AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher . Published Every Friday. Office, Co ner Third and Jefferson Streets. ' Entered In the rontoltlee at Athena, Oregon aa ecoudtllase Mall Matter. . Subscription Rates. One copy, me year $1.50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) One copy, six months 73 One copy, three months .50 Advertisirwt Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent msertions ...A2 Display regular, per inch Vl Local readera, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cATHENA, ORE.. OCT. 16, 1914 1 he Demooruts believe in President Wilson's administration. They bave something at which to point with pride. In Hb endorsement , the State Central Committee furnishes the fol lowing for publication: President Wilson's administration will be endorsed or rebuked fay tbe voters neit month. Maine baa already approved ulm. The nation will accept th result of tbe November eleotions aa the people'a opinion of tbe President. Tbe Enropeao countries will watob the returns to learn whether Mr, Wil ton baa the support of the American people speaks with tbe voice of a united nation wben be speaks for peaoe. Tbe record of tbe past two years la one of precision and eflioieooy. More big tilings bave been done in months than were done in years before. Tbia la the reoord : War wltb Mexico averted. Inoome tax effective by constitution al amendment and atatute. Annual tax of 120,000.000 oo angar repealed, Cnrrenoy law passed, wbiob baa un iversal praise. Election of United States Senators ty tbe people a reality. For the Drat time in bistory tbe vote on Benator will not bave to te ratified by tbe legislature. Tbe national constitu tion waa amended to allow tbia. Alaska railway law, of wbicb Sen ator Obambeilaio bad oharge, la tbe Drat step toward opening up a vast em pire that, without development, in 47 jeais baa yielded $500,000,000 to tbe American people. Peaoe tieatien witb England, France, Spain, China and numerons smaller powera negotiated. A pleasant con trast to wbat is going on in Europe. Antl-trnst bill passed, Trade Commission bill passed. Kaytnrn seouritiea bill psasad. These three measures go a long way toward seouilng exaot justice between the public and tbe great Industrial oorporationa. Indnatrial arbitration act passed, It gives much better faollitiea for settling great Btrikes. Agricultural extension aot passed. It la believed tbat this will result in donhling Ibe pioduotion of American farms. Tbe foregoing la tbe Presldent'a re port to tbe voters. It ia for them to aa; in November whether tbey ap prove, or whether they want tbeae things nndone. Sbonld Charles H, Maiah be eleot ed county judge, tbe people of Uma tilla oonnty will bave placed in otfioa i clean, energetio young business man, whose qualifications are auoh tbat the taxpayer oan rest aasured that no touch of fiiafters oan hoodwink him into any deal whereby the eonnty would te loser. No lineal foot deal woold go with Charles nnlesa tbe num ber of feet were stipulated by con tract. Be also etanda for permanent improvements where oeooasary, and is oppoaed to tbe proposed reactionary movement wbiob, under tbe guise of retrenchment, wonld land tbe oonnty roada baok in tbe condition Judge Maloney fonnd them four years ago, Be withes bla position to te under stood, and not mlsuudeiatood: Be standi for straightforward bualuesa administration of oouuty affaiia, whol ly for and In tbe interest of tbe tax payer, and If elected to tbe oflloo, will be to tbe oonnty Id service just what Jlin Maloney and Till Taylor bave been to it, Mr, Marsh Mai raised in Weston almost olosn euoogb to be one of us. Id faoloiiea and employment at nie obauloal trades, tbe elgbt bour work day may to applied without mnoh in convenience or bindranoe in the re sult of production, for the reason that double shift can be put on the pay roll when necessary. Eat to apply the eight boot system to agricultural put suits wonld oeoeaaltate the farmer donbllug bia operative plaut in oidei to meet the requirements of farm pio duotion. This would be neoessary, for tbe reason that operation on the furm must te oanled oo In daylight, whetti a the factory can icn' day or night. Tbe proposed elgbt bonr law will ba promptly awatted by tbe rural Tc'.cr, and all other thoughtful per sons, aa It should be. 'All tbe world knows that Johu T. MoOntobeoo, war correspondent, was arrested in (iermauy. Ha baa been tilling bia ayndioate papers wltb ex pletive aocouota of it for a mouth. This may ba newa iuteiesting to John T., but the dope la stale to American readers, who would pieter reading reolpea fur niaklug Belgian Mack bread or whether tha tare old wlue la kept in casks or bottle, (live aa Mimotbiug fresh, John, or oome back home and apeil out a novel. Yon are a host over there. It tbe Guiniaiie have gon wbiob in comparison niakoa their IC-iuoh howitzer look like a "bean blower" the wonder is what kind of a popgnn surprise I he Ireuob will bave to spring on them. John P. MoManus gleefully pro claims that the Pendletoo Tribune la the "only repnblioan" paper in tbe oonnty. There are also ten news papera published in Umatilla oonnty. Sawing the Wood. It was only o,n rare occasions that Mis. Cutler, a kind faced old Indy, ac cepted Invitations to dine out Upon repeated Invitations of ber friends, the JosIIns, however; she consented to at tend a little Informal dinner they were giving, accompanied by bor daughter. Unfortunately Mrs. Cutler was quite denf and consequently could not enter Into the general conversation. She was engaged In cutting n piece of steak when her daughter turned to ber and snld: ! "Mother, dear! why are you eo quiet?" ' "I'm air right," responded mother, with n sunny smile. "Wlillo you talk, MnDel, I sny nothing and saw wood." Ruffnltf Express Fully Explained. The ooloml sexton of a wealthy church had a vry stylish mulatto wife. Finding his domestic Income not quite equal to his expenses, be decided to apply for an Im-rense In salary. So he wrote a letter to the committee In cliiii'Kc with this explanation at the close: "It's mighty hard to keep n seal skin wife on a munkrut salary." New York Run. : Decided by Salt. I .cpi I disputes In Borneo are decid ed In a curious manner The two liti gants lire each given a lump of salt of Hie same size to drop Hliniiltiiiieuusly Into water The mie whose lump first dissolves Is denned to lie In the wrong mid lose his nisc The Republican Ticket The Repnblioan party baa the rep utation, npbeld and enstained by tbe records, of living np to its campaign pledges and platforms. Eaob and ev ery man on the ticket ia pledged to an eoonomioal, tax-rednoing, efliolent ad ministration. Tbey ara each aud ev ery one men of aeility, honesty and integrity, well qualified to administer the affairs of tbe off ioea to wbloh they aaplre, and if eleoted their individual reputation and standing is a guarantee tbat they will do bo, This ticket is submitted to tbe voters witb the great est oonddenoe, witb pride and the firm oonviollon that they will find it mea suring tip to every expectation and reqniremenl. It lis a ticket well wor thy of tbe nnauimooa support of every eousoieotiona mau and woman in tbe State of Oiegon. The numbers oppo site eaob name are tbe same as will appear on tbe official ballot. Consid er it oaiefully. 14 N. J. SINNOTT, yX.. Bepiesentative in Congress. v 15 B. A. BOOTH, United State Senator, 35 JAMES WITHYCOMBE, For Governor. . 80 THOS. B. BAY, State Treasurer. 30 HKNRY J. BEAN, BO BENRY I,. BENSON, ai LAWRENCE T. HARRIS, US THOMAS B. MoBKlDE, JuHtioea of the Supreme Conrt. (Font to be eleoted) 41 UEOROE M. BROWN, ' Attorney General. 45 J. A. CHURCHILL, Superintendent of Pobllo Iuatiuo tion, 48 JOHN H. LEWIS, State Engineer. 40 0, P. HOFF, Commissioner of Labor Statistics and Inspeotor of Faotories and Work Shops. CD FRANK J. MILLER, Commissioner of the Railroad Commission of Oregon, 64 GEO. T. COCHRAN, Superintendent of Water Division No. 8. ' 55 O. A. BARRETT, Senator 10th Senatoilal Distriot, (Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties.) 8 J. N. BURGESS, Senator 20th Senatorial Distriot. (Umatilla Comity.) 00 ROBERT N. 8TAFIELD, Bepreaetuatlve 88od Distriot. (Umatilla County, Mor . row County.) , . 81 J. T, HINKLE, 03 ROY W. BITNER, Representatives 2!)id Distriot. (Umatilla Oonnty.) 65 T. P. GILLILAND, County Judge. 69 L. L. MANN, Coonty Sheriff. 73 FRANK BALING, , Conuty Clerk. 74 B. S. BURROUGHS', ' - County Reoorder. 76 G. W. BRADLEY, Connty Treasurer. 70 WILLARD BRADLEY, Couuty Surveyor. 81 J. T. BROWN, Couuty Coroner. 8 H, M. OOOKBURN, -Couuty Commissioner. JOE H..PARKES. . Vv Justice of tbe Peaoe. Pendleton Distriot. ' THOS. SMART, Constable, Peudleton Disttiot. Respectfully submitted to the con sideration of the votets by tbe Connty Ceutial Committee. FRANK S. CURL, Chairman. LEE MOOREHOUSE, Heo'y. Headquarters, Ruoma 1 and 8 Amer ican National Bank Building, Pendleton, Oiegoa, Paid Advertisement. Mulea Strayed. Strays ftoin tbe J. L. Stockman place ou Vausyole, two blaok mat mule, oonilug tour aud five year old, brand M 8 on light ahonldor. A re wind of 'J5 wilt be paid tor delivery of mulea to ma, ot a leaaonable ooui paueatioo will lie paid for information ieadiug lo their leoovery. Iufuimatlon oan ba left at the sheriff's cflloe or witb 13. L. Smith at Pendleton. M. D. Smith,, lt.F.D. No. 1, Helix, The Democratic Ticket We oall the attention of the voters to tbe demooratio ticket at tbe general eleotion, November 8, J8I4. It is composed of honest, capable, npiigbt and efliolent citizens who will make honorable putlio eervants and lefleot oredit upon the respective offices to whioh tbey aspire, if eleoted. They all believe in rigid pnblii) economy, lower taxes, a higher standard of pub lio morality, oivio purity, dignified law enforcement and stiiot perform ance of official dnty. For United States Senator. George E. Chamberlain, present en cumbent. For Governor. Cbarlcs J. Smith. ' For Senulor 19tb District, Umatilla, Uoion aud Morrow Counties. Joseph N. Soott. For Senator 20th Distriot, Umatilla Connty. D. O. Brownell. For Representative, S2nd Distriot, Umatilla and Morrow Counties. George H. Bishop. For Representative 33rd Disliiot, Umatilla County. Heorv J. Taylor, A. W. Simmons. For Sheriff. . T. D. Taylor present enonmbent. For Oonnty Judge. Charles H. Marsh. For County Commissioner. Lon Hodgen. . ' For Connty Clerk. T. 0. Frazier. For County Treasurer. R. O. HawkB. For Surveyor. John English. We invite careful attention to a consideration qf all these candidates. WILL M. PETERSON, Chairman. W. N. MATLOCK, Paid Adv. Seoretary. SUMMONS. Candidates LOUIS IIODGEN Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner, Residence: Vincent, Oregon. Paid Adv. T. D. TAYLOR Democratic Candidate for County Sheriff. Residence Pendleton, Oreg. ' Paid Adv. ROY W. RITNER Republican Nominee for Representative, 23rd Dist Umatilla County. Residence, Pendleton, Oreg. Paid Adv. CIIARLES II. MARSH Democratic Nominee for County Judue. Residence, Pendleton, Oregon. Paid Ad G. W. BRADLEY. Republican Nominee for Treasurer and Tax Collector. I ehall greatly appreciate your vote and influence in the coming election, Nov. 3rd and promise if re-elected the same faith ful, courteous, efficient service I have al ways given you in the past. Residence. Pendleton, Oreg. Paid Adv. RETTA E. WOMBOUGH Candidate for .County Coroner A Trained Nurse with 15 years ex perience. Conneuted witb no Under taking establishment. Practical ex parieuoe iu Gorouer"s office. A vote for Ratla E. Worn bong h is a vote for an experienced, effioieut publio eer vant. . , Paid Adv. GEORGE II. BISHOP Democratic Candidate for Joint Representative 22nd Dist. Umatilla and Morrow Counties. Lower taxes, fewer laws, economy In ttansaotlug pnblio bnainesa, especially in weedlug out useless oommlsaiona which are awalloniug the taxpayers' money, L. L. MANN Republican Candidate for County .Sheriff If elected Sheriff of Umatilla oonn ty, I promise tbe people tbat I will give my personal attention to the work of my office, aud that I will en deavor by every means to enforce all tbe laws ot tbe state ot Oregon, in cluding the law against bootlegging, gambliug aod prostitution and other orimes ef like nature. Aa a taxpayer, I am in. favor of eoouomy in all of tha business ot tba oonnty, and will, if elected, pondoot tha Sheriff' olBoe strictly npon hiwlnes principles. If eleoted, I plea's myself out to use my time or ttiatyof my- deouties for eleotioneeriog put poaea. Paid Ad. NOTICE. To TOfcom It May Concern: Yon will please take notice that all tbe stook on the Frank Moriiaetlek ranch is tbe property of tbe nuder&igoed and all persons taking any mortgage oi other eoutraot for ot againat.any snob prepeity, without tbe signature of the nudetalgned do ao at their own nek. Dated tbia 1st da? ot October, 1914 at Atheua. Oiegon. Sigued Ague Moirisette. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right In (he Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Umatilla Connty. SarabJ. Warner, Plaintiff, va. Jamea H. Warner, Defendant. To Jamea B. Warner, the ntove named defendant: In tbe name of the State of Oiegon, yon ere hereby required to appear and anawer tbe oomplaiot Sled against yon in tbe above entitled suit within six weeks cf tbe date of tbe first poniica tton of this Summons, to-wit: . Oo or before tbe 80th day of Ootober, A. D. 1914. And yon will take notioe that if you fail lo appear and answer or otherwise plead within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed for and demanded in plaintiff' said oom plaiot for tbe Decree of tbe Conrt forever dissolving tbe bonda of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for other eqnitable relief. Ibis Summon is published pursu ant to an order of Bon. Gilbert W, Phelps, Judge of tbe above entitled Conrt, duly made and tiled on tbe 16th day of September, 1914; and tbe first publication of this summons will be made in the Athena Press Newspaper published at Athena, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon on Friday tbe 18th day cf September 1914 and tbe last publica tion will be made on Friday, the 80th day of Oatober, 1914. Dated tbia tbe 16th day of Septem ber 1914. Will M. Peterson. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Account. In the County Conit of tbe Btate of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe Matter of the Estate of William Pinkerton, Deoeaeed. Nolioe is hereby given to all persona whom it may oonoern that James W. Pinkerton and David A. Pinkerton, exeontors of the estate of William Pinkerton, deoeased, bave filed their final aooonnt and report in the admin istration of tbe estate; that theCunnty Judge by order duly made and entered bas appointed Saturday tbe 21tn day of Ootober, A. D., 1914 at 10 O'clock in tbe forenoon aa tbe time, and tbe County Conrt Bouse at Pendleton, Oregon, aa tbe plaoe, where tbe eaid final aocount and report will be beard and the settlement thereof made. Dated tills 18th day of Sept., A. D. 1914. James W. Pinkerton. - David A. Pinkerton, by Homer I. Watts, Exeontors. At.y, for Executors. Notice to Creditors, (o the County Conrt of tbe State of Oiegon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of tbe Estate of S. M. White, Deceased. Notioe ia hereby given to all persona whom it may oonoern tbat Matilda R. White baa qualified aa administratrix of the estate of'S. M. White, deoeased, aud all persons having claims against tbe estate are required to present them witb proper vouobers as required by law, to said administratrix at ber borne in Athena, Ore., or to ber attor ney, Homer I. Watts, at bia law otfioe in Atbena, Ore., within six months from the first publionton of this notioe. Dated this 28th day of August, 1914. Homer I. Watts, Matilda R. White, Attorney.' Administratrix. Notice of Administrator's Sale. In tbe County Court ot Umatilla County, State of Oregon. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of Louis LaBrasobe. deceased. Notioe is hereby giveo by me, W. S. Ferguson, administrator of the estate of Louis LaBrasobe, deoeased, tbat on Saturday, the 81st day of Ootober, 1914, at Atbena, Umatilla Conntv, Oregon, I will sell to tbe highest and best tldder for oash in hand all the following desoribed realty, whioh be longs to the estate of Luuis LaBrasobe, deceased, realty desoribed aa follows, to wit: Tbe S. E. H of tbe N. W. of Seo. 31, T. 4, N. R. 35. E. W. M. in Umatilla Connty, Oregon, contain ing forty aoies more or less. This notioe is given pursuant to tbat certain order made and entered in the above entitled matter in open oonrt on September 83, A. D. 1914, direuting tbe administrator herein to sell said roalty. W. S. Ferguson, Administrator. Hot Lake Manager Would Like Notice of Arrival In Advance. Persons oootempating a visit to Hot Lake Springs, Oregon, who require the service of a wheel ohalr or other spe cial oonvenienoe, are requested by the mauagomeut to give notioe ot arrival in advanoe, so that proper oara and attention may ba assured. Adv.4t. THE BEST FITTING Nicest Looking Garments, all made to order in America. First Prize and Gold Medal Thh MutK&IUsms IMNT,SMIJtl siuvthua HDSIS NOT l 4 r Ladies' Que tailored snlta from your ewn olotb or our. Rain coats tor kdies and gentlemen, highest qoiilty, lowest prioes. Man' shirts to order. Pieotioal np lo date oleaniog, alter ing and repairing. J. A. CONLEY.THETAILOR Fos House, 1 Block North of School. J Professional 8. F. Sharp r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls both night and day. Oalls promptly answered. Offlce on Third Street, Athena Oreaor DR. A. B. STONE, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Post Building.: Phone, 601 DR. J. W. WELCH Dentist Athena, Oregon Office Hours: 9 a. m, to 4:30 p. m. PETERSON & BISHOP Attorneys-at-Law v Freewater, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attornev-at-Law Athena, Oregon. DR. E. B. OSBORN Veterinary Surgeon Si Dentist Graduate McKllllp.Vetlnary college Onloee: Commerical able aud Bales D ru g Btor . Fboue Main , or S iinfc. Mm 1 OFFICERS . , W 3. 8HAFFEB President, W. 8. FERUUSON, Vioe-President, V LaQROW. Cashier. B. F. CANNON, Asa't Cashier I DIRECTORS ro B SHAFFER. H. KOEPKE, W. S. FERGUSON M. L. WAITS, F. S. Le OKUW. fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $100,000.00 I We extend to our Depositors every ey4ccommdation consistent with sound Banking. TOURTELLOTTE &1MIL Architects R. W. HATCH, Manager Despain Building, : Pendleton, Oregon. e)e)e)e)e)e)1 ,ie) a- THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I S. . FBOOME, pbop. -1 r ' ; Iff ' Only First-class Hotel in the City. Iff ; ' : THE ST. NICHOLS , la the only one that can accommodate commarolal travelers, fff ' Can beieoomended for lti clean and ell ventilated room. 4 Cob. Maik and third, atheua. Or. Money 10 Lean 6 1 per cent, on 2 Wheat Land Call or Write, F. R. ATKINS, No. 12, East Court Street, Pendleton. THE TUM A LUM17AY To Our Customers: Our Engineering Department at Walla Walla ia equipped witb Arohiteot and Engineers, who supply nawitb FREE PLANS ANDS PEOIFIOATIONS oontaining oomplete working drawing and detaila. If jon contemplate ereotng a new borne, onr big new f 15,000 plan took ot over one hundred oontaina yonr "Ideal Home." This plan book ia the best ever pnblisbed. All designs therein bave been built many times. Our material liat and oost data on tbem are aoourate. We oan give yon an estimate oovering tbeaotnal ooat on yonr gronnd, "in no time." PLANS tot Barns, Siloa, Milk bouses, Hog houses, Model Sohoola and Cbnrohea, Bank and Otfloe Buildings are famished with tbe lat est ideas. By building right THE TUM A LUM WAY yon get tbe most for the leaat ooat. We help Build what you want "See A. M. JOHNSON about it" at THE HOME OF TUM-A-LUMBER Watches on Installments Small Payment Down, balance can be in Monthly Installments. Thus you will be en abled to secure a splendid, Standard Timekeep er without feeling the cost. ' lire I L. S. Vincent, , JEWELERj Athena, Oreg. Wood in Carload Lots Cascade 4 foot Fir Wood, $5.75 Cascade 4 foo Maple Wood, . ... 6.00 Cascade 4 foot Alder Wood, .... 5.30 F. 0. B. Athena - Pendleton Branches North ern Pacific Railway. c. o. Williams! Postofflce, Edgewater, Washington. THE ATHENA MEAT MARKET We carry the best MEATS That Money Buys Our Market is Clean and Cool Insuring Wholesome Meats. BRYAN & MEYER Main Street, Athena, Oregon STATEWIDE PROHIBITIOfJ MEANS XE . THEY'RE TOO BIG 110 W! Vote 333 X110 Against Prohibition Register before Thursday, October 15 Voting qualifications: Six months' residence in the state, 30 days in precinct Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment will have no effect upon the efficient home rule or local option statutes now in force, and each community will continue to determine its individual stand on the matter of granting licenses. Paid AdreftlsaaMat, Taaaajete a4 Wag Baraaea" League at Orafoat Poftkad. Otafwa, .