POULTRY and " Dairy Produce of all kinds wanted. Writ for our CASH OFFER Pearson-Page Co. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Bonirhr, told and exchanged; entrlne. botlera. mw mills, tc Send for Stock List and Prices, 1HE J. E. MARTIN CC 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES I; - jtomrmrftt Lnro-a MMTtm'nt. Sncs btt,- claJ ncea. KtfflinfalUN s , '-rmJ IM MIIIH l,KtniEKt13 us. approval and guaran td by Horn concern. Writ for samples of work, stating make preferred. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 3511 Wish. St., Pwtlud, Or. - ' It Stumps the Devil. - The devil was reading the war news o'er. At each fresh Item he gave a roar. "It sickens me even to think of that gore," said the creature In red. "The kings who plan out such mis ery, the horrible torture and butchery, to call them 'dovils' is flattery," and he shook hiu head. "I've never been called fastidious, but when Sherman said 'War is hell,' the cuss was altogether unjust to us," Beelzebub said. Boston Advertiser, typhoid; la no more necessary ; than Smallpox. Arm I experience has demonstrated the almost miraculous effJ- Cacy aadfcsrmleiinesi.of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It ii mow vital than house insurance Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have you hid Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from use, snd dancer from Typhoid Carriers, rile CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAU MooueiM vacciNM a iuum uaoia u. a aov.ucsisi SUCCESS Depends Upon Your Training Our courses In Shorthand, Pen mEnship, Business Training and Telegraphy will equip you for -successful business career. - FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 7 BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth Street, New Morrison, Portland, Or We Guarantee Positions for AL Our Graduates.' rrme us, ho irouoie lo Answer. , The Dumdum Bullets, ' was expected the charge that dumdum bulletB are being used Hi the war has appeared. There has not been a war since the dumdum was frowned upon at the second Hngue conference because it shatters bones and tears great holes in the flesh. This time It Is the French who claim that German soldiers are using It, The dumdum Is so called because it was first made by the British at Dum dum, India, the scene of the first out break In the mutiny of 1857. The Brit ish soldiers found that the small size bullet they were using would not stop their fanatical enemies. In civilized warfare It was customary for a man shot through the body to think he hud enough fighting for awhile, but the Sepoys were different, bo the British soldiers made a bullet that would flat ten out wh-1 it struck a bone, making a terrible wound. , " t There ImB since been a dispute as to whether the dumdum should be out lawed. On the one hand It Is argued that its use greatly increases the per centage of killed, and on the other that it should not be outlawed while artillery Is permitted to throw shells that tear dozens of men limb from limb. Most of the powers now fight ing have agreed that it should not be used. Savannah News, , ' In Disguise. Nutlve Yes, I Buys Ihe squire be praised. He gave us that bootlful free library. Tourist I'm glad you appreciate It; but you don't look like a reading man, either. Native No, sir; I don't use tee li brary, but my old woman gets the job o' cleaning it out! London Opinion. FARMER'S WIFE TOO ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Kasota, Minn. "I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable Compound has dona more for me than anything else, and I had the best physi cian here. I was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf fered with pains low i down in my right side for a year or more. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a different person. I believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound for weak women and young girls, and I would be glad if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for I know it will do all and much mora than it is claimed to do." - Mrs. Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing Ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia K. IMuk ham's Vegela tile Compound will help you, write toLydlaK.PinkhutnMediclneCa. (confidential) Lynn, M u.ts., t o- Bti vlce. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held la strict coulidonua. 'i v ' -V ' A. 't it nw WILSON ANSWERS KAISER'S PLAINT Reply Made to German Charge of Use of Dumdum Bullets. Washington Says Conference at End of War Will Lay Blame On Guilty Side. Washington, P. C President Wil son Thursday replied to Emperor Wil liam's protest that the allies were using dumdum bullets. The - Presi dent's reply follows closely the state ment he made to the Belgian commis sioners protesting against the alleged German atrocities. His reply to Pres ident Poincare's"" message will follow the same lines. The text of the Pres ident's reply to Emperor William was : "I received your Imperial Majesty's important communication of the 7th and have read it .with the gravest in terest and'eoncern. I am honored that MEYER WALDECK T ",'T"T His Excellency Meyer Waldeck is the German governor of Klauchau, Germany's olty la China whloh Japan is attaoking. ' ' rK,D, No. as, ism VP """ irmtlmn. rbwe mm- this raaer. you should have truned to me for an impartial' judgment as the representa tive of a people truly disinterested as respects the present war and truly de sirous of knowing and accepting the truth. "You will, I am'sure, not expect me to say more. Presently, I pray God very soon, this war will be over. The day of accounting will then come, when, I take it for granted, the na tions of Europe will assemble to de termine a settlement. Where wrongs have been committed their conse quences and the relative responsibility involved will be assessed. "The nations of the world have for tunately, by agreement made a plan for such a reckoning and settlement. When such a plan cannot compass, the opinion of mankind, the final arbiter in such matters, will supply- "It would be unwise, it would be premature, for a single government, however fortunately separated from the present struggle, it would even be inconsistent with the neutral position of any nation, which, like this, has no part in the contest, to- form or express a final judgment. "I speak thus frankly, because I know that you will expect and wish me to do so as one friend should to an other, and because I feel sure that such a reservation of judgment until the end of the war, when all its events and circumstances can be seen in their entirety and in their true relation, will commend itself to you as a true ex pression of sincere neutrality. "WOODROW WILSON." The President made a similar reply to the Belgian commission which vis ited the White House to protest against the alleged atrocities commit ted by the Geramns in Belgium. WAR IS COSTING BRITONS ALONE $44.80 A SECOND London The cost of the war up to the present, including the losses result ing from commercial paralysis, has been (11,265,000,000, according to fig ures compiled here, The cost to Eng land alone, based on figures covering 43 days from August 1, has been $166, 500,000. This is at the rate of $3, 872,093 a day, $161,837 an hour, $2689 a minute and $44.80 a second. Explosive Bullets Found. Petrograd The general headquar ters of the Red Cross announces that it has been informed by telegraph by its representative with the First Rus sian regiment at the front that when Austrian fortifications have been cap tured quantities of explosive bullets, packed In special parcels and labeled. have been found. It is also charged that explosive missiles have been used by the ' Austrians. The headquarters of the Red Cross has been requested by its representatives to send a com mission to investigate the charge. Noted Hungarian Held. Bordeaux Max Nordau, the author and physician, and Count Michael Ka- rolyi, president of the Hungarian Inde pendent party, are among the foreign ers who are being temporarily detained here. Nordau, although born in Buda pest, has lived 34 years in France and does not disguise his sympathy with the French army. In a conversation with Paul Berthelot, the writer, Nor dau said: "We fight expecting a happy era for Europe. Total disarma ment is a chimera, but partial disarm ament may be realised. " "Ambrose Bieree Missing. Washington. D. "0. Ambrose Bierce, widely known as an author and newspaper writer, has been missing in Mexico since last December, and friends have requested the .State de partment to begin a search for him. PRINCE OF WALES TO FRONT The twenty-year-old prince of Wales leaving Buckingham palace to join his regiment, the Grenadier Guards, with which he went to the continent. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. Portland The scarcity of potatoes, the firm prices asked by growers and the poor quality of a good many of the recent arrivals have led to the ship ping in of outside stock. ' Two cars reached here one day this week, one coming from Yakima and the other from California. A quantity of Idaho potatoes is also on the market. The jobbers are getting $1.50 for these potates, whereas, $1.30 is all that re tailers will pay for the ordinary run of home-grown stock. The early Oregon crop suffered se verely from the dry summer, and the potatoes were small in size and for the most part inferior. The late crop, which has not yet come on, has been materially benefitted by the recent rains. The vines are green and grow ing and potato authorities now esti mate that the crop, if an early frost does not get it, will be fully two-thirds of normal. Before the rain came they did not look for over half a crop. There is much complaint of the re fusal of farmers to sort over their stock properly. There are enough good potatoes on the farmB to supply all local needs, and if they were graded there would be no necessity of bring ing in outside stock. There is a fair run of stock at the stock yards and trade was quite active. The cattle market continued to exhibit strength, as did sheep, but hop prices were lower and the undertone of the market was heavy. The feature of trading in the cattle division was the sale of two loads of prime Steers, averaging 1055 pounds, at $7.37. A few head were disposed of at $7.25, and other sales were closed at $6.25 to $6.70. " The hog market was under the same strain that has borne prices down of late, liberal receipts and more or less of poor quality material. The best price obtainable was $8.55, which lacks 20 cents of the price paid for standard hogs. Steady prices were realized in the few transactions in the sheephouse. Choice ewes sold at $4.50, and others at $3.50 and $4,. while lambs were taken at $5.75. Cattle Prime steers, $6.757.10; choice, $6.606.76; ' medium, $6.26 (fi6.50; choice cows, $5.7661)6.50; me dium, $5.25(h 5.75;heifers, $5.506.25; calves, $6(i8.50; bulls, $3 4.75; stags, $4.60(6. Hogs Light, $6.707.76; heavy, $7.70607.75. Sheep Wethers, $4(3)5.40; ewes, $3.50604.60; lambs, $6(8)5.50. Wheat Bid: Bluestem, $1.02Je per bushel; forty-fold, 92c; club, 91c; red Russian, 89c; red Fife, 90c. Oats Bid: No. 1 white feed, $26 per ton. Barley Bid: No. 1 feed, $22.60 per ton; brewing, 23.50; bran, $23; shorts, $24. Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $26 26.50 per ton; shorts, $2929.60; rolled barley, $28. Corn Whole, $38 per ton; cracked, $29. Hay Old timothy. Eastern Oregon, $15(i;16 per ton; new crop timothy, valley, $12.60(0)13; grain hay, $810; alfalfa, $11(3)12. Onions Yellow, $11.25 per sack. Vegetables Cucumbers, 60c per box; eggplant, 7c per pound; peppers, 67Jcj artichokes, 85c$l per doz. ; tomatoes, 40(i50c per crate; cabbage, H((i;2c per pound; peas, 66c; beans, 4(a!6c; corn, 75c$l per sack; celery, 50((i.85c per doien; cauliflower, $2.26 per crate; asparagus, $2.25 per box; sprouts, 10c per pound. Green r rutls Apples, new, 5Uc(dj $1 box; cantaloupes, $11.25 per. crate; casabas, $1.2!k;1.60 per dozen; pears, $1(01.25; peaches, 40g66c per box; grapes, 65c$l. 15 crate. Potatoes Oregon, $1.36 per sack;; sweet potatoes, 2tc Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch,' case count, 30c; candled, 82(ii)34c Poultry Hens, 15c; springs, 15(a) 15ic; turkeys, 20c; dressed, choice. 26c; ducks, 1 (Hal 5c; geese, 10c. Butter Creamery prints, extras. 35c per pound; cubes, 8132c. Fork Block, 11 JM;12c per pound. Veal Fancy, 13Jai4o per pound. Hops 1914 crop, 17ft(18c; fugglea. lS(T18ic; 1913 crop, nominal. Wool Valley, 18020lc pound; Eastern Oregon, 16 20 Jc; mohair, 1914 clip, 271c Caseara bark Old and new, 4c per pound. mm jMT' rr y i 12. 16 AND 20 GAUGE CI frHammerless Repeating Shotguns ie Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating shotgun on the market. Although light in weight, it has great strength, because its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or Studio WttuJutUr RtpMttng Arm Co.,Nt If avm. Com., for elradar. ZIGBT WEIGHT, NICKSI, STEEL REPEATER. THE. War Leaders Are Old Men. 7 The European war seems 'to dis prove the old saying, "Young' men for war, old men for counsel." The lead ers in all nations are men no longer young. Some of them are really old. Here are a few of them. England's war chief, Horatio Her bert Kitchener, general and viscount, was born in Bally Longford, County Kerry, Ireland, June 24, 1850, the son of a lieutenant colonel in the British army. He entered the army in 1868. Field Marshal Sir John French, commander-in-chief of British forces In the field, was born in England in 1852, the son of a naval officer. He served with distinction in the army in India and in South Africa. General Joffre, commander-in-chief of the French army, is 62 years old. He entered the French army when he was 18 yearB old and served through the Franco-Prussian war. He is a noted disciplinarian, General Helmuth von Moltke, chief of Kaiser William's general staff, was born May 23, 1848, in Gersdorf, Meck lenburg. He is a veteran of the Franco-Prussian war and a field marshal. Premier Stephen Tisza, of Hungary, called "the dual monarchy's man of the hour," was born In April, 1861. He has been prominent since 1886 In Hun garian political life. - Emperor Francis Josef of Austria waB born August 15, 1830, and has reigned since 1848. King Albert I of Belgium was born April 8, 1875. Emperor William II of Germany was 'torn January 27, 1859, and has reigned dnce June 15, 1888. Emperor Nicholas II of Russia was born May 18, 1868, and has been on the throne since November 1, 1894. King Peter I of Servia was born in 1846 in Belgrade, and was proclaimed king Juno 11, 1903. King George V of England was born June 3, 1865, and succeeded his father May 6, 1910. Detroit Free PfeBB. Putnam Fadeless Pyes make no muss. Good Time to Bite. A farmer met a man at a railroad depot who asked him for a chew of tobacco. The farmer pulled out a plug and said: "Have you got a knife?" "No," replied the man. "Have you any particular place where you want me to bite it?" "Nope," said the farmer. - The man Jumped aboard the moving train and yelled back: "All right, then, I'll bite it in the next town." National Monthly. Tobacco Habit Easily, Conquered A New Yorker of wide mperienee. has written a book telHnfr how the tobacco or snuff habft may be easily and completely banished in three days with delightful benefit. The author, Edward J. Woods, 1-59 D, Station E. New York City, will mail his book free on request. The health improves wonderfully lifter the nicotine poison is out of the system. Calmness, tranquil sleep, clear eyes, normal appetite, good digestion, manly vigor, strong memory and a general gain in efficiency are among the. many benefit reported. Get rid of that nervous feeling; no more need of pipe, cigar, cigarette, snuff,- or chewing tobacco to pacify morbid desire. W. L. DOUGLAS P"SJ ffA Wj fXAIISI"! 1 Wdlha MEN8 WOMEN'S SHOPS S2.50, $3, $3.50 I 93.16, S4. S4.4U and $5 00 BOYS' SHOES $2.26, $2.50 1BO Stvi.i A v YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W, L. DOUGLAS SHOES. Far 31 years W. Tj. Dtnurlna hna guaranteed toe value by having his no me and trie retail price stamped on the sole before the stiof leave the fac tory. This protects the wertrer Rgalntt hi eh prtcos tat inferior shoes of other make?. W.L. Dougliii hoe Htf always worth wlial vou nay for them. If yon could Si-e how care Tolly W. L. Douglas shoes are made, and the high grade Leather nsed, you would then understand why they look better, fit better, hold tlieir liape an t wear loiwry than other makes fur the price. . if the W.-l Douglas slioes are not for sale In your Tl;tnlty, order direct from factory. Shoes Bent every where. Coftfnsre free In the U.S. Writ Ar lllus trutatl Jntulon BliovrtriK how to order by mail. W. L. UOlULAS1xUJbprirkat...llructtOU,Mai. DENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE ' It Cures While You Walk. Allen'i Foot-Ease li a certain ourefor hot, sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all Druggists, - Prlue tftc,- JJon't accent any substitute. Trial package FKJiE. Add rem Allen a Olmstod, Leltoy, N. Y. . ... Needed 8upport. - When a certain darky of Mobile, Ala., announced his engagement to the dusky one of his choice the con gratulations that were showered upon him Included a note of wonder. "Joe," said one of these friends, "I shore is surprised! We-all never thought you'd speak up. It's going on two years since you began to fool around Miss Violet. "Dafs true," said Joe. "but-de fact Is, old man, I didn't lose my job until last nlght.'Wudge. YOUR OWN DRUG 01 ST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eve Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelid a; No Bmartiug tust'-Kye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye iy mall Free. 11 urine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. People from all parts of Oregon and Washing ton constantly visit our jment. Our skill isac- .-,uniiuwinuKeu, auu uur .yromptnesa in fininh- ng worK in one aay vhen required b appre- intiV) hv mitmnt.trmin H jatrons. , . . ooth expert. There is ALWAYS ONE BEST" in every calling, and Jr. wise lays claim to his distinction in Ore- ;on. li Uut experience. W hat we can t euar- ktf&to8k w lLdgJ.intee we don't do. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. , Good Red Rubber Plates, each $5.00 The Best Red Rubber Plates, each 7.50 22-Karat Gold or Porcelain Crown , 6.00 WISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. Phones Main 2029, A 2029. 122Vj Third Street, I'VlIn, Bide.. Portland, Oregon 8. E. Cor. Third and Washington. No Peace Without Disarmament. If there Is any benefit to civilization to be extricated from wholesale slaughter and destruction, it is by checking for a long term of years the mad competition in armaments. There is no reason for the deliberate and voluntary suicide of western civiliza tion by the devotion of productive power to armaments and wholesale murder. Wall Street Journal. I- ARE YOU CONSTIPATED? Wright's Inrilaa Vegetable Fills have proved their worth for 7ft years. Test them yourself now. Bend for sample to 67'i Pearl St,, New York. Adv. The Why of the Tip. The reason why the tipping system will never be abolished is that the at titude of the average patron of the restaurant toward the high-mighty waiter is that of Alice, who wept with delight when Ben Bolt gave her a smile and trembled with fear at his frown. Louisville Courier-Journal. Worms expelled promptly from ins tinman Satem -with Ur. Peera Vermifuge Mitod ot-" Adv. The Lesser Evil. " The little boy was evidently a firm believer in the old adage, "Of two evils choose the least." Turning a corner at full speed he collided with the min ister. "Where are you running to, by little man?" asked the minister, when he had regained his breath. "Home!" panted the boy. "Ma's go ing to Bpank me." ' "What!" gaBped the astonished min ister. "Are you eager to have your mother spank you that you run home so fast?" ' "No," shouted the- boy over his shoulder as he resumed his homeward flight, "but if I don't get there before pa he'll do it I" Minneapolis Journal. ; Wild Pitch. "I thought you had thrown Arthur over." "I did, but you know how a girl throws." Philadelphia Public Ledger. A motorman was arrested for run ning over a hose. Being a fire hose, the M. M. failed to notice It. Quick Relief When Utterly Worn Oat Getting the Blood in Order Is Required By Most People. Very Brief Lesson. Farmer (to country boarders) Sorry that you young folks got stung. How'd It happen? Spokesman Well, you see, we were standing beside the beehive wondering how the bees made honey. I guess they must have overheard us, for they came out and gave us a few points. Boston Transcript, . any ' Doubt Removed. . . Teacher What's the matter? Maggie Has mulberries got legs, teacher? Teacher No, of course not. ' Maggie Then I swallowed a cater pillar. Indianapolis Journal. A Practical Reason. Hamlet Why Is it, Simon, that they always have bloodhounds in an "Un cle Tom's Cabin" show? Simon Legree To find the manager on salary days, my boy. Puck. Ta Roman Krfl Batnfcna for aealdlnc s amtion In .yea and iufluutatloa ol rutaa jelMa. Adv. , . If a man who steals a child la a kidnapper, why Isn't one who steals your pet eat a eatnipper? The national dignity of Mexico it vindicated. Carbajal fled in the dark and landed on the front page. If yon think yon have gone to smash and fit only for the discard, try S. 8. 8. tor the blood. It will surprise yon to know what c&a be done for health one the blood Is released oi the excess of body wastes that keep It from exercising Its lull measure ot bodily repair. - . It you feel played ont, go to mf drag store and aak for a bottle of f. 8. 8. Hera la a remedy that gets at work la a twink ling; It Just naturally rushes right Into your blood, scatters germs riht and left, up and down and aldeways. - Von feel better at once, aot from a stim ulant, not from tbe action of draga, but from the rational affect of a natural medi cine. The Ingredients In B. 8. S. serve tlie active purpoae of so attmulatmc the eellnlar tissue of the body that they pick out from tbe blood their own ecsentlal nutriment and tnua repair work bcirina at once. Tbe relief la general all over the aytff. lo not arglect to get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. today. It will make yoo feet better In Just a tew minutes. It Is prepared only in the laboratory ml The 8wlft Specific Co 630 fcwlft Bid., Atlanta, (la. Send for their free book telllnf ot the manv atrang con ditions that afflict tbe human Xanilf by man et lmpwtahi4 Wood, F0SS-WINSH1P HARDWARE COMPANY . SELL SUPERIOR RANGES THE World Leader SINCE 1837 BARRETT B'LD'G., Athena,' Oregon, ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR Is made in'Athena, by Athena Labor, in one of the. .: very best equipped Mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. ' Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour. . ' The Flour Your Mother Uses Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. , Waitaburg, Washington. KMT Homeof QUALITY Groceries Good Groceries go to the Right Spot Every Time j; c This is the Right Spot To go to Every Time for Groceries. Try These They'll Please! ONE BEST THE MONOPOLE Monopole Vegetables . Monopole Fruits Monopole Salmon Monopole Oysters DELL BROS., Athena, Or. Caterers to the Public in Good Things to Eat Butter Wrappers ; Printed at the Press Office on the best Parchment Paper at the following prices: ' V 100 Wrappers ; " - - $1.25 . 250 Wrappers ' - - - 1.50 -500 Wrappers - - , 2.25 ,