stopped at an oasis to have luncheon. One had three dates. and the other bad Ave. which tney were to eat together. Presently a stranirer came up and asked permis sion to share their meal, which they cheerfully granted. After all had eaten the stranger tbankea tnem ror tbe food they had given him. left eight ducats and rode away. The Arab who had tha three aates said. "Here Is 8 ducats for eight dates 1 ducat for each date; tber far three ducats are mine." But the other Arab argued differently and con tended that he should have seven du- cats and the first man one. The case was referred to the cadi of the nearest town, who unbeld the second maus contention. This is the way he reached his decision: The three men divided eight dates. There were two and two-thirds for each, or eigbt-tbirds. The Brat Arab had three dates, so be contributed nine thirds to the whole, but he ate eight thirds himself, so he gave only one- third of a date to the stranger. The second Arab contributed five dates, or fifteen-thirds: he ate eight-thirds mm uif and irave seven-thirds to tbe stranirer. ' . So reasoned the cmll. una be guve toe first Arab 1 ducat unci the second dueuta.-outb'a Companion. TWO CROPS AT ONCE. Runs 400 Days with a Single Winding. Ask to see it, and get our Plan of Introducing our New Line of Guaranteed Shaded Blue Enameledware Wifh EVaH PnrnhQOQ of this Enameledware, we give to you a numbered W lLIl JilVOljr rULUlddU Ticket. Wheuthe Eighty Pieces are sold, the per son holding the ticket bearing number corresponding to the number under seal, will receive the Clock absolutely Free. This is the best wearing and most satisfactory line of Enameledware we could obtain, and we recommend it to our customers. FIX 2i RADTCvE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. Tree Agriculture an Old Story on the Island of Majorca. Approximately nine-tenths of the arnhle area of Majorca, one or we Spanish islands in the Mediterranean. Is planted out to crop yielding trees. Thut makes one story agriculture. Then beneath the trees grain Is grown. That makes the second story, which may properly be likened to the cyclone cellar. For miles and miles In every airec- tion that beautiful island is covered with continuous orchards of almonds, olives, figs and carobs, with occasional grafted oak trees, tbe sweet acorns of Which are prized as niguiy as uw chestnut This tree agriculture is nothing new, for many of these orchards are ot un known age, and some of them give evidence of having seen generations of men rise. dig awhile and die before Columbus soiled past on his way from Genoa to Gibraltar, and throughout au tbe years that the white man has striven in America these same old olive and carob trees havo been standing there, handing down their harvests of fruit and beans to the men who raised other crops at their feet crops of wheat, oats, barley, beans ana peas. From "Two Story Farming," by i. Itus sell Smith, In Century. In tbe Oiroult Conrt of tbe State of Oreaon. for Umatilla County. Soliool DietriotNo. 17, Umatilla Coun ty, State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Clark Walter and Hannah B. Walter, sometimes known as Mis. H. B. Walter, bis wife, Defendants. To Clark Walter and Hannah B. Wal ter. sometimes known as Mrs. fl. B. Walter, bis wife, tbe above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You ara hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint heietofore filed against you in tbe above entitled oourt and oaose on or tefore the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication ot summons herein, to wit: Within six weeks from Ibe date of the first pub lication of this summons, or within six weeks from the date of personal servloe upon you of complsint and summons, it the same be served out of tbe State of Oregon, and if you fail so to appear and answer, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Oourt for the teller demanded in tbe complaint heiein, to wit:, Tbat an assessment be had ot the damages tbat wili result to the de fendants, and each of tbem by reason of tbe condemnation and appropriation of tbe following desoribed lands towlt: A tract of land in tbe SEJ of tbe NW of Section 22, Tp. t. N. R. 84 EWM, for sobool purposes for School District No. 17 in Umatilla County, Oregon, desoribed as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point at the Ngj corner of a oertain fenoe, said point being S. 81 20' W. 83.14 feet, distant from tbe center of tbe ot Section 22, Tp. 1 N. K. 84, EWM; tbenoe West, 8 rods, thence South 18 88-100 rods; tbence East 6 rods; tbenoe North 13 83-100 rods to plaoe of beginning, and containing aore, said land being and lying in tbe Sobool Distriot aforesaid, and tbat judgment be entered appropriating to tbe plaintiff the lands above desoribed in fee simple dear ot all enoomtianoe together with all tbe rights and appur- anoe thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining for tbe ose-aod pur pose ot School Distriot No 17. Uma tilla County, State of Oregon. Tbla summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Honorable u. W. Phelps, Jndge cf the esid Cirooit Court made and entered on tbe 20th day of Ootober, 1014, direotlog tbat servioe of summons herein be made by publication and tbat said summons be published onoe eaob week for six soo ossBive weeks, oonstituting seven pub lioations in ail In tbe Athena Press, a newspsper published in Athena, Ore gon. The date of tbe hist publioation ia the 23rd day of Ootober, 1014. FREDERICK BTEIWER, Distriot Attorney Umatilla Connty, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff, Handicspptfl. -Down In my part i the country If a man lays .Ki -ent m a stump nud hunt. Ilk an owl hf en 11 set a quart ' w-ltilt-tir hlky "TliiM wun Id n t hi'ip mi" any VVlM-i t in fri dry I iim't limit "-BalUniiMv Notice of Administrator's Sale. In tbe Conoty Oourt of Umatm Conntv. Stats of Oregon. In tha Matter of tbe Estate of Louis LeBrascbe. deceosed. Notioe ia hereby giveo by me, W. S. Fergusoo, administrator of the estate of Loo is LaBrasohe, deoeased, tbat on Saturday, the 81st day of Ootober, 1914. at Athena. Umatilla Oountv Oreaon. I will aell to tbe highest and hast bidder for cash in band all tba following: desoribed realty, whioh be longs to the estate of Lonis LaBrasohe, deceased, realty desoribed as ronnwe towlt: The 8. E. K of tbe N. W. of Sec. 89, T. 4, N. B. 85. E. W. io Umatilla Oounty, Oregon, oootaio Ids fort aoiea mora or less. Ibis notio is given pursuaot to tbat oertain order made and entered In the above entitled matter io open oourt 00 September 28, A. D. 1914 itiriwtlna tbe administrator herein to aell said realty. W. 8. Fargnaon, Administrator. SUMMONS. In tbe Cirooit Oourt of the State ot Oregon for Umatilla Connty. Sarah J. Warner, Plaintiff, vs. " James B. Warner, Defendant. l'o Jamea H. Warner, the acove named defendant: In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon you ate hereby leqnired to appear and answer tbe complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks of tbe date of tbe drat publics tiou ot this Summons, to-wlt: Ou or before thi 80th day of Ootober, A. U, ion. And you will take nolloe that It you fail to appear and answer or otherwise plead within said time, tbe plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply tn the Conrt for tbe leJlet prayea lor and demanded in plaintiff's ssld 00m nlalnt for tbe Decree of tbe Court forever dissolving tbe bonds of mat rimooy now and heretofore existing between nlaintiff and defendant, and for other equitable relief. Ibis Summons is published porsu snt to ao order of Bon. Uilbeit W Fheloe, Judge of ibe above entitled Conrt. duly made and Hied. 00 tbe I6th day of September, IOH; and tbe first Dnblioatlon of this summons will be made io tha Atbena Piess Newspaper pnblisbed at Atbena, Umatilla Uouo tv. Oreaon 00 Friday tba I8tb day cl Santember 1914 and tbe last poblioa tion will be made on Friday, tha 80th dav of Ootober. 1914. Dated tbis tba I6tb day of Septem bar 1914. Will M. Peterson Attorney for Plaintiff, Voters, leware! The Dental Trust, with its pow erful political organization, is now moving heaven and earth to defeat the dental In of the reform bill. every town and city members Trust are out working against the bill. The Medical Trust is helping the Dental Trust by forcing nurses and druggists, under threat of boycott, to work against dental reform. All kinds of campaign lies are be ing circulated to deceive the voters. Don't let the Trust scare you. The Trust made the present dent al law. Under this law it controls of Dental of that member of the Trust. In this way competent dentists are kept out of Oregon, and the Trust pre vents competition and keeps up prices. VOTE YES X 340 And Bust the Dental Trust. Paid Advertisement, Painless Parker Dentist. 6th and Wash ington Sts., Portland, Oregon. the State Board -every member Examiners board is a