Press Paragraphs Nf, MIbs Bessie Ksj is visiting tbla week in Weston. ' Mrs. J. P. LieaalleQ of Weston, was in Athena Wednesday. Oliver Diakensoa transacted busi ness in Pendleton, Tuesday. A. D. Frost was in the oity fiom Pendleton, Wednesday niRbt. Hajer gayer was over iiom' bis. Umatilla river lanoh Monday, : Hany Biokers, well known Peodle tonian, waa in Athena Tuesday. Mrs. Harry MoDride has been visit ing relatives at Adams this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Lienallen were in the olty from Weston, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MaoCormaoh of Pendleton, were in the oity Wed nesday. - Mrs. Phillips took the morning train for Pendleton, where she is spending the day. Mrs. Ony Jonaa and children left this morning for Echo to visit rela tives a few days. Miss Graue Finnell, who is visiting a: the L. M. Nelson home, spent Wed nesday in Pendleton, y Tb9 Oity Meat Market sells pnre leaf laid in B lb pails for 6o; 10 lb pail for fl. 86. Adv. If yoo are in Weston Saturday' Watts and Rogers are likely to epiii a trap on Ton. Bee big ad, Miss Ruth Krets oame over this morning from Milton where she is attending Colombia College. Mrs. Bryan,. Mrs. Weloh, Mrs. Bad ike and Mrs. Mahar motored to Walla Walla' yesterday in the Bijac oar. Dr. Stone repoits the arrival of a son at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Nelson of Adams, on Ootober 8tb. tftnsBeil Piersol Is spending the week tMoro, Sherman oonnty, visiting 'relatives. Doling his absenoe, Emery men aAWi Snmast C. E. RUDE, LIVESTOCK ; and Genera AUCTIONEER .-'4 -Satisfaction Guaranteed Reference First National Bank of Athena Leave Orders with F. S. Le Grow, or phone Main 363, Pendleton Ore. Residence, 501 Pine Street. Polley & Polley Contractors and Builders of Bungalows and Buildings Prices right and all work guaranteed. ' P. O. Box 158, or call at Mrs. Harden's. Wortbington is looking after the tal- bop. . Mr. and Mrs. Hash MoArtbnr are from tbeir home in Portland, guests at the Geo. Banister borne in this oity. - Emery Wortbington held the luoky nnmber whiob drew the big oard of harness trimmings at Steele's harness shop. Have you registeied? It not, get busy and do so. Aooordiog to law, the registration books will olose on Ootober IS. Mrs. T. J. Kirk baa porohaBed a' !ord oar, add it is equipped wiib an eleotiio self starter, the flrst teen on Fold, here. ; obn Tompkins and wife oame in m the ianon and spent yesterday in the oity, visiting at the William lompkins home, J. M. Swaggart has some pore bred Plymouth Book cookerels for sale. These' birds all are hardy and fine specimens. Ad v.. henry Keen and Beed Bill will rep resent Pvtbiaa Lodge No. 29, K. of P. at the grand lodge in' Portland, next week as delegates. Mrs. Wooddy, of laooma, will arrive here tomonow and will spend the winter at the home of ber danghter, Mrs. Cass Cannon. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Kirk returned to tbeir home at Halsey, Satuiday evening, after a two week's visit with f liends in tbia vioinity. Sigmon, lorn Gilkey and Post master Worthington left yesterday morning fo.i the Grand Bonds river for a two weeks deer bont. Polley & Polley, oonttnotors and bnildera bave looated in Atbena and are prepared to do all kinds of oai psuter woik at reasonable prions. W. S. Fergnson and M. L. Watts went to Portland Tuesday evening on business. They motored to Pendleton, taking the night train from there. Caspar Woodward reoently return ed from bis Adams oounty farm, where seeding operations aie under way with very favorable conditions. . Mr. and Mis. John MoBae, of Wes ton, were in the oity Wednesday even ing and attended the meeting of Mao Eenzie Chapter, 112,. Order of Eastern Star. W. Conn, an expert automobile ma- ohiuist has entered the employ of Tharp Brothers, aud is prepared to' make any kind of repairs on maobines, Adv. For Sale A new Columbia Urapb aphone, mahogany finish, oost last winter, f50 and 25 splendid reoords all for $39 oasb, at tbe Press offloe. Adv. Mr: and Mis. Willard Bradley of Freewater, visited relatives in this vioinity the past week. Mr. Btadiey is the republioan oaudidate for oounty smveyor, Mr. and Mis. Edw. E. Eoontz will remove to Portland fo reside. After a litelong lesidence in Athena, thev will te greatly missed by alargeoirole of friends. Connoilmao Miller bas been appoint ed a committee of one to dispose of the lumber and timoeia iotbe old oity water tower. If yon want it see bim at onoe. Adv. ...... Dr. Wood left Saturday fnr Seaside. He will retnin about November 1, when bis wife, who is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Caspar Woodward and Mrs. David Stone, will join him on their return South to spend the wintei mouths. Charles Kirk oame np from tbe Willamette valley Monday and re turned Tuesday. Mr. Kirk may oon olude to retuin to Athena to reside in the near fntnte. Butter wiappeis weie printed at tbn Press office this week for Mrs. M. C. Feigusou, Mis. E. , Gagnon and Mrs. Joseph Sheaid, Mrs. Wm. Kilgore and Mrs. 0. C. Barton. Gbailea E. Bond, a well known Pen dleton merohant and MisaFranoos Ire laud Borobill were onited inmairiage la that eity Wednesday and left oo a wedding tour to California, Mr. and Mrs. FiedKoonta will leave Monday for Portland, where they will make their fotnre borne. Mr. Eoontz bas seonred a position with a whole sale grooery Arm in Portland. G. O. Blohaidson, postmaster at Adams, reoently passed tbe oivil ser vioe examination, and as a resnlt bis oommission has been extended under tbe exeoutive order of May 7,1918. Mrs. W. W. MoPherson returned borne Saturday evening from Mai quam, Oregon, where she spent a week with ber invalid mother, whom she. reports to te in a vnry feeble state. The republioan candidates announoa a rousing oampaign tour of the oonn ty. Tbey will make tbe trip by a o to mobile, begioniug next Thursday witb a meeting at Albee and Ukiab. Grandma Van Wiukle of Weston, visited a oonple of daya this week at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wil son, aha oontemplates taking a trip to Portland, to visit ber son, Fiank. Mrs. John C. Walter aud sister, Mrs. Bisoboff, of Nortb Yakima, visited last week witb relatives and friends in. Walla Walla, returning to their home west of town, Sunday evening. Watts & Rogers of Weston bave brought notion in Jnstioe Biohaids' ooort against Joseph Lienallen on a obarge of removing a division fenoe. Time bas not keen set for tbe bearing. .1. J. .Tnhnitnn hna leased Lis lanoh northwest of town to Alex Molhtyre, and left on tbe evening train, Tuesday fnr hia hnmn in Ohio. Tbe nlaoa has fotmerly been farmed by David Fer ris. M. A. Baker and Mr. and Mia. Jobn B. Baker, of Weston, were in tbe oity Wednesday. For many years Mr. Baker was postmaster at Weston, an one time was editor of the Weston ader, ; TYveGreaterOresoTv 11T1j.L. J : "a - . . - - 1 Tiio new ouuuinic vcticr equip ment, enlarged grounut, mod many ad dition to its faculty, tne University of Oregon will begin its thirty -ninth year Tuesday. September 15. Special tratnimr for Buaintiia. Jnnr. nausm, Law. medicine, Teaching, Li brary Work, Music. Architecture, iujmuii iniiaing ana rine Arcs. LflnreBt and atranaett ripnartmontn of liberal education. Library of nor than 5,MI volutttM, two splendid gymnulumt, eleven baltdlagi fully equipped. new iw,v AamiDuiraiioo Building in course of construction. Tuition Free. Domltoriee for smb o (or women. Expeneee loweet. Write for citelog tad IHuttrsMd booklet, Aatdreealng RegUtrmr, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE. OREGON School Sypplies - We now have on hand a com " plete assortment of school N Supplies Consisting of tablets, pencils, pens, holders, inks, eras ers, pencil boxes, rulers, water colors, paints and numerous other articles for school work. Byron N. Hawks, "We Druggist ffm sjin iWiii . ii'"iniiii'iiiiiiiiii"'"iiiii iM in " ' ' I i ill -TsT!i-lVletaia 'lif ''llllll ll al"lllllW ")0m.' "Hil""' IJIH1 ""' H LI t o. J. Parker ilfilP BT7tki( Flr.t 01m - Bl.a.r. SOUTH SISE KAH STREET ATKOU was assisted In serving by Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs; 0. F. Wood, little Elliot Wood and Jennie Mar Bead. Piano selections were given by Mrs. David 8 ton 3, and several delightful readings by Mis. Wood. The goesta fion town were: Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. B. D. Thaip. Mr.: Ar B. Stone, Mrs. Lizzie MansSeld. Mis. Lion Kid der and MiBS Lnla Tharp. Milton Anderson, oonvioted of hold ing np and attempting to rob a farm hand named Dempaey employed on the Reader lanoh, was sentenoed by Jndge Phelps to aerve from one to ten years In the penitentiary. James Navin, a well known Helix obaraoter was indioted jointly witb Andeisou, and baa been ont on a 1760 bond. Anderson tamed states evidenoe, and Tuesday morning, when Navin's oaae was called, be failed to apppear. JHis bond was declared forfeited. ' It is be lieved that be bas skipped ont. Be leaves a family. The reoital by Miss Nellie Dee Whiting at the Christian ohorob Wednesday evening was bigbly ap pieoiated by the andienoe, wbioh waa composed of ber patrons and mosio lovers of tbe oity. Miss Wbitiog won ber andienoe witb her first nnmber, tbe brilliant Schumann Carnival. The program was a varied one, ahowing the versatility of toe performer and inoluded the Nootoine of Chopin, Grieg's Wedding Day,' the Ballade, and "Under tbe Trees," fay Stanb; Miss Wbitiog bas enrolled quite a large olass of mosio students, wbo are very fortunate in securing her ser vices. ' . Tbe jnry in the Mose Taylor oase reported a verdiot of guilty of assault Inasday afternoon. Taylor waived time for sentenoe and was fined $350 by Judge Pbelps. Tbe state oon tended that Taylor had strnok R. C, Andeison, who bad been working for bim, with a pole over the bead. Tay lor's defense was that he merely push ed Andeison against a; woodpile -witb bis bands and tbat be did ao alter being piovoked by an insult Anderson bad ottered against the woman oook. Taylor was bharged in tbe indictment with aaeaolt with a dangeions weapon, a penitentiary oBense, but tbe jury compromised npon an offense of as sault, punishable hy fine or jail sen tenoe. , "Kubitagari." One. of the strangest disease! Is known aa kublsngnri. It is common in northern Japan nud in n small dis trict on the Krnnco-Swlsa frontier, bat unknown elsewhere, its symptoms arc a sudden paralysis of certain mus cles, loss of vision nnd vertigo. The attacks lust about ten minutes and continue from May to .November, re covery nlways coming In the autumn. Nothing Js known about its cause, though "Dr. I'. I,. Coucliuud describes In tbe Presso Medicate a microbe he found In the cerebro spinal fluid nnd tho milk of persons suffering from the disease. The name kubisagarl is Jap anese and means "drop bend." Conclusive. Two Pullman porters representing different railroads met off duty and progressed from friendly gossip to heat ed nrgumeut Their qimrrel centered about which one worked for the better road. . Their claims, figures and argu ments en me fast and furious. At last the tall, thin porter settled the dispute Willi these classic words: "Go on, nlg gah: we kills mo' people den you fel tn': tote." Argonaut. Making and Earning Money. "What is the rtlffereure between making money ami isirning money?" asked the youth. "Sometliut's the Ulffereuce is n trip to the penitentiary for counterfeiting," nimveml the home grown philosopher. .0. E. Miller came down from Kph- rata Wash, and spent the week in the oity. fie is engaged in well drilling in tbe npper oonntry and baB bad a most(enooessfnl run during the past season. Jobn Banister was in town ynateiday from Weston. Mr. Banister eavs Wes ton's Normal sobool oommicten of pub licity is receiving enoouraging reports from over tbe state relative to the IS' establishment of the sobool. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fied Qioss ran a Urge eplintec in ber linger Tuesday. The little one was brought to Dr. Sharp's offloe, where it was fonnd necessary to use an ones tbotio before tbe splinter oould be soo. oesstully lemoved. A reception was given nt the Meth odist chuion Tuesday evening in hon or of the newly aimed pastor, Rev, Lambert, and wife. A nnmber of tbe people of Atbena welcomed Mr. and Mis. Lambert to the oity and relresn meats were seived by tbe ladite of the ohorob. The program at tbe Dreamland theater for tonight and tomorrow night: 1 and a. "Silent Ueatb," Edison 8. "bis Fireman's Cons cience," Biogiapb, Sunday: 1. "Nearly Mairied,," Selig. 3."Uld vs. the New") Essanay. 8 "Cotey's Vaoatioo," Vitagiapb. At Walla Walla, Ootober 88, The Philadelphia Amerioan League team and an all star team from tbe National League, will play an exhibition game. Atheua base ball fans will attend tbe game in foioe, one ot them remaiking last evening tbat to a Be Connie Maok, would be worth the prioe of admis sion. Roy Alexander, well known yonog Pendleton merohant, was iu town Tuesday. Boy was chief floor man ager ot the dance hall down in Happy Canyon, during tbe Bonodup, and only the fact tbat he was a married man became known In time to aave him fiom being kidnapped by tbe oowgiua. Tbe flrst regular meeting after its formal institution and reoeipt of ohurter last Friday evening at tbe hands cf Mrs. Jessie Vert, P. W. G. M was held Wednesday night ot this week, by MaaKenzie Chapter, No. 112 O. E. S. at Masooio hall. Meet ings will ba held regularly hereafter, throughout the winter. The data of tba County Teaohera' In stitute in Pendleton, baa been set for Ootober 89, 80 and 81, instead of the 13, 13 and 11, as erroneously anboooo ed by soma papers: The Directors' Convention is to be held Ootober 80. This announcement is made by request of Supt. I. E. Yoang, wbo desires to correct the mistake. Yoong America saw visions of a ltigan atew go glimmering Monday rnigbt, whin tbe borly form of Mar abal Kamsey bo;a in eight and inter rupted festivities. Chiokens only 3 were purloined by tbe kids from Henry Bairett'a chiokeo boose. The boys answered for tbeir shortcomings before Juitioe Blohards. Wednesday evening. Elmer Conoick and another guard fiom the Walla Walla psnitntiaiy, were in the oity last evening, witb bloodbonnds, in search of two eaoaped convicts. Tbe men escaped from tbe rock qnairy at Dixie, Wash, yesterday morning and their tiail led to a cross ing on Mill oreek, above Walla Walla and it is presumed tbat they followed tbe toot bills in tnis direction or went into tbe neontaiof. Tbe Sonsbioa Clnb met at the borne of M. Caspar Woodwaid yesterday afternoon, wbera a moat pleasant time was bad by all present Tbia waa tbe Brat meeting of tba slab for several weeks, and tha oeeaaioo waa mad aa extra one ty tbe boston, in tha lean ing of dainty Invitation oards and an elaborate three ooorso lunoh. Ehe HE. WANTS BRIDGE AT THORN HOLLOW Barrv Saver waa in town Tuesday and raised bis voice in protest against the proposition tbat bas come np to turn down the oonstinotion ot a bridge at Thorn Hollow oiossing in favor ot nna at Misatnn. Ua aavs a netitioa bearing the names of many taxpayers was presented tbe oonnty court, piay ing for a tridge at Thoio Hollow, tbat a biidge there is badly needed by laud owners on both sides of tbe river, and be fails to see where a bridge at Mii- tnn nan ha of moah beneUt to the traveling habile Theie are river marts nn both aides fiom Mission to Pendleton, a distanoe of five miles in tho hiidsa nroBsinn tbe river at Pen dleti n ; I bat only territory 8 1-3 miles in breadth lies between the Mission river roads and the Wild Boise mac adam road, and the load on the sontb .it. nf itha titer li a sood one with out need of a crossing in traveling to Pendleton. Mr. gayer believes that the proposed Mission ' biidge bas been originated for tbe purpose ot smoth ering tbe Tboin Hollow onage. WATTS ROGERS WESTON, OR EG. A Trap is Set For You by Watts & Rogers tomorrow. Gome over and spring it Clay Pigeon. Choice Lumber Two carloads just in. A carload of the best Blacksmith Coal on hand. Come to us for a choice Carriage, Hack or wagon, . That Bargain Hog Wire keeps going. In quality, the galvanizing stands 4 one minute dips, and all for 26c per rod. X 1 1 kNS? I KfsUilW and Consid er Quality of Goods The difference in services rendered will decide in the mind whether or not it pays to buy GROCERIES HERE Take your last week's grocery bill, Mrs. Housekeeper, the one . that you paid at the other store, and compare it with this week's statement at this store, and let the saving-difference in the cost of living-be your guide. FIX s RADTKE THE "MONEY-BACK STORE" ATHENA, OREGON. PROHIBITION'S DISMAL RECORD OF FAILURES FIFTEEN SPLENDID EASTERN STATES HAVE EXPLODED FALSE THEORY Maine has just elected a governor and a majority of legislators upon a platform opposed to statewide prohibition and pledged to sub mit to the people at the next general .election a local option law. Opposed to these successful candidates were aspir I ants seeking office on a statewide prohibition platform AFTER SIXTY-FOUR YEARS OF PROHIBITION, MAINE IS CRYING FOR LOCAL OPTION Vermont adopted prohibition in 1850, repealed it in 1003, "tried it" 53 years New Hampshire " ' " " 1855, ' " 1903, " " 48 " Michigan " " ' " 1855, " " 1875, 20 " Connecticut " " " 1854, " 1872, " 18 " Rhode Island " " " 1852, " " 18C3, " " 1 1 " Massachusetts " " " 18GD, " 1875, " " 6 South Dakota " " " 1890, " " 1890, " " 6 " Alabama " ' " " 1908, " " 1911, " 3 " Nebraska " " " 1855, " " 1858, " " 3 " Illinois " " " 1851, " " 1853, " " 2 jowa " 1881, ' "(by mulct law) 1893, " " 12 V New York " " M 1855, statute was declared unconstitutional Indiana " :' " 1855, " " " ' Ohio '.'".. " 1851, and annulled it by License Tax Law Wisconsin " " " 1855, statute vetoed by governor Is there any reason why Oregon should experiment with this freak legislation? Register before Thursday, October 15 Defeat of the proposed prohibition amendment has no effect on the present efficient local option or home rule law. A NO (Till AdreitiKawal-TutMren nA Wn Baraen' Uw ol OrttnC Portltod, On.)